The Tower || Stiles Stilinski

By kiaracore

22.4K 867 107

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2.2K 80 14
By kiaracore

"...and B, never give me that much detail about you in bed again." Loki laughed as he overheard part of Stiles and Scott's conversation in the hallway. He turned from his locker, closing it behind him as he moved to walk alongside the two boys.

"What the hell are you two talking about?" Loki noticed a few stares from people in the hallway as he walked with the pair. They hadn't expected the popular boy to hang out with the boys who had been deemed the biggest nerds of the school since the start of freshman year but as far as Loki was concerned, they were good company.

It was nice to have some other supernaturally aware people his age that he could hang out with, even if they could be idiots sometimes.

"Scott had a dream that he killed Allison." Stiles perks up, seeming too positive to be saying what he said.

"Huh, okay." Loki said with a nod, "Well you didn't actually kill her right? What's the big deal?" He says with a shrug. Loki'd had plenty of dreams where he killed people so hearing about Scott having them too didn't surprise him.

"No, I didn't kill her..." Scott trailed off in a way that made Loki feel like he wasn't too sure of his statement.

"Wait, let me take a guess here," Stiles says with a soft sigh. Loki figures he's talking about what the dream means.

"No, I know," Scott cuts him off, "You think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow. Like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out."

"You're going out with Allison? Nice, man." Loki punches Scott on the shoulder lightly in congratulations, completely ignoring what the actual topic of the conversation is. Scott looks over with a smile of pride and Loki can tell he's excited to go out with her.

"You're not gonna rip her throat out," Stiles says, ignoring Loki. He pauses as Scott looks over at him with a raised eyebrow in speculation. "Okay, you might." Scott sighs and looks back forward. "Hey, come on, it's gonna be fine, all right? Personally, I think you're handling this pretty freakin' amazingly."

"I don't know about that one," Loki mumbles, adjusting his backpack straps and thinking about when Scott almost ripped his face off in the locker room.

"You know, it's not like there's a lycanthropy for beginners class you can take." Stiles jokes.

"Yeah, not a class, but maybe a teacher," Scott says. Loki guesses he's talking about Derek as he wasn't aware of any other werewolves in town.

"Who, Derek?" Stiles raises his voice at Scott's implications. He scoffs and smacks Scott on the back of the head roughly, causing Loki to laugh.

Loki thought Scott learning everything werewolf related from Derek was probably the best choice but with the two boys' current idea that Derek was a murderer, they probably wouldn't want his advice. That coupled with the fact that Derek was harsh and didn't put up with anyone's bullshit.

"You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?" Stiles asks, voice still raised.

"Wait, that was you guys?" Loki asks surprised, "Also you guys are so loud. I'm surprised the whole school doesn't know about Scott's furry little problem."

"Yeah, it was," Scott admits. "And don't ever call it that again, that makes it sound gross. Anyway," He shakes his head, dismissing the topic. Loki laughs softly at Scott's reaction to what he called him being a werewolf "It's just... Chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it felt so real."

"How real?"

"Like it actually happened," Scott says as he and Stiles push the double doors open, Loki walking behind them.

Loki stops dead in his tracks as soon as he's outside the door. He stares at the back door of the bus, the door ripped open, blood splattered everywhere.

Well, he'd gotten to the other part of the vision. He glanced around at the cops as they took pictures of the scene. Sniffing to see if the blood smells familiar, he doesn't recognize two of the scents. One of them is definitely Scott's but he had never smelled the other two before. One smelled like a different werewolf and one a human male. If it was Allison's, he would know. He'd been around the girl enough times to understand her scent.

Loki was startled out of his own mind as Scott rushed past him back into the school, pulling his phone out to presumably text Allison.

"Scott, I don't think it's her's," Loki says quickly as he jogs to catch up with the boy.

"Yeah, she's probably fine." Stiles agrees as he walks along with Loki behind Scott.

"She's not answering my texts, guys." Frustration seeps through his words as he searches the halls frantically for Allison.

"Seriously dude, it smells nothing like her blood, it's from someone a lot older than her," Loki explains hurriedly in a hushed tone so he's not heard by other students. He doesn't explain that Scott's blood was there too.

"Just help me find her, okay?" Loki throws his hands up into the air in frustration as Scott ignores him.

