Happy Merry Everything (Charl...

By vividlittlevox

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You're home for the holidays when a wrong number texts you on Christmas Eve. With a joyful heart and your bet... More

Twas the Night Before Christmas
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out
If You're Feeling Brave
Auld Lang Syne
If You're Willing, I Am Too.
How Do We Do This?
Heart Shaped Box
It's Nice to Meet You
I'm Scared.
Pillow Talk
Good Morning
I Don't Think That's Crazy At All.
Come What May
Opening Night pt. 1
Opening Night pt. 2 - Showtime
Opening Night pt. 3 - Encore
Mrs. Charlie Barber
Now What?
2 Weeks.
In a New York Minute
Ghosts and Other Things
Digging Up The Past
Baubles, Bangles, and Beads
New York Bear Bear
LA Bear Bear
The Winner Takes It All
Love and Mercy
Mom and Dad
Once More With Feeling
Stormy Weather pt. 1 - Grow As We Go
Stormy Weather pt. 2 - Wedding Bell Blues
Daddy Phase
Wild Horses
Saturday Night pt. 1
Saturday Night pt. 2
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets pt. 2
Happy Birthday Charlie

Just a Little Something

2.4K 80 69
By vividlittlevox

Jules. She was a force of nature, someone you didn't want to fuck with. So when she was begging you for some quality girls time, you knew "no" wasn't an answer. In all the time you had spent getting to know and falling in love with Charlie, you worried your friendship had suffered. That in your finding companionship your ability to hold more than one meaningful relationship had fallen by the wayside. It was while she ordered multiple appetizers to split at Maison Pickle that you knew this couldn't have been farther from the truth. It was one of the things you loved about her, something you were grateful for. Your friendship had never been fair weather. Instead, no matter how much time passed or how busy the other got with life outside of work, you always picked things up right where they left off.

Once the server left your space after having dropped off your crab, artichoke, and spinach dip, she picked up her cocktail, raising a glass. You did the same.

"So," you said, reaching for a chip with your other hand. "You said today was special. What are we celebrating?

Jules smirked. "That my dumbass isn't pregnant."

"Cheers, bitch."

She clinked her glass with yours and took a long (and apparently much needed) sip.

"Hang on. Wait a fucking minute. You thought you were pregnant?"

"Not anymore."

You were flabbergasted. "Wait--I don't understand. How did this happen?"

She looked a little too amused by your question as she scooped up some hot dip onto a tortilla chip. "I might have encouraged it."

"Getting pregnant?"
"Childcare deductions over some selective suction. We just had sushi and I was not about to swallow."

"I'm not saying the phrase, 'Breed me, Daddy.' was stamped anywhere near my mouth or punani, but it might have slipped out. We had a lot to drink. And his dick? Chef's kiss.
"I mean Smithsonian quality dick. Please rise for some thick thighs, I'm gagging on what you're swagging kinda meat.

"Are you really going to shut me out so you can test out your standup?"

Jules sat there silently, only rolling her eyes and shoving a Charlie sized bite's worth of garlic parmesan roll into her mouth.

"Were you going to tell me?"

Her mouth was half full. "You weren't around."

You could feel your heart sinking in your chest. Had you really allowed yourself to become a bad friend?

She didn't hesitate before shoving more in. "I'm not mad. I'm just being honest. You've been busy. You're living with someone now. You have a kid. Sort of. Maybe. You guys are in love."

Finally, she swallowed the partially masticated bit of food and inhaled the rest of her drink.

"I'm not faulting you, okay? I get it. We used to be able to talk about more because we were different people. I don't have my wingwoman anymore because we're not cruising for free booze. We don't hang out during our hiatuses because you have--I don't know, a family now, sort of. Things changed in a big way. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I'm just saying things are different...and I'm so happy for you because, honestly, I don't think I've ever seen you this happy and that's saying something."

She let out a breathy laugh. "You look a little overwhelmed, or perplexed, I don't know. Some shit. Take a minute...and eat the last garlic roll or I swear I will."

"You aren't mad?" It's all you could muster.

Jules picked up another chip and scooped up a copious amount of crab dip. "Mad? About what? Mad at who? Whom? Whom."

"I don't know. Me? Charlie?"

