Eclipsa de Lună 🌙

By JamTheMaam

31.1K 1K 89

Your head feels fuzzy as you begin to stir. Your mind feels foggy, as if it was...erased..? or forgotten. You... More

in the dark...✓
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Hiatus 🤦

~{ 6 }~

2.3K 97 5
By JamTheMaam

After the Lady left the new guest in their new room, she gave orders to a maid to fetch for the girl for lunch. Then went straight to her office to finish the day's paperwork and tasks. Even with all this kabobel being put down on her at once, she still had loads to finish. She prayed now that with Mother Miranda's recent 'vessel' completed, her busy schedules would lighten up a bit. She doubted that though. Yet at the very least, she hoped that perhaps throwing herself into work would rid her of this blasted headache. Which she was quickly growing quite tired of.

A couple hours go by and Alcina had now nearly finished all her shipment signings. After a final signature to another sister company's shipment, she sets her reading glasses and feathered quill down with a long sigh of relief. She leans back in her chair and stretches, giving out a low graceful yawn. She then sits there, arms crossed close to her breast, drifting back to her busy mind.

The misterss had vowed that she will forever be loyal to Mother Miranda, but she had to admit, the work she puts into the womans rule really is a lot. So much work is done in her name but alas so little credit is given in return. Though she can not complain too much. She was given this castle, well delivered blood for her winery supply, maidens by the dozen to quench her upmost needed thurst. And of course, she was given back her three beautiful daughters, who Alcina each cherishes very much.

Though with every task Alcina has done to serve under Mother Miranda's rule, never questioning her once, it made her think of recent assessments. More importantly this recent 'vessel' to be exact, that is now here in her castle. How did Mother Miranda ever come across this Girl in the first place?

When Alcina first layed her eyes on this girl, her appearance did look strangely familiar but not with any common looks from this region. She definitely didn't seem like some local peasant from the village. No, this girl was much different. Her hair, the accent of her voice, her demeanor and stature she gives off...Her Eyes. Even with the cadeu being experimented upon her. Alcina could sense this one was much more different then any tested vessel that Miranda has used. It's as if she...never came from the village. And even if that was so, where could she possibly have came from...and why does she feel like I've seen someone, or something, like her before?

Alcina shakes her head out of her conflicted thoughts, too frustrated to ponder on them anymore. She lifts from her chair with a small stretch at her back, her joints popping into place. With a satisfied sigh, she starts walking away from her desk towards the door. Her daughter's should be in the dining room well as her new guest. She glides her way out into the hallway. "Perhaps I'll learn of this new guest during Lunch, yes?" the Lady hums to herself.


The three daughters were all in front of you, staring at you like prey. They grin down at you with dry crimson faces. You blink at them blankly searching over their presence while your nose catches a scent in the air. You crinkle your nose, smelling something raw and irony coming off them. Yet it smelt....weirdly good? Delectable even. So unusually so that you felt your stomach growl a bit from the faint smell.

What is this weird feeling? You thought confused, while you rubbed over your abdomen. You assume that the girls had heard yours stomachs sounds, for you hear them giggle down at you. You look up and see them all grinning at you, except for the brunette. You felt she was both unbothered yet annoyed by you for some reason. The ginger stepped closer and bent down to you, tilting her head. She had a flicker in her eye. "Well, someone seems to be Hungry. Now, aren't they?"

The words of her sister made her light up, as the brunette had started to move a bit too close as well. She hummed out a small cackle. "MMmm, Yes...I believe, I Myself, are quite famished as well!~" You feel yourself lean a bit back in the chair as the two girls began moving closer to you. With a sly grin, the ginger sniffed the air around you. But she then frowned, and moves away with a curious look on her face. The brunette mirrored the redhead's expression, looking at her confused. "What is it?... What's wrong, Dani?"

She shook her head displeased. "I-... I'm not quite sure." she said conflicted. "She smells... different. Like- not...Human?" The brunette looks back at you, looking over your face. You glance back at her with an unreadable expression, feeling unsure on what their going on about. She leans in to smell your scent and reels back slow, processing your smell in her thoughts. She lets out low, disturbed hum from your strange scent. "Hm. How Odd..." The blonde remarks. You glance over to the blonde, who had been remaining silent behind the other two up until now. She just watched from afar with a small unbothered smirk. Merely observing you. She seemed to give off a very mature aura at first glance. She also seemed as if she was... fascinated with your presence.

