Start of a beautiful friendsh...

By zangetsu13

337 5 0

Team Free Will get a surprising visit from a certain Primordial Entity, and she happens to brung company. {SP... More

Start of a beautiful friendship

337 5 0
By zangetsu13

Author's Note: I do not own Supernatural's Content or any of its Characters as they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Ideas, Original Characters, or OC belong to me.

In this one-shot, AU Michael was killed by Jack so he never lost his grace to Lucifer as Main Michael and Gabriel intervened. The people of Apocalypse went back to their world to finish off the angels now that they didn't have a leader, and God isn't evil in this one so he resurrected all angels in Heaven, all of them including Cas have their wings back and Cas' grace is repaired from the damage Metatron's spell did to it and Michael was released from the Cage during season 11 to fight Amara. He's ruling Heaven, Lucifer is in Heaven's Prison going through rehabilitation, and Gabriel did not die in Apocalypse World.

Amara Schneider will go by Amara since it is her birth name the Darkness saw fit to take and adult Amara will go by as Darkness.

Jack was busy watching the Prequel trilogy. While it didn't top the first and golden age trilogy, Jack admired the movies, especially Anakin. The Clone Wars flushes more of his character out than the live action.

Sympathies were going at to the fallen Skywalker. While he made his choice of going down the Dark Side, Anakin couldn't take all the blame as those around who were his closest share the blame of Anakin becoming Darth Vader.

Anakin needed a strong and wise mentor like Yoda. Sure Obi-Wan did his best but with Anakin's unnatural gifted abilities and proclaimed as the Chosen One, it was too much for Obi-Wan to handle of Anakin's caliber. The Jedi also are to blame as they knew of this but refuse to change their old ways. Then how Anakin among the Order is rejected by his peers. Made to feel like an outsider.

Many terrible things happen to Anakin like the death of his mother from a vision he had of which came true and nothing was done to help him, having his negative emotions manipulated by the Palpatine, and Jedi uses him as a tool than treat him as a person. The worse came with keeping Anakin's son Luke from knowing his real father and twisting the truth. Thus using Luke just as they used Anakin.

It was sad and yet had a meaningful message, hence why he favored Star Wars and wondered if this was the same with Lucifer. Lucifer is Anakin and he is Luke. Cruel fandom joke. Regardless he loved everything about Star Wars. Except for that horrible Disney Trilogy.

A big no no.

Someone knocks in the door. Stepping inside is Sam. "Hey, Jack. Still watching Star Wars?"

Jack smiles at one out of his three surrogate fathers. "I like Anakin."

Sam chuckles. "Back then you told me you preferred Ashoka."

"I did but I sort of lied of not liking Anakin. He's awesome."

"Doesn't he become Darth Vader?" Ask the Winchester with an amused grin.

Jack nods nonchalantly. "Yes, but not all of it is his fault and even as a villain he's a great one."

Sam shrugged at the answer the given. "Cool. Just coming by to check in. You enjoy yourself." Sam closed the door.

Jack takes amusement in how Sam makes small conversation. When it comes to working in a case, Sam and Dean get down to business, but when it comes to pop culture unless you're Dean and into the classics or his usual genre of music then you'll get little talk on Fandoms.

After finishing up on the season 3 finale of Clone Wars, Jack decided he wanted to grab a bite to eat. He heads to the kitchen to perhaps fix up a sandwich or canned food that is there when a few feet away from entering the kitchen, he hears someone rearranging the contents of the fridge as bottles tapping into each other produced noise.

Was that Dean? Jack detected that it wasn't because whoever is in the kitchen is giving off a lot of power that far eclipsed than his own.

Jack gulped. He carefully goes to inspect the kitchen as he stuck his head. Inside he sees a beautiful and attractive woman with long dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, light tanned skin tone, and wore a blazer suit. She held a beer bottle in her hand.

She stood up straight and paused. Jack tensed at seeing this.

"I know you're there." Jack goes miff. "Are you gonna step out or do I have to go get you." The woman turns around, smiling sincerely.

Jack stepped into the kitchen with a shy face. His eyes divert to looking at his sneakers. Like a kid being caught of sticking his hands in a cookie jar. "I-I didn't mean to spy on you. I was scared that you were an intruder when I felt your power and-"

"Relax and breath." She instructed with this motherly-like tone.

Doing just that, Jack calmed down and takes deep breaths. He no longer felt socially awkward. "Thank you." Looking at her face-to-face, Jack dare say he was in the presence of a goddess, considering she has the power to back it up. "You, who are you? You're not an angel."

