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By BraedimusSupreme

48.4K 1.1K 1K

A/N: this is a first-time for me to try out something like this, so bear with me for this. Also, I only own m... More

Characters Pt2
Chapter One: Troubling Times
Chapter Two: Welcome To Japan
Chapter Three: A Chance Encounter
Chapter Four: First Day of School
Chapter Five: Another Day
Chapter Six: Council Confrontation
Chapter Seven: Pervert in Action
Chapter Eight: A Relaxing Saturday
Chapter Nine: Leo's First Day
Chapter Ten: Lessons Learned
Chapter Eleven: Hana Trix
Chapter Twelve: Date Evening
Chapter Thirteen: The Sports Day
Chapter Fourteen: An Alien?!
Chapter Fifteen: Magical Mishap?
Chapter Sixteen: Prima's Day at Kyoto Academy
Chapter Seventeen: Shrunken Down
Chapter Eighteen: Parent's Day
Chaprer Nineteen: Spa Day & Relaxation
Chapter Twenty: Gluttonous Feeder
Chapter Twenty-One: Superstorm Situation
Chapter Twenty-Two: Bullies & New Teacher
Chapter Twenty-Three: Trip to Tokyo / Supernatural Forces
Chaprer Twenty-Four: The Rider & The Princess
Chapter Twenty-Five: Hellspawn & Parties
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Rushed Arrangements
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Costume Party Time
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Beach Day Bonanza
Chapter Thirty: Intimacy
Chapter Thirty-One: Let's Brawl!
Chapter Thirty-Two: Bakugan Duel
Chapter Thirty-Three: Brawling & Going Extraterrestrial
Chapter Thirty-Four: Escape From Space
Chapter Thirty-Five: Nightmares of Kyoto
Chapter Thirty-Six: A Tournament Pt1
Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Tournament Pt2
Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Tournament Pt3
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Night Remedies
Chapter Forty: The Busty Nurse
Chapter Forty-One: A Breast Thief??
Chapter Forty-Two: Punishment & Attack
Chapter Forty-Three: Pranks Backfiring
Chapter Forty-Four: De-Aged & Familiars
Chapter Forty-Five: Hana's House & Sailing
Chapter Forty-Six: Cooking Classes

Chapter Twenty-Six: Confrontation

781 23 13
By BraedimusSupreme

'Yet again, another night to hunt down those who have shed innocent blood. How long am I going to last?'

Once again, Ghost Rider was out and about tonight within Kyoto, punishing the wicked and those that have spilt innocent blood. Each time he appeared, Braedey would be trapped inside of this black void with flames all around him, no light to guide him forth.

'This is getting out of hand. If this keeps going, I'll never be able to focus on what's happening outside and away from all of this.' Braedey thought to himself. 'There must be a way to try and contain this force of supernatural power.'

Ghost Rider raced along down the roads, the trail of fire left behind him as he rode along the Hell Cycle. He had been on the hunt for those who have shed blood. But as he made his way over to a lone hill just outside of the city, the Hell Cycle seemed to cough and splutter, black smoke erupting from the exhaust on the bike, Ghost Rider now stopping the bike and stepping off.

"Enough." Braedey's voice echoed inside of Ghost Rider's head, the skeletal spirit now looking around, as if trying to find the voice. "I'm right here, skele-head." The spirit turned around, now seeing Braedey in its view, now donning the same outfit Ghost Rider has on.

"You." Ghost Rider spoke.

"Yeah, you're me. The person that who's soul you're now occupying." Braedey stated back. "This thing is getting out of control, and I can't keep going with this."

"Your father had signed the contract with Mephisto." Ghost Rider spoke back. "We must keep our end of the bargain."

"We don't even know what the end of the bargain is! How are we meant to keep our end if we don't know what it is?" Braedey berated the spirit. "So what's the point of doing this if we don't know what the end of the deal is?" Braedey added in. That seemed to make the skeletal spirit look at Braedey with uncertainty. "See? We have no idea what the end of the deal is. We can't keep this going."

"We must punish the wicked who have shed innocent blood and make them pay for their sins." Ghost Rider stated. "It is our duty-"

"Yours, yes. But not for me." Braedey spoke back firmly. "I never wanted to be involved with whatever Mephistopheles had in mind, nor did I want to be your host in the first place." He stepped toward Ghost Rider. "We have to learn all we can about this deal, and why my father did so."

Ghost Rider seemed to look long and hard at Braedey, as if he may be examining the host he now possesses. After only a few more moments, Braedey disappeared from Ghost Rider's view, now leaving him on the hill.

