The Contradiction Between Hum...

By Weeblet-san

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Mochizuki Aito, a white room product, is trying to enjoy the three years of freedom he was given due to the w... More

Aito Mochizuki's Monologue
Chapter 1: The Beginning of My New School Life
Chapter 2: A Random Encounter
Chapter 3: Special Gift
Chapter 4: Club Registration
Chapter 5: Swiming Class
Chapter 6: Murderous Intent
Chapter 7: Zero Points
Chapter 8: Confrontation
Chapter 9: Improvement
Chapter 10: Development
Chapter 11: Misunderstanding
Chapter 12: Island Exam Begins
Chapter 13: Strategies Forming
Chapter 14: Conflict
Chapter 15: Phase One Complete
Chapter 16: Deal
Chapter 18: Results
Chapter 19: Future
Chapter 20: Discussion
Chapter 21: Opinion
Chapter 22: Students
Chapter 23: Entertainment
Chapter 24: Persuasion
Chapter 25: Next Step
Chapter 26: Cooperation
Chapter 27: Perspective
Chapter 28: Game
Chapter 29: Opportunity
Chapter 30: Identity
Chapter 31: Effect
Chapter 32: One-Sided
Chapter 33: Observation
Chapter 34: Change
Chapter 35: Break

Chapter 17: Reason

1.3K 68 1
By Weeblet-san

The rain kept pouring onto me as I searched for Ayanokõji. He took advantage of the distraction I set up. My footsteps were being engraved in the mud, leaving a trail behind. The route had ended in a steep, sheer slope. There were traces of the soil underneath that had collapsed. I carefully jumped, then rolled to lessen the impact.

My eyes darted around. Scanning the area for him. In the deepness of the forest, there weren't any caves or man-made shelters. The trees are lush and overgrown, increasing the engulfing darkness within the location. The rain didn't help as the sky turned an ashy grey along the clouds.

I ventured into the pitch-dark forest alone. A few minutes later I came across a remarkably big tree. A figure came into my view the closer I got. There he was; standing still looking down at the unconscious body of Horikita. He turned around, having a look in his eyes that I never expected to witness again.

"Looks like someone dropped the tiny facade, huh?"

"There isn't enough to have idle talk" He picked up Horikita. I motioned my hand, stopping him.

"I have already appointed Kōenji to carry out the specified plan. Don't worry about how I got him to cooperate, the details can wait."

Then he appeared, jumping from one tree to another. He leaped downwards and grabbed her in a reckless manner. Kōenji glanced at me before exiting the place.

"Now that we're in a secluded area where nobody will intervene in our private matters. We should settle things, right Kiyotaka-sensei?"

"Weren't you the one who taught me first, Aito-sensei?" The smallest smile could be seen on his face.

Though it quickly disappeared, making me question if it even was there in the first place.

"I wouldn't call myself that since I basically stopped once you surpassed me. I'm not pleased how our last interaction went. It's one of the few things I regret."

"It can't be helped, there was nothing you could do. Why don't we put our skills to the test? To see how well each of us improved." Kiyotaka suggested.

"Alright! No holding back, I know your habits."

After uttering those words, we gazed at each other. With the merciless, ferocious glare we normally had but hid from the public. Aside from the glare his eyes have no signs of emotion in them, it contained a deep never ending pit of darkness. While mine showed the same, there was a difference; an emotionally broken person.

"The rules are the same as always." A vicious grin materialized onto my mouth.

I dashed towards him, going straight for the jaw. He parried it with his forearm, using the other hand to punch me in the cheek. I immediately retaliate, kneeing him in the stomach. He took this opportunity to clutch his hands around me, slamming me into the ground. I rolled to the right to dodge the incoming kick which was aiming for the head. I quickly got up, kicking Kiyotaka's stomach.

6 Years Ago

I woke up to a white ceiling. Seconds later an alarm rang throughout the bedroom indicating us to wake up. I went down from the bunk bed which is also white. Several kids my age did the same while the ones at the bottom bed headed to the doors at the end of the room.

