Throne of White Roses.

By nonprofessional67

177 16 7

They say love and pain go hand in hand. Love makes you whole, but the pain that comes from it either destroys... More

Chapter one: Death of a Queen.
Chapter two: The wicked bride.
Chapter three: Into the Night, I go.
Chapter four: Bargain and bargain well.
Chapter five: Run my lady, run!
Chapter six: Mead and Pies!
Chapter Seven: My Queen, my princess.
Chapter Eight: Welcome to my humble abode.
Chapter Nine: Welcome to the King's court.
Chapter ten: Beginning of a war.
Chapter eleven: Invitations of swords and wine.
Chapter twelve: A forgotten realm.
Chapter thirteen: The Art of politics.
Chapter fourteen: Blood, magic and treason.
Chapter fifteen: Truth, betrayal and love.
Chapter sixteen: The art of War.
Chapter seventeen: The Roads ahead........
Chapter eighteen: Long live the Queen.
A quick character aesthetics
Chapter nineteen: A world Apart.
Chapter twenty one: Dark spells and wicked witches.
Chapter twenty two: Alliances can be broken.
Chapter twenty three: Death of a King.
Chapter twenty-four: Tales of the past.

Chapter twenty: Path of Thorns.

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By nonprofessional67

   All morning I was trying to understand the meaning of all this. It was not unusual that this had happened. I knew Arabella was not a fool. She knew what was necessary for survival. Allerick and I were in the carriage headed back to Helliovanna. Allerick sat across from me and stared out the window. It was misty outside but there was no snow. I peeked through the window near my window. With all the mist, there was only so far I could see. Uncertain. Just like everything else.

As soon as we arrived at the castle. I got out as soon as possible, and called the council. Allerick, Kahl and Ferial joined me in the war room. They all stood in a line, waiting for me to stop pacing and talk.

Luna: She is with a child!.

Kahl and Ferial shared a perplexing look. And, their eyes widened.

Ferial: This is fantastic!.

Kahl: Are you sure?. For all we know she is a liar.

Allerick: We called in a healer. She did not tell anyone. Until Queen Luna came to visit her.

Ferial: Is the duke an imbecile?!. She was in this dungeon. How did he not know?.

Luna: He hates her as much as the former duke.

Allerick: Even the servants are scared to go to her.

Kahl: Will you tell your father?.

Luna: And, tell him what?.

Ferial: The Witch has formed a very good plan.

Kahl: I doubt that, she was waiting to break the news to you. Waiting for the moment you will weave from your plan.

Luna: Tell the duke of Whistburg he is to make her stay more comfortable. No more sleeping on hay and eating like a rat.

Kahl: And, then what?. When your court hears of your unknown sibling, they may have to think again about their loyalty.

Luna: This throne is mine. I am older and therefore the heir. My right is always first!.

Kahl: Yes!. But, there are also people in the court who are loyal to your father. Only reason they are quiet is because the king was caught along with his queen. And, given their situation, their execution is an option for you. But, if it gets out, they might rise against you.

Ferial: Ya saying they might rise against the Queen, for an infant?.

Allerick: The child will be of royal birth. Child of the former king. Sibling of the current Queen. That child will be in the line for the throne. Unless.........

We looked at Allerick, who was looking out the window. His jaw clenched and looked at me.

Luna: Unless?.

Kahl: There is another heir.

Kahl nodded at me. And, at that moment I understood what he meant. I tried hard not to blush.

Luna: We are to be married soon.

Kahl:But, how soon?. It has to be done as quickly as possible. Leaving her no place to rise against you.

Allerick: When we marry, we become strong. Leucos and Nesh. Sharing its armies and resources. Also, we will also gain more support. No one will dare to be against us.

Kahl: And, a child will only make it stronger and permanent.

Luna: Hmm. Make the arrangements. Ferial, you are to send the invites. Go to the library and I will send someone to help with the list. The wedding will take place within two days.

Allerick: Two days!. That is soon.

Luna: What other choice do we have?. I cannot kill an innocent child.

Allerick: I know. No one wants to. But, conceiving a child just because of politics seems like there is no difference between her and us?.

Luna: And, after the wedding we shall go and see my father. Tell him of his unborn child. You know there is no other way.

Kahl: What of the former queen, until then?.

