A Hogwarts Journey - The Phil...

By CaitlynHeddle

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Chloe Carter had just been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and she was just 11 years... More

Introduction & Characters
Chapter 1 - Getting her Hogwarts Letter
Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 3 - The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 4 - Great Hall, the Sorting Hat & the Common Rooms
Chapter 5 - A Day at Hogwarts
Chapter 6 - The Third Floor Corridor & Charms Class
Chapter 7 - The Troll & Quidditch Game
Chapter 9 - Making up with Harry & Home for the Christmas Break
Chapter 10 - Christmas Day at the Carters
Chapter 11 - Visiting Hermione & Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 12 - Hagrid's Hut and Getting caught by Professor McGonagall
Chapter 13 - Detention with Hagrid & Fight with Draco
Chapter 14 - Talk with Hagrid & The Gryffindor Common Room
Chapter 15 - Journey to the Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 16 - Harry's defeat of Quirrell/Voldemort
Chapter 17 - Reuniting with Harry & The House Cup Feast
Chapter 18 - Going Back Home
Author's Note

Chapter 8 - Hanging out with Draco & Fight with Harry

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By CaitlynHeddle

So, ever since Harry and Ron saved Hermione and Chloe from the troll, they have all continued to get closer to each other and have already became a close knit group with each other! 💘

Chloe, Hermione, Harry and Ron have started to do a lot of research about Nicholas Flamel and why he was important for Fluffy to guard the mystery item but they haven't found anything yet.

This is set two weeks before the Christmas break at Hogwarts 🎄

Chloe was currently hanging out with Draco in the Great Hall after they had handed in their project to Professor Snape for their Potions class and they were talking and laughing with each other and they now knew that they get on well with each other when Draco isn't being mean about her best friends - Hermione, Harry and Ron.

Chloe was already best friends with Hermione and was getting closer with Harry and Ron after they saved the two of them from the troll at Halloween.

"So, how do you think we did for our project for our Potions class?" Chloe asked Draco who was looking straight at her.

"I think we did okay. I hope we get a pass for this project, I mean, Snape likes me, so he would definitely give our project a high mark." Draco said with a slight smirk on his face which made Chloe grin back at him.

"The only reason why Snape likes you is because you're in Slytherin, which is the house that he is the head of." Chloe said and rolled her eyes at Draco and laughed quietly to herself.

"I'm sure that's not the reason why he likes me." Draco said to Chloe who then looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Haven't you noticed that in his classes with us, he's always being mean to Harry? Or even Ron, Hermione or Neville? He's always nice to you because you are in his house." Chloe said with a slight anger in her tone of voice and continued to look at Draco.

"Oh. I have heard Snape being mean to Potter and anyone else but that's because they aren't in the same house as us and have different blood status to us as well." Draco said and saw Chloe taking a deep breath in and out as she then looked back at Draco.

"It doesn't matter if they are in different houses as us, or whether they have the same blood status as us. I'm in Hufflepuff and I'm best friends with Hermione, Harry and Ron who's in Gryffindor but Snape should never ever treat his students differently in his classes. No other professor here treats their students differently apart from Snape." Chloe said with anger rising in her voice and then she left Draco in the Great Hall to go and calm herself down from arguing with Draco.

Draco then walked out of the Great Hall to find Chloe sitting down on one of the benches in the corridor and walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"I'm sorry for making you angry in there, Chloe. I just never.." Draco said and trailed off at the end of his sentence which made Chloe look at him.

"It's okay, I think I was just mad about Snape treating my best friends differently than you, that's all. What did you want to say?" Chloe said and turned her body towards Draco who was looking ahead and not at Chloe.

"I mean, I just never know what things I say that would make other people angry or upset and I don't care if they are angry and upset and that what makes me feel good." Draco said as he saw Chloe with her mouth wide open at what Draco just confessed to her. 

"What? You mean you feel good when you make fun or taunt other people?" Chloe asked Draco and saw him nod his head slowly as she then sighed, "Look, Draco, you clearly have a wall in front of you and nobody has ever tried to break the wall down to get to know the real you. I will be there for you if you ever need to talk to anyone and I won't judge anything that you say." she said and saw Draco with a little smile on his face.

"You promise? It will take time though, I find it hard to trust people and even though I've known you for a few months now, I still haven't fully trusted you yet." Draco said and saw Chloe nodding her head at him.

