beautiful crime // t.shelby 1.

By MaryBravo200

137K 4.3K 450

In which a seemingly angelic woman comes to Birmingham with devilish plans. Peaky Blinders Season 1. Thomas... More

•beautiful crime•
•part one•
•part two•
•part three•
•part four•
•part six•
•part seven•
•part eight•
•part nine•
•part ten•
•part eleven•
•part twelve•
•part thirteen•
•part fourteen•
•part fifteen•
•part sixteen•
•part seventeen•
•part eighteen•
•part nineteen•
•part twenty•
•part twenty-one•
•part twenty-two•
•part twenty-three•
•part twenty-four•
•part twenty-five•
•part twenty-six•
•part twenty-seven•
•part twenty-eight•
•part twenty-nine•
•part thirty•
•book ii•

•part five•

4.4K 138 8
By MaryBravo200



The Shelby Parlor, Birmingham, 1919:

T H E  misty morning cold was enough for Eleanor to dress into warmer clothes that she had bought. Actually had bought and not gotten them for free because of her brother's status as a Blinder. She pulled her tights up her legs and got into a dark dress before taking her coat and putting on a pair of shoes with a short heel.

Eleanor didn't want to feel nervous, and yet she did, because she knew that he would be waiting besides her door, ready to take her to the betting shop even if it was five feet away from where she was living. Everything in the Shelby family was tightly knitted together, and Elle didn't know if it was a blessing in disguise or a very inconvenient thing since they all were together most of the time. The Shelby family amazed Elle sometimes, because of their close ties, unlike her own family, who disowned the two children of Jacob and Ruth after their parents' deaths.

Nevertheless, Eleanor knew she could've entered their home by herself, but for obvious reasons Tommy insisted to take her inside himself, and she knew he would definitely play some kind of interrogation game. No matter what, Elle knew she wouldn't back down. Her pride wasn't letting her do so and she already lost not once, but twice. Maybe even three times.

Putting her hair up, Eleanor looked at herself in the mirror. First impressions mattered, and even if it wasn't her first time meeting her boss, she was going to show him how polished and professional she could be.

Elle found Pius sleeping in his bed after a deliberately calm night, when he didn't finally wake up screaming or trashing around. He had gotten quite drunk and she had to take him home all by herself the previous night, but the 3 Shelby brothers were also with them. Elle could remember how impatient Tommy had gotten when John would stop at every corner to relieve himself and that moment amused her, because despite being annoyed, Tommy never once abandoned Arthur or John, showing that he did care, though didn't enjoy showing it. He hadn't gotten drunk like Elle hadn't and yet they didn't speak another word to each other as they took their wasted brothers home.

The only thing Tommy did tell her was that he would wait for her the next morning, sharply at 7 am and that time didn't give her the luxury of sleeping at all. She was afraid to oversleep their meeting, and when she didn't, Eleanor felt like she was licking his ass for being so obedient. But, in a way, she did work for him now and had to be nice in order to slither her way into the depths of his life.

There were roughly 5 minutes left so Eleanor decided to grab an apple before stashing it into her small purse that she grabbed near the door. Unlocking the door to the Jackson parlour, Eleanor saw Tommy standing in front of the door, smoking and his cap lowered to a point Eleanor could only see his chin. The female paused and felt a big urge to raise the cap up to look him in the eye, but her sudden wish got dispersed since Tommy raised his head up from the ground as if he had read her mind. "Good morning," he announced calmly, observing her whole body as she felt stuck in the doorway, the cold air mixing with her heated cheeks.

Eleanor eventually smiled at him in her casual grin, causing Tommy to pull away from the way and allowing Elle to walk out and shut the door, leaving Pius asleep even if she knew Tommy needed him and his brothers at the fair later on the day.