Luna: She will stay at Whistburg. She will still be imprisoned. Once the child is born we will bring the child to the castle.

Allerick: How do you know she will let us take her child away?. She is quite capable of magic.

Luna: She is also weak. And, we will keep her weak enough not to harbour magic.

After the meeting, I met nanny Ariel, who was trying to jump up and down with a broad smile on her face. She was quick to call all the ladies of the royal household and ask for things. Silks, laces and jewels. At the end of the day the whole palace was bustling with people. Servants running up and down preparing for the wedding.

I sat near the fire in my chamber, when I heard a knock on my door. As I gave the permission to enter, I noticed it was Ferial. She slowly closed the door and came to sit near me.

Luna: I cannot believe I am getting married in less than two days.

Ferial smiled and grabbed the jug of wine from the table at the front. She poured and handed me one of the goblets.

Ferial: As a queen, you must do what is necessary to protect your people and your throne. But, at least in the midst of all this. You will find happiness. You are marrying a man you seem to be quite fond of.

Luna: He is a good man. True to his words. He makes me feel like me.

Ferial: You are you and no one else is going to take that away from you.

Luna: Sometimes I think, I have to be someone I am not in order to rule.

Ferial: How can you rule if you are not you?.

I smiled at her.

Luna: I am glad I met you.

Ferial: Are you saying you are glad that I held a dagger to your throat?.

Luna: Yes. I am. I cannot believe it.

Ferial: Hmm. I do not want to know what shit ya are into.

I almost spit out my wine. Ferial was trying hard not to laugh. I pick up a pillow near me and throw it at her. Ferial ducks and the pillow falls on the floor.

Luna: I am serious!.............If there were someone other than you and Kiri. I would have been in so much trouble or even dead.

Ferial: I do not think so.....You are the woman who ran away from her own castle. And, somehow managed to make peace within two very big and powerful kingdoms. You have taken down a king who wanted bloodshed, you have stopped a queen who encouraged all of this, you have also made the people of this kingdom like you. I say you did a lot.

Luna: Well, when you say it like that.

Ferial: I mean it. You have done well so far.

Luna: Not nearly.

Ferial: Well, enough of evil witches and wars. Tell me about this wedding of yours. I have spent all my precious time after noon sending invitations to snobby nobles.

Luna: I think it will be a good way to show strength. I mean, it is a wedding that will make a lot of impressions. Hopefully, enough to nullify Arabella's child's claim.

Ferial: You do know when this child is born you have to make sure Arabella is nowhere near this child?. She would want her vengeance.

Luna: I am aware. But, how could I take a baby from its mother as soon as it comes to this world?.

Ferial: Sometimes, we have to do cruel things for a greater good.

Luna: That's shit.

Ferial: Tell me about it.

Luna: Allerick has been too patient about all this.

Ferial: Patient?. He is in all of this. He knows that!. If he wishes to be the king consort of this realm he has to be in the middle of all this.

Luna: I understand, but what have I done for Nesh?. Not nearly enough.

Ferial: You have given Nesh a queen. You have ended their war. And, soon you will give them an heir.

I flushed hearing Ferial say that. An heir. It was our duty. As good as Allerick was, I wonder if he ever thought about it.

Luna: About that. I wonder how it will be.

Ferial looked at me, her mouth agape.

Ferial: You mean to say, you have never?.

I shook my head. There were noble boys all around the castle. I grew to like some over the years. I still remember my first kiss. It was the son of a forgein merchant. He was not noble but he was kind and sweet. After him, others came along. Things never went any further than that.

Ferial: I hope your mother told you what happened.

Luna: She did. I know what happens. But, still.

Ferial: Well, my first was so long ago. I can hardly remember. It might be because it was shit.

Luna: You did not want it?.

Ferial: Oh I did. But, let me tell you. It will not always be as sweet as honey. It will sometimes be like shit and hay. Lots of hay.

Luna: Well, I hope there is no hay on my wedding night.

Ferial: I hope for that too.

We laughed. After hours of talking and finishing an entire jug of wine. Ferial stumbled to her room. I climbed to my bed and before I knew I was asleep.

In the morning, I was awoken by nanny Ariel. Who was holding a pale blue gown. After my bath, I was standing in front of the tall mirror as the semtresses worked to make the gown fit. It was made of pale blue silk, with gold threading all over. The long sleeves wrapped my arms like the softest feathers. I noticed nanny Ariel standing behind me, wiping away tears from her eyes.