"Dude, why the fuck would I be mad at you? I'm not mad at you. I literally just said I understood. I'm not mad at Charlie. The only thing that man has been giving you is joy and good dick."

You laughed without meaning to. Regardless, it was a welcomed sound to Jules' ears. "I've seen you walk some days when you come in. The man is laying pipe. He is all up in your plumbing and then some." She picked up her glass and leaned in. "I'm still pissed you won't tell me how big it is. Something that good deserves to be shared."

"I have no plans of sharing it," you teased, grinning.

Jules rolled her eyes. "I'm not asking you to share the dick, obvi, but some deets would be nice. Damn. Not all of us can land a Daddy Long Dong. Spare a crumb of cock. A dabble of some dick. Come on."

You both shared a laugh, something you'd collectively been missing.

"I've missed this."
"Well, duh, bitch, me too."

"Thank you for being so understanding. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Make me your maid of honor when he finally wifes you up. I'll plan the bachelorette, show up the day of, and we'll call it even."

Jules laid her hand on top of the table and you took it, giving it a light squeeze.

"Thank you."

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "I guess you're okay too."


Tipsier than you ever anticipated, you traipsed through the door. Charlie was cozy on the couch when you came in. He looked up from his book rather amused to see your having traded your usual jaunty saunter for something slower. It was the fact you were using the wall to stabilize yourself that gave him pause.

He laid the book face down on the coffee table and made his way over to you.

"You okay, sweetheart?"

You nodded, your mouth curling into a sly smile . "I'm good. Just had one cocktail too many." The warmth of your body had moved to your cheeks, something made all the more evident as Charlie's cool lips pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.

You hummed contentedly. "Your lips feel good." He guided you over to the couch and helped you prop your feet up, gently lifting your legs and removing your heels. "Do they?"

You could feel the swelling taking hold as you wiggled your toes the second your feet were free. You couldn't hold in the groan that followed. As you laid back against the cushions, Charlie had wandered into the kitchen and returned with something for your head and a tall glass of water.

"Here, baby. Take this. You'll feel better." He offered you the glass and medication which you gladly accepted and sat on the end of the sofa, carefully moving your legs once more to put your feet in his lap.

"So...How was Jules?"

"Good. I didn't realize how much I missed having quality time with her...or how much I missed period, but it was good. She's great. It was like we didn't miss a beat."
"You two should go out more often or invite her over sometime. I don't know how she'd feel about it being just the three of us. She's more than welcome to bring a date. We could do a game night. It could be fun."

By now, the large paws Charlie called hands had started massaging your aching soles. You moaned in relief, the sound earning a lighthearted laugh from the man you love.
"Feel good?"

You laid there watching him, your fingers interlocked as you rested your hands on your stomach.

"You're going to think I've lost my marbles."

Charlie huffed in amusement through his nose, his nimble fingers still working their magic.

"I highly doubt that, but I'll bite. Why's that?"
"I know I just ate, but I'm starving."

He turned to you, affection in his gaze as he marveled in the wonder of you. "Well, it so happens you're in luck. I was thinking of ordering Pino's. How do pizza and garlic knots sound?"

"Even better if we get cannolis."

He chuckled. "We can get cannolis too."

He patted your feet and reached into his pocket to retrieve his phone. "I might go pick it up."
You made a noise expressing your displeasure and gave him your best frown.

"What a face," He teased. He smiled warmly as he ran his hand over your leg and looked over the menu. "Fine. You win. I'll stay."

Even though reconnecting with Jules was long overdue, it was hard to deny being away from Charlie wasn't easy. You had felt it for months, but it was the first time you actually put two and two together. You'd rather spend time with Charlie than with anyone else. While other people you knew were going on date after date, out to different clubs, and hooking up with a revolving door of lovers, you were content to spend your evenings on the couch beside him. You never tired of the life you were creating together, your home life, or the ways you spent your time.

You loved watching him going over his notes and helping if and when you could. You cherished every game you played together, making each other laugh until you cried and your stomachs hurt, and every night spent curled up together watching some movie you painstakingly selected.

This was the life you had never imagined, one you never knew possible, but somehow fit you perfectly in every way.

Charlie was perfect for you in every way.

As his fingers tapped on the screen to call, you laid there taking in the view.

"Hi, I'd like to place an order for delivery please." He was listening intently. "Barber. B-A-R-B-E-R."

