His Last Hope - A Vigilante T...

נכתב על ידי KurayiaKai

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This story starts when Izuku's older brother Hiro, goes to the doctor and the doctor tells him a secret that... עוד

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 5.5
Part 6
Character Pictures
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

Part 4

286 4 0
נכתב על ידי KurayiaKai

"He is downstairs with the other brat." Inko said as she opened the basement door.

"15,000 yen right?" A masked man said pulling the money out of his pocket.

"Yes, you can do what ever you want to the older one. If you touch the younger, you will have to pay me 20,000 yen." She said as she took the money from the man.

"Okay... sounds like a deal. Does it matter how long I take?" The man asked as he started to walk down the stairs.

"No. Just try to keep the noise down. My princess is going to bed soon."

"Okay." The man replied.

"BRATS WAKE UP!" Inko screamed down the stairs.

"I will leave them in your care." She said as she shut the door.

"This will be fun. Now, which one is the older one?" The man said as he walked over to the now awake boys.

"I am." Hiro said as he sat up and tried to hide Izuku behind him.

"So, your mother sold you to me for the night. Your really cute..." He said now standing right in front of the shaking boys.

"You can do what ever you want to me just leave my brother out of this." Hiro said looking the man in the eyes.

"Brother? What about you?" Izuku whispered

"I'll be fine. Will do me a favor before you do anything to me?" Hiro asked the man.

"Sure, I'm feeling generous."

"Will you carry and lock Izu in the bathroom? He is very injured and will probably try and protect me. I don't want him to get hurt anymore." Hiro asked with a determined look in his eye.

"I will do that. Your mother told me that I would have to pay extra if I touched him. Now I know that it is probably because he is already hurt, and what I plan on doing might kill him."

"Okay... here." Hiro said as he moved out of the way.

(Wow, she did a number on this little guy.) The man thought has he picked up the bandaged Izuku.

"Brother... Why? I want to protect you." He said starting to cry softly.

"It's my turn to protect you and plus you can't move on your own. I love you Izu. I will be fine." He said as the man made it to the bathroom.

"I love you too. Please unlock the door when you are done. I want to be able to see him when you are done." He said crying and looking at the man with a cold but warm glare.

"Sure little man. I just don't want you in my way." He said putting Izuku in the bathroom.

"Thank you." Izuku said as the man closed and locked the door. (I hope he will be okay. I can't believe that Inko sold him to the man.)

"Okay, are you ready? Oh right Inko didn't give me your name." The man said walking over to Hiro that was sitting on the bed.

"My name is Hiro and my brother's name is Izuku. What are you planing on doing to me?" He said as the man grabbed the chair from the desk and brought it to the center of the room.

"Well first, I want you to come over and sit in this chair." The man said as he pointed to the chair and walked over to the bag he brought with him.

"Okay and then what?" He asked as he walked over and sat in the chair.

"I want to test this new drug that heals wounds. The last person that I tested it on lost his mind, but I fixed the chemical compound that caused that. So I am going to cut your arm and inject this into the wound I made." The man said as he pulled a little silver case out of his bag.

"Is it going to hurt?" Hiro asked still kind of shaking.

"Honestly, I don't know. But I do need to tie you up, just in case it has any side effects." He said as he put the case on the desk and pulled out some rope.

"Okay..." Hiro said as stopped shaking as bad.
(Even though Inko sold me to him for the night. He is very friendly. Even though he plans on using me as a test subject.)

"Now hold still." He said as he started to tie Hiro to the chair.

"Why are you being so obedient?" He asked as he finished tying the ropes binding Hiro to the chair.

"First of all, Inko sold me to you. So that means you could do anything you want to me for the night and I would rather not get hurt, if I don't need to be. Plus, I'm guessing you would make my brother watch you beat me or whatever if I didn't comply. Honestly, I would rather get what you plan to do to me done without my little brother seeing it." He said with a protective older brother glare.

"Oh... that makes since." He said walking over to the desk.

(What have these two been through that made them act so much older than they are? I know that Hiro is 7 and I'm guessing the other one is either 4 or 5. I hope the side effects are not too bad.) The man thought as he grabbed the knife and needle out of the box.

