He's my what a Dean Ambrose l...

By tiniahilton16

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Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

25 1 0
By tiniahilton16

Nia pov as I got up I went to take a shower and got dress (picture on top) then I had brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out then I had walked out of the bathroom then I realized that my mama is coming today and I am not happy about that then I had grab my bag and stuff and went to the arena

Dean pov as I was at the arena with Roman and Seth I saw Nia walked into the arena and she went to her locker room then I had walked away from Roman and Seth to check on Nia to make sure she was okay then I had walked into her locker room and saw her laying on the couch watching tv then I say are you okay then Nia say I'm fine it just the fact that my mom is coming here when she don't even like wrestling then I say don't worry about it just focus on what makes you happy then Nia say okay then I say come on then Nia say where are we going then I say to the gym then Nia had got up and went to her bathroom and came back out in some sweat pants and a tank top and her hair in a messy bun then we had left and went to the gym

Nobody pov as Nia and Dean went to the gym they saw Jimmy and Jey practicing their moves then Dean had went over to Roman and Seth and Nia just watch Jimmy and Jey and Jimmy had throw Jey out the ring then Nia say Uso down then Jimmy had laugh at what Nia said and went and help his brother up then Jey say how your knee feeling then Nia say it's doing better then Jey had got back in the ring to only be throwing back out then Nia say and the winner is Jimmy Uso then Jey say fuck you then Nia say I'm happily married but thanks for the offer though she said in a playful way causing both of the Usos to laugh then Jimmy say man it's good to have Nia back then Jey say it is even though she's crazy then Nia say I have psycho and path on my knuckles for a reason hello then Jey say I see that but you're helping us then Nia say with what then Jimmy say our match against team hell no then Nia say hell no then Jimmy say hell yeah then Nia say hell no then Jimmy say hell yeah then Nia and Jimmy kept going back and forth and Jey just looked at them then Nia say this isn't going anywhere then Jimmy say that's the point of it then Nia say by saying hell no and hell yeah at each other then Jimmy say hell yeah then Nia say I'm gonna choke you if you say that one more time the Jimmy say hell yeah then Nia had choke him but not to hard then Jimmy say let go woman then Jey had laugh at them then Nia had let go then Jimmy say I was being woman handled then Jey say you'll be fine Uce then Naomi say I'm taking Nia then her and Nia walked away then Naomi and Nia went to Naomi locker room then Nia say so what's up then Naomi say we are gonna prank Jimmy then Nia say how then Naomi say the makeup artist is gonna disguise you up and stuff make you look like a even more sexy woman and you're gonna be pregnant and the baby is Jimmy one and y'all got a daughter together already then Nia say Jimmy gonna know it's a prank cause I'm not gonna be in the gym then Naomi say that's why I got Becky here then Nia say Becky you're back then Becky say yes then the makeup artist and did Nia makeup to where people can't recognize her and they did Becky makeup to make her look just like Nia then the makeup artist had put a wig on Nia and fake eyelashes and everything then Naomi had gave Nia a dress and some high heels then Nia had put the dress on and the high heels then Nia say holy shit Becky look exactly like me then Becky say and you look total different then Naomi say put the fake stomach on then Nia had put the fake stomach on and pulled her dress down then Becky say you actually look pregnant then Nia say who is my fake daughter then Naomi say my niece she is 2 and her name is Jessica then Nia say okay then Nia say what's my fake name gonna be then Naomi say Jasmine then Nia say so I'm Jimmy babaymama then Naomi say yes then the makeup artist had put fake nails on Nia hand and did some lip gloss and put on some hopes earrings and hand her some shades then the makeup artist say I'm all done then the makeup artist had finish up with Becky then Naomi say Nia give Becky your wedding ring we are gonna prank Dean as well then Nia had took off her wedding ring and give it to Becky then Becky had put it on then Nia say I feel weird then Naomi say here is your bag your new phone and some gum and here is your baby then Naomi had give Jessica to Nia then Becky say should we let Roman Seth and Jey know then Naomi say I already told them now Becky and Nia go to the gym and Becky you acting like you are showing Nia around then Becky say got it then they had walked away

