The Golden Quartet {Cedric Di...

De jimblejamblewriting

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The Golden Trio has been inseparable their first couple of years at Hogwarts. Everything changed their third... Mai multe

Third Year: Chapter One
Third Year: Chapter Two
Third Year: Chapter Three
Third Year: Chapter Four
Third Year: Chapter Five
Third Year: Chapter Six
Third Year: Chapter Seven
Third Year: Chapter Eight
Fourth Year: Chapter Ten
Fourth Year: Chapter Eleven
Fourth Year: Chapter Twelve
Fourth Year: Chapter Thirteen
Fourth Year: Chapter Fourteen
Fourth Year: Chapter Fifteen
Fourth Year: Chapter Sixteen
Fourth Year: Chapter Seventeen
Fourth Year: Chapter Eighteen
Fourth Year: Chapter Nineteen
Fourth Year: Chapter Twenty
Fourth Year: Chapter Twenty One
Fifth Year: Chapter Twenty Two
Fifth Year: Chapter Twenty Three
Fifth Year: Chapter Twenty Four
Fifth Year: Chapter Twenty Five
Sixth Year: Chapter Twenty Six
Sixth Year: Chapter Twenty Seven
Sixth Year: Chapter Twenty Eight
Sixth Year: Chapter Twenty Nine
Sixth Year: Chapter Thirty
Seventh Year: Chapter Thirty One
Seventh Year: Chapter Thirty Two
Seventh Year: Chapter Thirty Three
Seventh Year: Chapter Thirty Four
Seventh Year: Chapter Thirty Five
Post-Hogwarts: Ending/Epilogue

Third Year: Chapter Nine

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De jimblejamblewriting

        "Don't kill him. You'll go to Azkaban for a real crime this time."

That made Sirius pause. He returned the wand to Remus, keeping a tight grip on Peter. Not heeding Sirius' advice, Pettigrew began sputtering thanks to Harry. The boy shook his head.

"We aren't letting you go. You should take his place, go to Azkaban for what you did to my parents. Let the Ministry and the dementors decide what to do with you."

Your dad chuckled, gravelly with all sweetness missing. "You are Lily Evans' son alright... try transforming back into a rat before we hand you over, Wormtail, and I'll kill you. Forget Harry's kindness."

The man swallowed hard and nodded. Lupin performed spells to tie up Peter and Snape before mending Ron's leg to the best of his ability. Your father apologized to Ron, insisting that he was aiming for the rat. Ron tried to brush it off like it was nothing— more for your sake than anything really. You all made your way back up the tunnel. Lupin held on to Peter, Ron leaned on Harry for support. Hermione carried Crookshanks back and occasionally checked behind her to make sure the floating Professor Snape who was still knocked out was in fact behind you all. You and Sirius led the pack, your father wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Lupin called out to his friend who turned his head to look.

"When we turn him in this means you're free."

Sirius sighed. "Freedom, haven't felt that idea be possible in a long time... what's the first thing you want to do, Poppet?"

"Will you sign my permission slip for Hogsmeade? Uncle Remus keeps busting me and making me pay in candy."

The gravelly laugh erupted from Sirius. "Absolutely! And then?"

"Teach you to be nice to Kreacher."

"He's still alive?"

"Yes and a very nice house-elf."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "I will very very reluctantly learn to be nice to our devil of a house-elf for Poppet's sake."

"Good, one more thing."

"Don't tell me you want me to make nice with Bellatrix. I'll hex her the next time I run into my brat of a cousin. Almost bit her when escaping my cell just for good measure."

"I want to go home."

That small statement made Sirius pause just at the opening of the tunnel. He turned to look at you completely. He nodded his head minutely and the faintest, most broken looking smile graced his face.

"Yeah, (Y/N), we can go home." He turned to Harry. "You can come stay too, boy. Remus is in charge of (Y/N) if anything happens to me. I'm in charge of you for James and Lily— if your aunt and uncle let you. They have real guardianship."

"They might say no just to spite me but I'll ask!" Harry said, enthusiastically.

Even if the Durselys said no, he could always visit for a vacation. Anything was better than spending all his time with his aunt and uncle. You all made your way out, avoiding stepping too harshly and waking up the Whomping Willow tree. The march up to the castle began when everyone was safely out. Your father left your side to run to his friend.

"Remus, Remus, did you remember?"

The man shook his head. In the haste of finding Sirius when he realized that the four of you were still at Buckbeak's execution, the man forgot to take the wolfsbane potion. Remus shook his head and his whole body began to shake violently. His eyes went to black.

