
By EDoubleU_007

56 5 0

Getting involved in an attack on the Kremlin, trying to keep up with his studies at school be a superhero, sa... More

War Outbreaks
A Hero's Journey
Hero to Zero


23 1 0
By EDoubleU_007

2012... Through the eyes of a young and unexperienced alien named Altu, he saw the fall and destruction of his commander's ship Kaman fall toward the nearly destroyed city of Los Angeles. He began to cry as he felt the mighty blow of their loss being felt. He looked around seeing his fellow aliens on the ground dead. All around him were LA police officers surrounding him. They were yelling at him but he wasn't listening to them at all. All he paid attention to were his dead alien comrades. When he turned around, he saw the police officers and dropped his gun surrendering to them. The officers ran over to him and began to arrest him.
A few hours later, Altu was sitting in what was left of the police department. None of the officers knew what to do with him.
The captain sat in his office trying to wrap his head around what just happened today when an officer knocked on his door. He looked at her and before he could ask what she needed, she said, "They have suits standing at the front desk wanting to speak to you." The captain was confused by what they wanted.
He walked over to the front desk to see two government agents standing in front of the desk. One agent stuck his hand out and said, "Hello, I'm agent Higgins. And this is my partner agent Michelson." The captain greeted them. Agent Higgins asked, "Do you mind if we have a word with you?" The captain nodded wondering what else could happen.
In his office, the captain asked the agents what they wanted. Agent Michelson said, "We hear you have an extraterrestrial in your cells." The captain nodded and said, "Yeah, we have no idea what to do with him." Agent Higgins said, "You're in luck captain. We're here to take it off your hands." The captain leaned back and said, "Really?" Agent Higgins said, "Oh yeah, we're going to have him on the next bus headed to Idaho." The captain said, "With humans on board?" Agent Michelson said, "Don't worry; we're going to be on the bus. No worries." The captain nodded and said, "You know, a whole army of these things nearly destroyed our city. What makes you think this one won't be able to destroy a bus? We don't know their strengths." Agent Michelson laughed and said, "Well, you've had him in a human holding cell for nearly three hours. The alien hasn't done any damage." The captain nodded, accepting that statement and asked, "When do you expect the alien to be shipped off?" Agent Higgins said, "At one o'clock PM next Friday."
Next Friday, a prison bus was headed toward Idaho. On the bus were a large group of criminals headed toward the states correctional center. But Altu was headed to the secret government building in Idaho. Sitting in the seat beside him was another prison. The prisoner looked at Altu and when Altu looked at him, the prisoner would look away. The prisoner looked at Altu and said, "The names Matthew Watts. But my friends call me Mattie." Altu looked at Mattie. Mattie nodded realizing the alien wasn't going to give him any information on him so he said, "Do you speak any English?" Altu nodded. Mattie smiled and said, "Good, I'm going to need you to do me a favor greenie. Keep an eye on the driver." Altu looked at the driver and then back at Mattie. Mattie said, "Keep looking!" Altu stared at the driver and suddenly Mattie bent down and spit out a bobby pin and caught it before it hit the ground. Altu glanced at Mattie and watched him behind to unlock the cuffs he had around his wrist. Altu became confused. Mattie saw Altu staring at me and said, "Keep watch!" Altu quickly looked at the bus driver who wasn't paying any attention.
Mattie freed himself. He looked at Altu and said, "Here comes the fun part."
Mattie lifted up his free hands and whistled to get everyone's attention.
Everyone looked at Mattie and saw he was free. The guards quickly stood up and ran over to him. Mattie smiled the whole time. The next guard prepared to attack Mattie. Mattie quickly dodged the attack and stabbed the bobby pin into the guard's neck. He then snatched the gun from the guards holster and shot the bus driver in the back of the head.
The bus began to swerve out of control and next thing to happen was the bus flipping over and rolling across the road.
The bus door was opened and Mattie jumped out of the bus.
He tried to stand up but he was in too much pain. When he turned around he saw Altu standing before him. He aimed the gun at him thinking he was a guard. Altu put his hands up and said, "I want to help. You help me, I help you." Mattie lowered the gun and asked, "What do you want?" Altu said, "To go home." Mattie smirked and said, "I've got some friends who can help with that." The two ran off into the woods with each other.
2015... Underneath a tunnel in Compton, California, Mattie and Altu stood waiting for someone. Altu looked at his watch and said, "When are these people getting here?" Mattie calmed him down and said, "They'll be here." Altu said, "They better hurry, before we get some unwanted company."
At that moment, a van drove toward them. Mattie smiled graciously and said, "Oh yes, here they come!" Altu prepared for what was going to happen next.
The van stopped in front of them and two gang bangers stepped out of the van. He looked at Mattie and they greeted one another. Mattie pointed to Altu and said, "This is my boy Altu." The gang members stared Altu down very impressed like. Mattie said, "See, I told you I was working with one. Now tell me, do you have what we're looking for." One of the gang bangers nodded and led the two toward the back of the van.
He opened the back door and showed them a case full of alien technology. Mattie smiled happily and said, "How'd you get this shit?" One of the gang men said, "We stole it bruh." Mattie clapped with excitement and looked to Altu saying, "We're getting off this rock buddy!" At that moment, a gun was pointed at Mattie's head by one of the gang bangers. Altu stepped back worried until the second gang member aimed his gun at him also. Mattie was shocked and asked, "How could you?" Altu looked around confused. The gang man said, "The police told us we'd be paid handsomely for giving the green one up." Altu realized what was going on and at that moment, a light flashed down on them from the helicopter below.
The police had arrived on the scene.
Altu looked up at it shocked.
Mattie quickly said, "I'm not going back to jail." He quickly elbowed the gang member in his face and stole a laser gun. He tossed it Altu and took one for himself. The two quickly began making a run for it.
The officers watched as the two got away and quickly spoke to someone through his radio saying, "They're getting away on foot. They're headed into the city. Be ready."
Altu and Mattie began rushing through the streets of Compton.
They ran inside an alleyway to hide. Altu began catching his breath while Mattie was still in shock about all of this. Altu looked at him and said, "Some friend." Mattie peeked outside and saw a bunch of police cars driving through town. He looked at Altu and said, "They're going to be slowly searching this city soon. We need to move." Altu agreed and the two began running to the other side of the alleyway until a sword was quickly pointed at their necks. They both stopped quickly to see the Vietnamese Chosen One Giang Huang step in front of them. She said, "End of the line boys." Mattie said, "How dare you point a sword at me!" He ran to attack her until she quickly tripped him and stomped his face into the ground. She looked at Altu and asked, "Would you like to be grounded as well?" Altu shook his head. The police quickly arrived at the scene. She turned to the officers and put her sword away saying, "I got them." The officers thanked her as they began to arrest the two. As Altu was begin escorted to the car, he glared at Giang the whole time thinking of new ways to kill her. The whole time she would smile and wave as they were taken away. Altu would always remember this moment as the second time a Chosen One messed up his plans with victory.

