His Mafia Queen

By veinna_tae

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( COMPLETE ) SIDNAAZ❣️ Read the prologue just check it out , u will love it More

chapter 1
chapter 2.
chapter 3.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
chapter 7.
chapter 8.
chapter 9.
chapter 10.
chapter 11.
chapter 12
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
new story

chapter 42

1K 180 16
By veinna_tae

Sidharth came downstairs and saw naaz standing near a bike

Sid- Naaz...

Naaz- u love going on bike rides....so I thought we can go out on one?

Sid smile and get on the bike with her

They went to sea side.....and sat there watching the sky.....the beautiful sunset....after that they went back home

They entered the mansion
Naaz- come this way!!

Sid chuckled- what else have u planned?

Naaz- nothing much....it's just my present for u

Sid- u already r a present for me love

Naaz- come....and pulled him towards the big hall....sidharth has been there before..... it's a empty hall for parties

Sid- dont tell me u planned some party?

Naaz shook her head- its much better!!

They entered and it was dark.....naaz made him stand and told to not move.....the light opened and he smiled looking at the wall in front of him......it had their pictures from the moment they met....all of their memories.....their wedding pics....

Sid- it's beautiful!!!

Naaz- look this way.....it even more beautiful...

He turned and now he was surprised.....it had all his childhood pic....and pictures with his parents....

Sid looked at naaz and hugged her
Sid- I love you!!

Naaz- it's not finish yet.

Sid- huh?

Naaz looked past him at a wall and he turned to see a big photo frame cover.....he looked at her and she clapped and he looked back and now he was shocked

It was a family picture they had click some months back......but it was more special bcoz it had his mom&dad in it too....it looked like they were present there at that moment

Sid looked at naaz with tear
Naaz- hey I did this so I see a big smile on ur face dada

Sid chuckled and smirked and pulled her to himself
Sid- daddy babe not dada!! Spanked her on butt

Naaz- really? But it said that it want to call u dada

Sid frowned- what??

Naaz smiled and put his hand on her belly
Naaz- dada....

His eyes widen and he looked down then up in her eyes , asking if it's true and she nodded her head....sidharth moved back and kept looking at her belly.....seeing his reaction naaz smile vanished

Naaz- sidharth......he looked at her and fall on his knees...came near her and wrapped his arms around her belly and hugged hmit

Sid- it's my baby.....our baby.....my child...and looked at naaz and she was so happy.....she knew that sidharth would love the baby....but was nervous that if it's the right time

Sid- this is the best gift I ever had

Naaz pulled him up and looked in his eyes
Naaz- I love you!!

Sid- I love you more my baby!!! And she moved forwards to kiss him but he crouched down and kissed on her belly

Naaz- oh....so no love for me!!

Sid smiled- this is our love.....and ur my love!! He picked her up and moved to their room and lay down on bed.....I still can't believe this is happening

Naaz-( I know sidharth u will give our child the childhood I never had.....u will not let anything happen to it.....u will always take stand for it )

They fall asleep and next morning naaz wokeup to find sidharth looking at her

Naaz smiled- good morning

Sid- good Morning.....get freshen up.....I will get the breakfast ready

Naaz- maids will do it

Sid-  no way!!! U r pregnant and I will take care of what u eat and took the ciggerette box from the side table and thowed it in the bin

Sid- no smoking or drinking from now and left....naaz chuckled and looked down at her belly

Naaz- looks like dada is pretty possessive baby!!

She went downstairs and they had breakfast after that naaz got up to leave

Sid- stop!! U r not going anywhere

Naaz- sidharth I have a important meeting

Sid- Naaz u can't go to meet mafia's while being pregnant.....what if they attack u

Naaz- it's a office meeting sidharth....and also it's my country....no one dares to attack me....so chill okiee?

Sid- no.....it's my child I will not take chill....u will stay at home that's it!!

Naaz sighed- fine.....come with me......we should tell Grandpa about it....Sid nodded and they went to his Manor

They entered the room and eduardo looked up at them from the documents in his hand

Naaz- grandpa we want to tell u something

Eduardo looked at sid- u guys want to go on a trip? U guys can go I already approved last night

Sid- no it's not that

Eduardo- then? Ava entered the room and gave Eduardo his coffee and looked at them

Sidnaaz looked at each other and then at them

Naaz- I am pregnant.....and Ava cheered and come to her and hugged her tightly and sidharth too.....but naaz was just looking at Eduardo who was sitting blankly......grandpa?? And it seemed to pull him out of his trance

He got up and came towards her.....and looked down at her belly

Eduardo- I am going to be great grandpa...and naaz nodded...and a smile took it's place on his lips and he looked up....and sidharth was shocked....for the first time he saw his eyes slightly moist.......I am so happy....and hugged naaz and then turned to sidharth.......thank you so much son for giving me my heir and sidharth's smile vanished when heard the world " heir " , Eduardo pulled away and looked at naaz

Eduardo- u will not do anything from now on.....and take care of this little one and naaz smiled at him and looked at sidharth who was just looking at Eduardo blankly

Eduardo- sidharth......stay with Naaz all the time...and Zeke and I will handle all the work and also....don't let this new go out from the mansion......if anyone got to know about this.....it would be dangerous.....and I don't want my heir to be hrmed

Naaz nodded while sidharth took naaz's hand
Sid- I will not let anyone come near my child!!said glaring at Eduardo.....while naaz looked at him and ava& Eduardo at each other then back at him

He left with her and went back to their mansion

Naaz- what was that?

Sid- let me tell u my child is not anyone's heir!!!

Naaz- sidharth.....it's my child too and his great grandchild......why r u behaving like this?

Sid - bcoz I don't want my child to end up like u!!

Naaz looked at him and sidharth immediately regretted what he said

Sid- Naaz I am sorry I just mea...

Naaz- it's fine and smiled.....I understand....u r just protective for our baby......and that's what I want......u will love it more than anyone promise me

Sid smiled- of course I love it.....it's our love....it had the love of my life in it.....and sorry I just don't want our child's childhood to be spoiled like ours had

Naaz smiled and nodded
Sid- I will make sure no one can harm our baby!!
And hugged her

Naaz-( this is what I want sidharth......for u to give our child the love it deserve and I promise I won't let anyone destroy it's happiness like people did with ours )

Sid- ( naaz I won't let our child go through what u had......my child will live it's childhood to the fullest )

Hiii guys......
Hope so u guys like the chapter.....if u do then do vote&cmmts down ur opinions.....and also do follow...

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