Blitzø x Male Reader: Secret...

Bởi LM_Studios

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WARNING: This story is rated 18+ for adult content as well as a few triggers. Reader discretion is advised. A... Xem Thêm

Prologue: Is This the End?
Chapter 1: Putting It Off
Chapter 2: A Close Call
Chapter 3: The Skeptical Prince/The Truth
Chapter 4: A Butler's Task
Chapter 5: Checking In/Soul Binding
Chapter 6: Sweet Addiction
Chapter 7: Wedding Prep, Take 2
Chapter 8: Path To Redemption/The 'Firsts'
Chapter 9: The 'Firsts': Asking Him Out
Chapter 10: The 'Firsts': Date Night/Roleplaying
Chapter 12: The Duel/ 'Fight. Like. A man.'
Chapter 13: Not According To Plan/The Wedding
Epilogue: Back In Business!/Realization...
The Soundtrack

Chapter 11: Heavenly Assistance

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Bởi LM_Studios

"I'm surprised you're out and about Box. Won't you get in trouble for hanging out with me like this?" Blitzø asked as he sipped his iced coffee.

"It's alright, Master Stolas doesn't even come to this side of the city. Thus making this little cafe the perfect getaway for me. Despite his loss of sanity, I am glad that he trusts me enough to leave the castle on my own accord."

"And Octavia still can't? How long is this 'house arrest' supposed to be in effect? And what kind of b*stard does that to his own daughter?"

"Apparently he does, she can't leave the castle grounds unless one of the other butlers accompanies her from now on. As for how long, I believe he said for another month. She had to stop herself from contacting you as well, a self-imposed safety measure."

"Ah, that explains why she stopped texting me...nor did I think I would ever find myself texting a princess so casually." Blitzø commented, making the butler chuckle.

"Speaking of princesses, have you by any chance heard anything from Princess Charlotte?" he asked, but noticed Blitzø set down his cup. He tapped his claws on the table, briefly looking up at Boxley before staring down at his drink "I should have known, I was trying to hold that question back."

"N-No, it's fine, I just...I've been calling that stupid hotel almost daily since I left. And yet once they answer I hang up."

"What, why?"

"I don't f*cking know! It's like I want to say something, but I don't know what to say. I mean, of course I'm calling for (Y/N) but..."


"What if he's already gone? What if he hates me because I left?"

"Blitzø please--"

"What if he chose to be redeemed?! Wh-What if--?!" He gasped as Boxley slammed his hand on the table, halting his words.

"Blitzø, look at me. (Y/N) loves you too much to leave. I might not have known the man long enough, but I can tell he has a good heart. If anything, I bet every cent I have that he's been thinking of you ever since your sudden departure. And I know you've been thinking about him as well." he said. Blitzø only sighed as he took in his words, looking out the window to watch the busy traffic.

"Someone in Heaven clearly f*cked up when he got sent down here. (Y/N) is the most amazing person to ever come into my life. So amazing he should've been an angel."

"If that were the case then your paths never would have crossed. You never did tell me, how did you both meet?"

"I never told you that story? It was a job gone wrong, Stolas wanted me to take out some unlucky prick for him. The catch is he wanted that prick alive..."

"And you called me in a panic after what happened. I didn't think (Y/N) was a part of that mess." Boxley chuckled before sipping his coffee.

"Hell yeah he was...but I'm glad he messed up that job for me. I never would've seen how good his aim was, or learn how good he is at parkour. To this day I still can't beat him in a race to save my life." he laughed.

"I see my instincts were dead on as usual. You really do miss him, don't you?"

"Do you have to ask? I'll never forget the first extermination we went through, I was at the office I think. He was running late and that's when the alarm went off. It took everyone to hold me back when I said I was going to go find him."

"You were going to look for him, during an extermination?! Pardon my crudeness, but such a move is suicidal! What in the world were you thinking?" Boxley asked, the tone of his voice almost begging for an answer. The imp sighed heavily before looking up at him, a serious expression on his face.

