Imperial Commander: His Prett...

By skeekthe

210K 5.7K 231

Solely for offline reading purposes. Credits go to the author and the translators. I only design the cover. T... More

556 - 560


854 32 1
By skeekthe

At the other end of the combat command room, the constant ticking of the positioning device left everyone in the room feeling even more nervous.

Mu Feichi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw, on the monitoring screen, Great White's chip positioning approaching Yun Xi's cell phone positioning.

But after a while, Great White started moving at an extremely fast speed, and the two positioning points suddenly moved apart.

Seeing this, Mu Feichi knew that something was wrong. He abruptly turned his head and said in a deep voice, "Pull up the satellite map of this area right away!"

"Yes!" Grey Wolf's sharp eyes didn't dare to move away from the computer screen for even a moment as his slender fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard.

Within seconds, the satellite positioning map appeared on the screen. The image was blurred because it was a bird's-eye view, so it was impossible to see the local terrain clearly.

Mu Feichi's face sank immediately, and there was anxiety in his heart.

If it weren't for danger in the area, Great White would not have suddenly turned around and run away just as he was approaching the girl.

Either that or Great White has discovered the enemy's location.

But knowing that girl's temperament, she would never allow Great White to be in danger. She must have been injured if she didn't follow behind!

"How much longer before Silver Eagle gets there?"

"Ten more minutes."

Li Zilan received the news and entered the room from outside. She looked at the two positioning points on the screen before turning to face Grey Wolf. "Calculate the approximate distance between these two points."

"630 meters; within the range of a sniper rifle."

Grey Wolf realized that he had said something wrong as soon as he finished speaking. Young Marshal Mu shot daggers at him, and he hurriedly lowered his head.

Li Zilan raised her eyebrows as she stared straight at the screen. A cold light flashed behind her eyes beneath her dark green eyeshadow.

The words came out of her bright red lips, cold and calculating: "Young Marshal, it's time to teach her how to shoot. It's better to teach someone how to fish rather than to just give them the fish. It's a simple truth, so don't let your protective instinct blind your judgment!"

Mu Feichi's eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and his gloomy handsome face was unfathomable.

But everyone could see that the Young Marshal was like a gunpowder keg right now; even the slightest thing could set him off. Only Li Zilan was bold enough to provoke him.

"At a distance of six hundred meters, the speed of bullets flying in the air is like the speed of sound. If she was trained, she would certainly be able to avoid it, but if she's just a rookie, she might lose her life."

"..." Mu Feichi's bottomless eyes were suddenly filled with a murderous aura.

At this moment, Li Zilan's words were adding fuel to the proverbial flames. Some of the people that surrounded her started sweating in anticipation.

But Li Zilan didn't care. The worst-case scenario was that she would set off the ticking time bomb, but she could just run away!

Mu Feichi turned his head away and looked at the screen. His gloomy appearance was like that of a lurking beast, and his entire body was surrounded by a murderous aura that made people fear to approach him.


Sitting on the snowy ground, Yun Xi stared straight ahead. Her face was pale. She gritted her teeth and carefully taught Zhao Yumo how to deal with the wound.

Fortunately, it was just a surface injury. If the bullet had hit her chest, she would have lost her life by now!

After being reborn, Yun Xi cherished her life more than anyone else!

Yet ironically, in this life, her life was full of drama, especially after meeting Mu Feichi, and she was almost certain that this would continue much longer.

"Bring the box of medicine here." Yun Xi pointed to the small blue and white box and the needle on the side. "This is an anaesthetic. You will need to give me a local anaesthetic first. I will point to the place and you will give me the injection."

The bleeding had already stopped and Zhao Yumo almost fainted when she saw the wound!

"But I can't..."

"I will teach you. Just stick the needle in and push the medicine in the needle. Don't be nervous."

After taking care of the wound, Zhao Yumo slumped onto the ground as if she had just experienced a struggle that exhausted all her energy.

She worriedly looked at Yun Xi's shoulder. "Yun Xi, your wound is so terrible. You..."

"It's okay. Don't worry about me," Yun Xi said, consoling her friend. The tingling pain from her shoulder turned her lips white, and she looked like she had lost half of her strength.

"The wound and blood look so terrible. Why did you even think of becoming a doctor? You even have to face life and death at all times."

"Actually, I want to be a forensic doctor."

Yun Xi chuckled lightly, then took a deep breath of the cold air. The anaesthetic gradually took effect, and the pain on her shoulders began to disappear.