"Yeah, just ignore what the person with an extremely good sense of smell says. That's so smart Scott, how'd you think to do that?" Sarcasm drips off of Loki's words, his tone dry with annoyance.

When Scott rounds a corner Loki doesn't bother going after him and Stiles stops as well.

"Are you good?" Stiles asks as Loki leans against the wall, tilting his head back to stare at the ceiling. In his frustration, he can feel his body become warm with the production of venom. Sometimes when his emotions were heightened his body would naturally prepare itself for defense by producing venom and trying to shift. It was something he hadn't particularly bothered to have gotten under control and it came back to bite him in the ass. Combined with the fact that he had just been producing venom and hungry a few days before, it was harder to keep the shift in.

He closes his eyes, half to hide the possible shift in color and half to try to calm down. He got that Scott was upset and worried but Loki found it incredibly frustrating when someone wouldn't listen to him when he knew what he was talking about and once his body started trying to get ready for defense, he couldn't stop it.

"Yeah, fine." He mumbles, taking a few deep breaths. Without opening his eyes he shrugs his backpack off his shoulders, holding it out towards where he can smell Stiles standing. The boy smells like a shitty cologne brand that Loki can't be bothered to figure out the name of. "Side pocket, vial, please." He whispers, hoping Stiles understands what he wants.

The weight of the backpack is taken out of his hands and a few seconds later he feels the coolness of the glass being pushed into his hand. He unscrews the cap quickly, pouring the contents of the vial into his mouth and drinking quickly. Loki licks his lips, forcing himself to calm his breathing.

The blood substitute instantly helps. It calms down his body, letting the need for defense subside and he can feel his body's want to shift slowly slip away.

He slowly opens his eyes, tilting his head down to look at Stiles. "Thanks..." He says softly, feeling awkward now that he was looking at the other boy.

"No problem." Stiles was still holding Loki's backpack, the side pocket now open showing the remaining four vials. Loki quickly took the bag back, slipping the now empty vial back into the pocket and closing it, shouldering the bag again. "What was that about?" Stiles asks.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," Loki says quickly, not wanting to explain.

"It clearly was something, your eyes changed color. And what'd you drink?" The boy pushed, causing Loki's eyes to widen. He had thought he closed his eyes before they had the chance to change but he was wrong. His eyes were always the first thing that changed. His irises would turn a vibrant green, the whites of his eyes turning a murky black, at the first sign of danger or hint of a need for defense.

"They're green whenever I turn," He explains in a hushed voice, "And I drank something that helps me to calm down when I need to." He pauses, glancing out at the hall of students to see if anyone was listening to their conversation. When he saw that no one was, he continued, "I still have trouble with control sometimes but seriously, don't worry about it, I'm fine."

Stiles looked at him, unconvinced. The taller boy's breath was still uneven, his hands were shaky, and his eyes darted around the hall like he was worried anyone else had seen him start to change. Stiles could tell he wasn't fine.

"We need to get to class," Loki said quickly before Stiles could get any more words in. Pushing himself off the wall, Loki walks quickly to class, not waiting for Stiles.


Loki really didn't want to bother with Scott McCall's bullshit during Chemistry.

The class wasn't hard but the teacher, Mr. Harris, made the class hell and even Loki's insane amount of charisma couldn't save him from Mr. Harris' constant pissy attitude. So when Scott starts questioning Stiles about what might have happened on the bus, Loki does his best to tune the boys out and focus on his work.

Unfortunately for Loki, Scott and Stiles are just about the loudest people he's ever heard, and tuning them out proved harder than Loki thought it would.

"Maybe it was my blood on the door," Scott says as Loki watches his leg bounce out of the corner of his eye. He thinks about interjecting for a second and saying that some of it was but decides not to. Mr. Harris had been the only teacher to ever get close to giving him detention and Loki didn't want to deal with that taking his attention away from the entire new werewolf situation.

"Could have been animal blood. You know, maybe you caught a rabbit or something." Loki hears Stiles offer a possible explanation.

"And did what?"

"Ate it."


"No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven." Loki stifles his laughter, biting his lip lightly to stop himself as he looks up at Mr. Harris, who was staring at the two boys as they talked, before looking back down at his paper. "I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything."

