*Discontinued* Unusual Partne...

By BD_DB_69

31.7K 437 164

WWE has signed the hottest free agent in Sports Entertainment, and the Raw and Smackdown after Wrestlemania h... More

Welcome to the Big Leagues
Tough decision
Coming to an understanding
The Misfits
The Faction is born
Pre Money in the Bank
Half Crazy/Half Goddess
Dawn of a new Era
House Hunting
Royal Rumble
Monday Night Rock
The Catch
The Big Night


1K 16 1
By BD_DB_69

Logan hasn't said a whole lot of anything to Liv or Alexa since they watched the Rock's promo on Monday night Raw, he has been laser focused and giving short answers if any at all. When they arrive at the Smackdown arena on Friday he makes a beeline for Vince's office to discuss what is going to happen tonight

Logan: "Who gave him the authorization to go after Liv and Alexa?"

Vince: "Well it's the Rock what do you want me to do about it?"

Logan: "Thin ice Vince. I want an open mic tonight. No script"

Vince: "That was our plan anyway, kind of a favor for what he said. Just don't curse or say anything that's going to get us in trouble with the FCC"

Logan walks out of the office not saying another word and heads straight for gorilla since he is opening the show. He blows by Sasha and Bayley and they look at each other confused and they make their way to catering and see Alexa and Liv sitting there sipping some water

Bayley: "What's up with Logan?"

Sasha: "Yeah he went blowing by us like he was the Terminator or something"

Liv: "Ever since that promo from the Rock on Monday he has barely spoken to us"

Alexa: "He practically sleeps in the gym and when he does come out he has that look on his face like he is going to kill someone"

Liv: "I think he feels responsible because of what Rock said about us. We feel terrible"

Bayley: "Hey hey none of this is your fault that's the Rock for you he is going to say things like that to try and get under his skin. He's just selling the match believe me he doesn't think that really"

Liv and Alexa both look down slightly as they hear the pyro going off for the start of the show and the crowd goes nuts, until Logan's theme starts playing and they start to boo because of his actions at the Royal Rumble

Logan walks out from behind the curtain, no American Outlaw shirt, no cowboy hat, not even the title. Just a black t-shirt and jeans with his hair down. He looks at the crowd as they boo him and he just makes way to the ring. He walks around it and goes to the time keepers area and grabs a chair and a microphone and slides in the ring. He opens the chair and sits down on it backwards twirling the microphone as his music fades and the crowd boos more. Logan waits for them to quiet down before he finally speaks, Alexa and Liv run to a TV that's close to gorilla so they can hear what he has to say

Logan: "I understand that my actions against Seth Rollins at the Royal Rumble weren't very well received, i understand that Dwayne Johnson is Dwayne Johnson and he is going to say what he is going to say, i also understand that there is a line that people just don't cross no matter what the circumstances are. And when that retired, Hollywood, rusty in the ring, bald, egomaniac piece of shit talks about MY GIRLS..."

As he says this he jumps out the chair and knocks it over in pure anger, his face turning bright red with fury as he thinks about what he said. Alexa and Liv both cover their mouths, they have never seen this side of Logan and are actually a little scared by it. They see him adjust himself a little in the ring as he gets his emotions somewhat under control as he continues

Logan: "When you talk about my girls that's when it gets personal. So, Dwayne, I'm giving you an invitation, if your "busy Hollywood schedule" will allow it. Come to Smackdown, sign our contract for the match and see if you can talk all that shit that you were talking to my face!" He stops as the crowd cheers and the camera zooms in on Logan's face "I'll be waiting Rock" he flips the microphone and his music plays again as he walks out of the ring and back up the ramp

Logan walks through the curtain and pacing in gorilla as Vince tears into him for cursing on air. He stops mid sentence as someone talks to him on his headset

Vince: ".... Well don't just sit there, throw it up on the titantron"

Logan looks at the TV that is showing what Vince is talking about and it's a tweet from the Rock

@TheRock: No need to get your panties in a bunch @AmericanOutlawWWE. 2 Weeks. Smackdown. See you there

Logan nods and turns around to walk out as Vince yells at him "You still have to be at Raw on Monday" as he flips back the curtain and heads toward his, Alexa and Liv's locker room. He is expecting to see them in there but they are nowhere to be found, but he knows they are around here somewhere because they have a tag title match tonight. He sees a note on top of his bag in Alexa's handwriting

We need to talk, meet us at the hotel

A & G

He realizes he has been a dick for the past week so he deserves an explanation to the 2 of them, and he intends to give to them when they talk. He starts to pack up what little he has with him when he hears his music again and it's already time for their tag match. He stops what he is doing and watch Alexa and Liv both make their entrance

They both look at each other and smile as Liv skips down to the ring and Alexa follows her, tag titles around their waists as they both get ready to enter the ring

Carmella and Zelina are waiting on the ring for them and rolling their eyes at their entrances as the ref rings the bell and the match is underway.

Logan has an idea and runs to gorilla to ask for permission to do it. For once, Vince actually likes the idea and agrees to it. He watches the match as it progresses and once it gets to the apex of it, Vince queues the music and his theme starts playing throughout the arena again

Carmella and Zelina look up the ramp confused as to why Logan would be out here, Liv and Alexa smile seeing him and notice that the both of them are distracted so they get behind them and roll both of them up for the 1-2-3 and the match is over.

Ring announcer: "Here are your winners and still the WWE Woman's Tag Team Champions, Liv Morgan and Alexa Bliss. The Misfits!!!

The Misfits theme plays throughout the arena and Logan makes his way down to them and they both jump on him in a hug

Logan: *in their ears* "You have been the distraction for me for some many matches figured i would return the favor" they all smile as they let go of the embrace and Logan holds both of their hands up in victory as the show cuts to a commercial

They go back behind the curtain and they both look at Logan

Alexa: "Are you back to normal now?" Both girls standing there with their hands on their hips

Logan: "Yes I'm back to normal" and he no sooner got it out than both girls jumped on him and started covering him in kisses "Alright ladies alright!" He says laughing as they jump down "Maybe i wanted to talk now and didn't want to wait until we got to the hotel. But first, I'm starving. Go ahead to the locker room and I'll grab you guys a plate" they nod and kiss him one more time on each cheek as he heads for catering to get them some food

After filling up 3 plates, he carries them all back to the locker room where the girls have already showered and changed into comfortable clothing and he hands the 2 girls their plates as they sit down and begin to eat as Logan decides to talk first

Logan: "I was an idiot for the way i was acting towards the 2 of you for the past week. What Rock said really got to me and i guess i am a little more protective over the 2 of you than i thought i was and when he said that..."

Liv: "You had every right to be angry about what he said, we weren't too happy about it either, but that doesn't mean you just completely shut us out either"

Alexa: "You have to talk to us about stuff like this so we can work through it, as a couple... well a triplet but you get what i mean" and they all share a laugh

Logan: "I was an idiot and i shouldn't have taken it out on the 2 of you"

Alexa and Liv both put their plates down and hold their arms open for him to come to them and he hugs them both tightly

Alexa: "Now let's hurry up and eat so we can get back to the hotel room"

Liv: "Yeah, so we can get to Raw early so we can relax till Monday"

Logan: "Oh trust me we know you know all about early"

The three of them laugh again as they continue to finish their meal and the Misfits are back to 100% again


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