(18+) As the sin caves in (T...

By smuthasthecolourred

88.3K 1.6K 795

"You really are bad with timings." ---------------------------- "You're mine." He growled causing my heart to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Final chapter

Chapter 14

1.7K 36 14
By smuthasthecolourred

I represent,

A hex

Anastasia Pierce:

"Afternoon," his deep voice echoed before i rushed inside a little late since i was fighting with Snape. 

"Good afternoon everyone!" I waved my arms up in the air feeling extra positive this morning. "I'm sorry I'm late." I bared my teeth at him before he nodded gesturing me inside.

"Hola mis amigos." I widened my eyes at both of them after leaping over Blaise's lap to sit down.

I smiled widely at my besties with my fingers in my brushed down hair. "You're in a good mood," Blaisey chuckled at me. "Yeah, i am." I shut my eyes in satisfaction and merriment. "Quiet," Riddle stood in a grey shirt and black waistcoat and like normal onyx trousers.

"Sorry sir," i shot him a grin causing him to furrow his brows then shake his head sighing. "As i was saying the basilisk at least will take four lessons to sum up. It is a creature with a great history and possibly a greater... future." He lowered his head leaning forward on his desk as i checked him out.

My heart literally melted in my chest. This guy is beautiful. I leaned back on my seat after flipping to the page he wanted us on. I just admired him. There was no other way that people could've forgot about my father's existence from my sheer pray. God couldn't have possibly blessed me all of a sudden.

I mean I don't even go to church. I don't even know if I'm catholic.

I kept biting my lip each time he'd turn around. Zest would burgeon rapidly causing me to squeal in silence. Would a thank you hurt me? Probably not. I just for the first time in a long time focused carefully on every word Professor said. Then it was the work in book bit. I answered all the questions like a copy paste from my brain.

"What happened last night causing you to be that merry and optimistic?" The dark boy beside my furrowed his eye brows. "Uhm..." i hesitated.

"Damon held her," Liz tapped my shoulders lowering her head at him. "Oh," he smiled widely as i nodded. Yeah,

That too.

I looked up while Riddle sat on his chair just checking out how oblivion was doing these days. He flipped his eyes to me after i nodded at Liz sighed then turned his eyes away from me. I parted my lips softly then shook the thought of whatever my brain had out.

I then found myself fantasising about him. But this time: there was no lust. No rough fuck on his desk or in the dungeons like i imagined before.

This was gentle, smooth and attractive. I gulped, it was just me, standing by a seashore in a sundress and he just stood beside me. In the exact outfit of his and we just looked at the sea. It was all just stare at it. Nothing more, nothing less.

I blinked. No I can't. I can't romanticise about my professor. This is wrong indeed. I'm not allowed to do so, no.

I snapped back, yeah Damon held me. Damon the boy I've been in love with for three years. I can't just remake my thoughts because of some 26 or 27 year old dud who just happened to come up in my life as a professor. NO MORE.

I shouldn't feel. I shouldn't allow myself to feel. Fuck, I'm going psycho. Aaahhh, my worst fear!

"The lesson is over. You're all dismissed." He announced before everyone rushed out. Alright, a little thank you won't kill me.

I mean, at the end of the day. I had an awesome day yesterday. All of it, and somehow it turned out that i owed it all to him. Even knowing Stefan.

I followed Blaise and Liz before intentionally dropping my bag with all its stuff. I groaned after all my books and paper fell to the floor. "You guys go, I'll catch up." I huffed kneeling.

"You don't need any help?" Liz tapped my shoulder. "It's a bag Liz, go eat. I'll be quick I'm already famished." I looked up at her before she nodded skipping Blaise and rushed out to the great hall.

The moment they left, the class was empty. I picked up my wand then shut the door. Riddle almost jumped in his place before looking back at me with disgust. He was gathering his stuff, yeah I should've warned.

"Hi." I smiled widely before gathering my bag with my wand and throwing it over my shoulder. He crossed his arms leaning back on the desk.

"What do you want now?" He cocked a brow in distaste. "Did you do it?" I neared him with a pure chuckle out of my lips. "Did i do what?" He shook his head in confusion. He towered high above me that i saw his clear shaved jaws glister above me.

"Did you erase any memories lately?" I raised my shoulders biting my lip with wide eyes. "Anastasia I don't speak riddles. Translate." He twisted his index in the air after shutting his eyes in frustration.

"Okaayy." I giggled in eagerness before he raised a brow and a smirk surfaced his lips. "Tom," i clapped my hands together. "Professor," he corrected me.

