Detachment: A RiAnsh TS

By Rebel_1005

6.6K 542 266

It is a two shot story which is based on the scene of the press conference where Vansh announces Ahana as his... More



3.1K 268 156
By Rebel_1005

The first thing that came into Riddhima's mind as she stepped out of the mansion was freedom. She was free now. Free of fear, free of conspiracies, free of the shackles of taunts and hurtful words.

She had decided that it was enough of her always trying to love others. Now it was time to love herself. Enough of thinking for others. It was time to think for herself.

With this thought, she decided to go and check if she can get a room to stay in her hostel, till the time, she finds an apartment to rent. Money was something which she did not have in hand at that moment. Though she did have some savings in her bank account but withdrawing it would only be possible the next day. So she chose to walk all the way to her hostel.

Though it was difficult to wall with a sprain in her ankle but she had to somehow. So she did and reached the hostel.

By the time she reached the hostel, it was already quarter to 10. Looking at the main gate, she reminisced all the moments that she had spent here with all her friends. She was reminded of that unfateful day when she stepped out of the premises to join the staff on the cruise as the party planner. After that, it was now that she was seeing this gate again.

She stepped inside and released a breath of relief. moving towards the office, she inwardly prayed that the warden and the authorities let her stay in. There she was, her warden, sitting in all her glory with a stern look on her face, as if she had been waiting for her only. The lady smiled looking at her but Riddhima could notice the thin film of tears that got deposited in the corner of her eyes.

"My child." She spoke with so much emotions and opened her arms to give her a hug, that Riddhima could not hold back the tears that she had been for so long. She ran and hugged the old lady and cried in her embrace like a child. She missed this warmth, she had always, since the day she left this hostel. The warden was a strict looking lady who was nothing but soft and pure from heart. She loved all the girls equally who stayed at the hostel. All the girls at the hostel called her amma.

"Ssshh... stop crying! You are absolutely safe here." She spoke wiping her tears once Riddhima lifted her face from her shoulder after crying her heart out.

"Amma, I wanted to ask you. Can I stay here for sometime? Only till I find a rented apartment for myself." Riddhima asked when her hiccups subsided. In return, she got a smack on her head. When she looked at amma's face, she found expressions of fake anger.

"Riddhima, how can you think that I won't allow you here after what all that had happened with you?"

"Amma, you knew?" Was all Riddhima could ask her.

"Of course I knew. The whole country knows. We all have seen the news." She replied.

"Is that why you were sitting here as if expecting me to come here?"

"Of course, my dear. I expected you to come here only. And I am happy that you did what I expected you to do. Had you gone somewhere else, I would have come there, twisted your ear and brought you back here." She spoke, trying to lighten her mood and Riddhima smiled. Amma kissed her forehead and asked her to move to her room.

"You look exhausted. Now go to your room. I will myself feed you today, with my own hands. Look you have lost so much weight." Both the women smiled at each other and Riddhima moved to her room.

It was exactly the same as she had left it. The only thing missing was her bestie Sejal. But it was good since she wasn't here, she would not get to know what her best friend had to go through. Sejal always warned Riddhima to stay away from that leech Kabir, but she always ignored it. Had she listened to her once, she would not have to face all this now.

After a while, amma opened the door and entered the room with a plate full of food. Looking at the food, Riddhima remembered how she skipped almost all her meals of the day, just to look out for her beloved husband, who was sitting in his mansion planning to break her more, as if she wasn't after the confrontation.

"Riddhima, forget everything and focus on the food. You can't neglect your health for some stupid, idiot man. Come on now, open your mouth." She extended her hand to put the morsel of food in Riddhima's mouth and she gladly did. As amma finished making her eat, Riddhima's eyes watered.

"Thank you so much amma. After all that I have done, you are still standing by my side, giving me so much of love when no one else did, even when they claimed to love me. If I ever hurt you in the past, I am sorry for that." Riddhima spoke as tears again made their way from her eyes.

"Riddhima, calm down. You have never hurt me. In fact, You can never hurt anybody. It is not your fault that you got cheated in love. Maybe, both of them were not worthy of you. My child, you deserve someone better than those fraudsters, who see money as everything." Amma consoled her and she nodded her head in agreement.

"Now you must go to sleep." Amma caressed her head and got up to go.

"Amma-" Riddhima spoke to stop her but before she could complete, she felt a sudden urge to puke. Keeping her hand on her mouth, she ran to the bathroom and emptied the contents of her stomach. Amma came from behind while she was rinsing her mouth.

"Are you okay?" Amma asked once she was done.

"Yeah. It happened maybe because I did not have anything since morning. Maybe I have had acidity." Amma nodded her head but her experienced eyes were able to notice something else which Riddhima could not.