"Him, at that moment, all I was thinking about was (Y/N). It was like the fear of getting caught by one of those damn angels was just gone. The only thing I cared about was finding (Y/N). Never in my entire life have I ever worried about someone like that Box. Sure, going outside during doomsday isn't the best move, but there I was, ready to risk it all for him."

"Hm, any other demon would have called you a fool for even attempting such a stunt. Did you end up searching for him, or had the others brought you back to your senses?"

"Shockingly no, after they had finally left I just broke down. I was about to give up before (Y/N) finally walked through the door. The worst he had was a few cuts on his face and a broken arm. I cussed him out for making me worry so damn much, then I tackled him with a kiss." he chuckled, fiddling with his straw "After he got out of the hospital he made it up to me, took me too Lulu World. We spent the next few days and jobs together after that. He kept calling me clingy, but I was determined not to let him out of my sight since then."

"I don't blame you, it's rare to find a soulmate. Especially in this tainted realm, where looking out for number one seems to hold true no matter where you go." the butler sighed as he checked his watch "Oh dear, is that the time already? Best I get you to the hospital. You said you wanted to visit Loona today correct?"

"Yeah, I did. Just let me head to the bathroom real quick, be right back." Before Blitzø could move, he gasped as Boxley suddenly grabbed his arm "H-Hey, what the hell are you--?"

"Don't. Move. We might have a problem."

"What, what is it?" Blitzø asked, looking around the cafe in a panic. However he winced as Boxley tightened his grip.

"Calm down, and don't make a scene. I don't think he knows that I've spotted him, so we need to be careful about this...No, don't look!" It was too late, Blitzø happened to look out the window. He quickly stood from the table with a shocked gasp, no doubt gaining the attention of the other patrons as he knocked over his chair. He trembled, recognizing the black and gold limo that was parked across the street.

"No...H-He found me..."

"Blitzø calm down, I have a plan--Blitzø wait!" Before Boxley could grab his arm, the frightened imp quickly ran out the rear door. Try as he might to pursue him, he failed to see Blitzø anywhere on the streets "There's no way, I know he was scared but...Blitzø!" He called out for him several times, saddened that he didn't receive a response. Soon his phone rang with Octavia's number. As concerned as he was for Blitzø, he never ignored a call from the princess "Milady, my apologies but this is a really bad time."

"I'm sorry Boxley but this can't wait. Dad has officially lost his mind this time! Please tell me Blitzø is still with you!" she asked, her voice starting to break as she was on the verge of tears. Boxley opened his beak to answer, however he saw the end of Blitzø's tail fade into an alley "Boxley, hello? Are you still there?"

"I'm here, but I'm in the middle of...something?" As he sprinted to the alley, he saw nothing but garbage cans and trash bags "I could have sworn I saw...Blitzø! It's me, Boxley! You can come out now! Blitzø please, answer me!"

"Wait, why are you calling out for him? Did you lose him?!"

"N-Not quite, we spotted your father's limo outside the café. He panicked and ran off, I tried to stop him! I'm truly sorry milady, I'm afraid he's gone." Boxley answered, nearly on the verge of tears himself. He could hear Octavia whimpering, trying to keep herself from crying.

"O-OK, OK, it's fine. Well, of course this isn't fine but...Look, I need you to take me to the hotel, now."

"What? But what about Blitzø, your father--"

"I need to talk to (Y/N), he's not picking up his phone! It does concern Blitzø though, and my father's crazy plan. I'll explain once you get here, just please make it quick." Before he could question her request, she had already ended the call. Boxley sighed as he sprinted back to his car, unaware of just how close Blitzø actually was. Behind the dumpster, the prince was crouched on the ground, holding Blitzø in his arms. With one hand over his mouth, the other firmly held his wrists together. Any attempt that Blitzø made to struggle against him was fruitless.

