Sound of Surviving

Od TheQuietHufflepuff

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Nevaeh and her family are transported to another world. One is cursed to forget and two are cursed to remembe... Viac

Aesthetic and Playlist
Hatter Family Season One
Hatter Family Season Two
Hatter Family Season Three
Hatter Family Season Four
Hatter Family Season Five


300 13 0
Od TheQuietHufflepuff


Graham was playing darts with Nevaeh. He threw two darts and hit the deer both times. Ruby was waiting tables and Sidney was sitting in one of the booths.

"Nice shot, chief," Sidney commented. "I bet you twenty bucks you can't do it again."

Graham threw another dart and hit the deer again. "Next round's on him."

Emma entered through another door and Ruby called, "Emma! What can I get you?"

"Nothing," Emma replied as she walked towards the diner's exit.

Graham threw a dart in her direction, and it landed right next to her head.

"What the hell? You could've hit me!" Emma cried.

"I never miss," Graham said. "You've been avoiding me since last night, when you saw me-"

"Leaving the Mayor? And yes, that is a euphemism. I'm not avoiding you, Graham, I just have no interest in having this conversation. It's your life -- I really don't care."


Emma left the diner and Graham followed her outside. "If you don't care, then why are you so upset?"

"I'm not upset."

"If that were true, you'd be at the bar with me, having a drink, and not running away."

"It's none of my business. Really."

"Look, can we please talk about this? I need you to understand."


"I don't know. Maybe so I can understand?"

"You need an analysis, go talk to Archie."

"I want to talk to you."

"Well, your bad judgment is your problem -- not mine."

"You don't know what it's like with her. I don't feel anything! Can you understand that?"

"Bad relationship? Yeah, I understand a bad relationship. I just don't want to talk about yours."

"Look, I know you and Regina have your own issues and... And I should have told you about that before you took the job."

"Yeah, why the secrecy? We're all adults. You can do whatever you want."

"Because I... I didn't want you to look at me the way you are now."

"Why do you care how I look at you?"



Graham kissed Emma and as soon as he did, he had a flashback to his life in the Enchanted Forest. He saw a wolf with two different colored eyes.

"What the hell was that?" Emma protested angrily.

"Did you see that?" Graham wondered.

"How much have you been drinking? That was way over the line."

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"What? You what?"

"I need to feel something."

"Listen to me, Graham. You are drunk and full of regret. I get it. But whatever it is you are looking to feel, I can tell you one thing -- you're not getting it with me."

Emma walked across the street, leaving Graham alone.

Nevaeh ran out after her and asked, "What the hell was that?"

Emma shook her head. "I have no idea."


Graham made his way to Regina's and knocked on the door.

Regina answered. "Graham?"

"Is Henry asleep?" Graham asked.

"Yes. Why?"

Graham kissed Regina. She hesitated, then kissed him again and shut the door.


The Evil Queen was looking over the balcony of her castle. On the lower level, she saw Snow White place a white rose on top of a coffin and Snow White said, "Goodbye, Father."

The Evil Queen touched Snow White's shoulder and stated gently, "I'm so sorry, Snow."

"I loved him so much."

"So did I, dear. So did I. The loss I feel for my husband must be nothing compared to the loss you feel for your father. If there is anything I could do, please, let me know. I may only be your mother through marriage, but I'm here for you, dear. Truly and forever." Snow White hugged the Evil Queen.


The Evil Queen and several guards entered a large room of the castle. There was a vanity in the corner and a mirror on the wall.

"Congratulations," the Mirror said. "Your revenge is almost complete.

"One down, one to go," the Evil Queen replied as she walked to the vanity and sat down.

"She has no idea, does she?"

"That I'm responsible for his passing? She sought comfort with me. Sickening. I could've ended her miserable existence right there. Believe me – it was tempting."

"It would have sated your soul."

"The kingdom's still loyal to her. They would turn on me. They don't know the wretchedness inside her as I do. They don't know what she did to me. We must be delicate in this next phase. Her demise must be handled with care." She got up and walked towards the exit.

"Perhaps, one of your knights, Your Majesty?"

"No. I need someone adept at murder. Bereft of mercy."

"Someone with no heart."

"Now you understand."

"Well, in that case, you need a huntsman."


A deer was jumping around. Suddenly, it was hit by an arrow and collapsed.

The Huntsman walked up to the deer's body and knelt, crying. "You have died so that I may live. Forgive me. Your sacrifice is honorable. I thank you." He started crying. A wolf with two different colored eyes approached the Huntsman. "Don't worry, boy. You won't go hungry tonight."


