Favorite Crime(Cher and Rob C...

By sansrivalcrown

1.1K 82 21

This is a book that consists of one shot stories about Cher and Robert Camilletti. I hope ya'll will like th... More

Author's Note
The Unfolding
B Word
Another One
Big Brother


163 9 2
By sansrivalcrown

Since finding out that Cher's pregnant, Robert have been looking out for her, going with her in every event, and of course, he is present in every check-up.

"Babe, you still doing good?"Robert asked as Cher sit down after recording a song for her new album.

"Yeah, I'm still doing good."Cher answered and Rob started rubbing her baby bump before he kneeled in front of her.

"Hey, our little Italian bean."Rob said softly that made Cher laugh.

"You still doing good there? Just let mommy work for the album, okay? It's going to be an amazing album, I promise you."Rob added and Cher smiled as she run her fingers through his hair.

"I just know you're going to be a great dad."Cher said softly and Rob looked at her.

"I love you."Robert said softly and she smiled.

"I love you, too, my Robert."Cher replied and she gently cupped his face.

"Can you order food?"Cher whispered that made him giggle before planting a kiss on her lips.

"What does my bella and my little Italian bean want?"Rob asked and she cheekily smiled.

"Onion rings and mozarella sticks."Cher answered and Rob kissed her baby bumb before standing up to kiss her forehead.

"That's all?"Rob asked and Cher nodded with a hum.

"Thank you, daddy."Cher said and Rob smiled.

"Anything to make you and our little Italian bean happy."Rob said and Cher laughed.

"Our baby's not just Italian, you know."Cher said whilst playfully rolling her eyeballs.

"Our baby is mostly Italian if you think about it."Rob retorted and Cher laughed.

"Okay, fine but it will be a real shame on you if our baby looks like me. Our baby will look more Armenian than Italian."Cher said and Rob scoffed before laughing.

"It still won't be a shame because I'm the dad, the moment that baby started developing inside you, he or she already have that "Italian-ness" even if our little bean won't look like me."Robert said and Cher laughed.

"I freaking peed on my pants a little, babe."Cher said and Rob giggled before kissing her forehead.

"I brought extras, bag's on the couch, go to the bathroom."Robert uttered and she smiled.

From her first trimester until the end of her second trimester, Cher worked as much as she can until everybody around her told her to just rest for her last trimester which she obliged.

"Robert!"Cher exclaimed as she sit on their bed and in a snap, Robert is in front of her.

"What, babe?"Robert asked as he cup her face and she is crying.

"Why are you crying?"Robert asked softly as he start planting kissing her forehead.

"Is something wrong?"Robert asked again.

"My shoes don't fit anymore."Cher cried and Rob wiped her tears with his thumb.

"It's okay, babe, we can buy temporary shoes for you that's also comfortable for you."Rob said almost a whisper.

"I barely have shoes and clothes to fit anymore."Cher whispered.

"But you're still gorgeous, my love. And you have our little bean inside you so that's normal."Rob uttered and she pouted her lips. Rob planted a soft kiss on her sllips and she smiled. A half smile.

"I look big."Cher said and Rob kneeled in front of her.

"Do you see this?"Rob asked as he rub her baby bump.

"Yes, that's been there since forever."Cher answered that made him laugh.

"Our little Italian bean is inside you that's why you're growing, MOMMY. After you gave birth, with the doctor's approval, I can work out with you. We'll work out beside our baby's crib if we can, but right now, I want you to know that even if you're growing, you're still beautiful, you are gorgeous."Robert said that made her sweetly smile.

"Okay, just hormones."Cher said and he giggled.

"I love you, mommy Cherilyn."Rob said and she ran her tongue on her upper lip.

"I love you, too, daddy Robert."Cher replied and he smiled.

"C'mon, let's make pizza."Rob said that made her smile from ear-to-ear.

Robert took extra good care of Cher at her last weeks of pregnancy until her due date came. Everyone in their house stayed alert for anytime soon they all need to transport Cher to the hospital, and Cher is just thankful that every member of their family is there for her.

"My water's still intact, people. It looks like I'm not giving birth anytime soon."Cher said as she slowly sit on their living room sofa.

"You can tell us your baby's gender while waiting."Georganne suddenly uttered.

"We don't even know the baby's gender. We'll have to wait until he or she is already out."Cher uttered.

"But do you have names for both genders?"Georganne asked.

"Of course, we have."Cher answered.

"Where did you get your baby's possible names?"Georganne asked.