Luna: Stop it. You will make me cry as well.

Nanny Ariel: Aye. If your mother was here. She would be crying and laughing all together.

Luna: I know.

Nanny Ariel: But, do not worry my child. We are here. I am here.

I smiled in the mirror. One of the maids put the mesh veil on top of my head. I could envision the day right now. I must say my imagination was a happier one than it was months ago.

After spending the entire morning preparing for the wedding, fitting the gown, and deciding on the flowers I finally had the time to sit down and let out a breath. One of the soldiers came in front of and bowed. He let me know that the Lady Eir and her envoys have returned from Cozen. I was quickly on my feet. I walked downstairs, Allerick, Ferial and Kahl were already at the stair greeting Lady Eir.

Luna: Lady Eir, welcome back!.

Lady Eir curtsied and smiled.

Lady Eir: Your majesty. I have good news from Cozen.

Luna: Tell me.

Lady Eir: Lord Chancellor has agreed to pledge loyalty to Leucos. But, he has one demand.

Allerick: What is it?.

Lady Eir looked at Allerick and then at me. Her expression was stern.

Luna: Well...?.

Lady Eir: He is afraid that like you have dethroned them, what if you do something like that in future. Or worse what if you try to take over Cozen. They are weak and they barely have an army anymore.

Allerick: We will never do such a thing. As long as he stays loyal he has nothing to fear.

Lady Eir: I know. But, he was quite persistent about this. Since, some of the refugee families have moved back to Cozen from Callisto. He has hope that if they try and train hard, magic will once again be restored in Cozen.

Luna: He knows in the future he will have power.

Lady Eir: He does. But, he also wants to avoid what happened in the past from happening again.

Allerick: What was his demand?

Lady Eir reluctantly pulled a folded paper out of her satchel and handed it to Allerick. He looked at me and I nodded. Allerick broke the blue wax seal. As he read the letter, his face turned red. He handed me the paper. I looked at it and my eyes went wide.

Luna: He wants a marriage arrangement?!.

Kahl: Between who?!.

Lady Eir: He requests a marriage between one of your majesty's future children and the future lord chancellor of Cozen's children.

Kahl: He has a child?!.

Luna: No. He does not!.

Allerick: It can be anyone!.

Luna: We are not even married yet. And, we are already making arrangements between our imaginary children.

Allerick: I refuse to do this!. There has to be another way.

Luna: What other way?!. I do not want another war.

Kahl: They know they will lose.

Luna: His letter states he seeks peace. And, this is the first step towards it.

Allerick: We cannot do this. You and I may have started to like each other but what makes you think our children will share the same fate?.

Luna: We will talk about it later, after the wedding.

Lady Eir bowed her head and left. Kahl followed her for a moment's thought. Allerick came and squeezed my shoulder.

Allerick: Put it aside from your mind until after the wedding, my love.

Luna: Believe me, I am trying.

Time passes by in a blink. Before I knew it. It was our wedding day. Royals, nobles, lords and ladies from all the realms were at the castle. Our wedding will take place at the castle and then we will go to Nesh for one more wedding feast.

Viorica: I must say, you make the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.

Luna: You are too kind.

Viorica: I mean it. You look lovely.

I smiled at Viorica as she put the veil on my head. She was wearing a pink gown with a golden corset around her waist. Her dark hair was in a long braid. She looked lovely.

Viorica: The castle looks beautiful today. Not that it is not on the other days. What I meant was-

Luna: I know what you meant.

Viorica: I am sorry, I am just so happy. Last night, I spoke to Allerick. He looked so happy and at peace. I have always wanted this for him.

Luna: What? A wedding?.

Viorica: Yes. But, I always wanted him to be at peace.

Luna: I am sure there are other things that give him peace.

Viorica: Hush now, just take the compliment.

After everything was placed in my hair. Nanny Ariel finally placed the crown on my head. Kahl was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me, he was wearing a dark blue tunic and his sword was strapped around his waist. He smiled at me broadly, and took my hands. Trumpets went off. We slowly started to walk towards the great hall. As the giant wooden doors to the hall opened, I saw all the people waiting on both sides. We slowly walked through the middle, white rose petals were thrown from the balcony upstairs. I saw Allerick standing on top of the throne platform, he smiled at me. He was dressed in his family's color. Purple and gold. He was wearing the golden crown band around his head. It previously has been worn by all the kings and queens of his family.

