391 146 145

Min Yoongi never believed in love. But when a stranger decides to walk into his life unexpectedly, everything... More



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Hoseok was sleeping when he felt a hand on his cheek. He fluttered his eyes open to see Yoongi leaning over him, a smile on his face.


Hoseok greeted sleepily and Yoongi chuckled.

"What time is it?"

"It's around seven in the morning.."

"Wait, what?? How long was I asleep??"

"Hmm, about 12 hours.."

Hoseok got up instantly and in that process bumped his head to Yoongi's.

" don't have to hurry so much. What's the rush?"

The real reason Hoseok was in a hurry because he hadn't yet started packing and he was going to leave in less that 24 hours.

He hadn't even checked his e-mail. But he realized Yoongi didn't know any of this which made him guilty, yet again.

Unknowingly he let out a loud sigh.

Yoongi was instantly by his side.

"Hey, what's wrong??"

Hoseok was a bit startled by his sudden appearance but he recovered quickly.

He looked up at Yoongi and pulled him in for a hug. Yoongi rubbed his back, while whispering sweet things in Hoseok's ears.

A few tears rolled down his cheeks but he quickly wiped them off. He broke the hug and faced Yoongi.

"I am okay. I just...."

"It's okay. You don't have to explain anything."

Hoseok nodded and walked towards their shared bathroom to freshen up.

Yoongi was still sitting on the bed when he called out to Hoseok.

"Babe, what do you think about going out?"

Hoseok peeked out from the bathroom door with a brush in his mouth and a questioning look in his eyes.

"I was thinking, since today is the dinner with everyone and you don't have anything, dinner worthy to wear.."

Hoseok went back in and came out again with his hands on his hips.

"Wahh, nice way to insult my dressing and fashion sense. Thank you."

Yoongi chuckled at his response and shook his head.

"No, I mean, what do you think about a suit?"

"Umm, a suit would be nice. I've never owned one.."

"Great. It's settled then. We're going shopping.."

"Wait a minute, you are going to take me shopping?"

"Who else then?"

"Ehh, no offense, but all you wear are black suits, Min Yoongi.."

Yoongi faked a hurt expression and looked at Hoseok with sad eyes.

"Yahh, black is the best colour for everything.."

"I agree. But a little bit of colour never hurt anyone."

Yoongi looked at him with a weird expression as if he was talking in an alien language.

Hoseok chuckled and went back in. He came out looking fresh and went and sat beside Yoongi.

"Okay, then. I'll choose a suit for you. Which complements your personality the best. You will see how it's not always about wearing black."

"Fine. But if you choose something weird, I am not wearing it.."

Hoseok chuckled and nodded.

"Okay, let's go down now. Everybody is waiting and I am hungry.."


Hoseok POV-

We were at the mall, going through suits one by one but nothing seemed to catch my eye.

"Yahh, why are you taking so much time? It's just a suit.."

I turned around and looked at Yoongi wih wide eyes.

"You did not just say that.."


"It's not just a suit. It's something you wear and which talks about you to the general public.."

"It is literally a family dinner. How does that matter? And what matters more is that you will be there too. If the suit doesn't do it, you can tell people about me.."

Yoongi chuckled at his own joke. I was stunned.

"I won't always be there with you, you know."

I whisper-yelled it so that only he could hear. I turned back around to search for more suits.

I realized seconds later what I had just said.

I gasped and face palmed myself. I could her Yoongi's stutter behind me.

"Wh-what di-did you just say?"

I turned around to see a shocked expression on his face.

*Damn it..*

I felt instant guilt because of my words.

*Is it funny that that sentence actually makes sense and might happen soon..?*

I mentally face palmed myself. I quickly walked towards him and pulled him in for a hug.

He mumbled into my shoudler.

"Please, never say anything like that ever again.."

I didn't say anything. Instead I just held him.

When I was hugging him, I looked over his shoulder and my eyes went to a suit hung right behind Yoongi.

It instantly caught my eye.

*This is it. This is the one..*

"I found it.."


Yoongi broke the hug and faced me with a questioning look on his face.

"The suit.."

He still looked dumbfounded and instead of explaining, I directly walked towards it and picked it out.

