Ticci Toby x Reader

By Noggot

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(DISCONTINUED - may make a new series) Y/N is the daughter of a business man who travels around the world for... More

chapter one - denver
chapter two - school
chapter three - ticci toby
chapter four - sorry
chapter five - mall
chapter six - the woods
chapter eight - toby
chapter nine - slender
chapter ten - maid
chapter eleven - the challenge
chapter twelve - tour
chapter thirteen - truth or dare
chapter fourteen - delicious
chapter fifteen - nauseous
chapter sixteen - he's here
chapter seventeen - game
chapter eighteen - clockwork
chapter nineteen - smug
chapter twenty - creepypasta
chapter twenty-one - no escape
chapter twenty-two - anger
chapter twenty-three - notebook
chapter twenty-four - training
chapter twenty-five - i don't love you anymore
chapter twenty-six - movie night
chapter twenty-seven - affliction

chapter seven - blake!

1.1K 17 32
By Noggot

"JUSTIN!" Holly shouted.

My eyes darted to Justin who slowly collapsed to the ground. Holly bent down to him and sobbed, she was shaking so much, and so was everyone else. I watched as everyone tried to rescue him, I didn't even realise Blake took the first-aid kit from my hands. Static began to fill my ears, but I didn't react. I could tell that Blake was trying to get me to help them out, but I couldn't move. It all felt like a sleep paralysis, I was awake but nothing felt real, I couldn't move or talk. Why was I overreacting so much over someone that isn't me? And why did I feel so aware that something was going to happen before but didn't realise until now? Holly got shot in the head and immediately fell to the floor. Camilla screamed which caused me to come back to my reality. I tried to catch my breath and once I did, I began looking around for who might be the cause of this. I saw two guys, one of the had a deformed face with very pale skin and a white hoodie, the other had a white mask with feminine features and wore a yellow spray jacket. I rushed down to Justin and Holly, but knew that none of them would make it. I watched as Camilla and Blake cried, desperately trying to get the two to wake up. Maybe they are, deep inside, real people. I sighed and stood back up, looking at the murderers again, the one with the white hoodie saw me looking at him. He smirked and took a shot from his gun again, I jumped and hesitantly looked over at what he shot. Camilla was on the ground, piled up on Holly and Justin. Blake screamed and cried.

"Blake..." I walked over to him and hugged him, it was such a random and unnessasary move, but I knew we were gonna die.

Blake suddenly stopped crying, instead he started silently gasping. I realised that he had been stabbed in the chest with a knife. My eyes widened.

"Blake? BLAKE?" I grabbed his face and made him look at me, no words were coming out.

I stared at his face and cried, he was almost lifeless. I gave him a kiss on the lips out of misery and placed my forehead on his until he slowly died. I stared at his lifeless face, waiting for my death to arrive any second now, but instead I got picked up by someone, it was the two murderers. They didn't say anything, they just dragged through the woods. I sobbed and looked behind me, mainly looking at Blakes dead body. Soon enough, we were out of the woods and they took me into my house. My crying had concluded and now I was curious as to why they brought me back here. My crying wasn't going to come to an end for long once they took me into the living room... my parents had been slaughtered where they were sitting. My mum was sitting at the dining table and my dad was laying on the couch. My eyes shook in terror as I looked at my parents and slowly began to take in what I saw. I cried and dropped my head.


The two guys let me go and I fell to the ground. Someone picked me up and forcefully tilted my head up a little bit. I opened my eyes but couldn't see anything due to the tears. The person wiped them for me. For a split second I almost didn't recognise the person, but when I did, my heart dropped.

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