He must have felt your eyes on him as he rattled off the order. He glanced your way and gave you a little wink. Who knew such a minor gesture could make you melt?

The alcohol in your system, however, was to blame for what happened next. The phone call was taking too long. Didn't he know you needed attention? Your feet began dancing in slow intentional motions across his lap. Charlie playfully cut his eyes at you and gently swatted you on the thigh.

"Yeah, that completes my order...Uh huh, paying with cash. You have my old delivery instructions. About how long will it be?" The hand that tapped you was now massaging over the same spot. "Perfect. Thanks."

He hung up the phone and placed it on the coffee table. Your favorite toothy grin was plastered on his face. "What was all that about?"

"What?" He replied, mimicking you.

"I was just dancing." It came out innocently, but the flush of your cheeks and the way you batted your eyelashes said otherwise.

"While I was ordering pizza?"
"And garlic knots."
"You just decided to rub your feet all over me?"

"Is this something you're into now because we haven't discussed this..."
"Just dancing." You insisted, pouting this time for emphasis. You were putting on quite the show, but the smirk on his countenance said he wasn't buying it for a second.

He laughed. "If you hurry with the sobering up, we can play a little."

You moved your feet out of his lap, turning your body so you could crawl over to him.

"We can still play. I only had 3 cocktails and I spaced them out. I can't help it if they made them strong."

Charlie pressed his lips to your forehead again. "After pizza."


After everything was said and done and bellies were full, you and Charlie laid back on the couch together; you were nestled against each other spooning, your back pressed to his front with his arm around you. You loved watching TV this way. It made you feel safe. As you tried to give your focus to the images on the screen, you couldn't help but feel distracted by the touch of his hand. His fingers were choreographing a delicate dance across your body. It started on your stomach, small circles which faded into figure eights. From there, his movements progressed. The tips of his fingers trailed north to your breasts and it was there that featherlight touches became much more pronounced. His hands moved higher still until he was able to move the hair away from your neck, deciding only then to taste you. This elicited a small gasp from you as he put his hands to work again. Instinctively, you wanted to turn your head to kiss him, but Charlie had other plans.

You could feel him inching lower now, down your side past your breasts, even further until he reached your waist. The material of your skirt was becoming bunched up in his hands as he slowly willed the fabric higher on your thigh. Despite there not being a trace of space between you, you pushed back anyway, wanting to show your interest and encourage him not to stop. You were plenty sober now and you both knew it.

"Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? How much I love you?" His words were barely above a whisper. Your skirt was around your waist now. You could feel the weight of his cock straining against your ass through his pants. His fingertips left impressions on your waist before slipping underneath the elastic of your panties.

"Let me take care of you, sweetheart."

Charlie wasted no time finding your folds, his middle finger slowly dragging upward until it dipped between them to swipe over your clit. You whimpered as he added a second digit. He was teasing you. There was no question it's what he wanted, to make you fall apart for him right there on the couch. You could feel him pushing into you, how he was sinking inside. The feeling of fullness left your cunt just as quickly as it came and before you could register what was happening, Charlie was removing his hand from your underwear.

"Honey, I--"

You squirmed against him, earning a soft chuckle from him behind you. You could hear the wet pop of his fingers leaving his mouth. He was sucking your juices off of them.

"Sorry, baby," he murmured, nipping at your neck. "I needed to taste you." You whined and leaned for the remote on the coffee table; Charlie's arm wrapped around your middle kept you steady on the sofa. You shut off the TV and settled back against him. He shifted behind you, angling his body and pulling you onto him properly. Using his own leg, he spread you open, desperately needing full access to your little wet core.

"Lift up for me?" Your hips were slightly elevated now. Charlie moved so he had both of his hands at his disposal. With one arm around you, he used his free hand to tug your panties down to your knees. You wriggled back against him, making him laugh.

"So needy."

You tried to reach underneath yourself, wanting to make him feel good too, but he gently swatted your hand away.


"This is about you, my love."
"Charlie, you don't have to..."
"I want to...Let me? Please?"

