𝖇𝖚𝖗𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 ♡...

By starri-writes

745 37 0

"I'm meant to wait for a brave, noble and handsome prince." "Well, sweetheart, you're gonna have to do with m... More

How to Make an Entrance
How to Not Kidnap a Princess
How to Live in a Camp of Rebels
How to Find a Decent Ally (and Why a Royal Courtier Just Won't Do)
How to Successfully(ish) Add a Magic Horse to Your Inventory
How to Get Along With a Horse
How to Survive in a Broken World
How to Non-Answer
How to Converse With a Magic Mirror
How to Win a Battle
How to Fulfil a Prophecy

How to Ride a Horse

31 2 0
By starri-writes

Yaoyorozu's PoV, and we're starting with it!---

Kaminari has returned. Oh, glorious day.

"Where were you?" Jiro snaps, arms crossed.

"Getting information," Kaminari says. He inclines his head slightly, and Jiro uncrosses her arms.

"Thought that was terminated," she says.

Kaminari shrugs. "Not quite. First, Uraraka of the Bakugo Kingdom is trouble. Second..." he glances at me before turning back to Jiro. "The True Princess is non that puella."

Um, Latin is basically required learning for Princesses.

I know what you said.

Not that I'm going to tell them that. I'm not sure if it's neglect that caused Kaminari to speak Latin, or if he did it on purpose. Mostly, it felt like he just slipped into it. So I suppose it's neglect, but...

"Then who is?" Jiro asks.

Kaminari looks at her. "I don't know." There's a pause as Kaminari counts something on his fingers. "Jiro," he says slowly, "his parents never told us."

Her eyes widen.

And I finally figure out the unspoken secret the world's been keeping from me. "Oh," I say quietly. Then I shake my head and whisper to Horse- "Can you run?"

Horse has, I think, also realised what's happening. He turns and gallops. I chuck the seven-mile boots down, and he rears onto his back legs for a second to put them on his front hooves. "I sincerely hope these don't fall off," he yells above the wind. It's fierce- understandable, as we're travelling at seven miles every long, fast stride.

"Rebel camp," I say. Horse doesn't dignify me with a reply. Fair enough, he knows exactly where we're going too.

It's half a day before we pull up in front of the meeting tent. I chuck the remnant of my lunch behind me, too busy and worried to think or care about what it might hit.

"TODOROKI," I bellow.

"Fuck you!" is the reply as he sticks his head out of the tent. "I don't have-"

"Yes, you do," I snap. "Or Horse is going to stick a hoof through your brains."

He looks slightly disturbed at that. "Fine. But you'd better be here to tell me you killed Kaminari and Jiro."

"I'm not."

"Are you here to betray them, then?"

I shrug. "I'm here to tell you everything I know. And I know who you are," I say. He raises his eyebrows in critical surprise, so I add a mocking "Prince Todoroki."

♥✿❀♪pov switch♪❀✿♥

"Shit," Jiro says. "Shit. Shit!"

"She's gone," Kaminari says. This is quite obvious, but he feels the need to state it. He considers for a moment, head tilted to the side. "And I'm pretty sure that's the sound of four Kingdoms engaging in battle."

Jiro curses again, punching a tree. "Then we have to forget about her."

Kaminari nods. "Yes. For now."

They move fast, and it's only a few minutes before they arrive at the battlefield. Kaminari gapes at the chaos for a moment, but Jiro keeps her head. "Orb," she snaps. Kaminari, recovering, tosses it to her.

"Let's see..." Jiro taps it. "I think..." her voice echoes through the air, and heads turn to her. "Stop fighting!" she yells. "Stop it! Stop! You have friends and relatives who will die because of this! And that person you're fighting is somebody's everything! So stop! STOP!"

They do not stop.

But their eyes are glazed slightly, perhaps with tears, and somebody strains every muscle to move their head slightly from side to side, and somebody else says "Cannot. Cannot. Cannot," before they're stabbed and collapse.

"Shit," Kaminari says. "We have to stop them."

"And we can't kill them," Jiro growls. "Carpet, incapacitate as many people as you can. Mirror, tactical advice. Kaminari, pass me the egg and do not let them die."

He nods.

They won't save everyone. But even only saving one person would be better than not saving anyone at all.

♥✿❀♪a Prophecy♪❀✿♥

Life and blood of Princess True
Shall bring worlds Lost all back to you

Deep in Caverns and Mountains old
They watch the Future of all unfold

Ally of Fighter, Teller and Saint
She sends the Souls to Death's black gate

And bound by the Promise, those born of Kings,
Their Fate will be sealed with Battle's last Rings

♥✿❀♪pov switch♪❀✿♥

"It is you, right?" I ask, crossing my arms.

Todoroki stares, considering, then he sighs and nods. "Yes. We're the remnants of the Lost Kingdom." He sweeps his arms out, gesturing at the rebels' campsite. "The people you see here were once the most powerful in the world. And now we're nothing." The bitterness in his voice makes me frown.

"So why aren't you killing me?" I ask. "Life and blood of Princess True, remember?"

He laughs, a small and ironic noise. "Oh yes. That would be very convenient, if the True Princess was right where we could easily take her life. But unfortunately, we've long missed our chance. You aren't the True Princess, Yaoyorozu."

"Then who is?" I ask.

He smirks. "Well, as much as my father wanted our family to be royal, it was in fact quite a forgotten dynasty whose blood was truly destined to rule. We were just a masquerade."

And then I realise who the True Princess is.

"Get on," I snap, pointing to Horse. Todoroki shrugs and obeys me, mounting with expertise. I clamber on behind him, wrapping my arms with distaste around the 'Prince.' "We are going to the battle," I say. He told me that there was probably a bloody fight between the Kingdoms about to break loose, and though I ignored the warning at the time I'm realising that probably wasn't a good idea.

Horse gallops flat-out, assisted by the Boots. The wind gets so strong I'm forced to cling tighter to Todoroki. I feel I need to specify, so I yell: "Just to be clear, this isn't romantic!"

The 'Prince' yells back, a slight wryness just apparent in his tone. "It's pretty fucking obvious we're all gay here!"

Horse makes a non-committant noise.

"Oh my God," I whisper, poking my head out as Horse slows down and the hellish noise of fights to the death reaches my ears.

We've reached the battlefield.

I slide off Horse, pulling out a bow and arrow and exchanging a glance with Todoroki. He's holding his sword, mouth set and determination etched into every feature.

"Let's do this," I say.

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