Teenwolf/TMR one shots

By Kiertje13112006

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TW/TMR one shots so yeah that's it pls just try it. It took so long to make 🥺 pls i take requests. 1. Back... More

Thomas pack


981 18 4
By Kiertje13112006

STILES/Thomas is back in Baconhills when he goes back to school where he has to face the pack again.





I jerk awake.



"Hey Stiles, calm down its okay. You're save, You're save."

My father says calmingly.

I've been in baconhills for a month now and it's a disaster. I haven't seen the pack yet but I have to go to school today so I will definitely see them there.

When my breathing is under control again, my father lets go of me.

"Are you sure you can go to school?"

"Yes Dad I'm sure"

I don't want to, but I have to go. Not that I need it, because of W.I.C.K.I.D I am smarter than all the teachers put together. But I am Stiles now and no longer Thomas, so I have to lead a normal life. Well how normally you can live your life with what I've been through there.

I've decided not to tell anyone. Not even to my father. He was curious about who Newt was, he asked once, but when the tears started to flow from my eyes and I started to tremble, he didn't ask again.

I have changed a lot in the time from the maze to the save haven. But it was also 4 years for me then. In 'reality' I was gone for only 4 months. I am now muscular and scarred. But nobody can know that, so I put on wide pants and a big sweater. This is how I look like Stiles again. Clumsy weak harmless Stiles.

But I am certainly dangerous, since the maze I carry at least 3 to 6 knives with me. And a gun if I can get it.

I walk to the bathroom and grab a bottle of foundation and cover the tattoo on my neck and the scars on my hands. When that's done I walk downstairs.

"Stiles, how many do you have with you?"

That's my father. He knows I'm carrying weapons now.

I sigh and put 3 knives on the table. Without turning around he says:

"Stiles I want them all."

I sigh again. I get 2 from my sleeve and another from my shoe. The 3 from my pants were already on the table. When my father finally turns around and continues to stare at me, I also put the gun on the table.

"Thank you." he says softly.

"I don't know what you went through in those 4 months but it can't be good if you're carrying all this with you. You can have the knives back, but do you know how to use them? I mean you can't even hold a gun decent." He says worried.

I pick up one of the knives and throw it into the wall between two shelves with a smooth movement . I grab another one and throw it right on top. My father looks at me in surprise. I walk up to them and pull them both out with one smooth movement. I walk back to the table and put all the knives back in the right places. My father still looks at me in astonishment.

"Can I go?" I ask

"Umm yeah, have fun at school."

《Time skip to school》

When I stand in front of the familiar door of the school I get nervous. I'd rather finish off another griever than face the pack and be someone I'm not.

Come on Thomas you can do this. I tell my self.

I push open the doors and walk in. I can feel everyone staring at me. I quickly put on my hood. I want to walk to my locker but see Scott standing there. I'm about to turn around when I hear the bell. Oh okay. I walk into my first class and sit as far back as possible.


As I walk into the classroom, I smell a vaguely familiar odor. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I can't place the smell but it smells like home. But I have no idea what or who it is. I grab my phone and app the pack

Scott: pack meeting in the break.

They all respond with okay and I focus on the lesson again

When class is finally over and I want to walk out of the classroom, a person in a hoodie that is way too big bumps into me.

I'm surprised it hurts usually it hurts people more when they bump into me but this person doesn't even seem to notice. I want to go after him but when I walk into the hallway I can't see him anymore.

Strange. I didn't know there were any other supernatural people in this school. I walk outside where I can already see the pack waiting for me.

"What was so urgent?" Malia asks.

"Didn't you smell that then?" I ask surprised.

"You see I wasn't crazy I smelled it too; a vaguely familiar smell." says Liam.

"Exactly I say, I don't know what it is but I've smelled it before." I say again.

Malia sniffs a few times and then turns to me.

"Yes I can smell it now too."

While the pack is discussing, I see the person who bumped into me in class again.

"Hey do you see him too?" I ask while pointing to the shape.

"Yes, why?" Kira asks curiously.

"He bumped into me in class and that's not such a big deal but it hurt and he didn't even seem bothered by it and when I went after him he suddenly disappeared."

"Do you think he's a supernatural too?" Kira asks.

