Falling in Love Again

By teamfansfiction

20.4K 725 119

๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”ž Serkan Bolat is the famous architect of the Turkey and the most eligible bachelor of the country. He lef... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

2.2K 89 7
By teamfansfiction

Hello!! I got a motivation to write after so long. After the end of SCK, I was in completely different zone. I was just reading and reading. Or clowning on twitter😉

As soon as Serkan cut the call, a look of trouble appeared on his face. He started murmuring something to Engin and Piril, after which they all three appeared the same looking at which Selin and Eda got worried. They passed a questionable look to each other. Eda tried to ask Serkan but he was so busy in calling people. After 5 minutes Ferit joined them and Serkan came running to him.

"We've got a problem. Our lawyer's wife got a heart attack and he cannot go to Antalya. We need to find one but it feels likes all the lawyers in this country are on vacation. Do you know someone? Any contact, any family member, friend anyone?" Serkan said to Ferit in one breath

"Calm down Serkan! I know one, in fact,  Eda also know her. She is an intern at a law firm. We can ask her. Can we, Eda?" Ferit said to Serkan and turned immediately to Eda to ask her if they can ask

"He also knows her, Ferit but he will never accept her," Eda said

"What? Wait...." Ferit got confused

"Who, Eda?" Serkan immediately cut Ferit and turned to Eda

"Ceren. But I know you'll not call her....."

"Call her now"

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. Call her." Serkan shouted

Eda called Ceren and she told her about the problem. She was nervous but other than that she was excited that Ceren will join them. Ferit was blushing in the corner and Eda started teasing Ceren. As much as Ceren didn't wanted to join Serkan and the team, she cannot deny the proposal of her friend and her crush.

Ceren and Serkan used to live in the same society when they were in elementary schools. They never liked each other and were the greatest rivals from childhood. They both used to be fighting over the little games, the comparison in studies and many more reasons which slowly made them hate each other. There was never a proper reason for them to dislike but they had the personality clash, more like their vibes never matched to each other.

Ceren joined the team after an hour, she met all of them, shook hands, hugged and finally headed towards the private plane. In the whole plane ride Serkan, Ferit and Ceren discussed the case while Eda, Selin, Engin and Piril played cards.

Serkan bent little backward to stretch and when he looked at Eda, laughing at the other side, he smirked looking at her, admired her a bit, captured moment and started working again.


On reaching the hotel, they were welcomed by the manager and he showed them their rooms. They got fresh and changed their clothes. After getting ready they all met at the dining hall inside the hotel.
They were joined by Mr Fikret and his wife, discussed the whole plan for the next few days. Eda was excited and she was smiling and her smile remained unhidden by Serkan. He smiled on her smile which faded in milliseconds.

After they made a plan and had dinner, they started moving towards their rooms. Eda, Ceren, Selin and Piril walked together followed by Serkan, Engin and Ferit. Girls hugged each other after saying good night to each other and boys winked.

Serkan moved forward, stopped Eda while everyone left.

"Do you like it?" Serkan asked

"Yes. Thank you, Serkan."

"It's our first trip in years."

"Hmm. Business trip." They chuckled

"I missed you"

"W..What? I'm sorry but we are constantly seeing each other for few days." She raised her eyebrows

"No. I missed you all these years."

Eda got numbed on hearing this from him. She thought she is kind of dreaming about what he said. Didn't know what to reply she simply nodded and said "ok."

"Ok? Just Ok" now time for Serkan to raise his brows

"Serkan what's the point of this conversation? I never thought of you, I never cared. I hated you. Why would I miss you...."

Serkan got closer to her without letting her complete her sentence,  her breath got faster, her eyes stopped blinking. He moved more closer leaving no place for air to pass in between. He rubbed his nose to hers, his thumb massaging her back.