Our attire consisted of a white robe, white shoes and socks. The classrooms, corridors, assigned living chambers, pretty much everything around us is a world full of pure whiteness. We are constantly being monitored, exceptions being limited toilet breaks and baths.

I used to assume that it was some type of white torture but the theory was quickly dismissed by me. Why would the higher-ups want to break us even though we were being taught complicated formulas, advanced training methods, and much more? Yes, it was mentally and physically demanding but we were given plenty of rest for us to recover to a certain extent. We got the nutrients our body needed considering all this. The question still remains. Why?

Following our routine for hours we were generously given a break. I strolled through the white halls, entering the library. The books were tightly aligned in shelves that continued way beyond human vision. I grabbed a book about the Systems' Theory based on Project 5. After flipping pages, I landed on the page I left off yesterday. From the corner of my eye I spotted the same brown hair boy. He had an expressionless face as he sat down one seat away from me.

Although we lived in the same facility, none of us remembered the appearances and names of anyone but ourselves. This boy goes to this library every day for years when we have a break. However neither of us bothered to speak to each other. Today was the same, it was completely silent besides the occasional noise of a page being flipped. My mouth opened, speaking to him.

"Hey, why do you come here every day?
Are you afraid of having no value to the higher-ups, thus you would end up in the same place as the ones who were 'eliminated' down the road?" I indifferently said, still reading my book.

Why would I be concerned about the insignificant failures? As I stated previously we only cared for ourselves. Products raised here never fail to make preparations to defend themselves at all times. It's the cruel reality that we have to accept. More than 15 dropped out, I suspect the next one will happen in the upcoming weeks.

"No, I'm learning everything I'm interested in."

I was slightly taken aback due to his response. Nearly all the kids who came to the library vigilantly studied the subjects they were failing at the moment.

"Does that mean you're doing better at the curriculum than me?"

Usually we get informed how we are currently doing. If we were falling behind or improving beyond their expectations. Never would we be told the specific details but only the run-down version.

"Not really, my results were worse than the previous assessment."

"Now that's surprising. It appears like I'm above you statistically wise." I yawned, putting the book back on the shelf.

"Well, how about I teach you whatever to your heart's content." I proposed.

"Huh?" He blinked, looking at me like I was an idiot.

"Imagine; a hopeless kid who the instructors gave up on becomes number one? The pleasure I will receive for such an achievement will be incomparable to anything in this shitty place!"

"How are you sure it will happen?"

"Did you know why the dropout count is so low despite the education being excessively harsh? I'm the one who helped them. They're so desperate that they are willing to owe me a favor when I never specified what it was."

"Are you really more capable than the professional instructors?"

"What I'm lacking in knowledge, I make up for in my ability to tutor. You know how they don't teach one on one? Instead they make us follow their orders until we get it right. The problem is; a portion of them can't flourish in such a way. Some need more attention while others don't. Unfortunately they seem to firmly believe in equal treatment, regardless of our gender. "

"Not to mention how genes play a big role in the potential of the child. That's why it feels exhilarating when you humiliate those bastards, who think they're superior just because they were born with good genes! I have to push my body to the brink of destruction every single day to not fall behind them but it's definitely worth it. H—".


"Ah, I got off track. Sorry about that. Anyways, if I'm not successful in teaching you, I'll stop. We'll probably be here for years, so who cares if we waste a couple days?"

"Well, I know this is unnecessary but let's still do it. Nice to meet you, I'm Mochizuki Aito. My overall scores make me...ummm...if I recall correctly it should be...uhhhh...I think it was 17th best white room student." I fiddled around my fingers.

Eh, I don't really pay attention nor care to remember trivial details.

"Ayanokõji Kiyotaka. The 41th best white room student."

We both said 'best white room student' because it's kind of the most accurate description. You could call it ranks or standing but it doesn't matter since you don't get perks. The real purpose is to gauge the ability of each individual. The lower you are the more you're likely to be deemed worthless which is an indicator that they should get it together or else you're done for. Since 15 of the 60 dropped out, the lowest 'rank' is 45.