Jey pov as I was in the gym with Jimmy I saw Nia and some other girl but I know it was Nia and Becky cause Naomi told me the whole thing then Jimmy say yo Uce who is that with Nia then I say I don't know but she got a daughter and is pregnant then Roman and Seth came up to me and pulled me aside then Seth say is that Becky and Nia dress like that then I say yeah then Roman say cause Naomi told us the whole thing and they pranking Dean as well then Becky and Nia had came over to us then I say wow I can't even tell if that's Nia then Nia say I feel wired walking in heels but look at my baby ain't she cute then I say is that Naomi niece then Nia say yeah but it's Jimmy baby and I'm also pregnant with his baby I'm 9 mouths then Seth say and Becky look just like Nia and everything and she even got her wedding ring on then Becky say it's hard being Nia then Nia say it's hard being Jasmine I gotta act ghetto and ratchet and shit then I say I'm guess Jasmine is your fake name then Nia say yes then Roman say here comes Dean now then Becky say do I have to kiss him then Nia say you are me so what do you think then Becky say I don't won't to do that cause your like a sister to me then Nia say girl I'm fine with it and it just a prank and beside I know you're married to Seth but I'm gonna try and flirt with Dean and see what he does then Dean say who's this then Nia/Jasmine say my name is Jasmine and Nia had this most ghetto and ratchet as ever then Dean say who baby then Nia/Jasmine say mine and I was trying so hard not to laugh and I could tell Seth and Roman was holding their laughs back as well then Nia/Jasmine say what's your name then Dean say my name is Dean then Nia/Jasmine say your handsome I'll give you that while chewing her gum then Dean say I'm a married man then Nia/Jasmine say who you married too then Dean say that's none of your business then Nia/Jasmine whatever you ain't that cute anyway then Jimmy had walked over to us then Nia/Jasmine say Nia girl I gotta go it was nice netting you then Becky/Nia say okay girly then Nia/Jasmine had walked off and out of the gym then Jimmy say who is that then Becky/Nia say that's Jasmine and she's your babymama then Jimmy say wait what then Becky/Nia say that girl that just left that's your babymama and she's carrying your baby Uce then Jimmy say nah I'm married to Naomi then I say you better tell her Uce before your babymama does then Jimmy had walked away

Naomi pov as I was walking down the hall I saw Nia/Jasmine and I saw Jimmy then I say hey Jasmine then Nia/ Jasmine say hey boo how you doing and she had her ghetto and ratchet voice down pack then I say I'm going good and who is this cutie then Nia/Jasmine say this is my daughter her name is Jessica and she's 2 years old and I am 9 months pregnant then I saw Jimmy walking up to us then Jimmy say can I talk to your friend for a second then I say sure then Nia/Jasmine say can you watch Jessica for me please then Jimmy say she can come too then Nia/ Jasmine say okay then Jimmy had walked away then Nia/ Jasmine had looked back then I give her the thumbs up and walked away

Jimmy pov as I walked out of the gym I saw Naomi talking to that Jasmine girl and she had a little girl in her arms then I had walked over to them and not once did Jasmine made eye contact with me then I say Naomi can I talk to your friend for a minute then Naomi say sure then Jasmine say can you watch Jessica for me then I say she can stay then Jasmine say okay then she had followed me then we had went somewhere more quiet then I say is that my daughter then Jasmine say why do you care you haven't been in her life and now I'm pregnant with your new born baby then I say I'm a married man and whatever we had going on it needs to end then Jasmine say so you don't won't to be in your kids life then I say I didn't say that then Jasmine had slap me and walked away with tears in her eyes then I say Jasmine wait but she kept walking

Nia/ Jasmine pov as I slap Jimmy and walked away with fake tears in my eyes and it had looked so real and I felt bad for slapping Jimmy but I had to play along with this prank then I saw Dean and Becky together then Becky say Jasmine what's wrong then I say in my fake ghetto and ratchet voice and faking crying coming here was a mistake then Becky say say what happened girl then I say Jimmy doesn't want to be in his kids life so now I'm a single mother raising my two year old daughter and my new born baby then Dean say wait you're pregnant with Jimmy baby then I say yes then I had walked away then Jessica say mommy don't cry cause Jessica knew it was a prank to say she's two she is really smart then I saw Naomi then Naomi say girl you're doing great then I say I had to slam Jimmy and now I have fake tears coming down my face and shit then Naomi say now time to act like your water broke then I say who's the fake doctor then Naomi say Finn Balor then Finn say doctor Balor is here then I say where are we gonna get a new born baby form then Naomi say I have a nephew we can use him then I say you just thought of everything didn't you then Naomi say yeah then I say how long I gotta keep this up then Naomi say until Jimmy tells me the truth then I say okay then Naomi had pour some water on the floor under my dress then I say it feels wired then I saw Jey and Roman then Roman say what's going on here then Naomi say Jasmine water just broke and we need a doctor then Finn say I'm doctor Joey then Finn say right this way ma'am then I had follow Finn into this room where it was send up like a hospital then we had Naomi nephew Ethan then Finn say congratulations it's a boy what's his name then I say Ethan then Finn say I'll take him and get him clean and bring him back then I say okay then I took the fake stomach off and hide it real good so nobody can find it and waited for Finn to come back with Ethan

