
By EDoubleU_007

56 5 0

Getting involved in an attack on the Kremlin, trying to keep up with his studies at school be a superhero, sa... More

War Outbreaks
A Hero's Journey
Hero to Zero


12 1 0
By EDoubleU_007

Jola's space ship was cruising through the depths of space in transit back to Mars, the homeworld of the green aliens and Jola's palace. Inside this gigantic ship, Jola spent his days in a separate room unleashing his hate and anger towards the human race onto the Chosen Ones his aliens managed to capture on Earth. He had just finished his abuse on Giang Huang when the aliens that he called into that room dragged her out. Jola ordered them to bring him the human experiment next and the aliens agreed to that order. They dragged Giang's weak body through the halls of the ship toward the prisoner hall.
One of the aliens dragging Giang let go of her and lowered the laser bars to the prison cell. Once they were lowered, They tossed her body inside call with a young woman named Mani Yang.
Mani crawled over to Giang hoping she was alive. She checked her pulse and saw that it was very faint. Mani looked up at the aliens angry for their terrible acts against her race. The aliens laughed at the vulnerable humans and walked off to get Jola's next victim.
Mani began shaking Giang to make sure that she wasn't drifting off. Giang gave out a small grunt and
Mani said, "Thank God."
Mani began helping Giang sit up. She then began to drag her over to the corner of the cell where she could get a clear view out the window.
Giang thanked her for the help and Mani couldn't be happier to do so. Giang noticed Mani wasn't injured as badly as she was and said, "You look pretty healthy."
Mani gave out an embarrassed chuckle knowing that Giang wasn't happy to see her health status was better than her own. Giang said, "It's okay. He's only doing this to the ones that pissed him off the most."
Mani asked, "What'd you do to him?"
Giang said, "I came to fight him head on. Me..." She paused at the thought of their battle and the terrible look on Max's face as he was beaten down by Jola. She began to stumble on her words.
"Me," She continued as best she could. "And some friends."
Mani asked, "Did any of them die?"
Giang shook her head and looked out into space. The thought of Jola beating down on Max once again brought tears to her eyes.
Mani asked, "Are you okay?"
Giang tried whipping her own tears but since Jola had done so much damage to her, moving wasn't the easiest thing at the moment. So instead, she let them run down her cheeks. It didn't help that she was also thinking of Robert and Sasha hoping they weren't dead. She said, "We prepared for something like this. Me and my friends. We prepared to fight him and whatever he was going to bring to the table. But for the first time... for the first time ever we lost."
Mani didn't have the words to make Giang feel better. At this point she believed that she was going to die and that fighting back would be a waste of time.
The sound of Max's screams caused both Mani and Giang to look to the door quickly. This sent chills down Mani's back. The thought of Jola causing a little boy that much pain made her realize that he wouldn't take any mercy on her.
Giang said, "I just wish that I could change all of this."
Mani asked, "Change it how?"
Giang said, "Change it all. Change our strategy. Change everything."
Mani asked, "What would you change?"
Giang said, "I'd make sure that this time, we were all standing together on the front line ready for whatever Jola had waiting for us."
Mani knew where Giang's mind was at. Even she wondered what the fight would have been like if the Chosen Ones and a group called the Worldly Heroes fought together as a team. But that situation was unknown to her after seeing what Jola was able to do. It scared her.
Mani said, "There's nothing we can do now. We lost. And it's over."
Giang couldn't stop thinking of how this could have worked out. She knew deep down that this fight wasn't over. She didn't know how she was going to change the tide of things but pulling off another mission was deep in her mind right now. Whatever plan she was thinking of had to work fully. The plan had a few flaws at the moment but if she could pull if off, they'd be free. All this thinking put a smile on Giang's face. Malese even noticed the smile.
She asked, "What?"
Giang said, "I've got a plan."
Mani asked, "What sort of plan?"
Giang said, "Something incredibly worth it. Yet could go horribly wrong."
Mani had her own disbeliefs in how well this plan would work out. But getting off this ship and away from Jola was her biggest priority at the moment. She said in such a confident tone, "I'm in."

Jola stepped through the doors of the room he'd been using to torture the Chosen Ones he captured during his time on Earth. Their blood ran down his fists. A few of the aliens waiting for him outside of the room ran inside to grab the beaten Lin Wu.
Another alien that didn't drag one away watched the destroyed Chosen One pass by him. He looked up at Jola and saw him slouching and breathing hard. The alien asked, "My lord, are you okay?"
Jola hadn't realized that he was showing his tiredness out in the open. He fixed his posture and made it seem as if he was full of pride. Jola asked, "Is there something you wish to tell me?"
The alien said, "We're nearing Mars' atmosphere. We should be arriving in 12 minutes."
Jola began walking passed the alien. He said, "Good." The alien saw the blood dripping from Jola's fists.
He ran over to Jola's side and asked, "My lord, do need me to grab you something to wipe your hands with?"
Jola said, "I'll be fine with it. It helps me remember what I'm doing this for."
The alien found it odd that Jola would let something like that remain on his hands but shrugged it off since Jola was known for doing things he knew was right.