2016, MOSCOW... The sound of a very loud explosion was heard from outside. The explosion was so incredibly loud that it woke up a young Powered middle school student named Max Walker. He sat up looking outside his window to see the part of the Kremlin had exploded. He jumped off the couch to get a better look outside and saw a large space ship hovering above it.
He said, "You aliens are not going to ruin my vacation!" He rushed over to his suitcase and began to drag it into the bathroom. Inside he unzipped it began pulling out as many clothes as he could.
A few of the clothes were so difficult to put on that he never fell on his face trying to put them on.
He ran outside of the bathroom with his first outfit on. It didn't feel right. It felt too tight. So he ran back inside to try on another outfit.
He jumped out of the bathroom again but this time was wearing a snow jacket. He looked outside and saw it may have been too warm to wear a snow jacket. So he went back inside to find another outfit.
He finally stopped when he saw something interesting at the bottom of his suitcase. He reached toward the bottom of the suitcase and pulled out something that meant a lot to him. It was a sky blue zip up all the way jacket. The jacket had a few lightning bolts sown into them to make it look a bit cooler. At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Max turned to it and asked, "Who is it?" There was a silence and soon a lady said, "There's only one other person staying in this room with you." Max laughed to himself and walked over to the door. He opened it a bit and peaked at his mother Mrs. Walker. He asked, "What is it?" She said, "What are you doing in there? You're making a lot of noise." Max looked inside the bathroom to see there was clothes everywhere. He said, "I'm just changing mom. Don't come in I'm totally naked." Mrs. Walker sighed and said, "Why did you tell me you're naked?? I didn't need to know that." Max nodded trying to get her away from the door and said, "That's cool." Mrs. Walker shook his head in confusion and left the bathroom.
Max closed the door and looked back at the jacket.
Max sneaked outside wearing the jacket. It still fit him pretty nicely. He fixed it a bit more to make it feel looser and began to walk toward the window. As he tried to open it so he could jump outside, it jammed on him. He grunted in annoyance and tried banging on the window to get it to open but it didn't budge. His mother yelled for him to stop making so much noise. Max apologized and snuck out the front door.
He closed the door softly and then began to head out of the hotel.
Once outside, he quickly jumped off the ground and fly into the sky. He felt the air blow through the hood and closed his eyes and he headed higher and higher into the sky.
He opened his eyes and looked over at the Kremlin to see what looked like the White-American Chosen One Robert Mark on the verge of being shot by a space craft. He realized what was about to happen and fly as fast as he could to save him. When he realized he was flying fast enough, he shot lightning bolts out of his finger tips and increase his speed.
Robert looked directly at Max and was and taken away from the blasts of lasers. Max flew Robert into the sky. He looked up at him and studied the jacket he was wearing. Max looked down at him and said, "Hey there!" He hovered down and put Robert on steady ground. Robert saw the space craft taking off. He said, "We might be screwed." Max landed beside him and said, "What's wrong?" A young Chinese girl walked over and said, "Those aliens wanted the ones we were fighting." Max asked puzzled like, "So that's a good thing right?" Robert said, "It would be. But they were rescued. Not given. Which means..." Max thought about what was going on and said, "Which means they might try to destroy us... well looks like I picked the wrong time to show up." Robert said, "By the way, who the hell are you?" Max took his hood off and said, "Hi, I'm Max Walker. I know who you guys are. I've read all about you." He looked at the girl and said, "Don't know who the hell are you though." Robert looked at her and said, "Funny, neither do I." Max said, "Whelp, this is awkward..." At that moment, Giang Huang called out to Robert. Robert ran over to her along with everyone else. Robert bent down trying to get her back on her feet. Robert said, "We need to find Sasha and tell her what happened." Max said, "Wait... Sasha Ectova? The savior of Russia?" Robert looked at him strangely and said, "What's my name?" Max shrugged and said, "That white kid who saved Los Angeles." Robert rolled his eyes and began back inside the Kremlin.
The group ran over to a certain room inside and Robert pushed the door open and walked inside. When Max walked in, he glared at the young Australian half human and half alien teenager named Alien-Teen and squealed, "ALIEN-TEEEEEEN!" He grabbed Alien-Teen's hand and began shaking it uncontrollably. Alien-Teen looked at the Russian Chosen One Sasha Ectova and said, "So this is what I was like?" Everyone nodded. Max said, "I saw you on television and fell in love with you instantly." Alien-Teen said, "Who are you again?" Max said, "Max Walker." Sasha said, "What are you doing here kid?" Max looked at Sasha and nearly lost his mind until he said, "Uhh, I saw Robert in trouble and I saved him." Robert looked at Sasha said, "He can fly." The girl said, "I saw it." Sasha said, "How?" Max said, "Long story." Giang said, "So you can fly?" Max said, "And shoot lightning bolts out of my fingertips." Alien-Teen said, "That's really impressive." The girl said, "We have bigger problems!" Sasha said, "They got away." Robert nodded. Sasha sat there for a while and said, "We've got to get up there." Sasha looked at Max and said, "Lightning, how many can you fly up there?" Max said, "2... wait, what did you just call me?" Sasha said, "Lightning. Don't you like it?" Max nodded and said, "Yeah. I like it a lot. LIGHTNING! I LIKE THAT NAME!" Giang said, "Anymore nicknames you want to give?" Sasha laughed and said, "Shut up!"
Outside, The Chosen Ones walked outside looking up at the ship. Robert said, "So, who's the lucky to, to go up there?" Sasha said, "I'm going." Max nodded. Giang said, "Me too." Robert looked at Giang nervously and said, "Are you sure?" Giang looked at Robert nodded. Giang kissed him and said, "I'll come back. I promise." Robert kissed her back and said, "I'll be waiting." Max said, "Awwwwh, that's so sweet. You guys should make a movie out of your love." Sasha and Giang walked over to Max. He grabbed their hands and began laughing. Sasha said, "What?" Max said, "I never had two girls hold my hands before." The two rolled their eyes and Max quickly flew up into the sky toward the ship. Max flew them up on the roof of the ship. Giang took her sword out and stabbed it into the roof of the ship. She began slicing a hole into the ship. Sasha kicked the doors and the three jumped inside the ship. At that moment aliens ran to attack them. Sasha aimed at them and before she could shoot, Max shot lightning through his fingertips. It hit them instantly and killed them. They all fell to the floor dead. Giang looked at Max and said, "We need someone like you on our team." Max said, "Are you making an offer?" Sasha said, "Let's keep moving." The three began down the hallway until an alien tackled Scarlet to the floor. Sasha looked at the two and yelled, "KEEP MOVING!" Giang and Max continued on.
Giang and Max reunited with the team smiling and laughing. Max said, "Did you see the look on their faces when we popped out at them." Robert said, "Nice one." Max nodded. Sasha said, "We need to keep moving." The Chosen Ones began running toward the command room when they saw Do and the freed aliens running across the hallway. They began chasing after them. The freed aliens turned around and saw The Chosen Ones. They began to panic. Do realized they were coming and continued along the hallway. The Chosen Ones ran inside the landing bay. Sasha took out her hand gun and began shooting at them.
Sasha managed to kill three freed aliens. Do stopped when he heard the sound of dead aliens. He turned and saw them on the floor lifeless. The feeling of pain, anger and sorrow rushed through his body. He slowly looked at Sasha sad and became angry when he realized she did it. Do yelled, "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!" He rushed the freed aliens inside and took cover. He took out his laser gun and began shooting at the team. They all jumped out of the way as lasers flew at them.
While lasers flew at them, Max realized he tried something a few weeks ago. Max looked at Alien-Teen and said, "I've got a plan." Alien-Teen said, "Like what?" Max stood up as lasers flew at him. He quickly clinched his fists as hard as he could and static electricity shot out. Max yelled and suddenly a static electricity shield formed in front of them. The lasers that flew at him quickly disintegrated. Max turned to Alien-Teen and nodded excitedly. Alien-Teen said, "What do you want me to do?" Max said, "Just follow my lead." He began running toward Do. Alien-Teen followed behind him. Max said, "I'm about to drop it." Alien-Teen said, "Drop it?" Max laughed and stopped the static electricity. Alien-Teen saw this and jumped over Max. He quickly fell down toward Do. Do shot at him as many times as he could until Alien-Teen landed on top of him. Alien-Teen said, "You son of a bitch! You tried escape. It's over." Do smiled and said, "That's what you think." At that moment, Alien-Teen was shot with a stun laser. He fell off Do. Do stood up and rushed inside. As the Chosen Ones began rushing toward him, Do closed the door. The space craft Do was in, lifted up and flew out of the landing bay. The Chosen Ones stood there watching the space craft leave. Alien-Teen laid there still stunned. Sasha said, "They've gotten away again." Giang looks to her left and sees a space craft in the corner. She points it out to everyone and at that moment, Sasha runs over to the space craft. Giang follows behind her. Sasha lifts the space craft and flies it out of the landing bay. On the floor, Alien-Teen looked at the team and said, "Can someone help me. I can't move."
After a few minutes, two space craft's began to fly back toward them. Max saw this and pointed it out to everyone.
Sasha and Giang flew inside and landed the space craft. The two walked outside and was greeted by everyone. Max watched as Sasha and Alien-Teen hugged while Giang and Robert kissed one another. Max then glanced at the girl and moved toward her. She looked at him and he stopped instantly. When she looked away, he moved toward her again. The girl stopped him and said, "I'm sorry, you're not my type." She walked off leaving Max standing their confused by what she thought his intentions were.
The Chosen Ones forced the aliens to land the ship back on Moscow.
Once there, Max prepared to fly off when Giang and Sasha stopped him. He looked at them and Giang said, "We can take you home, kid." Max smirked and said, "Sure."
Giang, along with Sasha and Max, boarded a single space craft and flew down in the direction of Max's hotel room.
Giang looked over and Max and said, "You were really brave today kid." Max looked at her and smiled innocently. He said, "Thank you." She said, "Honestly, I haven't seen anything like you before." Max laughed and said, "Well, I do try my best to be the one and only me." Giang laughed and said, "So are you part Russian or something?" Max shook his head and said, "No, I'm a Californian." Giang giggled and said, "You mean you're from America?" Max realized his mistake and said, "Yeah, I'm from California. That state that's in America." Giang nodded and said, "I know California. I currently live there." Max was surprised and asked, "Really?" Giang nodded and said, "Yeah, I live with Rob." Max nodded and said, "Should this be like a secret? I mean the whole fighting with Chosen Ones thing?" Giang shrugged and said, "I don't see why not. I mean you have a right to be noticed right?" Max nodded and said, "I don't want to be treated differently at home." Giang looked at him and asked, "Why?" Max looked at her shyly and said, "Because the kids at my school. They'll think I'm some sort of freak." Sasha looked at him worried. Giang smiled and said, "Listen, if you want to keep who you are and what you are a secret then go ahead. There is no problem with that. You can be a hero/pre-teen." Max nodded saying, "I like that idea." Giang nodded and said, "Are we getting close?" Max looked outside and said, "Yeah, it's those hotels right there." He pointed to the right and Giang began to fly them down.
She landed the space craft and looked at Max. She said, "Who are you staying with?" Max looked up at the hotel remembering his mother and said, "My mom. Oh my god she's going to be so pissed." Gwen laughed and said, "Does she know what you can do?" Max shook his head. Sasha said, "Damn, who does?" Max looked at the two of them. Giang and Sasha realized what that meant and said, "Maybe keeping it a complete secret isn't such a bad idea." Max nodded and began to walk toward the door. He stopped and looked at the two. He said, "If you guys ever need me for anything, let me know. I'm always willing to use my powers for good." Giang laughed and said, "I'll be sure to search for you." She opened the door and Max walked out of the space craft.
As he headed back toward the hotel, the space craft lifted up into the air and took off.
He turned back to the hotel thinking of a lie to tell his mom so that he wouldn't get into so much trouble.