"What are you doing?" Eda whispered, her voice hardly reaching his ears

"Why are you lying. Why are you hiding?" Serkan moved to her ears and whispered

She was holding a breath and tried pulling back gently. His hands moved to her waist and pulled her more closely. Eda closed her eyes, hugged him and Serkan did the same but his grip was more tighter than her. After a second, she realized the position she was in so she immediately moved backwards. There was a tear under her eye which she didn't know was rolling. Serkan cupped her cheeks, wiped her tear with her index finger, massaging her cheeks with his thumb. He moved forward, sliding his hands to her neck, holding firmly and in a seconds, he placed his lips on hers. The kiss was so passionate they forgot where they were standing and Eda's stomach started to flutter. She parted her lips when his hands deepened in her neck. Serkan found a way to move his tongue inside which started dancing with hers. After tracing her insides Serkan pulled back leaving Eda confounded.

"Good night Eda Yildiz"
"Good Night Serkan Bolat" Eda said with a stuttering voice

Eda got inside her room and locked the door behind. She placed a hand beside her heart and released a breath she was holding. "Why I got so weak in front of him? Why he did it? Does he regret leaving me? Is he still in love with me or it's just his horny ass?" a lot of questions built over Eda's head. She hardly slept that night, moving back and forth inside her room. While Serkan slept peacefully after such a beautiful kiss he had tonight. He was so relaxed that he passed off as soon as he got to bed.


X Person: They landed in Antalya. Now it's on you. Good luck.
Y Person: Ok


So another day in Antalya, not a day where you can explore the city and enjoy but the day you actually came here for. Work. Although Eda is passionate about work her mind was roaming around the beautiful sea through the window of her room, she hardly slept last night after what Serkan did to her. Yeah, he only kissed but it wasn't just the kiss. It was telling something to her. Maybe he fell in love with her again. Or she is just a desire of him. What he couldn't get in all these years maybe he wanted it now! Whatever it was the last night, the little smirk left on Eda's beautiful face. She was happy and frowned. The feelings that can't be described because whatever he did, above all she was also craving it.

It was weird and she can't face Serkan today. But she is strong she will. She will ask about it to him later, right now she is here for work and she will focus on it.

Serkan on the other side got early after a beautiful sleep. Didn't wasted any time getting fresh. Hardly five minutes shower and dressed up with a t-shirt and trousers. He picked up all the required stuff and headed towards the hall where all of them united first to have breakfast and then to leave for the site. Site? Yes. Mr Fikret's residence.

Eda was still not there. He asked Ceren and Selin but they were also clueless. "I think she is getting ready," Selin replied.

"Maybe she is coming. I'll call her." Ceren said

Ceren was dialling her number when a beautiful pair of eyes with dimples on her cheeks entered the hall. There was nothing special in Eda's outfit. It was just a tank top and shorts. Simple makeup with just nude lipstick and mascara perfectly highlighting her big eyes and a ponytail. What caught everyone's eyes was her glowing face, like a star. Eda Yildiz is a star.

But Serkan can tell that she is sleep-deprived. She is tired. Her eyes are swollen. She didn't get proper comfort last night. He knew the reason and whispered in her ear "Have breakfast and if you want to rest, you can. Join us after taking a nap. What's say?"

"No. I'm ok and I'm not tired."

"It doesn't look like that."

"Can we move already? Aren't we getting late" Eda shouted in everyone's direction and eyes on Serkan

"Let's move. Let's move" Engin said in hurry and they all moved to the breakfast area.

Eda took a seat next to Ceren and she pinched her thighs. "I've to tell you something. Something strange happened"

"Eda don't tell me this bitch Selin has to do with something strange"

"I already made it clear with her. She isn't a problem and nothing is strange about her."

"Are you seriously going to believe this bitch and what you cleared with her?"

"I'll tell you later and this son of a bitch." Eda pointed her fork and eyes towards Serkan. Serkan's gaze was already at her.

"Oh!! This man. I swear Eda if it wasn't for you and Ferit. I would have never come here."

"Then you would have never been approached too, my Ceren. By the way, where's the thing has reached between you and Ferit?" Eda winked.

"C'mon Eda. He is too shy to admit it by himself. I think I need to push this thing by myself." Ceren rolled her eyes and they chuckled

They finished their meal and they gathered outside the hotel to leave together to the site.