"Could be, I've never seen him before," Malia says.

"We're watching him," I say again.

Before anyone can respond. Kira's phone rings. She picks up and looks surprised. When tears spring to her eyes I want to listen in but she has already hung up.

"What happened." We all ask.

"They found my brother. I have to go home." she says as she packs her things. The bell rings and we go back inside.


When the bell rings, I sprint out of the classroom. I accidentally bump into Scott, but I just keep walking.

I immediately walk outside and sit somewhere on the edge of the schoolyard. I watch the pack come together and they talk about somethings. Then I see Scott looking at me, I quickly look away. When I think it is safe to look at them again, they are busy talking. They seem to agree on something and then Kira seems to get a phone call. It is a short conversation and when she hangs up she quickly packs her things and walks away. The pack watches her and not much later the bell rings. I watch them all go in. And then I get moving.

Soon I'm in class and trying to focus on the lesson. I prick up my ears when I suddenly hear Malia say something to Lidia from the other side of the class. I may be human but W.I.C.K.I.D makes me hear as well as a werewolf, correction, probably better than a werewolf.

"Who could it be? I mean I've never seen him before. And Scott said he might be a supernatural." I hear Malia whispering.

Fuck so Scott has already figured me out.

"Yeah but what if he's that smell?" Lidia whispers back.

"No it can't be him I know that smell from somewhere but I can't place it." Malia says again.

Oh shit Scott, Malia, Liam, Derek, Jackson and Peter of course know my scent. I hadn't thought of that. Well, looks like I'll probably be discovered today.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by the bell. I get up and walk out of the classroom. Luckily I don't have the next class with anyone from the pack.

I sit down and try to focus on what the teacher is saying but my mind wanders all the time.


I'm in the maze. Together with Newt we sit apart. It's my first night in the maze. He's telling me how it's going. But I don't listen, I just watch his face and how his lips move. His jawline. His blond fluffy hair.

"Tommy. Are you actually listening?" He says in his British accent.

"W-what?" I ask surprised.

"I said.. KILL ME!"

"W-whatt Newt?!"

Everything around us suddenly changes and we are in the last city. Newt is below me and I have a gun pressed to his head.

"KILL ME! TOMMY. KILL ME!" he shouts.


I'll knock the weapon away. I see his eyes go completely black and he throws me aside. I land hard with my back on the ground and he climbs on top of me. He has a knife in his hands and I feel him push the tip into my chest. I try to stop him, but he is winning.


the pressure dissipates and he quickly stands up. He takes a few steps back as he mumbles something.

"I'm sorry tommy. I'm sorry. Sorry tommy."

I see him looking at the knife and then back at me. Before I can do anything I see him stabbing himself. I get up and catch him.

"I'm sorry Tommy. I'm sorry" he mumbles.

"Tommy..." He whispers again. But I see the light fade from his eyes.

"No... no no no no no nonononono" is all I can say.

"No, don't leave me here, Newt pls no." I feel how tears are streaming down my cheeks.

"Pls, pls, don't leave. I love you." In the distance I hear people shouting. But does it even matter? Newt is gone. He is gone and I never told him that I loved him.


I jump up and look around I'm still at school it was a Flashback, it was fake. I feel my hood fall off and I hear people gasping for breath.

"Stilinski? What are you doing here." asks the teacher. I don't look at her and sprint out of the classroom.

I flee into the Boys' changing room. I feel my hands shaking.

Sweat is running down my back and my hoodie is suddenly too tight. I pull it over my head and throw it in a corner of the dressing room. I feel tears begin to sting my eyes. I stand with my head bent over a sink.

"It's okay Tommy. It's okay. He's safe now. What happened happened. Breathe Thomas" I keep repeating it but it doesn't work. I can't... before I really realize what I'm doing I hit the mirror as hard as I can.

I step back and look at the big star I punched in the mirror. Suddenly I see something move out of the corner of my eye. With a quick movement I grab one of my knives. It stays stuck in the wall. An inch from where my knife is, Conner appears. He stares at the knife that almost hit his head. I see that he wants to run away but before he can move there is another knife on the other side of his head.

"Do not move." I say.

He looks at me shocked.