"No as long as we're not during class, I'm calling you Tom. Get used to it." I raised my index up before he scowled looking me up and down. "If you keep looking at me with disgust, I'll change it to Tommy," i crossed my arms before his face dropped of almost fear.

I snorted of zestful laughter before pacing around in the class. "Was it you!?" I turned back to him bending and narrowing my suspicious eyes at him with an index sharp at him. "Was it you who erased the recollections of my father?!" I stood back up folding my arms and bending a knee softly standing in a model position. My chin up and proud.

He cocked his brows before smirking looking at me from the upper corner or his eyes. He rolled his tongue in cheek chuckling and turning away from me. Woah. Fireworks between my thighs: check. Halted brain: check.

I giggled uncontrollably arching back with my mouth opened widely with laughter. I then rushed to him grabbing his crossed strapping forearms and looking up at him with gratitude and glee.

"You're hysterically laughing." He checked my wide cheek hurting eyes after commenting with a half straight face. I jumped in place. "So it was you?" I whispered my question kind of like a secret. I could tell he tried his best to hide his smile from me since his lips quivered.

"Maybe." He answered quietly before i almost screamed freaking out. I jumped in place cackling. I didn't care if he was my professor, I don't care if he almost hit me last evening. I was entirely grateful. He saved my life.

"You. are. my. hero." I tapped his arms as he looked into nowhere truly doubting my comment for some reason.

"Thank you thank you thank you." I shook him in place before he let his arms fall. "Please smile." I stretched up trying to reach his height but couldn't.

"I'm thanking you. Smile and accept my sincere gratitude. Don't be such a sour wolf." I slapped my thigh before he looked down at me with wide eyes. "I beg you smile." I groaned before i saw that little corner twisting up and suddenly his eyes met mine.

I had my smile wide still glaring into his deep and harshly shut mahogany eyes. Shut from the world. In their own universe of paradise and hell at the same time. I felt my heart skip a beat while i sank into his eyes into a never ending road. It was two seconds but my heart thought it was years and years. Damn i should really stop that.

I shouldn't fall for someone who I don't know anything about other than name and age. And that a girl once left him. That's mean. For me.

He averted his eyes away from me before i went back in my heals. "You just saved my entire life Tommy." I bit my lip in zest before his face dropped and he shook his head. "Tom," i cleared my throat correcting myself after his glare sent negative signals down my body.

"How did you do it?" I spun around myself like a toddler buying a new toy. "Who said i did it?" He mocked me. I furrowed my brows with parted lips checking him up and down. "Don't play with me, I'm too excited to lose my eagerness." I wagged my head before he nodded.

"You know you just saved my entire life right?" I bit my lips still hopping in place. I never felt more grateful or more warmhearted. "You need to arrive at the great hall Miss Pierce." He checked his watch bored of me. I sucked my cheeks in like a rabbit widening my eyes at him and just blinking. He really was trying his best to shove me off.

He stayed silent waiting for me to react but i was motionless. Just like him, but I didn't have my bitch face. "What?" He shook his head at me in confusion. "You're trying your very best to kick me out." I blinked before he swallowed blinking too.

A blinking contest. Intriguing.

"How did you do it? Just tell me, tell me and i will fly away." I shut my eyes gesturing a bird with my hands. "Fine," he huffed tilting his head and resting his palms on the desk balancing himself.

"It was a spelled potion in the school fires. The fireplaces, smoke turned to air they breathed and they forgot. Happy?" He slapped his side in frustration. I bit my lip because of how smart he was. He was actually too handsome too. Like excessively. Why was he bored of me? This was amazing.

"Mhm." I widened my eyes before haring to him uncontrollably over again. "Thank you, thank you handsome!" This was instinctively. Shit. And more shit!

I cupped his face holding it compact freaking out before i stretched on my toes dragging him down. I grabbed him piercing my lips into his cheek penetrating him with my lipstick. Kissing him aggressively with gratitude. The right one and left one while squishing his cheeks between my palms causing his lips to part of pressure.

"Thank you!" I held his face tight after backing away to see him wide eyed and almost shocked. "You're so adorable! Dear god" i bared my teeth with tears of laughter on my lids. I then went back down on my heels rushing out of class as fast as i can. He still had wide astonished and staggered eyes before he paused in place obviously realising what the hell i just did, or said.

I halted in my place after a few steps out realising that i just screwed up. My face fell with my heart in devastation.