6 MONTHS LATER... Max was sitting in his history class thinking back on everything he did six months ago with the Chosen Ones. His teacher laid a test down in front of him. She looked down at him and said, "Good luck." Max thanked her for the test and took out his pencil. He examined the test wondering exactly what'd he be getting himself into.

Outside, two men walked into the school.
One of them entered the main office while the other stood outside.
The man that entered the main office stopped over to the front desk lady. She looked at him and asked, "How may I help you?" The man said, "Edward Valdez. I'm here to pick him up for early dismissal." The desk lady looked at him oddly and asked, "What's your relation to him?" The man said, "I'm his uncle." She asked, "What's the purpose of you picking him up?" The man said, "Dentist appointment."
The desk lady nodded and went to call Edward to the office.
Edward was sitting inside Max's classroom taking the test when announcement was made to his classroom. Edward looked around oddly. The teacher said, "He's currently taking a test." The announcer asked, "Is there a way he can continue the test tomorrow?" The teacher said, "Sure." Edward stood up and walked the test over to the teacher. She said, "Why didn't you tell your partners you had a test today." He said, "I did."
Everyone watched him walk out of the classroom. When the teacher noticed this, she told everyone to get back to their tests because time was running out.
Edward began making his way over to the office when he saw the men standing in the office. He froze in his tracks when he saw the random strangers standing in the office.
The desk lady saw the look on her face and quickly grabbed phone to call the police.
The man in the office yelled, "GET HIM!" The man standing outside took out his gun and began chasing after Edward. Edward turned to the see the phone and began screaming insanely.
A young pre-teen black named Shai Brown was in the bathroom taking mirror selfies. She heard someone screaming and quickly ran to peak outside. She saw Edward screaming like a madman while a man with a gun chased after him.
She quickly leaned against the wall completely terrified. She looked at her cell phone and began making a phone call.
The man in the office aimed his gun at the desk lady calling the police and said, "Put the phone down." The desk lady did so.
He took out his cell phone and began to call in for back up.
The desk lady asked, "What is it that you want? Money?" The man didn't answer.
Men with more hand guns began walking toward the school.
The classroom Max was in heard Edward screaming. The teacher told everyone to remain in their seats.
She checked outside and saw Edward race pass the classroom with the man with a gun in his hand chasing after him. She slammed the door quickly and locked it behind her. She turned to the classroom and said, "No one make any noises."
She quickly moved over to the phone and began calling multiple different teachers.
Max stood looking around oddly wondering what was going on. But the look on the teachers face didn't make him feel anymore better. He looked at his bag pack and quickly began taking out his blue jacket.
There were two different doors to the room. The teacher forgot to lock the second one. So Max saw this as a chance to escape.
He sneakily moved over to the door and began to open it.
He pushed it open and sneaked outside while everyone was paying attention to the teacher.
Max closed the door and began to follow the sound of screaming. Every camera he ran past, he'd shoot a bolt of lightning at it, completely destroying evidence of him changing in his jacket. He zipped it up all the way to become Lightning and began flying through the halls toward Edward.
Two men walked inside the main office. The man aiming the gun at the desk lady turned to them and said, "Watch her. Get this office under your control. I'm going after the kid." The two men nodded.
As the man stepped outside, he heard loud whispering. He looked around and saw it coming from the girl's bathroom.
Shai told the police everything that was going on and the police was instructing what to do. They told her to remain calm and stay inside the bathroom.
Shai agreed and as she peaked outside, she saw the man standing in front of her. She quickly gave a loud scream. The man grabbed her phone and tossed it out of the bathroom. He looked at her and said, "You're coming with me!" He began to drag her out of the bathroom.
As Lightning was following toward Edward, he heard someone else scream. He stopped and turned to the sound of screaming.
Lightning was now wondering who to save, the girl or the target.
The man was dragging Shai toward the main office when she looked up and saw someone she didn't expect to see.
The man looked at Shai and noticed her attention was no longer on him. When he looked in that direction he saw Lightning flying directly toward him.
He screamed in surprised and watched Lightning punch him directly in the face.
He fell to the floor knocked out. Shai lay on the floor mesmerized by his sight. Lightning looked at her and said, "I got a call from a friend that the school was endangered. So I can to the rescue." Shai stood up uneasily and said, "You're Lightning." Lightning said, "What other flying person do you know of that wears a jacket like this?"
At that moment, there was a sound of a gunshot. Lightning and Shai turned to that sound and he said, "You stay here and get to a safe classroom. I'll handle this." Shai nodded and took off. Lightning turned around and quickly flew to Edward's aid.
Edward tried to escape the gunman but he was doing his best to shoot him.
While the gunman was about to shoot again, Lightning tapped his finger on the gunman shoulder and cleared his throat.
The gunman turned to him confused like. Lightning asked, "Excuse me, I was wondering if you knew the way to the state correctional center?" Before the gunman could ask anything, Lightning grabbed the gunman's arm and began sending a few bolts into his body.
The gunman jolted in a lot of pain and fell to the floor shaking. Lightning looked at Edward and said, "Nice pants!" Lightning quickly flew off toward the main office leaving Edward standing there with a pee stain on his pants. He sighed in disappointment.
As Lightning began flying toward the main office, the gunmen noticed him coming and ran outside to take him down.
They quickly began shooting bullets at him.
Lightning didn't expect them to shoot so quickly and quickly began predicting where which bullet was and shot as many bolts at them as he could. The bullets fried up quickly that they were almost dust.
They blew over Lightning and he shook it off as it everything was okay.
The gunmen looked at one another worried and began to make a run for it.
As they ran out the front door, Lightning grabbed them and began flying forward. He looked at them and said, "Seriously? You shoot a school? That's not cool bro!" He quickly dropped them on the roofs of cars and yelled, "YOU GUYS HAVE A GOOD DAY!" He left the school and disappeared as the police arrived on the campus grounds.
The police arrested the men with guns and the school was released early for the day. Max sneaked back into the school and saw everyone standing outside.
As he was headed back to the classroom for his bag pack, he was stopped by his best friend and crush, Shai. Shai walked over to him and said, "Did you hear all of that?" Max said, "Yeah! It was crazy. It was almost as if I was living a moment from a movie." Shai looked at him strangely. Max stuttered awkwardly and said, "Um, just ignore what I said." He continued walking. Shai stopped him and asked, "Where are you going?" Max turned to her and said, "Uhh, to get my bag." Shai looked at him oddly and asked, "Why? Why don't you have your stuff with you?" Max looked around nervously and said, "Um, I had to take a huge poo." Shai was surprised by what he said and said, "Oh." Max realized what he just said and said, "Oh my gosh, I should just go." He quickly walked away hating himself for saying every word of what he just said.