He positioned you perfectly against his own body. Your legs were eager to welcome him, falling open just as he hoped, but still somewhat limited in their range of motion from your underwear. He brought his fingers to his mouth again, groaning as he coated them in saliva. Slowly but surely, with one hand on your pussy and the other clutching your breast, Charlie got to work. Your head fell back against his shoulder the moment he made contact with your clit. You drew in a breath as his digits sank lower and rubbed over your delectably wanting entrance. You were already dripping for him so the moisture on his fingers only added to the obscene sound that echoed out once he slipped inside.

He was expertly massaging your breast, all the while his large, capable fingers pumped in and out of your tight cunt. Your moan came out like a sigh as his lips latched onto your throat.

"Oh--oh fuck, Charlie."

"That's it, baby," he growled. "I love hearing you...making you feel this way."

Feeling his fingers leave your insides made you ache. You cried out, needing him to fill you up again. Charlie dragged them over your increasingly sensitive clit and you pawed at your own tits, your hand coming up to cover his own. His thumb circled over your sensitive little nub. No one had ever been able to make you fall apart the way he could and you both knew it. For you both, it was two fold. Charlie was the only man you ever wanted and he was completely and utterly devoted to your body. If your body was a temple, he fully intended to worship you every chance he could.

His hands continued their routine: around and around they'd go, teasing your clit until he felt a need to slip inside you again. He was whispering words of love against your skin, his breath hot against your neck. You turned your head to the side, hoping for a kiss as his digits worked over your desperate pussy. Even then, feeling you flutter, Charlie continued to play his game. His lips barely touched your own and he smirked, he knew exactly what he was doing. You whined, not the slightest bit impressed with his sexual sportsman. He was everywhere, but denying you the one connection you wanted most.

"Do you want me to kiss you?"

You whimpered as his fingers entered you again, this time with his thumb staying on your clit.

Charlie let out a low chuckle. "That's not an answer, baby."

"Please," you begged.

"Please what, honey?"
Your entire body trembled as you replied. You hadn't realized you were so close.

"K-kiss me. Please."

You needed this, but was he willing to give in?

Charlie nipped at the delicate skin of your throat before he whispered in your ears, willing you to let go.

"Cum all over my fingers, sweetheart."

His words were enough to send you over the edge and, as your insides cinched around him, your voice rang out. Your climax washed over you and his lips finally, almost sinfully, crashed against yours. There was an urgency in his kiss. He massaged your breast, his opposite hand still working your cunt as you became lost in your orgasm. When he finally removed his fingers, you could feel your own juices dampening your thighs. You tensed around nothing, empty and used, but still hungry for more.

He kissed you again before pulling apart, his forehead coming to rest against yours as you both laid there panting.

"Bed. Now. Please."



With your hiatus over and the new season of Saturday Night Live starting, before you knew it, you and Charlie came to find yourselves dancing around one another's schedules. Despite shared mornings, long subway rides, tender kisses, your heart still managed to break a little every time you two would part ways. Charlie would smile, squeezing your hand for good measure before kissing you once more and sending you on your way. You still had your messages throughout the day, but no amount of text could compare to the feeling of yourself fully enveloped in his strong arms.

On the nights your work ran late, Charlie worked late too. He'd make dinner like he would on nights you didn't, have a snack or two, and keep everything warm until you could share a meal together. His affection and support, much like his love for you, were unwavering. The kisses you shared upon arrival were your greeting, the tender embraces whispering how much you were missed. Despite the roof and rooms you shared, you were Charlie's home and he was yours. Life and all of the things that came along with it were better when you were together.

Day after day, night after night, your lover's dance became routine. Your ability to exist with and without each other was something you both cherished. No matter how the hours passed, you both knew at some point you'd be coming home to the other. It made life worth living. You were easily becoming one of Lorne's favorite writers and Charlie's show was well under way. Although he wasn't as close as he was before seeing as his time was split between his little black box theatre and rehearsal spaces, he went out of his way to plan his breaks around the same times you did. Rather than text, he opted to FaceTime saying he wanted to be able to see his "beautiful girl". It was a nickname you had grown fond of, especially when you got to see his toothy little grin as he said it.

You were busy, but you were together and at the end of the day, that's what mattered most. Every night, you'd curl into his body and he into yours--occasionally reminding each other that notebooks and laptops were for the living room and bedrooms were for rest and making love. Charlie's lips would pepper your head with kisses and you'd lie in the comfort of his arms until his soft snores lulled you into your own blissful state of sleep.