"Stiles... since.. since when are you here? and.. and.. since when can you throw knives? and since wen are you so.. so.. so muscular" he says quickly. I walk towards him

"You can't tell this to anyone." I say to him.

He looks at me.

"You know they'll find out on their own. They already suspect you." he says quickly.

"Yeah and I know you too conner. you're going to tell them anyway. Just know that next time you spy on me I'm aiming for your head. And I don't miss." I say as I pull the 2 knives out of the wall next to his head and walk away.

That didn't quite go according to plan. I decide not to finish the rest of the school day. I walk outside. I don't feel like going by car. I throw my sweater in my jeep and all my books. And I start to run run like in the maze. I build it up slowly until I reach the forest.

When I am at the entrance of the forest I smell the same smell that hung in the forest near the save haven. I start running. But really run. Throw out everything I have. I run faster than normal people, faster than people in the Olympics, faster than werewolves.

When I'm deep in the forest I hear more footsteps. They are also running.

I decide to follow them.

When the footsteps slow down, I slow my stride too. I hear the footsteps running towards me now

I grab one of my knives and run at the sound.

I immediately stop when I see who is running towards me.



I sprint over to him and wrap my arms around him.

"Oh my God I thought I'd never see you again." I say as I grip him tighter.

"Oh come on shank don't be so dramatic. I'm glad to see you too." he says with a smile

Before I can respond, I hear howling a little further.

"Shittttttt." I say as I hide behind minho. That's the pack and they didn't know I was back yet.

"What are people after you already?" Minho asks in surprise.

"Long story, You have to go come to my house tonight." I say as I run away.

=POV scott=

When I get Kira's phone call saying that her brother went for a run in the woods and still hasn't returned after 3 hours, I sent the pack after him.

We have been in the woods for a while now and I can smell that smell that I already smelled at school.

Until I suddenly smell a different scent. It mixes with the vaguely familiar smell I howl so the pack knows I've found something too. We come together. I know the other scent is Kevin (minho). We follow the 2 scents until We stand in front of Kevin (minho).

It seems like he knew we were coming.

"Kevin!" Groups Kira as she runs towards him.

"Hi." Is all he says. He keeps looking at me as if I interrupted him on something very important.

"Ummm Kevin this is the pack. Pack this is Kevin my brother." Say Kira quickly.

I step closer and extend my hand. He takes it hesitantly.

"Hi Kevin I'm Scott." I say kindly. But then something else strikes me, the weird smell of school is hanging all around him.

"Hey Kevin were you just with someone else?" I ask.

"How so?" he says in a sharp tone.

"Well there was a very faint smell at school and it hangs all around you too, so who were you with." Suddenly say Malia fiercely.

"I was indeed talking to someone, but you don't know them. But he quick ren away when he heard you cry out which I don't blame him for." Kevin says irritably.

"Who then? What was his name." Ask Liam.

"What does it matter?"

"Kevin Just say his name." Kira says.

"Thomas... it was my best friend when we had that thing with W.I.C.K.I.D. Along with newt but.... never mind" he says.

Thomas. Thomas

That name really means nothing to me and Newt what a strange name? And what is W.I.C.K.I.D?

"Thomas?" Conner says surprised. "That's what Stiles called himself when he..." He falls silent as if he shouldn't have said that.

"STILES!" I say surprised.


I'm just coming down from showering when there's a knock on the door. I hear my father opening the door.

"Scott what are you doing here."

Shit shit shit I sprint up the stairs again and quickly put on a hoodie. I can hear my father and Scott talking.

I walk back down and to the door.

"Never mind, Dad, I'll take care of this." I say while taking over from my father.

I see Scott's eyes widen the moment he sees me. Behind him, the rest of the pack gasps. Except conner.

"Hi Conner nice to see you again." I say as I look around Scott. His instinct makes him instantly invisible.

"Hello to you to scotty." I say sarcastically.

《SUMMARY of the conversation. the pack was furious that Stiles/Thomas had left and they kicked him out of the pack because he was weak and a liability. Thomas/Stiles didn't say anything about the maze or anything that happened after that.》

When the pack is finally gone. I don't know how to feel. I just lost all my old friends. But I can't remember them anyway and to be honest I don't really get the idea that they were really that nice to Stiles. I'm just about to walk back to my room when there's another knock on the door. I walk towards it irritated. What do they want now they were just gone.