(I need this drug to work. My daughter is in the hospital and I need the money even if it goes against my beliefs.) He thought as he walked over to Hiro.

"Now Hiro, I need you to tell me if you feel anything after the drug is injected. Even if it is small like if it make you feel colder." He said as he stopped right in front of him.

"Okay. I'm ready. Just get this over with. I can hear Izuku crying and I want to go over to him as soon as I can." He said looking over at the bathroom door.

"Sounds good." He said as he held the knife over Hiro's wrist and cut a long deep line acrossed the vain.

"Sssss..." Hiro winced as blood ran down his arm and dropped on the floor.

(Most people cry or scream. Why did he have barely any response?) He thought looking confused.

"I have been through worse. Just pull up my shirt after you inject that." He said looking at the needle.

"Oh right." He said as he put the knife on the ground and inject the drug into the wound.

"Ahhhh..." Hiro screamed quietly.

(Oh my god. He is covered in scars from being cut and hit multiple times.) He thought as he pull up Hiro's shirt like he told him to.

"It's very painfull." He ground out through the pain.

"Okay, let me grab my notebook out of my bag." The man said a he walked over to his bag and grabbed a notebook and a pen.

"Any other details?" He asked as he started to write notes.

"My wound feels hot and my eyes are starting to hurt." Hiro said as he started crying blood.

"That is new." He said as he continued to observe and write in his notebook.

"My vision is going blurry and wound is hurting less." Hiro said as the cut on his arm started to close.

"The wound is closing that is awesome. Now let see what the side effects will be." The man said with his eyes sparkling.

"Can I close my eyes for a bit, they hurt and they would feel better if I close them." Hiro asked trying hard to keep his eyes open.

"Yes. You can. Just open them every few minutes."

"Okay." He said as he closed his eyes.

Five minutes later, the cut on Hiro's arm had closed.

"My arm doesn't hurt anymore." Hiro said opening his eyes.

"That's because the wound is completely healed." The man said in an amazed tone.

"Really." Hiro said looking down.

"Wow. It's gone." Hiro said noticing the wound is now gone and didn't leave a scar.

"Now we wait 60 minutes to see if the drug had any major side effects. Do your eyes still hurt?" The man said writing more notes.

"They do. They hurt a lot and it seems that my hearing is better too." He said closing his eyes again.

"I'm going to tie this around your eyes and this will probably help you with the pain as long as you continue talking to me." He said as he pulled a bandage out of his bag.

"Okay." Hiro said as the man tied the white bandage around his head.

"That should do it. Before you said your hearing is better, like by how much?" He asked grabbing his notebook again.

"Before we started I could just barely hear Izu crying from the bathroom and now i can hearing him whispering."
(Izu, I don't know why they are doing this to us either.)

"Oh, wow that has never happened before. Do you feel anything else?" The man asked still taking notes.

"My old wounds don't ache anymore." Hiro said with a small smile.

"He might have gained pain intolerance or the drug healed his old wounds." The man mumbled.

"I don't think they healed because I can still feel them a little bit." Hiro replied to the man's mumbling.

"Okay, you mostly gained a higher pain intolerance." He said writing this down.

50 Minutes later and the doctor removed the bandage from Hiro's eyes.

"Try and open your eyes." The man said putting the bandage on the floor.

"Okay." He said opening his eyes.
"They don't hurt any more." He said as the doctor gasped.
"What happened?"

"Your eye color changed." The said in shock.

"Really, what color?" Hiro asked

"They changed again. They were dark green before we started and they changed to dark blue and purple and now they changed again to be bright orange and yellow mixed." He said while watching Hiro and writing notes.

"Thats cool." Hiro said feeling happy.
(I am so glad that drug didn't have any bad side effects.)

"They changed again. They are just yellow now. I think they might change with your emotions." The man said looking at Hiro.
"What are feeling right now?"

"I am happy." Hiro said with a smile.

"Ok so I guess yellow means that you are happy. Think of something sad." He said excitedly.

(I wish that my parents actually loved us.)

"They are dark blue now. Think of something that angers you."

(How could they beat Izu and sell me to this guy.)

