Leather Bag

By Anoeix

191 4 7

will any of them survive? More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

48 1 2
By Anoeix

Hi, so this is a early warning. This story does involve very gore, gruesome scenes, and death. So if u don't want to see that then I suggest not reading this "fanfic"
Whatever this story is lmao

September 27
11:36 pm

Narrator POV
A group of 5 boys decided to go to a forest. One of the boys was kicked out of his house due to failing in school. "Come on Nogla! The trees don't bite!" A boy named Tyler yelled. Nogla looked annoyed. He was tired and didn't want to go with the other boys, but didn't have a choice. They all stopped by a lake. "Guys, I'm focking tired. Can I go now? Its 11pm!" Nogla groaned. "Shut up nogla. We're here for Marcel. Don't be such a dick head." Tyler said. Nogla rolled his eyes "Whatever" One of the boys noticed a leather bag floating in the water. But didn't think much of it. People always make a mess. Marcel and 2 other boys were getting ready to swim in the lake. Marcel, Smii7y, and Cartoonz decided to play Marco Polo. "I'm going to go on a walk. I know the fucking water is freezing, and I don't want to deal with that." Nogla said. Tyler looked at him "Wait for me." Tyler said Nogla and Tyler walked while talking about video games. Until all of a sudden, they hear a noise coming from the bushes. They stopped. They both looked at each other and then at the bush. Silence filled the air. An unease atmosphere hit them. Tyler slightly hid behind nogla. Nogla grabbed a rock and threw it at the bush. No movement from the bush. Tyler grabbed his phone and turned on the flashlight. The bush started to shake again, but stronger and faster. A dark figured jumped out of the bush. Both Tyler and Nogla screamed.

Smii7y's pov
Laughing with Marcel and Cartoonz. I heard a faint scream from the distance. I turned towards the screaming. Looking at Marcel and Cartoonz slowly. They both looked shocked. "You guys heard that too?" I said They both nodded. We all got up from the water. "Are Tyler and Nogla okay?" Marcel said "I don't know." Cartoonz said I looked around Nothing unusual. Except that the bag was gone. I kinda wanted to see if there was anything in that bag. Probably money or something.

"Well fuck."
I thought to myself

I rubbed my eyes. "We should check on them." I said Marcel and Cartoonz both agreed. We all got up. But then I turned around and saw a figure behind us. "Guys! Run!" I yelled. Marcel turned around and was getting dragged back into the water with the figure. Marcel was yelling. But I couldn't help myself and just ran out of the water Cartoonz was close to shore, but then was pulled down. I started to freak out. "Fuck!" I yelled I ran into the water and was trying to help Cartoonz. But then came to my demise and also was dragged into the water

Nogla's POV
Tyler's phone lighten up the figure. It was Evan laughing. "Evan! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why would u scare us like that! Asshole!" Tyler yelled. Tyler and I were both angry at Evan. "I can't help it! Your guy's reaction was too hilarious!" Evan laughed. I pushed Evan's shoulder. "Guys! Run!" I heard faintly. I turned my head and looked at the direction. It was silent again. I looked at them. "We should check on Marcel and the rest of the guy's. Are you coming Evan?" I said. Evan nodded. We all ran to the lake. But we saw no trace of the others. "Marcel! Cartoonz! Smii7y!" I yelled. No response back. I grew more worried. Evan went into the lake and picked up a leather bag. "Is this Smii7y's?" Evan said "I don't think so-" That's when I saw a figure lunged at Evan. Evan started to scream. I was getting scared and decided to run back to my bike. Tyler was following behind me. I heard footsteps behind us. I ran faster. Faster than I ever could. But then I heard a scream. "Nogla! Help!" Tyler screamed. Tyler sounded so scared. But I still didn't turn back. I kept running until I saw my bike. I grabbed my bike and rode off as fast as I could. Not looking back. I was so out of breath. I speed walked to my mother's house and shut the door. Locking it tightly. I sat down on the couch. Sinking in on what happened. I slowly started to fall asleep.


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