"Amma, will you please sleep with me tonight? I am feeling scared." Riddhima asked and amma nodded, lost in her own thoughts. As they both settled on the bed, Riddhima held amma's hand and closed her eyes. Soon sleep engulfed both of them and for the first time in so many days, Riddhima slept a sound sleep.

The morning rays disturbed her sleep wherein she was dreaming of a happy family with her love, her Vansh. She rubbed her eyes as she sat straight and realization dawned upon her that she was no more in the VR mansion. She remembered all those moments where she was termed as an imposter and how, she proved herself right.

No doubt, she gave a reality check to all the Raisinghanias but still getting detached to someone whom you loved with all your heart is not easy. She might keep on getting dreams of her love but one thing was for sure that she wasn't going back to all those toxic Raisinghanias. She would try and get over the love she had for some of them with the course of time.

"Good morning Riddhima." Amma entered the room with a smile on her face and Riddhima reciprocated her smile.

"Why don't you have breakfast with everyone in the mess today? Everybody wants to meet you. I have asked the cook to prepare all your favorite dishes." She asked and Riddhima just nodded.

Sliding her duvet, she got off the bed. She had only taken two steps when she stumbled and held the bed post for support. Amma instantly came to hold her and made her sit on the bed.

"What happened Riddhima?" She asked.

"Nothing amma, maybe due to low BP, I was feeling dizzy. Believe me it's nothing to worry about. It has been happening for a few days now." Riddhima asked her to let go of it but amma's suspicions were confirmed hearing her. She took both her hands in hers and held them firmly. Riddhima looked at her with questioning eyes when she started speaking.

"Riddhima, don't mind me, but I think, you should go for a test. Pregnancy test." Riddhima was shocked when she heard amma but before she could answer, amma continued speaking.

"You had been feeling dizzy for a few days, you have these sudden urges to vomit. Your face is looking pale, right now. All these are the symptoms of pregnancy. So I think you should go for a test." Amma finished. Though Riddhima wanted to deny but her mind made her agree to amma's statement.

"Ok amma. If you say so." Amma caressed her face and went away. Riddhima, lost in her thoughts, went to freshen up and take a bath.

Meeting all these people after a long time felt so good to Riddhima. Every girl was so angry as if all that had happened had happened with them. This lifted her mood up but her thoughts always revolved around her and amma's conversation.

After the breakfast, she decided to go to a reputed lab and give her samples for testing. After giving the samples, she just settled down on the chair in her room when someone knocked on the door of her room. Sighing, she opened the door.

''Ms Riddhima?'' The lady, dressed in the uniform of a police constable asked her.

''Yes?'' She replied.

''You have to come downstairs. Inspector sir wants to talk to you.'' She gave her the message and Riddhima nodded. Both the ladies reached the office and she saw the inspector sitting on the chair opposite to the warden.

''Ms Riddhima?'' The inspector asked and she nodded.

''Well, I must say, your live on the news channels has created a boom in the country. Everybody in the nation, now wants justice for you. And we are here for that only. You have to come to the police station and tell us each and everything that has happened to you in that house. Rest, we will take care of everything.'' He spoke.

Though Riddhima was reluctantly but with amma's support, she eventually agreed to give her statement. They went to the station and recorded her statement where in she told each and every atrocity bore by her.

''Aye Patil, get arrest warrants issued in the names of all these people.'' Inspector ordered sub inspector Patil.

''Inspector, I myself want to go and see them getting arrested. That's a request from my side. Please.'' Riddhima requested.

''Alright madam. We would take you along with us. Shinde take out the car. We will be going to VR Mansion.'' The inspector ordered the constable Shinde.

With this, all of them sat in the car and headed to their destination, VR MANSION.

As the view of the mansion came in sight and the jeep stopped, Riddhima was reminded of the day when similarly, she was sitting in the cab, going to Kabir's house but was escorted here as whenever MR Hypocrite Raisinghania offered, people would hear it as an order. She never expected herself to cross the border of this mansion again in her life, once she stepped out of it yesterday, but here she was, standing on the exact same border, on the very next day.

She took a deep breath and followed the officers who had already entered inside. Everybody was present in the hall and shock was written on their faces, seeing her entering inside with police force.

''Inspector, you here?'' Vansh came forward and extended his hand for a handshake but was royally ignored by the officer who was busy scanning the faces of everyone present in the hall.

''Mr Raisinghania, is every member of your family present here?'' He counter questioned him.

''Yes sir, but will you please tell us the reason of your visit?'' He briefly glanced at Riddhima but averted his gaze when he saw her looking at him with a gaze full of hatred and disgust.