"Well, I kinda fell in love with Armenian names, I don't know why but I just really started looking for Armenian names."Cher answered.

"And of course, there's still an Italian name mixed into it."Robert added that made them laugh.

"I actually told him that Robert is a good middle name for a boy but he don't wanna name our baby after him."Cher said with a pout.

"Yeah, I just really want our baby to have his own name if ever it's a boy. And our baby will already have Camilletti as his or her last name so no need to put on my name."Rob explained.

"But I still think that your name is a cute name for our baby if our baby's a boy."Cher said and he just giggled.

They waited for hours and hours for Cher to show signs of going into labor but nothing, and that disappointed Cher big time.

"Yeah, I'm not giving birth anytime soon."Cher said as she slowly settle on their bed with the help of Robert.

"It's okay, babe. The doctor said that this can happen and it's totally normal."Robert said softly.

"I'm just excited to meet our little one."Cher said and Rob kissed her forehead.

"I know you are and I am, too, but we just have to be patient."Rob said and Cher nodded.

"I'm excited to see if we're going to have an Italian-Armenian princess or prince."Rob uttered that made Cher giggle.

"I'm sure that if we have a princess, she's going to be a total daddy's girl."Cher said and Rob nodded with a hum.

"Oh yes, I'd spoil her rotten. But either a boy or a girl, I'd spoil him or her that's for sure."Rob said and Cher hummed.

"I'm afraid that when I already pushed out our baby, I'll be you two's third wheel."Cher said and Rob shook his head.

"There won't be a thirdwheel because we are a family, babe. I'll make sure that nobody will get left out, even Chaz and Lijah."Robert said and Cher smiled.

"I love you."Cher said softly and Rob planted a soft kiss on her lips.

"I love you, more, bella."Robert replied.

"Robert."Cher called for him in a low tone all of a sudden that made him hum.

"Our baby kicked."Cher said and Rob quickly placed his hands on her baby bump.

"The next time we'll feel our baby kick will be in person."Rob said that made her nod with a hum.

"But babe, are you sure that you don't wanna be admitted in the hospital tomorrow if ever you water doesn't break overnight yet?"Robert asked all of a sudden.

"I'm a little upset that we're meeting our baby not sooner than we expected but our doctor said that we can wait for another week then if nothing happened, that's when we'll need to let them handle some things."Cher answered and Rob nodded.

"Okay, I need to go to the bathroom, baby wants to squeeze my bladder dry."Cher said that made Rob laugh. He helped her stand up and go to the bathroom, and that made things easier for Cher.

"Robert?"Cher called for him who is waiting by the bathroom door after a few more moments.

"Yeah, babe?"Rob asked.

"I think my uhmm water broke."Cher answered and Rob immediately went in the bathroom to help her stand up.

Robert is calm until they reached the hospital that also calmed Cher and he never wanted to leave her side.

"Robert, you need to sleep."Cher whispered when she once again found him just staring at her the moment she woke up from her nap.

"I can't."Robert replied.

"I'm still in labor, I will tell you if I feel like I'm already giving birth that's why you need to sleep."Cher uttered and Rob shook his head as he caress her head.

"I will be able to sleep when our baby's already here."Rob said that made Cher roll her eyeballs.

"Since we got here, I already napped for a couple of times now and I think it's almost morning."Cher said softly.

"I napped."Rob uttered and Cher raised a brow.

"I don't believe you."Cher said and Rob giggled.

"I did, I promise."Rob said and Cher hummed.

"I promise, I napped a while ago."Rob said, planting a kiss on Cher's lips and she just kept mum.

Cher went through labor for a few more hours until she is ready to pop and Rob is still by her side and that somehow eases what she is feeling.

"Push my love, just squeeze my hand as tight as you can."Rob whispered as he wipe the beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Push, mom, your baby's close to crowning."The doctor uttered that made Cher push once again.

"I love you, Cher, I love you so much."Robert whispered and those words motivated Cher to push harder.

"Baby's crowning, mom, baby's crowning."The doctor announced and Cher is breathing heavily, trying to catch her breathe.

"It hurts, Robert, it hurts."Cher whispered and Robert placed a cold towel on her forehead before planting a kiss on her lips.

"Baby's almost here, I know it hurts, but after this, you'll have a long sleep, I'll take care of our baby."Rob uttered and he held into her hand once again before she started pushing, squeezing his hand tight.

"Few more, mom, few more push."The doctor uttered and Rob is just whispering encouraging words onto her ear.

