A Pirate's Life for Me

By Heartlocket1004

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Annalise Swann is almost identical to her twin sister, Elizabeth, not in looks but in her fascination for the... More

Chapter 1 Pirate
Chapter 2 Meeting
Chapter 3 Captain Jack Sparrow
Chapter 4 Attack
Chapter 5 Interceptor
Chapter 6 Tortuga
Chapter 7 Crew
Chapter 8 Leverage
Chapter 9 Chase
Chapter 10 Full Circle
Chapter 11 Marooned
Chapter 12 Bargains
Chapter 13: Begun by Blood
Chapter 14: By Blood undone
Chapter 15 Goodbyes
Chapter 16 Horizons
Chapter 17: Arrest
Chapter 18: Tangled Fates
Chapter 19: Escape
Chapter 20: More Bargains
Chapter 21: Tortuga Again
Chapter 22: Reunions
Chapter 23: Confusion
Chapter 24: Sisters and... lovers?
Chapter 25: Land and Sea
Chapter 26: Kraken
Chapter 27: Sister's Keeper
Chapter 28: End of a beginning
Chapter 29 Singapore
Chapter 30 Edge of the World
Chapter 31: Truth
Chapter 32 Boats
Chapter 33 Return
Chapter 34: The webs we weave
Chapter 36 King
Chapter 37 Honesty

Chapter 35: Family

437 12 0
By Heartlocket1004

Yet again, Annalise was trying to float amidst utter chaos. Like she was trying to swim in crashing waves.

It had all started off as much as she could have expected. She had had a vague idea of why Sao Feng was interested in her, having overheard his conversation with Barbossa. Although why he wanted her had been unclear until Sao Feng addressed her as Calypso; that was when things had started to go downhill. And the last thing she had expected of course was for him to kiss her.

But nothing could have prepared her for what came after. Canon blasts had rocked the ship and amidst the attack, Sao Feng had been killed. But not before he had named Annalise captain.

So now, here she stood, held captive by the very crew she had nightmares about and head of a crew who knew pretty much nothing about her and whom she knew nothing about. Some she had sailed with on their journey to the Locker, but they had barely interacted before the crew had mutinied on their return to the land of the living. But even if she knew nothing of them, she knew one thing for certain. Pirates were rarely loyal to the captains they knew, and she had no doubts about how they would act to a captain who had merely minutes earlier been their captive. They would not hesitate to throw her to the sharks to save themselves. She grimaced in a way that had nothing to do with Davy Jones's crew holding her tightly around the neck so she couldn't escape. To think she would die alone, surrounded by strangers...


Annalise turned in surprise at the sound of her name coming from a familiar voice she couldn't quite place immediately. Once she saw the man who had stepped into the light in his own surprise, however, her mouth fell open and his name left her lips in her shock.


James Norrington stood in all his familiar navy glory, looking exactly like the man she had known her entire life until their unfortunate reunion in Tortuga. For a second, she was certain it was a hallucination. Then he took another step toward her, his movements slow with his own shock, and the realization hit her. It really was him. He really was there. A familiar face just when she thought everything was lost.


In her moment of relief, Annalise pushed aside the pirate holding her and stumbled toward Norrington. To his credit, he caught her when she all but fell into his arms and hugged her just as tightly. Annalise almost melted in his warm embrace, something she hadn't felt in a very long time - not since she had grown too much for him to feel it proper accept her hugs even in private. And the way he held her, it reminded her of her father with his formal coat and somewhat awkward touch. It was enough to take her back to her childhood, to a simpler, happier time; and Annalise clutched him, wishing she could go back to that moment. But already it was slipping away and reality was sinking back in.

"Thank God you're alive." Norrington murmured into her hair, the relief evident in his voice. "Your father will be overjoyed to know you're safe. But where is your sister?"

It was like being splashed in the face by ice-cold water. His mention of her father returned Annalise to reality and just as quickly as she had hugged him she pulled away. He let her go easily although he looked confused by her cold look. Annalise decided to enlighten him.

"My father's dead."

Norrington blinked rapidly, before he shook his head. "No, it can't be true; he returned to England."

Annalise scoffed, her eyes raking over his uniform again. This time, however, the illusion was shattered as the bitter understanding of just how he had come about his reinstatement (and even promotion it seemed, as she eyed his lapels) seemed to drive a cold stake through her heart. Yet another betrayal to add to her list; would it never end?

"Did Lord Beckett tell you that?" She asked of him derisively, her eyes returning to his. She made no effort to hide her resentment; and Norrington reared back just slightly as the meaning behind her words hit home.

But they were interrupted as Davy Jones finally joined them.