Giang was laying on the floor pretending to be knocked out unconscious while Mani was above her pressing down on her chest to revive her while calling for help.
Aliens rushed over to the doors quickly wondering what was going on.
Mani looked up at the aliens in stress and yelled, "She's had a seizure and now she won't wake up."
The aliens didn't know whether to let her die or get Jola.
Mani yelled, "Are you going to help?"
One of the aliens ordered another alien to speak to Jola about.
Mani continued pressing down lightly over Giang's heart hoping she was pushing down too hard.
The alien that was speaking to Jola was given the order to bring the Chosen One to him so he could check her himself. The alien gave this order to the rest of the aliens and they began to enter the cell.
One alien had his weapon trained on Mani as the other two grabbed Giang by the arms and began to lift her off the floor. Giang then opened her eyes and pulled her arms down with all her might sending the two aliens clashing into each other. The alien paying attention to Mani was now turning to Gwen. Mani took this time to charge at the alien and pin him against the wall with his own gun. Mani slammed his elbow into the aliens head and stole his laser gun. She looked over at Giang to see if she was okay. Giang was now standing up with a laser gun in her hand. She turned to Mani to give her the 'okay' signal and the two walked out of the cell. The hall was completely cleared of aliens. Mani asked, "What about the others?"
Giang turned to the vacant prison cells filled with her fellow teammates. She knew that the decision would be harsh and looked back to Mani. Mani could tell what the answer was. She asked, "But why? They'll probably be killed on Mars."
Giang said, "Bringing them with us could cause this plan to die quicker than just the two of us. We can't take that chance."
Giang began exiting the prisoner hall while Mani gave her teammates once last took before following behind her.

Jola was resting in his quarters when he received a holographic connection. He took out his hologram device and saw it was one of his pilots. Jola asked, "What is it?"
The pilot said, "Two humans have escaped custody and are making their way to the landing bay."
Jola was enraged to hear this news and asked, "What?!"
The alien was too scared to even reply. Jola said, "I want you to put this entire ship on lock down! No one gets out!"
He stormed out of his quarters and began charging toward the landing bay to deal with Giang and Mani.

The Chosen One and the Hero shot their way through the aliens attempting to get to the landing bay. But the moment they heard the floor rumbling, the two stopped running. The looked around wondering what it was until Giang remembered those stomps and knew Jola was coming for them. She grabbed Mani by the arm and said, "Move!"
The two ran in an even faster speed than before. Mani didn't know that Jola was coming but knew that if Giang was freaking out about it, then they needed to move fast.
They reached the landing bay and saw crowds of aliens in the bay. Giang saw that the doors leading out of the ship were already sealed shut. Mani knew that wasn't good but Giang wasn't going to let that stop her. She aimed at the aliens attempting to kill her and began shooting them down quickly. Mani saw more aliens trying to do the same thing to her. She made sure that didn't happen by killing them.
They shot their way toward a space craft.
Mani covered Giang as she was trying to get the craft to open.
The ramp began to lower down. Giang ran inside and Mani continued to cover her.
She ran over to the piloting controls and began turning on the engines. Mani heard the space craft come on and felt so much relief. But that all went away when the doors leading into the ship were punched opened and Jola stepped inside. Mani saw the look on his face and could tell that he was going to kill them.
Mani turned to Giang and yelled, "He's here!"
Giang yelled back, "Get inside!"
Mani stepped inside the space craft as Giang began lifting up the ramp.
Jola began charging toward the space craft.
Giang lifted the space craft off the floor in time before Jola could even reach them. He watched the space craft flying away from him. He growled in annoyance and jumped toward the space craft once again.
Giang moved out of the way once again. Mani asked, "What are you doing?"
Giang gave a slight smile and said, "Watch!" She moved the space craft directly in front of the doors leading outside. Giang looked down at Jola and watched him jump toward them once again with the hopes of punching them out of the air.
Giang made a last minute move to the left and Jola threw his fist into the doors of the landing bay causing them to break down and get sucked out into space along with everything and everyone else in the bay.
Jola had managed to grab onto his ship while everyone else floated along space.
Giang and Mani floated for a while in space waiting for the force that was pulling them outside to finally let them go. When Giang no longer felt the pull, she quickly began flying the space craft in the direction of Earth and not long after, she started the hyper speed engines and zoomed off.
Jola watched this happen in anger and began to crawl back into his ship.
He reached the doors leading into his ship and the moment they opened, Jola jumped through them and held on tight as the doors quickly closed behind him. He relaxed his body and fell to the floor trying to catch his breath. Aliens crowded around him hoping that he was okay. Jola showed that he was fine but deep down, the Alien King was not. He let two humans escape his grasp and he was afraid he showed weakness.
Jola stood up straight and said, "Continue our course for Mars. Get back to your stations." He walked off back to his quarters thinking about what he had just experienced.

8 MONTHS LATER... Giang had arrived on Mars in a shuttle to rescue everyone. They all huddled inside and she flew them back to Earth.

The shuttle flew in above the battlefield between Jola and the surviving humans of the war. She hovered over a spot while the ramp was being lowered down. Out of the shuttle, Max Walker and everyone else being held captive by Jola jumped out of the shuttle. Max held Ben close to him as he flew out and dropped him off on the ground.
Once Giang saw that everyone was out, she flew around to destroy any flying alien objects.
On the ground, they went to take on Jola leaving Ben alone to himself. He looked at Jola and decided to fight the aliens instead.

The battle raged on and took the lives of Giang Huang and Sasha Ectova. Jola had survived the entire battle.
Jola gave up on his quest. He wasn't strong enough to carry on anymore. He laid his head down on the ground to rest himself knowing that the end had arrived.
A race of beings from another universe known as androids retrieved Jola and the aliens that had surrendered. They were to be brought to the androids home world called Clatone and Jola was imprisoned on the planet. No alien would ever step foot off that planet.
And it was at that moment that everything seemed good again. Everything seemed right. The humans had taken back their planet and won. The friendships and the bonds they had created with each other allowed them to make this win happen. And now, they could be at ease for the future was in good hands again.
Things on Earth weren't the same after Jola and the aliens disappeared. The humans or any race just couldn't forget what they experienced a year ago...

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