"What now." I say as I open the door.

"Oh Minho."

"Hi shank. Bad night huh?"

He says much too cheerfully.

"Oh don't get me started on it, just sat on the pack for 2 hours. And they can't understand why I was so distant and they thought I had changed." I say irritated as I let Minho in.

"They are a piece of klunk." he says alive.

The rest of the evening we joke and catch up a bit.

"Oh yeah Tom, it was that guy who can become invisible who betrayed you. He looked very bankrupt what did you do to him?" Minho asks as I lead him outside.

"Yes, of course it was Conner. I threw a knife at his head, no, I just threw 2 next to his head. If I had aimed at his head, it had hit." I say without any emotion.

"Okay now I'm curious what did he do?"

"Spying on me when I just had a Flashback."

"Holy clunk he should be really happy he's still alive I remember when you had a flashback and I just tapped you on the shoulder and then I was on the floor with a knife to my throat." He says, thinking back to the memory.

"Oh yes again sorry about that." I say.

" don't worry about it. If I see my live long crush go crazy first then keep away from killing him self and make sure he doesn't kill you and then see how he stabs himself..."

"Oh sorry" he says when he sees that tears are starting to run down my face.

"Sorry" he says again as he wraps his arms around me.

"It's okay. He's safe now." Say as I get my self back together.

"See you at school tomorrow?" he asks.

"Yeah sure, I saw you covered your tattoo already." I say back.

"Yeah it was hard to find my color foundation, I now mixed 2 together for the right color. I don't understand how girls put that on their face every morning."

"Me neither" I say

<Time skip it's a few days later everyone knows that stiles/Thomas is back and they don't ask questions anymore>


Kira has asked if I will be with the pack. To be honest I don't like them they are way too curious. But Thomas has to go on some conversation so will come later.

"So Kevin. You and stiles-" Scott begins.

It's Minho not Kevin and it's Thomas not Stiles. I think for the umpteenth time today.

"-You've been friends for how long?"

"4 years" I say irritated.

"But if it's 4 years then why have I never heard him say anything about you." Says Biche girl (malia). I really don't like her she acts like Tom is hers and he is just behaves badly and has to go back to normal.

"maybe because he doesn't have to share everything with you." I say without any emotion.

"HA! He tells me everything" says Biche girl (malia) haughtily.

Right now I don't know if I should laugh out loud at her. Or sell her a good slap. But before I can make a choice, Corner asks Scott something that catches my attention.

"How do you think tommy is?" He asked.

"What did you say? where did you Hear that?" I ask surprised.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"Tommy. Where did you hear that nickname." I say again.

"Ummm stiles called himself that." he says bewildered.

"Why?" Scott asks.

"Oh, yes, newt is the only one who can call him that." I say

"Okay and what's so special about that?" says Liam.

"Newt... newt... I know that name from somewhere can you please tell me about him?" Lydia asks kindly. I like her she's the only one Thomas seems to really accept.

" now he was one of my best friends. But the second newt and Thomas saw each other there was a bond between the two that is stronger than your pack. Call it sole mates. They didn't know each other but there was blind trust. Me and Tom to, but not as the two of them. It was very clear that they liked each other. Only there was so much going on that they never really had time to get together, there were always more important things to do. And in the end it was it too late. Newt got the flare. Went crazy. I lost almost both of them then..."

"What do you mean both? And lost?" Lydia asks in a soft but friendly tone.

"It was almost too much for Tom to watch your best friend/soulmate go crazy. And then have to fight him where you not only have to keep yourself alive but at the same time make sure he doesn't kill himself. And then fail. and see how your soulmate stades himself and then dies in your arms. He didn't eat. He didn't drink he just sat there. Brenda even tually got him outof it by guilt trapping him by saying that newt didn't want this but it wasn't easy one day he was happyand stuff and some days he was so far gone that I really wonder if he ever will get better. I mean he lost his oder half." I say while I feel tears sting my eyes.

"Oh, Minho how terrible for you.. and how bad for Thomas." Says lidia while she also has tears in her eyes. She is the only one who uses our real names.