The first Sunday you had off after having started back, upon returning from getting your nails done with Jules, Charlie surprised you with a cozy little setup in the living room. Comfortable blankets and pillows lined the couch. A lit candle set the mood along with a small bouquet of seasonal flowers that adorned the coffee table in your favorite vase. Keeping them company were two stemless glasses and a bottle of your favorite wine.

You set your purse down nearby, your lips curling into a smile. "What's all this?" You walked over to Charlie and put your arms around his neck. He bent down slightly for a kiss and pulled back to admire you.

"Just a little something."
"A little something, huh?" You mused.

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Well, this is certainly a surprise."

He took your hand and guided you to the couch. "Wine?"

Charlie reached for the bottle and expertly removed the cork before picking up each glass, filling it with an adequate pour, and setting them down respectively. You reached for your glass and he bent over to kiss the top of your head.

"Be right back. Let it breathe for a minute before you take a sip."

With that, he disappeared into the kitchen and returned just as quickly with pizza. The boxes were non-descript, but the pies were piping hot nonetheless. He sat down next to you after having carefully placed the open boxes on the table and hopped up just as quickly. He likely reheated them in the oven.

"Forgot plates."

You inspected the different pies in front of you and instantly took note of their appearance. There was something familiar about them.


He came back, plates and napkins in hand. "Hmm?"

"Are these--from Roberta's?"

He smiled, a little surprised.

"Uh, yeah, they are. They're actually the same ones I had--"
"--the night of our first date."

You could feel your breath hitching in your chest. He reached over to take your hand in his own as the other reached for the remote. "I know we don't typically eat in here, but I was thinking we could watch a movie."

He depressed a button on the remote to reveal a movie he already had queued up. It was Pride and Prejudice. He was recreating your first date, only this time, as you should have been all along, you were together.

In that moment, you were overcome with an amalgamation of fear and joy. From a young age, you were instilled with the idea that nerves and excitement walked a fine line and, in the past, you had come close to truly knowing what that meant. But as you sat on the couch, nothing in your life you managed to encounter could compare to the feeling in the pit of your stomach right now.

Charlie pressed play to start the movie. The sound of the opening credits were as nerve-wracking as they were a comfort.

"You know, I didn't think this through..."

You couldn't help the laugh that came next. "Why do you say that?"

"I feel like we just had pizza."
"Not this one," you offered quietly as he put a slice of each pie on your plate.
His laugh was a lighthearted one. "You're right, not this one."

You and Charlie ate your fill, Charlie more than you, and the movie rolled on. As your head laid on his shoulder, your body encompassed in his warmth, you thought back fondly on the way you'd spent that first night together. You shut your eyes, letting your mind take you back. You were cozied up in your tiny apartment eating a slice of pizza on your Ikea sofa, the phone pressed to your ear as you clung to every word.

"How would you feel about Pride and Prejudice? Is that too...it is, never mind."
"Too what?"
"Why silly?"
"I don't know. It feels like a date movie."
"Is it?"
"A date."

The feeling of Charlie's lips pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head brought you back.

"I love you."

You shifted in your seat, turning your head and gazing up at him.

"I do. More than you'll ever know."
"I love you too."

He pecked your lips and smiled. Mr. Darcy would soon be walking through the open field, his shirt open in the morning light.

"You know, I almost forgot the best part."
You kissed him again. "Oh yeah? What's that?"

He grinned. "Dessert." He shifted a little, moving around you and starting to get up, making sure the blanket continued providing you the warmth he was momentarily taking away.

"If memory serves me right, you had tiramisu."

You reached for the remote, pausing the movie. "I don't want you to miss this."

"I don't mind."
"Maybe I want to see all the swooning you did over the phone in person."

Charlie's laugh rang out from the kitchen before he called back to you.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but if it comes down to you and Mr. Darcy..."

"Oh, I know where I stand. Although, if I'm being honest, you've always sort of been Mr. Darcy to me."

"Hmm...Then I suppose that would make you my Lizzy Bennet." He re-entered the room holding a gorgeous tiramisu and two spoons. "I thought we could share since I didn't have any of my own the first time."

"What makes you think I'll share?" You playfully took a spoon from him. He grinned and held the tiramisu above his head.

"The fact that despite being adorably aggressive, you're also terribly short and I can hold this above my head all day."

