The Mirrored Reality [TFP X T...

By RiotIsTiredAsHell

8.6K 262 20

" So you're saying.. the Decepticons are good and the Autobots are evil from where you are from? " " yep! " i... More

The Strange Relic
Why Does Everyone Look Different?
Soundwave Is What?! + My Processor Is Melting
Not Them Too! + Relief and Confusion
The Humans And.. Megatron?
Makeshift (Very Short Chapter)
Get Away
Blooper Chapter cause y not
SG Decepticon Personalities/Facts
soo.. uhh

Makeshift's Back + The Autobot Base

639 24 0
By RiotIsTiredAsHell

( Shattered Glass Universe )

At the very very moment.. Dreadwing was full on panicked even Knockout was too

" why did he have to take it?! Now he's gone along with Breakdown! "

Dreadwing was just so worried and panicked over his brother,Knockout picked up the relic as he tried to think as he held it.

" We need to get them. "

" How Knockout?! How?! "

The relic being raised up immediately answered his question,immediate debate from the flyer much.

" we have to use this,Dreadwing! "

" how are we gonna get back if it sends us somewhere?! It doesn't even come along with us! "

As the two pratically bickered,a certain large grey mech entered the medbay to notice the bickering mechs.

" Knockout? Dreadwing? What's the matter? "

Both mechs almost jumped out of their armor in surprise,turning their helms to the mech who was Megatron.

" i- well- "

" Where's Skyquake and Breakdown? "

Knockout eventually explained to what happened to the two which cause the leader to of course be concerned,now Skyquake and Breakdown were gone? Soundwave was already enough.

" i want to use the relic to find them,however the object doesn't come along with us.. "

Megatron went to take the relic in which Knockout handed it over,he looked over the relic.

" maybe there's another button? "

" i checked,Megatron. Only saw one button on it "

Dreadwing stood there as Knockout spoke with their leader,Megatron handed the relic back to Knockout.

" i could go and take the risk to find them.. "

" eh?! Megatron are you insane?! We'd need you here! What if that Optimus and his annoying Autobots come and attack?! "

The medic obviously the one speaking,he didn't want their leader to go find his and Dreadwing's close ones and Soundwave. Didn't want to risk it at all

" Starscream can be in charge,both of you will help him along with Makeshift. "

Hearing the designation of Makeshift made both cons to freeze in shock,Megatron noticed this and got confused then remembered he never mentioned Makeshift was found by a few Vehicons in a crashed ship when the Vehicons were patrolling a few earth hours ago

" Makeshift's back? "

" Yes he is,Knockout. "

" i thought he.. "

Both Medic and Flyer were just in shock to find out their assumed fallen comrade was actually online and back

" Why not both of you greet him? He is in the main room with Starscream. "

Both looked at eachother before nodding,as Dreadwing left Knockout hesitantly handed the relic to their leader

" Bring them back in one piece.. please "

Megatron nodded at that,keeping that as a promise that he hopes he will not ever break. He watched the medic leave turning his helm to the relic,he'd press the button as bright light consumed him only leaving the relic to fall to the ground.

( Prime Universe )

The three cons were taken into the Autobot base,not their Autobots of course.. The nice ones.

It honestly was odd to see them be so.. friendly besides Arcee and Ratchet but atleast they weren't completely like the ones the three cons knew.

" Welcome to the- "

" Autobot Base "

Soundwave simply continued the sentence,seemingly he looked a little.. excited? Couldn't tell besides his body language and Skyquake also being excited and clearly showed it

Breakdown on the other servo looked like he wanted to just recharge for a bit,Soundwave noticed this and tried to get him to sit down and rest.

" we perhaps have a quarters for you three. "

Skyquake's jet wings fluttered in excitement as Soundwave nodded to the friendly Optimus,Bumblebee being asked to lead them to the quarters the three could have. The scout happily lead them there


Soundwave seemed.. a bit uneasy near Bee that's why he was a distant away and near Skyquake considering Breakdown stood next to the scout,Skyquake not noticing since he was rather too busy admiring the hall. Took them an earth minute or two to reach the quarters,Bee beeped in which Soundwave quickly nodded as a thank you.

Breakdown simply entered the quarters he was gonna stay in for a bit to recharge

Skyquake pratically raced after Bee who was heading back to the main room with the other Autobots,Soundwave went to go after him since he didn't want much recharge at the very moment.

Skyquake seemed to be chatting with Bulkhead whilst Soundwave stood there.. staring at Bee,well Bee think he is. He can't be sure cause of the visor

Soundwave retracted the minicon on his chassis as it turned out to be Buzzsaw (Will explain what happened to his other minicons sooner or later :>) instead of Lazerbeak

" Sire! "

And now every Autobot looked at the minicon-
Buzzsaw perched theirself on the top of Soundwave's helm looking over everyone.

" Buzzsaw! Hey! Been a while huh? "

Skyquake waved at the minicon who happily chirped,Soundwave knew his minicon was rather close with the cons.. however..

" Wait.. Why are we in the Autobot base,sire? "

Honestly for the Autobots it.. was odd to hear the minicon call the white and green mech sire but didn't much judge

" Don't worry Buzzsaw,these are not the Autobots we atleast know. "

" they aren't? Cool!"

The bird minicon chirped as they went to fly over to Optimus only to return back to Soundwave and actually hid behind the mech

" is he afraid of Optimus? "

" They. "

Soundwave corrected Arcee who blinked,even though she usually got mad at being corrected but honestly she can't be mad about the fact she said the wrong pronouns in which obviously she didn't know but still.

" are they scared of Optimus? "

Now saying the right pronouns,Soundwave nodded as Buzzsaw kept hiding behind their 'sire'

" It is okay,Buzzsaw. This is a friendly Optimus. "

He tried to comfort the terrified minicon who eventually calmed down from their fear and perched on Soundwave's shoulder,chirping. However they were still a bit scared which Optimus felt bad about that and didn't seem to mind being feared knowing the reason could be something.. awful

" Weren't you three supposed to go get the kids who are almost done with their class today? "

The Autobot medic spoke up in which made Skyquake and Soundwave along with Buzzsaw to look over

" Kids?! "

" It seems we will have to explain to them about the kids and explain to the kids about them "

Hearing Optimus' say that,Skyquake and Soundwave looked at eachother while Buzzsaw stayed perched on Soundwave's shoulder plate.

" wonder who these kids could be?? "

" who knows,Soundwave! I wanna meet them! "

With that Bulkhead,Bumblebee and Arcee transformed into their alt modes and went out the base to get the kids while Skyquake was excited to meet them while Soundwave wanted to see them mostly cause.. well.. personal reasons. (might mention in the next chapter :>)


I haven't seen a SG Soundwave in a fic like these or what not having Buzzsaw instead of Lazerbeak so yuh

Things might get a bit dark in the next chapter
That depends :)

Also wonder SG Megatron could be

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