They worked the whole day at Fikret Bey's house. Serkan's dedication towards his work caught Eda's eyes. Even if she was pissed, or more surprised with him, she couldn't take her eyes off him. This caught Ceren's attention as well.

"Don't you try to think of anything with him?"

"Is it too obvious?" Eda shivered when she heard her best friend mocking her

"Ok. Now tell me what happened?"

Eda looked as everyone was busy with their work. She stood up, holding Ceren from her wrist and took her upstairs to one of the empty rooms. They sat down and she started telling her about the kiss, that came from nowhere, which just happened. She even told her about the lie Selin built up of him dating Serkan.

"Eda I'm gonna kill that Girl and that son of a bitch."

"Stop it! I told you I already had made it clear with Selin. She is a bit weird but ok. I think I'll manage."

"If you say so then I won't do anything but if she tried again to be over smart then I'll sue her."

"Oh, my lawyer bestie. Take it easy" They chuckled "let's go downstairs already before they could even suspect our absence over there."

Once they reached downstairs, they had a sigh of relief that nobody noticed their little escape.

Eda joined Piril for design of the garden. She was only giving ideas and the design was designed by Piril. Eda wanted to try it but Piril had a trust issue with newcomers. Serkan came to them and he looked at Piril. Eda tried to decode their eye talk and she decoded when Piril left and Serkan sat next to her.

"Serkan why you ordered her to leave. You know I was working with her."

Serkan didn't uttered a word and came more closer to her. He moved his hand from her back to her front. Eda's breath got hitched, heart racing faster, eyes slowly shutting, lost in his scent. Serkan inhaled the fragrance coming from her sides, blinked and he slowly grabbed her hand in which she was holding a pencil. He started helping her drawing and then she realised he wasn't exactly here to seduce her but to help her work on the design. Poor Eda. She straightened her back again, swallowing a lump of saliva.

"Are you fine?" Serkan asked

"Umm.. yes" A little moan escaped from her lips, which made Serkan smirk

"Where were you gone?"


"With Ceren"

"We just got tired and took a break. I'm sorry we didn't ask you..."

"I'm sorry Eda."

"Sorry? I mean I'm the one to be sorry. Why are you...."

"For the kiss. I'm sorry I just got crazy. You were looking beautiful and tense. I just... I mean it happened. It was a mistake. It'll not happen like that again. I should've asked you before.."

"It's ok."

"That's ok? That's ok for you? I mean aren't you mad?"

"No. I was mad earlier but you apologised. So I guess not anymore. But you need to stay away from me. It shouldn't happen next time."

Serkan smiled as he fixed her hair behind her ear and stood up. "Let's go. We're done for today."

Everyone wrapped up the things and they all decided to spent time at the beach near the hotel.
Engin, Piril and Ceren, Ferit left their ways. Selin joined Eda and they took a walk around the beautiful sea. Serkan was still working on his tablet, looking at which Eda frowned but ignored. She thought to herself this man never gets tired.

After an hour or so, they all came together for the dinner. It was a busy day, everyone was tired except one, the mighty Serkan Bolat. Who knows. Maybe he was tired too, but the man seems to be a good actor. Not even a single mark of tiredness was there on his face. He was as fresh as he was in the morning like just came out of the shower.

They were all chitchatting on the dining table. When Engin and Piril started showing off their married life, the love between the two, the fights, the misunderstandings. After all, no relationship is perfect. They were happy that after so many flaws, they accepted each other the way they are. Eda tightened her lips in one thin line, she was a little sad. Never told y'all before but she only loved one man in her entire life and that man left her when she least expected.

Ceren and Ferit cleared their throat and everyone sensed the things going on in between them. Every eye on the dining table gawked at them. One could easily tell, they were embarrassed by it. Ferit admitted the love for Ceren right there in front of his colleagues. Ceren couldn't say anything just blush. She accepted obviously but was nervous as she wasn't expecting anything, especially right here at this moment. Eda smiled and clapped. She glowed, happy for her friend. Came to them and hugged both of them.