Roman pov as me and Jey was walking and talking we saw Nia/Jasmine Naomi and Finn then I say what's going on here then Naomi say Jasmine water just broke then Finn say I'm doctor Joey right this way ma'ma then they had walked off somewhere then I say where did you get a new born baby from then Naomi say my nephew Ethan then I say oh then Jey say did Jimmy tell you yet then Naomi say no then I saw Finn walking by us with Ethan cover on fake blood then I Jey say wow that look so real then Finn had walked by us with Ethan all cleaned up and wrapped in a blanket then Naomi say let's go check on Nia/Jasmine then we had went to the room Nia/Jasmine was in and it looked just like a hospital room and we saw Nia/Jasmine holding Ethan then I say how long this gonna last then Naomi say until Jimmy tells me the truth then Jey say so in that case this may be a while than then Becky/Nia had walked in with Dean then Becky/Nia say oh my gosh Jasmine you had the baby then Nia/ Jasmine say yes and his name is Ethan then Becky/Nia say aww cute name then Finn/ Joey say well ma'ma you and Ethan are free to go then he had left then  Nia/Jasmine had got out of the bed and got Ethan stuff and left the room

Jimmy pov as I was sitting in the catering by myself just thinking then I heard someone walking down the hall and I saw it was Jasmine and she had a carrier and the little girl was following close behind her then she had sat at a table and but the carrier down then the little girl say mommy I want a cookie then Jasmine say okay I'll getcho one later then the little girl say okay mommy then I saw Jey walking by then I say aye Uce then Jey say what's up Uce then I say I don't know what to do then Jey say about what then I say how I'm gonna tell Naomi that I got someone else pregnant then Jey say I don't know Uce but you better tell her before Jasmine does man cause I saw her earlier and she was crying then I say dammit then Jey say good luck Uce but her daughter name is Jessica and her son name is Ethan then Jey had walked away

Jey pov as I went over to Nia/Jasmine I got Jessica a cookie then I had sat at the table with them and Nia/Jasmine was feeding Ethan then I say here Jessica I got you a cookie then Jessica say yayyy thank you then I say you're welcome then I say you know you're messing with his mind right then Nia/Jasmine say I know and I had to slap him earlier and I felt bad then I say just let him see Ethan and I'll watch Jessica then Nia/Jasmine say fine then she had got the carrier and walked over it Jimmy then I saw there playing with Jessica

Jimmy pov as I saw Jey playing with Jessica I heard someone sat next to me and it was Jasmine then I say what then Jasmine say I came over here to let you hold your son then I had got him out of the carrier then I say what's his name then Jasmine say Ethan then I say when did you had him then Jasmine say 2 minutes ago then I say and you didn't tell me then Jasmine say you seem busy with your wife then I say that's not the point Jasmine you still could have told me then Jasmine say correction you didn't won't anything to do with my kids then I say I didn't say that then Jasmine say yeah you did but it's all good I don't need you I can raise two kids on my own and I saw Jasmine had tears in her eyes again but she was holding them back then I heard someone clear their throat then I had looked back and saw it was Roman then Jasmine had got up and got Ethan form me and walked off with the little girl following her then Roman say you know you're just making it worse then I say don't remind me then Roman say go talk to her then I had got up and went to find Jasmine and I saw her talking to Nia and Nia was hugging her then Jasmine had walked away then I say Nia where is she going then Nia say to find Naomi then I say dammit then I had went after her

Naomi pov as I was in the hallway I saw Nia coming and so was Becky then Nia say Jimmy is coming and man it's hard to run with heels on then Becky say I'm walking off to find Dean since I'm Nia then Nia had laugh then I say where is Ethan and Jessica then Nia say with Jey then I say okay then Becky had walked away then I sag Jimmy is coming act like your crying to me then Nia started crying fake tears and they look so real then I had hugged her then I say Jasmine it's going to be okay then Jasmine say I just don't know what to do then I say who is the babydaddy then Nia/ Jasmine say Jimmy but don't be mad at him he didn't met you yet then I heard someone say I can explain and I knew it was Jimmy then I say I'm not mad Jasmine told me the hold story but it's time for Jasmine to go anyway then Becky/Nia say I'll show her the way out then they had left then Jimmy say you're not mad then I say no and walked away and went to my dressing room where Nia and Becky was taking off the stuff then Nia say never again will I wear heels  then Becky say here is your wedding ring back then Nia had put it on cause she had all the makeup and stuff off of her and she took the wig off and but back in her clothes she had on then Becky say Nia if Dean starts talking about kids he wants to have a baby with you so just be ready for it then Nia say okay while taking the fake nails off then Nia say it feels good to be myself again then Becky say I'm glad to be myself again then me Nia and Becky had walked out of the locker room talking and laughing then we saw Finn then I say thank you so much Finn for helping us then Finn say no problem and walked away then Becky say this little prank stays between the people that knows then I say oh yeah then we had went into the catering and saw Roman Seth Dean Jimmy and Jey sitting at a table talking and laughing then me Nia and Becky had sat a table laughing and talking about that prank