"Yes, I promise. I know it will take time, but I will listen to you if you want to talk about anything." Chloe said and saw Draco smiling at her and she smiled back at Draco as they continued to talk with each other on one of the benches in the corridor outside of the Great Hall.

For the next half hour or so, Chloe and Draco were hanging outside of the Great Hall on their bench that they were sitting on and just talked and laughed with each other. Chloe was glad that Draco was starting to trust her and slowly was opening up to her every time that they spoke to each other.

Little did Chloe know, that Harry, Ron and Hermione were watching her and Draco talk and laugh with each other from a distance away from them. Harry looked on in disgust and was annoyed of the fact that Chloe was hanging out with Draco, his enemy that he hated.

Ron turned his head towards Harry and noticed him getting a bit annoyed as he then put his hand on Harry's shoulder, "You okay, mate?" he asked Harry who then turned to look at both Ron and Hermione.

"No, why is Chloe hanging out with Draco a lot now? I mean, does she not know that we all hate him and he always bullies us! I'm just annoyed about this whole thing." Harry vented out to Ron and Hermione who knew that Harry had a bit of a problem with Chloe hanging out with Draco.

"Harry, you need to calm down. I've spoken to Chloe a few times and warned her about Draco, but she wanted to get to know him a bit more and she also knows that we don't like him and even stuck up for us if Draco is being mean about us. Chloe is a good friend, don't worry about her, she's looking out for herself and us." Hermione explained and saw Harry nod his head.

"Even though I've known her a lot better over the last few weeks, she is one of my best friends along with you two and I just want to make sure that she's okay around Draco because I do care about her and want to protect her." Harry said and saw both Ron and Hermione nod their heads as they all looked to see Chloe approaching the three of them with a smile on her face.

"Hey guys. Anything new on our research about Nicholas Flamel?" Chloe asked Harry, Ron and Hermione who all nodded their heads and saw Harry staring at her in anger.

"Harry, you okay?" Chloe asked Harry who was still staring at her in anger.

"Well, no, I'm not! See if you can figure it out yourself!" Harry said angrily at Chloe and walked away from her, Ron and Hermione into the Great Hall.

"What is up with Harry?" Chloe scoffed and looked towards Hermione and Ron who looked at each other and pointed towards Draco on the bench that he was now joined by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Harry isn't happy that you are talking to Draco who is his enemy." Ron explained to Chloe who simply nodded her head as she was looking towards Ron.

"Oh, if he had a problem with me talking to Draco, then why didn't he say something to me instead of you guys telling me? Am I not allowed to be friends with Draco?" Chloe said and was getting angry at Harry but kept herself composed in front of Ron and Hermione.

"I think he is struggling on how to speak to you about Draco but I've told him numerous times about your friendship with Draco and he's struggling to accept it. You are allowed to be friends with whoever you want, but I think Harry just wants you to be careful around Draco more than anyone else." Hermione said and looked towards Chloe who nodded her head and smiled at both Hermione and Ron.

"Okay, well I will talk to Harry in the morning so that he can explain to me about how he feels about my friendship with Draco." Chloe said and saw Ron and Hermione nod their heads.

"I think that would be good. Even though I'm not accepting your friendship with Draco because of what he does to Harry and he's my best friend, but I know that you would stick up for me, Hermione and Harry in front of Draco." Ron said and went to hug Chloe who hugged him back tighter.

"Of course. I've done that a lot over the last few months and Draco knows what not to say in front of me about you three because he knows that I will get mad at him." Chloe said and pulled away from the hug that she shared with Ron.

After she spoke with Hermione and Ron for another few minutes, Chloe headed into her common room for the evening to hang out with Ava, Sophia and Hayley and Hermione and Ron headed into the Great Hall to calm Harry down from seeing Chloe and Draco together.

Ava noticed that Chloe was quieter than usual in their chats with Sophia and Hayley in their dorm room and leaned in closer towards her and whispered in her ear.

"You okay, Chloe?" Ava asked Chloe who nodded her head slowly and looked towards Ava.

"Yeah, I am. I've got a lot on my mind. I'm going to have quite a difficult chat with Harry tomorrow morning and it may get heated between us." Chloe said and saw Ava nod her head as they then went back to having a conversation with Sophia and Hayley for the next hour. 