"Who among you do you name as Captain?" The undead pirate captain snapped as he looked around at the captured Singaporian crew with a sneer.

"Captain, her!" Tai Huang was quick to answer, pointing straight at Annalise.

The rest of the crew followed his lead at once, pointing at Annalise in agreement. "Her!"

Annalise scowled at the unsurprising outcome. 'Pirates!' She thought crossly.

Norrington was now looking at her with even greater shock, while Jones squinted at Annalise. A slow smile spread across the pirate's slick face and Annalise leaned away as Jones started toward her with a dangerous leer, "Captain-"

"Tow the ship!" Norrington barked, cutting across whatever Jones had been about to say. "Put the prisoners in the brig."

He nodded at Annalise.

"The captain shall have my quarters."

Jones's hairless brow shot up at Norrington's announcement, but the pirate just shrugged and stalked off. It seemed that he was under Norrington's thumb for so long as he was under Beckett's. But while Annalise felt a tiny spark of gratitude for Norrington saving her from most certain torture, that feeling was squashed under the wave of anger and resentment she felt for the man standing beside her and it made her lash out.

"Thank you, but I will remain with my crew." Annalise said in an icy tone, stepping away from Norrington to rejoin the Singaporian crew, who looked mildly surprised by her decision.

Norrington grasped Annalise by the arm before she could walk away.

"Annalise, I swear, I did not know." He whispered urgently. But Annalise shrugged him off and pinned him with a dark glare.

"Know what? Which side you chose?" She spat scathingly. Norrington froze, unable to answer. Annalise shook her head and she stepped away from him.

"I hope it was worth it, Admiral."


Annalise sat on the ground in the Flying Dutchman's brig and she leaned heavily back against the wall. The crew were gathered in the center, whispering amongst themselves in Chinese and glancing her way occasionally. Tai Huang seemed to be leading whatever discussion they were having but Annalise was surprised when her first mate's gaze as he glanced toward her before urging his fellows appeared to be almost... respectful.

Her first mate. That was going to take some getting used to. But it seemed that, despite his initial reluctance, the man had warmed to her after her show of loyalty (even if it had been driven by spite) as the crew slowly started to look toward her without resentment the longer Tai spoke. Annalise wondered what Tai was saying about her; after all, she didn't blame them for disliking her. To suddenly be told a random woman was their captain after their captain was killed couldn't be easy. But it seemed Tai approved of her now. She wondered if part of it was driven by the fact she was unbothered that they had tried to use her to save their own skins.

Tai suddenly came over to her and Annalise eyed him warily. But he simply sat beside her.

"We apologize for earlier."

Annalise was surprised by his abrupt words; but she had to admit, she was a little bit touched.

"Apology accepted. And I am sorry about Sao Feng."

Tai Huang just nodded, accepting her sympathy. For a moment, they sat in comfortable silence while the rest of the crew also got as comfortable as they could in their uncertain circumstances.

"I am also sorry about your father."

Annalise stilled. She'd forgotten Tai would have witnessed her breakdown on the Pearl. She just jerked her head in a nod once and Tai hesitated.

"There is a question I have wanted to ask..." He began slowly, watching her. Annalise turned to look at him again and he continued carefully, "What is your relationship with Jack Sparrow?"

"Captain." Annalise corrected automatically, before she frowned. "There is no relationship."

Tai gave her a look of heavy skepticism. "You do not have to answer if you wish not to, but there is no need to lie."

"I'm not lying." Annalise protested, offended he thought that. "There really isn't anything between me and Jack. We sailed together once a few years ago, but that's all."

"That's all?" Tai still looked very dubious. "I have known Jack Sparrow for many years, captain."

Annalise started at the title but Tai pretended not to notice; instead, he kept his eyes fixed on her with a mixture of curiosity and continued skepticism.

"I have seen him flirt with more women than I care to count and he's stolen almost as many hearts, including those of some I know well. But I have never seen him chase a woman or offer a crying woman comfort with no gain for himself."

Annalise grimaced and she turned away, muttering, "He probably just felt sorry for me."

"Jack Sparrow does not feel sorry for anyone but himself, captain." Tai answered wisely. "But I will ask no more if it offends you."

Annalise scowled, although she felt a prickle of unease. Did it offend her? She reluctantly admitted that it didn't; but it definitely made her ache to be told by so many others who claimed to know Jack that he cared about her when he almost went out of his way to prove he didn't. Then again, these were people who had mutinied against Jack at one point or another so what did they really know?

"If you will not answer about Sparrow, may I ask instead how you became a pirate?"

