Apocalyptic Tragedy | on hold...

By juduzi

41 6 53

The apocalypse was coming in a month, and no one had a clue. Avalon Lipson, home for a month from the militar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3


19 1 2
By juduzi

Hi, this is a story I'm thinking about trying to start and finish :)

Um in this intro I'm going to be showing people who the characters preferred portrayed actors are.

I have kind of a busy life, with school starting so I will be semi-constant on posting new chapters, at least a chapter a week.

I will try to make the chapters long as possible for you guys.

I have a plan for what I want in this story, but not everything is planned so there might be weird things happening in and out of the story.

I will get Grammarly or whatever it's called to help with grammar and punctuation problems.

And it will not be lowercase intended I hate stories like that-

So here are the characters and portrayed actors ☺️

Quinn Shepherd as Avalon Lipson

"I never knew how much I hated zombies, until now"

Nathalie Kelley as Rose Michael

"I wish I had more time with you"

Zendaya Coleman as Lina Maham

"Well look at that, I'm not just a pretty face."

I might add other characters throughout the story.

Emma Watson as Lauren Gregory

"I have the cure, but im keeping it for my son."

Iain Armitage as Leo Gregory

"I'm not going to make aren't I mommy?"

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