Tommy looked around the deliberately empty street before returning his blue eyes back at the blonde, who clearly disliked the cold. She was glancing at him with pursed lips, confused as to why they weren't moving inside yet. For some odd reason, for a brief second Tommy focused on her heated cheeks before blinking away from something pointless. "Shall we go?" Elle asked him, Tommy hearing hints of irritation in her tone.

"Let me finish my cigarette first," he commented, Eleanor thinking he was choosing to keep her outside on a purpose. Tommy continued to smoke, turning his back on her so Elle narrowed her eyes, however, his broad back and a glimpse of a tattoo on his neck made her pause. Elle focused more, noticing a small scar behind his ear, which was visible since his hair was shaved there. Small freckles, almost unrecognizable if not for Elle's close proximity and good eyesight, covered the side of his jaw as it brought some kind of innocence to his usual cold face. Eleanor had no idea why she was staring at his body, because it wouldn't matter where she'd shoot a bullet through. He would die either way, or so she hoped.

What if I'm not just a mortal man? It was a sentence of a clearly ambitious man, who was confident in what he was doing, or maybe even narcissistic about it. Whichever was the case, she couldn't deny that he sounded intimidating.

"The betting shop is right there," she finally spoke up, pointing at the door two feet away from where the two of them stood, Tommy finally turning around to face her after what seemed his quick inspection of whether there were people in Watery Lane that morning. Presumably people he didn't know or distrusted. "As far as I was told. While you smoke here, may I enter? It's not like I will plant a bomb in there or something."

Tommy smiled almost lazily, finishing his cigarette and throwing it away, Elle grimacing at his need to litter, but she then focused on things that mattered and watched the man in front of her take in her words only half-jokingly. "What we do behind those doors is our business," he finally began to lecture her, Eleanor listening as if she was being scolded. "We take bets and odds, it's as simple as that."

"I'm aware," Eleanor answered calmly so Tommy paused before showing Eleanor something she didn't expect. He snickered with a laugh, which seemed, though forced, a bit genuine as well. Her mouth stayed in a thin line, even if she wanted to join in his amusement. "I worked in a firm, where I had to give people their wages. Many would come, claiming they needed more. Often I had to calm them down, or even kick them out if they got violent. If you think I can't take a bet or an odd, can't deal with people who wish to gain money... illegally... I think quite otherwise."

Thomas's eyes lingered on her confident face then. Eleanor knew her lie came out smooth like butter, but she also knew he disliked being talked down upon. Nevertheless, Eleanor smiled at Tommy, who continued to speak. "Who you've met in your previous occupation is nothing compared to whom we get here," he explained, Eleanor wishing to snicker since he had no idea what kind of people she has met in her actual occupation, previous a word she wished to use but couldn't yet. "This isn't your average factory worker, Miss Jackson. Men here want two things – money and women. You could finish your work, walk out and get attacked for all I care... Now, certainly Pius wouldn't allow that to happen, but just keep it in mind. After all, our business is not legal, you were correct as well."

Eleanor knew Thomas was waiting for her answer, but she had nothing to say to that. "Noted," she mused to Tommy didn't answer anything further, just moved past her and opened the door to his family's home, Elle watching the man stop in the doorway to let her enter first. Elle moved inside then, trying not to touch Tommy's body with her own before they finally entered a home Elle had been to once before thanks to Finn.

The Shelby Parlour didn't differ much from the home of Pius, perhaps just the fact that their pantry wasn't turned into the back room, where behind the curtains the illegal betting shop took place. Eleanor tried hard not to look around, because even if Tommy was in front of her, Elle wouldn't be surprised he had a third eye in the back on his head. "We haven't talked about my wage yet," she began so Tommy paused momentarily, Elle having to stop not to bump into the man.

"All in good time, Miss Jackson, but for now I shall pay you 2 pounds a day."

