Just Friends (Completed)

By QueenyC10

8.7K 733 160

Kongpob and Arthit fought over which flat to get - the one with the big lounge or the one with just enough ro... More

2: Arrangement?
3: Realisation
4: An Unexpected Event..
5: Not the best place to kiss!
6: Near, but so far apart
7: Mother's Know Best!

1: Closer than Close

2K 119 42
By QueenyC10

"Arthit are you home?" Kongpob yells as he crashes through the front door and into their tiny living room. It is still a sore point between them that their shared flat has only enough space for a two-seat sofa in the lounge, even though Arthit had found a place that had a much bigger space for them to share.

However, Kongpob's arguments that they had once each lived in a single room with no space for any sofas and that this flat was much nicer, much cleaner and far nearer to both of their places of work had won out; and so they suffer the tiny couch and Kongpob suffers Arthit's 'I told you so' every time they have a guest over and one of them has to slump in a bean bag on the floor instead of being comfy on the couch (usually Kongpob as its his fault in the first place!)

Yelling one more time, Kongpob shuffles into his slippers and slips his coat over a hook by the door, then makes his way into the tiny kitchen attached to the lounge, to find his flat mate stirring something over the heat, earbuds visible in each ear.

Deciding it's a chance he can't refuse, Kongpob creeps up behind him and then loops his arms around Arthit's waist, lifting him off the ground.

Red sauce splatters over the pristine white surfaces, giving the effect that a murder has been committed in their home, and Arthit (though he will vehemnetly deny it later) shrieks in shock and bats at Kongpob's hands with his wooden spoon.

"It's me... It's me," Kongpob wheezes through his laughs and then freezes in place by the fridge, hands up in front of him as he waits for the fallout.

"Kongpob! You idiot! Look what a mess you've caused - you can clean it all up." Arthit gives him his sternest look, amped up to volume eleven, and Kongpob mentally catalogues it alongside stern looks 1-10, where 1 was barely stern at all and actually, had a hint of a smirk in it.

But, even the sternest Arthit Rojnapat look was nothing that terrible when you were Kongpob Suthiluck, best friend extraordinaire.

Even when they disagreed (never fought, disagreed) neither of them actually got that mad with the other, instead it was more like gentle bickering (or constant bickering, according to Knott and Tew their best friends).

In fact, in their ten plus years of being best friends, they had only had one incident that had caused them to stop talking to each other and it had been back when they were sixteen, a long time ago. Each of them had been so upset by their disagreement that they had ended up meeting, by happy coincidence, halfway between their houses at 2am to apologise, since neither of them could sleep.

And after that, they had vowed never to step away from an argument unless it was resolved - and so far, they had managed it.

So, Kongpob knows that Arthit might blow off some steam for a little bit, but that in no time at all they would be sitting side-by-side on their sofa in their tiny living room, eating their delicious dinner and chattering about their day.

And he is right.

"I think you've outdone yourself," Kongpob moans as he strokes his stomach, the taste of Arthit's noodles still lingering on his tongue, "Where did you get that recipe? I think it's your best one yet!"

Arthit's grin is blinding and once again, Kongpob wonders how it is that his best friend is still single when everyone they meet is utterly bowled over by Arthit's even white teeth and soft pink lips with their perfect Cupid's bow. Not to mention the dimples in his cheeks when he grins.

The man is stunning, and even Kongpob has fallen for his smile on more than one occasion (a few of which are far too embarrassing to remember, though one had involved Kong walking into a street lamp and coming away with a slight concussion that Arthit had needed to nurse him through).

"I got it from a girl at work, I think her name is Namtarn or Namton or something?" Arthit flicks on the TV and starts to station hop, looking for something they will both enjoy. "Anyway, she transferred in from South Sea last week when Pana went down with the flu, and then they decided they liked her, so she's still with us. She's kind of been my unofficial stalker since she didn't know all the procedures for our department, so she said she wanted to thank me and suggested I cook this for my wife or my girlfriend."

Kongpob's grin widens as he hears Arthit's story - finally someone is showing interest in his friend and Arthit hasn't run away screaming yet! He fist pumps the air just as Arthit turns to look at him.

