Be Creative

By Starskulls

222K 5.7K 4.5K

PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY STORY ANYWHERE. THANK YOU. Lila succeeded in taking everything Marinette held dear t... More

Chapter 1: A Dreary Day
Chapter 2: Read You Like a Book
Chapter 3: Pawns
Chapter 4: Practice What You Preach
Chapter 5: Two Became Four
Chapter 6: Assemble the Players
Chapter 7: The Queen Makes a Move
Chapter 9: I am MDC
Chapter 10: Damage Control
Chapter 11: A Crack in the Kingdom
Chapter 12: Who?
Chapter 13: Ashamed and Alone
Chapter 14: A Storm is Brewing
Chapter 15: A Game Within a Game
Chapter 16: The Final Vote
Chapter 17: Today is the Day
Chapter 18: Act 1
Chapter 19: Act 2
Question Session
Chapter 20: Act 3
Chapter 21: Act 4
Chapter 22: The Final Act
Epilogue: The Closing Curtain

Chapter 8: Countdown

7.5K 250 136
By Starskulls

Thank you everyone for voting and I am amazed to see this story at No.1 for lilarossi! Enjoy! 


It was now late at night. Marinette, aka, also known as Ladybug, was sitting on top of the Eiffel Tower. She was content on patrol, for the first time in a long while. All of this Lila takedown stuff was so good but at the same time, it made her relax a lot. And tomorrow was the red-carpet event that Lila had bragged so much about. Claiming that she was going to wear an MDC original, that she was like a sister and that Gabriel was listening to Lila's suggestions about fashion. Gabriel was a cold-hearted guy but even he had enough common sense not to listen to someone who knew nothing about fashion. Morgana had requested that she'd give instructions to Jagged, Penny and Clara, which they happily agreed to. Having been informed on what Lila was claiming about them, they had gotten extremely angry. They were a part of the play for the big night too. She couldn't wait.

"Hey M'lady," a familiar voice said.

"Hey Chat," Ladybug said cheerfully as she saw her partner sit next to her. She noticed how rundown he looked.

"So, any akumas?" he asked.

"Nope, nothing. What's the matter Kitty? You seem down," Ladybug said in concern.

"You don't want to hear about my problems," Chat said as he crossed his legs.

"Sure, I do. I'm your partner!" Ladybug said with a warm smile, which Chat returned, only briefly.

"Well, there's this girl I know. She's frequently under pressure by her friends to be nice to this other girl. I agree with them. The other girl just wants to fit in," Chat said, making Ladybug frown.

"So, you're harassing her?" Ladybug asked, making Chat look at her in alarm.

"No! I would never do that! It's just that if she was nice and took the..." Chat started but Ladybug held her hand up.

"Chat if you say high road..." Ladybug said quietly.

"What's wrong with the highroad?" Chat asked. He seemed genuinely confused and Ladybug couldn't decide if she was annoyed at him or pitied him.

"Chat... if someone was forcing you to do something that you didn't like, would you do it? Even if it cost you friendships, trust, or your mental health?" Ladybug asked.

" but I just thought that everything would be over by now," Chat said, his ears flattening.

"Life isn't that simple. People argue. People get hurt. Look at the villains we fight. Look at Chloè. She realised how much she was hurting people and after what happened with Fu... she's really gone to change. Do you know why?" Ladybug asked gently.

"Because she realised..." Chat trailed off.

"She needed to change. The first step to realising that you have a problem, is admitting it. Some bullies realise this, but they don't want to change because they are so far gone, and they enjoy causing misery. It seems that this girl is enjoying this girl's misery. I'm really sorry to say this Chat, but it seems like those friends aren't really her friends and you're just encouraging the behaviour," Ladybug said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked so close to crying.

"I...I had no idea. I never knew it could be that bad. She'll never forgive me. I've lost a great friend. She'd defend me...but when she needed me..." Chat said, covering his face with his hands.

"She might. She might not. But if you really value her as a friend...then all you can do is try," Ladybug said kindly.

"You always know what to say," Chat said, wiping his eyes, his familiar smile returning.

"Glad to help. But there is something I need to discuss with you," Ladybug said, a little more seriously now. Chat straightened slightly.

"I'm all ears!" he said cheekily.

"It's about Rena Rouge and Carapace. I don't think they are fit to wield their miraculous anymore," Ladybug told. This surprised the leather cladded hero greatly.