The prison doors opened and Altu stepped inside his prison cell in the secret government facility in Idaho. The security guard closed the door and walked away.
Altu turned around to see if anyone was around and at that moment, he bent down because upchucking something.
He was trying to do it quiet enough for no one to be to hear him.
As eight minutes of trying, finally something came up.
He spit it out on the floor, and there in front of him was an alien hologram. He picked it up and pressed a red button on the hologram.
He looked sat down and leaned against the wall relaxing. He listened to the sounds of the facility. All that was heard was the sound of people walking around and the janitor sweeping the floor. The sound of the air conditioner had then shut off like it usually does for an hour. Someone then began coughing and within a few seconds of the coughing was the sound of a phone line ringing. The phone ring for a while until someone answered. The sound of their voice was muffled. The call didn't last long because within almost a minute, the phone was put back on the hook.
At that moment, the ceiling above Altu's exploded. Altu ducked down as rubble fell down on top of him.
A space craft hover closer. The door opened and an alien stuck his hand out. Altu turned around and saw security guards running toward him. He jumped off the bed and grabbed the alien's hand. The alien pulled him into the space craft.
Soldiers ran outside trying to shoot the space craft down. The pilots inside returned the fire and began shooting lasers back at them.
The space craft flew out of sight.
Altu walked through the squad of aliens and said, "Thank you for coming to my rescue." The pilot said, "When we learned who you were and what ship you were from, we had to come and get you. We're just surprised it took you this long." Altu sat down and said, "I've tried. Trust me. It's been hard. Humans here are very resourceful." Another alien asked, "You ran into any of the Chosen Ones?" Altu nodded and said, "Yes, that's what I needed." A few of the aliens looked at him in confusion. Altu said, "It was a Chosen One who stopped me from getting home. And it's a Chosen One that I must kill in order to leave the planet." The pilot said, "Are you insane?" Altu shook his head and said, "I must show the world that Chosen Ones aren't as mighty as they as they're made to be." The pilot agreed and said, "They're too clever to be killed. You'd need a lot of brilliance and strength to take them down." Altu shook his head and said, "No all of them. Just one. Cripple the team by destroying one of their own." Another alien agreed and asked, "How will you do it?" Altu looked at that alien and said, "Two things. Alien experimentation and a human." Another alien looked at him crazily. Altu said, "If I'm given the powers needed, I can kill the Chosen without even trying. Plus there is a human who can help us. He's as resourceful as the rest of the humans on this planet. We get him; we have a chance of destroying the Chosen Ones and going home." At that moment, everyone looked at the pilot. He was thinking. He said, "It's dangerous. We'd have to break another human out and cause a lot of attention to be pinned on us." Altu said, "I'm sure he's already broken out of prison. It's just a matter of finding him."
The pilot began flying the space craft into outer space. He began contacting the nearest green alien ship for assistance.
Within a few minutes, a green alien space ship began to fly toward them. The pilot informed the pilots of the ship what they'd be doing on the ship.
They were granted access inside and soon after, they were walked over to the science hall of the ship.
The alien that instructed him through began telling him that what he'd be doing was technically lethal to do on aliens since the blood didn't correctly match up with one another. Altu accepted that and said, "Whatever happens to me, happens. I'll take full responsibility."
They walked inside the lab and Altu quickly laid on the gurney. He looked at the aliens around him and said, "Do as much as you can."
The aliens began grabbing the serum to give humans powers.
They began to inject it inside Altu but as soon as the serum reached his blood system, he began to react it. He was in a lot of pain. He began shaking crazily and yelling.
Everyone stood back completely scared.
Altu's body lifted up into the air still yelling and feeling tons of pains.
Suddenly he stopped yelling and his body slammed down onto the gurney.
Everyone looked at him oddly and slowly walked toward him.
He opened his eyes and looked around excitedly. He sat up clinching his fits and hovered off the gurney.
He landed on his feet and grabbed a cup. He crushed it within minutes and looked at his fellow aliens. He said, "I feel incredible." One alien asked, "Are you ready to begin your revenge?" Altu glared at that alien said, "Yes."
Altu walked over to the weapons vault and began grabbing as many guns as he could. An alien that was working on the ship walked over to him and asked, "Would you like us to interfere?" Altu looked at the alien in anger and said, "No, just the crew who saved me. I've the power of every alien on board this ship. They won't be able to stop me." As he walked away from the vault, that alien stopped him and said, "Whatever you do, do not underestimate the power of the Chosen Ones." Altu grabbed the alien and said, "Don't underestimate me!" He shoved the alien out of the way and began walking toward the landing bay.
Altu's squad of aliens left the ship and headed back to earth.
Outside Idaho's state prison, Altu's squad flew in and began shooting as many guards as they could.
Altu jumped out of the space craft and began shooting as many guards that was still alive on sight.
He reached the front door and began pushing the doors open.
A bunch of guards began surrounding the front door preparing Altu to break inside.
Altu punched the doors down and walked inside holding his recharged laser gun in hand.
He looked all around and saw security guards on the first floor and second floor.
He said, "This is all I get? A bunch of humans wearing patted suits and guns."
One guard yelled, "STOP FIRE!"
Altu jumped off the floor and began flying all over the prison dodging the bullets as much as he could. He laughed with excitement at his great power.
Altu was nearly shot in the head when he finally realized that he had enough. He began shooting back at the prison guards.
He flew onto the second floor and began shooting as many as he could that was trying to take cover.
He looked down and saw more guards shooting up at him. Altu shot down at them laughing at their deaths.
Altu realized he wanted to have more fun with the security guards. He began flying in zig zags and passing in front of security guards so that the ones shooting at him would shoot their own security guards.
The warden sat in his office watching all of his security guards being taken out one by one.
He realized there was no stopping the alien. He began packing his stuff and when he opened the door to exit his office, Altu stood in front of him smirking crazily. He shoved the warden back into his chair and walked over to him. He said, "You're going to tell me where a man named Matthew Watts is being held?" The warden looked at him oddly. Altu grabbed him by the head and said, "Matthew Watts!" The warden agreed and began searching for that name. The warden looked at Altu nervously and said, "He's being held in a prison in Compton." Altu nodded and asked, "Where's Compton?" The warden said, "The last place he was arrested in 2015." Altu realized what that meant and headed out of the office.
He then stopped and turned to the warden. He asked, "Where's the Chosen One known as Giang Huang?" The warden shrugged and said, "Somewhere in LA I think." Altu nodded and quickly flew out of the office. The space craft was still hovering outside the prison.
He quickly flew inside and said, "Got what I needed." The pilot turned to him and asked, "And what is that?" Altu said, "We're going to Compton to find the human and then after that, we're going a place called LA to find the Chosen One Giang Huang so I find her and kill her." The pilot agreed and quickly began to fly off toward California so that Altu could do the job he needed to do in order to regain peace in his mind.

Back in school, Max was sitting in his science class. The teacher stood in front of the class preparing to lecture for the day. But before she started, she remembered that the class was going on camping trip next weekend. Shai, who was sitting right beside him, leaned over and tried to get his attention. Max was listening to the teacher speak. Shai realized he wasn't hearing her, so he grabbed her pencil and poked it at Max's leg. He jolted in pain and looked at her saying, "Ow that hurt." Shai said, "You weren't paying attention." Max glanced at the teacher and leaned toward her. He asked, "What do you want?" Shai asked, "Are you going on the trip?" Max looked at the teacher and said, "Maybe. I don't know. I maybe a bit busy with..." Shai interrupted him and asked, "What could you possibly be busy with that could stop you from going on a camping trip?" Max sighed wanting to tell her about what he does. He realized there was no lying to her. He nodded and said, "Sign me up!" Shai smiled with joy.

Mrs. Walker was in the kitchen preparing dinner when she heard Max in the living room cleaning the house. She thought it was odd so she walked into the living room and asked, "Sweetheart, what are you doing?" Max said speedily, "A girl from school is coming over today so we can work on homework." Mrs. Walker froze at the sound of girl and asked, "A girl? What girl?" Max said, "Mom, you don't know her." Mrs. Walker said, "I mean, you've had a friend come over to the house before but you've never cleaned up for him like this? This is special isn't it?" Max stopped when he realized that his mom knew. He slowly turned to her and said, "Mom, please, whatever you, don't embarrass me." Miss. Walker said, "I'm your mother. It's my job." Max sighed and followed his mom into the kitchen. He said, "Fine mom, I like her. I like her a lot." Mrs. Walker smirked and said, "Okay sweetie." She continued cooking. Max thanked her and continued on cleaning.