Annalise looked back at Tai, who explained, "Captain Feng mentioned once that you had been a noble woman before you turned to piracy."

Annalise pondered his question. "I... I suppose I became a pirate without realizing it. I've always been fascinated by pirates but I think it wasn't until I was forced to run from Beckett that I really started on the path to piracy. I had only intended to help my sister, really, and then I wanted to save my father from having to pay for my and my sister's choices, and the only ways to do that were to do so with pirates. Although I suppose I succeeded at neither so I just became a pirate, really."

Tai was watching her again and Annalise trailed off.

"You really miss him. Your father." He clarified when Annalise looked at him questioningly. Annalise laughed a little bitterly.

"I miss a lot of things. I miss my father, of course, but I also miss my sister; or rather, the sister I knew. Smart, kind... innocent. Before pirates and Krakens and death." Annalise's eyes saddened. "And I miss the man my best friend used to be. I miss blacksmith Will Turner, not this... Bootstrap Jr. or whatever he's become."

Tai nodded, before they both jumped as a voice whispered, "Bootstrap."

The crew all leapt to their feet, scrambling and looking around in fear for the source of the ghostly voice. Tai and Annalise joined them, and they all found it at the same time the voice asked, "You know my name?"

Annalise's eyes widened as she stared at the man (she thought it was a man) who looked like he was carved into the wall. The wood of the walls wrapped around him as if molded to his frame and he seemed both trapped and naturally embedded in the ship's structure. It was more than a little creepy and her newly acquired crew were shaking as they stared at the man - but Annalise's heart beat faster for a different reason.

"Bootstrap? Bootstrap Bill?" She asked as she tentatively started toward him.

The man lifted his head and it was like watching wood creak as it was suddenly bent the movement seemed so unnatural from where he was molded into the wall.

"You know my name." He breathed again and Annalise nodded.

"Yes. I know your son. Will Turner." She explained and suddenly it was like a light had gone off inside the ghostly shell of a man Bootstrap had been.

"William!" He grimaced a little as he broke out of his place in the wall - making Annalise flinch as the wood seemed to strain in an unnatural way - but he didn't stop crowing in glee. "Ha! He made it! He's alive!"

Bootstrap stumbled free and he looked like he was on the verge of dancing as he pointed at Annalise ecstatically.

"And now he sends you to tell me that he's coming to get me. Ha! God spoons, he's on his way!"

Annalise could only nod helplessly, feeling very much like she was faced by a mad uncle who she had to reassure.

"Yes, Will's most definitely alive. And he wants to help you." Even if it means betraying everyone else.

Annalise had tacked on the last sentence as a thought but she briefly wondered if she had spoken aloud because Bootstrap suddenly stopped laughing and turned to stare at her with crushing dismay. She had no idea why and she was only further confused when Bootstrap shook his head.

"He can't help me. He won't come." He muttered and Annalise frowned.

"Why would you say that? You're his father, of course he'll come." She protested, but Bootstrap shook his head again.

"I know you." He explained darkly, pointing at her again. "He spoke of you. He can't save me, he can't come because of you."

"Why?" Annalise was bewildered.

"You're Elizabeth." Bootstrap breathed with certainty. Realizing his mistake, Annalise quickly shook her head.

"No, no I'm not. I'm her sister."

"Doesn't matter." Bootstrap shook his head in despair. "He can't save me because of Elizabeth."

"Why?" Annalise repeated, utterly confused. Bootstrap looked back at her, his eyes suddenly so old it made her heart constrict painfully.

"If Jones be slain, he who slays him must take his place. Captain forever. The Dutchman must always have a captain. And if he saves me, he loses her."

Understanding washed over her and Annalise suddenly recalled her father's words. The knowledge he had died for. Stab the heart and yours must take its place. And you will sail the seas for eternity. Will had to know the truth, he had heard as well. And Jack... well, he probably wanted that more than anything, Annalise realized. The ability to sail the seas for eternity without the fear of death because you were as close to immortal as anyone could be. Even if it meant sailing alone.

"I see." Annalise mumbled, speaking more to herself but Bootstrap wasn't even listening to her anymore.

"He won't pick me." He bemoaned, staggering away from Annalise again. "I wouldn't pick me. Tell him not to come."

Annalise looked up sharply at that and she watched with horror and overwhelming sorrow as Bootstrap returned to his place in the wall, still murmuring sadly, "Tell him to stay away. Tell him it's too late. I'm already a part of the ship. And the crew."

Bootstrap closed his eyes and he was once again camouflaged against the wall. Heart tugging painfully, Annalise called tentatively, "Bootstrap?"

His eyes flew open and he stared at her with utter surprise.