After an hour and a half of talking to each other, Chloe, Ava, Sophia and Hayley all went to their beds in their dorm room, switched off the lights in the room and they all went to sleep instantly. Chloe struggled with going to sleep throughout the night because she wasn't looking forward to having a chat with Harry about her and Draco.

The next morning, Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting eating their breakfast at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall and Chloe was sitting with Ava, Sophia and Hayley also eating their breakfast at the Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall.

After Chloe had finished the last piece of her toast for her breakfast, she leaned in closer to Ava and whispered in her ear.

"I'm just going to go and speak to Harry for a bit. I'll be back in a while." Chloe said to Ava who then nodded her head and looked towards Chloe.

"Okay. We will either be in the Common Room or in the library studying. See you in a bit." Ava said and smiled at Chloe to which she smiled back at Ava and then left her, Sophia and Hayley at their table and started to make her own way towards the Gryffindor table where Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting talking to each other.

"Hey guys." Chloe said to Harry, Ron and Hermione who all turned their heads to see Chloe smiling at them and they all smiled back at her. Chloe looked towards Harry and saw him avoiding eye contact with her and she knew that it was because of her hanging out with Draco last night.

"Hey, Chloe. You want to come and join us?" Hermione asked Chloe with a smile on her face to which Chloe smiled back at Hermione.

"I actually came over here because I wanted to speak to Harry alone. You guys probably know what it is about anyway." Chloe replied to Hermione as she nodded her head and they both looked towards Harry who was looking down onto the table, "Harry, can we talk now?" she asked Harry who nodded his head and looked up at Chloe.

"Sure. Let's go somewhere private to talk." Harry said and stood up from where he was sitting at the table.

Harry and Chloe both waved to Hermione and Ron and they walked out of the Great Hall in awkward silence with none of them talking to each other until they reached a private staircase in the castle that no one uses and sat down on the stairs beside each other.

Chloe and Harry was still in complete silence and avoided eye contact with each other. Harry then spoke up after a few minutes of silence and looked towards Chloe.

"What is your problem?" Harry finally said out loud and saw Chloe looking at him with her eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean my problem? What's your problem with me hanging out with Draco?" she asked Harry who shook his head and stood up angrily from where he was sitting on the staircase.

"I do have a problem with you hanging out with Draco." Harry said and saw Chloe standing up from where she was sitting on the staircase to face Harry.

"What's wrong with Draco?" Chloe asked Harry once again with anger rising in her voice towards Harry.

"Chloe! There's tons of things that's wrong with Draco. Let's list them, shall we? First, he's my enemy and constantly bullies me, Ron and Hermione in or out of class. Second of all, he's a Malfoy and they are pure bad and evil! Third of all, I just want you to stay away from Draco." Harry replied angrily at Chloe who scoffed out loud and looked away from Harry.

"But, Harry, Draco can be a nice person and I've enjoyed getting to know him over the last few months and in case you didn't know, whenever Draco is being mean about you, Ron or Hermione, I've always stuck up for the three of you because you guys are my best friends." Chloe said and raised her voice towards Harry.

"Ha! Draco is a nice person, that I find hard to believe. You need to stay away from Draco, he's bad news." Harry raised his voice towards Chloe.

"I don't want to stay away from Draco. I want to get to know him more and hang out with him outside of classes and you can't tell me what to do. Whether I'm friends with Draco or not, is none of your business, Harry. You do need to stop being overprotective." Chloe said, feeling even more angrier of the fact that Harry told her to stay away from Draco.

"The only reason why I'm overprotective of you is because I care about you, Chloe. I care about you, Ron and Hermione the most as you guys are my best friends." Harry said quietly to Chloe who then shook her head as they continued to argue over Draco.

Hermione and Ron were walking towards the staircase from the Great Hall where Harry and Chloe was still arguing with each other and they stopped walking because they had heard Harry and Chloe fighting with each other.

"Oh no." said Ron. "This doesn't sound too good!" he said quietly to Hermione who leaned in closer to overhear what Chloe and Harry were saying.

"It does not. Should we do something?" Hermione said and looked up at Ron who nodded his head as he also looked down at Hermione.

"Maybe, we should wait until things have either calmed down or have taken it too far." Ron said and they both then listened quietly to hear Chloe and Harry still arguing with each other.