The woman snorts, rolling her eyes at the assumption. "No, do I look like whiny-winged suck up?" Jack takes a step back. Fearing he upset her when she cracked a grin and chuckles softly. "Relax, my dear grandnephew. I was merely kidding." She takes a step forward. Jack was three inches taller than her but they nearly stood at the same height. She cupped his face with a smile plastered onto hers. "I've been wanting to meet you for some time now, but I've been busy the last few years."

Jack was confused. "Grandnephew?"

"Of course. I'm your grand-aunt, Jack. God's twin sister. Have you heard of me go by as the Darkness?"

Jack shook his head. "No. I know who God is but Sam or Dean never mention God having a sister."

"Jack, where are you? I hear you talking to someone. Who are you-" stepping into the kitchen and coming to a stop with shock and surprise written on his face is Dean. "Amara?"

Amara smirked widely. "It's been a long time, hasn't it, Dean?"

Dean shook away his disbelief and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, sure has been. Last I heard you and Chuck left together on vacation to reconcile."

"Him and I have done a lot of catching up but I wanted to explore the world on my own and have had other responsibilities since we last saw each other."

"Oh...awesome. So why come back here?"

Before she can answer, a loud shout that calls the name of a certain Seraphim belong to Sam.


The three occupants in the kitchen room rush out. They arrive in the library to see Cas pinned to the wall. His Angel blade was on the floor but the person pinning him via telekinesis was this young teenage girl.

Jack's looked surprise. The teenage girl was very beautiful and attractive much like Amara. In fact she looked much like Amara, only younger. She had shoulder length dark brown, same chocolate brown eyes. The only difference was her skin tone is fair than tanned and she stood tall at a of height 5'3". Her clothes consisted of a beautiful maroon dress that goes down half her calves  and oddly black combat boots to go with it and yet look well with being worn by her. What catches Jack's attention is he noticed due of her sleeve moving on her left collarbone is this weird looking tattoo that seemed more like it was swelled flesh that was burned and in the shape of a 'F' facing backwards.

The girl had an irritated expression. She tightens her hands as she increase the force of crushing Cas' windpipe.

"Amara, stop this at once!" Amara, the adult one raised her voice loud and stern.

The young Amara flinches at the scolding adult and does as she is told. She lowered her hand. Cas fell down the floor with a thump.

Dean and Jack rush to the Seraph's aid. "Cas, you okay?!"

Cas recollected the air in his lungs and have a nod of reassurance. "I'll live."

The Darkness glanced down at teenage Amara with a disappointed face and hands on her hips. Amara had both hands behind her back and look down with a dejected face. "What have I told you about using your powers in people's homes?"

"But mama, he attacked me."

The Darkness furrowed her brows. She shot a glare at Cas. "For what reason did the angel have for attacking you?"

Amara glared in Cas' direction. I was waiting in the library room as you told me. I got bored and wanted to read some books when he comes out of nowhere, uses his gruff voice of his, putting on this intimidating act and demand how I got into the bunker and what am I?" She elaborated with some offense to being implied as a thing and not a person. "I answered him truthfully and I showed him my special eyes." Amara's eyes turn pitch black and revert back to normal. "And on principle he charges at me with his Angel blade so I had to defend myself."

Sam and Dean shot Cas a 'really' look.

"Damn it Cas. How many times have we told you. Never attack the house guest."

Cas glares at Teenage Amara. "Her blood reeks pure vile that is worthy of Hell. Purest I have ever seen besides Cain or when you became a Knight of Hell."

Now the two hunters stared at Amara in shock and incredulous, while Jack is curious about Amara.

The Darkness pinches the bridge if her nose and sighed tiredly. "Allow me to explain." She wrapped her arm around Amara. "Everyone, this is Amara."

Amara beams and waves at them. "Hi."

The adults didn't wave rather their jaws save for Cas drop as he was still giving Amara a suspicion look. Jack on the other hand responded politely by beaming as well and waved. "Hi. My name is Jack."

Amara smiled at the Nephilim and feels her chest tingle. "He's nice. I like him." She remarked. Jack smiled wider at hearing the compliments. He too feels his chest tingle.

Dean blinks out of his stupified face and his aves both hands in the air as he took a few steps towards the Darkness. "Hang on a sec and press the brakes." He outright points at Amara. "Why in hell does she look like you in your high school years?"

"Mama never went to high school and I was home schooled." She responded, taking Dean's response literal.