"Shh, there's no need to struggle Blitzy. You're much safer with me now." he cooed, making the imp whimper as he kissed his forehead "Soon it will be just us, maybe even Via as well. I'm certain she will come around eventually." he chuckled, holding him tighter as he continued his struggle "Aww, why must you be so stubborn? Why don't you sleep on it, conserve your energy for our big day." Suddenly, Blitzø could feel his eyelids getting heavy. A heavy wave of drowsiness took over him as everything started to go black.


In what felt like no time at all, Blitzø felt weightless. He could no longer feel Stolas' forceful hands on his body. Instead, it felt as though he was laying down on something soft. With a tired groan, he sat up from his sudden daze.

"Damn it, what the hell did that bird do to me? Where the f*ck am I?" he asked himself, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to clear his vision. Once he was finally able to see, he gasped as he took in his new surroundings. Although the room was plain white, from the furniture to the walls...this was your bedroom "This is...but how...?" Tears started to fill his eyes as he looked down at his clothes, recognizing it as his usual sleep attire. He wore his over-sized Mustang D*ng shirt along with what was no doubt your favorite shorts that he would always steal from you. He held himself, crying as he remembered the story behind the shirt. He had begged you to take him to the concert just so he could hear his favorite song performed live. Despite being kicked out of the event, you managed to get him a shirt as a souvenir. Despite it being too big, he had worn it almost nightly since then. He chuckled to himself, feeling the edges of the worn out sleeves in his fingertips.

"You're never getting rid of that shirt are you?" His eyes widened as he recognized your voice. He turned his attention to the doorway, gasping softly as he saw you standing there "It's been a while, huh Blitzø?"

"(Y/N)!!" He nearly stumbled off the bed, rushing to hug you. He sobbed as he buried his face into your chest "Oh (Y/N) I...I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I never should have left! I should have...I was just...!" Blitzø stumbled with his words as he tried to explain himself. You gently shushed him, stroking his back.

"It's OK, you were only trying to protect us. You don't have to be scared anymore, I'll never leave you again Blitzy."

"Th-Thank you (Y/N), I was afraid..." Then he froze, analyzing your words carefully. When you both started dating, he made one thing very clear. You were to never call him by the pet name that the prince had given him. Looking up at you, he gasped as your eyes had changed to blood red. What truly frightened him was the second set of eyes right above them, eerily resembling Stolas' visage. That's when it hit him, this vision before him wasn't the man he loved. It was instead the obsessed owl that he was desperately trying to escape from. Try as he might to push him away, a set of gold shackles trapped his hands "No...No! L-Let me go! What the hell is this?!"

"This, my sweet Blitzy, is the last time you will ever see this wretched face." Stolas chuckled, pulling the struggling imp closer. He grabbed him by one of his horns, forcing him to look at him "I must say, you played a charming game of cat and mouse. It was nearly impossible for me to get my hands on you again."

"That was the plan you h*rny f*ck! I don't want anything to do with you anymore! Why can't you just--?!" Blitzø's rant was cut short as he let out a moan of pain. He grabbed his crotch, seething in pain as he laid on the bed.

"My my, after all these months you're still so feisty.~" Stolas giggled, stroking Blitzø's face "However that won't save you this time. You are going to remain here until our big day comes.~"

"Th-The f* that supposed to mean? And you...mmph...didn't answer me, what is this place? Where are we?!" he struggled to get out his question, moaning in between his words.

"Why, you don't recognize your own thoughts darling? This is the same realm where we had our previous reunion. It's simply called the Void, a special form of limbo for demons. Some like myself come here to heal, and others like you arrive due to a special link. That link being me.~" he cooed as he kissed the paralyzed imp's neck, making him flinch. Suddenly he reared back with a pained screech, Blitzø retaliating with a swipe to his face.