"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might wanna pull the headphones out every once in a while." Loki looks up as the teacher talks, glancing over at the two boys. Stiles scoffs and Loki rolls his eyes with a smile. As much as he disliked Mr. Harris, the man was right. Scott and Stiles had no clue how to be quiet and Loki was genuinely surprised that more people didn't know Scott was a werewolf just from them talking in the halls about it. "I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?"

"No," Stiles says softly, and Loki snickers at his reaction. Mr. Harris points to different seats across the room for the boys to go to and Loki watches as they both move.

"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much." Stiles fakes a laugh as he sits down.

The class goes back to silence, everyone, including Loki, going back to taking down notes.

"Hey, I think they found something!" Loki's head perks up immediately, watching as the girl who was sat next to Scott jumps out of her seat to look out the window. Loki gets up with the rest of the students who all rush to look out the window to see what she was talking about.

They all watch as a man is being pushed on a gurney towards the back of an ambulance. Loki figures that's the other person's blood he was smelling on the bus.

"That's not a rabbit." Loki hears Scott whisper from beside him and turns to look over at the boy.

The man suddenly shot up, screaming in pain, causing everyone to jump, a few students letting out screams.

"This is good, this is good," Stiles says as he follows Scott who was slowly stepping away from the window.

"Yeah, at least the guy's alive." Loki steps away with them, trying to add some kind of positivity to the situation.

"Guy's..." Scott pauses, looking between the two boys, before looking back out the window at the man. "I did that."


"But Dreams aren't memories," Stiles says as the three boys walk to a lunch table.

Normally Loki would sit with Lydia and Jackson but after he ditched her at the lacrosse game and ran off with Stiles he'd been avoiding the redhead. When he went back out to the field she had already left with Jackson and Loki had to settle for a text saying he was sorry that he ran off and that it was because he needed to get help from Scott on some chemistry work.

It was a lousy excuse. Lydia knew that Loki never really had trouble with his work and that if he did he would only ever go to her. When she voiced this to him, Loki explained it away by saying that he wasn't really asking for help from Scott, just for him to clarify something on an assignment that he wasn't there to get the explanation for. Once again, it was a lousy excuse and he knew Lydia didn't believe him for a second so he stuck to avoiding her for the time being.

"Then it wasn't a dream. Something happened last night and I can't remember what." Loki can tell how frustrated Scott is with his inability to remember the situation as the three sat at an empty table, Loki and Stiles across from Scott.

"What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers?" Stiles asks.

"Look, I know you two don't like Derek all that much but he really would be helpful. He doesn't have all the answers but he sure as hell has a lot. Derek can be sketchy and an asshole but he's helpful when he wants to be." Stiles looks at Loki like he's insane to which Loki rolls his eyes.

"I kinda agree with Loki on this one." Loki snapped, pointing at Scott in a way to say the boy was right with his opinion. "During the full moon he wasn't changed. He was in total control while I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy."

"You don't know that." Stiles scoffed.

"Eh, we know Scott was at least there." The two friends turned to look at Loki in confusion. "I could smell your blood all over that bus." He explains with a shrug.

"See, I was there so we don't know if I attacked the guy or not. I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel." Scott shook his head sadly.

"No, you're not canceling, okay? You can't just cancel your entire life. We'll figure it out."

"Figure what out?"

Great. Just the person Loki wanted to see.

Scott and Stiles stared at Lydia like she had two heads when she sat at the table with the boys.

"Hey, Lyds." Loki offered with a small wave from his seat from the other side of Stiles. She smiled back and Loki took that as a sign that she wasn't too upset with him.

"Uh, just, uh, homework," Scott explains to answer Lydia's question.

"Yeah." Stiles agrees quickly before leaning closer to Scott and whispering. "Why is she sitting with us?"

"She's friends with me, dipshit," Loki says, nudging Stiles's side with his elbow. Stiles rubbed his side where Loki hit him as if it actually hurt him.

Stiles and Scott both stared as more people started to fill in the empty seats at their table. A boy from the lacrosse team named Brian sat at the end of the table and Danny took the seat across from Lydia, on the other side of Stiles.

"Hey Allison," Loki says as the girl sits across from him and she smiles in response. Loki leans forward and looks past Stiles to Danny, "Hi Danny."