"If you become a forensic doctor, no man will be willing to approach you in the future," Zhao Yumo suggested innocently. "A doctor can heal wounds and save lives, but being a forensic doctor... that's doing autopsies on dead bodies every day!"

"Perhaps seeking justice for the dead is also a very meaningful thing, isn't it? The living will lie, but the dead won't."

"Stop it! Let's not talk about this topic anymore."

They had just gone through a life-and-death struggle and she had almost lost her life. The last thing Zhao Yumo wanted to hear at the moment was the word death!

"Let's go... Let's go to Great White! I guess he went hunting down the sniper! I'm worried about him!"

"But your injury..."

"It's okay. It doesn't hurt anymore. I will deal with it later!"

Yun Xi stood up but was sure to keep her vigilance at all times. She looked around to make sure that there was no one out there. Then, she quickly led Zhao Yumo to the sniper's vantage point.

Halfway there, Great White came back. Great White, who was walking in the snow, saw her and rushed over.

Great White threw himself into her arms. Yun Xi looked down at him and immediately saw the blood on its mouth. She carefully examined Great White but found that it wasn't injured.

Great White raised its head and tugged at the corner of her clothes, indicating that it wanted her to continue to the sniper's commanding heights.

Understanding that it wanted her to go over there, Yun Xi followed it up the mountain.

From a distance, she saw a person lying in the snow. She also saw that the surrounding snow was sprinkled with bright red blood.

Having never seen such a scene, Zhao Yumo screamed and backed away.

Yun Xi turned to look at Zhao Yumo, then paused. Her cold delicate-featured face appeared a bit cold and indifferent as if the bloody scene was no surprise.

"Yumo, when you take control of the Zhao family in the future, you will have to face things like this sooner or later."

"Yun... Yun Xi, is he dead?" No matter how bold she wanted to be, this was the first time she encountered this kind of scene. It was no wonder that she wasn't strong nor calm enough.

"When Great White makes a move, it's either you die or I die! Don't be afraid!"

Yun Xi stepped forward to probe the carotid artery where the man was bitten by the sharp white teeth. There was still blood pouring out of the open wound. The man was not breathing.

She looked at the man, who was a foreigner, closely. He reached out and pulled out the dog tags he wore around his neck. His name was engraved on the nameplate.

"It seems that they really are foreign mercenaries."

Zhao Yumo finally calmed down and stepped forward to join Yun Xi. She looked at the dead mercenary and frowned slightly. "How do you know they are mercenaries? How can you tell by just looking at them?"

"On the night of Christmas Eve, the Young Marshal and I were on our way back when we happened to run into them. They were trying to assassinate General Shen! That group of people were also wearing the same identity plate around their necks. It's the symbol of mercenaries."

Yun Xi stood up and gently patted Great White, who was rubbing against the palm of her hand like a baby. She chuckled lightly, and the chilliness in her eyes gradually faded.

"Great White, you are really violent! But thank you anyway!"

Today, she had seen Great White's combat effectiveness. Mu Feichi had trained it like a warrior. To protect the people who are important to it, it went all out.

When it acted like this, Great White felt like her kin and made her feel warm inside, more than her own true kin ever could.

"I didn't expect Great White to be so powerful!" Zhao Yumo looked down and saw that there was still blood dripping from the corners of its mouth.

Great White's breath was filled with the smell of blood. Yun Xi looked at the mercenary lying on the ground. Her eyes narrowed as she suppressed the coldness she felt.

"We've taken care of one guy, but there should be others in the woods. These are the commanding heights. Apart from the sniper, everyone else should be below us. We weren't ambushed along the way, so they're probably not here. I don't know if this sniper was just careless or overconfident. Either way, we need to be more cautious!"

Zhao Yumo nodded. She realized that everything she had learned from Second Master Jiang was purely superficial. It was mostly about surviving in the cut-throat business industry, and those skills were not useful in this situation at all!

"Then what do we do with this body? Won't they hold us responsible?"

"We can't deal with him right now. We'll let Second Master Jiang clean up this mess. He will take care of it."

She wasn't good at cleaning up the battlefield, and Mu Feichi wasn't in the country. The only person she could find to deal with the aftermath was Second Master Jiang!

"Where are you going now? Down the mountain? I don't think it is safe here anymore."

"I'm not going down the mountain. I have to lead them away. I can't let them run into the teachers."

With that said, Yun Xi knelt and picked up a walkie-talkie on the man. She pressed the button on it, and the conversation on the other end came over.

"The boss wanted to send five of us over to deal with a little girl. Such a big group to take care of one person! It's just a girl, so Alan can do it alone! Let's just wait for the good news!"