"Charlie...I'm not that short."
"Compared to me, you are."

"Ah-ah." He tapped his spoon to his lips. "Taxes."

You kicked the blanket away and stood up on the couch, holding onto one of his shoulders to stabilize yourself and kissed him. Your other hand, however, snuck lower, tickling his ribs. He giggled against your lips and pulled back, wide eyed.

"Hey! Don't make me drop it."
"If you drop it, I can eat it."
"Not if it's on the floor."

He gingerly sat the tiramisu on the table along with his spoon and stepped in closer to you, his full toothy grin on display. "Come here."

His arms wrapped around you and he let out a contented sigh as he kissed you again.

You stared back at one another, merely gazing into each other's eyes. Your name left his lips with a gentleness and deep affection.

"I don't know what I would ever do without you. I--"

The sound of your phone ringing on the table made both of you jump. Charlie swallowed, looking a little crestfallen as he picked it up to hand it to you.

"It's your brother--I didn't mean to look, I'm sorry."
"No, it's fine. Alex never calls. This is--I should..."
"Get it."

You slid to unlock your phone and pressed the button for speaker phone.

"Hey. Is everything okay?"

You didn't hear much, only laughter. You heard a giggle. He wasn't alone.


Still nothing. Only the sounds of two people talking, likely Alex and his girlfriend, Sonya.


Charlie smiled as you held the phone closer to his mouth.

"Hello? Ground control to Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Caller? Are you there?"

You both giggled as you heard things rustle.

"I think his phone may be in his pocket."
"I think you might be right," you replied, hanging up the phone.

Charlie smirked. "I'm not saying everyone's ass is as talented as mine, but I'm thinking that might be a buttdial."

"Oh my god."
"What about me?"
"You and your talented ass."
"It's an award winning ass."

You giggled and gestured that he give you a little spin. "Let's see it then." He beamed and turned around with his hands on his hips.

"Give it a little wiggle."

Charlie laughed, but obliged, making you laugh a little harder yourself.

"Oh, you like that?" He wiggled again. "Does this do it for you?"

"Oh my god, I fucking love you."
"And my butt?"

You fell to your knees on the couch and snickered, beckoning him closer with a finger. He turned around. "I don't trust this."

You pouted and gazed up at him, innocently. "What am I gonna do?"
He smirked. "You're gonna pants me."
"No, I won't."
"You will."
"I won't."
"Remember that whole 'not trusting this' thing?"

"I guess you'll just have to come closer and find out."

Charlie crossed his arms and turned to face you. Your countenance remained unchanged, but his mind had not. He stood on the defensive, prepared for anything and took a step closer.

"What? Are you gonna goose me?"

You giggled as you gazed up at him, placing both of your hands on his hips. He peered down at you and you leaned into his groin, mouthing over and rubbing your face against his clothed cock. Charlie groaned, his hand instantly coming up to toy with your hair. You wasted no time unbuckling his belt and popping the button on his pants. The zipper hissed as you slowly dragged it down.

"Baby, this is--ohh, this isn't what I expected at a--"

With a shift motion, you tugged down his slacks. Charlie chortled and shivered as the cool air in the apartment hit his legs. "If I have to lose my pants, you should have to take yours off too."

"Fair enough."

Charlie stepped out of his pants with a smile and you rose from the couch to take off your own jeans. For good measure, you removed your shirt, causing Charlie to begin unbuttoning his own as you stood there in your bra and panties. Once it was fully undone, you reached out for the shirt, standing patiently until he managed to unbutton the cuffs and hand it over. You slipped it on, the linen fabric still warm against your skin. The proverbial field was equal now, both of you in shirts and skivvies.

He sat on the couch again and patted the seat beside him which you graciously took, curling into his side. "Want to finish the movie?" he asked, handing you a spoon and picking up the tiramisu.

You picked up the remote and went to get your first bite. "There's not much of it left."

"Well, I guess we'll have to pick something else then."
"Another love story?"
"If you'd like."
"What do you want?"
"We could always peruse Netflix for something together after this."

You nodded and turned to face him more fully. For some reason, you could feel your nerves bubbling up again. Your anxiety hadn't been kind to you lately.