I kissed his cheek, called him handsome, and adorable. When did i lose the ability to think? I lose it when I'm happy, shit. Shit. I thought an apology now will fix that. So i stepped back with my face still the great hall's direction.

I gritted my teeth throwing an awkward smile after feeling heat up in my cheeks and face. I was too embarrassed to even see him again.

I narrowed my eyes with the 'smile'. He was still frozen in his place but now he was just scowling. "Uhm," i spoke my presence clearing my throat as he turned to me.

"I'm sorry," i lifted my shoulders a little before he sighed nodding silently. "I didn't think. Once more." I ruffled my toes in my shoes looking down at them before noticing the different colour in his pale white cheeks. Shit, shit, shit. I don't wanna embarrass him. He sat back on the chair gathering the rest of his stuff. I parted my lips hurling my face down in almost fear of what i had to say.

"And I'm sorry for that too." I signalled his cheeks by pointing at mine. He furrowed his brows shaking his head in confusion. "You've got lip-" i cleared my throat, "you've got lipstick.. on your cheeks." I inhaled blinking before he broadened his eyes then rushed his hand to his cheek while tensing his jaws.

He started rubbing his first cheek aggressively with his index and middle finger as i stood stable watching him with a contorted mouth to the side. He inhaled sharply with his face down in rage. He flipped his eyes to me burning his eyes through me before i parted my lips cleared my throat, "I'll just... go. Bye." I started dashing away before he could engulf me in his irises.

I dashed to the great hall with a smile on my face. "Am i late bitches?" I threw myself beside Liz. "No, the food isn't served yet." Blaise rested in his palms rubbing his eyes. "Don't fret, it'll be here any minute." I fixed my legs forward. Liz just looked down sighing repeatedly with a carping expression on her face, while Blaise stayed quiet just looking at her.

"What's going on?" I raised a brow crossing my arms. "Oh why don't you ask Blaise that?" She tilted her head in disgust before he groaned rolling his eyes. "You're unbelievable Elizabeth." He pointed at her tensing his jaws.

"Is it about yesterday?" I rested my head on my fist sighing through my nose. "Yes," they spat in union. "Astoria Greengrass isn't that hot Blaise. Bad choice." I raised my brows at him. "Oh for fucks sake Anna," he slapped the table.

"And you!" I turned to her, "if you're not going to act, don't be angry. And Blaise don't be so bloody obvious about it all the time." I raised my voice at both of them before they rolled their eyes at me.

"Neither of you are going to listen to me anyways, are you?" I raised a sharp brow. "I'm trying," she huffed whispering to me. "Occupy your mind with something else for now." I smoothed her shoulder. "That's how you'll get along." I wrapped an arm around her taking her in and muttering that Blaise couldn't even hear.

"Like?" She shook her head. "Like your grandmother in the hospital." I blinked at her before she nodded keenly. "Shit, yeah." She ran her fingers through he hair before the food appeared.

"Whose grandmother's in the hospital?" He furrowed his brows before she raised her hand. He gasped knowing exactly how close Liz was with Marie. "Hey," he smoothed her arm. And that's how you fix shit. I smiled after she looked up at him with disturbance.

"It'll be alright, i promise." He lowered his head before she sighed sinking deep in his brown eyes while he kept his hand on her arm. "I hope so, i mean. She's went into the hospital before. She just has never been that sick before." She spoke to him while i flipped the napkin open placing it on my lap and started grabbing food throwing it in my plate. Using the fork of course.

I just went on eating as they made amends. Today was a good day. All of it.



Everything has been quiet nice for the past week, i guess. I mean other than i hooked up with freaking Malfoy, those damn parties, it went great.

"No he wasn't even that good," i argued as we strolled in the hallways. "I disagree with you, everyone who came out of his bed were kind of paralysed." Blaise shook his head at me.

"Well I've had better." I narrowed my eyes making Liz scoff agreeing. "Of course. Blaise, our best friend here hooked up with a thousand year old werevamp and a vamp. Malfoy could never come close." She boasted as i nodded.

Yeah... those.

But i was just thinking about a 193 cm brunette hot Professor in our school, but they were still better than Malfoy.

"I mean: the anticipation 10/10. The teasing: like a 7. The strength eh, about an 6.5." I thought recalling last night in details with my index tapping my lips. "Anna," Blaise paused me looking back at me as i halted waiting for his question.

"You were screaming." He blinked making me gulp. "Well: I'm not that strong either and he told to." I shook my head in disgust. "Just forget it, i already left because he kicked me out." I rolled my eyes as they nodded. "I'm not hooking up with someone at parties anymore," i massaged my temples to reduce my hangover before it was suddenly more than just a hangover.