Max stood in the bathroom putting on a new set of clothes. Mrs. Walker passed by the bathroom when she smelt something. She followed the scent back toward the bathroom and looked at Max. She sniffed all around him and asked, "I haven't smelt that cologne in a long time." Max looked at her and said, "Sorry." She smiled and said, "Don't be. It's time it was used again." Max smirked and continued until his cell phone buzzed. He looked at it and saw it was from Shai. She's on her way. Max said, "She's coming!" He rushed out of the bathroom.
In the living room, Max grabbed a bunch of candles and began to zap them with bolts of lightning. He ran over to the couch and took his homework out for the study date. Suddenly he realized they needed music so he turned to the radio and powered the radio with a bolt of lightning. But when the bolt hit the radio, Shai stood in the entrance to the living room watching in complete shock. Mrs. Walker walked into the living room after letting Shai in. She saw Shai just standing their shocked and asked, "Are you okay, sweetie?" Max said, "Yeah, she looks fine! She's fine! You're fine right?!" Shai nodded and Mrs. Walker walked off back into the kitchen to cook dinner. She said, "I saw what you did and oh my god! What are you?" Max sighed and said, "I'm Lightning." Shai asked, "You're Lightning?!" Max nodded and said, "Why you don't believe me?!" Shai said, "Of course I don't believe you. You could just have powers related to Lightning's." Max said, "I swear, I'm Lightning, I can prove it to you! I have a Chosen Ones phone number!" Shai was confused and asked, "What do the Chosen Ones have to do with your powers and Lightning?" Max thought about it for a while and said, "I was there, okay! I was in Moscow and I helped the Chosen Ones defeat the aliens!" Shai laughed out loud. Max said, "Why don't you believe me!?" Shai looked at him for a while and said, "Because, Lightning is a man not a boy. You are a boy, boy!" Max said, "Look! I'm Lightning okay? I have the jacket!" Shai agreed and said, "Show me." Max then unzipped his jacket and realized he was wearing it inside out. Shai's eyes widened and she quickly reacted.
Shai asked, "How long have had these powers?!" Max sighed and said, "For almost a year." Shai asked, "How did it happen?" Max looked around when he saw his mom finishing the food. He told her to quiet down.
Mrs. Walker walked over into the living room and said, "Dinner is ready... is everything okay?" Max wondered what she meant by that until he looked over to Shai and saw her holding in a lot of excitement and slightly squealing. Max looked back to his mom and said, "Homework must be blowing her mind." Mrs. Walker laughed and went back inside the kitchen to serve her some food.

Max looked back to Shai and said, "Listen, this is huge. I'm not supposed to tell this." Shai asked, "Why not?" Max thought about why and made up an excuse saying, "Because the Chosen Ones told me not to." Shai looked at him oddly and asked, "Why? They don't have secret identities." Max agreed and said, "Because there maybe people out there who may track me back here and try to kill people I love." Shai agreed and said, "So you can't tell anyone?" Max shook his head. Shai said, "Fine... so wait is that the reason you didn't want to go on the trip?" Max nodded and said, "I don't know how much trouble the city may get into while I'm gone." Shai nodded and said, "I still think you should go. Get some stress relief. You've been getting bags under your eyes." Max asked, "Really?!" He quickly ran over to a mirror and realized he still looked the same. He looked at Shai in anger. Shai laughed to herself and said, "Seriously! You're on edge. You need to relax." Max agreed and said, "Fine, I'll go. But if I find out the city is in danger or someone is getting robbed, I'm flying straight here!" Shai looked at Max worried. Max noticed this and asked, "What's wrong?" Shai said, "Cell phones aren't allowed on the trip. I don't know how you'd find out." Max thought about it for a while and thing had I really bad idea.

The day of the trip, Max stuffed his cell phone into the lower reaches of his suitcase.
Shai noticed this and said, "Really subtle." Max rolled his eyes and the two began to walk on board the bus.
Max and Shai sat down next to one another. Shai could barely sit down she was so excited. Max looked at her and asked, "Are you okay?" Shai calmed down a bit and said, "I'm going on a field trip with LIGHTNING!" Max put his hand over her mouth and said, "Hey, you need to relax!"
The teacher cleared her throat and began going through the safety procedures on the bus. At that moment, the ringtone sound of Stayin' Alive by Saturday Night Fever began to play muffled a bit but it was loud enough for only a few people to hear. Those that heard it giggled a bit. Max's eyes widened when he realized that was his ringtone. Shai looked at him and asked, "Sounds like your plans going great!" The teacher asked what everyone found so funny. No one said anything so the teacher threatened to cut the trip short if the laughing continued. The students slowly stopped laughing. The teacher accepted her respect and thanked the students. She continued on with the buses safety procedures.
The bus took off and headed straight for the campus.
After an hour on the road, the bus pulled into Camp Hollywoodland.
Everyone looked at the camp in amazement.
The bus parked in front of the camp and everyone was asked to get off the bus by name.
The teachers pulled out everyone suitcases and handed it to the students.
The chaperones stood in a row with a sheet of paper in their names.
Max walked over to Shai and said, "You ready to meet your bunk mates?" Shai looked at Max snooty like and asked, "Are you?"
The chaperones called the names of the students they'd be looking over in the cabins.
Shai's group of cabin mates was some of the most pretty, positive, and popular girls in the school. Shai looked over at Max's group and saw that they were very diverse, geeky, and downright mean. Max looked at everyone feeling very disgusted.
Max's group entered their cabin. As soon as everyone saw the bunk beds, they hurried over to jump onto the bed. Max was the last person to walk inside. The chaperone noticed the look of disappointment on Max's face and asked, "You okay?" Max looked at him and said, "Yeah, just feel a little homesick." The chaperone smiled and patted Max saying, "It's okay son. I know how you really feel. I'll do my best to make this trip worth it for you." He smiled and walked over to his bed. Max did the same.
There was only one bed left and it was at the top. He sighed and walked over to the ladder to get to the top bunk.

Later on that day, the teacher called the students outside so they could meet the camp master and a few of the camp leaders.
Once everyone was acquainted, the teacher stepped in front of everyone and said, "First things first... the activities!"
Max stood around watching his cabin mates run off to different activities. Shai sneaked over to Max and wrapped her arm around his. He looked at her surprised. She said, "Let's go canoeing." Max looked out at the lake and shivered at the thought of it. He said, "Uh, I don't know. It seems sort of scary." Shai said, "You fly in the sky. What's so harmful about the lake?" Max give it another look and didn't know what to say.
Within minutes Max was putting on a life vest. The camp leader strapped the life vest onto him tightly. He jolted at the sudden pain it caused him. She said, "Gotta make sure this is nice and snug." Max nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure the water is really worried about how tight this is on me." Shai walked over to Max all ready and asked, "You ready?" Max glared at her and said, "Oh yeah, as ready as I'll ever be."
The canoe and shoved into the lake. Shai and Max walked over to the canoe. The camp leader looked at them and said, "Now be careful, these things can be a bit rocky." Shai smirked and said, "I'm sure my hero will be able to help me." Max glared at her in annoyance.
The two climbed on board the canoe and began rowing.
Shai asked, "So how did it happen?" Max looked at her oddly and asked, "My powers?" Shai nodded. Max nodded and said, "I don't remember a lot of it. By I know one thing to be true. This was no accident." Shai thought about it. Max shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter anymore. The people who did it to me are dead anyways." Shai looked at him oddly and asked, "You did it?" Max looked at her puzzled and said, "No, I haven't killed anyone. Someone else did it." Shai nodded and asked, "How did you feel when you found out you weren't you anymore?" Max thought about it and said, "I felt so much better." Shai nodded and asked, "Do you remember the exact date?" Max nodded and said, "Around this time last year." Shai nodded and said, "I remember that. You seemed very tired all the time. You distanced yourself from everyone. People started thinking you had gone emo." Max laughed and shook his head. He said, "No, my body just felt overheated all the time. I literally had a lightning storm going on inside my stomach and I couldn't tell anyone. Just keep it a secret." Shai smiled and put her hand over Max's. She said, "You no longer have to do this alone." Max looked up at her smiling. The two continued to canoe along the lake for two more hours.
That night, the campers were asked to gather around the fire to sing music and enjoy s'mores. Max and Shai sat together listening to the songs and roasting a marshmallow. Shai nudged Max and said, "Can't you just roast that marshmallow with a bolt of lightning?" Max looked at her with a smirk and said, "I can. But it'll draw too much attention." Shai agreed and said, "Do you ever use your powers for evil?" Max shook his head and said, "No I don't use it for evil. That's completely against my rules." Shai shook her head and said, "That's not what I meant. I meant, have you ever used them for your own personal purposes?" Max sighed and said, "A few times. Like one time i used it to restart my heater so I could relax more during the cold." Shai asked, "Seriously? That's not even close to what I was expecting." Max shrugged and said, "What else am I supposed to use lightning bolt abilities for? They're pretty much deadly so I have to hold back whenever I stop a criminal or using them at all." Shai looked at him shockingly and asked, "You hold back?" Max nodded and said, "I almost killed someone when I first got these powers. But luckily for them I didn't. I was pretty much wanted by the police after that incident. That is until i showed myself during the events of Moscow and everyone suddenly loved me back at home." Shai agreed and said, "My mom still doesn't like you." Max give a faint smirk and said, "Awesome. Still changing the world." Shai rubbed his back and said, "You are changing things Max. One day, you'll be known as a real hero." Max looked at her a little rejoiced and said, "Thanks."