''We have arrest warrants issued in the names of Mr Kabir Raisinghania, Mr Aaryan Raisinghania, Mr Rudra Raisinghania, Mrs Chanchal Raisinghania, Mrs Ishani, Mr Angrey, Ms Aahana. The warrant also includes your name Mr Vansh Raisinghania. Patil and Shilpa, arrest them all. We also have a search warrant Mr, to search your house for the required proofs to put you behind the bars for lifetime for torturing Ms Riddhima.'' He spoke while simultaneously ordering his colleagues to arrest them and search the house.

''What the hell inspector! You cannot arrest my family members like this. I will get you transferred.'' Vansh roared but the inspector seemed unfazed.

''Mr Raisinghania, whatever I have done till now, is a part of my duty. No amount of threats are sufficient to stop me from doing my duty and serving my country.'' He replied with his chest puffed up in pride and Vansh remained mum as he saw his family members getting handcuffed.

''Inspector, at least leave my sister. She is pregnant. Please.'' He pleaded as he saw them jerking Ishani harshly. When the inspector did not pay any heed, he turned his face to Riddhima and joined his hands in front of her.

''Riddhima, you know right, that Ishani is pregnant. Please leave her. I am ready to go in her place but please leave her.'' He pleaded bending his head and crying. Though Riddhima's heart pained seeing him crying in front of her like that but she remembered that he was the same man who wanted her to cry the same way last night.

''Wait inspector!'' Riddhima shouted. The inspector looked at her in confusion. ''I don't want you to use third degree on Ishani.'' She continued and Vansh sighed in relief but Earth shook beneath him when she completed her sentence. ''Until her delivery only. If she gets imprisonment longer than her due date then it is up to you how you treat her.'' She completed and saw Vansh's eyes going wide and an expression of helplessness lingering on his face. The same expression which she had the last day.

When the constable came forward to handcuff Vansh, Riddhima stopped him too. The constable looked at the inspector for conformation and he nodded.

''You have a good luck that even after your doings, madam doesn't want any action against you.'' The inspector taunted him.

''Don't take ot wrong Mr Raisinghania. It is not as if I am doing this in love. But because you have an ailing grandmother and an ill sister at your home and somebody has to stay behind to look after them.'' Riddhima spoke and with this, both the inspector and Riddhima moved out of the mansion. This time when she left, she felt as if some weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

''Thank you so much inspector. You have helped me a lot. When he threatened you of transfer, I thought you will back out, but you did not. Thank you once again.'' Riddhima spoke once they were out of the mansion.

''It's ok madam. It is our duty to help the people in need and I did that only. Do call me if you need any more help or face any problem.'' Both of them formally smiled at each other left for their respective destinations.

Riddhima's destination was supposed to be her hostel but one phone call changed it. It was from the lab where she had given her samples for test. Her heavy hammered against the ribcage as she recieved the call. They lady at the other end told her that her reports have come mad she had to go there and collect them.

Riddhima reached the lab and collected her reports. But she decided to open then only in the safe premises of her room.

She threw her hand bag on the bed and with a fast beating heart and shivering hands, she opened the reports, only when she had latched her door properly.

''Riddhima, pregnancy test positive.'' She spoke but it came out as a mere whisper and her world came crashing down. She threw the reports to her side and sat down on the ground with a thud as tears escaped her eyes.

Leaning on the side of her bed, she was again reminded of that night when she gave herself to that man, believing all the love and affection that his eyes carried for her that night.

That was the biggest mistake that she had done in her life. She believed him. She believed everything that he spoke. She believed everything that he did. Keeping her hands on her mouth she tried reducing the sound of her sobs but could not. She so wanted to run and tell him the news. Had it been some other day, he would have been happy and maybe twirling her around hearing the news but looking at the strain in their relationship, she herself did not want to disclose the truth to him. The news brought uncertainties in her mind. She was worried. Will she be able to take up the responsibility? Was she ready for this yet? Will she be able to give right right teachings and guidance at the right time? These questions flooded her mind.

After a few long hours of crying, she gathered herself and sat up straight. Wiping her tears with her dupatta, she rested her hand on her lower abdomen where her baby was growing.

She looked at her hand and then tried feeling the new life growing inside her. The feeling was so overwhelming. Though she was sad that all that had happened was nothing, but a way for Vansh to break her completely but she was not one of those who would despise her child because of her own mistakes. She was happy that now there would be someone in her life who would be along with her to take her out of this loneliness. God has sent this angel to take her out of her miseries to lead a happy life with only herself and her little one.

But now the problem was that she would face difficulties in getting jobs. But still, with a little bit of hope in her heart, she circled out all the advertisements for job applications.