Graham bolted upright in bed. He was sweating and breathing heavily. Regina, who was lying next to him, was awakened.

"What is it?" Regina asked.

"I had the most intense dream," Graham replied. "I was in the woods hunting and I killed a deer. There was a wolf..."

"A wolf?"

"It's eyes -- one was blood red and the other was black as night. The funny thing is, I think I've seen the wolf before."

"Come back to sleep, Graham. It was only a dream."

"It didn't feel like a dream. It felt like a memory." He got up and started getting dressed.


"I need some air. I need to think."

"Graham, please. Come back to bed."

"I left my car anyway. I need to go and get it. Clear my head."

"Graham, listen. It's late, you're tired, you're probably still drunk. Don't leave."

"Since when do you want me to stay, anyway?"

"You're not well."

"I'm fine." Graham left Regina's room.


Graham made his way to the main street and walked up to his squad car, keys in hand, but dropped them. When he knelt to pick them up, he saw the wolf again. The wolf walked into the woods.


Emma walked down the stairs and saw a bouquet of flowers on the table.

"Really?" Emma asked, annoyed.

She took the flowers and put them in the trash. Mary Margaret walked into the room and saw what Emma was doing.

"Oh!" Mary Margaret cried. "Hey, wait! What are you doing?"

"If Graham thinks flowers will work on me..."

"No, those... were mine."

"Oh. From David?"

"No. Uh... Dr. Whale."

"Why would Dr. Whale-" Emma was cut off by a look from Mary Margaret. "Are you serious?"

"I know -- it's a disaster."

"No! That's amazing. You're getting over David."

"First of all, there's nothing to get over and second of all, it's just a one night stand."

"Not according to those flowers."

"Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have called him."

"Oh my God. You called him. That is definitely not a one night stand."

"Well, okay -- I'm still learning. I never had one before. I felt guilty."

"Why? There's nothing wrong with what you did. Trust me. One nighters is as far as I ever go."

"Well, yeah. That's because you're-"

"Because I'm what?"

"Never mind."

"Yeah? Tell me -- what do I do?"

"You're just protecting yourself. With that wall you put up."

"Just because I don't get emotional over men-"

"You don't get emotional over men? Uh, the floral abuse tells a different story."

"What story is that?"

"The one that obvious to everyone except, apparently, you -- that you have feelings for Graham."

"Come on!"

"There's that wall." Mary Margaret took the flowers from the trash and put them in a vase.

"That's not a wall."


"There's nothing wrong with being cautious."

"Oh, true. True. But, Emma, that wall of yours? It may keep out pain but it also may keep out love."


Graham was running through the woods, searching for the wolf. There was the sound of a wolf howling in the distance. He heard a noise in the bushes and found Mr. Gold who was wearing an apron, boots and had a shovel.

"Good morning, Sheriff," Graham greeted. "Sorry if I startled you."

"Right. Sorry, I... I thought you were a wolf."

"Did I forget to shave?"

"What are you doing out here so early?"

"A spot of gardening. Yourself?"

"I was looking for, um..."

"A wolf. Yeah, I think I'm beginning to catch on. You know, to the best of my knowledge, Sheriff, there are no wolves in Storybrooke. Not the literal kind, anyway. Why are you looking?"

"You'll think I'm crazy."

"Try me."

"I saw one in my dreams, and then I saw one for real. Just a few hours ago. Did you, uh... Did you see anything unusual out there?"

"I'm afraid not. I do wish I could be more helpful. You know, Sheriff, they say that dreams... Dreams are memories. Memories of another life."

"And what do you believe?"

"I never rule out anything. Good luck, Sheriff. I do hope you find what you're looking for."


The Huntsman and his wolf came across a tavern in the woods and entered. The Huntsman sat at a table and the wolf laid on the floor next to him. A man sitting at the next table made a comment.

"They're lettin' animals in here now?" a man asked. There were two men sitting at the bar.

"This isn't a slaughterhouse," man two said.

"Forget him," man three stated. "He might as well be one, too. I heard he was raised by 'em."

"He does smell like 'em."

"Pathetic. I heard he cries over his kills. You believe that?" The second man from the bar approached the Huntsman.

"Tell me, Huntsman. What kind of a man cries over an animal?"

"An honorable one," the Huntsman replied.

"What do you know about honor?"

"I have it, they have it, you don't."

"Animals have it?"

