Softie [Horimiya]

By beatrixwenner

755 29 10

It's not exactly the best life that Tozoko Katou lives. Always having to work for his own bread, having no on... More

not an update
school life and home life

prologue : the old and new

367 14 1
By beatrixwenner

"Guys! we're finnaly senior highschoolers!" someone said as i sat down and looked out the window "Yeah! it sucks butts that we might never see each other again though" another spoke drooping down in the thought of separation. "Don't worry we'll keep in touch! promise each other, c'mon" it's finnaly the day is it? 9th graders turning into 10th graders.

Seniors turning into Juniors again, it's the day where we'll be Taking home a tube with a paper in it, wearing annoying robes, hugging each other goodbye, trying to hold back your cries. yeah it's that day.. "Every graduates please make your way to the field for we well begin the ceremony shortly" the announcer on the speaker spoke.

I sighed and got my backpack to put on the stupid robe, hoping the day will pass quicker so i can start moving out. I looked out the window and saw my peers already in their robes hugging each other, hugging their favorite teachers. I sighed to myself and went back to reality, where was i again? oh putting on the robe.

After i put on the robes everything felt so fast, well or in other words how i wanted it to be "Congratulations Tozoko Katou, on ranking in the prefecture's leaderboards on the national exams you have made the school proud and as a reward you get a scholarship to the highschool of your choice, the scholarship pays for Xx yen!" the teacher congratulates me as i bowed in front of my whole peers.

"Eh? Katou-kun's that smart?"

"Wow! i din't know Katou-kun is such a braniac"

"Yeah, he's smart as heck!"

"He is, i'll give him that.. if only he weren't such an antisocial"

Why can't i go home when i've already taken my diploma? i grumbled and sat down with my little trophy watching ever one of my peers take photos with each other, or their families. My phone beeped and came a message, i opened my phone sliding the screen up and tapped social media.

'Hey Zoko, sorry that i had to leave early again today, the apartment's been busy with guests. Im sorry that i can't come to your graduation but i wanted to say happy graduation as soon as i can' i smiled fondly at the message, it's the first time my lips upcurved today.

'It's alright Ms Haruhiko thankyou'

'Well, as a celebration you can come back to your apartment room and we'll go out tonight! what do you say?'

'I'd like that, i'll be there as soon as i can' i typed and pocketed my phone, i rose from my seat and packed my things, seems like we're allowed to go home now anyways. The school isn't as lively anymore, there aren't much students left and so summer vacation begins.

I looked back once as i was standing on the school gates, the Sakura trees were raining petals down the sky was blue and the day seems perfect for most but it's just another day. Well.. This is goodbye, after this is a new place for me and what i hope is... to make actual memories there.

Got myself back to my apartment room and spent the afternoon away on looking for possible apartments near the school i'll be going to. I needed someplace cheap because my online job and small wages won't cover for an extravagant place. Scrolling down, refreshing pages, running through other websites, pulling out my earphones and blasting music to my ears.

The time passed so quickly and i din't even realize that it was already the evening. "God dang, are there really no places avaible?!" i rubbed my forehead and went to click on another site on my laptop screen but i felt a hand on my shoulder and immediately stopped. I look behind me to see a women with brown hair that goes to her waist and gentle brown eyes.

"Ms Haruhiko, how long have you been in here?" I asked for an answer, to which i got after a short giggle "About 10 minutes Tozoko, you were so caught up in looking for an apartment you din't even notice myself coming in" i felt heat creep on on my ears and i stood up to bow to the woman.

She fisted my shoulder slightly "Come on boy, you know me well enough to know that your formalities are too over the top for me" she said with her hand on her hips. "Yes, i know but still-" i get cut off with her throwing my favorite pack on my hand "No 'but stills' come on, we have a barbeque place to go to!" i smiled to myself as i watch her zoom pass the door warning me if i don't get myself down there in 3 minutes im dead.

'But still, you've done so much for me. The least i can do is show my best attitude for you Ms' i thought and grabbed my jacket then went down. She was talking to one of the front desks about my leave and they nodded in understanding "You have done much for this place young man, we do hope you will be safe out there" the employees grinned my way and i bowed to thank them back.

Ms Haruhiko held my shoulder, giving me a slight grin "Lets go, we have alot to celebrate and talk about" we got into her car and drove to a barbeque place. And in an instant the table for two suddenly looked like a table for 10 "Ms.. this is too much, i can't eat all of this" i sweat looking at the array of meat. She grinned at me and gave me some hot chocolate.

"Hey, i need to talk to you about your place of stay" i took a sip of the chocolate and turned my gaze to her, ah she already found me a place. More debt to repay, even though she always insists on it being just her action of care, i can't help but think to one day settle the score. "Tozoko, you're turning into a senior highschooler but you're acting and doing things like you're already in college"

"I want you to enjoy your 3 years, simply because you only live them once in your life." She held out some papers to me "Adoption, files?" I said and looked at the print, sure enough my guess was right "Yes, it's one of my colleagues who knew of your situation and decided to help you.. because i can't" she gave me a sad smile and slumped down a little.