"But why? They're great in the field," Chat said.

"Chat, anyone can use the miraculous. They can use it for whatever purpose they want. Hawkmoth chooses to use his for the wrong things. Nooroo is clearly a victim as we know by the kwami connection they had on their birthday," Ladybug explained.

"While true, what does this have to do with the fox and turtle?" Chat asked.

"Trixx and Wayzz have expressed to me how uncomfortable they are when being wielded now. It seems their civilian selves have become unbalanced. Their attitudes, their personalities. They've changed," Ladybug said, almost sadly.

"In what way?" Chat asked, more concerned than anything now, based on Ladybug's expression.

"I won't lie to you. After the kwami's came to me about this, I began observing them from afar. Seems they've turned to harassment and bullying," Ladybug said. While all was true, the only lie was that her observations were as Marinette, being the target of said bullying of course.

"That's terrible! Why would they do that?" Chat said in surprise.

"People change. All it takes is for one person to tip the balance. Then it's only a matter of time before a person has everyone under their thumb," Ladybug said. She didn't noticed how uncomfortable Chat looked at that comment.

"Well I trust you and if the kwamis are saying it, then I guess we have to consider new people. Same way how we got chosen," Chat said.

"Yes but that can be thought about later. We can brainstorm and come back to each other for ideas," Ladybug said.

"Brilliant ideas as always," Chat said with a smirk.

"I try. Now come on, let's see who can get to the north end quicker," she said, then flinging her yo-yo and swinging across the streets. Chat let out the first chuckle in a while, following his lady just as swiftly.


"That was quite a stretch!" Marinette said, finally returning to her room after finish patrol and dealing with a few muggers. She quickly changed into her pyjamas and snuggled under the covers.

"Yeah! You and Chat are really cleaning up the streets!" Tikki agreed, grabbing a spare cookie and settling by the guardian.

"Yeah...say Tikki, can I ask you something?" Marinette asked.

"Sure," Tikki said as she nibbled her cookie.

"Do you think Morgana would make a good holder? I mean I don't think I can trust Rena and Carapace again so maybe she could be a replacement," Marinette said.

"Well, to tell you the truth I have thought about it," Tikki said thoughtfully.

"So, what do you think?" Marinette asked with interest.

"While I agree about Rena and Carapace, I don't think Morgana fits any of the kwamis here," Tikki said.

"Whoa...that's a real shame..." Marinette said but Tikki wasn't done.

"No that's not it. She's not a fit because none of the kwamis are compatible. Morgana isn't just a regular person. She needs a kwami that matches her intelligence. It's out there somewhere but not here," Tikki explained.

"I had no idea... it just makes me think what her goal is. I know she's helping me, but I am sure she has something else in mind," Marinette said.

"I don't know. But her intentions are good. After what you told Chat tonight, it just shows how much more confident she has made you," Tikki said.

"Yeah, you're right. Well, best get some sleep. I have a lot of work tomorrow," Marinette said, finally letting sleep takeover.


It was bright on Saturday, there was no question. Marinette was hard at work and there was no question about that. She was currently working on her outfit ready for tonight. Jagged and Clara had their items delivered to them early in the morning, courtesy of Luka and they were delighted with their commissions. Of course, there was a little hidden surprise there too. She'd even made something for Fang! There was a knock on her attic door and she quickly covered the said outfit, Luka, Kagami and Morgana came through.

"Still going?" Kagami asked as she sat down.

"Yeah, this outfit is a lot of work, but it will be worth it," Marinette said with a smile.

"It'll be amazing, like everything you make is," Luka said, making her blush. She then gained her composure and went to her chest and pulled out two wrapped parcels and handed them to Luka and Kagami.

"These are for you. They're customised outfits for you. I can't thank you enough for all you've done..." Marinette said, about to give a heartfelt speech before Morgana bluntly interrupted.

"Yes, they are lovely but don't wear them until this is all over. We don't need you blowing our cover," she said, while tapping away on her tablet.

"Way to ruin the moment," Kagami said with a frown.

"It's what I do, get used to it," Morgana said, not even looking up.

"So, what are you doing?" Luka said loudly, before Kagami could pull out a sword from nowhere like she usually does.

"Seeing if our new teammate can video call," Morgana said, gaining everyone's interest.

"Who?" Marinette said, wondering if anyone in her class was secretly on her side all along.