"Hey, Loki." Danny greets back.

Danny was probably Loki's favorite person on the lacrosse team. Both of them were friends with Jackson but had a mutual understanding that when Jackson got to be too much or was just being annoying in general, they could go to the other boy to hang out instead.

Plus, Danny understood Loki's disinterest with girls.

"Get up," Jackson ordered Brian when he got to the table.

"How come you never ask Danny to get up?" Brian asks as he looks up at Jackson with an annoyed expression.

"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot," Danny says with a smirk as Jackson practically pushes Brian out of the seat. Loki laughs, leaning his head into his hand as he watches Scott stare at Jackson.

"So I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar." Danny says, looking around the table.

"I heard mountain lion," Jackson says, leaning his leg up against the table.

"A cougar is a mountain lion," Lydia corrects, staring down at the table. Jackson gives her a confused look and she adds on, "Isn't it?"

"Who cares?" Jackson scoffs. "The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway."

"Harsh," Loki says as he looks over at Jackson, to which Jackson responds with a shrug.

"Actually I just found out who it is. Check it out." Stiles says as he moves his phone to the middle of the table so everyone can see. Loki leans closer to Stiles to get a better view of the screen, their shoulders pressed against each other. Loki spares a glance at Stiles before looking at his phone.

"The sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack. Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition." Loki watches the footage closely, looking for any possible information about what had happened the night of the attack.

"I-I know this guy," Scott says suddenly. Stiles puts his phone away and Loki leans back away from him.

"You do?" Allison asks as the entire table looks at Scott.

"Yeah, when I used to take the bus back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver."

"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please?" Lydia asks, turning to look at Allison and Scott. "Like... Oh! Where are we going tomorrow night?"

Loki glances over at Stiles and the two boys share a look of confusion. Allison and Scott stare back at Lydia blankly.

"You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?" Lydia says, raising her eyebrows.

Allison looks at Scott for a second and Loki can tell Scott was not at all told that he would also be hanging out with Lydia and Jackson.

"Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do," Allison explains.

"Well, I am not sitting at home again watching lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun."

"Hanging out?" Scott asks softly, looking over at Allison. "Like the four of us? Do you wanna hang out, like us and them?"

Loki laughs softly as he watches Stiles's reaction to Scott's utter awkwardness.

"Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun." Allison says with a smile and a shrug.

"You know what else sounds fun?" Jackson asks with raised eyebrows before reaching to the table to grab his fork. "Stabbing myself in the face with this fork." He raises the fork and turns it like he's gonna stab himself. Lydia quickly grabs his hand, pulling the fork out of it.

"Drama queen," Loki says with a smile as he looks down the table at Jackson, watching Stiles roll his eyes out of the corner of his eye.

"Shut up, Blackwell."

"Oh, busting out the last name." Loki laughs loudly, "I'm shaking in my boots, Jack." He finishes, deliberately using the nickname that Jackson hates the most. If Loki was going to have to put up with Jackson for Lydia, he would make it the most annoying time possible for the boy.

Lydia glares over at Loki for a second but he can tell she doesn't really care about him making fun of Jackson.

"How about bowling? You love to bowl." Lydia says with a gasp.

"Yeah, with actual competition," Jackson says, annoyed with Lydia's want to go out.

"How do you know we're not actual competition?" Allison smirks, raising her eyebrows in challenge. "You can bowl, right?" She asks Scott.

"Sort of." He shrugs, looking down at the table.

"Is it sort of, or yes?" Jackson challenges, leaning forward over the table.

"Yes. In fact, I'm a great bowler."


"You're a terrible bowler!" Stiles throws his hands up in annoyance as the trio walk down the stairs at the end of the day, getting a loud laugh out of Loki.

"I know! I'm such an idiot." Scott raises his voice in frustration.

"God, it was like watching a car wreck. I mean, first it turned into the whole group date thing. And then out of nowhere comes that phrase." Stiles gestures around wildly with his hands and Loki trails slightly behind the two so as to not get hit.

"Hang out," Scott says with a sigh.

"You don't hang out with hot girls, okay? It's like death. Once it's hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out." Stiles explains and Loki listens curiously. He didn't think it was that big of a deal, Allison very clearly liked Scott so he didn't really understand why they were making a big deal about 'hanging out'.