"They're pure of heart. Not selfish and self-serving like people." The wolf got up and bared its teeth at the man.

"You tell him to stop threatening me. Does he know what I do to pets who threaten me? I hang 'em on my wall."

The Huntsman drew a knife and stabbed the man. "He's not a pet." Another man tried to attack the Huntsman, but he grabbed him and smashed him into a mirror. Yet another man drew a knife and approached the Huntsman, but he picked up a shard of the broken glass and the man fled.


The Evil Queen watched the Huntsman through her magic mirror. She was with several of her guards and she said, "He's perfect. Bring him to me."


Graham left Mr. Gold and was searching for the wolf. He heard howling and found the wolf in the clearing.

"What do you want? Graham asked.

The wolf started walking away.

"Hey!" Graham yelled.

Graham whistled and the wolf stopped. It turned around and approached him. As Graham pet the wolf, he had another flashback to his life in the Enchanted Forest. He saw Snow White, a dagger, and a symbol on a building. When he came back to the present, the wolf was gone.


The bell rang at the school and the kids filed out of Mary Margaret's classroom. Graham pushed past them and entered the classroom.

"Mary Margaret?" Graham called. "Can I talk to you?"

"Graham? What's the matter? Are you okay?" Mary Margaret wondered.

"I think we, uh... I think we know each other."

"Of course we do."

"No, no, no. Not from here. Not from Storybrooke."

"From where, then?"

"Another life."


A guard led the Huntsman to a room in the Evil Queen's castle.

"Do you have a name?" the Evil Queen asked. "Or shall I just call you 'The Huntsman'? You're a tortured one, aren't you, Huntsman? Is this because your parents abandoned you to the wolves?"

"Those weren't my parents," the Huntsman told here. "All they did was give birth to me. The wolves are my family."

"Wolves, indeed. I always felt there were two kinds of people – wolves and sheep. Those who kill, and those who get killed. And you, Huntsman, you are most certainly a wolf."

"Why am I here?"

"I'd like you to kill someone for me. Can you do that?"

"I kill for me. Why would I do anything for you?"

"Because I have so much to offer. A place at my court. You will become my official Huntsman."

"I'm not interested in being a pet. This place is a cage."

"You'd be awash in luxury – wanting for nothing."

"You have an army at your disposal. What do you need of me?"

"My prey is beloved by all the kingdom. I need someone who won't be blinded by that. Someone without compassion, someone who'll have no qualms carving a heart out and bringing it back for my collection."

"That's me."

"As I suspected. Now tell me – what will it take? Hm? What do you want? There must be something."

"Outlaw the hunting of wolves. They are to be left alone. They are to be protected."

"Simple enough."

"So, who do you want me to kill?"


After a moment, Graham asked, "Mary Margaret, how long have we known each other?"

Mary Margaret frowned. "Um... I don't know. A while?"

"Do you remember when we met?"

"Um. No."

"Me neither. I can't remember when I met you, or when I met anyone. Isn't that odd?"

"I don't know. I mean, I suppose. But, I think that's just life. Things get hazy."

"Have I ever hurt you?"

"Oh, Graham. No, of course not. What is going on?"

"Do you believe in other lives?"

"Mm, like heaven?"

"I mean like past lives."

"You've been talking to Henry."


"Well, he has this book of stories. He's been going on about how he think we're all characters from them. From another land. We've forgotten who we really are. Which, of course, makes no sense."

"Right. No, of course."

"Graham." She leaned over and put her hand on Graham's forehead. "Ah! You are burning up. Go home and get some rest. I think you'll feel much better after you've had some sleep."

"Right. You're absolutely right. I'm sorry to disturb you. I thank you."

"Of course."


Snow White and the Huntsman, who was dressed like one of the Queen's guards, were walking along a path through the forest.

"You know, when I was a little girl, the summer palace was my favorite place," Snow White said. "The mountains surrounding it felt like a cradle. They always made me feel safe. I look forward to returning to it now." The Huntsman fiddled with the armor around his neck. "Stuffy in there? Here." She takes out two apples and tried to hand one to the Huntsman.

"No," the Huntsman replied.

"You're not a knight, are you?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Without fail, every one of my father's men has offered me condolences. Except you."

"Please accept my condolences."

"And they all know how to wear armor. She picked you to take me. Why?"

"I think you know."

"You're going to kill me."

"You have good instincts."

"And you have too much armor." Snow White picked up a large branch off the ground and hit the Huntsman with it. He fll to the ground and she fled.