Not even I can predict what'll happen in the upcoming years. Either I will come to regret this decision or it'll be the best one yet. Only the future will tell. Still will I even be able to keep up? I'll need to halt my extra training. If I don't, my body and mind will soon deteriorate. Another reason why I suggested tutoring him, plus I like seeing people grow.

Back to the present

We kept exchanging blows without blocking them. We're playing around, no need to block playful punches. Well, that's your perception of the situation. Nothing more, nothing less.

"From what I've seen, you're still obsessed with assisting people with their development. Alongside watching them grow." He ceased attacking and began talking.

"Oi oi, you don't gotta put it like that. I'm offering them my generous help. What more can they ask for?"

"Still, you're being way too subtle." Kiyotaka had a pondering look on his face.

"Perhaps I changed my rational way of thinking. Even the most heinous human can have a change of heart." I 'innocently' smiled.

"Ah, we should go back or we'll be late for roll call." I suddenly reminded him.

I spat blood onto the ground, taking off my jacket that was covered in mud. Wiping my mouth I checked my wristwatch, we had 15 minutes to get back to base camp.



"Stop with the vague responses. Why are you not involving yourself more?"

While I didn't mind answering, it's strange that he pressed me for an explanation. Silence followed as my words got stuck in my throat. After making a great effort I managed to speak.

"As much unreasonable as it may sound...I want to experience genuine human warmth."

Not once had I ever hesitated to show my feelings. Even if I had to put an act, what I sought at no time diverted to my actual self. That's why I refuse to fake my public persona. Though I still have to restrain myself from saying certain things.

I never expected or wished for people to understand me. I don't want false pity people feel obligated to give when they learn what I've been through. I'm not some unfortunate person who needs it. I'm someone who overcame everything life threw at me.

Someone who can openly express their true thoughts to me. Something so beautifully pure.
I want to be able to put my trust into people again. Yet, I continue on manipulating those said people.

My brain is embedded in their own ideals they pushed onto us. Making us deceived each other, plot against each other, hiding behind a mask. Such a disgusting, despicable, toxic environment sickens me to the stomach. Even so, I cannot and will not reject myself or that place. The only thing that changed was that I found my own ideals, my own beliefs, something that wasn't forced upon me. They can be considered twisted by the public opinion. I know just how of a hypocrite I am, I'm a horrible human being.

But I couldn't care less. No matter what circumstances I am willing to do everything needed to achieve what I desire. It doesn't matter how it's done, as long as the end result is favorable. That's all that matters.

"We both strive for things we have never experienced, Kiyotaka."

Unbeknownst to me, Kiyotaka was internally perplexed for the first time in years.


Giving character depth to the oc!

Also I stopped reading cote at year 2 volume 2, therefor this is all my own interpretation of the white room.

I'm going to clear some misconceptions you may have. So comment for explanations!

Well, the reason the mc gave was only one of many reason. So not all of his actions will make sense as his character is still being shown.

He understands everyone wears mask in their day to day lives, the thing that he dislikes are people who completely fake their entire personality. Yes, that's why he doesn't like Kushida. It wasn't due to me disliking her. Hence why he antagonized her whenever he had a chance. That's the motive for one of his actions in chapter 3,6, etc.

Horikita is a special case, as his dislike for her is because of her superiority complex. You know how that's gonna ended up. Aside from that he really doesn't dislike her cold personality.

Look at how smart I am! In all seriousness does his actions make sense?

The fight was more of a distraction so the mc could have his flashback. It didn't feel right for it to happen while they were talking. Some bs like the pain brought the memories back. Plus it wasn't even a serious fight.

I'm my opinion it was better to reveal a bit of his past and way of thinking in volume 3. As the previous volumes were for building some sort of mystery to his actions and character. While you knew he was from the white room, his motives were unexplained.

Now I can give more insight on him as part of his motives for reveled. Expect more details being put into his thoughts.

I have no idea about other white room oc but the mc's past will not be explained in a single chapter. This was only a tiny fragment to his past. The rest will be shown throughout the volumes.

This getting long so that's it for today.

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