After the bonfire, everyone began headed back to their cabins to sleep for the night.
Max had a hard time sleeping since he was thinking about Shai the whole time. He was rolling back and forth not realizing that he was causing a squeaking sound.
His bunk mate heard the tossing and turning and woke up instantly. He began kicking up at the mattress Max was sleeping on. Max felt this and elbowed back. His bunk mate was surprised and kicked Max's mattress so hard that he and the mattress flew off the bunk.
Max's falling caused him to scream and it woke up everyone in the cabin.
Everyone ran over to see what was going on. Max stood up and said, "He kicked me off the bunk!" His bunk mate said, "It's not my fault! He wouldn't stop moving!" The chaperone turned on the lights to see what was going on and sighed. He said, "Look, you shouldn't be kicking in the first place. I thought this school taught you kids to keep your hands to yourself!" Everyone looked at one another awkwardly. He said, "Everyone go back to sleep. Max, are you okay?" Max looked at him and nodded. The chaperone watched him get his mattress back on the top bunk.
The chaperone walked over to Max before he got on his bunk and asked, "I told you kid, I'm going to make sure this trip is fun for you." Max smiled and said, "Thanks." He and the chaperone fist pumped and Max climbed back onto the bunk.
Nine minutes later, everyone was back to sleep, except for Max. Max was waiting for people to go back to sleep.
One minute later, he climbed down his bunk.
Max walked over to his suit case and took out his blue jacket.
While Shai was asleep, there was a knock on the window next to her. Shai slowly woke up and nearly screamed at the sight of Lightning until she realized who it actually was. Lightning signaled her to calm down. Lightning signaled her to walk outside.
Shai agreed and began putting on her robe.
She sneaked outside to see Lightning sitting on the ledge of the roof. Shai looked at him confused and asked, "What are you doing?" Lightning hovered down and said, "Isn't it obvious? I'm kidnapping you." Shai looked at him oddly and asked, "Kidnapping?" Lightning quickly grabbed her hands and flew up into the sky.
Shai almost screamed until Lightning jokingly said, "Scream and I drop you."
He slowed down and allowed her to stand on his feet. Shai looked all around and was surprised by the sight of the moonlight shining down on them. Shai looked at the lake and noticed the beauty of it from up above. Lightning watched her face expression the whole time. Shai looked back at him and asked, "What are we going to do next?" Lightning allowed her to get on his back and he quickly began flying through the forest.
They passed by tons of forest animals and Lightning hovered down onto a hill top.
Shai climbed down and walked toward the ledge. She looked out at the view of the forest and turned to Lightning with a huge smile on her face. Lightning walked over to her and said, "Have a seat."
Shai looked down and sat a rock that the two could sit down on together.
Shai looked back at the forest and said, "Max, this is beautiful." Lightning nodded and said, "I usually go out to clear my head. But tonight, I wanted to share this experience with you." Shai looked at him and asked, "Really?" Lightning nodded. Shai looked at him and asked, "Do you like me?" Lightning glared at her nervously. Shai looked at him oddly and said, "Unzip your hood; I can't see your face." Lightning sighed and unzipped his hoodie. Shai saw the redness of his face and said, "Oh my gosh!" Max asked, "What?" Shai said, "You like me!" Max looked at her pretending to be confused and said, "Whaaaat?! Nah! No way! We're just friends. Remember?" Shai nodded and said, "What if I told you I liked you? Would you still want to be friends?" Max took a large gulp of saliva and said, "Maybe." Shai smirked and said, "I really like you Max. You're like my best friend. And that's the best person to get into a relationship with." Max looked at her shocked and asked, "Relationship?" Shai stuttered and said, "Sorry, not relationship. We're too young to get into a relationship." Max agreed and said, "Maybe we can stick to holding hands and calling each other like always. But knowing how much we truly care for one another." Shai smiled and grabbed Max's hand. She said, "I like the way your hands feel. They're soft for a superhero." Max smirked and said, "I moisturize." Shai gave him a surprised look and said, "You do that too?!? Max nodded and said, "It cools down the heating of my hands." Shai shook her head and said, "I like you Max Walker. I like you a lot." Max smiled and said, "I like you too Shai Brown." The two stood on the hill top staring into one another's eyes and every now and then looking back out at the forest.
The next morning, Max had awakened but not in his cabin, still on the hill top. He looked at Shai who was lying next to him and quickly panicked. He woke up Shai and said, "We need to get back to camp!"
Max flew Shai back near the camp sight but it was too late. Everyone in the camp was searching for the two. Shai looked at Max and said, "We're so screwed. What are we going to do?" Max thought for a while and finally came to a conclusion. He looked at Shai and said, "I have a plan. But only one of us gets out scotch free." Shai looked at him confused.
On the camp sight, the chaperones began calling out to Max and Shai to see if they'd answer to the call. Out of nowhere, the sound of lightning was heard. Everyone looked up to see Lightning carrying a knocked out Shai down in the middle of the camp sight. Everyone surrounded them. Lightning walked Shai over to a chaperone and changed his voice to something deeper and different than his original. He said, "An alien was on your camp sight. I found her being dragged through the forest. Lucky I caught her." The chaperone checked to see if she was alive. Lightning said, "Oh no you don't have to do that. She's alive. I already checked." The chaperone looked at Lightning and said, "God bless you." Lightning nodded and said, "No thanks are necessary." It got silent at that moment when everyone realized she didn't thank him. Lightning looked around awkwardly and said, "Right." He jumped off the ground and flew up into the sky.
Shai opened her eyes after hearing Lightning leave and began saying random things that kidnapped individuals would say. After she said her excuse, one chaperone asked, "Hey, where's Max?"
Max changed out of his jacket and hid it somewhere near the camp sight.
He walked over to the chaperones and everyone else. When they say Max, they pointed him out and ran to see if he was okay. Max told them that he went out for a walk and quickly got in trouble for it. Max sighed and looked directly at Shai and was watching in shame. Max then smiled at her letting her know everything was okay. Shai slowly smiled back thinking back on the night they had last night.
One of the chaperones yelling at Max got a call on her cell phone. She answered it and walked off to talk.

A few minutes into the phone call, she asked a question in a very worried tone.
Some people heard it and looked to see what was going on.
The chaperone was crying.
Max was very much confused now.
The chaperone thanked the person on the other line and ended the call.
The teacher walked over to see if she was okay. The chaperone began crying in the teachers arms. The teacher and the chaperone began to talk to one another. Max couldn't understand a single thing they were saying.
Max walked closer to see what was going on until he heard the chaperone ask, "How could an alien get that my strength to kill my husband?" Max nearly froze in his tracks from the sound of that statement. He stepped back looked around to see if anyone noticed his face and quickly walked away as people went to see what was going on the chaperone.
Max ran inside his cabin and searched for his cell phone. He looked up current events and saw headlines about an alien who broke into a prison in Idaho and murdered every security guard inside. There was even video footage. Max watched the video and saw Altu murdering the security guards one by one. The footage didn't surprise him, the only thing that did was that an alien had super powers. Max left the sight and saw there was a prison break out in Compton. The article said that it was the same alien who killed a bunch of prison guards in Idaho. The prisoner that was kidnapped was Mattie. Max looked up from his phone worried about what was going on.
At that moment, the door opened and the chaperone walked inside. Max turned to him still holding his cell phone. The chaperone glared at the phone and then back at Max. Max and he just had a silent and awkward moment. Max then asked, "Don't you know how to knock?" The chaperone realized what that meant and said, "I'm sorry, I had no idea you were into that sort of stuff. Wait aren't you a bit too young to be feeling that type of way. I mean I know I didn't feel it until..." Max stopped him and said, "No, I wasn't doing that. I was just calling my mom." The chaperone nodded and said, "Look, we're being kicked off the grounds. Apparently there is an escape convict and superpower alien flying around the state. Everyone needs to go home." Max nodded and began packing his stuff.
The bus arrived to take everyone.
Max ran over to Shai, after grabbing his jacket, and said, "Hey." Shai looked at him nervously and said, "Hey." Max said, "So it looks like the fun is about to begin." Shai looked at him confused and asked, "What do you mean? How is any of this fun?" Max smirked and said, "Because I haven't fought a good villain since May. This is my chance to flex my powers." Shai shook her head and said, "Max, you shouldn't get so confident in your ability to stop this alien. He could be very powerful." Max shrugged and said, "I can shoot lightning bolts from my fingertips... how can he possible beat me?" Shai sighed and shoved the suitcase under the bus. She looked at Max and said, "I don't know where all this confidence came from, but if you're really going to stop him, you need to think of your opponent as someone who shouldn't be messed with until you actually fight him. Understand?" Max glared at her oddly. Shai rolled her eyes and said, "I just don't want you to get yourself killed." Max smiled and said, "What's the worst that could happen?" Max tossed his suitcase under the bus and began to get on the bus.
Altu's space craft was flying toward Los Angeles to find and confront Giang.

