My Fiancé

By ArkiLeeGae

46.7K 2K 178

My Dad's Company was having a hard time because of their debt and their new releasing product that can't be r... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 32 (Continuation)
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 6

1.3K 59 2
By ArkiLeeGae


"Chill guys it's not our choice to get engaged it's our parents" Tzuyu said
"yupp it's true" I said. "Oh arrange marriage" Lisa said. "Don't worry you two will fall inlove to each other" Jeong said

"No way" Tzuyu and I both said it at the same time. "Guys stop think silly ideas, we're just following our parents okay? so please leave us alone" Tzu said

We all go back to our room to finish the last sub but I can't stop myself from thinking on what happened earlier Tzuyu is so cool I didn't expect her to do that. I was fluttered on what she did but that doesn't mean I like her, never.

"Sana... Sana... Sana" professor called but I didn't hear her so Tzu shaked me and I woke up from my imagination, "Sana, professor is calling you" she whispered

"Uh Yes professor-nim what is it" I quickly stood that it made my classmates. laugh so hard.

"Are you inlove Ms. Minatozaki? you keep smiling during my class" professor-nim said, "Oh, I'm not professor I'm sorry I was just day dreaming that's why I'm sorry" I said

"Oh, you're not inlove to anyone? Jackpot! I will make you fall for me Sana" Mark said  with a smirk and Tzuyu gaze at him because of what she said.


After the class Tzuyu pulled my hand she kinda looks mad, we went out straight to the parking lot and go home. "Why are we going home too early? Are you not gonna train with them the contest is coming?" I asked
"I can't train with them my ankle still hurt" I slapped her in her shoulder "THEN WHY DID YOU TRAIN YESTERDAY?" I'm mad, "Yah I'm driving stop!" she said. "Why don't we go to the hospital first you can't play if your ankle is like that" I said, "I already did but the Doctor said that it's just normal the pain will disappear if the vein comes back to where ut placed".

As soon as we get home I pinned her to the wall, "Sana wht are you doing?" she asked, "Yah you always want me to follow want you want you don't even own but since we're engaged you can own me but you have to follow me too, understand? or else..." *smirk* I went closer to her ear and made a kiss sound, I smiled at her and walk elegantly. Tzuyu got goosebumps when she heard the kiss sound Nothing much happen tonight.

Morning early we go to school, she parked her car first I was about to get out but she locked it. "What again?" I sarcastically asked, "From now on don't go anywhere without my permission, you should always be by my side, now everywhere I go or everywhere you go we should stuck to each other" she said, "whyyy??" I whined. "so I could protect you especially from Mark, he's a dangerous person and if something happens to you I will be the one to punished" she said, "Aish okay" I agreed because I have no choice, "And also Dad will come here at school later for meeting he's one of the shareholders here so if we're infront of him let's act sweet" she said, "okay okay let me get out of here na I can't breath it's suffocating".

While we are walking at the hallway we bump into his father, we bowed and we greeted him.

"Oh, Sana what do you feel studying here and living with Tzuyu? Is it good or something bothering you just tell me" Her father said, "Oh not at all father in-law since Tzuyu is always there for me I'm fine" I replied, "Oh then that's good, but if you two need something just tell me, I'll go now".

All of us are in the room already but our Professor is not here yet because all of the staffs here in University has a meeting and we are told to stay here till the bell rings.

Nayeon: Yah~ how about if we go to a café later or mall? hmm?

Jennie: Sure why not, hoe bout you Sana?

Sana: Oh, uhm wait..| Tzu can I join with them going out later? *whispered*

Tzuyu: No

Sana: *whining* aaahhh, please? Nayeon and Jennie is there naman eh

Tzuyu: I already told you not to go anywhere without me

Sana: Oh then you will come with us later| Guys, I'm in but if it's okay to the both of you if I bring Tzuyu?

Nayeon, Jennie: Sure

Tzuyu: No, I will not go wtih y'all I have a training

Sana: No, you will not attend the training till your ankle gets cure!

Lisa: Hope all!
Jeongyeon: (2)
Seulgi: (3)
Yujin: (4)

"Oh, The Smarty Panty, MVP-Petty is not available. Then, can I come with you girls? I will treat you to wherever you want" Mark boastfully said.

Nayeon, Jennie: Yah are you sure? let's go!

Jeongyeon: Yah! Im Nayeon!

Lisa: Jennie andwae (no)

Seulgi: hope all!
Yujin: (2)

Tzuyu: *stood up* No, you don't have to Mark Tuan I can treat them.

Mark: But you're not available right? *smirked*

Nayeon: Sorry Mark but our gfs won't let us to come with you, sorry.

Mark: Too bad, but okay maybe next time *wink*

Jeongyeon: Yah-

Nayeon: stop! *rolled eyes*

Tzuyu stood in front of me while her hand are in her pocket "Sana, I'm warning you don't go near him" he said while she's gazing at me, but I just sighed as my reply.

Seulgi: hope all protective
Yujin: (2)
Jennie: (3)

Lisa: what?? Jennie?? 😟 (Jennie only rolled her eyes as her reply"

Lisa: Sorry bae, I trust you kasi *Wrap her hands on Jennie's shoulder*

The three besties wnet closer to each other. "They're so annoying" Nayeon said.

Jennie: (2)
Sana: (3)

They go back to their proper seats and rolled their eyes as they look at their partner and their partners were confused because of their action.

Jeongyeon: ??
Lisa: ??
Tzuyu: ??

As the bell rang we quickly go out and excited to go to many stores so we fixed our face and hair and put thing in our locker. When I saw Tzuyu going out of the room I pull her hand
"Yah, you're coming with us you're not going to train till your ankle get cured" I said "Aish" she mad and scratch her head


We went to many stores and I'm already tired but this bijjes are still have full energies. Argh! this hurt my ankle more, than playing basketball.

"Sana, I'm tired" I whispered "just wait for few minutes" she replied "argh! my ankle is aching already and FYI I'm not your bodyguard, maid. or something I'm you Chou Tzuyu a Top Sudent, Dean lister and Basketball MVP!" I said in a bragging way and she just replied "and so? I don't care coz I'm Chou Tzuyu's Fiancé" she and  wink at me in seductive way
"Argh! this girl is crazy" I mumbled.

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