Anonymous Love (Drarry)

By billierosiestories

31.1K 1.2K 797

On a regular Friday night, while his dormmates are out partying, Draco Malfoy received a curious letter- from... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1 - The First Night
Chapter 2 - The Second Night
Chapter 3 - The Third Night
Chapter 4 - The Fourth Night
Chapter 5 - The Fifth Night
Chapter 6 - The Sixth Night
Chapter 7 - Saturday, Hogsmeade
Chapter 8 - The Seventh Night
Chapter 9 - The Eighth Night
Chapter 10 - The Owlery

Chapter 11 - The Service

2.3K 96 46
By billierosiestories

A series of notices were pinned on all of the houses' bulletin boards.

In Hermione Granger's warded drawer, an enchanted piece of parchment held the following contents:


On Valentine's Day in the shocking pink Great Hall, the morning post had arrived. There were the usual Prophet owls and parents' owls, circling lazily above. Harry and Draco, now both sitting at the Gryffindor table, looked up simultaneously. And they saw them.

Harrison, Pigwidgeon, and Acacia swooped in, each bearing a box containing rolls of pure-white parchment tied with silky red ribbons (Pigwidgeon carried a much smaller box than the other two owls). The owls started dropping off love letters: both singing and un-singing, off to their respective recipients, already experienced enough to aim for their palms.

Soon, the Great Hall was littered with blushing and flustering pupils opening letters with trembling hands, while some very non-discreet students started craning their necks to glance across tables and trying to act nonchalant at the same time.

Harrison and Pig cleared out their boxes and flew toward the Gryffindor table.

"Good boys!" Harry cooed, stroking Harrison's feathers while Pig zoomed around Draco's head energetically, proud to have achieved another letter-sending task.

Harry fed Harrison a salmon treat and some dried cod strips, waited for Pig to calm down before letting him nibble on his bacon.

Acacia swooped down a minute later with the same aggressiveness and ruffled her feathers expectantly.

"Good job, Acacia," Draco said carefully. She hated being called a good girl.

Harry forked up half a sausage and Acacia nibbled fiercely, clearing up even the grease before flying off to Pansy to ask for more meaty treats.

"Open up," Draco sang to Harry.

Harry parted his lips dutifully and grinned as Draco's forkful of scrambled eggs was sent into his mouth.

"Mm, thank you."

"I'm going to let that slide but only because the service your relationship started up is raking in the Galleons," Ron commented lowly. Hermione giggled.

"Ah. Touché," Draco replied poshly.

Harrison and Pig were both done feasting on their complimentary breakfast, and they flew off, nipping on Draco, Ron, and Harry's fingers before departing, side by side, fluttering wings touching each other's.

"And to think this service brought together not only human couples," Harry sighed dreamily.

"I'm so proud of us," Draco chuckled, squeezing his hand.

---One month later ---

"So. What's new?" Harry asked, as six Gryffindor members of Ferret & Canary Secret Admirer Services clambered into the blanket fort and settled down. It was located in the corner of the Gryffindor common room.

"Hang on," came Draco's voice. First Draco appeared, holding his wand. He tapped on what seemed like thin air and Pansy appeared, Blaise following.

"Greg, get your arse over here, I can't lift the disillusionment if I don't know where you are, idiot!"

"Are you sure he's here or did he get lost again like last time?" Seamus joked.

"I'm here!" Greg's voice grumbled.

There were some shifting of the pillows in the blanket fort and Draco shot his wand out in front of him.

"Ow!" Greg appeared, Draco's wand still jabbing in his ribs.

"Serves you right for letting go of my arm again," Draco retorted.

The blanket fort was huge. It only seemed like a one-man fort from the outside, but with Hermione's Undetectable Extension Charms, it was vast enough to hold more than the ten employees.

Silencing and Repelling Charms were cast all over the fort, following with light wards that would keep any unwanted people from the headquarters of Ferret & Canary.

"Alright 'Mione, what's the count this week?" Harry started.

Hermione cleared her throat. "Four attacks on the moneybox, two vanishing attempts, and five unpaid requests," she recited, flipping over a page on her clipboard. "That reminds me, Ronald, the Canary Cream stock is running low. Ugh, people are really greedy these days. Even after they watched so many people being dung-bombed trying to write without paying."

"Worth it though, isn't it?" Dean piped up. "We get to watch someone get turned into a canary every time they try destroying the money box."

