Resonance// If I stay

By pensiveprufrock

10 1 1

"Zofia, try to realize he loves you, he loves you far too much. Please don't take away my brother's only sour... More

Curtain Raiser

10 1 1
By pensiveprufrock

Pravda výjde na vrch ako olej

The truth rises to the surface like oil on water.

The Succubae (Incubi) and the Anthropos (Werewolves) were endowed with the element of flare; scent. The Vrykolakas, or Vampires, had been given the ability to hunt. Then there was the Gremlin, who could tailor and heal. The Faes were the ace on the table because they could wield different incantations; all at once, master them, and become impenetrable. But, like in every fairytale, the opposing group believes pursuing ambush and killing rather than sharing peace would be a better alternative. So that's what they did. The Nymphs; Faes or Necromancers for some, had been abandoned for as long as they could remember. They represented a threat because they could accomplish anything.

It is not erroneous for modern term vocabulary to derive it as genocide. The jealousy of their brethren amounted to extermination for them. They were taken from their homes, children, and men of all ages, and they never returned. To discover if there were Faes among other communal societies, genetic testing using needles and pins would be conducted: All because they were not in power.

Power was the solitary thing Zofia Tanaka loathed with all her heart; those in authority.

She did not have a conventional upbringing. Growing up in a desolate orphanage didn't seem to work out for her. She grew up in a world full of hostility, resentment, and hate. Zofia wanted nothing more than to not be at war.

Their own jail; The archives were hidden, directly beneath the Succubae's noses, and were fortified by the magic of their Reverend mother. The Faes would sometimes venture out at night to get some fresh air, but it was still confinement. If the enchantment ever dissipated, they had it decked as a Noggin , stuffed high with books of all kinds. Ichika would be behind the counter. She had the weakest odor of any of them.

To deduce the Succubae were complete idiots, would be an understatement. Their need for sex rendered them incapable of thinking properly. If it wasn't about sex, they didn't seem to care. So they didn't give a hoot about Mother Sakura's supposed Noggin. The secret location where she taught Faes, prepared them for war.

After all, the Succubae were a bunch of idiots.


It was only after Azuma's demise did Sakura tightened her grip on the most vital pawn, Zofia. Her father possessed the ability to bend anything, from steel to lifeblood. Hazardous, in my opinion. On the other end of the line, her mother was a healer. Zofia was a combination of high and low and was emotionally weakened after her brother's death so much, that she accepted to accompany Sakura. Growing up Zofia never understood the favoritism, but now she does. She completely comprehends Sunmi's politicization of Azuma's death, and she knows the agenda. Growing up, all Zofia, or as her friends call her: Zofie, ever wanted was to run away. But it feels very callous to want to flee the lone cause she grew up with.

Zofia sometimes wished her brother hadn't died fighting.


Zofia has delicate features. How could anyone have foreseen the enormity of her existence? That's what propelled her to the top of the heap.


"They slaughtered your parents! They ripped us to bits! Take a look at where we are today! Can't even purchase a piece of bread while they feast luxuriously on their beds, reclining on our corpses! Kill! There will be no remorse! Do you understand me Grisha? No remorse!" Reverend Mother Takahashi Sakura shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Zofia? Are you listening to what I said?"

"Yes, Mother!"

"Yes what Zofia? Yes what? What do you say?"

"Bez výčitiek"

"No Remorse mother!"

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