SECOND CHANCES(A Lesbian Stor...

By pensive5

87.2K 1.9K 309

Four years had passed since the death of Mika's husband, and she'd remained faithful to his memory. No other... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Nothing Important
AD... again!!!
Happy Pride

Chapter 4

4.8K 114 27
By pensive5

"Are you looking forward to your holiday, Kim?"

"What do you think?" Kim Fajardo leaned back in her chair and stretched her legs. She had a hundred things to do before she leaves the office tonight and she knew that her meal with Mika would last longer than an hour. But she had just invited her to lunch because she had worked damn hard in the last two months she'd been with her and Kim felt it was the least she could do to show her appreciation.

Kim smiled inwardly. OK, that was not strictly true... she also wanted to learn more about her. She found Mika interesting. She could not weigh her up. She had felt this way when she interviewed her. Sure, she had learn a lot about the other woman... that she was not the cool customer she thought her to be. She was quietly spoken... a gentle girl. Honestly, Kim taught she was not tough enough for the position --- she was too sensitive, easily hurt, lacking confidence. But she made a valiant effort to hide all these things and she thought nobody was aware of them. There was something in her that made Kim give her the job. Sure she was pleasant to the eyes. She is intelligent too! But there was something more. Her eyes it seems cry out to be saved. So what if she had to make a deliberate effort to give Mika plenty of encouragement? That was no problem at all.

Mika is what Kim would describe as stunner. What a pity she is as straight as a pole... Kim laughed at herself. She wouldn't stand a cat's chance in hell with a girl like Mika Aereen Reyes-Ravena. From what she could gather, and it wasn't much, she had not the slightest interest in the opposite sex... much less to lesbians like her. She was still inlove with her husband... poor kid. This was very obvious to Kim even though she never ever mention the man's name. More than once, Kim had tried to quiz her about what had happened to him but Mika closed up like a clam.

Mika don't go out much either. She works till seven or eight in the evening and only twice had she mentioned that she had been out to see shows--- alone! Her week-ends seemed to be spent doing housework or her washing or something-or visiting her parents or her brother's family. What a waste! What a bloody waste!

"Have you tried skiing before?" Mika asked, her gray eyes dancing with laughter at the way her boss answered her last question. Kim had her back to the window and was sitting behind her desk. Mika was facing her... But the harshness of the morning light was no worry for the secretary. It did wonders for her, as a matter of fact. The boss could imagine what her face would look like by candlelight... she'll find out... soon... Kung walang kokontra [If no one will go against the plan]...


"How is that for a figure?" Kim made the remark half-jokingly to Vic. That day, Mika had worn that little black dress and was bending over her desk as she wrote down a phone message. The door of the office was open and both bosses could see her.

But Vic had merely flung down the file she'd borrowed and muttered, "You are turning into a lecher in your old age, Kim. If she is a distraction to you, you should not have hired her. Take my advice... DON"T MIX BUSINESS WITH PLEASURE--- if that is what you have in mind."

"What is the matter with you?" Kim retorted, taken aback at her friend's serious tone. "Don't you appreciate a beautiful girl as much as the rest of us? And what is wrong with being naughty once in a while? You're so uptight these past days, my friend. Relax!"

Actually, no one could accuse Vic of not being naughty or of not appreciating beauty. She'd had her share of fun, if you get my drift. She'd probably just got out of bed at the wrong side that day or, probably, she has her period. Her relationship with the Shiela Pineda must surely stimulate her naughty side and her appreciation. Now that is what one call a sexy woman... Shiela Pineda, Miss FHM sexiest woman, an outed bisexual, twice divorced (to a Turkish husband and a Fil-Am wife), and with her sights set firmly on Vic for her 3rd life partner.


Kim sat up. She would not ask Mika to dine with her that evening. She had been toying with the idea, thinking she'd see how lunch went first... But Vic had given her good advice. Mixing business with pleasure, especially with her own secretary, was an unwise thing to do.

"Mika," she grinned. "You're looking at an expert! After these two weeks in Switzerland I'll probably reach Olympic standard!"

Mika giggled. Her boss was such a nice person. She was so lucky to be working for Kim. During the last two months, she had become more and more fluent with her work and even the madness of the past few days had not thrown her. When the regional sales figures had come in last month, she felt she was drowning under a workload she would never get through. But this month, this week, it had been different, she had coped very well. Today was Friday and taking ten minutes off to have coffee with Kim, at her invitation, was not causing her to worry how she might otherwise be spending the time... everything was under control.

Kim just invited her out to lunch by way of thanking her for her efforts. Oh, how much that boosted her confidence. She was settled in her new job now, and successful... at least as far as Kim Fajardo is concerned.