"What's that for?" He asks suspiciously and Kongpob slowly lowers his arm.

"Nothing, just a sore arm, I had to heft around a lot of books today since Maprang decided to bail on us, again." Arthit leans over and pokes at his shoulder, then grabs Kongpob's waist and twists him, so his back is to Arthit.

As he digs his fingers into the muscles, Kongpob lets out a long, low groan, "Ohhhh, that feels really good, thank you. So, yeah, I was telling Tew that he should ask her to actually bring in a sick note to cover all these random days off, but he said she was kind of flighty on exactly what was wrong with her and he was worried it was something major and she was too scared to tell him. So I said - oh yes there - that he should just get rid of her and he went all red and then hid in his office for the rest of the afternoon."

"Well, you already know he fancies her, Kong, so I don't know why you're surprised that he won't do anything." Arthit's hands drop lower and he bends Kongpob forward so he can dig into the muscles in his lower back too, "I suppose as long as he feels the way he does, nothing will change, eh? Besides, you're just annoyed cos you don't believe in falling in love or even in romance."

"That's not troo-oo, man that's good, don't stop, harder please! I just like sex... ohhhh!"

Arthit freezes against his back, "Are we acting out a low budget porno, Kong? Cos you know Ms Bates from upstairs will call the cops again and accuse us of 'working' out of our apartments and it will be super embarrassing. Once was truly enough!"

Kongpob stifles his laughter, aware that Arthit is serious - it had been a bit embarrassing if Kong is honest. They'd had to persuade the officers that they both lived in their flat by showing them photos in their separate bedrooms with their respective parents, and then let them look around when they'd asked to search the place in case anyone was hiding.

And although they hadn't found anything incriminating, Kongpob had felt judged for his chockablock drawer full of lube and condoms. Meanwhile Arthit had been mortified that they'd seen the silk underwear that said 'slut' across the ass that Bright from paediatrics had bought him as a gag gift in the Christmas Secret Santa.

He supposed it was a little bit suspicious that they were both half-naked having had a rather ridiculous food fight, after Kongpob had insulted Arthit's slightly dry chicken. But equally, if they'd answered the door to the police with red sauce all over their clothes, it might have been much, much worse.

In fact, Kongpob muses as he recalls that fateful night, Arthit's cooking had gotten them into trouble a few times in the past...

"Okay, no porno noises tonight, just, please don't stop, it feels good." Kongpob whines, and Arthit starts to knead his sore muscles once more. "Anyway, you were telling me about Namtarn, is she fit? Want to ask her out on a date yet?"

"I already told you - the women in my workplace are off limits to you, you horny dog!"

"Not for me, Arthit, for you!"

Arthit's hands freeze in place and the air stills around them, and then Arthit speaks quietly, "No. No, I don't think so. I'm not interested."

And the conversation is over.

Although Arthit finishes massaging his back, there's a chill in the air that Kongpob can't quite warm up and by the time they're both ready for bed, he's desperate to apologise even though he's not certain what he's apologising for.

So, he barges into Arthit's room and finds him shuffling through his paperwork.

"Are we okay?" He asks abruptly, causing Arthit to drop everything, papers fluttering through the air and littering the ground.

"Kongpob!" He barks, but his heart isn't in it and Kong goes straight to him and gathers him into his arms, holding him tightly against his chest.

"What is it?"

"It's nothing to bother you about."

"Hey! What have I told you?" Kongpob pulls away to look his friend in the eye.

"I'm important. I matter just as much as everyone else. My feelings are just as valid and it doesn't matter if I think they're insignificant - if I feel it, it's important."

"Exactly - now do you want to share?"

Arthit shakes his head, but then he tugs Kongpob back towards him - the universal sign that he wants to bury his feelings into his friend's chest until they're all gone. And Kongpob lets him.

Arthit's always had a problem with self-worth. Even now, successful in his career and living independently (well with Kongpob - but Arthit cooks all the meals and makes sure Kongpob looks after himself properly), he still has moments of self-doubt, and Kongpob always tries his best to help him through them, even when he's not certain what's causing them - like now.

It's a long hug, but by the end, Arthit pulls away with a grateful smile on his face, dimpling just slightly and causing Kongpob's heart to swoosh around in his chest a little as usual.