They suddenly heard a cry after a few more push and they immediately carried the baby to Cher's chest.

"Hello, handsome."Cher whispered with a smile and their baby is still crying.

"Ciao, bello, come stai? I'm daddy."Robert said softly and he kissed Cher's forehead.

"He is so handsome, Robert."Cher said and Rob nodded with a hum.

"Yes, he is."Robert replied and he planted a soft kiss on her lips.

"Stop crying, handsome, it's just mommy and daddy."Cher whispered as she try to calm their baby down.

"It's official, we have an Italian-Armenian prince."Robert uttered and Cher nodded with a smile.

Robert and Cher stayed in the hospital for three days and when they arrived home, their whole family is waiting for them for they are dying to know the gender of the baby.

"Hello everyone."Robert uttered as he walk in the living room with their baby boy in his arms that made them gasp.

"You guys ready to know the gender?"Cher asked and they all nodded.

"Everyone, meet our little prince, Tigran Giovanni Camilletti, or as I would like to call him, our little Ty Ty."Cher said and they all gasped.

Their family had a little feast as they celebrate the arrival of a new member of their family, and they all just can't get over Tigran, especially Chaz and Elijah. And Georganne. After the feast, the new parents decided that it is time to rest with their little boy.

Robert set up their baby boy's little pillows in the middle of Cher and his bed, and he also set up Cher's comfortable pillows for her to rest on.

"Is he already down?"Robert asked once their bed is already prepared for Cher and Tigran and shr slowly nodded.

"Yeah, he's already so comfortable."Cher said as she slowly let their baby boy lie on the bed. Cher kissed his forehead before she settled beside him and the view of Cher and Tigran made Robert smile.

"Babe, do you need anything else?"Rob asked as he sit beside Cher.

"I want you to sleep with Ty Ty, babe. You need to rest, too."Cher answered and Rob kissed her forehead.

"I'm fine."Rob said and Cher shook her head.

"Robert, you need to sleep. Ty Ty and I are fine, just please, sleep?"Cher asked and Rob let out a sigh.

"Okay, I'll try."Rob said softly and Cher planted a kiss on his lips that made him smile.

"I love you, Cher."Robert whispered and she smiled.

"I love you, too, Robert."Cher replied.

"C'mon, you lie beside our little prince."Cher said and Rob kissed her forehead once again before he headed to Tigran's other side. Robert lied on his stomach, hugging a small pillow, and he kissed their little boy's temple before closing his eyes.

Cher smiled seeing the view of her boys sleeping beside each other and she is just grateful for having a man as patient and understanding as Robert helping her raise her kids and now their own baby.

For the next months, Robert and Cher helped each other take care of Tigran and with the doctor's okay signal, Cher is back to work, she is just glad that their family can help in taking care of Tigran since Robert is also working.

Walking in her home from her work, she immediately heard laughters that made her smile. She walked to the living room and saw Robert and Elijah playing with Tigran.

"Oh, my handsome boys are here!"Cher exclaimed and Tigran quickly crawled towards his mama.

"Hi, baby."Cher greeted as she carry him and she kissed his cheek before kissing Elijah's cheek.

"Did Ty go with your auntie Gee when she picked you up from school?"Cher asked and Elijah nodded with a hum.

"And auntie Gee let him scream when they saw me coming out."Elijah uttered that made Cher laugh.

"Oh, my God, your auntie Gee is embarassing."Cher said and Elijah giggled.

"It kinda is embarassing."Elijah said and Cher chortled.

"Can we order take-outs for dinner?"Elijah asked all of a sudden.

"Okay, fine."Cher answered and that made Elijah widely smile.

"Hey, Tigran, stop pulling mommy's shirt."Cher uttered all of a sudden and Tigran giggled.

"Mum mum."Tigran uttered and Cher laughed.

"He missed mommy's booby, babe."Robert said as he cup Cher's face before planting a kiss on her lips that made her giggle.

"Can I talk to you about something, by the way?"Cher asked as she start breastfeeding Tigran and Robert sat beside her.

"Something wrong?"Rob asked and Cher looked at him.

"Because the uhmm album is doing well, and they are thinking of doing a tour."Cher uttered and Rob nodded with a hum.

"I'm okay with you doing the tour because I know that is what you love but the real question is, are you okay with it?"Robert asked.

"I badly wanna do it because I miss doing it but at the same time, I don't wanna do it because I don't want to leave Ty for too long, and I also don't want you to take all the responsiblity of taking care of Ty."Cher answered.