Dean pov as I was just sitting in the catering with Roman Seth Jimmy and Jey we was just talking and laughing then I saw Naomi Nia and Becky sitting at a table talking and laughing then I saw Nia shaking her head and laughing then Seth say is it me or does Nia seem more goofy out of the ring then we all looked at the girls and saw Nia had five fingers in Becky face while laughing then Roman say that's how she is then I say out of the ring she can be goofy but when she is in the ring that's a different story

Nobody pov as Nia Naomi and Becky was at a table just goofing off having fun then Nia had put five fingers in Becky face then Becky say what was that for then Nia say I don't know then Naomi say I got a question then Nia say and that is then Naomi say does people call you psychopath then Nia say cause I am a psychopath I've done things nobody is brave enough to do let's just leave it at that then Naomi say tell us we won't judge you then Nia say nah then she had got up and walked away then Dean had saw her walked out of the catering and Dean knew where she was going then Seth say where is Nia going then Dean say where she always go when she wants to be alone underground fighting then Jimmy say what is that then Naomi say yeah what is that then Dean say y'all want to see what's it like then Becky say yeah cause that's me and Naomi bestfriend then Dean say come on then they had left and went to an underground parking lot where the fight was at

Still nobody pov as Dean Roman Seth Jimmy Jey Becky and Naomi was at the underground parking lot where the fight was at then Naomi say where is Nia then Dean say she's somewhere around here then Seth say she's right there in the ring then Naomi say what's around her neck and arms then Dean say chains then Becky say why then Dean say it's something me and her would do when we fight they would chain us up and fight until we can't fight no more then they would let us go and continue the fight but just watch and see what happens then a guy had came close to Nia then Nia had headbutted the guy making his nose bleed then one of the chain had got off of Nia arm then Nia had kicked the guy in the stomach then the other chain had got off her other arm then Naomi say so every time Nia hits the dude the chain comes off then Dean say something like that but the chain ever could hold me or Nia then Nia had kicked the guy again and the chain around Nia neck had came off then the man on the speaker say looks like psychopath is free for now then Becky say what does he mean by that then Dean say watch and see then the referee say bring out the bobwire wall then Naomi say are those real bobwires then Dean say oh yeah you see this is so much different than WWE then Nia had got some bobwires and wrap a piece around her arm then the man on the speaker say looks like psychopath is up to something then Nia had send a kick to the guy but the guy had cought Nia foot and spin her around then Nia still kicked the guy in his face with her other foot sending him to the ground then Nia had took the bobwires form her hand and wrap it around the guys neck making him bleed out then Naomi say I want to do this then Jimmy say hell no then then guy had tap out then the man on the speaker say and here is your winner little Moxley then Seth say why they call her that then Dean say cause they say that she's a version of me then Roman say cause she kind of is then Nia had got out of the ring then Becky say this looks like fun then Seth say no you're not doing this then Nia had got back in the ring doing something then Naomi say what is she doing then Nia had got a glass then Jimmy say what's she doing with that glass then Dean say getting ready for her next match then Nia had punched the glass with her bare hands not caring that they were bleeding then Nia had rolled out of the ring and changed into something else then Nia heard Chris Jericho theme song then Chris Jericho had got in the ring then Chris Jericho say I demand a thank you then the crowd had boo'd him then Nia them song had played then Nia was walking down the ramp where the people was sitting at and people was cheering and screaming her name she had her bat with bobwires wrap around it and she had Dean vest on then the man on the speaker say oh no it's little Moxley is here and the roof just came off this place and she has her bat with bobwires wrap around it will she use it on Chris Jericho tonight then the other man on the speaker say I don't think little Moxley is here to tell Jericho thank you then Nia had got in the ring and stand behind Chris Jericho to trun around but Chris Jericho was still talking about he demand a thank you then the man on the speaker say I don't think Jericho knows that little Moxley is behind him then Chris Jericho had turn around and saw Nia was behind him then Chris Jericho say what are you doing here then Nia had walked around Chris Jericho stalking him like animal stalking its prey then the bell had ring then Chris Jericho had punched Nia put miss then Nia had grab Chris Jericho by his neck and slamming him into the mat that was covered in glass causing him to scream out in pain then Nia had grab Chris Jericho had did the Hook and ladder  sending Chris back to the ground then Nia had pin Chris then the referee say 1,2 then Chris Jericho had kicked out then Chris had ran at Nia then Nia had jump over Chris shoulder sending him into the turnbuckle then Nia had throw Chris out of the ring then Nia had backed up and ran and jump over the ropes onto Chris Jericho sending him to the ground then then man on the speaker say and flying psychopath then Nia had got up and grab Chris Jericho by his hair throwing him back into the ring then Nia had got in the ring and looked into the crowd and saw her mama and sister but she didn't pay it any mind then Nia had did the Running Bulldog sending Chris Jericho to the ground then Nia had pin him again then the referee say 1,2 then Chris Jericho had kicked out then Nia had lift Chris Jericho over her shoulders and did the psychopath drop then the man on the speaker say and Psychopath Drop to Jericho then Nia had grabbed him and did a DDT then the other man on the speaker say DDT then Nia had did the Stomp and wrap her legs around his neck and her arms was holding his arms back and Chris Jericho was screaming out in pain then Nia had grab a chain and wrap it around Chris Jericho neck tighting the grip around Chris Jericho then the man on the speaker say looks like little Moxley is doing on of her signature move the jailbreaker/bonecrusher then the other man on the speaker say will Jericho tap out or will he hang in there then Chris Jericho had tap out then the bell had ring then the man on the speaker say here is your winner little Moxley then the referee had gave Nia her belt and hold her hand up and the crowd had cheered for her then Nia had hold up the letter "P" with her hand causing the crowd to go wild then Nia had rolled out of the ring