Kong's not certain what it means, but he does feel very protective of his best friend and he can't help but hope he'll feel better in the morning.

"Want me to stay?"

Arthit shakes his head and Kong reels him in for a final tight hug, "Okay then, just please go to sleep and get a decent rest for once."

His friend frowns and indicates the papers spread around them like a tornado has swept through.

"Fine - after we tidy these up, you sleep!"

It's almost a week later when Arthit comes home late, slamming the door behind him as he stomps into their living room.

Kongpob, who had been in the process of eating a slice of his disgustingly cheesy pizza, freezes mid-bite and the cheese slides off the top and splats onto the open box with a wet squelch.

"What's up with you?" He asks as he drops the bare crust back into the box with a disappointed frown.

"That woman! She won't leave me alone! It's all, Arthit this and Arthit that and I can't even get away from her long enough to get my own job done! I've had it with her! I can't cope! Please Kongpob, tell me what to do!"

Kongpob stands and steps into Arthit's space, checking his face carefully before he folds him into a hug and strokes, firstly his hair and then his back in long, hard lines.

"You're okay." He whispers and feels Arthit relax a minuscule amount, tensed muscles starting to loosen. "She's not here. This is a safe space. You're okay."

When Arthit has calmed down enough for Kongpob to step away, he makes a quick decision and then marches off into their luxurious bathroom (another reason Kongpob had insisted on this flat) and twists the taps, clouds of soft steam surrounding him as the claw footed bath fills slowly.

He selects a 'Dreamy' bath bomb and slips it into the water, watching it fizz as it dashes through the bath, turning the water lavender and filling the room with the same scent. He adds a good long slug of bubble bath for extra foam (and for modesty's sake) and then he heads back into the living room and shoves Arthit through the door. "Strip, get in and relax please."


"I will bring you pizza.. and beer. And we will talk."

Arthit nods and the door snickers shut behind Kongpob as he retreats into the kitchen to grab the necessary items, wondering what has caused Arthit to erupt.

Sitting on the toilet, plate of pizza in his hand and listening to Arthit rant while they are surrounded by the scent of lavender is no hardship. In fact, for Kongpob, who has had a pretty demanding week at work too, it's perfectly pleasant.

Well, it would be, if Arthit wasn't so upset by the new nurse, Namtarn's actions.

Kongpob absolutely gets it. Being on the receiving end of attention you aren't interested in can be quite the nightmare. He's been through it himself, and even had to enlist Knott (Arthit's best friend but also a private detective) to help him out when May had been sort of stalking him a few years ago.

Luckily, since then, all the girls following him have been from consensual relationships and Kongpob has recovered from the 'May experience' pretty smoothly. Although, sometimes, he wonders if Arthit has.

His best friend seems more afraid of women than when they were teens with their ridiculous crushes and crazy ideas about what a date should be like.

"... I just want her to stop Kongpob! She even told me we should stick together at the staff night out that's coming up and I really, really don't want to.."

Kongpob takes a long slug of his beer then settles it back on the bathtub tray he'd bought when they first moved in. Arthit puts his own glass down too and picks up his plate of pizza and nibbles at a slice. But when he sees Kongpob's firm expression, he changes it to a big bite and swallows it down as Kong watches.

"Then don't hang out with her." Kongpob replies, putting his empty plate next to his glass and swirling the bath water with his fingers to get rid of the grease. As he does, his fingertips catch on Arthit's side and the other man jumps, a small wave of water sloshing over the edge of the bath. "Sorry!"

"It's okay. Was a surprise, that's all." But Kongpob can see that Arthit's face is turning a flushed pink and he wonders if it's the heat of the bath water or something else causing it.

"So, anyway. Just tell her no. Be firm."

"I tried that. She thinks.. because I don't have a girlfriend that she can latch on to me. I don't know if she likes me or if it's just because she wants a new buddy... but I really don't like it."

She definitely likes you, Kongpob thinks even as his mind ticks through a few possible solutions. "Well.. then invent a partner!"


"I mean, just tell her you're seeing someone. Then she can't force herself into your presence."