"How is this happening? I either killed a guy or I didn't."

"I don't think Danny likes me very much." Stiles looks off in thought, ignoring Scott now. Loki speeds up to walk alongside him, more interested in what Stiles was saying than Scott's girl problems.

"I ask Allison on a date, and now we're hanging out."

"Am I not attractive to gay guys?" Stiles asks, causing Loki to laugh.

"Do you wanna be attractive to gay guys?" Loki raises an eyebrow and joins Stiles in ignoring Scott. Stiles turns slightly to Loki and shrugs.

"I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now--" Scott pauses, pulling out his phone. "Now I'm gonna be late for work." Scotts throws his hands up and speeds up, walking quickly out of the building.

"Wait, Scott, you didn't-" Stiles calls out after him "Am I attractive to gay guy-" He cuts himself off, lowering his voice. "You didn't answer my question."

Loki laughs loudly, patting Stiles on the shoulder. "You're definitely too scrawny to be Danny's type. What's with the new obsession with being attractive to gay guys, anyway?" Loki says with a playful smirk, nudging Stiles. "Got a guy you want to think you're attractive, Stiles?"

"What? No!" Stiles says quickly, causing Loki to laugh again.

"I'm just teasing you, Stiles. Don't worry." He pauses for a second. "Plus, you're attractive to at least one gay guy," Loki says with a wink before walking towards the door. He turns back as he goes to open the door, looking back at Stiles who was unmoved, staring at Loki as he walked out. He could see the blush on the boy's cheeks all the way from the door and had some kind of satisfaction in knowing he had flustered him. Loki gives a two-finger salute with a smile before walking out the door.


Loki didn't expect to be spending his Monday night at the scene of a crime but when Stiles texted him to tell him about his and Scott's plan to go to the bus to trigger Scott's memories, Loki couldn't pass up the opportunity.

"So you think just going to the bus will help you remember?" Loki asks from the back seat of the jeep, leaning his arms on the seats in front of him.

"That's what Derek said. Something about letting my senses remember for me." Scott said with a nod, glancing over at Loki before looking out the window.

"Nervous?" Loki raises an eyebrow as he watches Scott's leg bounce, smelling the air and catching the familiar scent of anxiety.

Scott shakes his head slightly, still staring out the window. Loki hums and leans back as they pull up to a gate and park. Scott hops out of the car and Loki is quick to follow, walking with the pair to the gate.

"Hey, no, just me. You two need to keep watch." Scott says as they all walk up to the gate. Loki links his fingers through the gate and turns to Scott with his eyebrows raised before he starts to climb. He scales it easily, hopping down onto the other side once he's on top of the gate. Loki turns back watching the two boys argue on if Stiles should stay or not.

"How come I'm always the guy keeping watch?" Stiles asks as he starts to climb up the gate.

"Because there's normally only two of us." Scott says before gesturing to Loki, "And he knows more about the supernatural than both of us." Loki smiles proudly and Stiles glares at him for a second.

"Okay, why is it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin?" Stiles asks, pointing a finger accusingly at Scott. Loki laughs softly as the two bicker. "I don't want to be Robin all the time."

"Hey, I think Robin's pretty cool," Loki says but gets ignored by the two boys.

"Nobody's Batman and Robin any of the time," Scott says confused.

"Not even some of the time?" Stiles asks, eyebrows furrowing.

Loki laughs and rolls his eyes at the two friends' antics before turning and walking towards the bus. He glances back when he hears Scott grunt softly to see the werewolf jumping down off the fence and Stiles sulking back to the car.

He grins and does another two-finger salute to the boy, reminding him of what he had said in school earlier that day. Loki turns on the balls of his feet and walks after Scott towards the bus, shoving his hands in his hoodie pockets. It's too dark outside and the car's too far away for him to see the blush that's spread across the shorter boy's face.

Loki leaves Scott to his own devices, not wanting to bother him while he tries to trigger his memories.

Loki walks around the bus slowly, trying to see if he can smell any residual emotions from the attack but comes up empty. There must have been too many police officers on the scene and the scents have been covered by now.

When Loki reaches the back of the bus he looks at the claw marks closely. There's a lot of space between each claw, he notices, putting together that these marks must have come from the alpha, not Scott.