"It's not Adrien is it?" Kagami asked in disgust. Morgana tapped once more on her tablet and a shrill voice rang out.

"Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"

"Is that...?!" Marinette asked in shock. Morgana turned the tablet around to reveal a familiar blonde on the screen.

"Chloè?!" everyone chorused.

"Don't seem so surprised," Chloè said while flipping her ponytail. She seemed annoyed but the angry wrinkles on her face seemed to have disappeared thanks to her new school.

"Based on what happened, can you blame them?" Morgana said.

"Hey, I agreed to this if you didn't insult me!" Chloè snapped.

"No, you didn't. You agreed because you're not an idiot," Morgana answered back. There was a pause. Then there was a huff.

"Fine. Morgana sent me an email asked me what I thought of Lila. After responding, she piped my interest with your plan," Chloè stated, while checking her nails.

"Wait, if you know about the plan, then does that mean that you believe Marinette?" Luka asked. After seeing and hearing about her so much from Juleka, he found it hard to believe that she'd be like this.

"Are you kidding? Lila claimed she knew and inspired my mother! And all that rubbish about MDC? Doesn't she know that you're MDC? And knowing all those celebrities? And what she said about Adrien's mother? I mean I would defend my mother to the ends of the Earth! The fact that he didn't... he needs a reality check," Chloè said crossly.

"You know?" Marinette asked in surprise.

"Of course, I know what it stands for Marinette Dupain Cheng! Ridiculous!" Chloè retorted.

"Moving on. Chloè is our celebrity informant. Due to her publicity and so on, she will be keeping tabs on the celebrities Lila claims to have known. Even the dead ones. Their families will be mentioned in the list. Nothing people hate more than discrediting their family," Morgana explained.

"It's sick that she pretends to know dead ones," Kagami said in disgust. Morgana's eyes shifted slightly at that which Marinette did see but chose not to comment.

"Is there anything else you'd like to say Chloè?" Morgana asked. There was another pause.

"Well...after what happened...and how I treated you...this is my way of making it up to you. I guess I've been a little jealous of you. So, I took my anger out on you. I came to this school to be better. So...what I'm trying to say is...I'm sorry," Chloè said, almost shyly and everyone could have sworn there was a tear.

"I forgive you," Marinette said, warmth spreading in her chest.

"Huh?" Chloè asked in surprise.

"I always knew about your anger Chloè. You did your best to make things right in the past which showed you have a good side. Everyone hits rock bottom. You've shown that you want to climb out. When all this is over, I'd love to have you over for a sleepover. What do you think Kagami?" Marinette asked.

"Any friend of Marinette is a friend of mine," Kagami said, quite impressed with both girls at how they were opening up.

"Well... thank you," Chloè said with a small smile.

"Okay, the emotions are out of the way. Now to business," Morgana said, putting Chloè to the side on a stand, so she could still see everyone.

"So, we have the accounts for MDC ready as well as the event plan, outfits but I still feel like we are missing something," Luka said thoughtfully.

"Penny has provided the route out once Marinette has shown up at the event," Morgana said.

"I will be in control of the other spectacle," Kagami said, as she would be attending as a representative for her family. No one would suspect her.

"I've practiced the route," Luka chimed in.

"I assume you'll have some decent outfits," Chloè said.

"Yes. But yes... if feel like there is something missing," Marinette said thoughtfully.

"It's not that you think you're missing something. You're just thinking of what to do for the aftermath," Morgana told them.

"She's right. You have no experience of dealing with the public press Mari," Chloè said. Luka twitched at the use of that name. That's what he called Marinette! He slowed the beating of his heart in chest and turned to Marinette, who looked pale at this.

"Yes, but it's MDC getting the public attention. Marinette herself will be out of the light," Kagami pointed out.

"No, you're all wrong," Morgana said bluntly, causing everyone to practically sweat drop.

"Enlighten us," Chloè said with an eyeroll.

"Are you not forgetting why we are doing this?" Morgana asked. It then dawned on Kagami.

"Lila," she said, and everyone nodded in realisation.

"She'll be using all kinds of lies to cover up this," Marinette said thoughtfully.

"She's dug her own grave by talking about it. I've heard the rumours. You're like a sister to her, she inspired you, she set up your website. She's taking credit for all of your work. I heard that she said she even made an outfit for you, which gave her a wrist problem," Morgana explained.

"What a witch," Chloè scowled.

