Classroom of the Elite: After...

By DustyLekh

48K 1.7K 664

Graduation is completed. Kiyotaka prepares himself to be taken away by his father but, he never shows up. He... More

New beginnings
The Fireworks Festival (1)
The Fireworks Festival (2)
Chiba University
I'm Back and Previews
Familiar Faces
The Orchestra
The Boys Go Out
Unexpected Situation at the Cafe
A Day Out with his Mom
The Job Fair (1)

The Fireworks Festival (3)

2.5K 94 21
By DustyLekh

The perfect bait. She has nothing to do except take it. Of course she will be thinking that she will be in control because she will have to make the first move to reach me. Unfortunately for her, I had already made the first move.

I was not the actual winner of raffle which was a game of chance. I had played god and made a certain event manager the actual winner much before the actual  event started. 

As he took the cheque from the influential figure, there were many flashes of cameras from the reporters in front of the stage. She struggled to keep a straight face to her before composing herself . She took a discreet look at a hill where the VIP area had been set up, probably wondering her husband's reaction to his appearance and then went back to smiling for the cameras and taking peeks at him. When Kiyotaka walked off the stage, she stood there for a moment before leaving as well with a contemplating expression on her beautiful face.

Kiyotaka made his way to the excited Kei and her family (barring Hina) who were standing at the edge of the crowd. He greeted them.


"Kiyotaka! What will you do with all that money?", Kei asked.

"Dunno, I'll probably use it to payback Director Sakayanagi.", he said effectively cutting off further discussion on the topic as they nodded in understanding.

"Where is Hina?" mom asked.

"She left us to meet up with some friends.", Kei answered.

"Ah, it's almost time for the fireworks. Lets get going before all the good spots are taken.", Pops said gently pushing everyone in the direction the crowd was heading.

They started making their way to the viewing area where everyone would have a clear view of the fireworks. While they were making their way over, suddenly there was a loud whistle as a streak of light climbed up higher and higher into the sky until it died out. Everyone had stopped and moving and stared up at the sky with bated breath and with loud bang the sky erupted in color. Then all hell broke loose, as multiple streaks of fire were sent up turning the night sky into a canvas with colors being painted onto it only to be replaced by new colors. It was mesmerizing sight for Kiyotaka. Even the ocean paled in beauty to the what he was seeing now.

Kei rest her head on his shoulder and he responded he putting an arm around her waist and her pulling her closer. Pops and mom were in a similar position too, both smiling widely as the colors flashed on their faces.

Someone's watching. Now they know my connection the Karuizawa family.

It wasn't worth much attention at the moment. He ignored it and went back to watching the fireworks like the thousands of other people standing there.


Honestly this good-for-nothing sister of mine, she is so stupid! The fireworks were already over and she was still nowhere to be found. She wasn't answering any of my calls or texts. She better not be ignoring me.

Kiyo suggested going to the place where there were expensive stalls. I didn't know why but I decided to follow him anyway. 

I didn't want to tell him and ruin it but, my boyfriend looks so handsome when he smiles!

He had been unconsciously smiling ever since the fireworks had ended and for once it seemed like a genuine smile, like he was happy with how things were. The only other time he had smiled like that was when he saw everyone in our class celebrating when we successfully graduated from class A. He looked like an old man who had watched his children finally grow up. Infact, the last exam he expressed to me how satisfying it was to not be able to do anything for once because everyone had finally grown to the point where they could take on the exam with their own skills. A bit late if you asked me, considering he had to break his back carrying the class in every other exam.

Suddenly, he stopped walking and when I looked up he had lost his smile. 

Tch, tell me whose presence I'd have to strike down to bring his smile back. No mercy will be shown.

I followed his line of sight and saw something which made me grin. You know that moment where you are there to see someone at the right at the right time doing something which gave  you basically the power to make their life a living hell.

Boooy, this girl fucked up so bad, I can blackmail her with the photo I had unconsciously taken with my phone.