What the Managing Director and Chairman thought of her these days, she did not know. Since the day she'd had to work for her, her life had been busy but peaceful. Cienne had taken no more time off, was looking much better these days... and considerably thicker around the waist. So Mika's exposure to Vic Galang had reverted back to the norm. Mika saw the other boss daily, of course, but they were back to that safe economy of conversation and her manner towards her was one of cool politeness.

She felt almost light-heated as she touched up her make-up in the ladies' room just before twelve, looking forward to lunch with her boss, looking forward to a weekend with her parents. They were coming to her this time and she'd booked tickets for a new PETA play on Saturday evening. In the morning, she was going on a shopping spree with her mother. Her salary check was as yet untouched and she planned on spending most of it on clothes... and shoes too! She had not bought a thing since she'd been in Manila... except for groceries, that is.

"Ready, Mika?"


Kim helped her into her coat and they made their way to the lift, chatting about her flight to Switzerland the following morning. The doors were just about to close when a deep voice called...

"Hold it!" The open button was punched, the doors opened again and Vic Galang joined them.

Nods and looks were exchanged and for several seconds nobody spoke. Vic Galang changed that, her eyes almost glacial as she addressed Mika. "Well, I am sure this will be a nice send off for Kim."

"I'm sorry?" Mika shivered inwardly at the coldness of Vic's brown eyes, at the cynical smile touching the MD and Chair's mouth.

"Having lunch with you, Mrs. Ravena. I mean... It'll make a nice start to Miss Fajardo's holiday. Won't it, Kim?" This time she looked at the other boss, her smile broadening but not reaching her eyes. "You are taking your secretary to lunch, aren't you?"

"I am," Kim answered

"A business lunch, is it?"

"No, it isn't, Vic." Kim was irritated and not afraid to show it. "It is by way of thanking Mika for her hard work these past two months."

"I'm sure it is."

"She is doing a good job," Kim went on, adding pointedly, "and a little appreciation never goes amiss, Vic."

"So they tell me. But then again, if it is overdone, it could be misconstrued. Wouldn't you agree, Kim?"

Mika was looking from one boss to the other, acutely aware of the undercurrent but was a bit loss to understand it. It could only be that Vic Galang disagrees with Kim when the latter said she was doing a good job. What a hateful person you are, she thought, her own eyes growing colder as she looked at the back of the Chairman's head. And what do you know, anyhow? I only worked for you for one day and you didn't give me a chance to breathe, let alone get everything right. You hateful, skin-deep beauty cynic! Argh! Bwiset!!!

It was just as though she picked up her thoughts and turned suddenly to look at her. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Ravena, did you just say something?"

"Not a word." She spoke coolly but her nerves were jangling like mad. This person's shrewdness was unnerving. She is unnerving, full stop.

Vic got out at the second floor, thankfully, leaving Mika and Kim to pick up the thread of the conversation they'd been having. Neither of them mentioned Vic's attitude or even her name... integrity would not allow that.




"Anak, you told us that half an hour ago!" The protest came from Mika's father just as they were finishing dinner that evening.

Had she really been ranting about Vic Galang for half an hour? "I'm sorry, Dad, but I can't help it. She is so irritating!" She plonked her coffee cup back on its saucer and took a deep breath. "All right, perhaps I should say she irritates me. Nobody else complains about her. But as far as I'm, concerned... It's as if I only have a nerve left and she purposely steps on it! She seems to have it in for me."

"Have it in for you? Her mother echoed. "But why should she? What do you mean?"

Mika told them of Vic Galang's sarcasm and of the conversation in the lift earlier, but they still do not seem to understand her point. Her father said she was reading things into the MD's words and her mother suggested she was just probably annoyed with her Sales Director for picking that particular day to take her out to lunch. Nonsense! What difference did the day of the week make? Kim had been right up-to-date with her work by the time she left the office in the evening.

She was probably boring her parents now, going on about Vic Galang. She changed the subject. Well, slightly. She continued to talk about work because they were interested in her job, but she made sure not to mention the Managing Director's name again... nor would she for the rest of the weekend.

"Christmas... Have you decided what's happening? Are kuya Perry and Julie doing it or are you?" It was her brother's turn to host their Christmas celebration, but his wife Julie was six months pregnant and that had no doubt been taken into account.

"We are." It was a chorus.

"I thought so." Mika smiled. "So we are doing it in your house. Good news, we'll be given a holiday week-off".

"Will you be bringing someone with you?" her mother asked. Mika shook her head.