"Children, run!" Sirius yelled at all of you. "Run— Now!"

You, Harry, Ron, and Hermione headed back towards the castle. Lupin, now a fully transformed werewolf, casted Sirius aside and began to follow the easy targets that you were. Sirius transformed into his Animagus form. Pettigrew used the chaos to his advantage, transforming into a rat and fleeing.

Ron led the way as he darted into the woods. The forest provided some form of shelter but had split the four of you up. You and Ron had been separated from Harry and Hermione. The two of you darted behind a tree, holding your breath, as you watched the werewolf slink past you.

A cawing noise garnered his attention. Ron grabbed your arm and ushered you in the opposite direction. The two of you continued your hushed run until you saw the stones of the castle. Ducking behind the stone ledge, you two waited impatiently for Hermione and Harry. You got more worried by the minute when you didn't see them or Sirius or Snape. Ron hissed and grabbed at his leg.

"Ron!" you gasped.

The stitches that Lupin had given had busted open again from the running. With the adrenaline gone, Ron realized how much pain he was in— he began to think that his leg might be broken. You stood back up briefly to check on the outside, breathing in relief when you saw Snape appearing with three stretchers floating behind him, one with chains wrapped tightly around it. You ran to him.

"Professor, Ron is hurt!"

Without missing a beat, a stretcher was conjured up for Ron and you followed Snape as he led everyone to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey jumped at the sight, alerting Dumbledore to be down at the infirmary right away. You stayed in the infirmary all night. They had taken your dad, much to your protest.

Harry groaned when he woke up. He wiggled his toes only for them to hit something that wasn't the edge of the hospital bed. His eyes opened to see you sitting cross-legged with your eyes closed at the edge of his bed. You were resting your chin on your hand and he was positive he could see you drooling. Laughing, Harry sat up and shook you from your nap.

"Oh, good, you're up. Madame Pomfrey!"

The nurse came out immediately to see the entire Golden Quartet now awake. She checked on Ron and Hermione first before moving to Harry. You looked at the newspaper tucked under her arm to see your father's mugshot plastered all over it once again. You grabbed the paper and read the front page.

"Where is he?" you asked frantically.

"Don't worry, Ms. Black. They've caught him. He's getting the Kiss now, the dementors are preparing upstairs. You are all safe now."


You, Harry, and Hermione ran before Madame Pomfrey could catch any one of you. You didn't get very far, running into Dumbledore right outside. He held a hand up to silence the unintelligible protests coming from the three of you. Harry was given the floor to speak, Hermione filling in all the little details.

"Professor Snape has already reported to the Minister. He even reports that Black confunded you all."

"He was knocked out! He doesn't know," you tried to reason.

Dumbledore looked at you. "Professor Snap—"

"Is ly—"

"Let me finish. Professor Snape is sure in what he saw. I cannot convince these men of otherwise."

"Do you believe us?"

Dumbledore nodded. "What we need is more time. More time and they could see the truth. I'll see what I can do. More time."

You all looked as Dumbledore walked off— he seemed to be in no rush to you. You gritted your teeth in irritation.

"More time? We don't have more time! Saying it three times doesn't suddenly give us more."

Hermione made a noise that you had never heard her make before. "Of course, how could I be so daft?"

She pulled out a golden necklace with an hourglass in it. Speaking faster than she ever had in her life, Hermione explained how she had been using the time-turner that McGonagall gave her to attend all of her classes. The three of you ran back into the infirmary to avoid anyone— that was one of the rules that Hermione explained, you can't be seen using it. Madame Pomfrey had gone back to her office. Hermione looked over at Ron. His leg was still injured even with Madame Pomfrey's healing.

"I'll stay with him," you offered.

"Are you sure?"

"How helpful am I with no magic? Just make sure Snape is woken up to see Pettigrew... and try to get everyone safely away from Professor Lupin."

The other two nodded and you sat with Ron. He began to ask questions and you simply distracted him until Harry and Hermione disappeared. Ron was adamantly shaking his head. He went wide-eyed and pointed right behind you.

"How did you two— you were just there."

The three of you laughed while you poked Ron's good leg. "Don't be ridiculous, Ron, how can they be in two places at once?"

Ron agreed but was left very confused. Dumbledore called you outside where he was standing with Snape and your father was still knocked out on the stretcher.