"L-Like's you! I don' you Stolas, n-never did." the imp hissed through his discomfort. Stolas remained silent at his words, staring at him with murderous intent "What, you can't hear bitch? Then how about I...speak up! I! Love! (Y/N)!" he boasted, jabbing a finger into Stolas' chest "I want to marry (Y/N), and move on from this f*cking nightmare you trapped me--!" Blitzø suddenly moaned louder, his whole body writhing in both pain and pleasure. This time, it was mostly out of pain. He's dealt with Stolas' heatwaves before, but never like this. This heat was borderline unbearable, with one hand trying to soothe his aching c*ck, the other clawed at the sheets. He ripped through the fabric, shredding the mattress underneath as he craved for relief.


Blitzø laid next to the prince on the crimson bed, occasionally flinching in discomfort with small whimpers. Stolas gently stroked his face, kissing the black mark on his forehead.

"I never thought I would say this Master Stolas, but you have officially gone mad." Boxley growled, disapproval and disappointment echoing in his voice.

"I have, madly in love with my sweet Blitzy.~" he cooed as he cuddled the unconscious imp "I am glad that you are finally seeing things my way after our little 'chat' Boxley." Stolas fiendishly chuckled. The butler turned his gaze to the floor, coughing into a handkerchief to catch the blood from his new injuries.

"You will see to our agreement, Lady Octavia is free to leave the castle grounds again..."

"And no harm shall come to Blitzy, I promise. Besides, I don't want to hurt my new bride any further." Boxley's eyes widened at the prince's words, completely taken over with shock. Surely this was just another wave of madness, he didn't know what he was saying. He couldn't be serious...could he? Meanwhile, you were laying on your bed, listening to the clock on the wall ticking down the time until your next session. You chuckled to yourself, thinking back to the time you and Blitzø were trapped in the supply closet at work. As usual he had another disagreement with his ex, and she thought it would be funny to lock you both in the closet. The catch was the door didn't lock per say, if anything the damaged door knob is what kept you both trapped inside. You laughed as you recalled how you both killed the time. From talking about music to your past life, you had to do something to quell the boredom while you waited for Moxxie to get help. At one point, you could recall how he insisted on sitting on your lap. The next thing you knew, you went from talking to making out.

────── 〔Flashback〕──────

"Mmm, come on babe, we're still on the clock you know." you chuckled, undoing the buttons on his coat.

"Says the pervert that's trying to strip me? Let's face it, Moxxie is gonna take his sweet time getting help. We might as well use it for ourselves too.~" he giggled mischievously, making you moan as he grinded against your crotch. He moaned as well, feeling your bulge rub against his "And look at that, you're just as pent up as me.~"

"No no no, it's because of you I'm horny. Seriously though...we shouldn't..." You tried to speak in between his kisses, only to submit to his lips. His hand slowly trailed down your chest to your crotch, however he groaned in annoyance as a knock at the door made him stop.


"(Y/N)? Hello, ya still awake in there?" Angel knocked, pulling you out of your flashback.

'You always had great timing Angel.' you thought to yourself with an irritated sigh. You sat up from the bed with a tired groan, answering the door to see Angel and Husk. While Angel held Fat Nuggets in his arms, you were quick to notice Husk held a small cooler in his hand.

"Before ya ask, no I didn't nab these from the bar. I bought this with my own money." the feline said, opening the container to pull out an ice cold beer.

"Thanks, so what brings you guys here?"

"Well, with your redemption process in the works...we haven't had a real chance to hang out! You just hide in your room after each session, that's it! All you do is talk to Charlie, grab some food, and come back here to sulk! It would be nice if ya gave us a chance to say goodbye at least." Angel pouted, making you laugh at his childish demeanor.

"Go ahead, laugh all you want jackass. It's rare that I agree with this slut, but he's got a point. You haven't really been talkin' to us since you agreed to leave. What, are we not good enough for ya?" Husk asked, his tone leaving you heavy with guilt. You sighed as you opened the beer, sitting at the table near the window.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry guys, really, it's just that..." you paused as you pulled Blitzø's ring from your pocket, recalling the night of your proposal "The longer I stay down here, the more I start to think about him." You sighed before sipping your drink, looking down to see the piglet nuzzle your leg in concern.

