It's The Connection We Can't...

By -fluffyfelix

994 53 5

Every alpha business man wants to strengthen their relationship with The Jeon Empire, Park Jisung, Jimin's fa... More

It was fate

What he does to me

192 11 0
By -fluffyfelix


Jimin plops down on his bed having done with his night routine. He slaps his face gently as he rests against the soft mattress of his bed. Taking in a deep sigh, he lets his mind veer off to the ruined lunch of the current day. He sighs mind playing images of the sincerity visible in their eyes, the distress in his omega mother in law's scent. It was hard to trust them when he expected a hit as soon as he touched the spoon. However, now as he lay here with a calm mind he understood that he should have never given up on becoming independent like he dreamt about. His mother would have been sad knowing she was the reason of him losing the will to be what he yearned to be, to fight against the orthodox mind-set of his father and step mother. His eyes closed gradually and soon he was fast asleep.

Few weeks passed after the incident and Jimin awoke at 7:30 am. He did his morning routine and exited his bedroom. He made breakfast for Jungkook and him and set the table. Minutes later Jungkook came bounding into the kitchen, fixing his cuffs. His tie was crooked and Jimin stifled a laughter at it, "Thank you for the meal," He said earning a welcome before Jimin resumed with eating his. "Jungkook," Jimin called deciding it was the best time to ask. He had always wanted to do this, and considering the events of yesterday it appeared that the family wasn't what Jimin imagined. "If it's not too much," The omega began choosing his words carefully, "Can I get a job?"

There, he said it. He wants to do a job and he knows a place where they could hire him. He would always sneak out of his home and go there. The pretty old lady there knew the sad truth about his family and never pestered him to join but did say that if he could, she'd take him in the blink of an eye. Jimin managed to look up at Jungkook fiddling with his fingers. The alpha looked contemplative and for a moment Jimin wondered if he had made the wrong decision asking him, "Okay," He answered, "You don't have to ask but I'm glad you did. However...," Jimin held back a groan, what condition was it now? "On one condition of course," Was there amusement and mischief in his eyes or was Jimin seeing things, "What's the condition?"

"You'll know soon enough sweetheart," Jungkook winked disappearing out of the kitchen, He needs to stop with those nicknames! Jimin held his pounding heart willing it to calm down, why the hell was he a blushing mess all the time?

Jimin got ready and let the driver take him to the designated destination. It was a school for special children and Jimin wished to teach art there. "Ahjumma!" His voice vibrated through the hall earning the attention of the said omega, "Jimin dear! It's been so long, how have you been?" The omega grinned and embraced her into a hug, "I'm great, and I can do a job here, would you let me?" He cringed at his own desperation but he knew the kids here and though they were different, he adored them so much. "If you can of course you may dear! You can start tomorrow, we do need an art teacher for the young ones here," She chuckled fondly, gazing at them inside the classroom. "I love you so much Ahjumma! Thank you so much! I have to leave but I'll come back tomorrow," He promised and exited the building spending a few minutes to greet the kids.

Special kids were different, they were unique and were different from normal. When Jimin used to teach them art, they would work their hardest to create the best pictures with colours and Jimin used to be so proud of them. They put effort and Jimin loved the fact that they did so, he loved the children and the feeling was very much mutual. Someday maybe he could have kids with Jungkook, wait what!? His omega preened at the thought of having pups with the alpha while Jimin was a blushing mess as always, "Stupid mind," He muttered getting into the car and ordering the driver to drive him home.

Next morning came in a jiffy much to Jimin's enthusiasm, he dressed in some comfortable yet pretty clothes and climbed down the stairs to prepare, "Did you get the job?" Jungkook's voice resounded through the penthouse startling Jimin who took a deep breath before answering, "Yeah I start today," He replied earning hum of consent, "What's the job?" Jungkook asked placing his hands on the table as he sat down, "I'm going to be an art teacher for some youngsters in a special school," He answered fondly, just the thought of them being Jimin's student made the omega giddy. "Oh by the way, what's the condition?" He asked earning a nod, "Just wait," Jungkook replied holding back a smirk. "As long as you work, you will have to do what's in the condition every day," Jimin raised an eyebrow, what the hell was the alpha planning?