My brain started clamouring before raging ache of being thrown at a bowling ball and at the same time it's thrashed me. I grunted softly before stopping in place and hanging on to Blaise's arm. "What's going on?" He took my hand in his. "I don't know it's like- agh!" I yelped quietly feeling the pain enhance.

"Anna," Liz held my waist before i felt my blood boil in my rushing veins and my brain crush into a small space. Like it was being gripped from both sides making me collapse a little in the tall guy's arms. "Anna, is it Riddle again?" He asked while I gripped his arm harsher and held my head like my life depended on it.

"No why would he- even do that? He doesn't do- anything if he doesn't have a reason. Fuck!" I bared my teeth feeling sheer pain suck my head and body in.

Then it just. Faded. It all faded.

I stood back up looking at both of them feeling dizzy, but i could've stood. "What was that?" She grabbed my waist balancing me. "I don't know, maybe like a hex of some kind or something. Or just the hangover." I swallowed clueless about what the hell just happened to my brain. All i knew was that i needed sleep.

"Probably not the hangover." Blaise shook his head keenly.

"Let's just get to class guys, it's lifted." I assured them i was okay before they sighed then moved along.

I swung myself into the bench after Liz before my eyes weighed. And my heart slowed. I felt it, i felt it slack off.

"Anna are you alright?" She smoothed my back. "Yeah you scared the shit out of us." Blaise brushed the sweaty hair of mine behind. "I'm alright I'm alright. I just need sleep." I swallowed feeling my throat start to dry. I wanted to tell them that, but it was like all my brain could gather was that i needed sleep.

"We have Riddle," she tilted her head sighing in frustration. "Just tell him she's sick, tired, dead. Any of those." I shook my head at her before folding my arms in the desk and resting my head on them.

"Wait wait," Blaise pulled me back. "Liz, memorise hexes." He sounded worried like he had something to say. "Can be done away from the target, can harm, paralyse poison, kill. And some dark ones only work when the target-" she gasped. "Don't sleep," she burnt her eyes through me.

"Don't sleep it might still be in action and it will only affect you when you sleep." She held my shoulders. "I told you Liz, i felt it lift." I shook my head at her in frustration feeling my eyes water from slumber ache.

"Are you entirely sure?" He turned me directly. No I wasn't and I didn't know why but i said yes. I still needed sleep. I folded my arms back then rested my head inside. It was dark between my arms. But it was a nice place to sleep.

I shut my eyes feeling my heart start to slow and my breath hitch. Riddle better walk in and wake me.

"Morning," the heels of his leather shoes echoed while he came in. I wanted to lift my head and take a glimpse of his outfit, but I couldn't even open my eyes. I just decided to listen to his voice until i actually fall asleep.

"Today we're discussing Salazar Slytherin's history. And before any of you could start bitching about it, yes, you did take it in history. And you will cover it here. In boring details." Optimistic. I wanted to scoff at his vexed timbre. But i still. It was like i was paralysed from every muscle but my brain. It was the only thing working.

"One of the original founders of Hogwarts. Salazar Slytherin was a pure blooded parselmouth who had the ability to read thoughts." He taught with his deep alluring tone that just had me mesmerised in his throat. "In other words: skilled at legilimency." I just wanted to take a glimpse at him. I tried so hard to move that i groaned on the inside, yet there was no hope. No energy, no ability.

Like i was slowly consciously dying. And that's when i realised it and terror started burgeoning in me. "Hello Anna, you really are your mother's daughter like your father said," my father's girlfriend's voice echoed in my head.

"This was his idea. Since you are the reason we can't get much money now, you'll pay. Slowly and with a little fear. You'll fade. Bye bye." Did she really tell me i was going to die. And it was his idea. Again?

My breath started hitching while the lesson went on. Did he really not see me? Fuck fuck, someone wake me. I wanted to cry to scream, to stir. All i could do was rush my heart. That's all i managed to do.

"How unfortunate?" I heard his question pause his clarification of the lesson. His voice was low but clear, obviously my direction. "Miss Pierce fell asleep in my lecture," he boasted making my heart race even more.

Yes, there's still chance. And I'll try my best.

"Mr Zabini, Miss Winchester.." he called, "wake her, now." He prolonged his -now- with a sharp raspy tone. He cleared his throat then kept on talking to the rest of the class.

"Anna," Liz touched me and i felt her. Good, I'm alive.

