Away // C.H (au) (completed)

By fuego_ashxx

10K 378 30

Dakota Caddel, 19 years old, just trying to get out of her parents' hold and escape her controlling "boyfrien... More

Ch 1: Dakota and Calum
Ch 2: Caddel-Hendricks Annual Ball
Ch 3: Coffee Shops and Boxing Rings
Ch 4: Pool Days and Piercings
Ch 5: Nerves
Ch 6: Morning Dates
Ch 7: Clubs
Ch 8: Not Bad Looking
Ch 9: Not Dating
Ch 10: Girlfriend
Ch 12: Together Together
Ch 13: Out
Ch 14: Not So Different
Ch 15: First Time
Ch 16: Biggest Fight of His Life
Ch 17: Welcome to New York

Ch 11: Hard Talks

471 20 4
By fuego_ashxx


"Okay, I do have to go to class" Dakota chuckled, pulling back from Calum. The two had been in UCLA's commuter parking lot for twenty minutes making out in Calum's Mustang. He had insisted on taking Dakota to school on his way to work,

"I mean, you could always skip" Calum shrugged, pressing his lips back to Dakota's. Dakota laughed but pulled back,

"I would love to sit here and kiss you all day, but I do have to be in class. Attendance is mandatory"

Calum pouted and Dakota playfully patted his cheek,

"You'll be fine. Plus you'll see me in a few hours and I'll be coming to your fight tonight" she smiled,

"That's true" he nodded, "Ashton's bringing you to the shop right?"

"Yes Calum" Dakota spoke, "Now, I have to go. See you in a bit"

She got out of the Mustang, getting a few looks from others in the parking lot, and made her way onto campus. Calum watched until she was fully out of his view before revving his engine and pulling out of the parking lot.


Dakota walked into class and took her normal seat in the front. This was the class Drew was also in, so her head was on a swivel. She was nervous to see him. She hadn't seen him since she and Calum became official. He hadn't been at school all week so she was hoping he wouldn't be here today either.

That hope disappeared as soon as the door opened and Drew and his posse walked in. Drew sent her a smirk, walking over and sitting right next to her,

"Heard you and tattoo guy are all cozied up now" he spoke, almost in her ear,

"Yeah we are" Dakota responded simply, not wanting to talk to him in the first place,

"You know all he does is fuck 'em then drop 'em, right? As soon as he sees how much of a prude you are, he'll drop you. As soon as you fuck him, he'll drop you too"

Dakota stayed quiet, doing her best to not show Drew that he's getting to her. She tried not to listen to him about Calum, but the little voice inside her wanted to believe it,

"Aw, is someone questioning her relationship now?" he teased,

"Shut up" Dakota spit, "Calum's not like that"

"Oh, and you would know? You've known him for like a month" he laughed,

"Have you known him any longer? No, you haven't. So shut the fuck up and leave me alone" Dakota barked, causing Drew's mouth to slightly drop. Dakota wasn't one to fight back like that, so it was shocking she even stood up to him.

She settled in her seat facing forward, that's when she noticed the professor had arrived and was in shock at what he saw,

"Mr. Hendricks, please choose a different seat"

Drew huffed and got up, turning and looking down at Dakota,

"Fucking bitch" he muttered with a laugh. Dakota rolled her eyes and pulled her phone out, placing it under the table and texting Calum, completely ignoring the fact class is mandatory:


[ How far away are you?
Can you come back and pick me up? ]

[ On my way back now ]
[ You okay? ]

[ Just Drew ]

[ Be there soon xx ]


Dakota got up and left the room, walking out and sitting on the benches that overlooked the parking lot. She knew Calum wasn't to far away.


Calum had made a u-turn as soon as Dakota texted him. He didn't have a client for an hour and a half so he knew he was okay to turn around- plus he'd never leave Dakota in a situation with Drew.

He pulled back into the parking lot and into the circle where most students who carpool get dropped off. He grabbed his phone to text Dakota, but he didn't have to because she opened the door and dropped down into the driver's seat.