"Severus has told me of what has transpired last night," Dumbledore said. "With Pettigrew no longer here, Sirius is not innocent immediately. I will write to Fudge but he can't be seen here for someone else to find, Ms. Black. He will have to be taken to a holding jail on campus."

With the final day of school officially here, every student that hadn't gotten permission to leave early was spending their freedom at Hogsmeade before catching the Hogwarts Express that afternoon. Ron was finally let out of the hospital but no one felt like going to Hogsmeade. You were all sitting outside on the steps of Hagrid's hut. Hagrid was excited, probably more excited than everyone.

Apparently, Buckbeak had escaped before his execution and the Minister agreed with Dumbledore that it was too much of a hassle to chase down a hippogriff for such a small offense. Lupin came strolling over, for the first time in a nice suit rather than his frayed clothing.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

You stood up and brushed out your dress. You and Lupin were going to testify on your father's behalf— Snape was already at the Ministry with Dumbledore. There wasn't a confirmation of trial but they agreed to let Dumbledore bring Sirius Black to the Ministry of Magic. You were told to be in the best clothes you owned. Harry, Ron, and Hermione wished you luck and gave you the final goodbye wave of the school year.

The Ministry of Magic was an intimidating place. It only seemed to get larger as you made your way to the room where your father was. You were sure the whole Ministry was there when you entered the room. The Wizard Council and every single Magical Enforcement Squad member. At the head were Cornelius Fudge and Barty Crouch Sr— who had long been demoted to the Department of International Magical Cooperation but had to be here to see Sirius Black. Cornelius looked down at your father who was dressed in decent clothes thanks to Dumbledore.

"Mr. Black, you acknowledge that you have come to the Ministry of Magic willingly," Fudge said.


"Willingly coming must be considered, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Black, you may choose. Azkaban or the Dementor's Kiss."

"What?" you yelled. "That's not fair."

Lupin held your struggling form back— you cursed the man for his surprising strength because he certainly didn't look it. The wizards and witches on the council watched uncomfortably as you thrashed about in the man's arms. Dumbledore and even Snape began to calmly advocate for Sirius, telling Fudge that only an innocent man would walk themselves into the Ministry with such serious charges against him. Wands were drawn suddenly when they noticed that Sirius had gotten up— no one saw that Dumbledore had unlocked him— and strolled over to you. Lupin only let go because Sirius was in front of him. Sirius hugged you tightly, stroking your hair gently.

"It's okay, (Y/N). I said this could happen, told you not to come looking for your old man, Poppet. It's alright."

"No!" you yelled and broke out of his grip and faced the entire council. You pointed at Barty Crouch.

"It's not fair because you never gave him a trial! You said it wasn't worth your time. My father didn't kill anyone, he didn't do it. I'll do anything, I'll take Veritaserum."

"Ms. Black," Barty Crouch started— highly offended that you dared to call him out. "Powerful wizards can go against the effects. A potion so unreliable has never been used in a trial."

"I'll take it, not him."

"If he has confunded you? Of course, you would believe you were telling your truth. Your father seems to have gotten to you somehow."

"No! If not that then something else. I-I'll-I'll accept the Cruciatus Curse to prove it."

"(Y/N)!" Sirius and Remus yelled.

"NO! It's not fair! You shouldn't die. Dad should have a fair trial, PLEASE!"

Your voice rose unnaturally high and the tears streamed down your face, your nose starting to run. Snape used the moment to his advantage. He turned to the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement— Amelia Bones.

"Surely, you know that isn't how the law works, Councilwoman Bones. You can't let the Minister bypass the law. Word will get around. And you've stressed the poor girl out, she offered to be tortured."

Amelia cleared her throat, uncomfortable at the thought of an Unforgivable Curse being used on someone as young as fourteen and not to mention innocent. You bit down on your hand to stop your sobbing noises from getting too loud. The room went silent as they waited for the Department Head to speak.

"Mr. Black wasn't given a trial once, we will not break the law again. Someone please clean up the girl and we will proceed."

The trial went on longer than you imagined. Memories were pulled from you, Sirius, Lupin, Dumbledore, and Snape— Lupin hanging his head in shame as his werewolf affliction became known to everyone. You were given Veritaserum. Barty Crouch protested to both stating that they were known to be unreliable because the brain alters memories sometimes. Told to state your proof of Sirius' innocence and what you witnessed.

And when all five of you did the process once, you did it again in a different order. And then once more with the others out of the room so the council could ask questions. You didn't realize how much you were shaking until you were the last person left and every adult that you trusted was no longer in the room. Amelia Bones calling your name made you turn your head from the door that Dumbledore just closed to all the Ministry workers in front of you.