The other party spoke in English. Yun Xi and Zhao Yumo looked at each other tacitly, and both understood what the other party was saying.

They really were targeting her!

"I'm just curious. I have no grievances with any of you, so why are you putting in so much effort to take my life?"

Yun Xi suddenly spoke in English nonchalantly, and the other side fell silent for an instant.

"Who are you?" Hearing the voice of a girl, the person on the other end asked suspiciously.

"You're the one who's been trying to kill me. And yet, you don't even know who I am. That's a little too unprofessional, even for a mercenary! Your friend Allen is in my hands now. If you want him to live, then come here and tell me who your client is."

"Do you think we care? Do you think we're stupid We're not going to just walk into your trap like a bunch of idiots!"

"Well then, wait to collect Allen's corpse!" With that said, she deliberately said to the dead Allen,

"Your partners aren't going to come to rescue you, so you can only die!"

"Wait!" As soon as Yun Xi's voice fell, a man's eager voice came from the other end, "You just want to know the client's information?"

"That's right! As long as I know who hired you to kill me, I will let Allen go. The old saying in our military state goes no debts without creditors, no hatred without cause!"

"Alright, we'll go over there now!" The person on the other end quickly cut off the call. Yun Xi glanced at Allen, who was on the ground and quickly looked around her.

This was the commanding height of the sniper vantage point. As long as she laid in ambush here, she would spot them coming to no matter which direction they were from. They will become her prey.

Of course, that all depended on whether her marksmanship skills had reached the standard of a sniper. Otherwise, this was all a waste of time!

"Yumo, you and Great White hide here. I will go there to attract their attention."

"No, you're injured! You don't even know what you're up against!"

Yun Xi turned her head and looked slyly at the innocent-looking Great White. She raised her left hand and gently touched Great White's head.

"What are you afraid of? Great White is here to protect you. This is a small slope that can hide you. Look at the fault here. The snow is very thick, but the row of grass on the edge is dense. You can't see it from above. You can see it clearly below. As long as I shoot from here, the snow layer will collapse and Great White will do the rest!"

Today, Yun Xi finally understood why Mu Feichi wanted her to cultivate a tacit understanding with Great White!

There will always be deviations between expectations and reality. What Yun Xi hadn't expected was that the other party wouldn't be stupid either. Among the remaining four people, they'd only sent one person over.

Yun Xi lay on the snow looking at the slowly approaching figure through her sniper rifle. She had tied Alan to a tree, and under the tree were Great White and Zhao Yumo, who were waiting for the opportunity to strike.

The person who was coming overlooked around, but didn't see Yun Xi. He only saw Alan tied to a tree, and without anticipating the foul play, he rushed over.

Yun Xi glanced at this foolish man, and from her firing position, she let a shot go using her left hand.

Her goal wasn't to hit the target. With her current marksmanship skills, there was no way she would be able to hit the target.

So she fired a shot, and the bullet made a direct hit on the stump at Alan's feet.

Hearing the gunshot, the man fell to the ground and moved to hide behind Alan.

Yun Xi took this opportunity to fire a second shot, but the bullet missed once again and rammed into the ground at the guy's feet.

The man stepped back instinctively, but he didn't realize that there was a steep slope behind him, and he fell it.

At this moment, Zhao Yumo shouted to Great White, "Great White, come on!"

Great White leapt forward and bit the neck of the man who had fallen down the slope.

The man was taken completely aback. He definitely hadn't expected that there was a fierce leopard here. Just as he instinctively reacted and reached out his hand to shoot, Great White turned and bit his wrist.

Great White's speed was so fast that the man had no chance to react at all.

Yun Xi threw down her gun and ran over quickly. She slid directly down the slope and, with her knife in hand, quickly slashed the man's other hand.

Now both his hands were injured. One was scratched, and the other was bitten. The man who was being pressed down by Great White into the snow looked in horror at this little girl who'd suddenly appeared in front of him. Then he looked at the ferocious snarling leopard that was standing there close to him. His eyes widened in fear, and he didn't dare to move.

Yun Xi took the opportunity to turn around and say to Zhao Yumo, "Yumo, tie him up!"

She'd just fired two shots, so the remaining three people who were lying in ambush must have heard. She assumed they weren't going to get close now.

Zhao Yumo took the rope out of Yun Xi's bag and quickly tied the man to another tree.

The man looked up and saw Alan, who was completely unresponsive with matted blood on his head, and he realized that he had fallen into a trap. It was too late now.