You start to shift now under the three's gazes, with you all sitting in a short uncomfortable silence. You start to feel a bit to uncomfortable now, and decide to get up from the big chair. Which you now know as Lady Alcina's chair. The girls watch you get up and moved to a more comfortable spot to face them, standing to the side. You clasp your hands in front of you, looking at them shyly.

"I-... I'm sorry for sitting in the chair..." You say softly. "I didn't know..." You watch the three exchange looks at your soft apology. The brunette crosses her arms and scoffs. She walks over to you with a twisted, annoyed gaze. "You Ought to be Sorry! Mother gets displeased when 'Guests' think they can just do what they Want!" She goes and pokes you shoulder threateningly when she says this. You feel slight pain from the poke, and frown at her gesture. You instantly feel annoyed by this. A fluttering in your stomach begins to erupt and you look straight into her eyes, slightly angered. "Please Don't Do That." you say sternly, without even thinking.

The girls eyes widen at your tone. The brunette then smiles something wicked. She chuckles mockingly, "Ohh~ Does that Bother you, little one?" She pokes your shoulder harder, which makes you feel more irritated. Your frown crinkles more, as you yank your shoulder away from her jabbing index. "Stop That." Your voice was not raised but still sounded almost blood curdling when you spoke. Your eyes were only on the now surprised brunette, as she began to frown at you irritated.

"How dare you, Tell Me!" she scowled, balling her fists. The blonde goes to place a hand on her shoulder. "Cass? Calm yourself. Take a Breath-" she began to say but had her hand swatted away. Some flies, that were holding the brunette together, started buzzing around her irritatingly. "Shut Up, Bela!" she snapped with a quick glance at her. She turned back to you, moving close to your frowning sneer. You didn't even move when she stepped closer. You could feel an temper rise in the pit of your abnoman. A fluttering of a moth was felt on the top of your balled fist, though the girls hadn't noticed it yet.

The brunette sneered her nose down at you holding your ground. "This little Twerp needs to be taught a Lesson!!" She goes to shove you at your shoulders, but to her surprise almost falls forward into a fazed green cloud of fluffy insects. You feel yourself burst into your many green moths, fluttering up and around the dining room. Near another exit door, you land next to it, forming back again. You look up at the three girls, who are now all frazzled at what you just did. The brunette swings around, all turned about with anger. She looks over to you and growls. The blonde and ginger stare at you with both confusion and shock, unable to speak words.

You stare at the three, feeling a kind of adrenaline coursing through you. You felt a bit conflicted and scared at their surprise. "What the HELL?!" You look back at the brunette, who now looks furious. A small fear is now filling you. She starts to pull out something sharp and curved, gripping it tight with anticipation. Oh No...

You jump a bit when you hear the door you first came in from open. The other two girl turn to it opening and watch as the tall mistress slowly enter the room. The Lady stands up from bending through and now observes the commotion that is happening in the room. She sees you on the farside looking as if your ready to run. Which you very much are. Her brows cross with instant concern. "Girls? What is going-!" She's intruped by an irritated grunt. The brunette's flies lift her from the ground, your attention now fully on her. "You Want to Play Tricks? Then I'll Show You TRICKS! You Little BRAT!!" She lunged towards you, making you burst into moths once more, and bursting through the other exit door.

The Lady's shouting could be heard behind you as you were being chased. "CASSANDRA! STOP AT ONCE!" You flew through corridors and halls, trying to get away from the crazed and angry sister. Sadistic cackling can be heard from behind you. You took a sharp turn and swung through a door. You closed it behind you, pressed up against it to keep it closed. There was loud frustrated shout from beyond it. "GRRRAH!!! Where Did You Go, PEST!!" You instantly calmed down your breathing and fluttering moths around you, trying not to make a sound. You listened to the buzzing of her flies pass and you turned your back to the door. You give a silent sigh of relief and begin to observe your surroundings.

You spot a hall leading further in front of you and quietly step through it. You make your way through cautiously as to not alert any sounds. You listen all around you, keeping aware of where the brunette may be. You a turn with the hallway and find a door at the end of it. As you move towards the handle, you hear buzzing settling from behind you. You quickly turn to find to your surprise the figure of the ginger appear before you. She raises her hands up in a stopping motion. "Wait, Wait! Please, Don't Fly Off!" she said in a worried panic.