"What about New Year's Eve?" Her father glanced at her mother and back to her, smiling. "You've probably got something planned here in Manila, have you?"

It was a deliberately pointed question and both Manuel Reyes and his wife knew the answer full well.

"No, Dad, I haven't." Mika looked down at the white lace tablecloth. Her parents were too obvious at times. They might just as well ask her outright whether she was dating someone, whether she'd met someone new who might take over where her husband left off.

"Haven't you been out with anyone at all? Now don't try telling us you have not been asked."

Her love for them overcoming her irritation, she said, "No. I've been asked out several times... from people at work and my next door neighbor." Her next door neighbor was a male model. He was too perfectly beautiful to be interesting and much too full of himself for her liking.

Her parents gave her a questioning look.

"Give me time", she said quietly. "Give me time and we'll see... I'm taking each day as it comes."

The answer seemed to satisfy her parents... for now. Mika was sure her parents wouldn't let it rest there. Soon, they'd give her a push again... reminding her of how young she was, how she looked forward to marriage, how she wanted to have her own family and children. Well that was true. She wanted all of those things with Kiefer but she did not. She absolutely did not want them with anyone else. For her, there was no one else. She was a one-man woman who had lost her man.




Mika got into office next Monday at nine. There was no need to come early because she was up-to-date, and the next two weeks would be pretty quiet, with Kim being on holiday. She placed her bag in the drawer and went to the ladies' room to get water for the flowers she always kept on her desk. Twice a week she would buy flowers from an old woman who sell them in an underpass Mika pass by going to work.

She was back in the office, arranging golden chrysanthemums in a vase and humming to herself when she became aware that she was being watched. She turned, startled to see Vic Galang in the doorway of Kim's office.

Mika's face fell--- something which did not go unnoticed by the MD. "Good morning, Ma'am Galang."

Vic leaned against the doorjamb, already displeased about something by the look of things. "Tell me, Mrs. Ravena, why is it that enchanting smile of yours vanishes every time you set eyes on me?"

"I... don't know what you mean, ma'am." She looked away. She wasn't going to rise to that bait, tempting though it was.

"Of course not. Come in here, I want to talk to you."

About what? Curiosity and a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach were Mikas's companions as she walked into Kim's office and sat facing Vic Galang. She had been working at Kim's desk, on Kim's projects... that much was obvious from the files and papers she could see.

"I had a phone call from your boss over the week-end. I am afraid, she's met with an accident," she informed the secretary dispassionately.

"An accident? Oh, no!" Wide eyed, Mika looked at Vic in alarm. "Is it serious?"

"Fairly." Vic's eyes scanned Mika's face as the latter sat back with a groan. "She fractured her collar bone, broken a rib, 2 fingers, and a leg." She added drily.

Horrified, Mika's hands went to her cheeks. "But she told me she was good at skiing. She said she was an expert!"

There was an unusual glint in Vic's eyes as if trying not to laugh. "It wasn't a skiing accident. She... fell down... uhm... from the steps of the plane when it landed on Saturday morning".

"What?!!!" She could not believe it. "How? What do you mean she fell down the steps of the plane?"

Vic gestured with her arm. "All the way from top... to bottom. Or should I say tarmac? That should be clear enough for you. Kim disembarked from the aircraft in a rather--- unusual fashion." The corners of her lips were twitching now. "I hope she took plenty of insurance. Medical treatment can be expensive in Switzerland."

She didn't laugh out loud. She managed to restrain herself from doing that but her amusement was pretty obvious. What a bastard! A friend and a colleague has a serious accident like this... and Vic Galang is amused by it. Tsk!

Mika looked down at the carpet, crossed her arms, crossed her legs and thought about the immediate future with a great deal of suspicion.

"Kim will be laid up for quite a while," the MD went on, her attitude businesslike again. "I'll take over as acting Sales Director, and you..." The tone of her voice compelled the other woman to look at her. "And you, Mrs. Ravena, will carry on as normal."

As normal?! Her lips parted in silent protest. How could she behave normally when she would be working for someone who unnerved her. And how on earth could she cope with Kim's workload as well as her own? Anong akala nya sa sarili nya? Sya si Darna? Pasakan ko kaya ng bato ang bunganga nya. [Who does she think she is? Wonder woman? If she is, I would gladly tie her up with her golden lasso].

"So that's it". She seemed amused again. Her smile not only reached her eyes, it also made them glitter, but Mika was too angry, too worried, to notice how attractive they looked. "Since you obviously have nothing to say, we'll make a start, shall we?"

Nothing to say? Oh, there was so much Mika wanted to say, but how could she? Her "new" boss was no doubt aware that she did not want to work for her, just as she was aware that she would not and could not walk out on the company in the throes of an emergency. What choice does she have, really?