Eleanor laughed but Tommy paused calmly, turning to look at the female, who realized he was being absolutely serious. Elle knew 2 pounds for a female worker wasn't the worst wage, but she had gotten more from her maker – he paid her almost 20 pounds if not more, Elle was comfortable. She had expected more from Tommy. "3, perhaps?" she then questioned curiously so Tommy smiled, but it was a feign one, something Elle noticed began to irritate the man. She, however, was used to playing fire and if she couldn't get close to Tommy on her own terms, perhaps it was best to annoy him to death.

"All in good time," he repeated and opened the curtains all of a sudden, Eleanor noticing the betting shop for the first time. There were a few tables set ahead of her, a smashed brick wall joining two rooms that were once separated by that wall. Elle noticed a chalk board at the end, numbers written down on it before she glanced at Tommy, finally nodding her head so he motioned for her to enter further and make herself comfortable.

Eleanor did that and noticed Polly sitting by one of the desks, a cigarette in her hand as she focused on some papers, glancing up only when she heard commotion. Eleanor noticed Ada Shelby, the brothers' only sister sitting there as well, the young girl reading a book until Tommy headed her way and snatched the book out of her hands. "Hello to you too, Tom," the younger female grumbled, only without a book noticing Eleanor standing in their family's shop, looking around. Ada glanced at Polly, who smoked in her seat, also watching the blonde girl. "What is she doing here?"

Thomas raised his eyes up from Ada and at Eleanor, who decided to allow him to tell them of the news they seemed to have been robbed of. "Miss Jackson here will work for us now. Will take bets, odds, perhaps, even be my secretary?"

"Can you count? Add, subtract?" Ada asked Eleanor curiously as Elle felt strange about the other female, who tried to bite her without even knowing her. She wasn't with Thomas, Elle was certain about it, Ada was his sister from what Elle knew, but it seemed like Ada loathed the idea of another female in her brothers' lives. Ada sounded jealous.

Eleanor used to count a lot for her makers before, whether it was money, bodies or the girls. The blonde hadn't finished school, but she was well versed in mathematics, thanks to her maker again. Noticing a paper laying on one of the empty tables, Elle headed their way and grabbed it before seeing numbers. "30 multiplied by 25 is 750 pounds, seems easy enough for me," she commented dully, nonchalantly allowing the paper to fall back on the table as she grinned at Ada, who narrowed her eyes.

"That could be counted even by a toddler," she answered so then John entered from another room, having already been inside all along as he held a water glass to his forehead, suffering from hangover.

When he saw Eleanor, he smirked, however, his painful smile making Elle smile genuinely then. "Hello there."

Thomas glanced at his brother before pointing at him, a bit irritated John was in such a condition when they had to leave for the fair. "John, multiply 30 with 25."

Eleanor watched John count, his eyes up at the ceiling. "I don't fucking know, my head's killing me, Tommy."

A small chuckle escaped Elle's mouth, but she covered it with her hand as Thomas stared at John helplessly. However he had proven a point to Ada that Elle was a good addition whether it was their business or his separate plans for her. "She seems capable enough, Ada," Tommy commented the obvious so his sister glared at him and leaned back on the chair.

"And what did Pius say about you meddling his precious sister into the business? I'm sure he wasn't as thrilled as she seems," Ada continued and Eleanor noticed the patience on Tommy's face thin out, showing that he was done with her complaints and comments. Tommy only glanced at Elle and began to make his way to her.

The female didn't budge as he stopped in front of one of the tables and pulled the chair back as she stared at his serious expression. "This can be your seat," he told her calmly as Polly continued to watch Tommy show her something he wouldn't have bothered to show anyone else. Polly knew it meant that she has either intrigued him or he didn't trust her, and knowing how her nephew had been acting since the war, Polly felt confused which was the case. "Polly here will help you if you struggle, which better for you, doesn't happen. We can't afford mistakes of any sort."

"You can trust me, Mr. Shelby," she moved her feet towards the chair he had chosen for her, stopping two steps away from him as Tommy stared at her, confidence evident on her face so he only nodded and backed away, glancing at John, who was leaning against one of the shelves, staring at Eleanor with a sly smile. "I won't let you down."