Dean gawks at her. "That's not...forget it."

The Darkness rolled her eyes. "Perhaps I should have been clear on the details. This is Amara, as in Amara Schneider. My former vessel. The human baby that is the daughter of Mike and Janice Schneider."

Sam's mouth hung. He looks at Amara. "You mean you're the human baby to the two parents that..." he uncomfortably bit the side of his interior cheek due of not wanting to rub sore wounds.

"My dead parents?" Amara raised a brow. "Yes, I've known since I became a little girl and Amara filled me in and the mission along the way."

Dean raised both brows. "The mission?"

The Darkness whistled as she turned her head the other direction while Amara beams with a nod. "The former mission. To destroy Creation and kill God." She said, as if it was common to say in a conversation.

Everyone looks at the Darkness with disbelief looks as the adult version just felt awkward from the shift of the atmosphere of stared she was receiving. "I've been changing my ways of how I view Creation, and helping Amara, who is what you humans would say my adopted daughter."

Amara carried herself with pride of having the privilege of being the Darkness' daughter. "Mama is the best."

The compliment fills the Darkness with joy and pride as a parent.

"Can we go back for a sec on what Cas meant she was pure as a Knight of Hell?" Dean shivered. Knights of Hell and him have a history.

The Darkness explain the details. "After I relinquished Amara as my vessel and took in a corporeal form since the only reason I needed a vessel was to recover as I couldn't form my own physical body yet. By unknown phenomena, it would seem Amara and I had been unified as a singular being for too long that not only did her physical form regress back to her teenage year but sameness to one who bears my Mark and dies to transition into a Knight, Amara became one only she is far stronger than any Knight of Hell, but her young experience and training fall short you yours and Cain."

Amara gave a light bow. "Mama says I'm one day will surpass Cain or any demon Lucifer created. An antithesis to the Archangels the primordial angels while I am a primordial demon. I'm an Archdemon. A True Knight of Hell."

Dean blinks in silence while Sam is in disbelief and Cas because old fashion as an angel, he found it disturbing of a demon stronger than Cain as his power even surpassed Lilith's, who besides Cain is the strongest demon.

"Oh." Dean muttered. "Awesome."

The Darkness nods. She placed both hands to her body as a gesture. "This form you see me in is what Amara will one day look like when she reaches adulthood. I am merely...borrowing it. I like it." She smiles.

Jack simply stared at the two. Unlike Cas he found Amara, the teenage one's backstory to be similar to his in a way. As he stared too long, Amara felt someone staring and turns to Jack's direction. Jack jumped and diverted his eyes the other direction. He hope that didn't make him look creepy as he didn't want to scare her.

Amara giggled at his shyness. Amara tugs on her mom's sleeve as young children do to get their attention. "Mama, can Jack and I go play together? You said I could as that was the whole point of coming here."

Dean steps forward with both hands up. "Whoa there, kiddo. I'm sure Jack doesn't want to-"

"I want to." Jack cuts him off. Team Free Eill turn to Jack in surprise. "I want to know Amara better. She seems fun and nice."

A light clasps is given by the Darkness as she smiled. "Excellent. That was the whole point other than I wanted to get to personally know my own grandnephew. And wanted Amara to have a companion when I learned of Jack and notice how he could use a companion, why not set a play date? This is what you call it right? For children to get together her and have fun?" Parenting is still relatively new and she is still learning as she goes, along with going to programs, reading, or watching books.

Sam scratches the side of his cheeks with uncertainty. In truth he didn't trust the Darkness due of how she messes with her brother's mind about some prince and princess romance they were having, turning soulless victims into homicide killers, eating the souls that deny them of their afterlives, turning people in Rabid, tried to destroy Creation, and looking back at history the Darkness is indirectly responsible for why Lucifer that lead to demons being created like Cain, Lilith, or Azazel, and lead to him and his brother lives harmed because God and her argued and fought.

She suddenly wants her daughter who they know nothing about and is a Knight of Hell like Cain, Dean, and Abaddon were and ask for her daughter and Jack to have a play date?

"I guess so. But no funny business."

Amara cheered. She rushed right in front of Jack like a little girl and jumped. "Perfect. What do you wanna do?"

Jack shrugged. "I finished watching Star Wars Clone Wars season 3. I was thinking of watching season 4 after I grabbed a snack in the kitchen."

"Cool. Have you watched or read Harry Potter? I like Harry Potter. Preferably Hermione, at least when she's not acting out from her flaws but overall I still like her, along with Harry, Ron, Luna and a few personal favorite characters of mine."