"If you wanna do it then, do it, babe. You can't think about Ty in almost every decision you make."Rob said and Cher's forehead creased.

"Of course I have to think about Ty, Robert."Cher retorted.

"No, what I mean is, you love your career as much us you love Chaz, Lijah, and Ty, and right now, I know your priority in your decisions is Ty, but we can already bring Ty everywhere, I'm here to help you, we have lots of help when it comes to babysitting Ty. Babe, I think it is better to do the tour even with Ty coming along than not do the tour and regret that you didn't actually do it."Robert explained.

"Yeah, you're right."Cher said and Rob kissed her cheek.

"You're an amazing mommy to Tigran, you're an amazing partner to me, but you are still Cher, babe. Performing is also what you're good at."Rob said softly and she sweetly smiled. They suddenly heard babbling and Robert and Cher look at their baby boy.

"You already full, Ty Ty?You were so hungry, huh?"Cher asked and Tigran is just babbling.

"Sorry our little Italian prince, daddy have no boobs like mommy that's why I made you drink milk from a bottle a while ago."Robert suddenly uttered that made Cher laugh.

"Robert!"Cher exclaimed still laughing and Rob also started laughing that is making Tigran laugh and clap.

"My God, our little prince is so cute, laughing at something that he doesn't understand."Cher said and Rob softly giggled.

"Our little Italian prince."Robert uttered and Cher kissed Tigran's cheek.

"An Italian prince that looks like his daddy but is named after an Armenian king, that's kinda ironic."Cher said with a giggle.

Cher planned her tour for months, and when the tour already started, Robert and Tygran travelled with her. They also hired a babysitter for Tigran can't really go to his mother's concert every night.

Cher is on break weeks before Tigran's first birthday and she is happy because she can be hands on in planning their baby boy's first birthday.

"Mama!"She suddenly heard a squeal as she she look at her small notebook that made her look up.

"Mama!"She heard that squeal again and she saw her little boy with a pile of clothes in his hands as he run towards her.

"Tigran, what's that?"Cher asked and Tigran cheekily smiled.

"Pawty!"Tigran exclaimed that made Cher laugh.

"Oh, you know that there is going to be a party later?"Cher asked and Tigran nodded with a hum.

"Go pawty, mama."Tigran uttered as he show his mother his clothes.

"No, those are not what you're going to wear on your party, daddy have your clothes."Cher said as she grab the pile of clothes from her son's arms.

"Go pawty, mama, pease?"Tigran said softly and Cher carried him.

"Yes, we will go to the party because it's your birthday party."Cher said, kissing her son's cheek.

"Where is my little Italian prince, Tigran Giovanni?"A voice asked all of a sudden that made Tigran gasped.

"Where's our birthday boy?"That voice asked again and Tigran squealed.

"Dada!"Tigran yelled and that made Robert laugh.

"Hello, our little Prince."Robert greeted before kissing Tigran's cheek.

"How's the preparations?"Cher asked and Robert planted a kiss on her lips.

"It's going great, the decorations are amazing."Robert answered.

"Dada, go pawty."Tigran suddenly intervened that made Robert laugh.

"Yes, we will go to a party because it is your party!"Rob exclaimed and Tigran started babbling excitedly whilst clapping his little hands.

"You excited?"Robert asked and Tigran eagerly nodded.

"Okay, you take a nap first then we will go to your party."Rob uttered and Tigran quickly frowned and looked at his mother and father.

"Mama?Pawty?"Tigran asked.

"Yes, we will go to a party but you need to nap first so that at the party, you will dance, you will play, you will eat candies."Cher explained and Tigran hugged his mother's neck.

"No nap, go pawty."Tigran whispered and Cher rubbed his back.

"No, you really need to nap, sweetheart. C'mon, let's get you milk."Cher said and Tigran whined as he babble.

"You really need to nap, my love."Cher said and Tigran looked at her with tears in his eyes.

"You're cute, sweetheart, but nap time is nap time."Cher said softly.

"What if dada will nap with you?"Robert asked all of a sudden and Tigran looked at him.

"Dada."Tigran said softly as he reach for his father and Rob carried him right away.

"I'll get his milk, babe."Cher said and Rob just nodded as he walk to their bed.

Robert slowly lied on the bed with Tigran on top of him and he is gently tapping his leg. Rob kissed the top of his head and Cher arrived with Tigran's bottle of milk.

"Here is your milk, baby."Cher said softly and she lied on Robert's arm.