Thomas mused coldly to Elle's mocking words of confirmation, motioning for John to follow since they had places to be in. Eleanor sighed and put her purse down before glancing at Ada, watching the female glare at her openly. "This isn't a vacation, Polly. Do some work," Tommy then told the eldest woman, who continued to smoke calmly, not reacting to Tommy's somewhat threatening words.

"You boys seem to forget it was us, women, who held your business while you were all at war," she answered with grace and confidence that instantly made Eleanor respect the woman. She glanced at the woman, their aunt, who smiled at the two Shelby brothers. "You may be back, but that doesn't mean I suddenly do not know how to do my work."

Eleanor swore she saw regret flash in Tommy's eyes but then he only opened the door and left with John, Polly facing Eleanor with a smug look. "I'll start work whenever I fucking want to start it," she mused so Elle smiled and sat down finally, pushing her chair to be closer to the table.

Ada watched the new female get accustomed to her new position as Polly approached the girl and leaned on the table, observing Eleanor, who looked back at the aunt bravely. "How's Small Heath treating you so far?" she asked curiously, starting small talk and Eleanor knew Polly wasn't someone who started small talk.

Eleanor knew what type of a woman Elizabeth Gray was. She had met many in London and they always got what they wanted even if they acted like real bitches. She saw how hard Polly tried to seem scary, but Elle felt no fear. "Pretty well, thank you for asking," Eleanor nodded calmly so Polly smiled falsely and nodded, watching Eleanor from atop.

Ada didn't stop rolling her eyes and looked up at the clock before shooting up. Eleanor heard the sudden movement and faced the younger female to see her put her coat on quickly as her aunt stared at her in confusion. "Where are you going?" Polly asked as Ada took a bunch of papers into her hands and started to run towards the females.

Eleanor furrowed her eyebrows when Ada threw the papers down her table, smiling sinisterly at the blonde. "I have some places I have to be in so show me what you're mathematical skills are worth, blonde," she commented sarcastically, bullying Eleanor, who wished Ada was her target instead of Thomas. "I'll be waiting for them to be stacked at my desk by lunch."

Polly didn't intervene so Eleanor smiled to herself, but it was certainly not genuine. "Then I suppose you'll have to give me the work's part of wage," she raised her hazel eyes up at Ada, who snickered and straightened herself.

"Start working or I'll tell Tommy myself you're being a pain in the behind," she mused dully and glanced at her amused aunt before moving towards the exit. "I'll be back soon."

Ada disappeared behind the door so Polly met Elle's eyes again as the blonde started at the papers with a concentrated face. "Guess it'll be just you and me today," she commented, standing up and going back to her previous sitting place, pulling her legs on the table and smirking at Elle. "Are you stupid, girl?"

Eleanor paused from her reading, but her eyes remained on the papers as she felt Polly's eyes bore into her face profile, eating away at her any nervous move. The older woman was definitely a Shelby, enjoying inflicting their superiority on others. "The part where I talk back to your niece or the part where I stoop to her? Because you shouldn't worry. I'm used to stooping to others... Or... better yet, I beg your pardon?"

Eleanor tried not to let the older woman get under her skin, because if Elle was capable of taking a man's criticism, she loathed losing to another female. Eleanor couldn't lose her cool in front of someone, she noticed, Tommy looked up to in his own twisted way.

Polly's evil grin spread even wider as she lit another cigarette, rolling on her chair as Eleanor finally looked at her. "Don't beg me for shit," Polly mused with deadly calmness, something familiar to Tommy. "I do not know what your motives are, but this is mainly our family's business. Pius we trust, you, on the other hand, not at all."

"I'm not asking you to trust me, Mrs...?"

"Just a Gray."