"I knew..I knew. You two make the perfect couple. You are amazing. I'm so so happy for you. Let's party." Eda smiled so widely

They all loved the idea of a party as they were tired and wanted to booze. It wasn't the right time after they had dinner but they were excited as hell, nobody refused. Not even Serkan Bolat. It was a bad idea after their stomach was full but who cares.

Eleven o'clock and they were partying there like teenagers. Engin drove all over Piril. Ceren and Ferit dancing like nobody's watching. Poor Selin with bottle in hand dancing and pulling Eda to join her. Eda let go of all of her tiredness and joined her. One-shot.. two-shot... three-shot... And lost the count. Eda is almost about to faint after all these shots. It was midnight and she felt like vomiting. Serkan was watching her every move from the time they entered the bar. His eyes never letting go of her.

He held her from her hands when she almost slipped. "You want to use the washroom?" Serkan asked

Eda nodded.

He held her and took her to the washroom. "Call me if you need me. Ok?" She again nodded dozing off a bit.

Serkan was waiting outside for her. Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed

Fifteen minutes passed.

He got tensed, he knew something is off, she dozed off completely maybe or she hit herself with the wall. She was very high and anything could happen. Serkan was sick and tired of waiting outside, he was getting impatient, or nervous. He looked here and there. No women around him. He went inside.

He looked at the door opened and nobody was inside. He ran back and forth but Eda was nowhere to be seen. His hand ran to his hair, pulling them, tears in his eyes. Now he got scared. He knocked on every door. Scanned every corridor. Went back to the bar and Eda was nowhere. He slapped Engin to get him back to his senses. Everyone there got scared. Looking at every corner of the hotel, outside, inside but no trace of her.

Serkan went to her room, checked everywhere but she was still not found. He moved his hand to his face and fell on the couch near to him. He was alone in the room and cried loudly. "Where are you. Eda? If you're hiding somewhere please stop this game."

Engin was passing through when he heard Serkan crying. He ran towards him, hugged him.

"Brother. Look. We're finding her. She will be here only. She cannot leave the hotel at the night. Ferit is checking CCTV footage. We will soon find her. Have you seen getting someone out of the washroom or getting inside?" Engin asked

"No. Engin. Nobody was there. No human. Nobody got inside or came outside. It was just Eda inside and me standing outside waiting for her."

Ferit came running to them. "There is nothing in CCTV. Eda is inside the hotel. There are only two exits and only a few hotel staff got inside and outside of the hotel."

"Let's check the washroom again," Engin said and three of them ran towards the washroom.

Ceren, Selin and Piril saw them running and they also went behind them. Once they got inside the washroom, they scanned every wall and door.

"Serkan look, here is a door behind this door." Engin kicked the door as same as the texture of the tiles. They got shocked when they looked at it. Without wasting any time standing there, Serkan gets inside the darkroom leading to a small hall. Engin stopped the girls and said them to wait outside the corridor for them. The room or hall was closed with only one window at the top right corner. Eda was lying there passed out and a man standing pointing a gun at her head.

"Don't move forward or else I would kill her right in front of your eyes." The man said

"Don't you fucking dare to touch her," Serkan yelled at him

"Clear my way else I will shoot her right now I said" the man pointed gun closer to her head

Serkan felt so helpless, never in his dreams or reality, he would've thought of this, as if someone is snatching a piece of his heart from him. He felt a strange kind of pain that never felt before. But something triggered in his mind and he raised his hands in the air.

"Take her with you. It's the best way to take revenge on her. I was waiting for this day or opportunity."

Engin and Ferit looked at him. He blinked twice and they understood his plan.

Engin laughed and said, "but man, who paid you for the work that we wanted to do?"

"Probably our friend." Ferit also laughed

The man looked at them, all laughing. He was doomed at the moment. "Don't try to fool me. You liars."

