
By SweetTiana15

563K 4.8K 814

20 Year old Kendra was finally living with one of the most important people in her life. Her bestfriend, Kier... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Book 2?
Book 2 coming soon!
Go check this out!

Chapter 19

10.7K 122 14
By SweetTiana15

(I told y'all i'm trying to hurry up and get this over with so this chapter was A little bit dry.)

It's 2 days later, everything has been cool so far. Kieran has been making sure everything is okay with Ava and the baby while also making sure everything is okay with Kendra.

Kendra has Invited Monica over and they talk while Kendra packs up the rest of her stuff. "So what have you been up to?"

"I've been fine." Kendra finishes packing her stuff up setting it down near the closet.

"I asked what have you been up to you"

"Oh" Kendra sighs "Well I haven't been up to anything but packing for our trip, It's been A lot going on."

"Is everything okay with you and Kieran?"

"I mean I guess everything is okay with me and Kieran, everything isn't okay with Ava though."

"What did that bitch do now? Let me know so I can go to her house" Monica jumps up off the bed.

"Relax" Kendra laughs "She didn't do anything wrong plus you won't be able to fight her because guess what? she's pregnant."

"WHAT THE FUCK" Monica yells.

"Calm down" Kendra whispers "I don't want Kieran to hear us talking about this."

"Oh my god" Monica sits back down "Since when?"

"She told me A couple of days ago And I suggested that she has A chat with him just to talk things out."

"Wow I can't believe this shit."

"I couldn't believe it either but turns out she's 2 months, I think that's what Kieran told me, I didn't really care to hear about Ava but I guess now i'm gonna have to play nice with her just because she's gonna be around more."

"I really don't know what to say, I'm shocked right now."

"Well some good news, Kieran has found A place and he wants me to move in with him and of course I said yes." Kendra smiles.

"It's not gonna be weird? Living with someone whose gonna have A child in A few months?"

"I honestly don't care, Me and Kieran weren't together when he knocked Ava up so I really don't care who he got pregnant, I just don't want her to think this means she's gonna be getting back together with him."

"Well don't worry about her, she should Already know by now that man isn't hers anymore and she's just gonna have to move on"

"This whole situation sucks but I've been trying my best not to think about."

"Don't let this situation keep bothering you, Kieran -" She's cut off by Kieran knocking on the door then walks inside.

"Hey babe" He walks up to Kendra kissing her "I was about to head out to get some food, do you want anything?"

"Where are you headed?"

"It depends where do you want from?"

"You already know where I want from." Kendra replies.

Kieran laughs "Chipotle?"


"Okay, I already know what you want" He looks over to Monica "Do you want anything?"

"No thanks, I already Ate."

"Okay, Well i'll see you In A few" He leans in kissing Kendra.

"See you later" He leaves the room.

"Well anyways back to you, Where is this house located at that you both are planning on moving to?"

"He told me it's about 30 minutes away from here."

"Walking or driving?"

"I don't know but if anything I can still come and see you or you can come and see me, I don't know when we're gonna Actually start packing to leave but I hope it's soon, I just wanna start fresh."

"Well just know everything Is gonna be okay, everything is gonna work out just fine."

"Thank you." Kendra smiles "But like you said enough about this, I feel like getting drunk and having A good time with my friend before I leave for Miami"

"After what I heard I'm gonna need A couple of shots, Girl let's go" They both stand leaving the room, walking downstairs into the kitchen and begins digging in the cabinets for the liquor.


It's later on around 8:30pm and Monica has already went home. Kendra is chilling inside the living room watching some TV while waiting for Kieran to get back.

He finally gets home "Hey" He greets her.

"Where were you?"

"Sorry I took long, I had to deal with something first then I went to pick up your food after." He sets the food down on the counter top.

"What did you have to do?"

"I went to go see A friend, Why?"

"I'm just asking."

"Okay" He walks over to her sitting down next to her "Anyways how was your day?"

"Eh, the same."

"How much did you drink? I can smell the Alcohol on your breath" He laughs.

"Don't worry about that." Kendra stands "Well now since you're finally home Almost 6 hours later I can go to bed."

"Stop tryna be petty, I told you I was with A friend."

"Well you should have told me that's what you were gonna go do before you left, you didn't even call or text me and let me know you'll be back late."

"Are you angry about me coming home late or are you mad about something else?"

"Whatever I don't wanna talk" Kendra begins walking off upstairs but he follows behind her.

"I'm not tryna argue with you so just get some rest and we can talk tomorrow."

"I'm not arguing with you, I said I don't wanna talk and now you're following me, No one told you to follow me"

"I'm tryna make sure you're okay" He follows behind her inside her room "Do you want water or anything?"

"No, I want Ava to leave us alone and stop bothering us with her stupid ass bullshit."

"See, I knew this was about something else,I told you to stop worrying about her, Just lay down and go to sleep." He walks her to her bed.

"No, i'm not tired!" She yells at him.

"Kendra please just get in the damn bed, you're drunk and you need some rest!" He yells back at her.

"I'm not drunk, I had only A couple of drinks"

"So why are you acting like this? you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk stop saying that" She lays down on her bed.

"Whatever, Are you gonna be good in here by yourself?"

"I'll be fine, Just leave me alone."

"Stop acting like that" He leans in kissing her "I'll see you tomorrow and I love you."

"I love you too."

He walks towards the door leaving her room and she turns her lights off then closes her eyes and dozes off.

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