"You know my name?" He asked and Annalise was briefly confused.

"Yes, I know your son, Will Turner." She reminded him before her heart clenched tightly as Bootstrap brightened with sudden glee as though he had never heard such wonderful news before. And she realized that, in his mind, he hadn't.

"William!" Bootstrap crowed, eyes shining with delight at just the thought of his only son. "He's coming for me! Wait and see! You'll see."

Bootstrap settled back into the wall again, his expression peaceful as he murmured with utmost conviction, "He promised."


Annalise wasn't sure when her life had gone so astray. Some might argue that it all began when Jack Sparrow arrived in Port Royale. Others might say it started when she couldn't resist the urge and had run away with her sister on what had become a chase around the world. But Annalise didn't really care about when it had begun. No, her thoughts were on why.

Why had Elizabeth, her twin, her other half, the one person she had thought she could trust forever, lied to her face? Why had Will felt he had to overthrow even them in a bid to save his father? If they were capable of such things to people they claimed they loved, what else were they capable of? And why had Jack's attitude remained so cold after their return from the Locker? Why did he continue to refuse to admit he had a heart, that he wasn't the cut-throat pirate he seemed to want to be? Most of all, why had Annalise given up everything including, it turned out, her father's life, for these three people who had become so toxic to her? What was she trying to achieve with her life's choices; what did she hope for her own future?

She stared at the pendant around her neck that named her a captain of a pirate crew, a claim she had never wanted. But what did she want?

Once upon a time, Annalise would have given everything in the world for her father and her sister. Now she had lost the former forever and felt almost like she was looking at a stranger with the latter. She had never been the type of woman to live for the sake of a man and even if she was, Jack clearly didn't want her around... but Annalise didn't know what it meant to live for herself. She had longed for freedom for years but given the freedom, she had no idea what she would do. What did it mean to live for oneself?

"Mark my words, love. You're the same as I- once you've tasted the sea, tasted this freedom, you can't go back. You won't want to."

Jack's words from a lifetime ago - from her old life - rang in her mind. At the time, all she had felt was a sense of uncertainty but also longing because she couldn't deny the truth in his words. Since then, though, her whole world had changed: she had become a fugitive sailing among pirates and always fighting for the sake of others. In some ways, she'd had more freedom than she'd had growing up in Port Royale but in others she had been even more trapped with fear for her family and friends. Now, she feared being alone and free. And yet, that part of her that had reacted to Jack's words so long ago was still there - and that part of her wondered just what it would feel like when she took charge of her own life for once.

She looked up from her thoughts at the sound of keys jangling and Annalise frowned when she saw Norrington wrenching open their cell door.

"Come with me." He whispered urgently, looking right at her. When she didn't move, he added insistently, "Quickly!"

Her crew were looking to her for orders, so Annalise jerked her head once. Tai took over, murmuring hushed orders to his men and they quickly filed out of the cell while eyeing Norrington warily. Annalise followed last, her steps slow and she looked up at Norrington with suspicion and confusion.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a low voice.

He looked down at her with a grim expression as he answered. "Choosing a side."

With that, he turned on his heel and led them all out of the brig. Quickly, he weaved his way around the dark ship and to the rope that hauled the Empress along behind the Flying Dutchman.

"Quickly!" Norrington gestured for Annalise and her crew to climb up onto the rope.

At Annalise's gesture, Tai went first, leading the way as he swung up onto the rope before scaling his way toward the Empress. The other men followed behind him while Norrington turned to Annalise gravely.

"Do not go to Shipwreck Cove." He warned her in a low undertone, even as he continued to glance around warily for danger. "Beckett knows of the meeting of the Brethren. I fear there may be a traitor among them."

Annalise barely heard his warnings, her brows still furrowed in confusion.

"Why are you doing this?" Annalise demanded in a low but no less heated voice. "This will not earn you any forgiveness from me or my sister."

That made him look back at her. "I had nothing to do with your father's death." He insisted.

He paused, before adding reproachingly, "But that does not absolve me from my other sins. I know that."

Annalise bit her lip while Norrington looked back at her with self-hatred and also deep apology.

"I truly am sorry about your father, Annalise."

Annalise hesitated, wavering. This man - she wouldn't call him a friend, but he was... she thought back to the time when they had first met, when he had sailed with them from England. Ever since that day, he had been an integral part of her and Elizabeth's lives, whether Annalise had liked it at the time or not. Actually, she had probably liked it more then, when he was just a kind if somewhat aloof brotherly figure, and not the suitor that would take Elizabeth away from her happiness with Will. But even when he became a thorn in her side, he had always just... been there. Popping up where she least expected him, whether it was as a military officer saving her from a marooned island or as a drunk in Tortuga, his life had been entwined with hers for a long time now. He was... family.

