Asahi's sister (Tsukishima X...

由 REST1028

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" What is your problem? Do you hate me that much?" she yelled. 'No' "Yes," he lied. She paused for a second... 更多



126 5 0
由 REST1028


[0.38 from the video attached]

♪ Pussy tight, pussy clean, pussy fresh ♬

♫ Pussy pretty, pussy fat, full of flesh♩

You know those times when a completely random song just plays in your head? Well, this was one of those times. An annoyingly super catchy one but it's trending everywhere. You recalled the opera version of it and giggled to yourself.


You paused and peeked out the window. Right below you saw your friend picking up a volleyball, you saw a silver-haired male helping him correct his stance. You remembered him as Suga, one of Asahi's best friends and one of the 3 third-years of the current volleyball team.

You headed up to the rooftop. You settled on the top of the last flight of stairs, just in front of the door to the roof, and opened your bento. You squinted at the contents.

"Seriously? Where'd he find the time to stick on these faces?" you giggled. No wonder he was all giggly this morning. You recalled your brother's suspicious behavior. Not gonna lie, you found it kind of cute for your brother to do that. Just imagine this tall, scary-looking, bearded guy, trying to delicately put seaweed smiley faces on dangos. To you it was a norm, but to others... You laughed just thinking about how that weird image of your brother would be to others.

Eating lunch with Hinata was fun but eating alone has it's perks. You had lesser distractions and it was more quiet, just you and your thoughts. At some point, you worried a little about Hinata's progress in volleyball, since he only had 1 week till his match. 


The door to the roof opened. You peered up and saw a shadow of a tall figure enter. It was a raven head boy with a serious look on his face. His fringe was parted in the middle and he had deep yet clear blue eyes. You peeked behind him to see if there were other people coming in. There was none. So he's eating alone like me huh.

"U-um excuse me." His voice was a little deep. You snapped out of your daze. Crap I was staring. You hoped he didn't find you weird.

"Sorry," you said and moved out of his way so he could walk past. "Thanks." The stranger uttered and disappeared down the stairs. "Damn he's pretty cute." You said.

Unbeknownst to you, that stranger was still within hearing range, and your comment had brought an unexpected blush to his face.



"URGGGHHHHHHH I CAN'T STAND HIM!" Hinata groaned, ruffling his fluffy orange hair.

Why am I having deja vu... you thought, sweat dropping.

You were once again helping Hinata with his homework since he forgot again. Seems like this is gonna be a daily thing.

"What did Kageyama say to make you angry now?"

"Huh? Kageyama? He didn't say anything." Hinata looked at you confused.

"Oh? You two made up huh." you really had thought this Kageyama dude would be a pain in the ass for a longer time, considering the ignorant shit he had said.

"NUH UH. He's my rival! Also, he's gonna help me improve my receives and I'm gonna make sure I beat him so he will toss to me." Hinata said motivated.

"That's nice, so who's the issue now?" 

"Tsukishima. He's one of the 2 other first-years Kageyama and I are competing against on Saturday." 

Guess I should thank this Tsukishima dude since he unintentionally helped them work together. You hummed. "So what about this guy?" you prodded. Hinata puffed his cheeks, scowling. "He's almost 190cm" he grumbled.

He's jealous. You chuckled, "Okay, so what did he say?"

"He said the match doesn't matter to them, and he'll take it easy for us so we would win," Hinata puffed his cheeks. You didn't know whether he was being rude or nice. Offering to lose on purpose? My ego would never let me. You scoffed.

Hinata continued, "Then he said volleyball is just a club. Also he kept provoking Kageyama, calling him King, and made it him really angry. Kageyama didn't even fight back and just let him say whatever he wanted too. Which was totally not like him." Hinata said, then picked up his pencil. Interesting, sounds familiar too.

"Oh yea! Tsukishima said something about him watching the match Kageyama lost. I have no idea what they were talking about though," your friend finished.There seems to be way more behind his nickname. And I swear I've heard something like this before. you thought.

You'd stop actively keeping up with the happenings of the volleyball world after you tried and failed to convince your brother to overcome his fears. You assumed Kageyama was some hot shot genius, not to forget his ability to jump serve on the first day.