Kahl let go of my hand and Allerick was quick to extend his. I took Allerick's hand and we stood side by side facing the giant stained windows. Allerick and I chose Lady Eir to do the honor of marrying us. She was wearing her usual armory but with a hint of pink. Lady Eir cleared her throat, I could hear the court behind me getting quieter. Lady Eir took the rings and held them in her hands.

Lady Eir: People of Leucos, court of Leucos. We have gathered here today to celebrate the union of two young souls. A union of two kingdoms, a union of two families, a union of two hearts.

Allerick squeezed my hand and I did the same.

Lady Eir: By the power vested in me by the Queen. I pronounce his majesty King Allerick Hellion of house Hellion of Nesh and her majesty Queen Luna Lovis of house Lovis as man and wife. From this day forward you two share a heart, share a home, share a family and share a soul. With these rings your vows and your bond will be tied forever. Do you consent?.

Allerick: I do.

Luna: I do.

Lady Eir gave us the ring, and we put them on each other's middle fingers. It represents balance. In life and in love. Allerick was looking at me with a smile and his eyes were shining bright. Lady Eir put our hands together and tied our hands together with a ribbon and then she took out her dagger and cut the knot.

The whole hall echoed with claps. Some even whistled. Allerick took my face in his hands and our lips met. I smiled into the kiss and he let out a laugh. We faced the crowd and they all bowed to us as we walked down the stairs of the throne platform and walked out to the balcony. Hundreds of people were outside the palace and the crowd even went out the castle gates all the way to the open roads.

I waved at them, Allerick and I kissed once more. The crowd cheered more. After meeting the guests we were sitting on our seats at the great hall and the festivities went on. Music was played and everyone was dancing. Viorica was dancing to her heart's content.

We ate and we drank. Allerick and I shared our first dance as newlyweds. By the end of the night, I was tired and excited at the same time. I was in my nightgown and standing in front of my bed. I was waiting for Allerick to enter the room. Nanny Ariel and a few other maids were packing my things for our journey tomorrow morning to Nesh.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the doors of my chamber open. Allerick walked in with his hands behind him and did a little bow to the ladies.

Allerick: Ladies, thank you for everything you have done. But, I think it is time for you to get your share of rest.

Some of the young maids giggled and curtsied to him and me before leaving. Nanny Ariel smiled at me and curtsied to Allerick as well before closing the doors behind her.

Allerick: She is a good one.

Luna: She is. She raised me since I was a baby.

Allerick made his way towards me and brought his hand from behind. He had a lavender flower in his hand and held it to me. I took the delicate lavender from him and inhaled its sweet smell.

Allerick: I know, you are the white rose queen. But, you are also the queen of Nesh. And, we have lavender to offer to you.

I smiled and put the flower on the small table beside the bed. Allerick slowly took off his shirt and threw it on the floor and extended his hands to me. I slowly took his warm hands in mine. And he led me under the soft cover of the bed and slowly the night took over. Our desires were one and so was our body.

I woke up and looked at the window. The sunlight was peaking through the light weight curtains. I closed my eyes and smiled. I was a bit sore and I felt the strong arms around me. I slowly turned around trying not to wake the sleep man next to me. Allerick's hari fell over his eyes. He looked beautiful in soft sunlight. The blanket covered half of his body and I put my hands on top of his chest right where his heart was. The steady rhythm was calming. I noticed his eye squinted a little and I held in my laughter.

Allerick: If you want to laugh at my queen, I suggest you do it right now.

My eyes went wide and I pulled my hands away from his chest. Allerick slowly opened his eyes and smirked. I was a little annoyed but I still smiled.

Luna: You were awake, my king?.

Allerick: I was............Are you alright?.

Allerick looked into my eyes. I felt the blood rising to my cheeks. I smiled and nodded. He smiled back and tightened his arms around me and closed his eyes.

Luna: I am.

After spending the whole morning in bed, we finally got dressed and ready for our trip to Eirlys. Viorica, Allerick and I shared a carriage, while two more followed and over dozens of guards on horses surrounded us. Lady Eir and Kahl were on horseback.