The further side of the bus is just as plain as the other and Loki starts to make his way to the door when he hears Scott scream. Standing up on his toes, he looks in to see Scott panting heavily. Scott looks over at him and Loki raises his eyebrows, holding up a thumbs up to silently ask if the boy is okay. Scott nods slightly and Loki does the same back, continuing his walk around the bus.

He reaches a hand out to touch the bus as he rounds the front and suddenly stops.

Loki's eyelids feel heavy like he desperately needs sleep and he can't help but allow them to slowly close. After a second, he decides he should probably just head back to the car and opens his eyes.

Instead of the gate and Stiles's jeeps being there, he sees the school halls. It's dark and cold, clearly night still. He glances around quickly, half of him wanting to see what's happening and figure out why he's seeing what he's seeing and the other half of him wanting to be back in the parking lot. He didn't want Scott or Stiles to see him when he was in this state.

There's a loud growl from behind him that causes him to instantly whip around only to be face to face with a werewolf that was crouched to his level. Despite knowing that anyone in the scenes of the future he can see doesn't know he's there, he's still terrified. He knows this is the alpha that he's heard about and it's scarier than anything he imagined.

It's huge, despite being crouched down and its vibrant red eyes burn into Loki. He can't help but raise his arms in defense, closing his eyes in hope that he'll be back in the parking lot when he opens them.

Lucky for him, that's just what happens.

Lowering his arms, he lets out a deep sigh, taking in the dark parking lot and the yellow bus beside him. He looks over, noticing Scott still in the bus, and leans against the door to catch his breath and wait for him.

The sound of a car horn makes him jump and his head turns to see the lights of the car getting closer.

"Scott?" He yells out as he takes a few steps from the bus towards the gate, "We gotta go!" He shouts before breaking out into a sprint towards the gate. When he reaches it he clambers up it quickly, not turning back to see who is pulling up.

Jumping down off the top of the fence, Loki ran as fast as his legs could carry him to the car, hopping into the back. As he looks out at Scott, the boy does a full front flip over the fence and Loki can't help but watch in slight amazement.

"C'mon, C'mon!" Stiles says as he hits the steering wheel, the two boys in the car watching as Scott runs.

"Go! Go! Go!" Scott yells as he gets into the car, Stiles listening instantly and driving quickly away from the school.

"Did it work? Did you remember?" Stiles asks breathlessly. Loki leans forward to listen to Scott, panting softly from running.

"Yeah, I was definitely there last night. And the blood," He pauses, catching his breath, "Loki was right, a lot of it was mine."

"So you did attack him?" Stiles asks, glancing over at Scott and Loki can sense his nervousness at the fact that his best friend might have hurt someone.

"No. I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren't mine. It was Derek." Loki scoffs softly. The wolf he saw on the bus was the alpha, not Derek but Scott was so adamant about Derek being the bad guy here.

"When you finally think you have enough evidence to rule out Derek, I get to say I told you so like a million times." Loki huffs out, leaning back in his seat. Scott shoots a look at him that Loki reads as a 'shut up' and the taller boy rolls his eyes.

"What about the driver?" Stiles asks, ignoring what Loki said but glancing back at him in the rearview mirror. Loki doesn't notice the short look, staring out the window in annoyance.

"I think I was actually trying to protect him."

"Wait, why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?"

"Oh my god, so one of you does have a brain cell!" Loki says in fake excitement, thinking that Stiles is finally realizing the alpha isn't Derek.

"That's what I don't get." Scott sighs, still ignoring Loki. He assumed he was annoying both boys with how adamant he was about Derek not being the alpha but he couldn't care less about how annoying they thought he was when he knew he was right.

"It's gotta be a pack thing," Stiles says and Loki immediately groans loudly.

"Nevermind!" He raises his voice, getting looks of irritation from both boys.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks as he turns back to Stiles.

"Like an initiation. You do the kill together." Stiles says, causing Loki to snort at the idea. There were probably some werewolves out there that had some kind of initiation but they didn't need it to become part of an alpha's pack.

"Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience?" Scott asks sarcastically. Loki sighs softly, wondering how the pair ever got anything done.

"Yeah, but you didn't do it, which means you're not a killer. And it also means that-"

"I can go out with Allison." Scott cuts him off.