"Come with us." Annalise said abruptly, causing Norrington, who had gone back to looking out for danger, to look at her in shock.

Never had he expected Annalise of all people to ask him to come with her. They had never exactly gotten along even if they had known each other for years. She had been too young at first and then he had been too in love with Elizabeth. But as Norrington stared at her, he saw beneath the willful woman he had always known. He saw deep into her soul and he found not the bright-eyed, independent girl he had watched grow up but a weathered woman who had lost much. Who had grown stronger with each blow that hadn't killed her... but that didn't mean she was willing to lose yet another. To lose more of her family.

It made his breath catch and he found himself somewhat speechless as Annalise pleaded in a quieter voice that suddenly seemed so young, "James, come with us."

Norrington opened his mouth although he didn't know what to say; when a voice suddenly called out from the shadows above.

"Who goes there?"

Instantly, they were on the alert and both looked up sharply. Norrington's hand went straight to the sword on his belt and he urged Annalise while his eyes searched above where the shadow had disappeared, "Go. I will follow."

Annalise stared at him and realization dawned.

"You're lying." She said almost accusingly.

Norrington turned his head to look at her, his eyes filled with sorrow but no less determination.

"I once told you that you had thrown away everything: wealth, position and a chance to marry from any of the best men under the King's rule, for the lies of a common criminal."

He spoke quickly but no less tenderly, and it hurt. It reminded her too much of the aloof but kind man she remembered from her younger days; the man she had respected.

"And you told me that even if it were true, you would never regret it because if nothing else it saved your sister's life. Do you remember?"

Annalise swallowed, remembering the day on the Pearl: Norrington, stripped of his military rank and living his personal hell aboard a pirate ship, had been particularly insufferable when Annalise was reaching her lowest as she pined for Jack. But somehow the bitter memory wasn't so bitter anymore.

"And you insinuated that I was a fool." Annalise whispered. Norrington's gaze softened as he nodded.

"But it was you who was right. And I was the true fool for not realizing you were."

Norrington gently brushed his hand over her shoulder, before he turned away from her determinedly.

"So now, I want you to throw away nothing for the lies of a common man. I want you to turn around and go, believing I will follow, and I want you to not look back and to not regret your choice. Because, and to God I hope it does, it will be the only thing to save your life."

But Annalise couldn't do it; she couldn't just leave him behind.

"You're wrong, James." Annalise's eyes welled with tears. "I wouldn't be throwing away nothing. I would be throwing you away."

He glanced at her again, and his gaze softened again when he saw her watering eyes.

"Then may God deem that as enough."

He hesitated before he added, "I want you to know, Annalise, I do not regret that our lives intertwined as they did. I loved your sister as a man does a woman, but I loved you as a brother does a sister. I will always wish we may have become so, but I will always pray for your and Elizabeth's happiness above all else."

A tear streaked down Annalise's face at his words, but Norrington didn't let that weaken his resolve. Instead, it strengthened him and he pushed her toward the rope.

"Go now!"

Annalise finally got up onto the ship's railings. With a heavy heart, she swung up onto the rope and she started the journey toward the Empress - toward her ship. But she had only made it a few feet when she heard a voice shout, "Part of the crew, part of the ship! All hands! Prisoners escape!"

Her resolve to do as Norrington had asked broke and Annalise turned her head back sharply even as she heard James yell in an authoritative voice that didn't hide his terror, "Belay that!"

"James!" Annalise gasped as she realized he was going to die for treason now that he had been discovered for certain. She started to crawl back along the rope, desperate to force him to follow her after all; she couldn't lose him. Not like this.

He appeared to hear her whisper as he glanced her way; and then he cut the rope. Annalise screamed as she was dropped unceremoniously into the sea. She clung to the rope that was now her literal lifeline and kicked her legs to force herself up above the water. Her lungs heaved for air as soon as she broke the water's surface, but her attention was immediately turned back to the ship she had been escaping. Her heart ripped in half at the sight that met her eyes.

"No! James!" Annalise screamed as she saw a shadowy pirate standing over the fallen admiral, a sword standing straight up out of his chest. "NO!"

But there was nothing to be done, and even as she mourned Annalise felt herself being hauled toward the Empress as the crew already onboard pulled the rope along to bring aboard the rest of the crew before they hastened to make their escape. Annalise let them, just as she allowed the sea to wash the salty tears off her cheeks as she kept her eyes fixed on the disappearing outline of the ship where James Norrington had died an honorable man.

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