After two days and two nights' journey, we were finally at the gates of the Nehsian Palace. I peeked through the window and saw hundreds of people outside, cheering and throwing flowers. I smiled and opened the small window wide. Crowd cheered even louder as I waved at them. Allerick also peeked and waved at the huge crowd. When we reached the stairs of the palace I could see the council members and the servants were already standing in line to welcome us. Allerick got off first and extended his hand towards me. I took his hand and got off the carriage, next he helped Viorica get off.

Viorica motioned for me and Allerick to go first. As the new Queen, I took Allerick's arm and climbed the stairs of the marble white palace. Few of the nobles and all the servants bowed.

Head Guard Lucien came forward and bowed in front of me and Allerick. Allerick surprisingly hugged Lucien, and he laughed at the King's enthusiasm.

Lucien: Welcome back, your majesty!. Your court welcomes you and the new queen.

Allerick: It feels amazing to be back Lucien. I cannot wait to show my queen what a Neshian celebration looks like.

Luna: I am looking forward to it, my king.

After we all went inside, I was introduced to some of the nobles I have not seen or met during my stay here. Viorica made her way towards me and took my hands in her.

Viorica: Quick act natural!. Pretend like we are having a good time.

Luna: Well, let me tell you it is not that hard. I am having a good time.

Viorica let out a laugh, which made me confused. I looked over her shoulder and saw a man and a woman walking towards us. Arm in arm. The man was dressed in very expensive silk and so was the woman. They both wore the same color, and also his tunic matched her long silver dress.

Viorica quickly turned and acted overly excited.

Viorica: Ah! Lord Cullen and Lady Amalia. I was just telling her majesty about you.

The man bowed and the lady curtsied. I nodded a little and smiled at them.

Amalia: Your Majesty, it is a great pleasure to meet you. We have heard such tales of your bravery, but they forgot to tell us about your beauty too.

Luna: Thank you.

Viorica: This is Lord Cullen and his wife Lady Amalia, obviously. Lord and Lady of DolunayValley.

Cullen: Princess, your majesty. Please, you must come and visit DolunayValley. We may not have a castle or a palace. But, we do have wonderful natural beauty. Like yourselves.

I smiled, while Viorica let out a loud laugh. I looked at her and was trying to find any hint of what she was trying to do.

Amalia: Oh you are such a flirt.

Lady Amalia playfully slapped the lord's arm. Lord Cullen laughed and winked at me. I was trying to think whether he was being funny or was he actually trying to flirt with a queen.

Viorica: Well, the queen and I have some business to attend to. So, please. Enjoy the feast.

Viorica was practically dragging me along with her. When we were on the other side of the room I quickly grabbed a goblet of wine from the giant table and whispered into Viorica's ear.

Luna: What is going on?!.

Viorica: Lord Cullen and Lady Amalia happened.

Luna: But, there is more I assume?.

Viorica: It is nothing but I do not know why it still bothers me.

Luna: What do you mean?. They seemed to have no issue at all.

Viorica: I am the princess, and you are the queen. Did you really think they would want to share their disinterest in front of you?.

Luna: Well, no.

I gave Viorica a look, she let out a huff and took a deep drink from her wine goblet.

Viorica: Lord Cullen is quite known for his flirtatious ways. He is very well known among the women of the court or in fact among the women of Eirlys.

Luna: Also well known to you as well, sister?.

Viorica: We shared some moments.

Luna: Some?.

Viorica: Well, a lot of moments. I needed the comfort he could provide.

Luna: In your bed?.

Viorica; Yes!.

Luna: Do not fret. I do not wish to judge.

Viorica: After a while his wife heard the silent whispers of everyone around the court. But, I knew she would not confort a princess. And, then one day when we thought his wife was away he was having our moment, when she accidentally walked in on us.

Luna: Viorica!. That poor woman!.

Viorica: I know. I felt awful. I did not know what to do. Two days later I told the Lord if he wished to be with me he should leave his wife once and for all. But, he chose her.

Luna: I am sorry.

Viorica: Don't be. I was glad he chose her. I was not aware of what I felt towards him. Months later I understood there was nothing between us but lust. But, whenever I see them happy, it makes me feel ashamed.

Luna: Why would you be ashamed?. He knew what he was doing.

Viorica: I know. But, I was the reason Lady Amalia had to go through so much. I cannot bear to think what it must have felt like.