It was a dark shade of violet and I knew it would fit him perfectly.

"This is you, Yoongi. This is exactly your colour.."

"Wait, that's not black.."

"That's the point..go and try this on.."

Yoongi gave me a weird expression and I slammed the suit in his hands.

"Go.. please??"

He sighed and walked in to change.

When he came out, I couldn't believe my eyes.

*Oh my god, he is ethereal..*

I looked at him with my mouth hung open and I couldn't get words out of my mouth.

"Wait, is it bad??"


"Whatt?? Bad??"

"The way you are looking at me. I thought it looked bad.."

"No. On the contrary, it's absolutely perfect.."

I covered my face with my hands to hide the blush creeping up through my cheeks.

Yoongi walked over and pulled away my hands.

"Jung Hoseok, tell me honestly how it looks.."

I leaned closer to his ear and whispered,
"It's looks so good that I kind of want to rip it off but I can't.."

I saw his ears turn pink at my statement and I smirked.

"Yahh, stop teasing me like that. If you keep it up, I'll take you here, in this changing room.."

"Okay.." I smirked.

"Are you challenging me, Jung Hoseok?"


Before he could do something, his phone rang.

Yoongi gave out a frustrated sigh and I chuckled.

"You know you have to pick that up, right?"

"I don't want to. Why do people always interrupt?"

I laughed at his expression and pushed him away to pick up the call.

In the meantime, I decided to look for something for myself.

*I should atleast remotely match his level..where am I going to find something equal to that?*

I saw him walk back to me in a while with a weird expression on his face.

"What happened? Who was it?"

"Um, I am not sure. It was Jungkook. But I am not sure if I heard him correctly.."

"What do you mean?"

"He just called me to ask me to come home immediately because Seokjin is in the kitchen?? Cooking?? I don't get it??"

"Wait, at your house?"


"Okay.. let's go and find out what's happening.."

"Wait, what about your suit?"

"Ohh, I found one. But it's a surprise. I am hoping you like it.."

Yoongi smiled and we walked out of the mall and drove back home.


When Yoongi and Hoseok walked in, they were met with utter chaos in the kitchen and the dining area.

They both exchanged glances and walked in to see Jungkook running around and Seokjin yelling at Namjoon and Taehyung giggling, sitting on the counter.

Jimin was also there, standing on the side, trying to help Jungkook. Hoseok leaned closer and whispered to Yoongi,

"What is happening here, exactly?"

"I have no fucking idea.."

Yoongi walked in further and cleared his throat loudly.

Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at him, frozen in their positions. Jungkook was the first one to speak up.

"Hyung, thank god. You are here. Please help.."

"Can someone explain to me what is going on here?"

Everybody turned and faced Seokjin and Yoongi raised his eyebrow at him.

He gave him a nervous chuckle and struggled to answer.

"You know, I just for you guys.."

Yoongi's eyes widened at his answer.

"You can cook?"

"Yahh, what do you mean by that?"

"Nothing, just you never seemed like the type.. that's all.."

"Yaahh, I am the best you will find for miles.."

Yoongi chuckled at his reactions.

"And then what are the rest of you doing here??"

Taehyung raised his hand and answered.

"Helping, ofcourse. Well, only them. Not me. Seokjin hyung never lets Namjoon hyung in the kitchen but today he entered forcefully and burned the eggs. And so Jungkook is running around to put off the fire and clean. And Jimin there, is trying to help Jungkookie.."

Yoongi couldn't help but laugh at this whole scene in front of him.

"Why are you people like this..? Come on, move aside everybody, let me do some damage control.."


Hoseok POV-

It was almost time for dinner and as it was getting closer and closer, my heart was beating faster and faster.

I was checking my mail and I found out I was going to leave at five, tomorrow morning.

*I still haven't talked to him and I guess there's no point anymore..*

*I am really sorry, Yoongi-ahh..*

Suddenly an idea struck my mind and I walked around the room to find some paper and pen. I found some on Yoongi's study and decided to write him letter.

*This seems to be my best option for now. I can't talk to him right now and spoil his mood. He looked pretty excited this evening when he was cooking with all of them..*

I had almost finished writing the letter when I heard the bedroom open and Yoongi walked in.