"Well. We might seem like that to you. But honestly, we want her dead. But I want to get that opportunity to kill her, shot her rn. It would be so unfair to me if someone else would kill her." Serkan smirked looking straight in the eyes of the man

The perfect way to make that man puzzle. His grip on his gun loosened a bit. He was confused, so yeah, Ferit found an opportunity and grabbed the wrist of the man. Without further ado, Engin snatched a gun from his hands and Serkan pulled Eda to him. He hugged her tightly, kissing her all over her forehead. She looked up and cried. "We are safe. Calm down" Serkan caressed her hair and kept his chin over her head calming her down. His hand moving to her back and again to her hair. He picked her up in a bridal style and moved to his room.


"Shhh..come" He moved to the washroom.

He turned on the shower, washed her, cleaned her marks wiping her tears. Serkan was looking at her poorly, cursing himself for all that happened. Eda was sobbing under the shower and Serkan held her tightly, telling her not to cry with his movements.

"I'm scared." Eda finally said something and this was when Serkan finally broke unable to hold the tear he was holding for a long time.

"Shh.. everything has passed. Bad time has gone. Now you are safe with me. Nobody can touch you."

Eda leaned forward to him, her eyes stuck on the one point on the wall, not even blinking.

"Stand here. And don't move ok. Wash yourself a little. I'm here outside ok?" Serkan said and she nodded

Serkan called Ceren to his room with a set of clothes. Ceren came inside and entered the washroom to help Eda with changing her clothes. Serkan waited outside on the couch for them. Once they got out, Serkan stood and held Eda from her shoulder.

"Good night Eda. Don't worry. Ok. We are here with you. Serkan is here." Ceren said as she placed a kiss on her cheeks and left for her room

Serkan moved Eda to his bed, she leaned on her side, without moving, still not blinking. For her, the world has stopped, the time has stopped. Or someone has taken away her world her time. Serkan laid next to her looking straight into her eyes. He rubbed his thumbs across her cheeks, kissing her lightly all across her face.

"I'm scared Serkan. What if he comes again?"

"He will not come again. Shh..Sleep!!"

"I can't Serkan. The image of him taking me to that hall, pulling my hair is coming in front of my eyes. I don't know what was happening at that moment. I was drunk and he took advantage. I couldn't fight. I couldn't shout."

"Sus Eda." He kissed her again "It was my fault. I took you there. I didn't check on you when that bastard was taking you." Serkan got furious knowing how that man treated her

"Why he took me Serkan. I don't have any enemy? Why would he take me? Is it something to do with you?"

"I don't have any and I'm completely blanked. But Engin and Ferit are taking care of it. As soon as he spills something, we will get to know. Don't worry about that ok!! I'm here now"

"Were you scared?"

"I was scared" they looked into each other's eyes. "I was very scared to lose you. It was hell for me. I thought I lost you. Never mind we are here now, in our room, safe."

"In your room."

Serkan chuckled. "Yes! In my room." Serkan looked at her like he got the most precious thing in his life which he almost lost. He was worried but he was relaxed to be near her. His thumb rubbing her lower lip. Her watery eyes glancing at him. He moved a bit closer to her. She placed her hand on his face. As she was adjusting herself closer to him, he placed his lips on her. A very soft, gentle kiss. He sucked on her lower lip. His tongue finding a way to mingle with hers. Both lost in a moment as if it's the only drug that can cure the pain, the scariness, the whatever bad feeling they dealt last few hours. The kiss lasted more than a minute.

They detached themselves from the most needed kiss at the moment. "Never leave me like that," Serkan said while his nose rubbing her nose.

"I never left you. You left me" She said forming another wave of tears inside her eyes. She was relaxed now but not recovered.

"You wanted me to leave."

"I never. I wanted you to be with me. Right next to me. I never called you again because you never wanted me to contact you. Trust me, I always needed you. It was you who left me." Eda cried looking up into his eyes

"But she told me that you moved on. And you never wanted to contact me, I always wanted. I even texted you. You blocked me after saying never contact me."

"It's a lie. I never got a text from you. Wait it means..."

"Are you thinking the same what I'm thinking Eda?"




Balca is here!! Finally!!
Umm... disappointed?

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