A Killer Kind Of Love

By Lovely_Little_Potato

33.6K 904 383

{Slashers x Reader} Y/n is nearing the end of their last year in high school, and is trying to enjoy her fina... More

Information :D
What a dream! :O
The New Substitutes (Part one)
The New Substitutes (Part Two)
Another Note....
Surprise Package
Party City Lies Wherever You Are
What Lies In The Depth Of The Night

A Good Old Game Of Hide And Seek

3K 90 37
By Lovely_Little_Potato

I could feel the lush grass hug soles of my feet as I jogged through the grass clearing. The sun kindly kissed my face, welcoming me to a place where time and worries were irrelevant. Some wildflowers blossomed passionately, guiding me to the cliff's edge, where I could see a figure facing the vast valley ahead. The closer I approached the cliff's drop, the more details of the figure and valley become apparent to me. I realized the individual was a middle-aged man with long messy salt and pepper brown hair, curls swirling just below the back of his neck. He wore a white t-shirt and pants, reminding me of a Fall Out Boy music video. I finally reached the edge, now side by side with the man. He kept looking ahead, admiring the view; I did so as well. A huge crystal blue ocean stretched for miles, its horizon meeting with the cloud-filled sky. Far from shore, the little shapes of boats drifted slowly through the calm waves. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it?", the man spoke softly. I kept my eyes focused on the boats, trying to see if I could see the sailors aboard. People seeking something beyond the place where the ocean and sky meet.

"Indeed.", I replied, finally looking over to the man. He felt my eyes waiting for him to do or say something more, then directing his gaze towards me, his pale sea-green eyes met mine.

"I miss you, Y/n.", the man confessed. I could feel the pain in his eyes. He moved closer to me and placed his hand on my head in a comforting manner. Something deep within me felt like it was ripping in half. A wave of pure emotion rushed through me, making me feel as though the wind had been knocked right out of me. This man. He seemed like a distant memory I couldn't quite recall, but the emotions connected to this person were powerful. I smiled at him, trying not to let the river of tears behind my eyes come pouring through. He smiled kindly back, bringing me into the tight embrace of his arms. He knew I wanted to say something but the words weren't forming.

"It wasn't your fault, sweetheart. You were protecting me and I died. You did all you could.", the man calmly reassured me. The weight in my chest grew with each word. I wanted to know who this man was and what happened to him, but all I could do was feel. 

Suddenly I felt him slowly pull away, I hesitantly departed as well. As I looked up at him, I noticed red dots piecing through his white shirt. Blood. I began to panic, rushing over to him to put pressure on the wounds. He fell to the ground and winched in pain as I applied pressure to three of his wounds. Every second a new wound would appear through his shirt, blood pooling neatly in circular patches. 

"What's happening!?", I finally let out, desperately trying to stop all the blood loss. 

Before he could weakly reply, everything went black.  

I jolt up in a cold sweat, shaking from the image of blood still fresh in my mind. What the fuck.  I took a second to pull myself together, then I got up. Right...I forgot I slept downstairs. I tiredly pulled the cover off my body and went to the kitchen. I began to make some food but that's when I noticed it was still dark out. Puzzled, I went to the big window by the kitchen table and checked outside. Pure darkness. I headed back to the living room and checked my phone, which was laying on the couch underneath some blankets. 

Friday, October 31

3:13 am

How peculiar, I thought to myself. Suddenly the sound of a doorknob slightly jiggling startled me. I quickly covered my mouth and tried to figure out which door was trying to be opened. I crouched down on the floor, staying out of the sight of the windows, and headed back over to the kitchen to grab a knife. Thank goodness all the lights and window curtains are closed. I reached for a knife that was sharp and dense enough to cut flesh through without struggle if needed. The doorknob jiggled even more violently, and that's when I figured out the intruder was trying to break through the back door a few feet from me. Taking deep breaths, I backed away from the door and headed for the front one, beginning to dial 911. As the phone was waiting for someone to pick up the line, I looked out the front door to see a dark figure walking up to the door; holding some kind of large weapon that reminded me of a machete. I made sure the door was locked and backed away. I checked my phone to see if the 911 operator would pick up, but the signal dropped, cutting off the call. This time the other intruder wasted no time trying the doorknob. They slammed the door with a powerful blow, causing a giant hole in the door to form. Wasting no time welcoming these unwanted guests, I sprinted upstairs. My plan was to close all the doors and hide in the bathroom, not locking any of the rooms to trick them so that they would know absolutely where I was. I mean come one, if a door is locked from the inside, there is most likely someone in there.  As I swiftly but quietly closed each of the five doors, I heard doors smash open, and loud footsteps following. They in. I reached the bathroom, closed the door, and went straight for the window that led to the roof. I pulled it up as hard as I could, but it wouldn't budge. FUCK. I heard heavy footsteps climb up the stairs. Shit Shit Shit, I began to panic. I quickly hid in the towel closet behind the bathroom door. To make sure the intruders wouldn't be able to open both doors and see me, I crawled to the very back of the closet and stacked things in front of me for coverage. I had to get into a fetal position because the shelf was only three feet from the bottom of the small shelving unit, which would have been an amazing hiding place as a kid. Feeling each powerful thump my heart took, I listened carefully. The sound of creaking floorboards alerted me the figures were creeping closer and closer to the door I hid behind. I pulled the knife closer to me, grasping my phone with an iron-tight fist. Still, on alert, I put my phone on silent and tried to text Stu and Billy so that they could call the police for me; however, this task was easier said than done since my hands were shaking uncontrollably from fear.