Eleanor smiled falsely as Polly's hardened gaze burned like fire, but Eleanor stood her ground. "I did not ask for this job, Mr. Shelby gave it to me and I've accepted because there's a shortage of things a woman can do here," she answered coolly, keeping her stance calm like wind. "I'm not here to make friends either so I do not ask to be treated well. I can take a job and leave."

"I just do not understand why you'd be stupid enough to come here out of all places," Polly continued as Eleanor took a pen and began to count with her mind while the woman talked intimidatingly, trying to prove she was the alpha, the matriarch of the family. "We're not your typical betting shop. I must admit, everything we do here is bloody illegal, we trick and we rob, because somehow one must survive in this harsh world, but you seem bothered by none of it."

Elle scribbled numbers as Polly started to get angry she was ignoring her words. "But you must know all about us, your brother is one of us and yet you do not seem like the type to enjoy that," she commented and when Elle ignored her further, Polly stood up and approached Eleanor lazily, who didn't even budge. "If you think you can take him out, your brother, there's no way you can to that, girl. Once you've joined the Peaky Blinders, the only way out is death."

Eleanor tried hard not to let the words of Polly sink in, to act confused, but the woman's words caused fear to rise in Elle's chest and burn. Eleanor did want to take Pius out of such a life, but the only way to do that was to shoot Tommy. But now, when she saw Polly's character and how strong the female was, she knew taking Pius away would take the whole family to murder.

Polly saw Eleanor's pen stop so she smirked but then the blonde continued counting like nothing was ever said. "I do know your family and the gang, Mrs. Gray," she then spoke, flipping through papers as they heard shouts outside, both not bothering to check what in the world was going on. "I'm not an idiot you seem to portray me to be. I'm well aware where I came and who I work for, and yet here I am, despite your family's reputation."

Polly eyed Eleanor curiously, Elle not wishing to believe the Gypsy woman could read minds, but Polly's look was strange, it was strangely piercing Elle's soul. "Why, you might ask? Because I've worked not for one, not for two, but more corrupted men in my youth so what makes you special or different? If you think I'm incapable of seeing something bad, you're wrong. Just because I have red lips and fair hair doesn't make me a dummy. On the contrary, I think I can be quite dangerous at times. I mean, I did survive five years on my own just like you did."

By the end of her speech, Eleanor had finished her papers, which were as easy as counting to ten so she raised them for Polly to take, who seemed deep in thoughts, though Elle noticed her features look less demeaning and perhaps even a bit impressed. "Pius may have told you I am a sweet young lady, but he made you imagine me when I was only 20 years old. The last image he also has of me. I'm not cold, but not as angelic as he made you believe. At times like these then.... Shouldn't we, women, be supporting one another instead of bringing each other down?" she then asked so Polly, not breaking eye contact, took the papers into her hands and only then started to look through them.

Eleanor allowed herself to smirk in satisfaction as Polly flipped through them and stood straight before giving Eleanor a calm smile. "Do you believe? Would you care to light a candle with me?" she then asked curiously so Eleanor knew the woman's interrogation came to an end. With a small smirk, Eleanor stood up, taking her purse in her hands.

"Of course."

Polly could only smile.


E L E A N O R hadn't thought the walk to the church in Small Heath would end up in police raiding people's homes. Polly told Elle to keep her head up and walk further as police continued to ransack people's private properties, Elle not understanding what was going on. From what Polly could see, Elle was truly clueless as to why these people were being searched. It gave the aunt some comfort that Eleanor had no idea who Inspector Campbell was.

The women entered the church together, Eleanor wishing to ask Polly as to what they had just witnessed, but the elder woman's expression demanded no questions. Polly was a strong woman indeed, Elle didn't wonder why she had such a high status in the Shelby family. She only vouched for herself and lived the way she wanted, and not how men wanted her to live. Eleanor wished to become someone like Polly someday.