"They turned red. Now think of somthing that you fear."

Hiro thought back to what happened a few hours ago and the fear of losing his little brother.

"They are turned white, now think of something you hate or something that angers you."

Hiro thinks of all the things that his family has done to the two of them.

"They are red and lastly think of someone that you love and care about."

"Izu..." He said quietly.

"Okay they turned pink, let me finish writing my notes down and then I will leave." The man said.

"Can I ask you three questions?" Hiro asked.

"Sure, but I don't know if I will be able to answer your questions." He said still writing.

"That's fair."
"So, are you doctor of some sort?"

"Yes I am, but I mostly do research on new kinds of drugs. I also give medical treatment to people that can't go to the hospital." He said finally finishing his notes.

"That's cool. My second question is if you are planning going to come back." Hiro asked as his eye changed color.

"Yes, I do planning on coming back to check on you to see if you have any other side effects besides the high pain intolerance, the changing eye color, and the heightened senses too. Plus, I might come to test other drugs that I might finish in the future."
"Your eye colored changed to purple. What emotion are you feeling?" The man asked.

"I'm curious about things and what do you mean about heightened senses?" Hiro replied.

"It means that your five senses are more sensitive towards things. Like your sense of taste, hearing, eye sight, smell and even touch could be stronger."

"Thats so cool!" He said as has changed color again.

"Are you feeling happy? Because your eyes color changed to yellow mixed with purple." The man asked adding this to his notes.

"Yes. Oh and my last question is to know what I should I call you."

"Oh right, you can call me Dr. Ray." Dr. Ray said as he finished writing and put his notebook in the bag he brought.

"Okay. Are you leaving now?" He asked noticing him starting to put all his stuff in his bag.

"Yes, I need to leave. I need to check on a patient of mine." He said as he finished packing and walked over to untie Hiro.

"What happened to them?" Hiro asked as he was finally untied.

"They were stabbed." He said as he started to walk to the stairs.

"Oh, that must of hurt."

"Yea it probably did." Dr. Ray said stopping at the bottom of the steps.

"Bye kid. If you need any medical attention in the future and can't go to the hospital come find me." He said as he threw a business card on Hiro's bed.

"Okay I will. Thank you. Bye Dr. Ray." He said as the doctor walked up the stairs and left.

"Izu!" Hiro shouted as he ran over to the door.

"Brother, is he gone?" He said weak from crying almost the whole time.

"Yes, he is gone Izu." Hiro said as he opened the door to see Izu in a ball on the floor, looking at him.

"Are you ok?" He asked as Hiro walked over and hugged him.

"Yes, I am. In fact that drug helped me gain a lot." He said still holding Izuku.

"That's good." Izuku replied.

"Were you able to hear everything he said?" Hiro asked.

"Yes, brother.  Your eyes are pink now and they are sooo pretty." He said lightly giggling and smiling while looking at Hiro's eyes.

"Thank you Izu." He said releasing Izuku.
(He is too cute.)
"I am going to check your bandages to see if they need changing. Is that okay?" Hiro asked backing up a bit.

"Okay." Izuku said with a big smile.

15 minutes later. Hiro finished changing Izuku's bandages, he went out to check to see if the door was shut so he could move Izuku with his quirk.

"Brother, you need to be more careful about using your quirk." Izuku said as Hiro floated him onto Izuku's bed.

"I am being careful. You can't walk yet and I want you to be more comfortable." He said as he walked over and started to clean his blood off the floor.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry Izu?"

"I'm sorry that I'm weak and still can't walk."

"Oh, Izu... You were almost beaten to death and most other 5 years would not have been able to survive that. It's unstandable that you can't walk yet, but it shows how strong you really are." He said as he finished cleaning up.


"Yes." Hiro said as he walked over to his dresser and got changed.

"Can you sleep with me? I am too scared to sleep alone." Izuku asked him.

"Of course." He said as he walked over and got into bed with Izu.

"I love you brother." Izuku said as he cuddled up to Hiro.

"I love you too. But we need to sleep Izu. Good night." He said holding Izu.

"Good Night." Izuku said sleeply.

המשך קריאה

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