The next day, she went for the interviews at a few places but to her disappointment, she was rejected stating the fact that she would be irregular due to her state. Not losing hope, she tried at a few more places but got no success. But Riddhima was not someone who would stop.

She rented her own 2bhk apartment with some of her savings and started her own tuition classes. She started giving tuitions to the children of junior classes for all subjects while for the senior classes she chose only to teach biology.

With this, she was able to earn at least that much that she was able to pay her rent and have square meal a day. She was quite happy at the way her life was going and soon two months passed like this. She used to feel happy in the presence of the children and she would talk to amma whenever she would feel lonely. Though forgetting Vansh and whatever happened was not easy but indulging herself in some good work kept her mind distracted.

But looks like fate was also testing her resolve. When she thought that she was moving on and coming out of her past, she was pulled back by past itself.

On one such rainy day, she was sitting in her balcony, enjoying her tea, when the door bell rang. She opened the door and got shocked.

There was Vansh standing drenched in the rain with his hair and beard all grown wildly and a dull looking face. His face had lost all its charm and body lost its weight. She wanted to shut the door on his face but before she could do that, he fell onto her feet. She immediately stepped back and gasped as he started crying holding her feet.

''Riddhima, I am sorry. I am sorry, please forgive me. Please.'' He looked at her with pleading eyes and a guilty face.

''Stop it Vansh. Just stop your drama and move out of this house as well as from my life.'' She tried pushing him out but he held her hands instead.

''Please Riddhima, please forgive me for once. I swear, I will never ever do the mistake of not trusting you.'' He cried but she remained unfazed.

''Oh really! Now tell me, how many CCTV footages dis you see before saying this. Or maybe Siya has gotten up and told you the truth herself right. You did look for proofs right, after I went away. I wanted you to trust me blindly, as I did but you did not. Now don't expect me to do as you want.''

''No please don't leave me Riddhima. I will die. Please. I am sorry. You are very strong. But I am not. Your Vansh is not as strong as you are. I will die if you go away from me.''

''Is that so? But I am seeing you alive, in front of me, standing straight. Did you not die when you left me alone in that strange place? I was gone for you since last two months, then why did you not die till now?'' She mocked him and lowered his eyes.

''I trued finding you and even went to your hostel to check but you had already moved out of there. Nobody knew your new adress that is why I took so much of time to apologize.''

''No one had been waiting for your apology Mr Raisinghania. You please, go and enjoy your life with your classy wife who can match your standards. Or do whatever you want but please go away from me and my life.'' Saying this, she closed the door on his face and leaned down on the floor crying.

''Only if you would not have hurt me this much Vansh, I would have forgiven you.'' She spoke to herself while still sobbing.

After sometime, she got up to make a call to someone.

A week later:

''Riddhima, open the door. Open the door, damnit.'' Someone banged the door hard and Riddhima Riddhima cursed under her breath.

''Oops, I am sorry baby. Mumma won't use such bad words from now on.'' She spoke as she caressed her belly.

''Now, what do you want Vansh?'' She spoke annoyed as she opened the door.

''What is this? Why did you send the divorce papers?'' He asked showing the divorce papers.

''There is no need for you to create more drama in my life than it already is. Please sign them and let me live.''

''Riddhima, please don't say that. Please, I am sorry for what all I had done to you but done give me the punishment to stay away from you, please. I beg in front of you Riddhima. Don't leave me.'' He again fell to her knees.

''You think you are such a personality whose one sorry can change everything? You one sorry can tend all those wounds which you have given me?''

''Riddhima, I know even if I keep on apologizing for my whole life, even that would not be enough but please don't leave me. Please. I won't get separated from you ever.''

''Oh really? Then let me remind you, after that fiasco, you had your market value reduced your company is going in loss, your family is in jail. If you trouble me in giving divorce then you know what will happen, right? You will be on roads begging for a single meal or maybe even in jail. Remember I left you just because you had to take care of Sia.'' He left dejected and she turned her face to the other side, closed her eyes and exhaled. This much stress was not good for her.

Every second day, this man would come and ask for forgiveness. If she doesn't open the door then keeps on banging it. The whole neighborhood is troubled because of him. They even called the police but he was left after giving a warning but this man doesn't understand. She cannot even keep on changing her places, for it would be difficult for her to get settled again and again.

Vansh's condition on the other hand was no different. He was also restless and stressful. He was continuously being eaten up in guilt for what he had done to his wife. It is not as if he did not love her. No, he had always loved her and will keep on doing it until his last breath but no amount of apologies, no amount of reasonings given would be able to justify his doings. Both were at fault at some point of time, but majorly, it was him.