"Hey, did I ruin something earlier when I answered the phone? I just feel like we were having a moment or about to have a moment and it worried me because he never calls and I just--"

"--hey." Charlie interjected. "You ruined nothing."


The following Thursday had been particularly treacherous for you. For starters, the scheduled talent for the week had come down with the flu and was threatening to drop out. What's more is Lorne had screamed at the entire writing staff for reasons unbeknownst to half of you, you and Jules included. So, when you told Jules you were looking forward to the solace of your lunch hour Facetime with Charlie, it felt like the wind had been knocked out of you when he told you he wasn't going to make it.

You felt like you must have been furiously typing back and forth to one another.

You: If you're too busy to FaceTime right now, I can wait and take lunch later.

Charlie: I don't even know if I'm going to be able to take lunch today, honey. Things have been crazy on my end.

You sighed as you stared down at your phone. You wanted to be angry with him, but it wasn't his fault. Your fingers feverishly typed out a reply.

You: Do you think you could at least call me in a little while? Maybe for a quick chat? It doesn't have to be long. I just miss you and today has been really shitty. Hearing your voice would really help turn things around.


Charlie: I miss you too. I'm sorry things have been shitty. I'll call as soon as I can, I promise.

You laid your head down on your desk, something that seemed favorable compared to screaming bloody murder, and exhaled a long calculated breath. It was around the same time you felt something nudge the top of your head. It was a bag of chips, an offering from Jules in an attempt to brighten your day.

"Salt and vinegar heals the soul."

You barely raised up and leaned back in your chair, giving her a halfhearted smile as you opened the bag. "Thanks."

"I've got some Fireball in my desk if you want some. It's been there since we started so I have no idea how old it is and I'm pretty sure it was open when we got here, but you're welcome to have a sip if you dare. I mean, it's fuckin' Fireball. It might taste like cinnamon piss, but it won't kill you."

You snorted and popped a chip into your mouth, shaking your head. "So what's up with him?" Jules asked, tilting back the last crumbs in the bag of her barbecue Lays before opening another small bag of sour cream and cheddar Ruffles.

"Nothing. He's just busy...and I'm starting to think I'm just having separation anxiety."

"You're not a fucking dog. Besides, I don't think you're anxious."

You wrinkled your brow, unconvinced. "No? What then?"

"I think you've had a shit day and you just want to be with the person you care about. Take me and Jeremy for example. Jeremy is always there when I need him. I have a shitty day at work. Jeremy. Can't sleep? Jeremy. Lonely? Jeremy. I have a Jeremy. You have a Charlie. Simple as that."

You reached for another chip. "You didn't tell me you were dating again."

Jules shrugged, smirking. "Jeremy's the name of my vibrator."

You nearly choked on your kettle chip from laughing and once she was certain you wouldn't aspirate to death on potato, Jules continued.

"People miss people. It's a fact of life. Give the guy a break. It's not like he's out to lunch and telling you he's busy." Jules visibly tensed up the moment the words left her mouth.

"What was that about?" You asked, settling back in your chair.

"What? What was what about?"
"That." You gestured to her now changed posture.
"You tensed up."
"No, I didn't."
"What do you know?"

You watched as Jules' eyes grew a little wider, lying having never been her strong suit. Once she realized she was clocked, she looked away, picking a spot on the wall to examine a little more closely.

"He's not at lunch right now."

She rolled her chair away, hoping the distance between you would save her somehow.

"Okay, fine. He's at lunch right now, but you're not supposed to know. Jesus."

Your brow was furrowed again; you were unsure about what was going on. Charlie had never been one for secrets and you weren't sure why he was starting now. And why of all people had he decided to involve Jules?

"Please don't tell him I told you."

You peered down at your phone on your desk. The screen had lit up with another message from Charlie.

Charlie: I might be able to talk soon. Things are still pretty hectic, but I can step out. Are you free?


Thank you all so much for being patient while I've been handling my mental and physical health. As always, I love to know your thoughts! 

That said--Charles Barber--what the fuck are you up to? ;)

****Chapter 39 is on the way! You can expect another update by Friday so stay tuned! ****

If you're not already, follow me on Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter: @vividlittlevox

Don't forget you can visit all of the places in the fic: check out Happy Musical Everything for music and real locations.

For more Henry, Reader, and Charlie, give The Chronicles of Dad a read <3 

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