Life Goes On | Seokjin x Read...

By melodiousviolet

1.5K 133 17

| Reincarnation AU | A queen and a general. Min Y/N ruled Goryeo alongside her husband. Although she loved he... More



230 18 2
By melodiousviolet

Chapter 3 | History Rhymes

- 2021 -

The meeting wasn't as long as Yoongi thought it would be. Everything went smoothly and he made sure to check all the fine-print just as his sister said. He thought that the day couldn't go any better.

There was a bounce in his step as he exited out of the elevator. Then his heart sank. Right near the elevator, Y/N was half on the floor with a strangely familiar man holding onto her as if she was the most precious person in the world. The sight in front of him was also very familiar, almost like he was having deja vu. 

"Nunim!"  "No... No!"

A voice rang in his head, causing Yoongi to grab his head. There was a pounding in his head as images began to go by like a film strip. More specifically it was all from his past life, during the Goryeo period. From Y/N and Yoongi finding Seokjin on the streets to Yoongi and Seokjin finding Y/N dead in her banished home. Every moment came back to him as he could feel a painful ache in his heart.

After all the images flashed in his mind, the pounding sensation disappeared from his head. He stood up a little straighter than his normal hunched posture.

"Hyungnim," Yoongi said strongly.

Seokjin turned his head to the voice he couldn't forget. The voice of the brother of his beloved.

"Yoongi-ah," Seokjin breathed.

Yoongi walked towards the two passed the crowd that ended up forming around Seokjin and Y/N. Some were there because they saw the young woman faint. Some were there because it was a very rare instance where they could see Seokjin up close.

Seokjin turned his attention back to Y/N, who was still unconscious in his arms. So similar to the day he lost her. Yoongi couldn't help but watch. Thoughts swirling in his head: how long had it been since Seokjin was able to hold Y/N in his arms again? How did he get his memory of his previous life? Was Y/N going to go through the same terrible fate as last time? Would he be able to save his sister in this life?

From far away, the sound of the ambulance could be heard, getting closer and closer. Then the crowd opened a pathway for the emergency workers that entered the building. Pushing a cart with them.

They checked the heartbeat of Y/N and put her on the cart. Yoongi didn't hesitate to follow after the paramedics.

"Hyungnim, I'll find a way to contact you," Yoongi promised before exiting the building keeping up with the paramedics that were taking care of his younger sister.

Seokjin rushed up to Sihyuk's office. So many questions were left in place. Without waiting, without knocking, Seokjin opened the door and walked up to Sihyuk. Confusion and anger in his eyes.

"What did you do?" Seokjin demanded.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sihyuk said with a playful spark in his eyes.

"Don't play that game with me," Seokjin rolled his eyes. "It's not going to work on me."

"What I don't understand-," Sihyuk said as he leaned back in his chair. "-is why you're so mad. Isn't this what you wanted? To hold her again? For you to actually have another chance?" Seokjin was quiet. His glare not leaving Sihyuk. "Think of it like this. You're finally getting rewarded for learning your lesson. But remember Seokjin, history may not repeat itself but it certainly does rhyme."

"I don't care if this is another chance," Seokjin sighed. "She deserves more than what you all have made her gone through."

"Exactly what I mean when history may not always repeat itself but it rhymes," Sihyuk said pointedly. "If you don't want her to go through all the pains of her first life, help her. You know what happened, you remember, then use that memory and knowledge of yours to good use. Give her the life you think she deserves. Whether it be with you or with someone else."

Seokjin fell silent. "So you're letting me interfere with her life now?" Seokjin asked quietly. It was a question that he never thought he'd be asking. A slight frustration was bubbling inside of him but at the same time, he was happy.

"Yes," Sihyuk nodded with a smile.

Seokjin nodded then left the room. His mind was racing. Maybe this was going to be the life that he could get his happy ending. The life that he always imagined for himself.

Sihyuk smiled as he watched Seokjin leave the room. There was a special place in his heart for Seokjin. The young man was dealt a very difficult hand in life and it was very predictable that he went down the path that he did.

"Come in," Sihyuk called out when there was a knock at his door almost immediately after Seokjin had left.

The door opened and his assistant/secretary came in with a frown.

"What's the matter, Hoseok?" Sihyuk asked with a smile.

"Sir, not that I want to sound rude, isn't this life also meant to punish Kim Seokjin?" Hoseok asked.

"It is," Sihyuk said with a nod.

"Then why are you rewarding him?"

"You might see it as a reward, but I can tell you right now: it is anything but," Sihyuk said with a sigh.

"I see," Hoseok nodded. Then after a moment of silence, he spoke up again. "I'm sorry sir, but there is one thing I don't understand." Sihyuk motioned for him to continue. "I understand that Seokjin is being punished for his actions, but why is Min Y/N being punished?"

Sihyuk sighed. "That's the greatest mystery, isn't it?" Hoseok nodded. "Well, Hoseok, you have to understand that all actions come with consequences. Min Y/N was and still is the most important person to Seokjin. The terrible lives that she had lived were all a 'side-effect' if you will. Because anything bad happening to her would be the worst punishment for Seokjin who can do nothing but watch. Something that even we, as the passage guardians, cannot interfere with."