After she left that day, dismissing all the reporters, he straight away went to the security room and checked all those CCTV footages and what he saw, made ground slip from under his feet. He was able to see through his follies and his family's conspiracies. And what did he do? Rather than sitting and sorting everything out, he just pushed his only source of happiness away from him.

Now, there is nothing left in his life except for repentance. He will keep on repenting till his last breath because as Riddhima said, he wasn't such a personality whose one sorry could mend everything.

And once again, he went back to his mansion dejected, empty handed.

Soon after, he signed the papers half heartedly and they were submitted to the court. Riddhima was happy that now she would be free of this namesake relationship but her heart pained thinking that she had to get separated from the man whom she loved with all her heart. Sometimes, she used to think why couldn't things be back to normal again? What would happen if she goes back to him but her self respect always denied the idea. Her heart says if she goes back, there is a possibility that he would keep her happy all her life and maybe they both would learn to trust each other and there will be a happily together ever after but her mind makes her think that why all that had happened, happened? It should not have happened at the first place. She agreed that it was possible for her husband to not trust her but then he should have talked to her first rather than involving every third person in between. That was where things went wrong and they can never get back to normal.

With this thought, Riddhima went to the court for the first hearing. The hearing went well where her lawyer assured her that case would end within the next two or three hearings and she would be given freedom from that relationship.

She was kinda satisfied with with the way her life was settling down. The only thing that made her worry was that now she was getting chubbier day by day and her baby bump was slightly visible. She did not want Vansh to know about the baby for that would make him more determined to get her back and make her resolve to leave him weak.

The next hearing too went well and Riddhima was sure that this case would be over in the next one or the next one would be the last hearing. Everytime, she would meet Vansh, he would have a pleading look on her face, the pain of losing her and the guilt of hurting her in the worst possible way, clearly visible on his face but she had clearly forbidden her heart to melt. Once she had done so in the past and till now, she had been facing the consequences.

It was a day before the last hearing that she had come home after getting her sonography done and called amma.

''Amma, will you come to meet me today? I don't know why I feel uneasy as if something wrong is going to happen. Please, I want to spend some time with you.'' She requested and amma obliged.

''Fine. I am free now. So I guess, I should start for your house right away. Moreover, it's been days that I have talked to my grandson or grand daughter.'' Amma spoke excitedly.

''Ah, as if he or she does talk to you? Let my child come to me then we will talk so much all the time.'' Riddhima said happily. Amma hung the call, got ready, and started for her place.

Riddhima was busy folding her recently washed clothes when the door bell rang.

''Coming!'' She shouted and went to open the door, thinking it might be amma.

''Vansh! What are you doing here?'' She was surprised when she saw him standing at her door step.

''Riddhima! I want to talk to you. Please, this one last time. Tomorrow, we are bound to separate by law. Please.'' He spoke, folding his hands in front of her.

Not wanting to create any scene, she allowed him into the house. Closing the door, she took the lead while he followed.

''You live in a beautiful house.'' He complimented and she just ignored him.

She led him to the living room. As he settled down, she sat on the opposite sofa.

''Speak up what do you want to say.'' She said after some time, while he was busy observing her.

''You have gained weight. You look a lot chubbier now a days.'' He spoke and she was taken off guard.

''E.excuse me?'' She tried hiding her expressions of shock.

''Not that I mind. You look beautiful as always. Riddhima please think once again. We still have time-'' He tried speaking but Riddhima cut him.

''You must be feeling thirsty. I will bring water for you.'' She spoke and hurriedly scurried away to the kitchen while Vansh shook his head.

Riddhima was still trying to calm her beating heart when she heard something break. She ran to the living room immediately only to find Vansh standing with red eyes with the sonography reports in his hands. She mentally slapped herself for leaving the reports there on the table and because of her folly, her worst nightmare has come true.

''What is this Riddhima? When were you intending to tell me about this?'' He roared and Riddhima looked away.

When Riddhima was gone, he looked around, observing the small details of her house,when he came across the reports. Worrying for her health, he immediately picked up the reports but what he saw shocked him to the core. They were the sonography reports of his 4 months pregnant wife. He looked at them with tears in his eyes and observed the small round figure which would become a lovely little baby and come out after around 5 months.

His eyes became red as anger took over him. He had been visiting his wife since last one month but she did not tell him even once. Leave alone telling him, she did not even bring up the topic.

''I was not intending to tell you ever. I did not want you to know this ever.'' She shouts at him.

''This child is mine, right? I am the father of this kid growing inside you, right?'' He asks anxiously. Though, his mind assured him that his Riddhima can never be with some other man but his heart was flooded with fear from the small probability of the opposite.