"Pffff what nonsense." I hear Biche girl say.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I ask as I feel the anger rising.

"It's such nonsense. It really can't be that weak, harmless, stiles went through that. He would have been broken a long time ago."

she says, looking at me defiantly.

"HOW BLIND CAN YOU BE?! DONT YOU SEE THAT HE IS ALREADY BROKEN! O WHAIT I forgot he isn't him self around you because he knows you won't except him!" I yell at her.

"Minho calm down now!" I hear Thomas say behind me. And we all hear the authority in his voice.


As I step out of the school psychologist's office, I hear Minho screaming in the distance. Oh no, who knows what made him angry. I run to the sound. He just finished his yelling.(for now if I don't intervene there will probably be more and then the pack can go to the hospital)

"Minho calm down. Now!" I don't have to yell it because my voice is loud and clear above all the sound.

Everyone from the pack looks at me except Lydia who looks at me with watery eyes and seems like she is considering running up to me and hugging me.

"minho come along. Get yourself under control."

He turns around without another word. Meanwhile, the whole canteen has gone silent. Minho is now standing next to me, I just turned to walk outside when Malia calls out.



She can just catch the knife before it can pierce her skull.

"DONT YOU DARE CALL ME THAT." I scream at her. I can tell she's scared.


"Tom calm" Minho says.

"no I will not. And I am done. I am done being someone I am not." And without another word, I take off my hoodie and throw it on the floor. (He wears a blue t-shirt underneath.)

I hear people gasping left and right when they see the 2 knife holders on my arms and the ones in my belt that where covered my sweater first. And of course all the scars and the fact that I have mussels.

"I done I am Thomas not stiles!"

" finely" I hear Minho say

He also takes off his hoodie and I see Kira clapping her hand over her mouth in front of her brother.

"shall we go?" I say. And with that, we walk out the door.

When we are outside I put my hands in front of my face and get down on my knees. Minho doesn't say anything and sits down next to me. We listen to a pair of heels approaching gently. Minho looks around but I stay put with my hand in front of my face.

I am shocked when a pair of arms gently wrap around me.

"I'm sorry." I hear Lydia say.

I lay my had over hers. (friendly)

After about half an hour we get up and I thank Lydia. Minho and I decided to go for a walk in the woods. To put everything that happened today behind us.

<time skip>

Once arrived in the middle of the forest I can't take it anymore.

"Minho I can't do it anymore." I say, sitting down on the floor.

He sits across from me.

"I get it, and sorry it was my fault she knew about the nickname." He say guilty.

"It's okay, I just miss him. He was my everything, and in the save haven at least I had some support. But now here... I just can't. I'm in this life that is completely different from who I am. Here everyone is staring at me. I just can't take it anymore. I want to go back to the save haven. Back to my friends. I want him back," I beg Minho.

"I know what- holy klunk" he begins, staring behind me.

I'm about to turn around when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Brenda. With Teresa next to her.

"No... this can't be true... how... you were... I saw you..." I say stuttering as I stare at Teresa.

She pulls me up and hugs me. I feel tears running down my cheeks again.

"Tom..." she say softly. I let her go.

"Sorry I just-" I begin.

"O it's fine don't worry about it. But can you close your eyes for a second?" she asks.

"Yeah" I say, closing my eyes.

"No way.... OMG..." I hear Minho say.

I feel two arms gently wrapped around me.

"Hi Tommy," I hear by my ear.

I don't have to open my eyes to know who it is.

I wrap my arms around him like a vice.

I find myself starting to sob.

"Please don't leave me again. Please don't leave me again. Please don't leave me. I can't take it." I keep repeating it. And repeat.


I arrive at my house with Newt's hand firmly in mine. Since I got it back, I haven't let go of it. And to be honest, I don't plan on ever letting him go either.

My father opens the door.

"Stile what?" he asks surprised.

"Pap I like you to meet Newt."

He looks from Newt to me and back to Newt.

"Come in," he says.

<time skip>

My father has gone to bed and Newt and I are lying on my bed together. I can't take my eyes off him. And it looks like he doesn't see his own from me either.

I decide it doesn't matter anymore. I place my hand on his cheek. I close my eyes as I place my lips on his and I feel him kiss back.

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