I quickly hid the letter and got up to give him a kiss.

" was the cooking session??"

Yoongi sighed and I chuckled.

"That bad, huh?"

"Well, Namjoon is really bad at it. Seokjin is the master chef and the rest of them are just making fun of each other and playing like kids. I had to handle so much.."

I looked at him complain about everything and he looked adorable.


"You look really cute when you complain.."

Yoongi gave me a weird expression.

"Yahh, this serious. How am I supposed to handle them?"

"If anyone can do it, it's you.."

Yoongi huffed and walked into his closet to get ready.

I quickly completed the letter and placed it on the table where he can find it easily.

I went inside the bathroom to check my bag which was already packed.

*I can't just walk out of the front door. Everybody will know. I'll have to climb down the window here..*

I planned everything and quickly got changed when I heard a knock on the door.

"You done??"

Yoongi was outside the door and I finished getting ready.

I opened the door and walked out. I saw Yoongi's expression change from a smile to a shock.


I chuckled and walked further out.

Yoongi's eyes followed me.

"I never thought an olive green would look so good. Damn, you giving me ideas.."

I walked closer to him and slid my arms around his waist and whispered,
"What kind of ideas?"

"The kind which would make us miss this dinner..."

I smirked and pulled him with me out the bedroom door.

"It sounds tempting but we can't miss this. You can't miss this.."

He sighed and nodded and we both walked down to the dining area.

Everybody was already there, talking and laughing. We both took a seat beside Seokjin and Yoongi started talking to him.

"So, what have you thought about this? You know this will get out, right?"

Seokjin nodded.

"Yes, I know. It'll create uncertainty within the smaller families."

"Jimin has volunteered to take charge of any unrest among them. We'll only have to step in if necessary. He knows the smaller families better than us.."

"Do you think he can do it?"

"Ofcourse. He's more capable than he looks.."

Seokjin nodded and soon dinner was served. I kept checking the time so that I don't miss my flight.

I caught Yoongi stealing glances at me with a questioning look in his eyes.

I shook my head with a smile and went back to eating. It was way past midnight when we were done and everybody insisted on doing something together.

I checked the time and it was almost two in the morning. I knew I had to leave soon but the more I saw these people around me, the more it made me want to stay.

*I have so much here. Then why can't I appreciate it??*

Tears sprung in my eyes but I quickly wiped them off.

I finally decided it was time to leave. I looked around once, to capture and keep these things in my memory for the rest of my life.

*After today, they'll probably hate me forever, especially Yoongi..*

I walked over to Yoongi and pulled him aside. He gave me a questioning look.

"It's nothing. I just wanted to be near you. Kiss you.."

He smiled softly and pulled me closer in an instant. I closed the distance between us, without wasting any more time.

His lips were soft and had a hint of whiskey on them. I kissed him softly.

It was slow n the beginning but soon turned passionate. I didn't care who was around us and where we were. In that moment, all I cared about was him.

We kissed for a while and broke off to catch our breaths. Yoongi smiled and brought his hand to my cheek and I leaned in to his touch.

"Wow, that was something. You should do that more often."

I didn't say anything and intead gave him a smile.

I did not want to cry. I didn't want him to get suspicious and hurt. So instead, I pulled him in for a hug and whispered in his ears,
"I love you so much, Min Yoongi. Always remember that.."

Yoongi broke the hug and nodded. We stayed in each other's arm for a while and I checked the time again. It was almost three.

*Time for me to leave..*

"I'll be right back. I need to use to the washroom.."

Yoongi looked at me and nodded.

"Okay but come back soon. I'll be waiting.."

I looked back at him and smiled. I hurried over the stairs and entered the bedroom and quickly changed into normal clothes, folding the the suit and putting it away with my other clothes.

I checked the study and made sure the letter was in his line of sight.

I sighed and walked over to the window and threw down my bag first.

I was about to climb down when I looked back at the room one last time.

"I am sorry to keep you waiting, Yoongi-ahh"

With that I jumped out the bedroom window.

Wait, what just happened??😭😭

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