To make things better, he looked a delinquent through and through. Haha, if dad gets to know about this he'll blow a blood vessel!

When she finally saw me, her expression turned dark so quick, I almost burst out laughing. This would be fun. I realised I had a dark expression on my face which probably looked even scarier at night. 

I turned to look at Kiyotaka, but he was not there. He had left probably to avoid an awkward situation. 

'Typical Kiyotaka', I thought. I got a message from him.

I forgot that I needed to help Ai. You go on, I'll go to my apartment on my own. No need to wait for me. Tell everyone I said good night. 

Sure gn kiyo. 🥰

btw, you looked scary



I was told to follow the brown haired kid and get any information I can on him. I knew better than to speak up against the two most powerful woman in the city, but honestly why did it have to be me. I was supposed to be drinking at the bar with the rest of my squad mates now. Couldn't they have sent that rascal Inguong? He was so scrawny that if mistress got attacked we would not to be protecting him right along with the madam. This job was a waste for 'the muscle', that is me.

The boy I was following took a turn and disappeared. As I was quite the distance behind him, I sped up so as to not lose him. When I turned the corner, I saw noone except for a closing door of a late night convenience store with a bright neon sign that hurt my eyes.

Honestly why did these dastardly things have to be so fucking bright? To make late night pedestrians go blind?

I walked to the opposite side of the store and leaned against a car door and pretended to be a random smoker out on a stroll while I waited for him. As I took out a cigarette I began to think about what I was doing right now. After a while of contemplation, one thing screamed out loudly to me inside my head.

 I'm stalking a child at 11 in the night. Oh my god, am I pedophile now?

A voice rung out disturbing me out of my thoughts, "Who sent you?".

I was shocked at how close the voice was to me. I spun around and saw the boy I was had been following, sitting on top of the car with his legs on top of the trunk. The same car which I had been leaning onto this whole time. The neon lights of the store's sign dancing on his face showing his brown hair which was tied up, and the most disconcerting, his golden eyes which seemed like a dark abyss of nothingness.

Was he there this whole time?

Why am I getting scared? He's just a kid with scary eyes. I remembered my training and immediately steeled my nerves and spoke in a threatening voice, " Huh? What are you going to do if I say n-".

In an instant he had silently gotten off of the car was already infront of me with his body in a low stance like a tiger. I reflexively bent forward into my own stance, but I couldn't even see the punch the came next. 

I felt weightless, for a split second I was in the air with my body arched over his fist like a mountain with my legs and hands flailing. I fell on my knees gasping, taking deep breaths as this little boy who was a head or two shorter than me had knocked the wind out of me. I was outclassed.

After a while, I managed to look up. I  immediately founded myself staring into his golden eyes. Damnit, I am scared right now. His strength was not normal. I reflexively looked back down.

He spoke up with a monotone voice, "Was it the Yukinoshitas?"

I looked back up to see his face which had no sort of expressions on it. I simply nodded. He was looking straight into my eyes. It was unnerving, I simply nodded.

It wasn't completely a lie, just half the truth. Better to not volunteer any information and besides it wasn't like he could against the Yukinoshita's, much less the other party involved too.

He gave me a look that seemed to say, 'I know your hiding something.' ,but he didn't push topic and simply walked away into the night.

After he left, I dragged myself to the car and leaning against it, I made a phone call.

"Hello? Ishida-san. Do you know where he lives now?"

"Ahh.. Good evening madam. About that-"


Author's Note:


So? How you like that?

With this the festival arc comes to an end! Yay! By not letting him follow him home this leaves them with the only form of connection that is through their mutual connection.

Manabu and Kiyo become roommates? 

Later this week, I won't be able to upload for a few days due to personal reasons. So just a forewarning.

Another question, should his mother want him back for

1. Business reasons (Cold)


2. So they can be together as family (Emotional)

Cyall next time.


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