When breakfast was done Jimin washed the dishes and was surprised to see Jungkook staring at him blatantly, "What is it?" Jimin asked coming up to him, "Do you need anything?" He stepped back a little not wanting his devious mind to go on their proximity, "What do you think I'm going to do with you sweetheart?" Jungkook questioned with a smirk taking one step forward. They were standing right beside table and Jimin couldn't help but move back, "You must need my help or something. Work at the company I guess," He contemplated, the omega moved back again as the alpha stepped forward.

"Hmm... what else?" Jungkook asked, mirth flowing in his eyes. He was backing Jimin and the omega was too busy trying to distance himself from the alpha to notice. "I... I um... you would need some help with things related to your parent's birthday?" What the fuck? Jungkook looked so amused Jimin wanted to run and hide, "I um... heard there was a party c-coming up and y-you could need my help with that?" Gosh stop moving towards me! A party, oh gosh he must think I'm a moron, "Hmm... I could host a party to introduce someone as beautiful and kind as you to the world," Jimin gasped as his waist hit against the counter. Blushing, Jimin placed his hands on Jungkook's chest in a meek attempt to push the alpha but the man would not budge.

The alpha's smirk was so wide Jimin thought his face would fall off, his lips ghosted over Jimin's ear as he whispered, "Anything else you want to add Jimin hyung?" Is he trying to mock me? "Um... well... uh...," Park Jimin was at a loss of words, the alpha's scent was filling up his nostrils making him giddy and the proximity of their bodies wasn't doing much better to help. Jungkook circled his arms around Jimin's waist eliciting a gasp, "No... time," He whispered, face adorning a dark hue of crimson, "We don't... that's sad, should I let you go?" Jimin's hands were clutching Jungkook's chest so hard before he could pronounce out a meek no, "Thought so."

Jimin gasped as Jungkook buried his nose in the omega's scent gland, rubbing his nose against the gland taking in the sweetness of the bearer's scent with heavy sighs. Jimin pushed his neck to the left submitting to the alpha as he basked in the alpha's scent clouding his head. Jungkook, grinning at the submission hardened his grip around Jimin's waist and let his tongue move around on the scent gland. Jungkook was a man of many things but most of all he was daring and so after a few minutes he had the milky white of the omega's skin between his teeth, sucking and biting. The omega was pliant in his hands and a quite purr could be heard from him.

Begrudgingly, he let the omega go sensing the familiar vibration of a message. He took a second to marvel the master piece on his omega's neck. Placing a kiss on the flushed omega's neck he exited the kitchen putting on his coat in the process. Jimin took a second to calm his pounding heart. He smiled despite himself placing his fingers gently on his neck, "Dumb alpha," He stated grabbing his bag before rushing to his driver. On the way he grabbed a scarf believing kids should only feast their eyes on things PG rated. "Stupid." He uttered asking the driver to take him to the same place as he did yesterday. He let his face fall into his hands, he can't believe he'd have to let him do that every day.

"Minnie!" The kids cheered as he entered the classroom holding his bag in one hand. He smiled, the room felt so refreshing, "Now I'll leave you all alone," The old lady cackled placing a kiss on Jimin's cheeks before exiting the room. "Hello! You have no idea how much I've missed you," Jimin stated holding a hand to his heart in sadness earning giggles and, "We missed you too!" They were only six year old kids and Jimin felt his heart melt at the look on their faces.

"Well then today we're going to be drawing a cow!" Jimin shouted earning cheers. He let the students fish out their books and stationery before tracing the image of a cow. The young children drew with enthusiasm and after Jimin was done with his drawing, he moved around the class scrutinizing each picture and helping the pups where required. Some were slow while others could go fast but Jimin never failed to let a praise reach their ears, as children needed motivation more than anything. Jimin knew that all too well, when a child receives nothing but demeaning thoughts he loses all sorts of will to do something resulting in falling. Therefore it is necessary to praise children for their hard work and effort.