Altu was watching as they got closer toward the city. Mattie walked up behind Altu and patted him on the back. He said, "I knew this relationship would work out. I sure am glad you got me from the hell hole." Altu nodded and said, "I needed you just as much as you needed me." Mattie asked, "What can I do for you?" Altu turned to Mattie and said, "I need some of your friends to help me find the location of the Chosen One Giang Huang." Mattie looked at him surprised and asked, "You mean that girl who thought it would be funny to embarrass me in front of you?" Altu nodded with a big smile on his face. Mattie nodded and said, "I'll get right on it."
He turned around and began making some calls.
Altu looked forward and suddenly saw a school bus driving in the same direction. Altu glared at it for a while and walked over to the pilot. He said, "Shoot at the tired." The pilot looked up at him strangely. Altu said, "If we're going to lure the Chosen One to us, the best way to do it is by affecting children." The pilot agreed and began aiming laser cannons at the tires of the bus.
The school bus they were about to attack was the bus Max and his classmates were sitting in.
Mattie walked over to Altu and said, "One of my boys in LA says they know where she stays. He's sending me the location now." Altu smiled and said, "Good."
Mattie saw the laser cannons aiming at the school bus down below. He then asks, "What are you doing?" Altu said, "Drawing her out!" The pilots shoot the tires off the bus school.
The bus school because swerving out of control.
Max looked around in horror and made eye contact with Shai as the bus quickly drove off the road and into a tree.
The space craft flew off not paying any attention to the school bus.
Max looked outside and saw the space craft headed forward.
As the teacher asked if everyone was okay, Max looked at Shai again and gave her a sorrowful look.
Max opened the window and climbed out of the bus.
The teachers saw him doing this and yelled for him to get back in the bus.
Max climbed onto the roof of the bus and began to put on his jacket.
He zipped it up all the way and quickly flew off the bus toward the space craft.
The pilot of the space craft noticed they had something flying toward them.
Altu walked over to the pilot and asked, "What is it?"
At that moment, everyone turned to the tapping on the window beside them.
Lightning was waving at them. Altu glared at Lightning oddly and asked, "What the hell is that?!" Lightning flew directly ahead of the space craft.
Mattie said, "I've heard about that guy. He shoots lightning bolts out of his hands. Another one of those freaks trolling around California." Altu realized what that meant and said, "Another human experiment! Shoot it down!"
The pilot began shooting at Lightning.
Lightning hovered in front of the space craft and created a electricity shield around him as lasers began flying at him.
The lasers bounced off the shield instantly.
Altu was completely surprised by this.
Lightning dropped the shield and said, "They never learn." He quickly shot electricity into the space craft, giving it so much power that it blew out.
The space craft shut down instantly.
Altu looked around and asked, "What the hell is going on?" Mattie said, "We're about to crash."
The space craft began crash landing down toward the streets of Los Angeles.
Altu sat up in a lot of pain and looked around to see most of his squad knocked out.
He looked over at Mattie and saw him trying to move.
Lightning flew over to the crash site and saw no one moving. He crossed his arms and said, "Huh, these guys caused so much trouble... and all it took were a few..." At that moment there was a loud and aggressive yell. Lightning sighed and said, "This is what happens when you speak too soon!"
Altu flew out of the space craft in anger. He looked at Lightning. Lightning said, "If your eyes were guns... I'd be dead." Altu yelled, "YOU'RE ALREADY DEAD!" Lightning shrugged and said, "I mean I feel pretty alive. How about you?" Altu yelled in anger and flew toward Lightning.
Lightning dodged it and watched as Altu flew forward. He turned around to Lightning and flew directly toward him. Lightning wasn't prepared for the attack and allowed him to punch him into a car.
Lightning lay on the car in pain and said, "Looks like I just found my excuse to stay out of gym class."
Altu punched his fist inside the space craft and grabbed the pilot's laser gun.
He turned to Lightning and began shooting at him.
Lightning saw the lasers flying toward him and jumped off the car.
He dodged the lasers as best as he could. He joked, "If you're going to grab a gun, you should at least know how to shoot right? No? Too bad!"
Altu yelled in anger and flew at Lightning.
Lightning saw him coming and moved out of the way as Altu swung the laser gun at him.
He swung his fist at Lightning, but Lightning dodged it until Altu grabbed him by the neck.
He threw Lightning into the ground.
Altu flew toward Lightning. He swung at Lightning's face, but Lightning ducked down and while Altu was about to swing again, Lightning shot a bolt into Altu gut.
Altu yelled in pain as he backed away from Lightning. Lightning then shot a bunch of electricity at Altu's face. Altu yelled and fell to his knees grabbing it in pain.
Altu then slapped Lightning out of his way.
Lightning hit the ground and when he looked at Altu, he was then kicked across the face and as Lightning's head flew up, Altu grabbed it and lifted him up. He then threw his fist into Lightning's gut, sending him back to the ground.
Lightning quickly got back onto his feet. He shook his head and said, "Wow, you sure are powerful. I'm literally shaking in my boots." He then looked at his feet and saw he wasn't wearing boots. Lightning shrugged and said, "Oh well, maybe next time."
Lightning then shot more electricity at Altu, sending him away.

Lightning then began to fly straight toward Altu so he could finish the attack.
Lightning flew above Altu. When Altu saw Lightning, Lightning smirked and waved at him again. Altu yelled and kicked Lightning away from him.
Lightning flew up into the air and said, "Someone obviously wasn't shown how to greet their opponent."
Altu stopped himself from flying across the air. He looked up at Lightning until suddenly someone yelled, "HEY!"
Altu looked forward to see Giang walking toward him. Altu glared at her and said, "You!"
Giang asked, "Do you see all this destruction? Who in the hell is going to clean this?" Altu ignored her and began to fly.
When Giang saw this, she took out her sword to prepare for an attack.
Lightning saw Altu fly toward Giang and began to fly toward her.
Altu yelled and swung his fist at her.
Giang rolled out of the way and watched him move past her.
Lightning flew beside her and said, "Hey!" Giang looked at him and said, "What's up kid?" Lightning said, "Oh, you know, just trying to stop a crazed powerful alien. Just like any other regular day." Giang smirked and said, "Your life is that awesome?" Lightning looked off in sadness and said, "Oh yeah."
Altu walked toward the two and said, "I don't have an affair with you blue. I just want the girl." Lightning looked at Giang confused. Giang held her sword tightly and asked, "What the hell do you want me for?" Altu said, "Don't you remember me?" Giang shook her head and said, "Sorry, all you aliens look alike." Altu yelled and said, "LAST YEAR! YOU HELPED TO ARREST ME AND A HUMAN!" Giang glared at Altu and had the look of recollection. She said, "Ohhhhh, yeah I still don't remember you. Sorry!" Altu yelled in anger and flew toward the two. Lightning said, "I can help." Giang shook her head and said, "No, I'll handle this on my own." Lightning looked at her confused and said, "I can help!" Giang looked at Lightning and said, "HELP WHEN I NEED IT!"
Altu swung his fist at Giang. Giang ducked down and sliced Altu across the arm as he flew past her. He turned to her and Giang instantly elbowed him across the face.
Altu swung his leg at Giang. Giang blocked it and head-butted Altu.
Altu stepped back. Giang jumped up and kicked Altu across the face.
Altu jumped up into the air and said, "How in the hell can I still not stop you?" Giang shrugged and said, "Who knows. Maybe you've just ran out of power." Altu said, "No! I will stop you! I will!" He began to fly back toward Giang.
Giang stood in her tracks until she took a step away and watched as he flew into the ground.
Giang looked over at Lightning and called him over.
When Lightning got over, Giang said, "He's not down yet. Just knocked out. We need to get this battle off the streets." Lightning agreed and asked, "Where?" Giang said, "You let me handle that. But wherever we go, you follow. I won't be able to stop him alone." Lightning agreed and flew off to hide.
A few seconds later, Altu regained consciousness.
He looked over to see Giang leaning against a car. Altu became angry as he stood up. Giang glared at him and said, "You look like shit!" Altu then flew against at Giang.
Giang ran out of the way and began making a run for it.
Altu yelled, "DON'T RUN NOW!" He followed after her.
Lightning stood on the ledge of a building watching the two head in a certain direction.
As Altu began to get close to Giang, he was tackled to the ground.
Giang turned to see Altu and Lightning fighting. Giang continued to run.
Altu saw this and yelled, "NO!"
Altu punched Lightning out of his way and flew toward Giang again.
Lightning flew back toward Altu again.
Lightning whistled at Altu and before he could dodge it, Lightning shot electricity at him.
Altu yelled in pain and fell to the ground again.
As he looked up, Lightning landed on top of him and began shooting bolts of electricity at his face again. Lightning said, "You don't like that, do you?" Altu yelled in until he grabbed Lightning's arm and punched him out of his way. Altu jumped off his back and flew toward Lightning.
He wrapped his arm around and flew him into a store.
Altu stood up and said, "It's time to see what's underneath that hood!"