''No. This is not your child. I have moved on.'' She spoke with a broken voice, she turned her face to the other side and closed her eyes. She did not want to lie but she did not want Vansh near the baby ever.

''Say this by looking into my eyes. I cannot accept that you have moved on. You can never do that Riddhima. I know you that much, believe me.'' He turned her around to come face to face with her. She closed her eyes and let her tears fall down.

''Yes, you are correct. I can never move on with another man. But this is also true that I cannot accept you back in my life after what you have done to me. I do not even want you to cast your shadow near my kid. You getting me? This is my kid, only mine. Neither do I have relation with you, nor does he. You just violated me that night, you exploited me in the name of revenge. You don't have any relation with this kid. Mind it.'' She shouted with her finger pointing towards him. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself down. This much stress wasn't good at all for her as well as her baby's health.

Listening to her, something broke within Vansh. But he decided to persuade her. When God himself sent a source of happiness in his life, he left it due to his idiocy. Now, again if God wants to give him another chance, he is not going to let it go.

''Riddhima, you can't do that to me. We both know that I have an equal right over the kid. You can't snatch that from me.''

He spoke this and --Thud-- a slap landed on his cheek.

''Which right are you talking about? That right which you, yourself snatched from me three months ago. Where did your conscience go when you left me at that unknown place? I agree you did not know about it at that time but was it correct on your part ro leave me there all alone? The whole way, I was praying to keep you safe whereas you were all safe at your home, planning avenge your sister's so called murder attempt by me. I hate you Vansh. I hate you. Now go away from here before I call the cops. Leave my house immediately. I won't let you near my kid ever.'' She shouted clutching her belly protectively.

Not wanting to get arrested, Vansh moved to the door but not before warning her.

''You have only two ways Riddhima. Either you accept me or I will file a case in the court for the child's custody.'' Saying this, he left her house in a huff and Riddhima was stunned. She wanted to shout, shout so badly at him but her throat seemed to be choked after hearing his words.

Everytime when she had thought that life was getting sorted now, she would get another exam thrown on her way by life itself.

Vansh had just exited her apartment when he collided with someone. He was so lost in his own thoughts thinking how once again he had hurt Riddhima. In a fit of rage, he spoke whatever came to his mind and he even threatened her of the custody case. He wanted to slap himself, beat himself for speaking such things to her. He can never snatch the kid from his mother even if he would have been on the right side and here he was on the wrong side. Riddhima was correct. He did not have any right on his kid and he has lost it himself.

Had he not been a fool to believe each and every person's talk other than his wife's, he would have been cherishing these moments with her and she would not have to live with so many tensions on her mind.

It was then only that he collided with the warden of her hostel. He k we she had good relations with her.

''Again came here to trouble her? Why can't you just-'' Before she could complete, both of them heard the should of things breaking from inside the house.

''Riddhima!'' She shouted and ran towards the living room. Vansh too followed her and what he saw tore his heart apart into thousands of pieces.

His Riddhima was sitting on the floor, leaning against the sofa, all numb while the whole living room was a mess. It was as if she had thrown every thing that she could get hold of to release her anguish, her frustration, her fear.

Amma squatted near her and jerked her by her shoulders.

''Riddhima, what happened? Come on speak up. Tell me what happened.'' But she did not reply. She kept on sitting still, her eyes focused nowhere, as if she could not focus on anything happening around her.

Suddenly, she broke into hysterical sobs and started crying wildly.

''Amma, he, he c..ame. H..e got to kn..ow of He sai..d he wo..uld file a cu..stody case.'' She managed to speak while sniffing.

''Don't cry my child. Nothing of that sort would happen. He would not get the custody of your child.'' Amma trued consoling her but to no avail. Riddhima shook her head.

''Amma, if this time he gets successful in his plans, I won't be able to survive. I won't be able to survive.'' She spoke between her cries and fainted.

''Riddhima, Riddhima, wake up. Don't lose hope. We will do something. Wake up. Get up.'' Amma patted her cheeks but she did not get up.

''Riddhima, get up. I won't do any such thing. Please get up once.'' Vansh too tried waking her up but he too got only disappointment.

''This is not the time to say these things. We have to take her to the hospital immediately.'' Amma said and at once, Vansh picked her up and moved to his car. Looking at his sweetheart lying unconscious in his arms, broke his heart into millions of pieces because he was the sole reason of her condition.

Settling her in the back seat with amma, he drove to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Once she got admitted, he took a deep breath but was immediately confronted by amma.

''Why don't you let her live in peace? Why are you behind her happiness everytime? You know, when she came back, she was in depression. This baby brought her back to life. Once you tried snatching her life. Not again Vansh. Not again. Please leave her alone and let her live. Please.'' Listening to amma, a few tears escaped his eyes too.