Although Polly didn't look like she was looking, she was still glancing at Eleanor. Truthfully, Elle had impressed Polly, but the female would faster choke than admit it to her. Eleanor seemed mysterious and arrogant at times, but she was someone that reminded Polly of her own young self. It was either a very well put on act or Eleanor indeed was fearless of what their family did. Because Polly knew Eleanor was aware that despite being Pius's sister, it didn't bring her much protection, because Pius wasn't a Shelby. Either way, Polly was curious to know more about the female.

"Ada won't forget your sassy remarks, Eleanor," Polly then informed knowingly as they approached the altar, stopping in front of a table with still burning or already burnt candles, Eleanor watching Polly instantly light a few candles. Eleanor wasn't quick to follow the woman suit, not really keen to believe in God when she was abandoned this way and whoever was up there didn't answer her prayers.

"Forgive me, I just dislike being talked down by someone," Eleanor finally admitted as the two women stood next to each other, Polly lighting the candles in such calmness it lullabied Elle a bit. "I dislike causing conflict too, but I suppose, it is in my nature."

Polly grinned all of a sudden. "Ada needed someone to tell her how it is, she doesn't listen to us anymore." Polly explained but Eleanor was not focusing on her anymore, instead glancing around the church, which was surprisingly empty. "Let me guess... it has been a while you've been in God's home?"

Eleanor didn't answer Polly because that second the empty church's echoic walls started to play with the sound of win. It was euphoric almost, the sound, and for a moment, Eleanor wished to confess to Polly. Of course it was her death wish, but the sound made her feel so heavy Elle felt like she wished to get rid of the burden.

Polly watched something heart-breaking appear on Elle's beautiful features for a second, the expression surprising Poll but Elle then glanced at the woman as if out of her trance. Eleanor managed to smile, but Polly knew something was odd about the female. "Forgive me for saying so, but I did not take you as a believer either."

"Oh, my beliefs have been questionable these past years, that is for sure," Polly snickered with a dull smile as Eleanor glanced at her, feeling as though she had insulted Polly, but the woman followed shortly after. "Everyone looks at me like I am not welcome here whenever I come in, even the bloody priest has told me that a woman of a devil, a Gypsy shouldn't be allowed inside together with exemplary parishioners."

Eleanor's mouth dried at such words before Polly smirked whilst glancing at Elle's innocently guilty face. "But I told him to go fuck himself," she sighed causing Eleanor to feel a giggle coming up, one that she didn't contain. Eleanor knew it was wrong to feel this way – to enjoy a Shelby's presence like this, but she just couldn't help it anymore. This family truly could bewitch, she figured. "Who that priest thinks he is to tell me where I can't come or can? Only God will be able to punish me."

Eleanor got brave and took one candle into her own hands, looking at the small altar as Polly watched her light two candles, presumably for her dead mum and dad. "I believe as well," Eleanor mused even if it contradicted to what she actually believed. She was raised a catholic, and although God had made her suffer, in a way she still wished to be in His good graces. "Although the war had made me do things I'm not proud of. Instead of going to the church to pray for my sins, I kept stacking them up until feeling like there wasn't any mercy left for me."

As soon as Elle said those words, her face paled and she realized she had said too much. Not looking back at Polly, Eleanor heard the woman speak yet again. "And what did you do?"

Eleanor's lips turned down, eyes narrowed before she sighed deeply, aware Polly wasn't going to push past her previous words. Elle wished to hit herself for even agreeing to come with Polly to the church, but it was too late now, and perhaps she had been too confident against this incredibly cunning woman. "Do not tell Pius, but I... I had to trick some people, steal even," Elle admitted, not running away from the truth, but also choosing not to reveal why she had actually come here.

Polly mused almost too sarcastically but didn't pressure Elle more. Instead, the Gray woman chuckled gently and continued to look at the burning candles, Elle unable to look the woman in the eye anymore. "Well, God forgives," Polly whispered, Eleanor musing as Polly glanced at the girl Tommy seemed to have taken interest to. Eleanor was incredibly beautiful and poised even if she didn't wear anything fancy. Her hair was simple, so were her clothes, but her aura, her words and the fact that she seemed like a different person to what Pius had told them about made Polly feel a tiny bit suspicious. And nothing good happened to people Polly was suspicious of.