Still nobody pov as Nia got out of the ring Dean had came up to her and hug her and kiss her then Dean say you did good princess then Nia say thank you then Roman Seth Jimmy Jey Becky and Naomi had walked over to them then Naomi say you're bleeding then Nia say half of it ain't mine then Naomi say how did you end up here then Nia say well since I was injured last week I came here just to clear my head and some dude wanted to fight me so we got in the ring and fight and I won so I started coming here when I don't have any matches at WWE then Roman say what is this place called then Dean say it's was an underground parking lot but some people me and Nia know fixed it up and turn it into a fighting ring then Naomi say I want to come here then Becky say me too then Jimmy and Seth say hell no then Roman say so Nia you're quitting WWE then Nia say no I'm not quitting WWE then Naomi say I really want to do this then Becky say me too then Nia say yall to realize that those are real bobwires around the ring right then Becky say they are then Nia had got a piece of bobwires then Nia say touch it then Naomi and Becky had touch it then Naomi say wow that is real then Jimmy say Naomi your not doing this then Seth say neither is Becky then Nia had sat on a stool that was at the bar and got a beer and hit the top on the conter sending the cap flying off then Naomi say your knuckles are busted open then Becky say and I think there's a piece of glass on there as well then Nia say well if you punch some glass I'm sure some will get in your hand as well then Roman Seth Dean Nia Jimmy Jey Becky and Naomi had left and went back to the arena

Dean pov as we got back to the arena I saw Nia went into the nurse station then I had went after her and saw her cleaning her hand then I had walked over to her and wrap my arms around her little waist and kiss her cheek and I saw her taking the glass out of her arm then I say you have got to work on your anger problem then Nia say I can't then I say yes you can then Nia say no I can't I've tried everything but nothing works I've tried counting to ten that don't won't I've tried breathing in and out that don't work then I had kiss her neck then Nia say you know that Renee likes you then I say I don't care about her I'm only worried about you and you only then Nia say why did you ask me to married you then I say cause your not like other girls I've been with your different and I want to spend the rest of my life with you then Nia say but I'm a psychopath I'm a killer why would you want to married a girl like me who's weak and pathetic then I say don't say that about yourself then Nia say it's the true I mean what type of girl just randomly stabs a star blade in her arm or what type of girl checks herself into a mental hospital 6 times then I had pulled her into a hug then Nias say I'm done with all this shit I just can't do this anymore then Nia had left the nurse station then I had went after her

