I'll Be By Your Side. Tomorro...

De NobodyCallsMeRae

207 13 164

Gar Logan and Rachel Roth are actors who are working on their next movie together. But when a certain angsty... Mai multe

i'll be by your side. always.

207 13 164
De NobodyCallsMeRae

'D-don't do it Raven!' He shrieked, stumbling forward towards her. 'You don't hav-'

'This is the only way, Beast Boy!' She said, her voice calm as always. She raised her hand, indicating him to not come closer. He stopped, feeling a lump in his throat. Tears were flowing through her now red eyes too, but there was a small smile on her face.

'Wh-whatever happens,' She breathed, with sad eyes that betrayed her smile. But there was something else in her eyes too. 'Always remember, Beast Boy, I love you, and I will always love you!'

'Rae, NO!' He screamed, calling out her name for maybe the last time.

'...And, CUT!' Dick Grayson announced, and everyone on-set let out a breath of relief. Nice work, everyone! Mr. Logan and Ms. Roth, please freshen up, we have the next shot in,' He spared a look at his watch. 'Four hours. Now Jeremy, if you could...'

Gar Logan slumped in his place, sat on his butt and covered his face with his hands. His body shook violently, and everyone knew better than to come near him in this situation.

This was the fifth or sixth time they'd shot something so angst and sadistic.

The movie was a supernatural romance but with an unforeseen sad ending, preferably the type which made the audience want a sequel. Most of the parts which had been shot were romantic or light-hearted, but now these distressed scenes were taking a toll on Gar's psyche.

'Hey.. you okay?' Gar relaxed a bit as he felt long fingers gaze at his shoulder.

Gar looked up at the person with a smile.

'Dude, you gotta cut your nails more often.' He joked, wiping the stray tears still flowing through his eyes, this time unadulterated mirth shining in his eyes.

'Hmm... I don't think there are many nail cutters in hell,' Rachel Roth deadpanned with a smirk, examining her long artificial bloody nails. 'But I guess I just have to ask my demon lord "daddy" to arrange a manicure for me.' She shrugged nonchalantly, but a lovely red blossomed in her face once she saw Gar laughing heartily.

'Oh, God, your humor, Rae.' He stood up, still laughing.

'Don't call me that-' She blushed, looking at anything but him.

'Guys, you okay?' Dick walked near them, and Rachel thanked the Lords for the distraction.

Dick Grayson was both Rachel and Gar's high school friend, but as his job as the director, he acknowledged them formally, but when they'd be alone, he would forget all about his position as their director.

'How are you doing, Gar?' He asked his friend with a concerned smile.

'I'm okay dude,' Gar shrugged. 'I mean, we're actors. If you're really concerned about me crying, that means I did a really amazing job.' Gar gloated while his friends just face-palmed. Internally, Gar knew his friends' knew otherwise, but now was not the time.

'Well, you guys were awesome, just one point,' Dick said, turning towards the male actor. 'In the last part, according to the script you were actually supposed to shout her full name, "Raven", but honestly, I liked the way you used her nickname. Seemed more... intimate. Good job.' He patted the actor on the back while Gar shined.

'Anyway, Dick,' Rachel turned towards the director. 'If you could just... the next scene-?'

'Oh yeah, let me just, paraphrase it for you.' Dick looked at his leading pair as they nodded. 'So, we know that Gar is a shapeshifter, Beast Boy, and Raven's dad, the demon lord, wants his soul because his "Beast" is really powerful, right?' Dick said, his eyes flying through the script. 'Well, but then, Raven originally came to Earth to trick you into giving your soul to her dad, but since the both of you fall in love, in the end, the scene which we did right now, Raven ends up giving her own soul to her dad instead, to save yo- Beast Boy.'

'So, is Kevin gonna be here for the next shot?' Gar asked, looking through the set to see if he could find the mentioned actor.