I put my hand on her shoulder.

Luna:You understood you made a mistake. And, you even now want to make sure you have repented. And, you have.

Viorica: You think so?.

Luna: Yes. I do.

After the feast was over, Allerick and I went upstairs to his chambers. My feet hurt from all the dancing. Allerick pulled me towards him, he put his arm under my knees and picked me up.

Allerick: I think you have never seen my chambers, wife.

I let out a laugh. We were both drunk. There was a lot of wine and dancing involved in the feast.

Luna: I think I have not, husband.

Allerick turned around and used his back to open the giant door of his room. I looked around the huge room with a giant balcony. Allerick let me down and I walked toward the balcony and looked outside. The city looked like a galaxy. The maps were twinkling like the stars in the night sky. Allerick came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He put his chin on my shoulder.

Luna: It is beautiful.

Allerick: What?. The torches?.

Luna: Yes. They look like stars.

Allerick moved my hair out of the way and kissed the nape of my neck. I closed my eyes and smiled. He did not stop, he kept going and he whispered in my ear.

Allerick: I think we should go inside, my queen.

I slowly turned around and kissed him.

Luna: We should, my king.

I was standing in the middle of a snowy ground. I could see bodies all around me. I could not understand where I was. I looked down and I was holding my father's sword. It has been in our family for over a hundred years. It showed my family's rule and its power. I turned around and I saw him standing there. His beard was covered in snow. His face was covered in blood and his armour was scratched. As much as I wanted to run my sword through him I could not. I stood there as if I had lost the ability to move. He just stood on the other side of the white blood stained snow. A part of me wanted to scream and a part wanted to cry. I wanted to reach out to him but I also wanted to shove him away. Everything I knew was a lie. How can I feel so many different feelings altogether I did not know. I suddenly felt something grabbing my ankle. I looked down and it looked like a shoulder but its face was covered with the helmet. But I saw the blood dripping from his helmet and my breath was getting heavy as I tried to get away from its grasp. I could look ahead but there was no one, suddenly everyone around me was trying to get a hold of me. I knew I could not get out of here. I let out a scream while trying to get out of this wretched place.

I quickly got up and sat on the giant bed. I was drenched with sweat as my nightgown clung to my body. I looked around and it was still dark, I could hear the soft snores beside me. I looked at Allerick, he was in a deep sleep. I did not want to wake him up. I got out of the bed and took the heavy robe that was on top of the giant chair next to the fire. I went outside on the balcony. The cold air blew through my hair. I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. I knew he was here somewhere inside the castle grounds. I have not seen him since the day we defeated and captured him. He was still alive and as long as he breathed, my nightmares lived. But, are they ever going to end even if he was no more?.

I did know how long I was standing on the balcony. I felt a presence next to me. I looked at him. He was wearing his white tunic and his dark hair was a mess. I let a quiet laugh. Allerick looked at me with concern.

Allerick: What is wrong?.

Luna: Nothing.

Allerick: Do not lie to me.

He frowned his eyebrows together. I knew he would not let go of this.

Luna: I had a nightmare.

Allerick: About?.

Luna: Him.

Allerick: Him?. My love, he can never hurt you.

He cupped my face and I smiled.

Luna: Why do you call me my love?.

Allerick smiled. He looked more like a young boy from a barn than a king. I liked this side of him. I liked us like this.

Allerick: Why?. Why do you think so?.

Luna: I do not know.

Allerick: Hmm. Maybe because I love you.

Luna: You love me?.

Allerick gave a mischievous look.

Allerick: I am pretty sure, everything that has happened between us says a lot about it.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

Luna: It does, doesn't it?.

Allerick: Have you decided what to do with him?

Luna: No.

Allerick sends Lucien to get Gavrill back from the south. He has spent way too much time alone away from his family, it was about time he came back home. After sending the guards I wanted to be taken to see my father. He was held in the underground dungeon. We walked down the wet, cold, stoned stairs. I pulled my cloak tighter. Allerick followed along some of our guards. Kahl wanted to be there as well. He was walking at the front with the jailor.

He came in front of an iron door. The jailor unlocked the door and held it open for me. The room was spacious, there was a bed and a table with a chair. Fire was burning in the fireplace. And, the floor was dry and covered with rugs. I looked at the man sitting on top of the bed. I looked at his ankle. There was a long chain that was attached to the cuff that went around his right ankle. He looked clean, he was sitting wearing a white linen shirt. He looked at and stood up.