Chloe had enough of arguing with Harry about Draco and decided to just walk away from Harry without saying another word to him which made Harry angry with her.

"Where do you think you're going? We aren't finished." Harry shouted out to Chloe who stopped walking down the staircase and then turned around to face Harry.

"Yes, we are finished talking. I don't want to hear about why I should stay away from Draco. I think I need to stay away from you for a few days at least." Chloe said and continued walking away from Harry.

Harry ran down the staircase and grabbed Chloe's arm and turned her around, "Don't do this, Chloe. You know why I'm doing this." he said quietly and Chloe shook her head and scoffed to herself.

Chloe pulled her arm out of Harry's grasp, "I can't be around you any longer right now. If you truly cared for me, you would let me talk to Draco and hang out with him and you need to know that I know what I'm doing with Draco." she said and walked away once again from Harry who then sat down on the staircase feeling upset because he thought he might have just lost one of his best friends.

Chloe turned around the corner and saw Hermione and Ron standing there and she knew that they had overheard her and Harry's fight and sighed out loud while looking at her other two best friends.

"I guess, you heard Harry and I's fight?" Chloe asked the two of them quietly and they both nodded their heads as Hermione took Chloe's hand in her hand.

"We did. Are you okay?" Hermione asked Chloe who then smiled weakly at her and nodded her head.

"I will be. Harry just made me angry about a lot of things so I think I just need to stay away from him for a bit, but I will still talk to you guys even though Harry and I aren't on the best of terms at the moment." Chloe said and saw Ron nod his head and looked around the corner to see Harry with his head in his hands sitting on the staircase.

"You know that we're always here for you." Ron said and went to give Chloe a hug which made Chloe smile at the fact that Ron and Hermione are still wanting to be best friends with her even though her and Harry just had a big argument with each other. 

"Thank you, Ron. That means a lot. Look, you guys go ahead and speak to Harry. I'm not stopping you from speaking to him and I'm just going to head back to the Great Hall to find my friends." Chloe said and smiled at Ron and Hermione who smiled back at her.

"See you later." Hermione and Ron both said and waved to Chloe as they both walked around the corner to speak with Harry.

Chloe then walked off to head back into the Great Hall to find Ava, Sophia and Hayley to get her mind off things. She couldn't believe the fight that she just had with Harry about Draco, but she hoped in a few days that when things were calmer again, her and Harry would make up and they would be back to being best friends again, because she doesn't like the idea of Hermione and Ron being in the middle of the two of them.


Chloe and Harry still wasn't talking to each other due to their massive fight about Draco a few days ago and Hermione and Ron were in the middle of the two of them.

Chloe still hung out with Hermione a lot because she was her best friend but Chloe would always leave whenever Harry and Ron came and joined them as she couldn't deal with Harry at the moment.

Chloe got a lot closer with Draco and Hermione because she wasn't speaking with Harry and this caused Harry to get even angrier with Chloe whenever he saw her and Draco hanging out together in Hogwarts.

Chloe did miss Harry a lot and wanted to make up with him, but was struggling on how to approach him and also wondered if Harry was still angry with her or not. Chloe wanted her best friend back in her life. Harry also did miss Chloe because he also wanted his best friend back in his life, but wondered if Chloe was still angry with him or not and wanted to talk with her as soon as he can.

Hermione and Ron were currently sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall all by themselves without Harry or Chloe around. Hermione then looked up at Ron who was researching some stuff about Nicholas Flamel.

"What are we going to do with Harry and Chloe? This can't go on any longer!" Hermione said quietly to Ron as he then looked up at Hermione and nodded his head.

"I agree. But it's up to them if they want to sort things out themselves and I know that Harry misses Chloe and is trying to figure out a way to talk to her eventually. They're best friends! You can see that they both clearly care for each other." Ron said and saw Hermione nodding her head.

"Chloe told me last night that she misses Harry and wanted one of her best friends back in her life, so she's also trying to figure out if Harry is still angry with her and wanted to talk to him soon. They definitely do care for one another and we both care about them a lot. We just have to be there for the two of them at the moment." Hermione said and saw Ron give her a little smile and nodded his head, as they continued to research some stuff on Nicholas Flamel before Harry joined them at the table.