The spectral skeleton looked around again, then got onto his Hell Cycle, now riding off down the road. But as it does so, the Hell Cycle changed shape and form in a flash of flame, now becoming the Hell Charger, just as a flaming portal opened up just ahead to reveal a flaming highway, the Highway through Hell. Without slowing down, Ghost Rider entered the portal, and it closed up behind the car, leaving only a flaming scorch mark in the ground.


The next day, the group of friends made their way to Kyoto Academy, all of them relaxed and smiling to one another. But when they got to the school and prepared for their first lessons, they all were surprised, confused and concerned as to the fact that Braedey wasn't in today.

Mrs. Hotaro was going through the roll list, but as she does so, she noticed Braedey absent. She looks about the room to try and find the brunette, but to no avail. "Does anyone know where Braedey is?" She asked to everyone in the classroom. "He hasn't turned up."

"No sign." Leo shrugged.
"Nada." Tio shook her head.
"No sign." Hana shrugged.
"I have not seen him either." Prima shook her head.
"Nor have I." Dante shook his head.

After class, the group decided to try and look around the school, trying to find any sign of Braedey. But as they looked about, they couldn't seem to find any sign of the brunette anywhere. It was rather concerning and unsettling for them, and they later had an indignation meeting in one of the classrooms to discuss about this.

"Where could Braedey have gone?" Lily now asked.

"I talked to Miss Sunohara earlier, but she says he's not home." Prima spoke up next.

"I tried to contact him, but it went to voicemail." Tessa now answered after getting of her phone.

"He can't have left Kyoto." Tio included. "But where could he have gone to?"

"With that Charger he has, who knows where he's gone off to." Dante stated.

"I've asked around to others around the school if they had seen him, but they said they haven't seen him." Leo then answered.

The others were concerned about where Braedey could be, and what might've happened to him. They tried to think of any possible theory to know where Braedey could be anywhere. Unbeknown to them, Ameri had been standing just outside of the classroom, and she overheard the conversation. She narrowed her eyes at this, now wondering about where Braedey could have gone to. She now began to do some of her own little investigations about what's happening.

'Braedey has been rather secret and such over the last few weeks, especially after the incident back at the temple.' Ameri thought to herself as she walked down the halls, her notebook in hand as she wrote down all that she knows. She then thought back to when she saw him change. 'Does it involve with that skeletal spectre he changed into? There must be some kind of explanation...'


Meanwhile, over in the United States in New York, it was now nighttime. At the Martin home, Naomi was washing up the dishes in the kitchen from last night's dinner. She felt rather empty internally with Braedey's absence, and she really missed him dearly.

'Stupid James... Braedey has been doing so well in his classes, yet he's not satisfied with any of the scores, and all he wants are all A's in his classes.' Naomi thought to herself, threatening to throw a plate at the wall. 'Braedey can only do so much, yet he just can't understand it? Why does James want to have Braedey get all A's? What is his endgame? What is the reason?'

Suddenly, unholy ghostly howls could be heard from outside, nearly making Naomi drop the plate. She now made her way to the outside of the house, just as she saw what was a flash of flame, forcing her to shield her eyes. She then moved her hands away from her eyes, and she saw a 1970 Dodge Charger R/T engulfed in flames race up and screech to a halt just before her.

"What in the..." Naomi muttered in bewilderment and uncertainty. What is this car doing here, and why was it engulfed in flames?

The door on the car now swung open, and a flaming skeleton in black stepped out of the vehicle. Naomi stepped back in shock and worry, as the figure began to slowly walk towards her. But as it did so, the flames began to turn blue and then fade away, just as skin and flesh now began to form on the skull, and after a few moments, it revealed itself to be Braedey.

Naomi was in shock and surprise. "B... Braedey? Is that you?"

Braedey showed a small smile to his mother. "Hey, Mom. Sorry I gave you a scare earlier-" He was cut off when Naomi brought him into a tight embrace, holding him close to her. Braedey then wrapped his arms around his mother, holding her close as well.

"You're home... but how?" Naomi asked softly.

"It's a bit of a story." Braedey admitted, then he sat on the front of the muscle car to explain to his mother.

Braedey immediately began to recount about what had happened to him ever since Mephistopheles had told him regarding the deal he and James made, Braedey now becoming the Ghost Rider, attacking the wicked who have spilt innocent blood, and punishing those who have committed one of the seven sins.

After Braedey had explained everything, Naomi was visibly shocked but she was internally enraged by what she had heard. She brought Braedey into the house so they could discuss about things that have transpired after the brunette had been sent off to Japan. Luckily for them, James wasn't in the house at the time.