Nobody pov as Nia left the nurse station and Dean went after her and grab her arm gently then Dean say what do you mean you're done then Nia had looked down at her wedding ring then Dean say you want a divorce then Nia say no it's not that then Dean say tell me what did you meant by that then Nia say I'm quitting wrestling and underground fighting as well then Dean say please don't I need you here with me I can't do this without you and you know that then Nia say Dean you can and I believe in you but I just don't belong here then Dean say yes you do you do belong here with me your apart of The Shiled we need you I need you more than anything I spent 2 years without you and I'm not doing that again then Nia say you came here to follow your dreams dont let me stop you from doing that then Nia had peck Dean on his lips and walked away and went to her locker room and got her stuff together and left the arena and went to her hotel room and unlocked the door and went inside and close the door

Nia pov as I was in my hotel room I turn on the tv and saw Eva Marie was in the ring talking shit about me saying that she wants to fight me and all that shit then I heard The Shiled theme song and they were in the ring taking up for me then I had saw Dean and he had the mic in his hand and he was talking and he had threatened Eva Marie and drop the mic and rolled out of the ring and so did Roman and Seth then I had looked down at my wedding ring then I had thought to myself should I quit wrestling or not then I had got out of bed and went back to the arena and I was just walking around being myself then I saw Hunter coming my way then Hunter say you have an match with Eva Marie in an hour then I say okay and walked away then I had saw Roman and he was coming my way then Roman say hey then I say hi I saw what you and the others did you guys didn't had to do that ya know then Roman say it was Dean idea then I say where is he then Roman say his locker room then I say okay then Roman say are you really quitting wrestling and underground fighting then I say I honestly don't know what I want to do with my life I mean my own mother don't claim me cause I do wrestling and shit so I honestly don't know what I want to do then Roman say follow your heart what do you want to do then I say I want to keep wrestling then Roman say well do that if that makes you happy than do it then I say okay and walked away then I saw Naomi then Naomi say do a TikTok with me then I saw Jimmy and Dean talking not to far from us then I say you do know that our husbands are right there then Naomi say come on then I say I don't dance then Naomi say just one then I say fine then Naomi say let's go in the gym then I say okay then we had saw Becky then Becky say what are y'all doing then Naomi say we going to the gym to make a TikTok then I say I don't dance for the last time then Becky say you're dancing with us then we had went to the gym and saw Dean Jimmy and Seth then Naomi had set her phone up then Nikki and Brie had came in the Naomi say Nikki and Brie yall dacing with us then Nikki say you do know that you Nia and Becky husbands are here right then Becky say we know and shut up and dance

Pretend that is Nia Becky Naomi Brie and Nikki and Naomi is the one with the gray shorts on Nia is the one with the black pants on and Brie is the one with the gray sweat pants on and Nikki is the other one and Becky is the one with the white shirt on and Nia and Naomi was the two that was dacing close to the end

Naomi pov as me Nia Becky Brie and Nikki was dancing and the music had stop Nikki and Brie had left the gym the Becky say how long was Dean Jimmy and Seth was sitting there then I say I don't know then Roman and Jey had walked into the gym and went to talk to them then Nia say I gotta match with Eva Marie then I say when then Nia say I think like an hour or something then Becky say you better beat her ass then Nia say I will then I say I think our husbands are mad at us for doing that dance then we had looked at the boys and saw that Jimmy Dean and Seth had a look on their face then Becky say I can't tell if they are mad or not then Nia say well I'm gonna go and get ready for my match then Nia had left then Dean had walked out of the gym then Becky say well Nia is a goner then I say yup

Nobody pov as Nia walked out of the gym and Dean had walked out of the gym as well then Nia had got to her locker room and put on her gear then someone had walked into her locker room then Nia had looked in the mirror and saw it was Dean but she didn't say anything then Dean say so now your avoiding me then Nia say I'm not avoiding you I just have a lot on my mind then Dean say like what then Nia say my so call mother is here and she has my sister here and I don't know what to do anymore then Dean had kiss Nia then Nia had kiss back and she was somewhat calm then Dean had pulled away and put his forehead on Nia forehead then Dean say don't worry about your so call mother just focus on what makes you happy and win that match against Eva Marie then Nia say okay then Dean had kiss Nia one more time then Nia had walked out of the locker room and went to the gorilla waiting then she saw Eva in the ring and she was talking shit then she heard Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima Delta... The Shield then Nia had walked down the steps and the fans was touching her then Nia had got in the ring then Nia had looked into the crowd and saw her mama but she didn't pay attention then the referee say ring the bell then the bell had ring then Eva had try to hit Nia but she miss then Nia had knee Eva in her mouth then Nia had did a Striking punch combo followed by and dropkick sending Eva to the ground then Nia had grab Eva by her hair and throwing her into the ropes causing her to roll out of the ring then Nia had did a suicide dive sending Eve back to the ground then Nia had grab Eva by her hair again and rolling her back into the ring then the man on the speaker say looks like Eva is having a hard time getting up then Nia had rolled back into the ring and put Eve over her shoulders and doing the Psycho Drop and pin Eva then the referee say 1,2 then Eva had kicked out then Nia had did the Paradigm Shift from off of a ladder and Eva was having a hard time getting up then the man on the speaker say looks like Eva is still down then Nia had pin Eva then the referee say 1,2,3 then the bell had ring then the lady on the speaker say here is your Winner and is going to WrestleMania Psychopath then the referee had give Nia her belt and hold her hand up and the crowd and cheered for her then Nia had rolled out of the ring and went backstage