"One iced chocolate and strawberry shortcake please." You paid and stood at the collection counter waiting for your drink. The cake was already brought out and placed onto your tray. You had changed into more comfortable clothing before leaving school. Ain't no way I'm letting people recognize what school I'm from. You quickly fired a text to Asahi telling him that you're at a cafe to study and stalk someone, to which he replied "bless the poor soul".

The bell at the door jingled as a pair of new customers walked in. Your focus was pinned on the one on the left. You scanned him from top to bottom. His glasses weren't the only clue hinting his intelligence, the way his eyes scanned the space suggested his good observation skills. It'll be an understatement to say that he was good-looking too. His body was lean and you were probably thicker than this dude but... Your gaze scanned him, back to his face. 

His eyes met yours and you snapped your head back to the cashier. Wow, 2 cute guys in 1 day. I don't know what I've done to deserve this but thank you for the free view. You sent your prayers to the Lord. He was also wearing Karasuno's uniform. You didn't know whether it was a good or bad thing you changed out of your uniform so those 2 probably wouldn't know you all went to the same school. 

The disc in your hand buzzed, signaling to collect your order. You eyed the last empty table when you picked up your tray. A cup of iced chocolate with extra whipped cream and a cake. You've never tried strawberry shortcake before but this one was decorated cutely so why not give it a taste?

"Oh I'm so sorry but we just ran out of strawberry shortcake." You glanced over at the worker talking to the tall blonde. You saw the muscle in his jaw tick. "That's alright. Thank you," he replied nonchalantly but failing to hide his pout.

That's actually adorable. You smiled. "Hey, you can have mine." you offered your slice of cake. "It's fine," he declined but his eyes were glued to your cake. Pft he totally wants it. 

"Just take it. On a second thought, my drink is enough for me, I'd be too full if I have cake too." you smiled. He paused, considering your offer before accepting. "Thank you. I'll pay you back." He took out his wallet and you placed a hand on his, stopping him. "Seriously, don't worry about it." you beamed and headed to your spot. Pretty privileges be real and I'm a sucker for that trap. 

You placed your drink down only to realize that the previously vacant table has a bag reserving the spot. As if on cue, the owner of the bag came back from the washroom. "I'm sorry, but this place is already reserved," it was the companion of the tall blonde male. He was tall as well but not as tall as his friend. He had green hair and freckles. He bowed with an apologetic smile. 

"You can sit with us." You turn to see that same tall blonde dude you offered your cake to set down his tray and take a seat. You looked to his companion and he beamed at you while nodding, signaling he's fine with you joining. "Guess we're even then," you smiled at the tall blonde male as you took a seat next to him. He nodded curtly before turning his attention fully back onto the plate of sugary goodness in front of him. You swore there were stars in his eyes. You took a few sips from your drink which was pure chocolate bliss. 

You look at the green haired boy and something clicked in your mind. "Your freckles..." you started. He stiffened at your words. His smile was gone, his lips a thin line. Huh? why's he looking like that? you thought"Y-Yeah?" he stuttered. The blonde glared at you. He opened his mouth but before he could start, you said, "Oh, I was going to say your freckles look like tiny constellations on your face."

They both stared at you, taken aback from your unexpected comment. "Huh?" the green haired boy squeaked. "Huh? Oh, I meant that it's cute. It's a compliment." His expression eased, his frown replaced with a slight blush. "Oh, uh, thank you. That's the first time someone's said that to me," he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, a small smile creasing his lips. "WOAH! When you blush, it makes your freckles look more constellations in a sunset!" You leaned closer to look at his face, which made him more flustered, deepening the sunset galaxy like cheeks.

The tension eased and you watched the tall blonde dug into the cake. You gaped at him as he gulped down the last bite. You blurted, "I gotta get myself a man who'd devour me like you devouring that cake cause that was record breaking speed."

His whipped towards you, wide eyed and red as he sputtered. "Wh- what the" cough  He broke into a coughing fit."AHH! Water! Water!" His friend frantically handed him his water bottle to which he also, gulped the contents down. "Have you been starving? Are your parents feeding you?" you placed a hand on your chest, feigning concern. The edges of his lips crooked upwards as he fixed his gaze on yours. "I'm well fed, I just have an appetite for desserts." His gaze darkened, "I don't mind devouring something other than sweets though."