"Anna wake up he saw you," she smoothed my back with her soft hand. And i tried with every vigour i could gather to sit. Every drop of anger, fear, sadness. All of it. But it was like trying to push a mountain off its position. Entirely impossible.

I can't just fade. I felt my face deform in the lightest bit, almost invisible. "Anna," she nudged me again before i felt my panic magnify. I swear i could feel each word on my tongue but irrational to spill out. Oh dear lord.

"Anna," Blaise's hand was pierced to my back as he shook me harshly. "Anastasia?" I heard the little gasp from Liz and the fret in Blaise's tone.

Blaise caught my hand before throwing it right away. "She's cold as ice," he whispered. "What's taking so long?" Riddle spat angrily. With divine rage.

"She's-" Liz gulped, "she's not waking up." She whispered before his voice halted. "What do you mean by she's not waking up?" He spoke with distaste. "Professor we shook her, and she's not waking up." Blaise argued Riddle's fury. Couldn't they stop fighting and sake

"See for yourself." The dark skinned handsome lad's vexation was radiating into me. Blaise darling, I'm awake. "Anna," he agitated me before Professor's heels clicked to us hastily. I was too annoyed by how I couldn't react.

"Out of my way," he demanded before Blaise's warmth that was near me vanished in seconds. "Miss Pierce," he soothed. I swear I'm here, just help me quickly I'm dying.

Then his strong palm tenderly slithered through the crook of my neck grabbing my chin gently and lifting it up. "Professor, she's cold as ice." Liz's tone broke; she kept her hand compact in mine. "Everyone back to your seats, allow air to interfere," he almost shouted at them. Obviously today wasn't the best day for him.

I had my eyes shut before my arms fell beside me. The light on my back tilted face was sucked away as i felt a hot familiar breath on my face. His fingers gently advanced to my neck. My pulse knocked on his cold skin. It was slow, but still present.

He sighed horsely in some kind of relief while i fought to open to my eyes. I just wanted to see him right above me. Hopefully saving me on time. His other hand found its way beneath my head holding it tight while he unintentionally massaged my scalp.

"What's happening?" Blaise queried from some kind of distance. He didn't reply, he just rushed his palm to my forehead before hissing and picking it up hastily. Like i burnt him somehow.

He didn't waste a second before placing it back feeling the heat of my head conduct into his skin. "It's a hex." He declared before proceeding an arm of his around my back.

I heard vague... shock in his throat. He cleared his throat again. Ohh, he was sick. I wanted to open my eyes and just see his tensed jaws that i felt yet didn't sight. Unfortunately I didn't see his beauty right in front of my face, but i felt it.

"Class dismissed." He added grabbing my thighs in his other arm. I was slowly lifted and adjusted bridal style in his arms. I was in his arms.

I have never been happier to have ever been hexed.

One of my arms fell of my body while the other curled on my abdomen. He started pacing out. My heart raced with zest. Despite dying slowly: it kept beating. It slowly did for him, my heart sped only because he touched me. My head rolled back with my hair falling down to waved against his figure. His breath quickened while he held me tighter.

"Miss Winchester: your class is dismissed, it doesn't mean you're allowed to wander around." His timbre still raspy and sick. "I'm not wandering around, but i need to know she's okay," she argued aggressively back with an obvious cry in her voice.

"She'll die if you keep following and distracting." He growled angrily. "Liz!" Blaise called out for her from behind. It was evident that she moved away and it was just him and me. In his arms, carried gently.

"Anastasia," he whispered nearing me with his head. I felt how his breath just warmed me slowly. "I know you could hear me," he explained speeding up his pace up the stairs. We were in the third floor, not that far from anywhere. It was the centre.

Then my body started weakening even more and my heart slowed down. My brain just stopped thinking, it was just silence. I only heard his amazing sick tone. Even when he was sick, it still occupied the same position in allure. Ranked top world.

"Just stay awake if you want to live." He panted acceding even more as i trembled from the cold in his arms. A fine breeze engendered me to quiver feeling my body wash over with ice. "Focus on anything, anything that you can think of." He spoke hastily as i heard some students chatter yet he didn't even care to stop. He trudged faster and faster the moment i quaked .

I felt my brain interrupted by blackouts. Just darkness and sheer emptiness before i heard his breath again. Then darkness then his breath.

"Anastasia focus on the sound of my voice, alright?" He cleared his throat sighing in frustration. And i was going to, I didn't know what else to focus on. I had nothing else in my head but that husky timbre.