"(Y/N), it's been a few weeks now. I hate to break it to ya but...I don't think he's gonna come back."

"Ahem, we came here to cheer him up, remember putty tat?" Angel scolded the feline demon, elbowing his arm.

"Ouch! I'm sorry, but someone had to finally say it! Just think, he broke off the engagement as a last ditch effort to protect (Y/N). If that Stolas guy were to actually find him--"

"I would take him on." you intervened, both demons looking at you in shock "Go ahead, call me crazy, but if I had the power I would. Stolas has held Blitzø back long enough. All I want is for us to be happy, for him to be happy. I would do anything to make that happen."

"Then why, why did you choose to be redeemed if you still care about him?" Angel asked. You looked down at Fat Nuggets, picking him up to set him on your lap.

"Honestly...I don't even know anymore. Charlie said I'm still struggling with the 5 Stages of Grief."

"The 5 what now?"

"Come on Ange, even you know the 5 Stages I'm sure. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and then acceptance. He plowed through denial and anger fast, bargaining took a bit of work though. Right now this sad f*ck is stuck on depression and denial."

"Huh, when you put it like that you got a point."

"Gee, thank you so much for your kind insight guys." you commented sarcastically, gently stroking the pig's head "Sadly, you're not wrong though. It was mostly my grief that took over my decisions, not anymore though."

"'Not anymore'? Are you sayin' what I think you're sayin'?"

"Yes, I'm done feeling sorry for myself. When Charlie calls me for my next session--" The phone started to ring, catching your attention.

"Speak of the princess, that might be her. I'll get it." As soon as Angel picked up the receiver, he was met with panicked, incoherent shouts from the princess.

"Yikes, what the hell is up with her?!" Husk asked, having to cover his ears from the sudden shouts

"I don't know, but she won't stop yellin'! Charlie, Charlie!! Yeah, it's Angel, Husk and I just came up here to...OK OK slow down toots. What was that part about Octavia? ...Uh-huh...Stolas is gonna what?!" The mention of the prince's name usually made you cringe in anger. This time was different, you could tell something was wrong.

"Angel, what's going on?"

"J-Just a sec (Y/N)...OK, at least she isn't hurt this time. OK, we're comin' right now, just stop cryin' already." With that, he hung up the phone, looking at you with worried eyes.

"Talk to us Angel, what happened? What did she say about Stolas?"

"And what was that bit with Octavia? Is her old man flippin' out again?"

"Ohh he's flipped out alright, but you gotta hear it from her, now." With that said, the 3 of you quickly made your way to the lobby. Once you arrived, you saw Octavia and her mother kneeling on the ground. Stella cradled her close, rubbing her back to soothe her crying.

"(Y/N), I'm glad you came. Things have taken a dark turn with Stolas this time."

"Like his obsession with Blitzø wasn't dark enough? What's happening, why is she crying? What's going on?" you pressed the princess with questions, but felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned to see Charlie, a look of dread on her face "Charlie, what's going on? What did Stolas do to them?"

"I-It's not what he did to them that's the issue right now. There's no easy way to say this but...He's gone off the deep end this time, he's taken Blitzø." At that moment, your chest felt tight as you tried to process the news. "(Y-Y/N), are you alright? I know this is a lot to absorb but...(Y/N), can you hear me? (Y/N)?" Charlie's voice seemed to fade in and out as she tried to call out to you. It was suddenly hard for you to breathe, you grasped your chest, panting as you fell to your knees "(Y/N)?!"

"Easy now Charlotte, it's best you give our friend here some air." Alastor commented as he held her back with his cane.

"(Y/N), look at me man. Look at me!" Husk grasped your face, making you look at him "Stay with me, deep breath in, deep breath out, just breathe. We're gonna get him back, OK? It's not over yet--"

"How damnit?!" you shouted as you stood "How did this happen, how did Stolas find him?!"