guya, canh yo plz calll the police. tHere are pppl in my hoase. please hekp

I looked at the text I had just sent and hoped to dear god they could make put what I was saying. In this situation, it's the best I could do. I tucked my phone underneath one of the towels and grasped the knife with more priority this time. Every so often the sound of things being broken and doors slamming open startled me, which led me to cover my mouth with one hand to mute any noise made if they did the same when they checked the bathroom. Then the time came, and the bathroom door was open slowly, dragging out my anxiety and fear to the max. I heard silent footsteps wander the tiny room, pulling back the curtain to the shower violently. What a shitty hiding place that would be. My mind began to race when I heard the figure approach the closet door. It creaked open slightly, causing the intensity of this situation to increase tremendously. The outline of tall legs was just barely visible from where I lay in the dark, making me wonder just how big this person was. The figure lingered for a moment then left just as swiftly as he came in. After what felt like thirty minutes, the sound of creaking stair floorboards let me know the figures had gone downstairs to check the rest of the house. This was my chance. I carefully emerge from the closet and quietly shut the door, locking it this time. I went back to the window and tried to open it again, this time using a hand towel to get a better grip. It still didn't budge.  Suddenly I heard someone call from downstairs.

" Y/nnnnn!! Where are you, silly? Playing hide and seek, are we?", a man called out to me. I couldn't tell if they were mocking me or if they were delusional. 

I continued to try the window, feeling even more defeated with each failed attempt. I could wait and wait for the police to arrive. Although the police in this town are actually shit. Frick me. 

I checked my phone and neither Stu nor Billy had replied.

I had two choices: 1. Take a chance and try calling the police again, or 2. Break the window and make a run for it. I finally decided the best option was to call the police first, just in case the second option backfired. So I dialed 911 again and waited anxiously. 

Beeeeeepppppppp, the dial tone rang quietly in my ear. 

I waited till the line went dead and hung up. Where are the police when you freaking need them?

That left me with one last plan. I'll wait here for them to leave, but if they find me and try breaking down the door, I'll break the window and climb onto the roof. From there I could either scream for my dear life or climb down and run for help. So I grabbed a towel I could use to place over the broken window frame when needed and waited. Every so often I heard a door slam, something break, or the man from before calling out for me. It took every part of me to calm my breathing and really focus on the noises that the intruders made. After some time, the house fell silent and I felt a slight tug of hope. I checked my phone one last time and saw nothing from Stu or Billy. Without a warning, the bathroom door began to jiggle slightly. FUCK!! 

I let out a small gasp and the person on the other side chuckled evilly.

"~Found youuuu~", the man sang. He tapped the door with some sort of object as if to threaten me to not try anything. Like this was a sick game to him.

"Baby, open the door for Daddy? Games over. Time to come home".

I grabbed my knife and thrust it into the glass of the window, looking away to avoid any glass pieces cutting my face. This sparked the man on the other side to start jiggling the doorknob even more aggressively. I quickly place the towel on the open frame and jumped onto the shingled roof. I grabbed the knife and headed to the front side of the house, trying hard to keep my balance on the slated roof. I checked below where the front door was and saw no one. This was my chance. I carefully lowered myself down from the roof siding, preparing to meet the ground as soon as I let go. That's when I felt a rush of fear fill my body. I looked over to see a six-foot-something man in a boiler suit and white mask swiftly approach where I dangled. Panicking, I tried to pull myself back up, unfortunate the man who was behind the door had found me. He was wearing a black cloak outfit and a white Ghostface mask. In his hand, he held a buck knife skillfully. The man tilted his head and let out a chuckle. 

"Nowhere to run, Baby. Come down before you hurt yourself. We don't want you to get hurt." he warned.

I felt a strong hand grasp my ankle and pull. I held on for dear life but this guy was incredibly strong. My fingers gave out and I fell into the white-masked man's arms. I struggle to kick away but he squeezed hard until I felt the oxygen leave my lungs. I stopped and tried to scream, but he cover my mouth with his large hand. I felt all the little hope I had drained away, leaving me with nothing but pure fear to fuel my escape. A couple of figures emerged from the front door and headed towards me. I tried one last time to break free, which only led to the same hopeless outcome. One of the figures got so close to my face, that I could feel their breath on my neck. 

"~See you soon, Princess.~" a familiar voice mocked, caressing my cheek roughly. I knew that touch. I opened my eyes and saw the burnt man from my dream last night. Before I could register anything, I felt him claw my thigh, causing me to yelp in pain. Then once again, everything went black. 

~Real World~

I jointed up in pain, desperately looking around to see where I was. I was in my living room, just like I was when I got home from Chance's party a few hours ago. I felt around for my phone and checked the time.

10:26 am

Saturday, October 25

I got up and check around for any evidence of an intrusion, but there was nothing. Everything was just as I left it before I fell asleep. Before I set out to make myself breakfast, I check the back door in the living room and realized it was unlocked. My stomach dropped and I locked it.  

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