
By RachelAnn97

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It's like Wonderland. Except I'm not Alice, I'm Aston. And that's all I can remember. More



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By RachelAnn97

Five Years Ago

I shook the water from my jacket as I scanned the room for my friends. I saw them sitting in a booth along the wall and started walking. They immediately looked concerned when they saw me. Probably a little from my drenched clothes and hair, and probably mostly because they didn't think I'd show up. Neither did I.

Ava moved over so I could sit beside her and Zuri was ready to dive into questions. Thankfully, she gave me her shot before doing so. Straight whiskey. Damn. She must be going through it tonight.

"What the hell happened?" Zuri asked.

"Yeah, please tell me he wasn't the absolute fucking worst, because I will severely kill Marcus for giving me his info."

I looked at Ava, her pretty green eyes big and earnest. She was ready to go to war if need be. "I have no idea what he's like, because he didn't show up."

"Are you kidding?" Zuri demanded even as Eva was already pulling out her phone.

"It's for the best, really. I'm not ready to be in a relationship and I only did this as a favor to you." I looked at Ava to see what she'd say to that, but she was still typing away.

"What do you mean not ready? You're totally ready."

"My business has barely started to get traction. I should be devoting every ounce of energy I have between that and you guys of course. I'm not even traveling home for a while."

Ava finally looked away from her phone. "We just don't want you to overwork yourself."

"Better that than heartbroken and depressed."

"This guy clearly wasn't a winner, but"

"You guys," I laughed. "I don't need a relationship to be happy. I've got you and my business and my family and that's all I need."

Zuri grinned and shook her head. "This isn't about you needing a guy to make you happy, this about you having some fun."

"Right, well, thanks for trying to get me laid, but I don't need you're help in that area," I laughed. "I'm gonna get some shots."

"You just got here, let me get them."

"You just want to check out the cute bartender," Ava teased her.

"No, no," she said already standing to leave. "I'm just a giver."

We both laughed and watched as she walked up to the bar. I could barely see through the wall of people, but I noticed there were two people moving around, making drinks.

"I swear I'm killing Marcus," Ava said, interrupting my thoughts. She was back to looking at her phone.

"What did he say?"

"Apparently the two were hanging out and Nick spaced on your date."

"Tell him not to worry about it and that I'll do my best to make sure you don't commit a felony."

"Do you want to reschedule?"

"No, not really."

"I figured you'd say that. I know you weren't super excited about going in the first place."

Zuri came back and placed a few shots on the table. "Okay, I worked my magic and these three are on Liam."

"Liam?" I asked.

"The aforementioned bartender."

"Oh, nice."

Zuri grinned proudly then brushed back a tight spiral curl, one of the few that weren't held back in a messy bun. I've always been so jealous of her hair. No matter what she does with her black, curly hair she looks amazing and it complements her darker skin so well. Ava on the other hand, equally gorgeous but completely different. Her eyes light green instead of a dark rich brown, and her hair was a really pretty red. Her skin was always a beautiful flushed pink that gave her more of a peaches and cream complexion. The pair turned heads wherever they went. Both total opposites of my dark brown hair and bright blue eyes and olive skin.

"Okay, a toast to really bad blind dates, even those that don't happen, and a promise to never do that to you again," Zuri assured.

"Here, here," Ava agreed.

"Thanks guys. And I promise that I will not because so work oriented that I forget about you."

"Aww, thanks."

We laughed with Ava then downed the shots. We had a couple more rounds then went to close the tab. Just as Liam (who is super cute) reached for mine, another guy came up and took it.

"I've got this one, Liam."

My eyes moved to him and my skin immediately seemed to burn. God he is gorgeous. The long, brown hair, the beard... I was melting. What really got me though, were his absolutely stunning and mesmerizing blue eyes. So light and pretty, and radiating kindness and warmth.

"Thank you," I finally brought myself to say.

"No problem. Here, come this way."

I followed him around one side of the bar and sat while he got everything ready.

"You've been in here a few times haven't you?" he asked.

"Yeah, just a few."

"And somehow you've never had me as your bartender." He smiled and oh my gosh. Is this what falling in love feels like? Or am I dying? I can't tell.

"Tragic, really."

"My name's Max Luther."

"Max Luther... why does that name sound so familiar?"

He shrugged and handed me the receipt for me to sign. Just as I was handing it back, I gasped.