"James has been acting... rather strange for a while, and he's been doing some odd phone calls every now and then." Naomi said to Braedey, the former making some tea. "He is up to something, but he won't say anything to me. He'd just say it's a friend, but I don't think it is."

"I think I could try and find something." Braedey got to his feet. "I'll take a look in his office. Be right back, but keep an eye out for me." He advised.

Braedey walked upstairs towards James' office. He made his way to the door, gripping the door handle. He tried to unlock it, but to no avail. So, with his fire power, he began to melt the door handle, unlocking it. He got the door open, and he started to take a look around. He turns on the laptop, accessing the system and he started to take a look through the files and info that is there. He managed to find some incriminating files that show of James making deals and giving away a large sum of money with said deals. Braedey now found other files of evidence, copying it and downloading it into a USB for later use, and he closed the laptop down. Once done that, Braedey closed the room, and he fixed up the door handle as if nothing happened, then he left.

Naomi looked to Braedey with concern in her eyes. "Did you find anything?" She asked him.

"Yes. But I can't say anything yet. I just have to wait for the right moment." Braedey now held up the USB for emphasis. "I'll save this for a rainy day."

"And what do you want me to do?" Naomi now asked, the tow sharing a mother-son embrace.

"Keep an eye and ear out. Use this to record what you can find." Braedey now handed Naomi a small camera inside of a bracelet. "This'll record in HD and 60FPS, and be able to see and hear everything." He then hugged his mother again.

"Please be careful." Naomi whispered softly as she now took the bracelet.

"I will be. You take care and listen carefully." Braedey added in. He then stepped back as she felt heat inside of him. "I have to go."

Naomi gave a single nod back to her son, giving him one more hug before he leaves. Braedey made his way to the Charger, the muscle car engulfed in flames. He got in, and began to drive away as Naomi watched. A second later, a flaming portal opened up just ahead to reveal the Highway through Hell. Without slowing down, the Hell Charger enters the portal, and it closed up behind the car, leaving only a flaming scorch mark in the ground.

Naomi breathed a sigh to herself, now looking to her bracelet. She now had a job to do to try and expose her husband and learn what she can to assist her son. She just hoped it'll work out and Braedey has a plan before something bad happens.


Back in Japan, Braedey had arrived back, though he was down at what could be Fukushima. He took a look around and took note that he's in an abandoned area, no doubt being the result of the Fukushima nuclear incident back in 2011. Braedey now pulled out a small Geiger counter from his pocket, which he got from Tio, and he took a quick scan of the area. He saw the radiation levels aren't at lethal levels, fortunately. Still, he had to get going.

"MEPHISTOPHELES! I call upon you! Reveal yourself!" Braedey demanded out with a yell, his voice echoing all around him. Then, silence fell upon the area.

"I am here." The brunette turned sharply to see the being he was looking for down at a dark alleyway, no doubt trying to stay out of the light.

"Mephistopheles. I want answers." Braedey demanded, now stomping up, smoke coming off his footsteps. "You are going to tell me everything about the deal you had made with my father right here and now. If you don't give me the answer I'm looking for, I'll make sure you don't come back from Hell." He threatened, now pulling off the chain around him.

"What one must know is confidential." Mephisto began. "All deals are not to be-" He was cut off when he now got ensnared by thousands of chains, the chains glowing red and smoking in response like they've been bathed in extreme heat.

"Do you know how an eggs feels being cooked on a superhot footpath?" Braedey questioned sarcastically, his hand out while commanding the chains to slowly tighten their grip. "Unless you don't want to become sunny-side up, I suggest you tell me NOW and give me what I want to know." He threatened.

Mephistopheles gave a small smirk at Braedey, a low chuckle in his voice. "You are one to deliver deals. You want to know? Very well." He then took a deep breath, despite the tightness of the chains. "Your father had made the deal with me to make sure you will succeed in your schooling. So, he gave up your soul so we can make the deal."

"That's not good enough of an answer." Braedey all but snarled, smoke now starting to appear around him, his body threatening to become Ghost Rider.

"You know you can't survive in the sunlight." Mephisto said.

"Tell. Me. The truth." Braedey ordered.

"I am not at a liberty to reveal the deal made once it has been done." Mephistopheles stated. "Those are the rules."

"The longer we don't know what the end of the bargain is, the darker the fate for you and James." Braedey spoke back firmly. "Now tell me what it is!"

Mephistopheles didn't answer back, keeping his silence. Braedey looked like he was about to pop a blood vessel in his forehead, his blue eyes glowing bright red in the process, and threatening to erupt into flames. He was about to crush Mephistopheles with the chains, but he instead relaxes the chains, returning it back to him and wrapping it around his chest.