"Ms, i can still work and find a place of my own there's no need for-" she stopped me and gave me a piece of meat on my plate "Look, i know you're a good kid but you've just turned into a senior highschooler, you should be having fun with others not sit and do work. Tozoko, let them take you in it's for you" she said with the same sad grin and i couldn't help but held the papers tight.

"Hori Family?" the family who decided to adopt me, i look to the prints again noting their names. "They have a daughter, the same age as you.. im sure you'll get along" i look again and saw that i'll be going to the same school as Hori-san as well "Enough of the papers already, so Tozoko... please accept this? for the sake of your senior highschool life?" she said with a smile.

I nodded, happy that this woman had stepped into my life, she's the one person i can run to when i feel like everything is against me. My plans on dropping school and working at the apartment she owned was ruined, by herself. "If it's what you want Ms Haruhiko, then who am i to reject?" I signed the papers and out of no where she hugged me tightly. "Im sorry, that i can't adopt you im so sorry Tozoko"

She held me tight and i couldn't help but rub her back to comfort her "It's alright Ms Haruhiko, i can't help you much if you do.. im a bit of a handful" her hug felt warm, how painfully contrasting to the cold i felt when im still under his roof. "I would have loved to call you my son, Tozoko." I looked to her, she had tears in her eyes.

No one had ever shed tears for me, not even my own parents but im glad someone decided to. "And i would have loved to call you mother, Ms Haruhiko." The night wasn't at all what i was expecting, but now i know that i still have a parental figure in my life. But now i'll be having two more.. i guess.

It was the day, everyone had come to see me go. The apartment staff stood with Ms Haruhiko in front and center. "Tozoko, here's their address be safe and try to enjoy more of what live gives 'kay?" She handed me a slip of paper with an address and some money for the train. I stood with my suit case waving back at all of them as they grinned at me. "Thank you, for everything, everyone"

"Alright" i said and fixed my look, it's of to my new family. Tozoko Hori, a bit weird but who am i to judge someone's last name? actually no one, i hate my original last name anyways. Walking walking and more walking, i reach the train station, got my ticket and soon stepped in. one train ride later and i arrived at a new city, with new memories to make with this so called Hori Family.

I look around, im not that used to going out since i only study to get a scholarship so i wouldn't burden Ms Haruhiko, it's so new to me but yet the neighborhood around here is pretty quiet, trees for shading, some stray dogs and cats here and there.. peaceful, so far it's fine and dandy. Im not that good at directions and addresses too, that's a problem.. I let out a big sigh and went to find the address on the paper.

It was.. 30 minutes later, wow im bad at finding a house that can't move. i decided to lean on the tree and look up for a bit resting under the shade. it was really really peaceful that i could just sit down and do nothing, yet i can still feel safe. "Oof!" i suddenly heard a little boy exclaim just around the corner and sure enough i saw one.

Grey hair, face planted to the side walk. i took initiative and helped the little guy stand up "You okay?" I asked to which he nodded, spiky grey hair with green eyes. "Are you lost or something? i can try to help you find your home" i offered, he shook his head. "Onii-chan can you come with me?" Ah.. well maybe his family can help me find the address.

We started walking and talking, one friendly and bright little guy it seems, always talking and having a smile on his face. i remember being that cheery once, but.. nah it's best to turn a new leaf Tozoko, forget about them.. "Onii-chan should meet my Onee-chan! she's the best!" He exclaims as he opened the gates to his house.

"That's great little guy, but.. what is your name again?" I asked, great job Tozoko. already making a horrible first impression on someone. "Souta Hori" i flinched in my place at the mention of their last name, Souta opened the door and shouted for his onee-chan, who ran downstairs in full speed. "Souta! what happened to you?! your all scratched up oh my let me get you some things to patch them up"

This must be Hori Kyouko, she seems like a nice person. "Next time don't run off like that, now lets go-" she trailed off when she looked at me and suddenly shouted at the top of her lungs "this onii-chan was with me! i invited him" Souta happily announced pointing at me. "Im sorry to barge in but" i handed Hori-san the papers of my adoption.

"Oh! so you're the guy, heh not bad" she said, what's that supposed to mean. "Please take care of me, your adoptive brother Tozoko Hori" i bowed to my new sibblings and Souta jumped to hug me "So.. onii-chan is my onii-chan now?!" he asked to which i and Kyouko-san smiled, and nodded.

"Here's your room, go make yourselves at home Tozoko" Kyouko gestured me to my new place of stay, it's the perfect size to my liking. Well that'll be considered small i guess.. i don't have many things, just my phone, books, uniforms, clothes and laptop. Nothing extra or unnecessary, just enough.

"Tozoko, we'll have dinner in about 30 minutes.. mom and Kyousuke aren't going home for today.." Kyouko announced from downstairs.

So i finnaly left the old and perfect, to the new and unknown..

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