"(Y/N) please, calm down!"

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down Nifty! My fiance is in the hands of the most possessive demon in Hell! And you're trying to tell me to calm down?! No, he has gone too far this time! Where is he being kept, where is Blitzø?!"

"(Y/N)! Before I tell you anything, you need to get a hold of yourself." Stella said, helping her daughter to her feet "Secondly, I can assure you Blitzø is fine. He has in some...some sort of trance."

"A trance?"

"Yes, when I found him he wasn't responding to me. I was able to use a dream walking spell to peek into his mind. He was so scared, I didn't think he would cling to me like that..."

"You were able to see into his mind? What did he tell you?" Octavia asked, but noticed her mother went silent.

"Stella, don't leave me hanging. I need to know, how is he? What did he say to you?"

"(Y/N), when I said my husband has gone off the deep end, I meant it. Although Blitzø couldn't move, he could still hear what was happening around him. He said that at one point...Stolas called him his bride. He wants to marry him." Your anxiety kicked in all over again, hearing Stolas refer to your fiance as his once again.

"That crazy son of a...!!" you roared as you grabbed a stool from the bar, startling the others as you tossed it at the wall with a loud crash.

"Hm, I suppose the wreck room wasn't enough." Alastor laughed.

"Please, not now Al." Charlie scolded "OK, we need a plan of attack here."

"No, I said I would take on that creep and I meant it! I'm going to end this myself, he is not going to take Blitzø away from me!"

"As much as I admire your persistence in the name of love, trust me when I say that measly pistol of yours will not be enough. You're going up against a demon prince, not another imp on the streets. Sure, you can shoot at Stolas all you want, but that would only anger him."

"Mum, I don't like the way you said that. Are you suggesting that he actually challenges him?! (Y/N) won't last 10 seconds against Dad and you know it!" Octavia protested as she hugged her mother again. Stella sighed as she started to stroke her hair, hearing her start to whimper.

"Via, someone has to do something about him. We can all agree that he's gone too far this time. You and I both know there's only one thing that can dispatch a demon of royalty." Octavia's cries stopped, she looked up at her mother with a look of pure horror.

"M-Mum, you're not actually saying..."

"I know how close you and Stolas were, but it's the only way (Y/N) will have a fighting chance against him."

"Anything to have an advantage against him. What do you have in mind?"

"Any kind of Holy metal." Charlie spoke, reaching to unclip what looked like a knife from her hip "My father gave this to me as a precaution. Of course, being the pacifist I am, I was against the idea of carrying a knife. Maybe you can make better use of this than I can." She carefully removed the sheath, revealing the glowing blade "It's the only thing that can erase a demon permanently."

"Wow, and here I thought regular weapons were enough. Can you make bullets with that metal?"

"You can, but obtaining them can be a challenge. For most demons it's illegal to even have this substance in your possession. I do know a weapons dealer that can supply you with the ammo, but you must be careful. One false move could get you killed as well, and you will have a limited amount of rounds. I can only get you so much."

"Every bit helps at this point...Hm?" You watched as Charlie approached you, placing the knife in your hands.

"You have a rough fight ahead of you (Y/N). As much as we want to help, it could lead to an even bigger mess. I only ask one thing of you, fight with everything you have. It's not just Blitzø who is counting on you, think about Loona, and your friends too."

"Yeah, the others. They've been so supportive this whole time, they're like my second family at this point. I've already come this far, I'm not going to let them down now."

"Good. Although, before you can even think about challenging Stolas, I heavily advise that you train first. He's far more agile than he looks, and even deadlier with a blade. That's no doubt going to be his weapon of choice once you approach him. When you do use that gun, make each shot count."

"I will, Blitzø always did tell me my aim was spot on. Stolas better brace himself, I'm not going to show any mercy when the time comes."

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