A few hours later, Chloe was walking towards Hagrid's hut to see Hagrid for some advice about what to do about her and Harry. She approached the front door of the hut and knocked on the door and then heard some barking from inside the hut.

Chloe smiled at Hagrid as the front door opened, "Good afternoon, Hagrid. Mind if I come in?" she asked Hagrid and then looked down towards the dog and then kneeled on the ground to stroke the dog, "And who is this?" she asked Hagrid who was smiling away at Chloe and his dog.

"Yer can come in and this is my dog, Fang." Hagrid replied to Chloe and opened his door wider so that Chloe can come into the hut. Hagrid went to sit down in his chair at the little wooden table and Chloe went to sit down on a bench opposite him and looked down on the table.

"Is everything okay?" Hagrid asked Chloe who nodded her head slowly and then wiped some tears off her face as she then looked up at Hagrid.

"No. I don't know if Harry told you this already, but we've had a fight a couple of days ago and we haven't spoken since and it's putting Hermione and Ron in the middle of the two of us and there's a strain on Harry and I's friendship at the moment." Chloe explained to Hagrid about what happened with her and Harry and then saw Hagrid nodding his head.

"I'm sorry to hear that. If yer don't mind me askin', what exactly happened with you and Harry?" Hagrid questioned Chloe who then took a deep breath and then looked back up at Hagrid.

Chloe then explained to Hagrid about her and Harry's fight about Draco and how he thought that she should stay away from him. Chloe also told Hagrid about Harry's overprotectiveness over her. Once Chloe finished explaining about what happened between her and Harry, she saw Hagrid looking shocked but understood why they were both mad at each other.

"You guys have the right reason to get mad at each other, but Chloe, yer have to look at it fro' Harry's point of view. I think he's only mad at yer because of what Draco had done to him so far and he's only looking out for yeh like you said, he cares about yeh." Hagrid said and saw Chloe nodding her head at him.

"I know that Harry cares for me and I care about him too. I actually miss talking to Harry and I don't know how to approach him to see if he will talk to me about everything, but he needs to let me talk to Draco and hang out with him and I know what I'm doing around Draco. What do you think I should do?" Chloe said and continued to look at Hagrid who was listening intently to Chloe.

"I think yer and Harry need to talk to each other very soon because it's clear to me that yeh two do miss each other and also needs each other. You, Harry, Ron and Hermione are such a close-knit group with each other and I don't want anything that will cause the four of yer apart. I would go and talk to Harry very soon and make up with him and that way, yeh four can be a close-knit group again and it's also not fair for Ron and Hermione to be in the middle of you and Harry." Hagrid said with a smile on his face to which Chloe smiled back at him.

"I think I will go and talk to Harry soon and I agree with Ron and Hermione being in the middle of the two of us is not fair, thanks Hagrid!" Chloe said and went to give Hagrid a hug and he leaned down to hug Chloe back.

"It's not a problem. I'm here if yeh need anything." Hagrid said and smiled at Chloe who smiled back at him as she pulled away from the hug that she had with him.

Chloe stayed for a few more minutes speaking with Hagrid in his hut and then she left Hagrid's to head back inside Hogwarts to see her friends.

Chloe looked up from the ground to see Harry, Ron and Hermione heading towards Hagrid's hut to see Hagrid and she sighed softly and continued to look down onto the ground, hoping that none of them would see Chloe but Hermione noticed her and shouted over at her.

"Chloe? Is that you?" Hermione shouted out to Chloe as she took a deep breath and shouted back at Hermione.

"Yeah! It is me!" Chloe said and stepped over some rocks on the way back to Hogwarts to see Harry, Ron and Hermione standing in front of her with confusion written on their faces.

"What?" Chloe said to the three of them and looked between Ron and Hermione most of the time avoiding Harry's glare because there was still some sort of tension between the two of them.

"What are you doing out this late? I thought you were going to see your friends?" Ron questioned Chloe, while Harry stayed quiet throughout this conversation because he still didn't want to talk to her after what happened between them, but knew that Hermione and Ron still spoke to her, despite everything.

"I am just about to head back to see my friends. I just came back from visiting Hagrid, I just needed some advice on something. What are you guys doing?" Chloe said and then stared at Harry who knew that Chloe was asking Hagrid for some advice on what happened between him and Chloe.