Emma placed a file on Graham's desk and picked up a dart. She threw it at the dart board, but missed the board entirely. Emma went to pick up the dart as Regina walked in.

"Our taxes always hard at work, I see," Regina said.

"Graham isn't here," Emma replied. "I assumed he took a sick day -- with you."

"Oh, so you're aware of us? Good -- that's why I'm here. Because I'm also aware of your relationship with him."

"I don't have a relationship with him."

"Oh? So nothing's ever happened between the two of you? You forget, Miss Swan -- I have eyes everywhere."

"Nothing that meant anything."

"Well, of course not. Because you're incapable of feeling anything for anyone. There's a reason you're alone, isn't there?"

"All due respect, the way I live my life is my business."

"It is until it infringes on my life. Stay away from Graham. You may think you're doing nothing, but you're putting thoughts in his head. Thoughts that are not in his best interest. You are leading him on a path to self-destruction. Stay away."


The doorbell rang and Henry ran to check it. He opened the door to reveal Sheriff Graham.

"Hey, Sheriff," Henry greeted. "My mom's not here."

"Actually, uh, I'm here to see you, Henry. I was hoping you could help me," Sheriff Graham replied.

"Help you with what?"

"It's about your book. Am I... in it?"


Snow White, who was still in the forest, was writing something on a piece of paper.

The Huntsman finally caught up to her and said, "I hunt you, yet you stop to compose a letter? I will never understand your kind."

"I don't know these woods," Snow White told him. "You're obviously a skilled hunter – you'll find me. No matter what I do, I know how this ends."


"There's one thing that I ask that you do after you kill me. Please deliver this to the Queen." She held out a folded piece of paper.

"Your tricks won't work on me."

"It's not a trick. Please, give it to her. Tell her I mean every word." He took the letter from her and read it. He ended up with tears in his eyes. The Huntsman drew a dagger and approached Snow White, who was kneeling on the ground. However, instead of stabbing her, he cut a piece of a narrow plant and carved two holes into it.

"Sign this when you need help."


"It's a whistle. It will bring you aid – you'll be led to safety. Now go. Run."

"I don't understand. You're not going to kill me-"



"When did your flashes begin?" Henry asked.

"Uh, right after I kissed Emma," Sheriff Graham said.

"You kissed my mom? What did you see?"

"A wolf. I saw that I had a knife in my hand and I was with Mary Margaret."

"Were you about to hurt her?"

"Yes! How do you know that?"

"Because Mary Margaret is Snow White. Which makes you the Huntsman."

"So, you really think that I could be another person."

"Makes total sense. You were raised by wolves -- that's why you keep seeing on. It's your friend -- your guide. It's trying to help you."

"I'm remembering this because I kissed your mother? H-How is that possible?"

"Well, you two do have a special connection. She owes your her life."


"Snow White's her mother and you spared her. If you hadn't, my mom wouldn't have been born."

"Wh-What happened after I spared Snow White?"

"The Queen took your heart. She ripped it out. It's kind of her thing. She never wanted you to be able to feel again."

"Let me see that book."

Sheriff Graham took the book from Henry and turned the pages. He got to an image with the Evil Queen and a building with a symbol.

He pointed to the symbol. "What's that? I saw that, too. The wolf was howling at it."

"That's her vault," Henry said. "It's where she put your heart."

"The wolf wants me to find it."

"Thank you, Henry."

Sheriff Graham quickly left Henry's room.


Emma and Nevaeh were waiting outside the Mayor's house. As soon as Graham came out, Emma confronted him.

"Hey," Emma greeted. "Hear you're having a rough day."

"Who says?" Graham asked.

"Pretty much everyone. I think maybe you need to go home and get some rest."

"I'm fine."

"No, Graham, you're not fine. You just went to see a ten-year-old for help."

"It is a little strange," Nevaeh said.

"He's the only one making any sense."

"What's going on, Emma?" Graham asked. "What's really going on?"

"It's my heart, Emma. I need to find it."

"Okay. So, how are you going to do that?"

"I just need to follow the wolf."

"What? What wolf?" Emma and Nevaeh asked.

"From my dreams. It's going to help me find my heart."

"I'm sorry," Emma said. "I thought we were talking in metaphor here. You really think you don't have a heart?"

"It's the only thing that makes any sense. It's the only thing that explains why I don't feel anything."

"Listen to me, Graham. You have a heart. I can prove it." She placed her hand on Graham's chest. "See? It's beating. It's real."

Graham shook his head. Emma grabbed his hand and placed it where her hand previously was.