"Wonderful priorities you have there, McCall," Loki mumbles to himself.

"I was gonna say it means you won't kill us."

"Oh, yeah," Scott says, clearly not having thought about that aspect of the situation. "That too."

Loki rolls his eyes, staying silent for the rest of the ride to Scott's house. Scott gets out of the car, waving goodbye to both boys as he walks into his house. Quickly climbing into the front seat, Loki glances over at Stiles, who was already looking at the taller boy.

"What?" Loki hummed as he put his seatbelt on, not taking his eyes off of Stiles.

"Why are you so sure it's not Derek?"

"I know Derek, and as much of an absolute little shit that he is, he doesn't just go around turning teenagers without their consent. He also isn't an alpha." Loki sighs softly. He really didn't want to tell either boy that he knew a lot about the Hale's but he knew from his short time of hanging out with Stiles that he wouldn't give up when he wanted to know something. It was something about Stiles that was endearing to watch when he wasn't the one being relentlessly questioned but was hell when he was.

"Then who do you think it is if you're so sure it's not him?" Stiles asks, turning his body fully to face Loki.

"Honestly?" Loki raises an eyebrow, glancing out the window shortly. "No clue. I don't know of any other werewolves that are in town and neither does my dad. When the body was found we both thought it was a random werewolf coming through town that would leave pretty quickly but it's a lot more complicated than that. This alpha really wants Scott to be in their pack and I don't think they'll stop trying to get him to join any time soon."

Stiles doesn't say anything, just nodding a little as the boys look at each other.

"What'd you mean when you said I was attractive to at least one gay guy?" Stiles says breaking the silence and Loki can't help but laugh loudly.

"That's your main concern right now? Also, you need that explained to you? I thought you were the smart one of your little duo?" Loki continues laughing, watching as Stiles blushes. Loki points a finger to himself, speaking slowly as if he was explaining something difficult to a child, "Gay guy." He points to Stiles, keeping the same tone, "Attractive."

"Oh," Stiles said simply, now avoiding Loki's gaze that hadn't left his face. "You think I'm attractive?"

"Yeah? I mean you'd be cuter if you grew your hair out-" Loki cut himself off, waving a hand. "Yeah, I think you're attractive."

"Oh." The shorter boy said again. Loki was honestly surprised, this was the least he'd heard Stiles ever talk.

"No response? Do I fluster you that much, Stilinski?" Loki says with a teasing smile, leaning closer to the boy.

"What? No!" Stiles says quickly, rolling his eyes and pushing Loki back lightly.

"Calm down, I'm just teasing you." Loki laughs as he settles back into his seat.

"I hate you," Stiles says with another eye roll as he pulls out of Scott's driveway and heads to Loki's house.

"No, you don't." Loki smiles, finally taking his eyes off of Stiles and looking out at the road.

The car ride continues in a comfortable silence. Loki took a quick glance at Stiles to see the boy looking out at the road with furrowed brows, like he was thinking hard about something. He considered asking what the shorter boy was thinking about for a second but decided better of it, he didn't want to bother Stiles with asking.

Eyes back on the road, Loki didn't notice Stiles's look right back at him. The dark haired boy took his eyes away from the road for a second to look at the boy next to him, taking in his profile quickly before looking back to the road.

"When we were at the bus," Stiles broke the silence as he pulled into Loki's driveway. "You were walking around the side and then you stopped and lifted your arms like something was about to attack you. What happened?"

Loki sighed softly at the question. He had hoped that he had been far enough from Stiles that he wouldn't have seen what happened but clearly he had noticed. He didn't want to have to explain himself but he was starting to realize that if he kept hanging out with Scott and Stiles he was going to have to start trusting them more.

"Can I tell you tomorrow?" Loki asks as he rubs his eyes from tiredness. "We can hang out while Scott's on his date and I promise I'll tell you what happened." He turns to face Stiles, slightly raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that's fine." Stile says after a second, nodding along.

Loki gives a nod back before moving to get out of the car. "Bye Stiles, I'll see you tomorrow." He says with a smile before walking to the front door.


"So you can see the future?"

The two boys were sitting in Stiles's room, Stiles on his bed and Loki at the desk. Loki was being serious when he said he would explain what happened, so he told Stiles everything. Well, everything about the precognition. He explained how he gets precognitions at random times and what he had seen at the school in his most recent one.