"We are just going to visit Hagrid as well to ask him a few things." Harry said quietly as he saw Chloe, Ron and Hermione all looking at him because it was the first time Harry had spoken to Chloe since their fight a few days ago.

"Right then." Chloe said awkwardly because she didn't know how to react to Harry speaking to her for the first time in a few days, "I'm guessing it's to do with Nicholas Flamel?" she said, still looking at Harry who nodded his head slowly.

"Yes, it is." Harry simply replied back to Chloe.

"Have you guys been in the library to find anything on him at all?" Chloe said and saw the three of them nod their heads at her.

"Yes, we have. We haven't found anything on him at all." Hermione said dejectedly, and Chloe saw her, Harry and Ron's exhausted looks on their faces from doing so much research to find nothing.

"Look, speak to Hagrid and I will go into the library to see if I can find anything on him. Even if Harry and I aren't on the best of terms at the moment, I still want to help you guys with anything." Chloe said with a smile and saw Ron and Hermione smiling back at her as she also saw Harry give a small smile back at Chloe.

"That would be great! Thank you, Chloe!" Ron said, feeling happy about the fact that Chloe and Harry were talking for a tiny bit, but there was still some awkwardness between the two of them.

Harry, Ron and Hermione then walked away towards Hagrid's hut to see Hagrid after speaking with Chloe for a few minutes. Chloe then turned around to see her three best friends all laughing and talking with each other and knew that she would be back with them in no time after she had spoken to Harry and made up with him. Chloe then turned around to walk back into the castle to see her friends for a few hours.

Later that night, Chloe and Draco were hanging out in the Great Hall together and by this point, they were slowly becoming friends with each other. The Great Hall was filled with students all chattering to their friends at their tables.

"How was your day?" Chloe asked Draco with a smile on her face and saw Draco smiling back at her.

"My day was okay, actually. I just hung out with Crabbe and Goyle and did some homework. I didn't see you at all today, what did you do today?" Draco said and smiled at Chloe once again to which she smiled back at him.

"I actually hung out with my friends for most of today and then earlier, I visited Hagrid to get some advice on something. When I came back from Hagrid's, I bumped into Harry, Ron and Hermione and it was awkward between me and Harry." Chloe said and saw Draco nodding his head at her.

"I bet it was awkward, is there any chance that you are going to make up with Harry? I know that I hate Potter, but I know that he's one of your best friends along with Ron and Hermione and I also know that you care for them the most." Draco said and saw Chloe smile at him.

"Thank you, Draco for realising that my best friends are Harry, Ron and Hermione even if you hate them. I think I'm gonna try and speak with Harry either later on or tomorrow." Chloe said and continued with her conversation with Draco for a while.

"Hey Chloe! How are you?" George said as Chloe turned to look in front of her from talking with Draco to see Fred and George waving at her.

"I'm good, boys! How are you both?" Chloe asked both Fred and George and waved back at them.

Chloe was becoming great friends with Fred and George over the last few months of being at Hogwarts and they always made Chloe cheer up whenever she's down, so Chloe was lucky to have Fred and George as her friends.

"We're good! We got into a lot of trouble today by causing mischief in Hogwarts." Fred said and saw Chloe shaking her head at the two of them.

"What am I going to do with the two of you?" Chloe sighed quietly and heard Fred and George walking away from her and laughed with each other as they made their way to their Gryffindor table.

Chloe then looked around the Great Hall and saw Harry, Ron and Hermione sitting at the Gryffindor table staring at her and Draco. Chloe then smiled weakly and gave a small wave to the three of them as she saw Ron and Hermione smiling and waving back at her, but Harry looked down onto the ground avoiding eye contact with Chloe.

Chloe then turned back to talk with Draco for another little while at the Slytherin table where they often hung out when they were in the Great Hall. After Chloe had spoken with Draco, she made her way towards the Gryffindor table and saw Seamus and Neville also sitting there and decided to join them.

"Hey guys." Chloe said and sat down next to Seamus. Chloe saw both Seamus and Neville smiling at her to which she smiled back at both of them.

"Hey, Chloe. How are you?" Neville asked Chloe with a little smile on his face.

"I'm fine, actually. What about you guys?" Chloe asked both Neville and Seamus and they both nodded their heads at her.

