Disciple Of The Moon

By -MrSnow

154K 3.1K 2.3K

Y/N Tsugikuni. A demon slayer who was living a average life hunting demons until he met Upper Moon one in an... More

The past
Apperance of another one
Unknown Organization
A sight of the kingdom
He Will Appear
How the dream shattered
Wandering Swordsmen
Poll (Closed)
The King
A Great Power
None shall know
Never Improved
A butterfly sitting on a rock
Not Interested
Sudden Growth
Memories from the past
A demon?
13 Years
A March to death
Wake up
Where I have been(A/N)
The Start Of The Journey
Welcome To The Family
Izanagi and Izanami
A God In Himself
Moonlight In Water
Stone Cold Wind
A Full Circle
The Sequel is out


595 16 2
By -MrSnow

Hello everyone
How are you all? So here is another chapter of the story. I really do hope you enjoy these(for the most part because cliffhangers and all might ruin it for you). Well anyways so, when I write my stories I think as if I'm in them myself you know, I can imagine the terrain, the atmosphere and the earth in there(My imagination is insane) but after you know the "dance with death" and all after Y/N got trapped in his mind all I can picture is a little landform which is surrounded by a black oily void. Just wanted to share it and I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Anyways let's begin.


Muichiro and Y/N were running towards the mountain where lower moon 5 was spotted. Apparently alot of these stronger demons started to appear since the last two days, after Y/N got here.

Y/N: Hey Muichiro.

Muichiro: Yeah?

Y/N: What if I told you I was a demon?

Muichiro was a little surprised after hearing Y/N's statement. There was no way he was a demon, he was in a garden full of wisteria and under direct sunlight.

Muichiro: How can that be possible?

Y/N: Well, you see I have this voice in my head. It keeps yelling at me to wake up, to protect the other demon moons and to end the corps.

Y/N said the last sentence in total coldness. His voice sounded lifeless, there was regret and sadness mixed with a little bit of rage. Muichiro was shocked at hearing this because Y/N seemed like a normal person to him.

Muichiro: It won't matter... if you were a demon. I will be by your side...

Y/N's eyes widen in joy. It was all happy until the voice roared even louder.


Y/N held his head with one hand as he continued to run. The voice was very similar to his own but the voice was alot deeper and scary. Y/N didn't want to listen to it.

Muichiro: Looks like we are here.

Y/N: Oh.

Y/N looked up to see the long trees covering the sky. The moon was awfully dim for some reason.

Muichiro: Let's go.

Y/N: Ok.

Y/N and Muichiro entered the mountain but they were interrupted by many small spider like demons. They just stepped on the demons head, killing them. Which was mostly impossible but the demon looked like they were just turned into what they were, so they hadn't developed proper powers.

As they moved forward they were stopped by demons that looked awfully similar to each other. One was tall and buff, one was like the other small spiders but bigger and there were two girls.

Muichiro: Tsk.

Y/N: Heh, What's this a family-!

The mention of the word "family" made
Y/N fall to his knees. He was holding his head again as the voice was slowly creeping in.

Y/N: That's right Y/N. YOUR FAMILY is here!

Y/N: Shut up!

Muichiro: Are you ok, Y/N?

Y/N: Yes I'm fine. Let's end this and go for the lower moon.

The big demon started to March towards them with speed while the others tried to get them with ranged attacks.

Muichiro: Right, Mist breathing Third form - Scattering Mist splash.

Muichiro slashed his sword in a circular motion creating great gusts of winds and sent towards the family. It lifted them high in the air as if they were lifeless projectiles.

Y/N: Perfect. Mist breathing Sixth form - lunar dispersing mist!

Y/N jumped in the air matching the height of the spider family as he slashed his sword through their necks decapitating them while flowing beautifully.

Muichiro: Holy shit. That skill level is no joke. He is way better than me at this, where was he all this time?

Y/N: Let's move on.

Muichiro: Right.

They kept on moving until they reached to the peak of the mountain. There he was, lower moon 5 standing on top of the mountain. He glared down at both Muichiro and Y/N.

Muichiro: Was the information wrong? This is a upper moon level demon, it can get seriously dangerous.

Y/N: That face... why is it so warming and familiar?

Y/N: That boy, Y/N. He used to look up to you, you pathetic idiot. YOU COULDN'T SAVE HIM ONCE AND NOW YOU ARE HERE TO KILL HIM! DON'T YOU DARE!

The voice was screaming in the loudest pitch it could reach. The voice sounded broken? It sounded hurt and disappointed in itself.

Y/N: What the hell?

Rui: You two must be the one's sent to try and kill me. Try it, if you dare.

Muichiro: Y/N.

Y/N: What?

Muichiro: I know you can sense it too, this demon is no lower moon. We have to be extremely careful and in sync if we want to take him down.

Y/N: Right.

The demon started to laugh. It was mocking the demon slayers.

Rui: Do you really think you can defeat me? Hahahh, come on let's have fun.

Rui joined his fingertips together and pulled them back creating red spider web like strings come out of his fingers. As he attacked Muichrio and Y/N.

Y/N clashed his sword against the String as he tried to cut through, it was hard. Y/N couldn't feel like he could casually cut it.

Y/N: Total concentration, Mist breathing Fourth form - shifting flow slash.

Y/N concentrated his breathing as he slashed through the Strings easily. Muichiro was getting surprised by each of Y/N's actions. It looked like it was someone very professional. Like someone who had done the same thing for thousands of time before.


The voice was very loud. It was filled with sadness and pain. It echoed like a broken recorder with each step Y/N took.

Y/N: This is making me nauseous.

Y/N fell to the ground. His demon slayer mark appearing on his face. His heart beat was over the roof. Muichiro felt like Y/N had turned into a demon. There was no way a human could have such fast blood flow and heart beat.

Rui: Tsk, Weak. I will end this now! Blood Demon art - burning webs of the cave!

Muichiro felt his body tighten up. The blood demon art was very strong. Muichiro got ready for impact. The red strings getting closer to him.

Rui: Die!

Muichiro: No. Mist breathing second form - eight layered mist!

The attacks were about to clash until the battle was interrupted by a third party.

???: Soul activation - Dragon of the heavenly festival.

A huge dragon with high spiritual power appeared upon Muichiro and Rui. Just looking at it just chills down both their bodies. The dragon came down slashing both of them into many pieces killing them entirely. The noise caused Y/N to open his eyes slightly even though he was going through a lot of pain.

Y/N: Wh-who?

Y/N saw the dragon slowly deform as it returned to a man. The man came stood tall infront of Y/N.

Naito: I told you, didn't I? Not to trust anyone and here you are becoming friends with demon slayers.

Y/N: Who are you?

Naito: Memory loss is such a pain.... we might not meet again, Y/N. Take care. Don't die on me, fallen hero.

Y/N: Wait!

Y/N: You were suppose to save me Naito... not make me feel even more miserable...

The man disappeared from infront of Y/N as Y/N again started to lose consciousness.

Y/N: Naito?...


So yeah that's it for this one.
Things will keep on getting more confusing(probably) so I hope you are ready.

Y/N doesn't remember anything about his demon self. The voice is calling for help. What is actually happening in the real world? Keep reading to find out

Until next time


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