Though you felt to frightened to listen and shatter back into moths, flying through the door. "No, Wait!" you heard her from behind you. With every instinct you had at that moment, you felt the need to escape. To run. To where didnt know and didn't care. So much is happening you and right now you don't know what to believe or trust. Your scared. And your lost.

You zoomed around halls until you reached the familiar great hall with the tall stairway. You flutter back to normal onto the floor and stand in the middle of the hall, looking around frantically. You couldn't help but feel the loud thumping for your heart beating like a drum in your chest. There was a sudden shout of laughter behind you, echoing around the large room. "There You Are." You twirl around and spot the brunette woman stulking towards you from beneath the stairwell. With her sharp, curved-like knife in hand, she grinned hatefully at you.

"Now, I have you Little One-!" she snarled before another buzzing swarm of black entered in and fell between you and the brunette. It formed back into the blonde, with her glaring at the brunette. "Cassandra! Enough of This!" The brunette growled at her, her curved knife still raised. You flinch as she turns her head to you concerned. Before she could say anything, you try to hover back the other way. But is stopped once again by the ginger who appears before you, blocking the door way behind her. "Hold up now, Little One. Just calm down!" she whimpers at you.

You look around you, heart beating now in your throat as you try to find an escape. Looking up towards the tall ceiling fearfully, you fly up without thinking and lean up into a far corner of it. You look down cautiously at the women below you, arm and legs stretch out on the wall like a little jumping spider. The brunette growls and tries to hover up after you but is instantly stopped by the blonde, her arms locking the brunette in place. The ginger moves to them helping the blonde hold the brunette as she thrashes around. "GRRAh! Let Me Go!"

"CASSANDRA, THAT. IS. ENOUGH!" A loud booming voice echoed throughout the room. Everyone didn't move a muscle as we all look towards the top of the stairwell. The Lady Dimitrescu was gracefully marching down the steps with a very disappointed look on her face. She reached to the bottom and frowned deeply at her brown haired daughter. The brunette, to your clear understanding now is named Cassandra, cowered under the tall Lady's golden stare. "Cassandra. Haven't I taught you Better?! Where are your Manners!!" she boomed at her. She fliched at her words, but tried to attempt to explain herself. "B-but Mother! The Little Pest, she- She was the One Who START-!!" she began to raise her voice, glaring up at you. "Silence! You've done Enough!!" The brunette went silent at her mother's words, and quietly gave you a death glare.

The mistress then looks up to you shivering with fear as you practically glued yourself to the right ceiling corner. She let out a sigh, frowned down at Cassandra. "I will Speak To Later. Now, Go to your Room!" she hissed, disappointed. Cassandra hesitanted at the order still glaring at you. "Cassandra. Now!" The girl fliched at her mother's tone then huffed at her final order, swarming into flies out of the hall.

The Lady Alcina then looked over to her other daughter's. "Bela, Daniela. Please go make sure she gets to her room." She looks up to you. "I will have a word with the poor girl." The two look at one another reassuringly then nod to their mother. "Yes, Mother." They both say softly before flying after their moody sister.

You watch them leave still with caution, until you look back at the only other person in the room. Its you and her once again. You gulp at her intense glance up at you. She has a soft, worried frown on her face now, her head cocked up at you. You feel frozen in your spot, still feeling your heart beat at million miles per hour. I can't move...please don't hurt me... please. The woman lets out a low sigh, pinching her brow's ridge before looking back up with a soft smile.

"Well..." she chuckled softly.  "You've really got yourself up there, haven't you?"

[[ Hey my guys, gals and non-binary pals!! There's chapter 6 for you!! ✨✨✨

i'm so sorry for the long pause of updates. i had a family passing occur last week, and it turned out to be very draining. so i had to take some time to recover from it. but i'm doing better now, and writing up alot more chapters for ya kids!🥰😋

you probably won't get this chapter right away, im trying to work on some extra chapters so i don't stress over writing these. and really taking my time with them, cause i want you all to enjoy the story just as much as i do so. just have some faith and patience in me, ok? lol

also! welcome new people thats been reading the story. i'm glad you like it! more is coming so just hang tight!🤣

aaaaand i guess that's all! i'll see you all in the next chapter, then! love ya💕👌 ]]

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