饾棳饾椉饾槀'饾椏饾棽 饾棤饾椂饾椈饾棽; 饾悆.饾悓...

By nicxoleeee

345K 11.2K 10.2K

"饾悡饾悺饾悶饾惈饾悶饾惉 饾悮 饾惁饾悮饾惂 饾惃饾惎饾悶饾惈 饾惌饾悺饾悶饾惈饾悶," 饾悇饾惁饾悽饾惀饾惒 饾惉饾惌饾悮饾惌饾悶饾悵, 饾惄饾惃饾悽饾惂饾惌饾悽饾惂饾悹 饾惌饾惃 饾悮 饾惁饾悮饾惂 饾惏饾悽饾惌... More

鉁旓笌 饾拕饾拏饾挃饾挄 鉁旓笌
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T谈H谈A谈N谈K谈 Y谈O谈U谈

鈾э笌 T谈E谈N谈 鈾э笌

14K 497 590
By nicxoleeee

"𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭."


This was not going to end well.

I couldn't see Dracos face, but I'm sure he was caught off guard.

And so was I when Theo started to walk towards the exact bedroom I was in. Shit.

I scrambled to my feet, and tried to be as quiet as I could but by the time I got a blanket wrapped around me, the door swung open. I had to get a blanket on because I only had a T-shirt on.

"Elara, what the fuck is going on?"

My hands tightened on the blanket, it's always so cold in here. Turning around slowly, my face stayed on the ground, "I don't-" what was I even supposed to say to this?

It's not that I minded Theodore knowing I was here, it's just the fact that I'm with Draco. For some reason, I didn't want Theo to know I was with Draco because he's his best friend, and I just feel like it would he awkward.

Draco came behind Theo, an unsurprised look on his face, his arms crossed over his bare chest. "It's my fault, she had nothing to do with it."

Bee made a sound, coming off of Dracos bed and walking over to Theos leg, rubbing on it. "Well obviously it wasn't fucking temporary if Bee's here."

I gulped, "Theo it's-"

"I fucked up, Nott." Draco turned to Theodore, "They saw me with her. Roman, they saw me and you talking to her in that stupid cafe."

Theo scoffed, "What, your blaming this on me now? I didn't screw up, Malfoy. They know she's my sister, but you made the mistake of talking to her. Or do I need to remind you what happen last time?"

Draco rolled his eyes, but it was clear something was bothering. "That's why I brought her here. To protect her-"

"Well good thing she's not yours to protect," Theo suddenly gripping my arm through the blanket and gently pushed me out of the door, Bee following behind. "Didn't you say my sister was a whore? Didn't you say that she'd end up on the street for being a stripper?"

Suddenly, leaving Dracos apartment didn't seem so bad. Because my heart shattered.

I knew he thought that of me, but to hear it again after we'd slept together, was sort of getting to me. Every time I think that maybe I mean something to him, it just gets crushed into hatred. He hates me, that's the way it's always been.

Draco just looked at Theodore, he didn't even say anything. "Speak up," I told him harshly, wrapping the blanket around me tighter. "Since I'm such a whore, speak the fuck up. Say it to my face, Malfoy."

I stepped forward, looking up at him in the eyes. And still, he said nothing, but his eyes were practically pleading me not to go. Or they looked like it.

I hummed, "That's what I thought."

A chest sinking feeling was settling into my chest, my heart aching for him. But nothing ever good comes out of Draco Malfoy, and it never will, so it's only best to leave. I'll be safe with Theo, I'll be able to finally get some sleep.

Something felt wrong though, I just couldn't put a point to it.

Theodore stepped back with me, giving Draco one last look before pulling me out of the door, and slamming it shut. He gave me one look and it made my heart sink deeper. "Theo-"

"Let's just go to my place," he pulled me into him and apparated us with Bee, and once we landed we were in his living room, Adrian sitting on the couch and the kitchen light on. "I don't get it, Elara."

My eyes looked to the ground, "I don't either."

He sighed, "Come on, you can sleep in my room, I'll take the couch."

I followed him to the other room, my feet going slower than his. I wasn't even going to question why Blaise and Adrian were up so late, but I was fucking tired and a little hungry. Theo opened the door, turning on the light and fixing the sheets, his scent hitting my nose once I sat on the bed.

He fluffed out the pillow, before looking at me. "Elara, I don't want you seeing Draco."

Could this night get any worse? "I wasn't seeing him in the first place-"

"Don't give me that bullshit," he turned a little more serious, "I don't want him to hurt you, and he's exactly the type to fuck with your heart. That puts me in a position to choose between you guys and I'd always choose you, but that doesn't mean I want to choose at all. Don't give me a reason to choose, because in the end," he stood up, getting ready to leave. "He'll break your heart."


When I woke up in the morning, my feet were running to the bathroom.

Something vile was rising in my throat, and I leaned over the toilet to throw up. That sick feeling was settling in the bottom of my stomach, and it only caused me to throw up more, but there wasn't much to throw up because I had hardly eaten anything.

I wiped my mouth with a towel, before rinsing my mouth out with water and brushing my teeth. I'd always had an extra toothbrush in here because it was my brothers place, and I came here sometimes. Still have no clue when Adrian moved in.

I stopped at the sound of shouting, and glass shattering.

My head peeled out of the bathroom, slipping on a pair of Theos shorts because I still wasn't wearing hardly any clothes. "Theo?"

I stepped out of the room completely, the shouting getting louder and once my brothers voice came into my ears, I stopped in the hallway and waited for something to happen.

"We didn't," my brother sounded like he was trying to reason. "If we did, then where the fuck did we put it, Hm?"

"I don't know, Nott. Why don't you tell me that yourself?" A man stated, and I didnt recognize the voice at all.

Theo sighed, and i took the chance to peek my head out of the hallway just a tad. "We didn't, Roman. You're a fucking idiot-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence before the man fired a gun, hitting Theodore straight in the chest.


[guess Theo doesn't have to choose 🌚.]




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