Although i was still leisurely fading, I couldn't stop thinking about how he was somehow worried. Somehow nervous. If i really faded, then that would be my peace, him worrying about me.

"You're in a dark hex, but I'll fix it." He explained before the jumping of his stairs climbing ended as he walked normally again.

I wavered feeling little short breaths of cold escape my lips and sweat rush down my temples. Then my throat choked on air, my breath slowly faded causing me to suffocate. My lips parted as i started gasping lowly. This was painful, but wasn't as scary.

"Just think about anything Anastasia for fucks sake." He snarled before a door was kicked open. I heard it slam shut before objects clamoured with each other hitting a floor.

I was gently flattened up against some familiar wood. My eyes left some choking tears leave it before my body fully dropped in fatigue. "Just breathe alright, it won't take two minutes." He blurted quickly. Fabric raked each other. He was probably wearing a coat.

His tone told me that he didn't even think before speaking. That he didn't even care that i was his student or that i was supposed to be in class. That he thought I wasn't hearing him. I wasn't hear him care. Despite how ill his timbre was, he couldn't care less. He just focused on me now.

I felt his hands rip my sweater then shirt before untying the tie swiftly. Suddenly, my breathe stopped, it all just concluded into silence. My heart slowed to a fragile beat as i only felt a tip of a wand against my heart. But I couldn't even hang on to anything any longer.

It was just too difficult. I let my brain settle for now. My heart: hang on to me you bitch. It started racing feeling iciness and heat, fear, anger, sorrow, love. All at once as it sprinted. "Mhm good girl." He had his fingers on my neck's artery feeling my pulse.

He then started muttering some words in some sacred language loudly and swiftly. Finally, i felt air shoot into my trachea as he kept repeating his speech louder digging his wand deeper into my chest.

I gasped with fragility only keeping my body shut down. And then he repeated it one last time before i opened my eyes gasping quiet loud, and he backed off quickly. I sat upright immediately catching my breath and using my hand to wrap around my neck trying to empty a passage for oxygen.

I slowly turned to the side to find him standing with his face down. A spider black turtle neck with his coat off on one of the guest chairs. His dark grey striped trousers hugging his long strong legs.

"You saved me," i panted checking that falling strand on his forehead. "It's my job Anastasia." He looked away from me swallowing. But I didn't believe so, I didn't believe that he did that because he was just my professor. Even if he kept swearing until the morning that it was for his job.

"Look me in the eyes and say it, then I'll believe you." I started buttoning my shirt back ignoring the ripped buttons. He tensed his jaws then raised his eyes in mine. "It's my job," he still had that never changing shield before his eyes.

I blinked in embarrassment then huffed standing up and immediately losing balance, but he caught me before i could fall. "Sit," he picked me from my waist seating me back on his desk. He grabbed the ripped edges of my sweater then started mending it with his wand. "Who did it?" He huffed as i watched his meticulous hands fix my attire gently.

"My father's girlfriend." I swallowed. "Are you sick?" I furrowed my brows before he shot me a look then turned back to my sweater sighing. "Don't ask about me." He tensed his jaws in anger clearing his sore throat again.

"I didn't ask about anything serious. Are you sick?" I shook my head before he tightened my tie back on my neck. "Yes. It's a normal cold. Now don't ask anymore questions." He snarled angrily as i nodded. I inspecting him with parted awing lips.

"You should stop helping me." I announced before he left my attire backing off and looking me up and down waiting for more speech. "I can't have you helping me every time i get into something. This is mean to you more than me." I really hated that he was always the one to find me or help me this year. In everything. Evil or good, he's the one who I'd run to.

I shouldn't let myself feel, I shouldn't allow myself to feel for him if he doesn't feel for me. And I shouldn't put him in a position where he risks anything because of feelings for a person. I should drop my ego too, it's impossible that he feels something for me.

I'm just a student in his class, who happened to fuck him a few times and we spoke a few times too. Now enough, I'm not going to hold on to and edge of a cliff when there's a ladder beside me. Safer to stay away, better than falling. If i climb that ladder: it means i get to try for a boy I've like for so long, i get to tell my friends about Damon and i get to live a normal life.

But if i chose to hold on to a cliff. Then my feelings stay a secret between me and myself which is quiet hard and i risk being known as the girl who fucks her professors. That would be a whole disaster.

"Mean for me?" He scowled in confusion. I nodded before he ran his fingers through his soft curls in frustration. He just stayed quiet. "Professor," i gulped understanding that calling him Tom might also be crossing my limits. He clutched his fists not giving the slight glimpse at me.