"Oh my god! Lex Luther from Batman!"

"Okay, you got me. My parents are massive DC fans. They saw an opportunity and they took it. On the plus side, I have a love of Batman and Gotham City engrained in me."

"I just so happen to love DC, too. And it's not like it's the exact same. Max does suit you, by the way."

"I've always liked it."

"My name's Aston."

"Like the car?"

"Yes, but my last name is West."

He smirked and leaned over the counter. "And here you are giving me shit about my name."

"I was not! Just merely noting the similarities."

"I think Aston is a pretty cool name."

"It's grown on me."

"So, what do you do?"

"I'm an interior designer. I just started my own company, West on East."

"I think I've heard of that. It's just two streets up, isn't it?"

"Yeah, actually." I can't believe he's noticed. "Just a couple blocks from Union Square Park."

"I always wondered what that was. That's really cool you own it."

"I'm still in disbelief, honestly."

"Do you want to get out of here? Go get some dinner or something?"

My brows furrowed. "Aren't you working?"

"I own it, and Liam would probably be more than happy not to have the boss lingering over his shoulder all night."

"If it's okay, then... yeah, I'd kind of love to."

"Great, give me three minutes and I'll meet you out front?"

"Okay. I should probably tell my friends anyway."

"See you in three minutes."

I could barely contain my smile as I walked away and over to Ava and Zuri. They looked like they wanted to ask a million different questions, but held it together long enough for me to explain what was going on, then insisted I call them tomorrow to tell them all the details. They got in a cab just as Max was walking out. We didn't have to walk very far in Greenwich Village to find a place to eat.

We couldn't stop talking the entire night. We barely ate, and practically closed down the restaurant, then we found ourselves just walking around until almost three in the morning. He walked back to my place, and gave me a very gentlemanly kiss on the cheek. I could barely go to sleep I was so wired. Never in my life have I done something like that, or felt even remotely that connected to someone. I just left him and already I was dying to see him again.


I just laid in my bed for the longest time. Memories from five years ago kept flooding my mind. Memories of my friends and family and traveling, but the ones sticking out the most are of Max. Suddenly I was remembering movie nights and dinner dates, lounging around in each other's apartment. Along with the memories are every single emotion I felt whenever I was with him or even just thinking about him. I was falling in love with him, fast. Way fast. Too fast? A year in and I'm realizing I don't know a lot about him and his life other than him owning the bar I'd frequent. Not to mention how unbelievably similar he looks to Grant. Similar, but different.

My head is spinning. How is this even possible? How does this world and my world exist at the same time, and why have I seemed to find the two men that look undeniably alike. I was starting to feel sick. And to think that this is only the beginning of what I couldn't remember. I wonder if I should bother with the rest. I mean, I could have a life here and I have Grant. For now. Until he gets married and officially becomes King. I'll probably lose him after that, so the best thing I can do now, is make sure I remember everything I can before I go back.

The knock at my door made me jump, but the door was opening before I could reply or really get myself together. I was kind of surprised to see Arya, but not disappointed. I've barely seen her and I'd kind of like to get to know her. I'm curious as to what she's been up to since the last time I saw her.

"I'm desperate for entertainment. Swear you'll meet me in the foyer and will go into town?"

"That sounds great."

"Is an hour enough time?"

"That's perfect, thank you."

She smiled, then disappeared out the door.

I showered, and by that I mean, stood in the tub and continuously poured water over me to wash the soap off, then went and dressed in a ruffled, green ball gown. I pinned my hair up in a bun as best I could, then hurried to go meet her only to be stopped by Grant at the top of the stairs.

"Aston," he greeted, holding my hand to keep me in place. "I was just coming to check on you."

"I'm hanging out with Arya today."

He looked over me with zero subtlety. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you."

"You're feeling okay? No symptoms? Did the tea work?"

"It worked. I'm remembering, slowly, but I'm definitely starting to remember."

"Anything specific?"

I hadn't decided if I was going to mention Max and the eery similarities, but now that I'm standing in front of him, I don't think I'm going to. I can only imagine how hard it must've been for him to accept the crazy story about me, I don't think throwing in his doppelgänger will me in any way. So, I lifted my shoulder in a half shrug.

"Moments with my friends and family mostly."

"Didn't you say the last thing you remember was walking into a bar? What happened there."