"We're fine. We heard about what happened between you and Harry. Has there been any progress since you guys had your fight?" Seamus asked Chloe and saw her turn to look at Harry, Ron and Hermione who was only a few feet away from her and then looked back at Seamus.

"Well, I bumped into Harry, Ron and Hermione on my way back from Hagrid's today and Harry did say a few stuff to me, so I guess that's progress in a way. Don't worry, I'm going to try and speak with Harry at some point either later on tonight or tomorrow, because I do miss hanging out with him along with Ron. I still hang out with Hermione a lot since she's my best friend." Chloe said and saw Seamus and Neville looking at her with smiles on their faces.

"You guys can't lose your friendship over this fight. I'm happy to hear that you are going to make up with Harry soon. You, Harry, Ron and Hermione seem very close with each other." Neville said and saw Chloe's face light up into a smile.

"That's why Hagrid said to me earlier, that me, Harry, Ron and Hermione are a very close-knit group with each other." Chloe said and continued to talk with Neville and Seamus for a few more minutes.

Along with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Draco, Ava, Sophia and Hayley, Neville and Seamus were two of Chloe's very good friends at Hogwarts and they were some of the funniest people that Chloe had ever met.

Ron looked over and saw Chloe talking with Neville and Seamus and furrowed his eyebrows and looked back at Harry and Hermione, "When did Chloe get close with Neville and Seamus?" he asked out loud to the two of them. 

Harry and Hermione then looked over to see Chloe talking and laughing with Neville and Seamus as Hermione then looked back at Ron with a little smile on her face. 

"Chloe has always been close with Neville ever since we met him on the train coming here and then she met Seamus through Neville and they've been close ever since." Hermione explained to Ron who then nodded his head and continued his conversation with Harry. 

Once Chloe finished speaking with Neville and Seamus, she then approached Harry, Ron and Hermione and tapped Hermione on her shoulder and saw her turn around and smiled at Chloe once she saw who it was that tapped her on the shoulder. 

"Hey, can we talk for a few minutes?" Chloe asked Hermione who then nodded her head and stood up from her seat opposite Harry and Ron. 

"I miss you hanging out with us, Chloe." Ron said and saw Chloe looking at him with a smile on his face. 

"I miss hanging out with you guys too, but I need to make up with Harry first, if he would like to make up." Chloe said quietly as she, Ron and Hermione all looked towards Harry who was avoiding eye contact with Chloe but knew that he wanted to make up with her. 

Chloe then looked back at Hermione and smiled at her, "Shall we talk outside?" she asked Hermione who nodded her head and followed Chloe out of the Great Hall as they both sat down on a bench in the corridor. 

"What did you want to talk about?" Hermione asked Chloe who then turned to face her and looked down onto the ground. 

"Harry. I've been thinking about our fight a few days ago and I realised how it's so stupid that we are not even on speaking terms. It's also unfair on you and Ron to be in the middle of the two of us and I just want to make up with Harry so that I can hang out with you guys again. Do you think he would be ready to make up with me?" Chloe said and saw Hermione eagerly nodding her head at her with a smile on her face. 

"Yes!! You need to make up with Harry because he keeps telling us about how much he misses you and the fact that there's an empty part to our group as you don't hang out with us that much now, but go and speak with Harry soon and just talk to him about everything." Hermione said and looked at Chloe who now had a smile on her face. 

"I will go and speak to Harry soon about everything and I finally get to be part of the group again." Chloe said and smiled eagerly towards Hermione who also smiled back at Chloe.

"You've always been part of the group, even if you and Harry aren't on the best of terms at the moment." Hermione said and leaned in to hug Chloe who hugged back tighter. 

Hermione and Chloe then spent the majority of the evening sitting on the bench talking about the research that Hermione, Harry and Ron did on Nicholas Flamel and Chloe also told Hermione about what she found out about Nicholas Flamel, but they both soon realised that finding information on this particular person was not going to be easy and they were both glad that they, along with Harry and Ron can work together very well to find information on this person. 


Harry was sitting alone in the Great Hall at his table doing some research on Nicholas Flamel, because Hermione and Ron were doing some homework in the library and Chloe was hanging out with her friends and going to her classes for the day. 

"Potter!" Harry heard his enemy, Draco Malfoy calling out to him from a distance away and Harry closed his book on Nicholas Flamel and then turned around to see Draco walking up to him with an evil grin on his face. 