I just wanted to do that for him. Why was he angry? He's the one who said he doesn't give a damn about me. Well yeah he might've saved me a couple of times, but I'm just... afraid. If i let myself feel, then I'll get broken and i already have a whole much on my back.

But if i follow what i really want, then let me break. Let him actually ruin my life. He was my professor, but he was one that i somehow seemed to trust. At least his words, not him.

"Tom," i cleared my throat before he sighed with shut eyes then looked up at me. "I just don't want you involved in a great mess anymore. I mean I don't know anything about you but you must have problems of your own." I shook my head shrugging while he checked me out with radiating fury as he sucked his cheek in.

"I can't keep rushing to you every time something happens." I argued running my fingers through my own hair. "You never did." He blurted clearing his raspy tone again. "How?" I tilted my head praying for him to save that little part of my heart begging me to keep getting closer to him.

He just stayed silent looking at me with a straight face. And i hated that straight face. "You know how," he sighed coughing right after and holding his fist to his mouth.

"Here," i stood recalling that little trick Eve used to do when i was younger when she'd see any of us kids sick. Me or her kids.

I handed out my hand as he checked me out silently with confusion. "Give me you hand, I won't bite." I shot a smile before he leisurely raised his large palm to me. I grabbed it then started massaging his wrist in those steps she taught us. He checked me out before i quiet literally heard his lips part.

"Where's your wand?" I tilted my head before he snatched his hand away grabbing it. "Now this will sting, but it will heal." I held my index up before gently wrapping my fingers around his off white weird wand. I grabbed the back of his hand flipping it upwards again.

I placed it on top of his wrist before shooting those healing fast shots into his popped veins. He grunted feeling that yellow light burn his veins and sprint inside his blood. "Sorry," i smiled before shooting the other two and handing him his wand back.

My heart swayed in my chest with my senses all enhancing the moment i touched him and he just left me to. He let me recover him. He just watched his wrist in my hand dancing his mahogany eyes up and down my figure. I felt it, i felt his gaze roam my body yet i kept my eyes down not trusting what I'd do if i looked up.

I did. I did like him, but the problem is. I was completely and utterly in love with Damon Basset. No matter how much i tried to like someone else, Damon was pierced in me. A tattoo in my brain. And yes i did love him.

It was the lust and the danger differing him from Riddle. I never felt those with Damon, but i always felt those with Riddle. Only lately, they might have collided with a bit of admiration. But i was still in love with him. And i was happy that i was, it was safer.

"You're all good now," i sighed backing away from the two feet of his mesmerising clone. He gulped then realised it since he blinked. "I'll go now, thank you. Again, I'm entirely grateful." I lowered my head as he sped to his messy desk. It was the first time I'd see it messy. His supplies on the floor and ruffled, some broken.

"Wait, Anastasia." He caused me to shut the ajar opened door turning back to him. He sat on his chair bending into the drawers of his and opening each hastily then shutting them. He then grabbed something while i stretched  trying to figure out his grounds.

"Uhm, are you looking for something i could help with? A dagger? A knife? A blade?" I gained my sarcasm back quickly making him roll his eyes at me. "Come," he demanded with a fallen face of danger.

"Dear lord, you'll stab me?" I blinked gasping. "You could've just left me to die. No seriously what are you looking for?" I chuckled nearing him. "Drop your attitude," he narrowed his eyes before soaring with his fist glistering something inside it.

I grabbed my wand from my robe then started fixing everything back in place while he neared me gradually till he towered high above me. He looked down in the deepest pit in my eyes making me notice a feeling in his mahogany ones.

But unlike any other, this one was the most worrying of all. It was worry mixed with some kind of fear. But not of something or someone, it was from self. Almost fearing his own actions. Whatever he was doing must've been really hard. Fear of letting any part of his guard down. His eyes kept speaking to mine for a few seconds. Telling it how terrified they were of coming out in the light.

He wasn't in the light. I mean yeah, i knew he was dark and he had a dark side. But not that much. He shook his head gently at me swallowing. "What is it?" I whispered.

"You can't do this," he confessed tensing his raged jaws at me flaring his nostrils. "Do what?" I parted my lips with confusion. He narrowed his eyes in mine twitching a muscle under his eyes. "Do what Tom?" I furrowed my brows at him in disgust. Yet it was the same hushed silence.

My heart told me to gain some pride and think that i was getting under his skin, but I can't possibly have no one my age fall for me then someone 27 or 26 or whatever just does. It doesn't even make sense.