Yun Xi looked at the man who was staring at her with a dazed expression, and she finally understood why they had sent him to die. Since he was so stupid, it was no wonder that he would be used by the others as a tool.

"Who are you? What did you do to Alan?"

"He's dead. Weren't you trying to take my life? Why do you still ask who I am?" Yun Xi sat down on the snow and kicked him hard.

"I had no idea that you were this stupid. Your three other teammates have sent you here to die, and you just came without even thinking about it. If I were able to subdue Alan, did you think that if you came, I'd let you go back alive?"

Seeing that she was about to play dirty, the man suddenly became very anxious. "'re going back on your promise!"

"With people like you, why should I keep my promise? However, if you tell me who hired you to kill me, I will let you live. Otherwise, you should know my Great White beast isn't a vegetarian."

While speaking, Yun Xi glanced at Great White, who was sitting next to her. Great White cooperated with her, mustering a fierce expression and growling as he stepped forward.

The man was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he stared at Great White in horror. "I...we just received an order from somewhere above us to hunt you down, but we don't even know who our employer is. Our boss collects the money from him. I was just sent out to get the deed done. I really don't know anything."

"Someone like you is actually a mercenary. You must be kidding me. I can't believe it."

"I... just joined, and I haven't gotten any business yet. This is my first job..."

"No wonder they sent you here to die. Aren't there three others left? Where are they hiding?"

"I won't tell you anything."

"They sent you here to die, yet you're still protecting them. You really are a good friend."

Yun Xi snorted softly and turned to look at Zhao Yumo. "Yumo, take out the pen and paper from the bag and write a note saying, Mercenary, danger! on his face. Then let's get ready to go down the mountain."

"Great, okay." Zhao Yumo nodded, then quickly took out a pen and paper to write a few words.

"Since you want to die, then you stay here to accompany Alan. Those teammates of yours must think you're dead when they see that you haven't come back. The mountains are cold. When people are about to freeze to death, people are unconscious, so you don't need to be afraid of death."

While speaking, Yun Xi patted him on the shoulder nonchalantly, then turned and got ready to lead Great White back down the mountain.

"Stop! Don't leave me here. I really don't know anything. They are very cautious, and they definitely aren't waiting for someplace for me to come back."

Yun Xi shrugged and looked very helpless. "So, it's useless to keep you. But...if you tell me where your boss is, maybe I could let you go."

"Then I might as well die here since the punishment for betraying the boss will also be death."

"All right, then you can stay here."

It was really embarrassing for a mercenary team to have recruited such a lame weirdo.

As soon as she turned around to go down the mountain, Yun Xi heard a few shots coming from the forest.

Yun Xi and Zhao Yumo, who were just about to leave, were taken aback for a moment. Great White seemed to have realized something and stood in front of Yun Xi with a sullen expression as if he was protecting her.

"Great White! Don't run around anywhere, just stay here with me." Yun Xi patted Great White's head and picked up her gun. She had to be ready.

"Someone is coming..." The man murmured after hearing the gunshots.

"Yun Xi, could it be his teammates? If they all come here, what are we going to do? We and Great White together aren't strong enough to act as their opponents."

"It's not my teammates..." The man shook his head. "The gunshots didn't sound right. I'm sure those sounds weren't from their guns."

Yun Xi was on her guard now. She turned her head to look at this man. He looked quite young and had a foreigner's face. There was a frivolous and flippant aura to him.

He was cowardly, timid, and dim-witted!

But she could tell that he had a lot of knowledge of guns and gun sounds.

The sound of each type of gun was different, the length of the rubbing sound of the bullet, the sound of the incoming air, the sounds of guns and pistols were all slightly different.

But this kind of difference could only be distinguished by a real expert. Ordinary people couldn't tell at all the difference between guns.

Yet this guy could tell from the sound? This was way beyond her expectations!

"If someone has come, then your teammates are probably doomed."

"Why don't you think that the people who came are doomed?"

The man chuckled lightly. It seemed as if he had gradually resigned himself to his fate, in contrast to how frightened he had been moments before.

The sound got closer and then Great White suddenly jumped up and disappeared into the snow.

"Great White!" Yun Xi whispered. Even if she hadn't been injured, she would never be as agile as Great White was. At this moment, she wouldn't know where to look.

After a while, the gunfire stopped.

Yun Xi sat in the snow and waited patiently, but what she wasn't waiting for was a layer of snow falling above her head!

She turned her head abruptly. Great White had scratched his paws and splashed snow on her head from the top of the fault.

Beside him, a man was wearing a special forces uniform.

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