"I've never watched Harry Potter movies or read the books. Uh...whose Harry Potter? Is he a Jedi?" Jack sheepishly revealed, thinking of Star Wars.

Amara gasped with a tragic face. "You're joking right?" Jack shook his head. She took his hand. "We need to get you to watch the first movie. C'mon!" She practically dragged him away much to Sam and Dean's amusement.

Dean snorts. "Nerds."

Along the way of heading toward Jack's room, the two traded conversations to know a little of the other's background.

"So you were a vessel?" Jack inquires, hoping he didn't ask a sensitive topic.

Amara nodded. "That's right. I was born on 2015. My mother died of hemorrhage from labor of giving birth to me." Her voice fell silent.

Jack can't help at sympathize with her. "My mom died just from giving birth to me as well." Jack places his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry for what happened.

Amara curled a tiny smile and then fell downwards. "I'm also sorry for what happen you your mom as well." She moved both hands to her chest, placing them where her heart is at. "I never knew my mother or father. After my human mother died my father was infected by mama's power and turned him Rabid. He died from the infection and had named me. Sam and Dean were there since by the time I was born, I became self-aware due of mama being inside me."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. I feel a little upset of mama but I forgave her and don't judge in her last action as she's working hard to undo her wrongs."

To have a potential and dedicated future ripped away from you by the supernatural, Jack can relate. He had come to this theory that had Lucifer not possessed his human father, the former president of the United States, his mom would have given birth to a human child. He'd still be Jack, only Jack the human and not this power grab for everyone to get their hands on or be a baby in a teenager's body.

The thought then occurred to Jack about something Amara said. "You said you were born on 2015. It's 2019."

Amara raised a brow. "Yeah?" Not seeing where this is going.

Jack blinked in curiosity. "You're just like me. I was born on 2017."

Amara stopped on her track and turned with raised brows in surprise. "'re chronologically young just like me despite looking as a teenager. I'm four years old."

Jack smiled. "I'm two years old."

"Whaddya know? We have some common things." They continue to walk towards the kitchen first since Jack wanted a snack. "So what's it like living with two hunters and an angel. I mean. Castiel doesn't try to attack you does he because you're-"

"Lucifer's son?" Jack finished. Amara nodded. Jack uncomfortably scratches the side of his cheek. "I mean Sam and Dean didn't want to hurt me, at least Sam didn't when I was born, even though parts of him helping was so I can open a rift, but he sincerely wanted to help me. Castiel before he changed his mind about me and other angels thought I needed to die because not only was I a Nephilim but a powerful one and the son of Lucifer. Everyone thought I was going to be evil. Even Dean."

Amara scoffed with disdain. "Figures. I've had an angel attack me besides Castiel whenever I wasn't with mama. Not only because I'm a Knight of Hell, but I'm link to mama since mama well...she did try to destroy Creation and people that know her believe I am just like her. Narrow-minded."

That seems the best way to describe people who thought of him bad in Jack's perspective. Especially Dean. He shivered. As much as he moved passed by a margin from that time, Jack always felt annoyed and sometimes bitter that Dean pitted every blame on him and Sam or Cas make excuses for his behavior. The second came not directed at him but pointing a gun at Kaia's face because she refuse to help even though the girl suffered physical and mental trauma due of her dreamwalker powers. Another young person like him and forced her to come along even though she's safe and lives with Jody, the girls, and Claire. So it all turned out alright.

Like he said, he moved on by a margin. A margin. Not fully.

"It's better to be open-minded and look at both sides than just one." Jack muttered bitterly.

Amara agreed. "Here here. You must've had a rough childhood like me?"

Jack nodded with sadness in his eyes. "Yeah. I know my adoptive family is not perfect but they're doing their best. Although I kind of wish someone would help me to use my powers."

Amara turned around, curling her smile. "Maybe if you like I can ask mama to help you. She's very powerful and mama says because I'm powerful I need discipline and control, otherwise I can lose control and do more damage if I don't know what I can do."

With what she said, Jack can't help feel that is true. There were times he believed he could hurt someone from losing control. And that labeled him dangerous. Again, Sam, Dean, and Cas are doing their best but he had a feeling they didn't know where to start with using his Nephilim powers and he didn't want to waste their time as they seem busy.

His grand-aunt is powerful and Amara looks like she is in perfect control of her powers. "Maybe I will ask my grand-aunt. She did say she wanted to know me."