Vic made a point of looking at her watch then, "Half the morning's gone already, Mrs. Ravena." There was a tinge of impatience in her voice now. "Get the posts from Cienne's office. She isn't in yet. Bring it in with your posts and we'll... is something wrong?"

"Well, actually..." She was trying frantically to think of a credible reason why it would be better if Vic were to borrow a secretary from someone else, why it should not be she who would work for her. There wasn't one. She was secretary to the Sales Director and, for the time being, that was Vic Galang. "No! Nothing is wrong."

Vic leaned back in the leather swivel chair, linking both hands, her eyes moved over her from head to foot. And when she spoke, it was with that air of boredom which infuriated Mika. "Mrs. Ravena, if you are not capable of coping in an emergency, just say it now."

There it was again. The challenge. How it would suit this person if she were to admit her doubts about her ability to work with her... or rather, for her. Mika already know she could cope with the work itself. She doubts however, if she could stand more time in the MD/Chair's presence.

Mika got to her feet, unconsciously straightening her shoulder. Meeting the other person's gaze levelly, she spoke firmly but not quite as politely as usual. "I think you'll be surprised to discover what I am capable of, Ma'am." And with that, she left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

Vic Galang leaned forward and put her hands flat on the surface of the desk, her eyes fixed on the door. She smiled humorlessly. She was wrong there. Vic already knew what she was capable of... and it was not work she was thinking about.

Mika was busily typing when Vina went to collect the posts. "I was just wondering whether I should open that myself. I think Boss Vic prefers Cienne to do it."

"I have no doubt she does." Mika said sharply. She apologized immediately. Vina was such a nice girl... hardworking and extremely bright. This is only her second job and she'd said, she would probably stay here forever. In her innocence, she had managed to form a crush on Vic Galang. "I'm sorry, Vina, I did not mean to jump down your throat. It is just that... have you been told about Miss Fajardo's accident?"

"What accident?" Cienne came in just in time to catch Mika's last words. "Good morning, all." She looked at the post in Mika's hand. "I'll take over. Sorry if I panicked you. I was feeling a bit peachy when I got up this morning." She flopped into her chair, shaking her head.

"Did I hear you saying Kim has had an accident?"

Mika nodded but before she could say anything, Cienne went on...

"Ang tigas kasi ng ulo ng boss mo. Vic has asked her to stay away from skiing muna. It's a very dangerous sport. Hindi na lang magsurfing sa Baler kasi." [Your boss is so stubborn. Vic asked her to stay away from skiing for now. It's a dangerous sport. She should have went surfing in Baler instead.]

"She did not hurt herself skiing." Mika was a bit irritated when Cienne creased up with laughter upon hearing what had happened. She was as bad as Vic Galang. She had worked for VSG for so long that she'd grown to be like her. Or perhaps she had chosen her in the first place because they were alike--- hard and unsympathetic.

"She'd probably been drinking throughout the journey. I could just imagine it... She was tipsy and was thanking the sexy flight attendant for a lovely flight and then wooosh... "

"If you'll excuse me, I've got other things to do." Mika put the posts back to Cienne's desk and went into her own office.

"Good morning, Mrs. R. There's a telefax for Boss Kim."

"Good morning, Danny. Salamat!" She took the telefax from their young messenger, who always looked at her as though she was a goddess, much to her amusement and Kim's.

Mika's face lit up as she read the message and she immediately took it to Vic Galang. "It's good news. We've landed the business with Cooper's Beers."

"Good old Kim! So all her groundwork has paid off at last. Smiling, her eyes flicked over the message and gave a satisfied nod. "Here", she fished out a paper from her waistcoat pocket. "This is the phone number of the hospital in Switzerland. Get Kim on the phone. This'll cheer her up."

The day simply sped up and for the most part Mika was left alone because Vic Galang had a long meeting with the Financial Director. Only once was there an awkward moment, late in the day, when suddenly she was thrown into a state of nervousness again.

"Having trouble, Mrs. Ravena?"

The main switchboard had closed down for the night and the phone stopped ringing. The eighteenth floor of the building was almost deserted, her own office silent, and this was the time of the day when in one hour she could get three hours' worth of work. She almost jumped out of her skin at the sound of Vic's voice, having been concentrating so hard, she had not heard the boss come into the room.

"I... er... not really. I haven't quite mastered the art of reading Kim's writing." She was trying to decipher some handwritten notes her boss had left clipped to the file on Cooper's Beers.

"It's quite a knack," Vic said quietly. "I'll grant you that. Let's have a look..."