Amy pov as I was watching my so call daughter fighting some girl and she did some kind of move off a ladder sending the girl back to the ground then she had pin the girl and she had won and she was going to WrestleMania or whatever it's called then I saw Mia clapping for Nia then Nia had rolled out of the ring and went backstage then me and Mia had went backstage and we had saw her talking to 3 guys and one of them was Dean I never did like him then two girls and came over to them and hugged Nia then Mia had ran over to Nia then I say Mia get back here but she didn't listen to me

Nobody pov as Nia was talking to Roman Seth and Dean then Becky Naomi had came over to them and hugged Nia then Naomi say you're going to WrestleMania then Nia say yes I am then Nia felt someone on her leg then she had looked down and saw it was Mia then Nia had picked Mia up then Mia say Nia and hugged her then Nia say what are you doing here then Mia say mommy is here but I want to stay with you then Nia say you can't then Mia say mommy no fun then Mia say shiny and took Nia belt then Seth say is this your sister then Nia say yes then Roman say how old is she then Mia say I this many she said holding up 3 fingers then Becky say she's so cute then Mia say thank you and she had saw Dean and ran to him then Dean had picked up Mia then Mia say I miss you then Dean say I miss you too kid then Mia say hey I big girl then Dean say I'm older than you then Mia say no fair then Dean had put Mia down then they had saw Hunter and Stephanie then Hunter say Nia and Dean we need to talk to y'all then Nia and Dean and went with Hunter and Stephanie to their office

Still nobody pov as Nia and Dean walked into Hunter and Stephanie office and they saw a new born baby then Dean say who baby then Stephanie say yours and Nia and it's a girl and her name is Riley Good then Hunter had gave Riley to Nia then Stephanie say here is her birth certificate her social security card and everything else and she needs clothes and everything else and she's 6 months old then Dean say why give us a baby then Stephanie say y'all two are married right then Dean say yeah then Stephanie say well now y'all have a baby now y'all are dismissed then Nia and Dean had walked out of the office and Nia had Riley then Dean had took Riley form her then Dean say I guess we're are parents now then Nia say I guess so then they had saw Roman then they had went over to Roman then Roman say who baby then Dean say me and Nia one then Roman say what's her name then Nia say Riley then Roman say wait when did y'all had a baby then Dean say we didn't well Nia didn't Stephanie gave us her and she told us that she was ours then Roman say how old is she then Nia say 6 mouths then Roman say well if y'all need any help I'm here then Dean say thanks then Seth had walked over to them then Seth say who baby then Roman say Nia and Dean then Seth say y'all had a baby and didn't tell me then Nia say we didn't had a baby Stephanie gave us her and said she was ours and her name is Riley and she's 6 months then Seth say I'm a uncle then Dean say yes you and Roman are uncles then Riley started making little noises letting them know that she was up then Nia had got her from Dean then Stephanie had came and give them a carrier for Riley and walked away then Nia say I will never understand that lady at all then Seth say none of us do then Nia had put Riley in her carrier then Riley was kicking her legs and making her noise then Roman and Seth had walked away then Dean say you know this our last city right and we can go home then Nia say I know then Dean say we should get a house together then Nia say that would be a good idea then Dean say and I have the perfect one then  Nia say where then Dean say it's in Los Angles then Nia say okay then both Nia and Dean had went to Dean locker room with Riley then Nia say do you have a match then Dean say no why then Nia say I just ask but I'm going back to my hotel room then Dean say I'll come by later then Nia say okay then Dean had peck Nia lips and kiss Riley forehead then Nia had got Riley carrier and left Dean locker room