Lightning began to stand up until Altu grabbed him by the neck and flew him through the store.
He pinned him against the wall and instantly ripped the hood off revealing Max's face. Altu looked into Max's eyes and noticed that he was just a kid.
Altu loosened the grip over Max and at that moment, Max flew him through the store and directly toward Giang.
Giang turned around and saw Altu and Max flying toward her quickly.
She ducked down and watched the two fly directly into Robert Mark's house.
Altu and Max stood up in a lot of pain. Altu looked at Max and said, "You're just a kid." Max asked, "Do you have a problem with fighting a kid?" Altu shook his head and said, "No, I'm just a little hurt that I've been getting my ass kicked by a little kid." Max became angry and tackled Altu into the living room.
He threw Altu against the wall and as he slid to the floor, Max began zapping him with lightning bolts.
Giang walked inside and saw the action.
Max finally stopped zapping him and stared at his weakened body.
Giang walked over to Max and asked, "You okay?" Max looked at her and said, "Yeah, are you okay?" Giang nodded and said, "I barely did anything." Max asked, "Why bring us here?" Giang shrugged and said, "I needed someone to destroy this house. It was getting old." Max looked around and asked, "Whose house is this?" Giang said, "It's Robert and his moms. Rob and I are moving in together somewhere out of the city. And his mom found a new place." Max looked around and nodded. Giang looked at Altu and saw him crawling away. She took out her sword and walked over to Altu. Altu looked up at her said, "Please! Don't kill me! I'm sorry. I really am." Giang shrugged and said, "So are all the others." She lifted her sword up to kill him until Max stopped her. Giang turned to him and said, "Max, this alien was ready to kill you. From what I heard, he never killed a school bus full of students. And you're just going to let him go." Max said, "If we let him go, maybe he'll tell his friends what we did for him and they'll stop coming. They'll know we don't all want them dead." Giang looked at him oddly and said, "Are you kidding me?" Max looked at her and said, "No. Let him go." Giang stepped away from Altu. Altu weakly hovered up and flew out of the house.
Giang and Max watched him go and looked over to see the police coming their way. Giang looked at Max and said, "You did good kid." Max looked at her and said, "That's such a cliché thing to do after I totally kick someone's ass." Giang laughed and said, "Seriously, nice job kid." Max smiled and said, "Thanks." Giang said, "You better get out of here though, your hood seems to be gone." Max had forgotten his hood was ripped off and quickly flew away leaving Giang standing in the nearly destroyed abandoned Mark's house.
The next week, everything returned back to normal.
Max stepped on school grounds and walked toward the doors feeling different. It was his first real superhero job but no one knew that. He stopped at the doors and looked at his own reflection. He fixed his hair and opened the doors to walk inside.
Everyone acted normal around. Then at the end of the hall, he saw Shai standing by her locker.
Max walked over to her and when she saw him, she gave him big smile. But Max didn't smile back.
Shai noticed this and asked, "What's wrong?" Max sighed and said, "I was thinking over the weekend. About you and me." Shai nodded. Max nodded and said, "I don't think it's a good idea." Shai looked at him oddly. Max shook his head and said, "I don't think it's a safe idea." Shai asked, "You mean you being a superhero and having superhero problems?" Max nodded. Shai nodded and said, "Yeah, even I saw that coming up. But Max, you don't have to worry about that with me." Max said, "But I do. I mean it's bad enough I have to worry about my mom. Now you. I just don't know if whatever happened last week, will happen again soon. And then say this villain wants to learn who I am, and he finds out. You and mom will be the first targets. And I just don't think I can deal with that much pressure." Shai nodded and asked, "What about being friends?" Max shrugged and said, "Even that would be dangerous. I should never have told you about who I am." Shai nodded and said, "Then this is good bye, Mr. Walker." Max nodded feeling guilty for having this conversation. Shai grabbed his hand and said, "If you ever need me, you'll contact me, right?" Max glanced at her and nodded. Shai turned around and went to class, trying to forget about this moment as a whole. And Max stood in the same position wishing he hadn't done that to Shai at all.
After school, Max walked home so he could clear his head until a car pulled up beside him.
Max looked at it and saw Giang was driving. She told him to get in.
Max quickly jumped inside the car and Gian drove off.
Max looked at her in confusion and asked, "Where are we going?" Giang said, "Just for a ride. I need ask you a few questions."
As Giang drove the two along, Giang said, "Go into the glove compartment and take out the first thing you grab." Max agreed and reached inside. He took out her registration for the car. Max was confused. Giang saw this and said, "Dammit, I forgot I put it in the back of the car." Max nodded and reached behind him to see some type of government printed papers.
Max grabbed them and saw the title; CHOSEN ONE REGISTRATION PAPERS.
Max was surprised to see these and said, "No way! No way! Oh my god!" Giang smiled and said, "They're just for you kiddo." Max began reading the papers and after flipping through so many, his big smile went away. Giang noticed the excitement in the car had gone away. She asked, "What's wrong?" Max shook his head and said, "Do I really have to follow all of these rules?" Giang shrugged and said, "Unfortunately, yes. But it's all for the greater good." Max nodded and tossed the papers on the dashboard.
Giang looked at him confused and asked, "What's wrong?" Max shook his head and said, "I became Lightning so I could save lives like I was meant to do. But I can't save lives under rules and restrictions." Giang nodded and said, "I can understand that." Lightning said, "I mean, I want to be a Chosen One, I really do, but I can't be Lightning with their rules. I'll just be Max Walker." Giang nodded and drove up beside Max's house.
Giang parked the car and said, "Here's your stop." Max looked at his house and then back at Giang. He said, "Just because I'm not joining, doesn't mean I don't want to help you fight battles." Giang nodded and said, "I hoped you'd say that." Max smiled and as he got out of the car, Giang stopped him and handed him a Walmart bag. Max grabbed it and looked inside to see a new blue jacket. He smiled joyous and said, "You got me a new jacket?" Giang nodded and said, "It was the least I could do." Max smiled and closed the door behind him. Giang quickly drove back toward her new house.
Max entered his house and headed back toward his room when suddenly his mom called him.
Max paused and walked toward his moms room.
When he asked what his mom needed, he saw her holding his old ripped apart blue jacket. His mom looked up at him and asked, "So happened?" Max stuttered for a while and said, "Shai's dog did it." Mrs. Walker nodded and said, "Well, are you going to fix it?" Max nodded and said, "Oh yeah I am." Mrs. Walker handed the jacket to him and said, "I hope you do. It holds a lot of significance." Max agreed and quickly ran off.
Mrs. Walker shook her head and said, "He must think I was born yesterday." She took out her cell phone and continued reading an article with Lightning's photo at the top.
Days later, took the hood from the blue jacket Giang bought him and attached it onto the old jacket. He fixed any holes left on the jacket and when it was all complete, he put the jacket on for the first time in a week and before he headed outside to patrol the city, he zipped the jacket up all the way so he could complete the look of the superhero of Los Angeles, Lightning!

A few days ago, Altu had gotten another space craft to come pick him up.
The space craft tracked him and hovered down beside him.
He limped inside the space craft and it quickly took off.
Everyone alien inside glared at him. Altu looked at them all and said, "The humans did this to me." One alien asked, "They burned you?" Altu said, "It was one of those human experiments that decided to protect the humans instead of joining us. This one helped a Chosen One to stop me. But he let me go." Another alien said, "It won't matter. There's good news coming." Altu asked, "What do you mean?" That alien said, "Jola is coming to Earth. So whatever human did that to you will learn his lesson." Altu asked, "Jola is coming to Earth? Why now? Why not before?" The alien said, "You can ask him when you meet him." Altu looked forward at the depths of space thinking to himself about the horror and death Jola would unleash upon the humans of earth and it gave him chills...

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