"I'll let you live... for now, Mephisto." Braedey walked over to the Dodge Charger, but then turned to face Mephistopheles. "But when I find out the truth... you'd best pray I kill you quickly before James." He threatened.

With that, he got back into the car, and with a roar and screeching tyres, he raced off to Kyoto. Mephisto watched him go from the shadows, then he vanished in a black mist like a ghost.


"Thank god you're alright."

Braedey eventually met up with the others at the back of Kyoto Academy, and he had explained to them of where he had gone to during the day, which was a bit of a surprise when he told them about the Highway In Hell, and about ending up at his parent's house. They soon went off to one of the empty rooms to converse. 

Tessa brought Braedey into a tight embrace, the latter blushing in response to how close her curvy body was to her. "I was worried if something happened."

"If that did happen, I'd just show them what for." Braedey shrugged back to her.

"Still, you went from Japan to America in just a short period of time." Leo commented. "But why though?"

"Something important?" Ken questioned.

"I've been trying to figure out why my father made that deal with the devil and why he's been acting the way he is." Braedey clarified to them.

"Have you found anything?" Tio asked.

"I've managed to find something incriminating." Braedey held up the USB. "Anyone got a computer?"

"Will this suffice?" Prima now revealed a laptop, which looks to be very futuristic and sharp despite its blocky shape.

"Yes. It'll do." Braedey now took the laptop, plugging in the USB. He then typed in some keys, and brought up the files. "I took a look at my father's computer, and I found some incriminating evidence. Turns out my Dad has been lending money out to gangs and thugs, even to gambling. However, he's gotten himself into trouble: despite his gambling earning him some money every now and then, he owes well over $300,000 to some criminal gang in Manhattan. They're giving him until the end of the year to get up to 500K or more to pay off the debt he's earned."

"Wait. He now has a $500,000 debt that you and your mother doesn't know about?" Tio questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"If he gets found out by either the cops or F.B.I, he's behind bars for good because of what he's done." Ken noted to the others.

"What do your parents do for work?" Leo asked to Braedey.

"Well, Mom works in a fashion design and marketing, and she gets a big cut of the money made. Dad originally worked in a steel mill before it closed, then into maintenance on the subway, before he got fired for some insubordination or something." Braedey explained to them. "After that, he's been working here and there."

"That can make sense." Prima puts in.

"Still, it doesn't really answer most questions." Dante commented.

"Do you think this might explain why your father made that deal?" Tessa asked to Braedey. "Is it all about money?"

"Honestly, I still don't have any clue as to why he wants me to have all A's." Braedey shrugged back. "There has to be a link between this information, why he wants me to succeed, as well as  the secret phone calls he's been having, from what my Mom told me." He cupped his chin in thought.

"Well, whatever happens, we'll stick by your side." Ken reassured to Braedey.

"Oh, no. Here comes trouble." Tio spoke up. The others also looked over to see what Tio was talking about, and they saw it was Rebecca's gang along with the Pervert Group and Audrey.

They group all sigh in exasperation and frustration, though Braedey stood up and walked up front of the others, everyone looking to him with uncertainty. They weren't sure if he was acting stupid or brave.

"Braedey, what are you doing?" Prima hissed.

"Dude. You got lucky that time." Ken added in. "You think you can do that again?"

"Alright, Martin." Harry began, cracking his knuckles. "You owe us for giving us some serious lumps back at the temple."

"Damn right, especially when you tried to break my jaw." Rebecca hissed, rubbing the left side of her jawline.

"You mess with us, you deal with all of us." Audrey included.

"But we're also giving you an out. You can make all this go away." Terrence added in next. "Just leave the school and don't come back or-" He was cut off when Braedey delivered a spinning kick right to his chest, knocking Terrence off his feet, sending him flying down the hall.

The others looked to Braedey, who now stepped back, his feet now giving off smoke as he cracked his knuckles. They didn't know whether to intervene or not, but from the darkened glare on Braedey's face, they decided not to.

"You want to try that again? I dare you." Braedey all but snarled at the bullies.

"Or what?" Harry laughed mockingly. His answer came in the form of chains wrapping around him, and pinning him down to the ground. "Hey! What the-"

"You are such a racist and sexist, it's not funny." Dante now spoke out, forcing Harry to look him in the eye, the others glaring at the girls and Haruo. As they do so, the faint sound of drums beating could be heard, almost like something out of 'Mad Max: Fury Road'. "You have been a serious pain in the ass for us, Harry."

"And the last thing we need to deal with right now is you and you other asswipes." Ken added in, ready to show off his hellspawn power.

"Unless you want to end up underground, I suggest you all walk away." Leo spoke up next. 

