Ghost don't exist! ... but wh...

By Chimera_Regarion

17K 1K 356

Izuku Midoriya was loved by everyone but due to some misfortunate event he is currently laying in a coma in t... More

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The rising of a certain Ghost!

3.3K 180 63
By Chimera_Regarion

I didn't quite understand why we needed to do the hero vs villain exercise again but oh well here we were me and Bakugo. For some odd reason he kept chasing me even after the god damn exercise was over and this was why we were currently on the rooftop.

Me: Kacchan, stop. It's over.

Bakugo: It's not fucking over Deku! You called me a Dandelion back then and you will pay for it!

Me: Kacchan, I hate to break it to you are one!

Normally I wouldn't go against him or even telling him he was one but for some reason I felt like I needed to let out some steam so I called him Dandelion instead and knocked him out for a couple of minutes. In these minutes my partner touched the massive bomb and this was how me and my team won this round. It wasn't hard and it didn't take us a lot of time.

Though after I was about to exit the room, Bakugo woke up blasting me into the next one smashing me through the wall and after that I just ran out of the room up the stairs since he didn't give me much choice to go down. The moment I opened the door to the stair case another explosion went off sending me up the stairs and this was how we were currently on the rooftop with All Might screaming at us we should stop.

Good grief!

You think I want this?

You think it is fun getting burned?

Heck no!

Me: Kacchan Stop this!

He tried to punch me and use his quirk on me. However, all I did was grab his hand and point it to the ground. Little did I thought that this would make the edge if the roof where we were crack and before I knew it I pushed him away and was falling to the ground.

Bakugo: IZUKU!!!

I could hear him scream my name for the first time but it was already too late. I felt the impact and it hurt a lot.

Me: ...

However, I didn't scream at all. All I did was brace myself for the impact and try not to hurt myself or get killed in the process. Though I knew that my chances of surviving were pretty low seeing as I just fell of a 4-story building.

Not only that but it was hard t breath. I was still somewhat conscious and looking up to the ceiling.

I wonder if this is how I'll die?

Iida: IZUKU!

I could hear Iida scream my name and I tried to reply but all that came out of my mouth was nothing.

Uraraka: Hang on! We will get you out of there!

All Might: Move!

Everything went on way to fast for me. I did get the impression that I was buried by some of the debride but I didn't quite remember how I got out of them only that I was in All Might's arms and that he was ... crying.

Me: I'm..... fine...

I tried to talk and gave him a weak smile but that only freaked him out even more as he now began hurrying even more.

All Might: Don't talk my boy! Save your energy.

Not long after he said that I was put on the bed of the infirmary and I could hear everything they were saying. Apparently Aizawa came bursting in too.

Aizawa: How did this happen?

All Might: Bakugo went after him.

Aizawa: And what did you do?

All Might: I thought they would be okay and hurried to them but I was too late and saw him fall.

Aizawa: Fall? Fall from what?

All Might: The roof of the hero vs villain building where the bomb is inside.


Me: ... I'm.... fine.... don't..... worry.....

Recovery Girl: Oh dear... You are still conscious.... Do you feel any pain?

Me: ....

Did she seriously just ask me if I feel pain?

What's that for a question?

Of course, I feel pain!

Me: ... yes....

Recovery Girl: That's a good sign.

I felt her touch and it felt like needle piercing through my skin and it burned a lot.

Me: Arg!

I bet down my lip and I felt a tear fell down my check. The pain was too much for me.

Recovery Girl: You are lucky to still live.

Me: .... I....know....

Aizawa: Problem child, don't call please.

Me: .... fine....

Aizawa: No, kid. You are not.

I knew it was a 50/50 chance that I would recover. The healer didn't need to tell me that. Jumping of a roof and previously fighting and getting hurt in the fight too was taking its toll on my body.

All Might: Will he be all right?

Recovery Girl: I don't know. He doesn't have the energy for me to heal him and I don't want to kill him seeing as how responsive he is right now. I believe he has a better chance recovering slowly. Once he has enough energy I will heal him but for now the old fashion way will do.

Aizawa: I'll expel Bakugo. He should know by now to have his temper in check.

Me: .... no... please....

Aizawa: Kid, you nearly died and still are on the verge of death because of him.

All Might: Aizawa is right, my boy. He shouldn't be here if he was willingly to go after anyone.

Me: .... doesn't.....know.....different.....

Aizawa: Problem child, please stop talking and preserve your energy.

Recovery Girl: I agree.

Me: Please.... don't..... expel.....Kac.....chan.....

Aizawa: *Sigh* You are honestly the most caring person I met. The title of the school's sunshine is really fitting you....

All Might: My boy rest please.

Recovery Girl: Izuk, dearie, I will be putting you in a coma. This will help you recover and preserve energy.

Me: .....Kay....

She did as she said and I saw a syringe in her hand before I felt very tired. I began fighting against this tiredness fearing I wouldn't wake up again. Apparently Aizawa realized this as he patted my head and looked me into the eyes.

Aizawa: One of us will look over you and be there when you wake up again.

All Might: My boy, you will be okay again.

Recovery Girl: Don't worry dearie, you are in great hands.

Just like that I lost consciousness. The fight was over and I lost it.

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