"Feel that? That is your heart," Emma said.

"No. It's the curse," Graham argued.

"You can't really believe that's true." She stopped, staring at something behind Graham.


Behind them was the wolf with two different colored eyes. It ran away and they followed the wolf.


They followed the wolf to a graveyard.

"Graham!" Emma and Nevaeh called. "Graham, be careful."

"He's my friend. He won't hurt us," Graham reassured.

The wolf stopped and howled before running further into the graveyard. They followed the wolf and eventually lost sight of it, stopping in front of a crypt. Graham looked up and saw the symbol from his flashback.

"What s it?" Emma asked.

"It's my heart," Graham answered. "It's in there." He took out a flashlight. "I have to look in there."

"Oh, no! Stop. Stop."

"I have to get in there, please-"

"Graham, come on! You really think that your heart is in there?" He nodded. "Okay. Let's find out."

Emma tried to open the crypt doors, but they were locked. "Come on!"

She kicked open one of the doors and the three of them entered.


One of the Queen's guards escorted the Huntsman into a room of the castle and said, "Wait here." The guard left and the Evil Queen entered.

"I see you're still in mourning," the Huntsman commented.

"The time for mourning is over," the Evil Queen told him. "I simply found that black suits me. Now, tell me – is Snow dead?"

"The young girl's heart as you requested." The Huntsman gestured to the bag at his side. The Evil Queen went to take it, but he pulled back. "First there's something I must do." He took out Snow White's letter.

"What's this?"

"The girl wanted you to have it."

"Read it to me."

"Dearest Stepmother – by the time you read this, I will be dead. I understand that you will never have love in your life because of me, so it's only fitting that I'll be denied that same joy as well. For the sake of the kingdom, I hope my death satisfies your need for revenge – allowing you to rule my father's subjects as they deserve. With compassion and a gentle hand. I know what you think you're doing is vengeance – I prefer to think of it as sacrifice, for the good of all. With that in mind, I welcome the end. I want you to take my last message to heart. I'm sorry and I forgive you."

The Evil Queen ripped the letter out of the Huntsman's hand and threw it into the fireplace. "Don't tell me you're becoming a sheep!"

"She put others before herself, and yet, you hate her. What did she do to you?"

"I shared a secret with her and she couldn't keep it. And that betrayal cost me dearly. Now, show me her heart!" He gave her the bag containing the heart. She walked off through a pair of doors leading into a smaller room. She took the heart out of the bag and placed it into a box on a pedestal She closed the box and walked over to a wall made up of multiple drawers. She held the box up to the wall, but nothing happened. "It should open." The Evil Queen took the heart out of the box and stalked towards the Huntsman. "This isn't her heart! This isn't a human heart! What did you do?"


There was a sarcophagus in the center with several urns on shelves lining the walls.

Graham frowned. "It's got to be in here. Somewhere." He started scanning the walls of the crypt. "There's got to be a hidden door. A lever." He checked an urn. "Something."

"Graham," Emma called. "Hey. Graham, there's nothing in here."

"There has to be. If there isn't, then-"

"It's okay. It's going to be okay."

Regina, who was standing outside the entrance, yelled to them. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Emma, Nevaeh and Graham exited the crypt as Emma asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Bringing flowers to my father's grave like I do every Wednesday," Regina explained.

"Don't blame them," Graham said. "It's my fault. I wanted to look in there."

"Really? Why? What were you looking for?"

"Nothing. It was, uh... It was nothing."

"You don't look well, dear. Let's take you home."

Regina grabbed Graham's arm and started dragging him with her, but he broke free.

"Regina, I... I don't want to go home," Graham said. "Not with you."

"Oh? But you'll go with her," Regina shot back.

Emma frowned. "Hey. This is between you two -- leave me and her out of it."

"She's right -- it's between us," Graham confirmed. "And things have to change."

"And I wonder why that is all of a sudden," Emma said.

"It has nothing to do with her. You know, I've realized that I don't feel anything, Regina. And I know now it's not me -- it's you."

"So, you're leaving me for her?" Regina questioned.

"I'm leaving you for me."

"Graham, you're not thinking straight."

"Actually, for the first time, I am. I'd rather have nothing than settle for less. Nothing? Is better than what we have. I need to feel something, Regina, and the only way to do that is to give myself a chance."


"I'm sorry. It's over."

"I don't know what I ever did to you, Miss Swan, to deserve this. To have you keep coming after everything I hold dear."

"I told you -- it's not her."