"Ms. Black, Remus Lupin in his memory shows you two having a conversation about Mr. Black. You maintained the entire time that Mr. Black was innocent even when his best friend potentially suspected him. When was this?"

"Fall, after Halloween."

"Can you give us a more specific time?"

"No," your voice shook. "After Halloween, before Christmas."

"Early December or November?"

"I'm not sure, I don't k—"

"Relax, sweetheart," Amelia tried to comfort. "You are not in trouble. We are merely trying to figure out all the information."

You nodded and relaxed the fist that had been gripping the bottom of your dress till you were sure that your knuckles would split open from the pressure. Amelia smiled and took a deep breath with you. She requested that all members of the Ministry— including Minister Fudge— direct their questions to her and she would be the only one to communicate with you.

"Alright, let's try again. Do you remember when you talked to Remus Lupin about Mr. Black's innocence?"

"After Halloween, before Christmas... November! Professor Snape took points from Gryffindor and assigned a very long essay on werewolves so I went to Professor Lupin when I... figured out that he was one."

"You're sure it is November?"

"Yes. Professor Snape was only substituting because Uncle Remus was gone and the full moon lasted longer than normal. Another one didn't occur until December. I know because I had to keep track to become an Animagus correctly."

"Uncle Remus, yes, let's talk about that. You found out Remus was your godfather. Did you always know?"

"No, I didn't."

"But he did?"


"And you found out before or after your first contact with Mr. Black."


"In any of your letters did Mr. Black try to convince you he was innocent?"

"He didn't have to."

"But did he?"

"Not— not directly. He mentioned he should've stayed strong to try and clear his name but never anything else."

Amelia nodded before scribbling something with a quill. You began to mess with your dress again, fearing that you said the wrong thing. The others were called back into the room. You wouldn't look at your dad— not if you were the reason for his conviction. You wouldn't look up when Amelia began the raising of the hands to see if they thought Sirius was guilty or innocent. You only looked when you heard a sigh followed by a thud. Your father was crying.

"The Ministry extends their sincerest apology for your false conviction. Congratulations, from this day on you are now a free man, Mr. Black," Amelia Bones said. "We'll leave you to collect yourself while your papers are filed— you do in fact have to register being an Animagus, Mr. Black."

The members of the Ministry exited the room until it was just you, Remus, and Sirius left— Dumbledore and Snape had exited with the rest of the members. Sirius stood up and you finally left the chair to give him a hug. The two of you rocked back and forth before letting go. Sirius wiped at his tears with his sleeve.

"Let's go home. That sound good, Poppet?"

You nodded so hard you were sure that your head might roll off of your neck.

"Are you coming, Moony?"

"I'll visit soon. I suspect with the trial details coming out, I should be on the lookout for a new job."

"You're not going to keep teaching? You're literally the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Uncle Remus."

He chuckled. "I am the only one you've ever had. It isn't safe to be around children, parents will say that. After my incident, I agree. Maybe in the future but I should leave for a year or two. I'll visit you two when you've settled in."

Remus and Sirius hugged before you all went your separate ways. Naturally, Sirius took his new found freedom to apparate you two back to Grimmauld Place. He wanted nothing to do with his old house— he wasn't even sure if it was still there. It was too close to James and Lily, was the spot where Alicia died, was the place he made the worst decision of entrusting Wormtail. Grimmauld Place, no matter how hard Kreacher tried, was a dusty and rundown place. The minute you landed inside, the large portrait of Walburga Black began to yell. You and Sirius both covered your ears until he had it.

"Mother, shut up!"

Kreacher came running down the hall. He was very pleased to see you and not so excited to see Sirius. Both Kreacher and Sirius were told to be cordial to each other. Sirius pointed to the little elf.

"Nice sweater," he said awkwardly as if trying to be sincere.

"Thank you, Mistress (Y/N) gave it to me."

"Doesn't that mean you're free? You don't want to leave?"

"Kreacher wants to stay."

"Of course he does," Sirius muttered under his breath. "Well, can you figure out a way to shut mother up... please."

You complimented your father on his rough attempt at being nice. With Kreacher's help, the place was cleaned up in time for dinner. The dinner table— mainly its inhabitants— seemed out of place. A man with an emaciated frame, a girl no longer in trial clothes but a large hoodie, and a house-elf in a sweater.

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