"I understand," Hoseok nodded. 

There seemed to be a lot more paperwork than usual. Junmyeon was drowning in the number of things he needed to do. After finishing about half of his paperwork, peace and quiet were the only two things he needed. He leaned back on his chair, hoping to get a few minutes of rest before he had to go back to the remainder of his work. 

Sadly, he was going to get neither his peace nor quiet as there was a knock on the door to his office. He opened his eyes and looked to the office door. Minseok entered with a very apologetic look, causing Junmyeon to raise his eyebrow.

"Sorry Junmyeon, I told her that you were busy and that you didn't have time to see her, but she's very adamant that she needs to talk to you," Minseok rambled.


"Jiyeon-ssi," Minseok admitted.

"Tell her that I'm busy and to schedule an appointment if she wants to see me," Junmyeon sighed.

"Alright," Minseok nodded and exited out of the office, leaving Junmyeon on his own once again.

Taking advantage of the situation, he leaned back against his chair again and closed his eyes. 10 minutes, he promised himself. He was only going to rest his eyes for 10 minutes then he was going to make sure he finished all of his work before going home.

It only seemed like a few seconds after Minseok left the office, there was a very loud commotion just outside his office door. Causing him to groan as he opened his eyes. He recognized the two voices. One belonged to Minseok and the other belonged to Jiyeon.

Sure enough, the door to his office burst wide open and Jiyeon walked into the room looking angry and annoyed. She stormed into the office only to stop in front of Junmyeon's desk. She placed a hand on her hip as she glared at the CEO.

"Why wasn't I picked to be the model for the new insurance plan?" Jiyeon demanded, cutting straight to the chase.

Junmyeon sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "We already used you as the model for our previous insurance plan, Jiyeon. I can't keep using you. There are other up-and-coming celebrities and we need to spread our brand to more people."

"Where's all the loyalty that you keep talking about?" Jiyeon snarled at Junmyeon.

"Jiyeon," the young CEO sighed. "If you have eyes, takes a look around this office. I'm drowning in paperwork. We need to follow the trend and Wendy was the new it-girl and so, if you have nothing more to add, please leave or make an appointment with Minseok if you want to go on and on about the insurance plan model. But I really need you to leave."

"Fine," Jiyeon snapped before she turned and stormed out of the office.

"Well, she's a ray of sunshine, isn't she?" Minseok asked sarcastically as soon as she was out of earshot.

"You're telling me," Junmyeon groaned.

- 1021 - 

Crown Prince Junmyeon was sitting in his room, back straight as he read his scholarly books. He didn't mind doing all the readings. It was a necessary step he had to take in order for him to be the best king that he could be.

As he was doing his readings, the door to his chambers opens and his old childhood friend walks in. Her eyes were full of tears of annoyance and sadness.

"Jiyeon agasshi, it's very unladylike of you to barge into the chambers of a man who is not your husband," Junmyeon said rather amusedly. "If you continue this behaviour, the maids will begin to talk and nothing ever good comes out of gossip. Especially in the palace."

"I just heard from my father," Jiyeon said, completely ignoring the prince's lecture. "Is it true?"

"That you aren't being considered to be the future queen?" Junmyeon asked. Jiyeon nodded. "Yes, it is true."

Junmyeon could see immediately that her shoulders slumped from the news.

"Why?" Jiyeon asked, tears falling from her face. "Why am I not even being considered? Did I do something wrong? Am I not good enough?"

"Agasshi, if you have a problem with my betrothal, I suggest that you bring it up with my mother as she is the one who is overseeing the entire process," Junmyeon sighed.

"You can tell her, can't you?" Jiyeon asked, looking at Junmyeon with pleading eyes. "We were always together. We've known each other since we were babes. Who's going to understand the position you're in if it's not me? I've been taking lessons in becoming queen."

"Jiyeon-ah," Junmyeon said softly. "There's nothing I can do. Don't you think I'd rather have someone I'm more familiar with to be my wife? I would love to wed you if I could. But this is out of my hands. My marriage is not just to bring together two people who care for each other. It is a matter of the country. I can't choose my wife. If I could, I would choose you."

"Then choose me," Jiyeon pleaded, letting the tears fall from her eyes.

"I can't," Junmyeon sighed. "My first marriage will have to be one of duty." Junmyeon rose from the floor where he was seated and went to stand in front of Jiyeon. "But when I am King, I am allowed to have consorts."

"I don't want to be your second," Jiyeon said clenching her jaw. "I want to be your first."

"I'm afraid that is out of my hands," Junmyeon whispered as he grabbed her hand. "I can promise you, that although I will have to wed a lady for the country, you will have my heart. Not her."

"That's not good enough," Jiyeon whispered back as she took back her hand. She turned without another word and walked out of the Crown Prince's chambers, tears falling from her eyes.

Agasshi = literal translation means 'miss'. In the olden days of Korea, it was used almost like a title, like the word 'Lady'. 

Hyungnim = Formal version of Hyung

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