"Are you hurt? Did he touch you? Where is he? I'll go beat his ass" Calum rambled, looking Dakota over,

"Relax. He didn't touch me. Just talked a lot of shit" she calmed him down. He sighed and nodded,

"Promise" he eyed her,

"I promise"


Calum cancelled on his clients, so instead of work, he and Dakota went back to his apartment. They lounged around, snacked, and snuck in a few make-out sessions. But eventually, Calum needed to get to his fight,

"I have a lot of makeup work to do since I skipped class. Can you drop me off at home? I'm sorry I won't be at the fight" Dakota spoke as Calum pulled his hoodie on,

"Or you can stay here and do your homework?" Calum asked hopeful, walking towards Dakota who was sitting on his kitchen counter, "Then you can just spend the night"

"I don't have clothes" Dakota hummed, as Calum's hands rested on her thighs,

"Kota, seriously" Calum gave her a look, "I have clothes so wear mine. While I'm out, take a nice shower, order food, do your homework. When I get back, a nice little sleepover make-out sesh"

Dakota chuckled but gave in, leaning forward and kissing his lips,

"Fight good! Good luck!"

"Thanks Kota" Calum chuckled then handed her a $50 bill, "Get you some food or something"


Once Calum left, Dakota planned out her night. She did about an hour of schoolwork and ate before deciding to take a shower. She wandered into Calum's room, opening up his dresser drawers. She took a black KISS t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants then entered the bathroom.

She hopped into the shower, washing off and using the Old Spice shampoo and body wash Calum had in the shower. One thing she's noticed about Calum is that just about everything he uses is Old Spice, but she doesn't mind. He always smells good.

Once she got out, she dried off and pulled Calum's clothes. She rolled the sweatpants three times and the shirt came down to her thighs. They were huge on her but that was okay. She was comfy. She towel-dried her hair then braided it before heading back out to the main area.

She resumed her schoolwork and was so focused she never even heard Calum walk in. But what Calum found funny was that she was on the verge of sleep,

"How about you get in bed" he chuckled, pulling her computer from her hands. Dakota looked up and smiled at him,

"Did you win?" she asked, getting up off the couch and hugging him,

"I did" he nodded, "And I've already showered so let's go to bed"

They headed into Calum's room. Calum went and changed into a pair of shorts while Dakota took off the sweatpants, leaving her in the shirt and her underwear. She climbed under the covers, quickly followed by Calum. Dakota's heart was pumping. This was the first time she and Calum had slept in the same bed,

"Hey, I can go sleep on the couch if you're uncomfortable" he whispered, sensing the nerves,

"No no, it's okay" she assured, rolling over to face her boyfriend. He smiled and gave her a quick kiss,

"Hey, what did Drew say to you at school?" Calum asked. Dakota sighed and Calum pulled her into his hold, allowing her to rest her head on his chest,

"He told me that all you do is 'fuck em and drop em'. Then he told me I was too much of a prude so you'd just drop me"

Calum sucked in a breath,

"Look, yes, I've slept with people and then haven't seen them again, but Dakota that was before I had feelings for someone. As soon as I met you, I never even looked at another girl. And I'm not going to sleep with you then drop you. I would never do that. I like you way too much" Calum spoke, "C-Can I ask why he called you a prude?"

Dakota nodded and shuffled,

"I've had sex before if that's what you're wondering, BUT I've only had sex once and it wasn't exactly what I wanted. I guess I just did it because I thought I was supposed to. I guess I turned into a prude. I guess I've just been too scared"

"It's okay Kota. I'm not judging you" he assured, "We will move at your pace. If I ever do anything that makes you uncomfortable, tell me and I stop. And I don't want you to do anything because you feel like you're supposed to. It's if you WANT to do it. "

Dakota nodded and kissed him hard. She appreciated that. Drew would try and force her into everything,

"Thanks Cal"

"Of course" he smiled, "Now get some sleep"

Calum pulled the blankets up and let Dakota tuck into his side,

"Goodnight Kota"

"Goodnight Cal"

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