"Remember that Ravenclaw fourth-year?" Blaise chimed in.

All ten of them laughed at the memory of the boy becoming a deluxe edition of a rainbow-colored canary, squawking all the way down the corridor.

"And- and he also got crapped all over his face because he tried evanesco, too!"

The fort howled with laughter. "Alright, alright, another box of Canaries," Ron said, scribbling down on a piece of parchment, wiping his eyes. "That's six Sickles with the advertising discount, anything else?"

"You also might want to add in on the U-No-Poos, some people just won't learn the meaning of 'words only'."

"Aye-aye! That's a Galleon in total."

Hermione handed him a fat golden coin and the meeting continued.

"Pansy? Letter count?"

"Ah, hang on." She dug into her bag and pulled out a chart. "Ten one-Galleon letters, another ten two-Galleon letters... ah, and one three-Galleon and four-Galleon letter each. And also, a ten-Galleon one."

"A Ten-Galleon?" Neville exclaimed in disbelief. "How many words is that?!"

"Just under eleven hundred words," Draco drawled. "Let me guess, a hormonal fourth-year?"

"Yup!" Pansy chirped, fanning out the three foot-long scrolls of parchments all covered in tiny handwriting, waving them in the air.

"Ugh, Greg, you take that one, I'm not reading aloud another sappy essay on some fifth-year girl's eyes to my read-n-write quill again," Blaise grumbled exasperatingly.

"Count the change, Pans," Draco quipped.

Pansy waved her wand and the whole wad of Galleons Hermione collected stacked themselves up neatly.

"Thirty-seven Galleons! No more, no less," Pansy announced.

"Alright, so that's seven Galleons to the Weasley-product slash owl-caring slash stationery Fund, we all get three Galleons apiece!" Harry declared. "And also, 'Mione? I need ten Sickles from the Fund; our ribbon supply is dangerously low."

The signature anti-fraying red ribbon had become a symbol of popularity. People had been flanking them out any chance they have, trying not-so-subtly to show off how many secret admirer letters they'd received. Some girls tied them in their hair. Some idiotic boys simply waved them in front of other's faces, complaining loudly about how troublesome it was to maintain and keep track of so many ribbons. But all of Draco's were still carefully and snuggly tucked under his alarm clock, the amount now jostling and threatening the clock to topple over. He was secretly proud that none of the people had nearly as many ribbons as he did. 

"Never gets old, this service," Dean sighed happily as he pocketed three golden coins.

"Shall we do an Easter promotion?" Seamus piped up, marveling at the Galleons in his hands.

"Valentine's was a huge success," Neville said dreamily.

"The coins in my pockets were jingling so loud I swear even McGonagall was jealous."

Dean conjured a large blackboard and started drawing up various versions of flyers and requesting business ideas.

"We can attach Easter eggs?"

"For the last time, Greg, we don't do candy grams!"

"Ooh! How about bunny-shaped letters? We can charge bonus!"

"I know origami!"

"Excellent," Seamus grinned widely, rubbing his hands together, while Dean drew up a vague draft of a paper bunny.

"First-years are suckers for those."

"Hear, hear!"

Half an hour later, as the meeting drew to a close, the yawning members started filing out of the fort, bidding good night to each other. Draco helped disillusion Pansy, Blaise, and Greg, he himself lingered behind with the other founder of the service.

"Looks like we got the fort to ourselves."

Harry grinned at him as Draco went over to flop down on a heap of pillows next to his boyfriend.

He kissed Harry and nuzzled their noses together.

"I'm so happy I decided to send you the letter in the first place," Harry sighed contentedly into Draco's chest.

Draco hummed in response, bathing in the comfort of his boyfriend's presence and the blanket fort.

A silvery wisp of light was issuing from the entrance and Draco sat up.

"Oh no," he said, as the glittering animal fluttered in, confirming its species: a buzzard.

"What?" Harry asked. "Whose is it?"

"Pans'," Draco replied uneasily.



The buzzard dissolved into thin air and there was a distinct ringing in Draco's ears.

"Well, gotta go," Draco said, hopping up, trying to bat away the drumming in his temples.

He gave Harry one last kiss and made his way to the entrance flaps.

"Hey- um, up for a late-night chat later?" Harry stopped him before he disillusioned himself.

Draco smiled. "Sure. I'll owl you."

He completed the Disillusionment Charm and climbed out of the fort.

"G'night, Draco."

"G'night, no-longer-anonymous Gryffindork."


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