'Oh no, in the last scenes he's gonna be "full demon", not just disguised as a businessman,' The director said, making him stop looking around. 'So we're gonna add the demon in the green screen.. And then Mr. Richardson will add his voice later on. Anyway,' Dick focused on Rachel. 'So, in the next scene, you're gonna be dead, just like, barely alive since the demon took your soul, and Beast Boy's gonna be next to you an-'

'Mr. Grayson!' Suddenly a voice was heard from somewhere on set and Dick winced.

He looked at his actors. 'Well, I guess you get the idea right? Since you have the script?' The actors nodded. 'Okay so, I better get going now. And the next scene is just happening after the one we just did, so no major costume change. Just touch up your make-up and stuff alright? And also, I guess, get some rest, since...' Dick mimicked wiping tears from his eyes and Gar and Rachel chuckled, both of them unconsciously rubbing their eyes.

'I still don't get it.' Gar mused, absentmindedly running a hand through his green-colored-wig once he saw the director was out of ear-shot. 'I mean, it's been more than three months of shooting and we still haven't done most of the plot..? Why are we doing the end?'

'Well, I guess they do say we start from the hardest part..' Rachel said. 'And I also think it's something about the studio... For the finale demon effects I mean. Because all the other shots are going to be at the destination..'

'By other shots you mean all the dates both of us will be going on..?' Gar wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

'Not us, you idiot. Raven and Beast Boy.' Rachel shrugged him off, but her cheeks were still red. 'But I don't really mind. I mean, this contract's time is really long... and I don't care because... well, it's fun workingwithyou..' She mumbled.

'Hehe.. of course it is.' Gar boasted, but as Rachel punched him in the shoulder, he just softly smiled. 'Can you believe that out of all the possible high school reunions, it's a movie that brought us back together?' He laughed.

'..But then..' Rachel suddenly looked sad. 'After the movie's over... guess we'll just see each other in different premiere events.. And just regard each other as co-stars and then.. Go on our own ways, I guess...'

Both of them were standing close... Too close. Gar had been fingering Rachel's sleeve, but then he tugged at it. 'I don't want that to happen..'

'Me neither...'

'Rachel..' Gar took a big breath. 'Wouldyouliketog-'

'GAR!' Kory, Gar's make-up artist and stylist's voice was heard nearby, and it seemed urgent. 'Dick wants me to add more blood! Come here before this stuff dries up!'

'Oh.. Yea- Coming Kory!' The actor's face was flustered as he tore his eyes away from his co-star's. 'Anyway,' He began. 'Guess we'll talk later then..'

'Over a cup of coffee?' Rachel said, and as she did her eyes widened, as if she was surprised with herself that she'd said it. 'I- I mean if you want...?'

'I'd love to.' Gar said with a small smile, hoping it did not betray how excited he really was. Rachel nodded, still a bit dumbfounded, as he waved to her and walked towards his stall.

'This isn't your first movie...' Rose Wilson mused aloud.

Rachel was standing in front of the mirror as an assistant was fixing her plastic but realistic tail.

'What do you mean?' The actress asked her manager half-heartedly.

'I mean.. It would've made more sense if it were your first movie or shot...' The agent walked towards her client. 'But it's not, so it doesn't make sense.'

'Stop talking in riddles, Rose.' Rachel rolled her eyes. 'What is it?'

'You like your co-star.' Rose stated calmly, but in Rachel's mind, she was accusing her with a knife and the Bible in either hands. The young woman coughed loudly to hide her embarrassment, only to be faced with some rather harsh words from her tired and frustrated prop-stylist.

'What do you me-mean..? I have no idea what you're talking about.' Rachel replied as calmly as possible.

'Ugh, c'mon Rach. I've known you since you were a baby... you've got no luck lying to me, cuz.' Rose dropped the professional act and smirked. 'And honestly, it's a shame.. You're playing the part of a demon child, yet, you can't lie properly.'

'Half-demon.' Rachel muttered. 'And.. okay, what if I do like him?'

'So then you do.. What're you asking me?'