"I met up with my friends, Zuri and Ava."

"That's all?"

"Pretty much."

He took a massive deep breath and let go of my hand. "Okay."

He definitely seemed disappointed, but I had no idea why. "I should probably go," I said softly.

"Wait." I turned back from the stairs and he pulled something out of his pocket. "I'm proposing to Karina and I want your opinion on the ring."

"Oh, sure."

He slowly, almost reluctantly held it out to me. I could feel his eyes on me as I looked at it. I had to admit, it was one of the most beautiful rings I had ever seen. A gold band, diamond clusters on either side of the main diamond. I would kill for a ring like that. It was perfect.

"It's beautiful, Grant. I'm sure she'll love it."

"Would you mind if I... just to see if I got the size correct?"

My eyes widened. "You want me to try it on?"

"Please. If it's not too much to ask."

"Are you sure you want me to be the first one to put it on? I mean, that kind of seems like bad luck."

"It can't be any worse than the luck I already seem to have."

I was still hesitant, but ultimately nodded. He clearly wants everything to be perfect, and I want that for him.

He gently took my left hand in his and slowly slid the ring on my finger. I think we were both a little in awe of its beauty. We were quiet for the longest time, just staring at it, my hand in his. After a minute I looked up at him and his eyes met mine. There was something in his eyes... hope? So, I assured him.

"Perfect fit."

"Really?" My brows furrowed at his tone, but I couldn't figure out the inflection. "Great. That's... wonderful."

I slid it off and gave it back to him. "If her taste is anything like mine, she'll be so in love with it. She'll never want to take it off, which is the goal, isn't it?"

I laughed but he didn't, which made for a very awkward moment as I gave him back the ring. He wouldn't look at me. "Thank you for the help, Aston. Have fun with Arya."

I nodded and watched as he practically jogged away from me. Was he mad at me or something? Doesn't matter. I'm sure I'll have plenty of time later to fix whatever's wrong with him.

I met up with Arya and walked outside with her, then climbed into a waiting carriage. We were dropped off in the heart of town, surrounded by shops, bakeries, taverns, and restaurants. Thankfully, we got food first otherwise I might've died. Or maybe something a little less dramatic, but who's to say. After that, we went to all the shops and Arya was kind enough to get me makeup for the upcoming ball. I was excited about all of it. It'll be a nice change, I think. We walked by the seamstress I visited my first day here. I was forced to stop when I heard what Arya said.

"Oh my gosh, it's Karina! She's trying on wedding dresses and she promised me I could be there with her. Traitor. Come with me."

I wanted to very strongly protest against it, but she was pulling me inside before I could.

"Karina! We had a deal!" Arya teased and Karina laughed, even after noticing me which was a shock. "You look absolutely gorgeous, so I'm glad I came when I did."

"Me too. I've been on the fence with every single dress I've tried on. Marly is being so patient with me. Opinions?" She asked and spun, and dare I say she even glanced at me.

"Of course it's stunning."


"Anything would be on you. Do you love it?"

"I think I do."

I can't believe I'm going to risk my life. "It's beautiful, but I don't think it's your dress."

Karina frowned slightly and looked at herself in the mirror, while Arya shot daggers my way. "You really don't think so?"

"At the end of the day, it's you're dress and you'll be wearing it, but this doesn't seem like you. It's too simple."

She took a deep breath, and I prepared to be verbally murdered, but she only turned and with nervous eyes asked, "Would you mind picking something out? Both of you? I want to know what you think I should wear."

"I'd love to."

Arya agreed and she was like a kid being unleashed in a candy store. She moved to rack after rack and found a hundred dresses, but I was the opposite. I carefully combed through, dress by dress, even asked Marly for help before finding one that I thought would be perfect for her. Marly took the dress and Karina, then disappeared to a dressing room. She came out in Arya's pick and she looked stunning, but I still wasn't convinced. When she came out in mine, you could hear a pin drop and that was confirmation enough that it was the right one. It was her dress.

As Arya and Karina started planning their celebration, I told them goodbye and took the carriage back to the castle (at Arya's insistence). I briefly stopped at the stables and said hello to Midnight and Wayward, then went back up to my room. I was only there for a little while when there was a knock. When I opened it though, there was only a cup of tea, some food, and a book. All courtesy of Grant, I'm sure.

I took them all with a smile and climbed into bed.

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