"Yeah she's a witch alright," Luka agreed.

"Oh, did it come out as witch? I meant to say..." Chloè said but was interrupted by Morgana.

"Yes, she's a witch. But let me ask you this. Have you heard of the trial of Walter and Margret Keane?" Morgana asked.

"Can't say I have," Marinette said with a few head shakes coming from the others.

"Of course, you haven't. Margret was a gifted painter. But her husband Walter claimed credit for her work by saying he painted it. When it all came to head in a trial, the judge requested them both to paint. Margret completed the task in fifty-three minutes while Walter claimed he had a sore shoulder throughout and did not paint at all," Morgana explained.

"That actually happened?" Marinette asked in amazement.

"No, I made it up," Morgana said sarcastically with slight annoyance.

"Oh wow, it all makes sense! If Lila claims this constantly, people are bound to notice! Then she'd have to do something about it. The lawyers will come flying in," Luka said in realisation.

"The domino effect if you will," Morgana said, leaning back in her chair.

"You really are treating this like a game, aren't you?" Marinette said in wonder. The glint flashed in her eyes again, making everyone, even Chloè shudder slightly.

"There is no other way," Morgana said simply.

"Oh speaking of ways, I want an outfit Marinette," Chloè said, breaking the chill in the air.

"Really? Sure I'd be happy to. I'd just need an outline of what you like, your sizes..." Marinette started.

"Yeah, yeah, I've commissioned lots of people to do things for me. Just state your price," Chloè said impatiently.

"You're actually going to pay?" Luka asked in surprise.

"Well obviously. I know how much time and effort goes into things," Chloè said with an eye roll.

"Thank you," Marinette said with a genuine smile.

"Whatever. Said, when are you and guitar boy getting together?" Chloè asked, causing both said people to turn bright red.

"Morgana!" Marinette said, hiding her face on a pillow. Morgana looked almost bored.

"What are you looking at me for, I didn't say anything," she said with a shrug.

It's true. I mean I only knew you briefly Luka but it's so obvious," Chloè stated, in a matter of fact manner.

"Really?" Marinette squeaked, peaking out behind the pillow.

"Yeah...I have to agree with her," Kagami said with a small smile.

"Moving on, Marinette, when you wear a new outfit on Monday, take this with you," Morgana said, handing her a piece of paper. Marinette looked at it to see a lot of dates as well as a postage water-mark. Everyone looked confused at this.

"Do you people forget everything? Lila said she got a designer to send Marinette a dress to be nice. I asked your mother to go to the post office to grab it, since you were busy earlier, and this is to confirm you have no incoming packages," Morgana said in annoyance.

"Oh, I see!" Marinette said in understanding.

"Why do you assume Lila will ask that?" Kagami asked.

"All that will be talked about in class is this event tonight. Fashion and marinette go together like tea and biscuits. Believe me, it will be asked," Morgana answered.

"Smart," Chloè commented.

"I know," Morgana replied.

"Hey, I forgot to mention, after telling Aurore I resigned, she knows Lila is a liar too. Along with the rest of the president board," Marinette said.

"That's great!" Luka said, high-fiving Marinette.

"One less group of people who are idiots," Chloè said, earning looks from everyone. "What, it's a compliment."

"I am fully aware of this thank you, and I have already tasked her. You are not to speak to her about it. No questions or anything. It will throw you off," Morgana said.

"What happening to sharing?" Kagami asked irritably.

"You're all on your own chessboard with your classes and teachers. I'm just watching while playing my own," Morgana said with a shrug.

"Well I trust you either way," Marinette said firmly.

"So, you should. Not to do so would be foolish," Morgana stated.

"Not that this isn't fun, but I have to get going. Class is starting soon. I'll email you all soon," Chloè said before quickly signing off before anyone could object.

"I advise you all take off. You all have planning to do. And I have a little stop to make," Morgana said and again, before anyone else could say anything, she swiftly left the room, leaving everyone curious as to watch she meant. Well, only a few hours to go!


Morgana walked through the streets, eyeing everyone who past her. When she was certain she wasn't being followed, nor near people who knew her, she took out her phone as well as a familiar little piece of paper. After looking at it for a second, she tucked it back in her pocket and dialled a number. She held it to her ear as someone then picked up.

"Hello. Am I correct in that I am speaking to Nathalie Sancouer, Gabriel Agreste's assistant?"

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