I huffed deeply, "fine. Don't tell me. Won't be the first time, but at least tell me why did you stop me from leaving." I pressed my hands in my sides. He raised his closed fist up before stirring it and causing my lips to part with shock.

An azure blue jewel dropped down in a silver pendant hanging on a shiny clean chain and the clasp was tight in his fist. My eyes widened as i blinked fast in astonishment. My heart skipped a few beats for a second.

"I... who does this belong to?" I pointed at it tilting my head. "Wear this," he ordered rolling his eyes at my question. "What? No." I shook my head keenly.

"Anastasia, wear it." He burnt his eyes through me. "One: it's too beautiful to trust me with it. Two: why?" I shrugged almost arguing. This necklace could probably buy my whole street.

"One:" he started. "It's not that beautiful as you say, two: you will know why." He lowered his head explaining.

This wasn't as beautiful? This guy is actually insane.

"Now are you going to wear it or not?" He tilted his head before i nodded still checking it out. I stared at him blankly. Fuck, he was beautiful. Almost too beautiful. But he just doesn't show his true beauty. He's scared of feeling and of saying that he feels. And this is cruel, to him more than anyone. If he just showed me. This would be a complete paradise.

If he showed me all of it. It would be judgment free. A free thought of his naked figure waved into brain's shore then back into the sea of thoughts.

I slowly picked it up from his hand then undid the spring ring clasp. I pulled it up my chest struggling to close it. I looked down stretching the back of my neck and trying to ruffle through my hair. He just watched me struggle tapping his sides quickly faster each time i would fail to lock it.

"Would you?" I looked up at him before he nodded swiftly almost eagerly before turning behind me. His hand unintentionally touched mine as i switched the chain from my hand to his. And i gasped beneath my breath feeling electricity shocking my body to light up in seconds. All of it.

He took it behind my neck. "Hair up," he lowly suggested before i gathered my hair up in my hands pinning it to my scalp for him to have space. His breath heated my neck and heart and somewhere between my legs. Silence of tension and surprise filled the air before i felt the white cold freeze my nape then click locked.

I kept my hair up waiting for his signal. "I'm done." He whispered before i left my hair to fall. I grabbed the jewel from above my attire letting it fall between my breasts beneath icing the skin it touched numb then warmed.

I stayed with my back facing him before his gentleness shocked me when it touched the edges of my robe. He picked it up with his index and thumb gradually trailing it off my shoulders. I shut my eyes tilting my head back and exhaling. It was all slow causing me to smoulder and light to flicker between my legs.

Teasing my every cell before his arms clutched my body wrenching me close to him at once. It was an inhale from his nose before his lips collided with the soft skin of my neck. I gasped letting him touch me freely. A hand enveloping my chest and breasts while the other held my waist.

His mouth started opening wide forcing sweat out of me and sweet gasps from my lips. "Tom," i panted before his lips raised to my jaw sucking my bones in and feeling on them with his slithering tongue. He groaned to my pressure pulling me closer as i let him by tilting my head more back allowing him more area.

"Fuck, Tom" i shut my eyes as his gifted tongue slid up my jaw to my lips making me immediately turn around taking him in my mouth and rolling my tongue in his. I groaned softly before he rammed me to the nearest wall.

"You're messing with my head." I spoke between our kisses whilst running my fingers in his curls. "Shut it," he held an index to my lips trailing it down parting the bottom from the upper. His figure completely shutting mine from the world between his arms and under his chest. He was almost a shadow due to how dimly the room was lit.

"I can't now," i hung on to his neck knowing i hated what i just said. He ignored me cupping my face and i still kept going and pressing myself against him harshly. "Tom." I raised my arm against the wall.

"I need to go," i held his face as he parted his lips with his eyes still down at mine. "What?" He grabbed my waist pulling me closer to his hard erection causing me to giggle softly. "I know, i know. But Liz will literally kill me if she finds out I wasn't dead and I didn't come rushing back to her." I tilted my head still close to him.

He rolled his eyes raising both his arms trapping my inside. He turned his head to the side. "I'll be back as soon as i can." I swallowed before he turned to me. "I already want you enough." I let my tongue roll out on his adam's apple. "Good," he exhaled.

"Have a nice day Professor," i smiled before opening the door. "Have a good day Anastasia," this was the first time he'd say so causing me to part my lips, look back at him with a soft chuckle from me then turn back to the hallway.

I strolled outside feeling my cheeks flush. Thank you my dad's girlfriend. You just made me figure out if i should let myself feel or not.

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