Amma sat down on the bench nearby and he too sat opposite to her. She was praying to God to keep Riddhima and her child safe while he was busy determining himself for the decision he has taken.

The door opened and the doctor came out removing his mask.

''The patient is safe for now, and the baby also. But this much stress is very harmful for her. If she stresses herself this way, this might lead to her miscarriage. Take care.'' He spoke and left.

Vansh looked at her from the window on the door. He dared not go inside. His conscience did not allow him to. Wiping his tears with the back of his hand, he looked at her for one last time and turned to go back, with an intention to never come back again. He had hurt her so much. He did not want to harm her more.

He did love her truly. So for her happiness, he has decided to let her go. If she feels happy by staying away from him then he would never ever show her his face again. She would not have to face so much stress again that may lead to the loss of his unborn child. He would never want that. That is why he has decided that he would never cross paths with her again.

Riddhima opened her eyes and looked around to identify her surroundings. The walls of the room were white in color unlike her house. Rotating her head a bit, she got the view of amma sleeping uncomfortably on the small couch present in the room.

''Amma.'' Though she tried speaking loudly, but only a small whisper escaped her lips. Amma's sleep got disturbed and she immediately came to Riddhima at once.

''Riddhima, you are awake. How are you feeling now?'' She asked.

''I am fine.'' She replied.

''That's good. I will go and talk to doctor of your discharge.''

Amma left, leaving Riddhima alone. Soon, she came back and told her that she would get discharged in a few hours.

Riddhima went to her home but the fear was not leaving her heart. Since it was already the next day, after eating for some time, she left for the court.

She took a breath of relief when the judged announced their separation and even handed the custody of her unborn child to her. She was glad that Vansh did not create any ruckus. All the time, he was sitting with his head bent low and he did not meet her eyes. She thought of what would have happened to him but then dismissed the thoughts claiming that she did not care anymore.

She was happy that she was free in true senses that day. Now only she and her child would be her only focus. The next few months went with peace. He did not come to meet her, not even once. Neither did she get any official notice regarding the custody proving that that day, what he spoke were only empty threats and she was glad that they were empty.

She had grown more chubbier and her baby bump was completely visible as she neared her due date. She managed to sustain herself by tutoring the children of her neighborhood. She had already decided that even after the birth of her child, she would carry on with her tuitions for sometime. In that way, she would get to earn and sustain herself as well as take care of her kid.

On one such day, as she finished her teaching her last batch, she felt immense pain. Thinking it to be some sort of cramp, she ignored it but the pain did not subside. That was when she knew that it was the time that her baby would come to this world.

Without panicking, she called her doctor. The doctor assured her that within 10 minutes, the ambulance would come to pick her up. Balancing herself, she carefully got up and went to pick up the bag that she had prepared for this day. Along with that, she decided to call Amma too.

But since she had saved Amma's number as Vandana Amma. So instead of that, she mistakenly dialled Vansh's number whose name was just below amma's name.

Seeing Riddhima calling him, after such a long time, he immediately picked it up.

''Amma, come quickly. Its paining. I have talked to the doctor. The ambulance will reach here anytime.'' She spoke before he could. That was when he realised that she intended to call amma. He immediately dashed towards his car and moved to her home.

His heart was hammering against his chest so loudly, hearing her pained voice. When he reached her apartment, he found out that they have already taken her to the hospital. Asking the name of the hospital, he sat in his car, and drove to that.

He remembered that he had decided that he would not show her his face again but he could not stop himself from going near her. So in order to keep his words, he would go there but won't come face to face with her.

Asking the receptionist the path to the labor room, he ran as quickly as  he could. As he neared the labor room, he could hear screams, her screams. She was in pain because of him. He felt even more guilty. Standing beside the closed door, he waited patiently for it to open.

A nurse came out after some time and he immediately went to her.

''Sister, how is she?'' He asked.

''She is exhausted. But the doctors are trying their best to deliver the kid safely. You should go inside. Maybe she would get some strength.'' She replied and again went inside.

He too, followed her nervously. His palms were sweating and heart was beating wildly. There she was lying, writhing in pain with her eyes closed.

As he went and stood near her head, she screamed and immediately, his hand went on his own accord to grab hers. As she felt his hand, she stiffened for a second but another second, her piercing cry filled the room. She laid down exhausted while the doctors tend the baby. As he hears the baby's shrill cries, he realises that indeed, he provided her strength indirectly and she had finally delivered their baby, no not their, her baby.

Her hand left his as she went unconscious. He looked first at her, then at the baby who was crying in the doctor's arms. He felt his eyes getting moist as he looked at the little one who was a part of his.