King Herald: Daughter.

Luna: Father.

King Herald: You have bought guests. Your husband.

Luna: Yes. The king.

King Herald: And, Kahl. Young and brave Kahl. How does it feel to see her with someone else?.

Allerick: King Herald, we are here today to discuss what to do with you. It seems like your daughter has more sympathy in her than you.

King Herald: I know.

Luna: I come bearing news.

King Herald: Are you with child?.

I had a sudden urge to roll my eyes. But, I did not.

Luna: Someone is with a child, it is not me.

King Herald: If it is not an heir of my kingdom, then it is of no use to me.

Luna: Not your kingdom. Not anymore. It is my kingdom. And, yes it is of your concern given the fact it is yours.

My father looked at me surprised. I was expecting him to gloat about him having another heir. But, he started to laugh like a maniac. I glanced at Kahl and Allerick who shared a look among themselves.

Luna: I expect you are happy.

King Herald: Happy?. My daughter, I couldn't care less!.

Allerick: And, why is that?.

King Herald: Because it is not mine!.

Kahl: What do you mean by it is not yours?.

Luna: It has to be yours, she said it was.

King Herald: My daughter, how did you know she was telling the truth?.

Allerick: And, how do we know you are telling the truth?.

King Herald: I know. When your mother and I got married, after years of trying we could not have a child. So I started to look for someone who will give me a child. But, your mother went to visit her home. I was glad she was gone. But, then she returned and told me we will have a child in the future. I did not understand her obsession with the idea but a year later you were born and then she went back to her birth lands once more.

Luna: I thought the only time she went to Callisto was after I was born?.

King Herald: She always wanted to go back to that wretched land.

Luna: Maybe she finally realized that you were the monster she was worried about.

King Herald: Monster?. Yes. She did say that to me. She said I could be with anyone I wanted but I will only have one child in my lifetime and she was already born.

Allerick: You believed her?.

King Herald: No. But, after years I finally started to believe it.

Luna: Why did she go to Callisto before I was born?.

King Herald: I did know something about missing her cousins and her father.

Luna: How could I do that to her?.

King Herald: She knew who she married and she did not want to leave. I would have let her.

Kahl: Because, you were worried she would tell everyone about your real face and everyone will believe her.

Luna: Why did not just let her leave?.

King Herald: She was mine!. Mine!.

Luna: NO!. She was a human being!. And, if your queen is not with your child then whose is it?.

King Herald: How would I know?!. I knew I was not the only one she was sleeping with. She offered me power not fidelity. One day we were not as smitten as we once were. Then she picked up Kahl here from the streets to keep herself busy so she does not have to look at me.

Luna: I must say you were quite convincing as a doting husband and as a doting father. But, now that you have confirmed it, that is all I need.

King Herald: So how long am I going to stay here?. What will you do to me?.

Luna: Only time will tell.

King Herald: If you are a true queen then hang me.

Luna: No.

I walk up to his face and look into his eyes.

Luna: I will make you live in hell just like you have made her. Enjoy your prison. It will only become more and more less kingley I promise you.

I turned around and as we were leaving I could hear him laughing, and his voice was slowly fading as I climbed up stairs.

Gavrill was running all around the palace since he arrived, Viorica arranged a picnic in the back gardens for us. We ate and laughed as Gavrill listened to the glorious battle stories from his brother. Allerick obviously left out the grim details of the actual battles. After, we were done. Viorica walked Gavrill up to his chambers. Allerick and I went to the council room where Kahl and Lady Eir were already standing looking grim.

Luna: Please, tell me there is no more bad news.

Lady Eir: I am afraid there is one news that needs your urgent attention, your majesty.

Kahl: We just received news, Luna. Queen Arabella has escaped.

I could not believe my ears. I looked at Lady Eir. She slowly nodded.

Luna: How could that be?!.

Allerick: She was being held at Whistburg, am I correct?!.

Kahl: Was. This morning when our soldiers went to receive the news of her state, the whole place was empty.

Allerick: Empty?!. Where is the Duke?.

Lady Eir: We do not know. The place is empty. Peasants say they saw the Duke's household leaving in the middle of the night.

Allerick: Who were they?.