"None of this happened until she got here."

Emma glared. "I'm sorry. Did you ever stop to think that maybe the problem isn't with me, but with you?"

"Excuse me?"

"Henry came and found me. Graham kissed me. All were miserable. Maybe, Madam Mayor, you need to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourself why that is. Why is everyone running away from you?"

Regina punched Emma in the face, who fell into Graham.

"Regina!" Graham cried.

Emma recovered from the attack and punched Regina back in the face. Emma grabbed Regina and pushed her against the side of the crypt.

Graham got up and he and Nevaeh tried to split them up. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" They pulled Emma away from Regina.

"Not worth it," Emma muttered, starting to leave. Nevaeh followed after her.

"Graham," Regina called.

Regina approached Graham, but he ignored her and followed Emma and Nevaeh.


Graham, Nevaeh and Emma made their way back to the station.

He pulled out a first aid kit and put an ice pack on her head before saying, "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I kind of lost my mind."

"It's okay," Emma replied. "You were tired and feverish... And heartbroken."

"I don't know why I let myself get caught up with her."

"Because it was easy. And safe. Not feeling anything's an attractive option when what you feel sucks."

Graham went to wipe the cut on the side of Emma's head and she flinched before saying, "Felt that."


Regina, who was still at the graveyard, entered the crypt. The name 'Mills' was etched on one of the walls. On the sarcophagus, there was a plaque that read 'Henry Mills -- beloved father'. She placed the flowers on top of the sarcophagus, then pushed it aside. Beneath it, there was a bluish light and a set of stairs which she walked down.


The Evil Queen and the Huntsman were in the smaller room with the wall of drawers. She slammed the heart down onto the pedestal and said, "Did you think you can fool me with the heart of a stag?" She waved her hand and the doors to the room shut. "You're not going anywhere."

"She doesn't deserve to die," the Huntsman told her.

"That's not up to you. I wanted a heart, and a heart I shall have." The Evil Queen magically stuck her hand through the Huntsman's chest. When she drew back, his heart was in her hand.

"What... What are you going to do to me?"

She kissed him. "You're now mine, my pet." She walked over to the wall of drawers and held up the heart. A drawer popped out containing a box. "And this is your cage. From this moment forward, you will do everything that I say. And if you ever disobey me, if you ever try to run away, all I have to do is squeeze."

The Evil Queen squeezed the heart in her hand and the Huntsman doubled over in pain as the Evil Queen called, "Guards!" Two guards entered the room and grabbed the Huntsman by the arms. "Your life is now in my hands – forever. Take him to my bedchamber." The guards took the Huntsman with them. The Evil Queen put his heart in the box and closed the drawer.


Regina entered the room under the crypt. She walked over to the wall containing the hearts and pulled out a drawer. She removed the box and opened it, revealing Graham's heart inside.


Graham was still tending to Emma's cut. "All better." Nevaeh hung back, as she feared something would go wrong due to Regina's obvious anger.

"Yeah," Emma replied.


She walked over to Graham and kissed him. He had another flashback to his life in the Enchanted Forest. He saw the wolf with the two different colored eyes, the fight at the tavern, the Evil Queen when they first met, Snow White, the dagger, the whistle, the deer, the symbol, him reading the letter, the Evil Queen with the stag heart, and the Evil Queen putting his heart in the box. When he came back to the present, he staggered back.

"Graham?" Emma called.


Regina, who was still in the room under the crypt, took the heart out of the box and held it up.


"Are you okay?" Emma asked.

"I remember," Graham answered.


"I remember."

"You remember what?"


Regina was staring at the heart in her hand.


Graham held Emma's face in his hands. "Thank you."

Regina squeezed the heart. Graham and Emma went to kiss, but Graham suddenly fell to the floor. Emma yelled his name repeatedly, trying to wake him up, but was unsuccessful. Regina crushed Graham's heart to dust.

Nevaeh's eyes widened as she stepped back into a desk, causing her to stumble.


Nevaeh walked inside and her husband, noticing her expression, asked, "What is it, dear?"

"The Huntsman is dead."


"The Queen. She must have crushed his heart."

He pulled her into his arms as he ran a hand through her hair and down her back.

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Henrietta Wilma "Indiana" (Indy) Jones craves adventure and seeks it out as often as she can. But one adventure takes her far beyond her wildest ima...
10.8K 274 16
**Season 4 AU of Once Upon A Time *Marian never returned *Robin didn't leave *Regina never drank the anti fertility potion The Snow Queen was defeat...