"But who will I say I'm seeing?" Arthit asks, eyes flickering all over as he scoops up bubbles and pulls them in a big pile towards his chest where the previous ones have started to melt away.

"Does it matter? You don't have to answer that. Just tell her it's a private relationship and let her imagination run wild."

"Well.. but what if she hounds me for details, you know I'm rubbish at lying."

"Then.." Kongpob thinks quickly, wanting to help his friend relax and also to solve his problem, "Just describe the kinds of things you'd do with a date.. you could always tell her you live with your partner!"

"I could.. but.. everyone else knows I live with you!" Arthit's mouth tightens and Kongpob wonders what else is going on his head - but his friend isn't sharing and Kong supposes they should focus on the problem at hand first.

"True.. true. I suppose you could say it's relatively new? Would that work?"


"You just have to be firm. People will believe things if your story is clear and told firmly. Okay?"


After Arthit's bath, they curl up on the couch, Kongpob automatically lifting his arm for Arthit to slot under as they often do when one or the other is upset, or when they're tired, or when they just want a snuggle.

Living in the city, away from their families, it's natural to take comfort from their close friendship. It's normal to crave a hug now and again, Kongpob has decided.

They watch a mindless action flick and have another couple of beers and then Arthit says it's bedtime and they brush their teeth side-by-side, Kongpob flicking little bits of foam at Arthit and Arthit angrily brushing them off and shoving his soap into Kong's face.

Finally, when they're standing in front of their respective rooms, Kongpob opens his arms and Arthit hugs him tightly, "Thanks Kong. I'll try what you suggested."

It's Tuesday, four days later, when Knott calls, Kongpob's phone bouncing around in his pocket as he shelves medical textbooks in Tew's palatial and immaculate bookstore.

He fishes it out of his pocket just as it rings off, flicking his finger automatically over the button to call Knott back.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"Have you spoken to Arthit recently?" Knott is brusque and to the point as always.

Kongpob thinks. Actually, he hasn't seen Arthit since Friday night, since his friend's been flat out at work and had the late shifts, arriving home long after Kongpob has already fallen asleep, Kong leaving for work while Arthit is still slumbering.

Of course, they've left each other their patented post-it note requests which means that Arthit's been leaving Tupperware containers of food for Kongpob and, in turn, Kong has been laundering all of Arthit's dirty uniforms. It's a habit they've picked up over the years and now it's just part of their normal routine.

But it doesn't mean that Kongpob doesn't miss his best friend and can't wait for him to go back to a more regular shift pattern where they can actually eat dinner together and chat in person instead of over crude paper drawings and single word responses.

(The first time Tew had seen the slew of coloured notes pinned to their fridge and spread over the work surfaces, he had needed to sit down with his head between his knees for a long time until his panicked breathing had recovered back to normal. As a fastidious person, he had not been able to cope with the disorganised mess and had even gone so far as to try and organise their conversation by date.

It had not gone well since most of the notes were in-jokes between them and he had ended up leaving, feeling worse than when he had arrived. Kongpob knows not to invite Tew round when he and Arthit go through these periods now, or at least, he knows to hide the post-its far, far away - usually, in the takeaway menu drawer.)

"I haven't seen Arthit for days, Knott. The last correspondence was this morning's drawing of a stick figure me washing his uniforms and a reminder to eat the curry in the fridge. Why, what's up?"

"So.. you don't know?"

"Don't know what?" Kongpob continues to idly shelve the medical texts, slipping a book about osteoporosis next to one about cardiology. He knows Arthit would kill him to see those two side-by-side, but what his best friend doesn't know won't hurt him.

(Of course, Tew finds them later and pitches a hissy fit and Kongpob has to go back and sort them by subject matter, which involves flicking through a fair number of them and seeing things he really doesn't want to, reminding him of the times he had to quiz Arthit in university to help him study - gross!)

"You don't know what trouble Arthit has gotten himself into?" Knott sounds serious and Kongpob's certain his heart misses quite a few beats. For a moment, he wonders if he might need to check the cardiology book out for some tips on what's wrong with it.

"What do you mean, trouble? What's happened? Is he okay? Come on Knott, you can't just say that to me and then shut up!" Kongpob drops his armful of books, one hitting his toe and making him wince in pain.