Kahl: Some farmers or lowly merchants that were returning from the nearest town.

Luna: This cannot happen. Send soldiers everywhere. I want her found!.

I start to pace back and forth in the room. Kahl quickly bowed and left and the head guard Lucien walked in and bowed to me and Allerick.

Lucien: Your majesties, there has been an accident.

Allerick: What is it, Lucien?.

Hesitation was very subtle on Lucien's face. He was tall and his sharp features often made him stand out. And, when his helmet was off, his bright golden hair made him look like some sort of sculpture. Right now he looked helpless. Which was something the king's guard does not have the luxury for.

Lucien: Your brother, the prince.

Allerick: Gavrill?!.

Allerick stood from his seat and walked towards Lucien.

Lucien: Prince Gavrill went to rest after the picnic. But, a few hours ago when his nanny went to wake him up for supper he did wake up at all.

Lady Eir: What do you mean?.

Lucien: He is not waking up at all, the court healer is looking after him but....

Before Lucien could finish Allerick ran past him and we all followed. We ran upstairs to Gavirll's chambers. The court healer and his nanny sat next to him on the bed. Viorica looked at Allerick. Her face was red and so were her eyes. Allerick stood frozen. I walked up to him and put a hand on his back. He did not move.

Lady Eir quickly went up to Gavrill, climbed the steps of his bed and put her hand on his forehead. She closed her eyes and held her breath. We all looked at her with confusion. Lady Eir slowly removed her hand from Gavrill after a while and opened her eyes. By the looks on her face, we all knew she did not have good news.

Lady Eir: Your Majesty, I am afraid your brother's condition is related to magic.

Allerick: Arabella!.

Luna: How can this be?. Is she strong enough to do this?!.

Lady Eir: We do not know, maybe she had found a way to strengthen her magic?.

Allerick: Viorica, inform the council that I want every noble on this land to send their soldiers and look for the former duchess Arabella. I want her alive!.

Viorica stood up and ran out of the room and her servants followed her closely. Allerick was practically raising his voice at the healer who was trying his best to look for any remedy that could help. Hours passed by, we sat by Gavrill's bedside. He looked so innocent. His face was becoming more and more pale by the hour and breathing was shallow. I could not believe all this was happening.

At dawn were awoken by Lady Eir and Viorica entering. I stretched my arms, my body was sore sleeping in a small ottoman was not a good idea. Allerick rubbed his face and came to stand by me.

Lady Eir: I may have found out what this is.

Lady Eir put a thick book on the small table. It was old by the looks of it and the cover seemed to have been made of leather but it has worn out as the years have passed by.

Lady Eir: This is something I have always carried with me but I was not sure if magic like this has ever been practiced. But, after going through the royal archives I have found records of spells like these in the past. It is likely that the young prince is under this exact spell.

Allerick: Lucien, announce it everywhere I want every healer or anyone who practises magic in the palace.

Kahl: I have also asked for some of the priestesses from Callisto.

Lady Eir: Arabella could be planning anything as we speak.

Luna: How could I be so foolish?!, He was with her all along!.

Allerick was sitting next to Gavrill. I looked at the young boy who loved to laugh, now laying in bed in a deep, uncertain slumber. And, it was all my fault for trusting a man I should not have, but I was so desperate that I did not even pay attention and now the only family I had was suffering from it.

I wanted to talk to Allerick but what was there for me to say?. I am sorry your brother is dying because of me?. Your wife, your queen?. I left the room and walked up to the terrace garden. I took a seat and let out a deep sigh. Arabella was on the run and now she had access to her magic and she also had someone whose support would mean a lot in Leucos. Everyone admired the Duke of Whistburg. His word could mean war. But, even if he stays silent it still means war.

I was lost in my own thoughts, I did not realize as Allerick came and took a seat next to me. I looked down at my feet, I could not meet his eyes. Allerick touched my hand. I was always surprised by how warm he was. I looked up to his dark eyes. I could see the despair and desperation in them for the first time. Something a king did not hold but a brother definitely did.

Luna: I am so sorry.

I whispered and cupped my face and brought his face close to mine.

Allerick: I know, my love. But, we have bigger things to worry about. She needs to be found.

Luna: I know. We know Cozen will not take her back and she cannot come to Nesh. Which leaves-

Allerick: Savajonne.  

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