Mika stiffened as Vic bent close to her, reading over her shoulder, so close that she was aware of the warmth of her body. It made her incredibly nervous for some reason and she kept her eyes riveted to her computer screen.

Nodding as Vic interpreted the stream of technical jargon which her boss scrawl, terms she was in fact familiar with, it was all she could do not to jerk away from the beautiful creature whose face was only inches from her own.

"Thank you." Even her voice did not come out right. She put her fingers on the home keys of her desktop computer and willed Vic to move away from her.

"You sound tired, Mrs. Ravena."

"No... I..." She could not move a muscle, kept her eyes on her hands now. Why didn't she go away? And why is her heart jumping all over the place? Why was she so nervous of this person?

Suddenly Vic's hand was cupping her chin and she turned Mika to look at her... her penetrating brown eyes probing the depths of gray ones which reflected all the alarm the latter was feeling. "I'm perfectly fine, Ma'am Galang." The secretary snapped at her. Mika could not help it.

"Then why so afraid? You know, those eyes of yours spend most of their time spitting fire at me...either that or hatred. But this, this is new. It seems your hatred has turned to fear, and I haven't the faintest idea what I have done to deserve either."

She still had hold of her, her face so close that she could feel her breath on her lips. As though her life depended on it, she made a tremendous effort to break contact of their eyes. Vic could see too much when she looked at her like that, far too much! It was to be hoped that the boss was telling the truth when she said she could make no sense of her reaction, because she certainly couldn't.

Mika could not bear the touch of Vic's hand any longer. It was strong, firm, cool, yet it felt like fire against her skin. She jerked her head away, striving desperately for nonchalance. "And I haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about, ma'am Galang. I neither hate nor fear you."

Vic straightened, looking down at her, a ghost of a smile hovering on her lips. "If you say so. Goodnight, Mrs. Ravena."

"Goodnight." Mika started typing even before Vic closed the door and she kept at it until she heard the elevator bell chimed. At that instant she stopped, staring stupidly at the gibberish she typed on her computer screen. She deleted what she typed in.

Did she hate her boss? No! Things were not that bad. And she was not afraid of her either... well not exactly. It was just that she was so aware of her, it made Mika nervous. She could not help feeling that she is on trial, even though she had been at the Head Office for two months and Kim Fajardo was obviously satisfied with her work.

If she only knew where she stood with Vic Galang, what she thought of her. She could not shake the feelings that Vic expected her to pack up and leave any moment. But why? It doesn't make sense. Then again, a great deal about the MD and Chair doesn't make sense.

She got her bag frowning. There were several things about her that do not make sense too... like the effect Vic's nearness had on her. She wasn't homophobic. Her best friend since childhood, Aiko Urdas was an out and proud lesbian. It was probably just Vic Galang's being the MD and Chairman. She was powerful and influential. Her physical nearness probably made most people feel threatened... not just her.

Was it?




It was only as she was getting ready for bed that night that she allowed herself a smile about Kim's tumble. Knowing her, she'd probably been flirting with the stewardess rather than thanking her. Something must have caused her to miss her steps. Poor Kim, she would miss the office party the week before Christmas. Even if she was fit enough to fly back to the Philippines by then, she would not probably be able to attend. The party was for the entire staff of the Head Office and would be held in the dining rooms and, according to Cienne, whose job it was to organize things with the catering and decorations, it was always an enjoyable affair...

Which led to another thought, a worrying thought which managed to bring Vic Galang back to her mind and kept her awake for an hour.


There had been some invitations in the post that day... some from suppliers and a couple from customers. They were for various Christmas functions, cocktail parties, luncheons and so on. She had been told by the MD/Chair which ones to accept.

"Ring around and let these people know that Kim won't be available, but I'll be attending", she said. "And you'd better prepare yourself for the rounds, Mrs. Ravena."

"I'm sorry?"

"Christmas get-togethers." She shrugged, tapping the invitation cards as she dropped them into her desk. "You'll be coming with me."

"Me? But... surely this has nothing to do with business..."

"It has everything to do with business." Her reply was brusque. "And if Kim was here, you would be going with her. As it is, you will be going with me. You don't expect Cienne in her pregnant state to do that, do you? Please take that look off your face, Mrs. Ravena. Duty calls, so you'll have to grin and bear it."


She would, of course. But she was not looking forward to it one little bit. She might not hate Vic Galang but she certainly did not like the person and there was no way she would ever feel at ease in her company--- in or out of the office.

She would be needing superpowers to get through all these "duties"...

Ding, ang bato!!!! [Where are those magic lasso?]

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