"Yeah, but it's normally only a few seconds and I can't control what I'm shown." Loki nods, trying to make sure that Stiles doesn't get the wrong impression about his powers and think he can see whatever he wants.

"That's..." Stiles pauses and Loki thinks for a second he somehow freaked the guy with a werewolf for a best friend out. "So awesome, dude!"

Loki lets out a laugh of relief, leaning back in his chair.

"Honestly, being able to talk to someone other than my dad about supernatural stuff is really nice, even if it is under the circumstance of a rabid alpha killing people." Loki says with a slight shrug.

"Is your mom whatever you are too?" Stiles asks, causing Loki to sigh softly.

"Uhm, no, she was just a human. She left when I was born." He says simply, not really wanting to go into details.

"Oh holy shit, I'm so sorry-"

"No, you're fine, really. You didn't know." Loki cuts him off, waving his hand to dismiss the apology.

Stiles nods in response, looking around a bit awkwardly like he was contemplating something.

"Stiles, seriously, you're fine, it's no big deal." Loki says with a smile to show the boy that he really wasn't bothered.

Stiles nods again, "Still, I'm sorry..." He trails off and clears his throat, "I'll go get us some snacks." Stiles takes off out the door before Loki can say anything.

Loki sighs softly as he watches the door swing shut behind Stiles, listening to his steps slowly fade as he walks further away. Getting up out of his seat, Loki looks around at the posters covering Stiles's walls and the boy's general decor. It was pretty similar to his own room, band and movie posters and nerdy things, it was just missing a pet snake.

"I just overheard my dad on the phone," Loki jumps, turning to look as Stiles as he rushes back into the room. "The bus driver just died."

"Oh shit, we should probably tell Scott." Stiles nodded, gesturing Loki out of the room.

Stiles headed for the front door, Loki following shortly after him. The pair made their way out to Stiles's jeep, getting in their respective seats and driving to the McCall house.

As soon as they got there, Loki started to walk towards the door.

"Wait, we should just go through Scott's window, we're technically not supposed to be out because of the curfew."

"Haven't you been friends with Scott for like, forever? Why not just go through the front door like normal people?" Loki asks, eyebrows pinching together in confusion.

"Just trust me." Stiles says as he grabs Loki's wrist pulling him to spot under Scott's window, next to a tree. Stiles immediately starts climbing, looking down at Loki once he was almost all the way up.

"Are you coming or not?" Loki respondes in only a sigh and starts to make his way up the tree.

He watches as Stiles's climbs through the window and hears the loud thud the boy makes. Loki shakes his head climbing in a bit more gracefully.

"I thought we were trying to be quiet?" Loki whispers, holding in a laugh. Stiles gives him a look before moving to climb off of Scott's bed.

Loki's head snaps up to see a woman walk into the room, baseball bat raised.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Stiles yells out, holding his hands up in defense, hoping the lady, who Loki assumes is Scott's mom, doesn't swing.
They both start screaming out of fear and Loki has to force himself not to laugh.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing here? And who is that?" She raises her voice.

"What am I doing?" Stiles raises his voice back at Scott's mom. "God, do either of you even play baseball?" He asks, gesturing to the bat in her hands.

'I'm Loki Blackwell." Loki says calmly with a smile, waving to her.

Scott walks into the room quickly, turning on the light.

"Can you please tell your friends to use the front door?" She sighs, turning to Scott.

"But we lock the front door. They wouldn't be able to get in."

"Yeah, exactly." She looks between the three boys. "And, by the way, do any of you care that there's a police-enforced curfew?"

"No." All three boys speak at the same time.

"No. All right then. Well, you know what? That's about enough parenting for me for one night." She says, throwing the baseball bat down on the bed. "So good night. And it was nice to meet you Loki."

"Nice to meet you too!" Loki calls out after her as she leaves.

Scott looks at the two boys, pulling over a chair when Stiles sighs loudly.

"What?" He asks.

"My dad left for the hospital 15 minutes ago. It's the bus driver. They said he succumbed to his wounds." Stiles explains, Scott listening intently.

"Succumbed?" Scott asks, confused.

"Scott," Stiles pauses, shaking his head. "He's dead."

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