"You okay?"Rob asked as he kiss her forehead.

"Yeah, I just can't believe that our baby boy is now one."Cher answered.

"I know and in those 12months, we're literally with him every single day and he just grew in front of us."Rob uttered.

"And he will continue to grow in front of us. Our little Italian-Armenian prince."Cher said softly as she look at Tigran who is already napping.

When Tigran woke up from his nap after a few hours, the family prepared for the party and Tigran's energy is through the roof, and that is making his parents laugh.

"Ty Ty, you need to put on your clothes now, come here."Cher said to Tigran who have been running around their room with just his diapers on quickly went to her.

"Pawty!"Tigran squealed as he run to his mother and Cher laughed.

"At 12 months old, the only words you can say are mama, dada, no nap, milk, hi, and party."Robert suddenly uttered and Cher laughed even more.

"Everything else are babbles."Rob added and Cher is still laughing.

"Only our kid, babe, only our kid."Cher said and Rob nodded with a giggle.

"Imagine if we have another kid and she'll hate going to parties?Literally the opposite of Tigran."Rob suddenly uttered.

"That would be sibling war."Cher said and Robert giggled.

"Can you put on Ty's shoes, babe?I need to finish my make-up."Cher said after he put on Tigran's clothes and Robert kissed her cheek.

"Don't put too much make-up, you're already gorgeous."Robert uttered that made her smile.

Once the family is prepared, they all headed to the venue where Tigran's first birthday will take place and the little boy quickly became ecstatic.

"Down, mama, down."Tigran uttered as he clap is his hands and Cher immediately dropped him on his feet.

Tigran started running around the place that is making his parents laugh but they just let him. It's his party anyways.

"Robert, look at Tigran with a lollipop."Cher said to Rob and they both laughed.

"He knows thst today's the only day he can eat sweets without mama and dada telling him enough."Rob said, still laughing.

"I kinda want another one."Cher suddenly uttered as she hug Rob sideways and Rob looked at her.

"You KINDA want?"Robert asked and Cher laughed.

"Okay, sorry, I want another one."Cher answered.

"I don't wanna rush things, Tigran just turned one but I'm not getting any younger."Cher added and Rob kissed her temple.

"What if you get pregnant while on tour?"Robert asked.

"I can work while pregnant and the tour is not that long."Cher answered.

"Let's just see what happens, okay? We can't force it, you know that. Right now, let's focus on Tigran first and your work."Robert uttered and Cher nodded.

"Did you like what we did with the decorations?"Cher asked and Rob hummed.

"It's amazing, babe, everyone is happy, they enjoy the activities, our little boy like everything."Rob answered.

For Tigran's party, there are games for the kids, entertainment for the kids, some surprise for Tigran, and for the last part, they asked the parents to go in front with the birthday boy.

"Do you wanna say something, sweetheart?"Cher asked Tigran who is in his father's arm.

"Hi."Tigran said that elicited laughters from everybody.

"Can you say thank you?"Robert asked and Tigran started babbling on the microphone that once again made everyone laugh.

"You can thank everyone, babe."Rob whispered to Cher.

"Okay, those babbles means thank you."Cher said with a giggle.

"Thank you to all of you who came to our Tigran's first birthday, all of you made this day extra special for our Ty Ty, and we are grateful to have all of you here."Cher said and they all clapped.

"Mama."Tigran called for her all of a sudden and she carried him. Tigran grabbed the microphone and he started babbling.

"Say party."Cher whispered to Tigran.

"Pawty!"Tigran squealed that made everyone laugh.

They all continued to party until guests are starting to leave and Tigran's energy is also starting to go downhil.

"Mama, mik, pease?"Tigran cried when he is already tired and Cher immediately carried him.

"Okay, okay, mama have your milk."Cher said as she hand Tigran his bottle of milk.

"Stupid, do we start loading the car with Tigran's gifts?"A voice asked Cher all of a sudden and it's Georganne.

"Yes, help Robert, I think he is already doing that."Cher answered and Georganne nodded.

The family headed home after a few more moments and Cher immediately bathed Tigran before putting him to sleep.

"Little boy's already down?"A voice asked Cher all of a sudden after she carefully dropped Tigran on his crib.

"Yeah, our little boy is already down."Cher answered softly. It's Robert.

"Come here."Robert said softly and Cher quickly went to him and hugged him.

"Are you happy with our little family?"Robert asked as he kiss her forehead and she smiled.

"More than happy."Cher answered and Robert planted a soft kiss on her lips.


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