Suddenly, the quiet church bellowed with sound of doors opening, Eleanor glancing that way to find a middle aged man enter, wearing a hat and smoking a pipe. The man wore good clothes, and carried arrogance with him, his face scrunched in confusion upon meeting Eleanor's eyes. Elle had no clue who the man was but Polly soon spoke up, signifying Elle she knew exactly who the male was. "A gentleman would take off his hat," Polly told him coldly, glancing at Elle to find her puzzled face to be genuine. "And put out his pipe."

Polly didn't mind the man anymore as Elle watched him smack his pipe against one of the benches', creating unwanted sound so Elle noticed Polly roll her eyes almost barely. Eleanor still had no clue as to who this man was, and from the looks of it, he had the same thoughts about her. "I see you Specials only dare to come here, when you know the boys are away at the fair," Polly commented to the man as he continued to look around the church, Elle not looking down from the male.

"You mean your nephews?" the man finally spoke up, Elle catching Irish accent slipping the man's tongue, the blonde furrowing her eyebrows in confusion as Polly glanced at Elle as a warning to remain silent. From the looks of it, he already seemed to circle Elle, confused as to who the female was. "With their guns and their razors? Is it them you're lighting candles for?"

"No," Polly answered calmly, Eleanor watching the man, who seemed to be an officer of some sort stop near her, his eyes trailing down to her face again. Eleanor stood her ground, but decided not to say a word, aware an officer's involvement was even a worse thing for her plans than she had thought. "I am lighting candles for the boys from the Garrison who lost their lives in France. There's a list there. Look."

Eleanor noticed the man not reacting to Polly's somewhat mocking words, the blonde just wishing to ask Polly who this man was. "I hear you didn't make it to France, Inspector Campbell," Polly commented, Eleanor almost widening her eyes when she realized the man next to her was an Inspector. What was he doing in Birmingham? Why talk to Polly? Elle had many questions, but they soon began to make sense, given the fact that Tommy Shelby was a gangster.

"You've heard of me," Campbell then smirked whilst turning to look at Polly, the woman smiling back as Eleanor continued to watch them interact. "Unlike this one."

Elle opened her mouth to speak about her mention but the supposed Inspector didn't let her as he focused on Polly, the aunt glancing at Eleanor to remain calm no matter what. Eleanor had been in many scary situations in her life, and this was a cake to her, but she wasn't supposed to show Polly that. Elle was already itching to grab her gun and show that Inspector that walking so close to Polly was not how he could act. "I've heard of you," the man told Polly before suddenly pulling away and passing Elle with a smirk.

Eleanor's lips turned into a straight line as she watched Campbell walk past golden gates and enter the altar, Polly raising her eyebrow up as she watched the man look for something. "Is it the Holy Grail you're looking for?"

"As a matter of fact, it is the Holy Grail I'm looking for," he nodded sarcastically, turning to face the aunt who clearly knew more than Eleanor. Elle knew she'd have to question Pius if he even knew something. Campbell began to go back to Polly, smirking at the woman the way Elle was taught to punch the man. "Something precious. Something stolen. Perhaps you know what I'm talking about."

All of a sudden, Campbell put his hands on Polly and pushed her against the candle altar, Elle moving to free her. However, Polly had everything under control as she suddenly kissed the man, causing him to quickly pull away as if Poll was infected with plague. Elle watched with wide eyes as the man stared at Polly in overwhelm and even disgust. "Sorry, I misunderstood your intention when you pushed me against the wall," Polly commented mockingly as Campbell wiped his lips with a napkin.