"If you hadn't interrupted, I would have finished speaking, Kongpob. Calm down. He's fine."

"Oh." He hops on one foot as his big toe throbs in his shoe.

"Yes. Oh. You always fly off the handle when it comes to Arthit. One would think that.. but no, of course not."

Kongpob stops hopping and drops to the ground, tucking his legs under him as he listens attentively to Knott.

"What is going on? Just tell me."

"Right, well. Heads up - Arthit is going to come home utterly distraught I imagine. He's probably going to be really cagey about what is going on and he won't want you to force it out of him. But I'm going to tell you what he's done, then you can just calmly accept it and agree to it and you can both just.. well.. get on with it..."

Kongpob reaches for a nearby book and starts to pile up the ones he's dropped as Knott outlines what's happened and what Kongpob needs to do next.

Only twice does he drop another book in surprise. Only thrice does his heart miss more beats.

"I'm home," Kong calls out as he enters the apartment, sloughing off his shoes and sliding on his slippers.

He places his keys in the rustic red bowl Arthit had made in pottery class in high school; one finger stroking the tiny gap where he had accidentally poked his finger into the soft clay when Kong had bumped into Arthit, right as the teacher called time on their exam. Arthit had been devastated and Kongpob had offered up his own bowl in return. But while Arthit had been far too noble to take it, he hadn't refused Kongpob's offer of pizza and milkshakes after school as an apology for his slip up.

It's a permanent reminder of how their friendship had begun and they both cherish the little bowl and have taken to leaving each other a small gift or a note in it on their friendship day each year.

As he stares at it today, Kongpob prays that their relationship is going to survive what he knows is coming, his heart quickening as Arthit calls out a tentative hello in reply.

Kong takes a deep breath before he steps into the kitchen. Arthit is just plating up two delicious looking plates of Kongpob's favourite pasta and he can see a homemade garlic bread already sliced up.

"Hey, how are you?" He asks, stepping closer and sniffing the air. Kong can smell the food firstly and then Arthit's favourite aftershave and the scent of Kong's own shampoo that he must have stolen.

"I'm okay, tired still, I hate the long shifts, they're the worst."

"But you survived it." Kongpob says, patting his shoulder and noting how Arthit steps away from him.

He doesn't take offence, Knott's told him enough that he expected it. Instead, he opens the fridge to grab a coke, and a lemonade for Arthit, and then picks up the plate of garlic bread and heads for the sofa.

"You know, if we'd gotten the apartment I suggested, we would have had space for a big table so we could eat our dinner like grown ups.."

Kongpob hits him with a cushion, "If we'd gotten that apartment you would be even more exhausted with the longer commute to the hospital, silly."

They dig into their dinner, both lost in their own thoughts.

Kongpob waits until Arthit finishes his pasta before he starts his subtle interrogation, not wanting to put him off his dinner. "So, you're off tomorrow night, right?"

Arthit nods, "Yeah not back in until next Monday, actually."

"Great, that's great. We need a best friend day and Tew gave me the afternoon off."

Arthit would normally be ecstatic, but today he looks more like he's constipated by the news, trying his best to force a smile onto his face. But it doesn't reach his eyes at all.

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, I need a new shirt actually and you're really good at all that stuff... so..?"

"Don't you want.. umm, sorry, what was her name? Rebecca? Rashida? Rami? To help you out?"

"Oh, no, I'm not seeing Rosie anymore. I haven't been seeing anyone for a while, you didn't notice I've been home more?" Kongpob is genuinely a little hurt to think that Arthit's hasn't noticed he hasn't been on a date in well over a month.

"I just assumed you were waiting til I was on my long shifts to invite her round, sorry. I shouldn't have."

"No, it's fine. But I don't know why you'd think that? I've never hidden any of my relationships before, have I?"

Arthit shakes his head and then averts his eyes and Kongpob knows he's thinking about the thing.. and he knows he needs to work the conversation around to it as soon as possible.

"So, anyway, new shirt shopping? What do you think? We could you get one too, didn't you mention a work social coming up soon? Bowling and Karaoke or something?"

Arthit's eyes widen and his skin starts to flush a beautiful berry red. "Umm, yeah something like that."