''Congratulations! It is a boy. We will clean the baby. After that you you can meet him.'' The doctor spoke and ge nodded. They shifted her to normal ward and he went behind her.

After some time, the door to her room opened, and in came the nurse, holding his little bundle of joy in her arms.

Happiness and contentment was what he was feeling at that moment as the nurse gestured him to hold the peacefully sleeping baby.

''What! Me? No! What if I don't hold him properly?'' Came his instant reply.

''It would not happen. We are here to assist you.'' The nurse laughed off and told him the correct way to hold a baby.

He took the little one from her arms very carefully as if he was some fragile article. Holding his own child in his hands, he could not express what he felt at that moment. His eyes watered as he looked at the little boy who resembled him mostly and a genuine and most precious smile adorned his lips. Soon after, he got comfortable with holding the baby and sat on the couch present in the room.

''Umm.. If you don't mind, con you please click our pic?'' He asked the nurse who was standing there smiling at the father son duo.

He gave her his mobile phone and cradled the baby in his arms carefully. With slightly moist eyes and a wide smile on his face, he posed for the photograph, which would be his only source ro see his child in the near future, given his promise to himself of not meeting Riddhima ever.

As Riddhima stirred in her sleep, he realised that she would be awake soon. So, kissing the baby on his forehead and feeling every bit of it, he put him back into the cot and left to call the nurse.

Riddhima winced in pain as she tried making movements of any sort. Her whole body pained as if it had been torn apart. Slowly, she opened her eyes and saw the nurse monitoring her vitals. .

''How are you feeling now?'' She asked her.

''I am fine.'' She replied and looked at her with expectant eyes.

''He is just beside you. There in the cot.'' The nurse smiled as she understood her.

''He?'' Riddhima asked asher eyes too pooled with tears.

''Yes, you have given birth to a boy.'' The nurse replied and picked up the baby from the cot so that Riddhima could hold him.

''Oh!'' She exclaimed as she saw her son for the first time. He was sleeping peacefully in his mother's protective embrace.

''He looks so similar to him.'' Riddhima spoke as she realised that her son had only his nose similar to hers, otherwise, mostly, he resembled to his father. A few tears escaped her eyes as she slightly kissed his forehead and hugged him close to her chest and smiled. But the suddenly, she remembered of something. She stopped the sister who was going to leave her room.

''Sister wait. I want to ask you, was someone here while I was in labor? I mean my relative?'' She asked trying to know if what her heart told her was true or not.

''Yes. There was this man. He told us that he was your distant relative.'' The nurse replied.

''Where is he now?'' She again asked.

''He was here till now. Before you gained consciousness, he came to us and told that he had some urgent work and left just around 5 minutes ago.'' She replied and went away.

Riddhima's doubts were confirmed. He did come here. It was his hand only which she caught hold of. He took care of their son until she rested and left as soon as she woke up so that they don't face each other.

Though she did feel sad that she snatched a father's rights from him but she did what her mind thought was correct for her. With this thought, she hugged her son close to her heart and closed her eyes.

She came back home a few days after her delivery and was feeling contented with life. Now her only motive was to remain happy and lively for herself and her son.

Her life became even more hectic as her little son, whom she had named Reyansh, would always want to be her center of attention. She tried her best to manage the work life balance and after a few months, she was able to.

Her son, who had by now started crawling and making slight sounds did not trouble her much. Vansh never showed at her doorstep even after her delivery and she thought that the chapter of Vansh from her life is over now, only if she knew that Vansh might not come to front but in every way he could, he had helped her from that very day. He never let her face any problems. The only thing was that he would not come into lime light. He would always remain in the background, he would always remain anonymous.

Not every love story ends in a happily ever after or in a together ever after. Sometimes, getting separated is in best interest of everyone.


Word count: 8618

Woah! Finally finished it. I have been writing it since last three days and it completed today. I know it has become way too long but believe me if I would have converted this story into shorter updates, I would have taken a month into completing it and maybe you would have lost interest into it by then.

Ab ye itna lamba likh diya h... To I am not going to extend it by any chance or convert it into smaller chapters. Man kare to padh lena... Acha lage to vote kar dena... Comments kar dena...

I hope I did not bore you with this story... Pata nahi kya likh diya h... Jaisi story maine imagine ki vaisi likh di... Sorry for this sooo longggg update...

One more thing... Since this is a very common plot... So I am telling everyone before hand.. Do not dare steal my work or try to copy it... If anyone sees this work copied at any platform, be it wattpad or any other, please inform me immediately as other than this I haven't published this work anywhere else.....

Thanks for reading.

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