"That would be great. I can also help." Amara clapped her hands in delight. "Y'know Jack," they arrive at the kitchen. "I believe this will be the start of a beautiful friendship." Amara intertwined her right hand with Jack's left hand.

The two smiled brightly.

For several hours Jack and Amara enjoyed each other's company as they talked things over about Star Wars and Harry Potter, among other pop culture or adventures. Heck, they even did kid stuff like hide n' seek.

By the end of the day, the Darkness had called on Amara to get ready to leave.

"Did you enjoy your play date with Jack today?" The Darkness asked, looking down at her adopted daughter as her arm was wrapped around her shoulder.

Amara nods happily. "Jack and I wanted to watch the first trilogy Star Wars movie together. To see what the big fuss is about Star Wars. I personally think we should watch the rest of the Harry Potter movies."

The adults chuckle save for Cas as he smiled. Now seeing Amara isn't bad.

"Can we come back again?" The young Knight of Hell asked.

The Darkness smiles. "Sounds like a great idea. Maybe Jack could come with us instead for next time. That is if his guardians are fine."

"Sure, if you make sure DiCaprio Jr. stays out of trouble everything will be fine." Dean joked.

Jack found the comment annoying but shrugs it off. He and teenage Amara make eye contact and smiled genuinely at each other. This was indeed the start of a beautiful friendship.

The two walk towards each other, not breaking eye contact.

"So I suppose we'll see each other next time." Amara remarked, brushing her hair back.

Jack nodded. "I hope it's soon enough. I like you."

"Me too."

"Goodbye Amara."

"Goodbye Jack." Amara does something unexpected. She moves much closer towards Jack, tiptoed and gave a small peck on his right cheek.

Sam's and Dean's eyes widen. Cas is indifferent. And the Darkness raised a brow.

Jack didn't know how to respond or feel. Only he feels this warmth full inside of him.

Amara's cheeks turn red as she placed both arms behind her back and nudges her feet. She stared at them if they were the most interesting thing in the world. "I'll see you soon." She runs towards her adoptive mom and waved at him and everyone. "Take care!"

The Darkness waved back and teleported her and her daughter out.

Jack stood with his feet planted on the ground as he kept in waving. He then stops and moves his hand to rub the right cheek. He smiled widely.

Dean let out a whistle. "When did they grow up so fast that Jack got game?"

Sam snorts. "Shut up."

Having left far from the bunker, bother mother and daughter walk.

"May I ask what was that about?" The Darkness asked from the peck to the cheek.

Amara blushed. "Nothing. It just felt right. He is kind of cute."

The Darkness rolled her eyes. "And my daughter has her first friend. Now she has her first crush."


Head-Canon idea on Amara Schneider and Jack I had for a while. All of you saw my Empress of Hell story the you know I plan to have Amara and Jack's genderbend counterpart Joanna together.

Amara Schneider is an underrated character because she is a vessel and I feel that we only got one glimpse of Amara being her own person as she spoke to the Darkness via mirror reflection and express being taught what the Darkness told her about Creation and God. Heck the Darkness was literally calling her by her own name when reminding Amara of staying on task of the mission, showing both are two distinct people

If the Darkness ever relinquished Amara as her vessel then what could be done with her character is like Jack, Amara too is a baby in a teenager's body with no clear understanding of the world or her True-Self, only based on memories of the souls the Darkness consumed and ideals and perspective of the Darkness's views towards Creation being inferior. Amara would want to try to learn where she fits in the universe and not be a the Darkness' shadow, along with coming to grips of having become a powerful supernatural via side effect from being possessed by the Darkness. Depending what supernatural I write her as you saw I made her Tribrid in Empress and this one a Knight of Hell/Pure Demon that is stronger than any demon Lucifer created.

She and Jack could help each other on finding their own place in how the world works, both were force to age up, lost their biological parents (specifically their births caused their mothers to die) and are orphans only to be taken care of surrogate parents, and curious beings of understanding people and the world. I believe they would be there for each other when one falls into despair of self-loathing or doubt in their ability to do good because of the reputation their progenitors (Lucifer and the Darkness) and people not close to them would be wary of the two since they are extremely powerful beings. I would ship them. Jamara or Amarack. Which ever ship name sounds better. At least when they're older to understand what dating means and etc.

Also a running gag is Jack likes Star Wars and Amara Schneider likes Harry Potter. Lol.

Hope you enjoyed the One-Shot. I wanna write a story between the two.

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