Jimmy pov as I was walking around trying to clear my head and thinking then I saw Nia and she had a baby carrier then I had went over to her then Nia say hey Uso then I say who baby then Nia say me and Dean baby then I say you had a baby and you didn't tell me then Nia say I didn't had a baby Stephanie give her to me and Dean and she is 6 months and her name is Riley then I say wow so y'all are parents now then Nia say yes but what's up with you then I say what do you mean then Nia say you've been acting weird lately and that's not like you so what's going on then I say if I tell you promise me that you want get mad at me or tell Naomi about this then Nia say I promise now tell me then I say I got a girl name Jasmine pregnant and she has a daughter and it's mine and I told Naomi and she said she's not mad at me but I know she's mad at me but didn't won't to say it and now I don't know what to do then Nia say do something nice for her to show her that you're sorry and that you love her then I say like what then Nia say I don't know whatever comes to your head I guess I'm not good with romantic stuff after all I am a psychopath then I say stop calling yourself a psychopath cause your not then Nia say yes I am and now I'm scared cause what if Riley becomes like me and starts doing the same thing I do then I say stop thinking like that you're gonna be a great mother and Dean is going to be a great dad and if you need help with anything I'm here for you and so is Jey Roman and Seth and I'm pretty sure that Dean is gonna be there for you every step of the way so you have nothing to worry about then Nia say okay and thanks and I hope you work things out with Naomi then I say no problem and thanks then Nia say anytime Uso and walked away

Dean pov as I was leaving my locker room and I saw Nia Jimmy was talking and I just stood behind a wall and listen to what they were talking about then I heard Nia say she was scared to rise Riley cause she is a psychopath and that Riley would be like her and if she starts doing things she does then Jimmy say you're not a psychopath and your gonna be a great mother and Dean is going to be a great dad and if you need any help I'm here Jey is here and so is Roman and Seth and I'm sure that Dean is gonna be there for you every step of the way then Nia say I hope you work thinks out with Naomi then she had walked away then I had followed her then I saw her putting Riley in the car and strapping her in the car then I say look at you then Nia say what I'm use to doing this I use to do this with Mia before everything happened then I say I know but I heard you and Jimmy talking and I'm not gonna leave you I'm gonna stay by your side and help you take care of Riley then Nia say okay then she had got in her car and left then I had got in my car and left as well

Nia pov as I got to my hotel room I got Riley out of the car and went inside the hotel and went to the elevator and walked inside and press the 4th floor and waited then the door had opened then I had walked off the elevator and walked to my room and I put the key in to open the door and the light had turn green meaning it was open then I had walked inside and put the carrier on the floor then I had went over to my bag and got my things to take a quick shower then I had went to the bathroom and took my shower and put on some sweat pants and a tank top and and I put my hair in a messy bun and I had brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out then I had walked out of the bathroom and took Riley out of her carrier and put her on the bed then I started playing with her and making funny faces at her causing her to laugh then I kept doing it and she kept laughing then I thought maybe being a mother wouldn't be that bad then I kept playing with Riley and sending her laughing makes me smile then I kept making faces at her

Dean pov as I got to the hotel I went to the elevator and I got on it and I saw Renee but I didn't say anything to her then Renee say hey Dean then I say leave me alone then Renee say why would I do that then I say cause I have a wife and a daughter then the elevator had opened then I had got off the elevator and went to Nia room door and I heard giggling then I had got her room key and open the door and I saw Nia making funny faces at Riley and she was laughing then I had close the door then Nia had looked up and saw it was me and went back to playing with Riley then I had sat on the bed with them then Nia say why do you look upset then I say it's Renee she want leave me alone then Nia say just ignore her that's what I do to most people then I say by most people you mean everyone then Nia say hey I don't ignore everyone then I say yes you do princess except for me Roman Seth Jimmy Jey Becky and Naomi and let's not forget Riley then Nia say see that's not everybody then I say I'm going to take a shower then Nia say you just left your room so why didn't you take a shower there then I say I didn't just left my room I was in Roman room but I brought all my stuff here since we leaving in the morning then Nia say okay then I had went to take a shower then I had wash my body then I had got out of the shower and put on my boxers and some sweat pants and just stayed shirtless then I had brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out and walked out of the bathroom then Nia say when do you want to go shopping for Riley then I say we can go tomorrow then Nia say okay then I had got Riley and Kate's her on my chest and she put her mouth on my cheek leaving a trail of slob on my face then I heard Nia laughing then I say and we don't need to go shopping for our new house I did that already and I buy the furniture and stuff already then Nia say when did you did all that then I say went you was out them 2 years then Nia say oh then I had looked on my chest and saw that Riley was sleeping then I had put her in between me and Nia then me and Nia both went to sleep

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