"Malfoy. What are you doing here?" Harry asked calmly at Draco who simply scoffed and sat down next to him. 

"I just walked in here and saw you sitting alone, Potter. What happened to Weasley and Granger? What about Chloe?" Draco said and laughed evilly and this caused Harry to become angry with Draco. 

"Don't you dare talk about Chloe! You better stay away from her, I don't think you truly care for Chloe just like I do!" Harry raised his voice at Draco who still continued to laugh evilly. 

"Excuse you! I care about Chloe a lot more than you do! Maybe Chloe prefers me as a friend than you because she has stopped speaking to you so much now. I would not stay away from Chloe because she needs a friend right now." Draco said as calmly as he could, but can see the anger rising from Harry. 

"No one cares about Chloe in the way that me, Ron and Hermione do because we're her best friends! I know that Chloe needs a friend right now, and she talks to Hermione a lot because she's her best friend! Just go away!" Harry shouted and turned back around to look down at his book while trying to get calm again and then heard Draco laugh once again and walked away from him. 

Later that night, Chloe, Hermione, Harry and Ron were all back in the Great Hall and Chloe was sitting with Draco at the Slytherin table talking with him, while Hermione, Harry and Ron were sitting with Neville and Seamus at the Gryffindor table all talking to each other. 

"Is everything okay?" Chloe asked Draco who hasn't said a word to her since they sat down in the Great Hall and saw Draco slowly turn to face her and looked up at Chloe. 

"I have to tell you something, but you aren't going to like what I am about to tell you because I know how close you are with Harry." Draco trailed off at the end of his sentence quietly, but Chloe heard Harry's name being mentioned and looked straight at Draco. 

"What did you do?" Chloe asked Draco in a calm voice and saw Draco sigh to himself before looking back up at Chloe. 

"Well, me and Harry got into a fight earlier today and it was mostly about you because Harry thought that he, Ron and Hermione cared for you the most as they are your best friends and also thought that I didn't truly care for you, but I do." Draco began to say, while continuing to look at Chloe. 

"And what did you say back to Harry?" Chloe asked once again at Draco who then laughed and made an evil smirk appear on his face. 

"I just told Potter that you preferred me as a friend than him because you aren't talking to him at the moment and it got a bit heated from then." Draco said and saw Chloe's face turn into anger which then made Draco realise that Chloe still cared for Harry. 

"Why? Why would you say that, Draco? Now, Harry isn't going to speak to me ever again because of you! No wonder that the three of them hate your guts and I'm starting to think that they may be right all along!" Chloe raised her voice at Draco and they started to argue with each other which had gotten the attention from Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville and Seamus from two tables down from them and had heard a few things being said between Chloe and Draco. 

"Please don't tell me that you still care for Harry after what he said to you about me!" Draco said and saw Chloe nodding her head and stood up from where she was sitting down beside Draco. 

"Draco! You need to realise that despite everything that's gone on between me and Harry, that I do still care for Harry a lot along with Ron and Hermione. They're my best friends here at Hogwarts! Nothing you can say or do, will never ever break my friendships with them because I'm very loyal to them and I know that Harry, Ron and Hermione care for me, so why don't you realise that?" Chloe spoke in an angry tone in her voice but didn't know that Harry, Ron and Hermione overheard what Chloe said about the three of them and smiled at each other. 

Chloe stormed out of the Great Hall and headed towards her Common Room down in the dungeons and she was mad at Draco for what he said to Harry earlier today. She walked into her dorm room that she shared with Ava, Sophia and Hayley and then laid down and stroked Bella in her bed in an attempt to calm down from losing her temper with Draco earlier. 

Chloe then fell asleep a few hours later with Bella still on her bed curled up next to her. Chloe thought in her sleep that she was going to make up with Harry because she had missed him but wondered how she was going to talk to him, but it was definitely going to be before Christmas break that she was going to talk to Harry and make up with him.

Chloe then also thought of all the memories that she had with Harry, Ron and Hermione over the last few months at Hogwarts as a group together and smiled in her sleep because they were truly the best friends that Chloe could ever ask for.

Do you guys think that Chloe and Harry will make up with each other or will Ron and Hermione continue to be in the middle of the two of them? 🧐

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