"If you don't wanna die..." Braedey threatened next, his eyes glowing. "Stay out of the way of our Fury Road." He snapped his chains about like a whip for emphasis, now releasing Harry from his chains.

Rebecca wants to pay Braedey out for the humiliation, but the sharp darkened glare from the brunette was enough to make her step back. She snaps her fingers to the others, so they all stepped back, now picking up Harry and Terrence, and they began to walk away.

"Phew. At least no blood has been spilt." Hana said.

"Not in Zarathos' eyes." Braedey spoke back, rolling one shoulder.

"Guys. You okay in there?" Diane's voice called from outside, the others looking to see her peering into the windows.

"We're fine, Diane." Leo gave a thumbs up. "By the way, where did that drumming-"

However, a sonic scream erupted and shot right at them, forcing everyone except for Braedey and Ken to shield their ears as they fell to their knees. Diane even covered her ears and stepped back with a thump. Ken and Braedey looked to see Rebecca was the one who's letting out the scream. Ken and Dante both looked to Braedey, the latter nodding back, now throwing his chain towards Ken and Dante. At once, Braedey used all of his strength to send both Dante and Ken flying right at Rebecca, both of them ignoring the sonic scream, and the two delivered a kick right to Rebecca's neck and abdomen, knocking the wind out of her and sending her flying across the hall down to the ground.

Rebecca groaned in pain, the others getting to their feet and shaking their heads. The redhead now tried to speak out, but she found herself unable to. It seems that Dante has struck her in the vocal chords and had stopped her from speaking. Rebecca got to her feet, giving a glare at the others, and she ran off to find her friends.

"Damn. You got her good, Dante." Tessa noted, the blonde putting his sword away.

"I've always hated her voice." Dante shook his head.

"Dante!" The others turned to see Emily storming up. "What did you do?"

"Just doing what's needed of the Student Council." Dante replied nonchalantly.

"Yeah. No need to get your panties in a bunch." Ken added.

Emily fumed. "You assaulted and attacked a student-"

"No. They attacked first." Braedey thundered out. He stomped over to her, giving Emily a shove with his shoulder as he walked past her and the others. "Get your facts straight."

"Why you..." Emily turned with an angry expression, and she charged at him.

"Confucamus!" Braedey yelled in Latin, now pulling off the chain and whipped it at Emily, knocking her back. "Leave me alone, Emily. We aren't the ones at fault."

"He's right." Ameri announced, now walking up to the group. "Rebecca and her cronies, as well as the Pervert Group, were at fault and had attempted to attack and harm Braedey and the others. This group are the victims, not the enemy."

"Ameri, are you serious?" Emily looked at the member of the Student Council flabbergasted.

"Yes. I belive that you should look at all the information before you make assumptions about what's occurred here and accuse those who aren't even the ones who had started this entire dilemma in the first place." Ameri clarified next, the others watching on with wide eyes and some raised eyebrows.

"Man. She's good." Ken noted.

"She's good at persuasion and defusing arguments." Leo agreed. "No wonder she's part of the Council."

Emily stormed up to Ameri, the two standing before one another. They stared at one another for a moment, then the former grunted. "This isn't over, Ameri." That was all she said, and with that, she stormed off.

Ameri watched her go, then she turned to look back at  the group. "Best you all watch out now. She'll try anything just to get things her way as she sees fit." She advised to them, and she walked away.

"Wow. That was lucky." Tessa said to them.

"Just be happy we only got an earful out of Rebecca." Tio commented.

"Let's get going." Braedey called. The others could tell that he was still fuming and frustrated about what has happened.

"Braedey, you feeling okay?" Hana asked softly.

"I'm fine." Braedey grunted.

"No, you're not." Leo countered back. "Braedey, I'm your friend, and I've known you for some time. This isn't you. Tell us what's wrong." He asked calmly.

"I'm fine. Just the high-octane demon fire that's going through my veins." Braedey stated. He stopped and he turned back to the others. "Let me tell you this: if I'm going to die one day... I'm going to die historic on the Highway Through Hell." With that, Braedey began to walk away, the others watching him go.

"Ever since that Mephistopheles had done that deal, as well as James on him, Braedey's been acting more and more wild and dangerous whenever he can." Tio noted.

"On top of that, we still don't know why James even made the deal." Ken added.

"We'll just have to do what we can." Prima spoke up, now with the laptop in hand. She took a closer look at the information on it. "I'm going to try and triangulate all of these files and information provided by Braedey, and see where all of this leads us."

"Hopefully, to something that can answer most, if not all, of our questions." Leo nodded his head back to her.

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