You turned a deep shade of red and it was your turn now to be a stuttering mess. Is he implying what I think he is implying? Holy shit– Your train of thoughts were cut short as he leaned closer, his gaze now fixated on your lips as he swiped his tongue across his own. Your breath caught as you stared at his now glistened lips and imagined how it would probably taste like strawberries–


You both snapped out of your trance. His friend, who's face was also in a shade of red, stood up and bonked the blonde's head. "Ouch! Yamaguchi–" the blonde started but was quickly interrupted. "Impolite! No no! You've just met her, keep it in your pants!" he huffed. "This is why I told you to just get a toy." 

Silence fell at your table. Your eyes widened at his statement, stunned, before bursting into a fit of laughter. The blonde however, did not find it as amusing as you did. He looked irked, but had a good sense to not talk back to his friend who gave him a pointed look.

You wiped the tears from your eyes. "It's always the quiet ones huh," you said as you snorted. "Shut up," Tsuki clicked his tongue.

After a good 5 minutes, you both decided it was time to start on work. The bubbly atmosphere was replaced by silence with all 3 of you focused. You've sneaked a few peeks at their homework to know that they're 1st years just like you and since they were doing math and science only, you've quickly narrowed it down to 2 classes that they may be in since those 2 classes had the same teachers who were notorious for assigning homework on the first day of school. After 30 minutes you finished your work and cleared the table before taking out your laptop and tablet. Let the research begin.

Kageyama Tobio Setter. You typed into the search bar and clicked the search button. The news of last year's match was everywhere. Articles with the headlines Kitagawa Daiichi bitterly defeated  were everywhere. Got benched in his last game because none of his teammates wanted to spike his toss. The contents of the articles were not kind towards the ex middle school setter of Kitagawa Daiichi. Some even had quotes from his ex team mates, all with nothing good to say. He was painted to be an arrogant, self centered jerk. 

You can't help but feel bad for the boy. 

You looked closer at his photos. Raven hair parted in the middle, dark blue eyes. Wait. Why does he look so familiar?  It took a few seconds for things to click in your head. "HOLY SHIT IT'S HIM!" you exclaimed albeit too loudly, earning some curious stares and a few glares from the other customers in the shop.

"Sorry," you apologized. You recalled the interaction at the stairway. "Urgh, why do all the men I find cute either have shit personalities or have some past trauma?" Or in Kageyama's case, BOTH?! 

You were too absorbed in your thoughts that you failed to notice the blonde sitting next to you tense, a muscle in his jaw twitched. 

So she already likes someone else huh...

Word count: 2016

Your Notes:


Kageyama Tobio

Other names: King, King of the court

Position: Setter

Middle school: Kitagawa Daiichi

High school: Karasuno

Skills: Quick tosses, high athletic abilities

Characteristics: Highly passionate for volleyball; Arrogant; lack team play


BONUS (cause i disappeared for too long... it's been 4 years)

" You looked like the life returned to you after you ate the first bite," you teased the blonde. His friend giggled while he turned away. He pouted and clicked his tongue in annoyance but the tip of his ears turned red, giving away his embarrassment.

Adorable. Like one big puppy with attitude.


"Ah," Tsukishima suddenly blurted on the way back home. The two males left only when the cafe was near closing time. The girl however had left earlier. " That girl, I remember seeing her with a tall masculine guy on the first day of school," the blonde nonchalantly replied. "Oh? You worried it's her boyfriend?" Yamaguchi stabbed him with his elbow with a teasing smirk. "Shut up. I remember because she was so loud," he quickened his steps. "Hehe, sorry Tsuki," Yamaguchi said, not feeling sorry at all. 

Tsukishima plopped onto his bed, waiting for sleep to come. Today was such a weird day. At least I got to eat the cake so that was nice. He thought about the loud girl who was surprisingly kind. She's pretty cute

He paused.


"Kei, please lower your volume it's late"

"S-sorry mum." He turned into his side as he replayed their encounter at the cafe. He had glanced at her screen and noticed her looking up Kageyama Tobio, the "King". The feeling of something in his chest sinking was foreign. He shook it off. 

I only met her today, so why am I feeling this way? He flipped onto his other side. But she technically only met him today too...

"URGHHHH" He scratched his head, ruffling his hair into a tangle. Whatever, no use thinking about it. It's all pointless anyways. Tsukishima thought as he waited for sleep to come. 


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