'Huh? I-I.. I thought you'd-'

'Chillax, cuz.. I'm just messin' with ya'.' Rose laughed. 'Plus, he's cute. I mean.. I don't know about the long run, but it's good to see your stubborn ass enjoy life for once... no strings attached.'

'Okay, OKAY! You're making it sound like something totally different, Wilson!' The actress blushed.

'Haha.. anyway, I gotta have a word with Micah, so you'll be ready right?'

Rachel nodded and showed a thumbs-up sign to her now manager.

'Everybody take your places!' Dick Grayson announced over the microphone. 'This is going to be the last shot for today, but I don't want anyone to delay anything. Our schedule is moving smoothly, so let's keep it that way guys!' The director looked for the two leads and called them closer. 'So, let me give you the vision now, okay?' The actors nodded.

'So, Raven, you sacrificed your own soul to save Beast Boy, because you love him and you know that he's a pure soul and that there should be more people like him to spread kindness in this cruel world, alright? Now, you just have to say the lines according to your script.. Improvise if you have to, but as this is the ending of the movie, it has to be filled with a lot of emotions. You get what I'm saying?'

'Hmph.' The two performers nodded with determination.

'So now, Raven- "injured-half-dead-Raven" is lying there, barely alive, and Beast Boy walks up to her. Cradle her in your arms.. Scream.. you know the script. And then, this scene is going to be really emotionally draining, let me warn you, especially for you Logan, so after you've said your parts, it'll be a wrap.' Dick said in all seriousness. 'Alright now, you guys need.. Umm, Raven, do you need menth-'

'Don't worry, my eyes will be closed.' Rachel, now fully entering her character, smiled.

'Okay and then, Beast Bo-? Wait, What happened? Yo-you've already done the exercises? Good job.' The director looked over to the actor, who had tears in his eyes.

'Oh, oh no, not exercise, bruh,' Gar wiped his eyes, with a slight chuckle-wince. 'Kory poked the brush into my eye, so yeah, I'm pretty teary right now,'

Dick chuckled. 'Okay, guys, when you're ready.' He showed a thumbs up sign to the actors when they walked towards the set and took their places.

The only things on set were some prop rocks, the other things to be added later on on the green screen while editing. Rachel laid down on the ground, careful not to harm her tail. Gar sat beside her and cradled her head in his arms, his face adorned with a slightly teary sad smile.

Okay, so he's already in character. She thought.

Rachel Roth wasn't an overly emotional person. One of the few things she prided herself in as an actress was that she could express any emotion with believable perfection on cue. But she knew things were different for her co-star. Gar connected with the character on an emotional level. She knew it was going to be hard for him- Not the acting, she knew he was good at it, but how it'll emotionally affect him.

Rachel closed her eyes and took a slow breath.

She thought about all the things that had happened. She'd sacrificed herself for her love. She gave Trigon her own soul because Beast Boy had to live. He was such a kind and compassionate soul, he deserved to live- to love, to be happy. He deserved it way more than a demon like her, who could only be responsible for destruction and all that is evil. But she would be happy to give up her life, for she'd loved Beast Boy, and that was all she could ever ask for.

Raven could feel all the emotions overwhelming her, and a stinging pain in her heart. She lifted her seemingly heavy hand and rested on Beast Boy's cheek.

Tears were falling from Beast Boy's green eyes, those green eyes that had provided her with so much comfort.

'Wh-Why'd you do it, Rae?' Beast Boy nuzzled his face into her hand, like a cat, his voice breaking and delicately caressed her own face with his calloused hand.

'I did it for you, you idiot.' Raven smiled a sadistic smile. Some blood was smeared on Beast Boy's cheek from where she'd touched him. 'You're so beautiful.' She breathed weakly, barely able to form her words.

Beast Boy lovingly stroked her short violet hair, but his gestures betrayed the troubled emotions on his face and eyes. The tears hadn't stopped, only multiplied,his breath was hitched, and his handsome face was dirtied with blood and concerned frowns.