Eleanor had no idea what to do or how to react but Polly only grinned at the younger female as they both watched Campbell head somewhere, the man opening the doors to allow more officers to enter. Elle hated policemen for obvious reasons and the fact Campbell was eyeing her so much proved to be a terrible thing to happen to her. Especially when she wished Tommy Shelby dead. "Turn the place upside down!" Campbell ordered the men as Eleanor watched the men ransack the church, a holy place, which seemed to irritate Polly a lot. "Arthur Shelby said you people would help us."

"If we don't know what you've lost, how can we help you find it?"

"But I have found out subsequently that I was speaking to the wrong man," Campbell told Polly seriously, Eleanor trying to remember everything from this conversation since she realized there were still so many things she wasn't informed about. Whatever Campbell was searching for, he thought the Shelby family knew or even possibly possessed, and Elle had to find out what it was. "Next time I want to talk to the boss. Lickey Tea Rooms. Friday, ten o'clock and when I say the boss, I mean Thomas."

Campbell began to leave before pausing all of a sudden as he turned to face Eleanor, the female raising both of her eyebrows up bravely. "Who are you?" he asked so Elle smiled dully, choosing not to answer the Inspector out of spite for what he had done to Polly previously. "You their wife or what?"

"You men always see women as wives only," she answered the man calmly, shrugging her shoulders as Polly managed to smile from the side, still appalled to see the policemen ruin such a holy place. Campbell smiled at Elle as well but she noticed distant annoyance on the man's features. "You do not have to know who I am, Inspector Campbell."

"Very well then, Miss... I'll write down this one time as a coincidence," he commented, stopping a few feet away from her. Polly watched Elle visibly glare at the man, the honeyed smile on her face hiding so much hatred for the man she had yet to know. Polly smiled in satisfaction, watching Campbell forget distance when it came to Eleanor. "Shall I see you twice with one of them... Now that will be another story."

"Is that a threat of some sort?" Eleanor questioned curiously, aware she wasn't supposed to toy with a man from the police, but unable not to loathe his character, the aura of an alpha male. If there was anything Elle hated in life it was men like Campbell. And if she could shoot many others, she couldn't do so with him. Mocking words was all Elle had left. "I should suppose it's not since this is a God's home, where any indiscretions are not welcome."

Campbell eyed Eleanor for a minute without saying anything, making Elle's soul feel dirtied before the copper only smiled blankly and pulled away, giving Polly a look to remember before he left without another word. Eleanor breathed out then, raising her chin up until she glanced at Polly to see the woman smirk almost in amazement. "Well done."

Eleanor furrowed her eyebrows, not feeling like she's done anything good. If what, her mockery might have caused her to get an officer on her toes, Eleanor unable to spare a man of the law to catch her and her upcoming acts. But then again, Eleanor realized she wasn't as important to the man, or at least she hoped it to be the case. "Who was this man, Polly?" Eleanor asked, using the woman's name for the first time as Polly pursed her lips, glancing around the policemen, who continued to look for something diligently.

"You don't have to worry about him, Eleanor," Polly only told the girl seriously before pushing herself to stand straight. Eleanor frowned but Polly only smiled and began to leave the church, not giving Eleanor any indication as to who Campbell was or what he wanted from Tommy Shelby. Eleanor realized it was only fair, she was still a stranger to Polly.

Eleanor only glanced at the working policemen, and cursed under her breath, aware her plan to kill Tommy Shelby was going to be a much harder task. If it wasn't already. Many people wanted Tommy Shelby, and Eleanor realized that somehow she had to be the first to get to him.

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Elle finally has interactions with Polly. I love Polly and was saddened to hear when the actress Helen McCrory passed away. RIP legend😢🥺

I wished Ada and Polly dislike or at least distrust Elle at first because I think it will give the story something interesting. I do love some character developments.

On other news, I'm positive for Covid-19... Have to quarantine for 10 days, which means I'll be a bit late for my university but everything will settle I am sure. I don't have temperature but I cough and my nose's blocked so no smell... Covid sucks so stay safe everyone!🥰

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed this chapter! Mary

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