"Then we should pick you something nice out? Something your colleagues haven't seen before. It'll be fun, like old times."

Arthit nods again and then stands abruptly, heading to the kitchen with their empty dishes and returning with two bowls of dessert.

"You made me trifle!" Kong exclaims and can't help his delighted smile. "This is the best night ever!"

Arthit's laughter is genuine and Kongpob feels a wave of relief crash through him - it's all going to be okay, it is, they're best friends and they'll make sure it all turns out fine.

"Arthit?" He whispers when they're halfway through the new James Bond film. He knows they're both distracted by their thoughts and they'll have to watch it again, so he doesn't feel bad at interrupting it.

"Yeah?" Arthit whispers back, even though they are the only two in the flat.

"Can I come to your work night out with you?"

Arthit tenses beside him, but Kongpob waits patiently.

"You can't."

"I can't?"

"It's.. no partners."

Kongpob knows he's lying.

Arthit knows that Kongob knows he's lying, his eye is twitching after all.

"Right. No partners or.."

"Or.." Arthit has his head resting on his hand as he stares at the carpet and Kongpob can't bear it.

He reaches out and tilts Arthit to face him, "It's okay. I already know."

Arthit's eyebrows lift and his whole face might as well be covered in questions marks. Then he slumps down, "Knott?"

"Yeah, but I'm glad he told me. I was trying to be subtle before and get you to tell me."

"You never asked me anything?!" Arthit gives him a sharp look and Kongpob smirks at him.

"I was giving you space to tell me."

"Well, it didn't work." Arthit says huffily.

Kongpob's smirk turns into a short laugh, "No, it didn't. But luckily, Knott already gave me the basics."

Arthit grimaces slightly, "In my defence, she wouldn't shut up. And then she saw the inside of my locker and put two and two together and made about five hundred and eighty-six!"

"So you told her we're dating?"

"I didn't.. I just.. sort of.. heavily implied it?"

Kongpob laughs again, and this time Arthit's lips quirk up and he laughs along with him. "So, how long have we been together?"

"Well.. the thing is.. I mean, how much did Knott say?"

"He said a few things. One thing was that no one seemed surprised? Fill me in?" Kongpob shifts on the couch, bringing his feet up and looping his arms around his knees as he watches Arthit do the same at his end.

"I really didn't mean to say it. Honest, Kong. I did what you said, I told her I was dating and I told her that it was very private. And then she started hounding me and I got really anxious and I.." he stops and takes a deep, gulping breath. Kongpob loosens his arms ready to lean over and help him, but Arthit inclines his head and he stays put.

"It's okay. I'm okay." Arthit breathes slowly and deeply like he's been taught and Kongpob subconsciously matches their breathing like he always does.

"So, she wouldn't leave you alone and then you said you were dating your flatmate?"

"Right. But Em was there and he knows about you, so he gave me this look and I couldn't really ask him to lie for me, so I tried to give him a sort of, secret look back and then he tilted his head and went, 'Yes! Bright owes me fifty!' And I didn't get it.. then.. after, I did."

Kongpob can imagine the scene all too well, knowing Arthit's colleagues almost as well as his own. He can picture Bright circling an exhausted Arthit and forcing his confession. He knows that Arthit will have tried to hold out, but even Kongpob has fallen under Bright's persistence once or twice.

"It's fine, Arthit." He says, untucking his legs again and sliding along the couch. "I don't mind at all."

Arthit's eyes widen and he has a sort of panicked rabbit look about him, "But you like women!"

"I do. But, I mean.. I've got nothing against men dating men. Sure I don't think it's my thing.. but you're my best friend, so if I have to try it out with anyone, I'm happy to try it out with you."

Arthit freezes.

Then the panicked rabbit turns into a look of incredulity. "I don't think it works like that, Kongpob. I think, if you liked guys.. you'd probably know by now."

"Maybe I'm a late bloomer?"


"What? I always tell you, never say never!"

The first pillow hits him square on the chest. The second one on his head.


It's only a ten minute battle, but it ends with them both slumped on the floor, couch cushions surrounding them like downed soldiers. And it's only then that Kongpob thinks to ask, "Umm, Arthit? Do you, then? Like men?"

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