'Yo-you shouldn't have done that... how will I ever liv-'

'You'll live j-just fine without me, Beast Boy.' Raven smiled, trying to be encouraging. 'I couldn't let you go. Not in f-front of my eyes. You're so sweet... y-you deserve to live. Way more than I-'

'Don't say that!' Beast Boy whimpered, he held her up in such a way that her head rested comfortably on his shoulder, while he rubbed her back, something he'd done so many times before. 'You may call yourself a demon, Rae, but I don't- I don't believe you. Even after everything that has happened, you're still an angel for me. A beautiful, sarcastic angel.' He chuckled fondly, holding her.

'Th-this wasn't supposed to end this way... We have so many years ahead of us..' The shapeshifter cried, tears pouring down like rain-fall. His body was shaking more violently with each passing minute, but he held on to his love. 'Y-you wanted to go to Italy right? I would take you there! We'd go to the... L-Louvre Museum... oh, wait, th-that's in France...'

Raven laughed affectionately. She ran her fingers through his emerald hair, clinging onto him as her life depended on it; and it did.

'I... I would propose to you on a rooftop... and I bet you'd think I'd be joking at first.' He said, the thoughts bringing him warmth and pain together. 'And then we'd move in together.. In a house with white-picket fence and a red rooftop.. Or even a modern, stylish mansion, whatever you prefer!'

'Be-Beast Boy...' The half-demon sadly said.

'..and then we'd have kids..' Beast Boy quietly whispered. 'They'd be really cute with your beautiful face and my pointy ears and fangs..!'

'Beast.. Boy.' Even on her death-bed, Raven blushed. He had that effect on her. She pulled back, and saw that even though he was saying all these sweet things. He was crying like she'd never seen him cry.

'Do-don't leave me, Rae..' He pleaded, looking into her eyes. 'I-I..'

'I'm always here anyway...' Raven softly touched his heart. 'And I'll be here too,' She gestured to the place of the living around her. '..Maybe in another life...'

She looked at him, his teary face matching her own, and touched her lips to his in their last kiss, before passing out, falling into the unknown... for forever.

'RAVEN..!' Beast Boy called out for his love in agony, only to be treated with his own bated breath.

Somewhere, in the distance, the word "cut!" was vaguely audible, but Beast Boy was still slumped on the ground, crying.

'B-Beast..Boy..' The lifeless body in his arms spoke, the voice cracking. 'Beast... G-Gar. Gar!'

'Do-don't leave me...' The young man breathed, his face buried in the crook of her neck. 'Please... Rae. I love you.. Please don't-'

'Gar- Garfield!' The actress cried, holding onto him. She hugged him dearly, hoping to soothe him. 'I'm here. I'm here, Gar!'

Squeezing him in her arms brought the actor out of his trance. He looked at the figure, fully alive, holding him and smiled a teary smile. 'Rachel!' He cried, and pulled her in for a surprise soft yet powerful toe-curling kiss.

And as he did, every person's eyes opened wide, and their jaws touched the ground.

This wasn't exactly uncommon. Sometimes the actors would be so in-character, that they would seek comfort from their on-screen love interest even while they weren't filming. But what shocked the crew members most was that instead of calling out her character's name, Gar actually called her by her real name.

After kissing for what felt like forever, Rachel and Gar finally parted for air, and as they did, both of them saw the goofy grin plastered on each other's face and blushed.

Gar, still flustered from the kiss, tucked some stray strands of hair behind her ear, and held her face gently. 'Please don't ever leave me, Rach... I.. I think I'm in love with you..'

'I'll always be by your side, Gar.' Rachel promised, holding him again. 'Tomorrow... maybe forever.'

'...Well that happened.' Dick sighed.

A/N: Slightly inspired by an ask on Tumblr. It was my first time writing something like this, and I hope it went well.
Please feel free share to share you thoughts on this as they help me grow as a writer 💖

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