"Well, I'm impressed. You guys deserve an award." Jimin grabbed a box of chocolates and distributed them in the class playfully instructing them to not inform Mrs Hyejin what they were up to. The children immediately hid their chocolates not wanting them to be taken away. "Okay now," Jimin chuckled taking in the scene before him. It always worked in not making them eat since they would always make a mess with poor chocolate.

When the day ended and Jimin bid his students goodbye, Hyejin walked over to him with a smug grin, "So which alpha's scent follows you around?" Jimin blushed furiously having forgotten about the encounter with Jungkook, "Friend," He mumbled earning a chuckle, "You are seriously trying to fool this old woman young man?" Jimin shook his head, "I'm telling the truth," He stuttered gosh why am I terrible liar? He thought when she gave him the look, his phone rang and he picked it out putting it on speaker when he heard it was his driver, "Jimin shhi, your husband is already waiting for you and he told me to take the car back home," Jimin slapped a hand on his forehead, "Thank you," He whispered ignoring the gasp from Miss Hyejin, "You insolent man, hiding such details from me."

Jimin rubbed the back of his neck nervously, breaking into a run towards his car, "Come back here!" He ran faster blushing furiously, stupid driver, stupid Jeon Jungkook. He climbed into the car and frantically told the driver to step on it no longer aware of the presence beside him. He sighed, "God I'm going to be bombarded with questions tomorrow," He shook his head, "From who?" Jimin jumped startled, "No one," He replied sparing a glance at Jungkook. The alpha looked curious but decided to push it down since Jimin looked terribly mortified.

Suddenly hit with a surge of confidence Jimin raised his bag and smacked Jungkook's shoulder, "This is all your fault, if you hadn't...," He paused taking time to effectively place hits on Jungkook's shoulder. Taking a few more hits Jungkook grabbed his bag and stopped the omega pulling him close, "Care to remind me?" Jungkook asked amused, "You-."

"What?" Jungkook pulled Jimin closer and who in turn tried to push him back, "Let go, t-the driver-," Jungkook laughed, "He can't see us he's pulled the shutter up," Jungkook pointed out the obvious, his arms around Jimin's waist tightening. Jimin's mind was in a daze, the alpha was so close and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like the attention. "This is all your fault," Jimin muttered, he blamed Jungkook and he'd rather die than admit he liked how Jungkook scented him. No scratch that, he loved the fact that Jungkook scented him but the alpha didn't need to know that. "What's all my fault?" Jungkook already knew but it was so adorable seeing Jimin pout that he just wanted to continue teasing him, "You know," Jimin said pout deepening.

"No I don't know sweetheart and that's why you're going to inform me," Jungkook nuzzled his cheek smiling softly. "You know," Jimin whined burying his face in Jungkook's chest, he knew he couldn't escape not that he wanted to but Jungkook wouldn't have the pleasure of knowing that. "I think I don't," Jungkook chuckled mischievously, "Mind telling me?" Jimin pouted landing a hit on Jungkook's shoulder, "You meanie," Jimin turned his head pouting. Jungkook took the chance and buried his nose in Jimin's shoulder breathing in his scent, "Stay," He whispered, the sweet scent was calming and it refreshed his exhausted mind, "What happened?" Jimin asked, concern etched in his voice, "Let me sleep, your scent is calming, it'll let me sleep." Jungkook whispered as Jimin blushed but the alpha was too tired to smile. His eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep.

Jimin put him to bed in his room and felt his heart pounding steadily. He wanted so much to sleep in the arms of the alpha but controlled himself. Taking in a deep breath he retreated to his room.

FLUFFF!!!!!! Me faves!!! I personally love cute moments, they make me squeal and want to jump around. Next chapter will be even better!!! Anyways, take care of yourself and your loved ones, please vote and comment!! Love you all!!! Thank you so much!!

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